HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-3-15, Page 1London II
001/.1q Noarn—
London, doPsrt
Lucau Crossing
Centralia .„ .
Brucelleld .
0 orNe Son%11.
Clinton „.
Hippen .„
Centralia ,..
Clandeboye „•
Luau). Crossing .
uron & Bruce.
. rassenger.
8.10 4. M.4, 251, .31
... 0.00 5,20
— 9,10 5,25
0,23 0.57
...ILO., 5,48
• 0,46 6,00
• 0.51 0.07
„... 0.59 645
,„ 19.18 6,85
„. 10,37 6.66
.. 7.31 868
7:40 3.56
8.00 •4.151
co 8.19 4,34
• 8.27 4.42
... 8.33 4,48
,.. 8.47 5.02
... 8,57 5.121
9.10 6,25
... 9,20 5.20
4'Sfik DICKSON, Barrieter,
earn of Supreme 0 ourt,Notary Public
Conveyancer CalalaiSSi011er. &O. Money to
011ie° in Panson's Block, Exeter,
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc.,
1.'ETE11, - ONT.
OffieeSamwell'aBlock flalln old office.)
Solicitor in the Supreme Colart of Ontario,
cy.weganeer, Comtmasioneri dm, Special
aetention given to the collection of claims in
the United States: , Patents proeured, money
tojoan at lowest rates. Odic° : Opera house
Block, St, Marys, Ont.
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries
Conveyancers &c, dac.
ta's1VIoney to Loan at Lowest Rates of
• interest.
OFFICE: over 01.1rE11).9 Basile
Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction.
Graduate of the Royal college of
Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Eav
Mg furnished fine Dental Rooms
onMAIN-ST„ next door to Treble's Harness
shop,Lsetor, whereT am prepared to perform
all breaches of the D en bia profession with ease
h shill. sermweenweessosiemi 'NT.A.M.OZ
u8tti1 extracting teeth. Charges, Moderate;
T ma, Cash.
Sautwell's Block, Main -§t, Exeter,
Extracts Teeth without pain,
by giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold
Pilings and all other dental
work the best possible. Goes
to Zuni= on last 'Thursday in
each month:
LUTt , D. M.,
•_../ • Ofticeathisresidence Exeter.
T W. BI-IOWNING M. D., 13/1. (3
t1 • P. 8 ,GraduateyietoriaU11iver5ity.01110e
Indiresidence,DomonionLaboratox v. Exeter
RYNDMAN, coroner for the
County of Enron. office, opposite Mr.
. Carling's store, Exeter.
"FIR. J. A. ROI.JLINS, M. O. 2.8
o. Office, Main St.Exeter,Ont. Redden
o'ehoueereceiitly occupied by P,
T_TENRYEILPER, Licensed Auc-
tioneer for Hake§tephen, and MeGilli-
rraY:Townships. Saleseon ducted at moderate
rates. 0 illee —A t Post -office, Crediton, Ont.
TORN GILL, Auctioneer for the
Pi Townships of Stephen, hay and Enborne
aid the Village of _Exeter. All sales promptly
attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales.
arranged at this office.
Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary oouoge.
OFFICal : One door South of Town Hall.
per cent, $25,000 Private Funds, Best
Loaning Companies represented.
Barrister, Exeter,
IsIRE iNSTJRAN C E 0 0 . '
Established In 1863.
This comiany has been over Eighteen
years in successful operation in Western On-
tarion-ntleontinues to insure againstloss or
damage by Fire,Buildings,MereliandiseMan-
ttfaetories,ancl all otherclescriptionsoflinsur
able prophrty. tntencling insurers have the
option of insuring on the Premium. Note or
Cash System ,
Thtring theuni
past ten yos tens Copany
.( )49,5138110d 57,096 Policies, covering property
to theanionut of $40,872,038 ; and paid loss-
etin, /1''s a ion e 8709,;52,00'
AssetS, $1743,100.00, consisting of Cash
n B auk, GovernmentDepo sit , an d the unass-
o 813tlel Premium Notes on elan clandin force. J,
W WenunxIt D. Preside! t. 0. 31. TAYLOR,
Secrethey. a -,B. Huonesetnapector. OltA8.
• NELL Agentfor Exeter mad vicinity,
arber Shop
A. Hastings, ProP.
Shaving and Hair cutting in the latest styles
of the art.
Evety attention paid to outting
Ladies ana Children's Hair.
VOL. XV. NO, 26.
Jottat wnrrE 84 SONS
Publishers and Proprietors
iiy Our Own Correspondents.
--- •
The G.T.I. company intend consteuot-
ing an iron bridge on :the L, E. 8c B. this
coming summer near the farm of Mr, Thos
Messrs. Ed. Rollins and Ben Lampert
left for Manitoba on Monday 'last. Tim
Jowl to make that country their home.
Mr, Arthar Rollins also left tor' home on
the same day taking with him two load of
fine leortes.
On Wednesdev, 1VIareli, 7th ult., Mr.
Wm. Baker of Fairfield was united in
mairiage to Miss Lydia, ,third daughter of
Joremirh Hersenen of Devon. The
ceremony was perfonned by the Rev. E.
Kershaw of Centralia. After the pleasing
affair was oonsummated, a few friends of
the contracting parties gathered at the
borne of the young lady and spent a con-
siderable part of thenight in joyousness
and rnirth, after which the Bacchanalian
party repaired to their several homes
feeling intieli fatigued. May the wedded
twain live lives of usefulness mid honor
the residue of their days is the wish of the
It has been very cold here the last few
'days. 'How is it in Exeter?
Our merchants are securing their spring
All political minds are talking of the
sudden death of the speaker of the Sen-
Rev. Simpson, of 13rucefield,
for the I.O.O.F., visited No 223 Monday
evg., and reports everything as satisfactory
and member e well up in their work.
Our enterprising tailor, Mr. Evans, was
in New York for a few weeks securing the
latest styles, and despite the "New York
Silken Plug" which he wore on his return,
he was to all Appearances the same flesh
and bone.
Messrs. Charters and McPher son, the
champion skaters of Huron attendet a
eearnival in Seaforth on Friday evg., and
as usual secured the 1st and :2nd prizes
respectfully, with all ease. The boys know
how to strike.
A large crowd assembled at the G.T.R.
station to witness the departure et a warm
ber ofmeople for Manitoba, Dakota and
other western points. And methinks some
of the fair ones were very loath to leave
good homes for the Western Wilds. Oh,
ye daughters! why evil ye marry?
Mr. Wm. Hawlathavr arid daughter, of
Attwood, were in town visiting friends.
The pot huuters who killed a deer last
week in Hay swamp, should be brought
up and fined to the full extent of the law
Messrs. Nicbol and Lonsburg are about
to give up charge of the flour mill. • We
have not heard whom their successors are.
John Evans, baker, late of Exeter, passed
up on the train Tuesday evening with a
lady, whom '.ie shall call 1VIrs. Evans.
We wish then joy and happiness through
life. '
Onexeneenix--The celebration of Mr.
and Mra. Berney's silver wedding, which
took place on Saturday 10th inst., on their
farm, Sth con UshorneS seas a grand suc-
cess. A large number of friends and ac-
quaintances were in attendance to do honor
to whom honor 18 due: Twenty-five years
of hoilest effort and offhanded heartinese
have won for the couple the kind respects
and fleeing regards of those around, and
they have merited this mark of leaner.
We were met on the verandah by our host
and hostess, who greeted us with a sweet
smile, a good shake of the hand and a
hearty reception ; and at hand were their
three sons to wait on the guests. We did
not only find things pleasant outside. but
upon entering there was the same kind at-
tention manifest, and everything was clone
to afford the assemblage a pleasant and en-
joyable time ; especially by the young
and prepossessing ladies, while the bride
and bridegroom were not a whit behind in
their usual frank, open and engaging man.
ner. After the greater number of the
guests had arrived we sat and talked until
supper wae announced, Mien there were 2
two hones whiled away in the partaking of
the good things provided, which wore ex-
cellent in quality and teetotally served.
After supper there was. a grand entertain-
ment, consisting of music, speeches, recita-
tions, readings, &e, The rev. Mr. Godfrey
took the chair and gave the opening ad-
dress. He went on picturing the grand re-
sults of the twenty-five years of Mr. and
Mrs. Eforney's matrimonial life, showing
how they had pulled togethereand m proof
of which be spoke of their stately and com-
fortable residence, fine farm and farm
buildings, and beautiful surroundings, all
of which were the fruits of united industry.
But these grand rosette of accumulating
property wore left in the background, when
fpoke of the grimier results of twenty-
AVe ;roars union in raising a noble family,
eight in number, three sons and4ve daugh-
ters ; and moreover three of these are quite
ready to carry 00 tee good work. Just at
this polut the speaker spoke with great
einphasie, (teetering that brother Homey
bed fulfilled to the letter the eoriptural
command, and if there were more such
men in this country, diet it would he infin-
itely better for the canary's sake ; he also
gave a hint for the benefit of those whom
it might concern, that they should follow
sneh a noble example, ancl to make it Ines.°
impressive gave it bit of his own exponionce
in procuring it partner, with very gratifying
and emionreging eeselts. Of course minis
tore have a policy in thie, five or ten dollars
being very soothing ; therefore the legality
of the marriage is nova dieentecl by mode-
ler a, Addreeses wore also given by Metiers.
Cud/norm Cobblecliels, een end jun., inter.
epeteed with choicnosic by 11Ir, and Mies
Keddy end others, rceitatiohe and reedinge
by the young petiole, rind a, sneer intereet.
ing and enjoyable time WAS bronght to a
close by Singing " Goa Save the Queen,"
and the benedicti
On. I might just add
that the parlor titbit) was well laden with
A. CALL SOLICITED beautiful and costly presents, tvell suited to
the ocreision.-A. GUI:900.
• Karkton.
Jno. White & Sons.
Oentlemen.--Arn taking my departnre
from here much SOODer than. I auticipated
when last 1'called at your office., On
Thursday at 820 a. m., I, in company with
Messrs. Aiken & Hu aaphries of St. Marys
sleeve St. Marys eon mute for Cape Town
South Africa, via tNew York, Liverpool,
London, oalliug at Ascension and St. He-
lena Islands, a distance of about 12000
miles. While sorry to thus sever the,
pleesaut. relation that has for the past few
years existed between us 1 an anticipating
a very pletteant time, (brining sea-eickness)
end trust that you will have some one else
to represent you here latleh better than
have ever done, Wishing you continued
prosperity I beg leave to say good.bye, at
least for the preeent to -you and your many
Yours meet respectfully,
Gnu. A. STAMM.
• Bidclulph Council.
The council met pursuant to adjourn-
ment, the reeve and all the members
• present.
•Toseph Dixon and seven other ratepayers
applied to ihave lot 21, con 3 taken from
P S S 12 and attached to "Is 8 8, No 2.
The council appointed Mr G Fox, arbitra-
tor in accordance with R S 0, 1887. See
86 sub seats 1 to IO.
Jas Link applied to have his lot 38 oou 4
taken frone sec 1 and attached to sec 4, the
application will be considered at the next
meeting of council.
On the applioetion of Tas Donnelley to be
separated from No 1 and attachedrto 6.
No action Was taken.
Tenders were opened for the erection of
Bauble bridge, viz: -L Hardy 6270,, W Ir
Bice 3297 and D Keys 3273. The tender
of L Hardy for 3970 was aceepted,
The following accts were ordered to be
paid :--Free • _Press, adv, 35.40; D Jones
grave, 113.05; B D Stanley, collector.
360.00; Dennis Carthy bal on ditch, 61.00;
R Eisen work div 2, 68.00; Wm Jackson
removing Mrs. Carrel tO Mt Hope Convent
310.00; trees S 8 No 6 licen no rate, 327.00
trees S 8 No 9 licen of co rate 312.00; P
Breen Tp auditor, 312.00: W 3 Smyth Tp
tr 312.00; Frank Kent rep 'bridge div
The council adjourned to meet in the
Temperance klall, Grantee on the 2nd day
of April et 10 a ns.
W. D. Stanley, Clerk.
PERSONAL.—Miss Sophia Wagner left on
Saturday to spend it few weeks with friends
in Hanover. -Mr. John B. Geiger, ale. F.
Heinibecher, and their families, Ieft for
Dakota on Tuesday last. We wish them a
safe anclpleasant journey.
Mr. E. R. Bissett, assisted by his brother
of Exeter, made an unsuccessful attempt to
serve a 'writ' on the landlord of the Com-
mercial House, Mr. 11. L. Peiue, weak be-
fore last. Sorry you got left, Man. Per-
haps if you had brought someone else's
brother as well you might have been more
suceessful. Disappointments are good for
young people sometimes, as well as old.
Some fine specimens of trout have been'
caught near Lake View recently. Several
weighing ae heavy as twenty-five pounds.
Mr. John Laporte, of tho Sauble Line, set
from 60 to 100 hooks one night last week,
and next morning secured a number of fine
trout, ranging from 8 to 25 lbs. 'While he
wasaway selling the fish the ice left the
shore taking the hooks end lines with it.
Wo wish Mr. LaP. better success next
time. ,
• An accident that might have been accom-
panied with serious results happened in
froutnef Mr. Steinbach's store, the Old ES-
tablithed, on Friday last, White Mr. John
Dnrin, of the Bronson Line, Stanley, was
unloading several bble. of apples an un-
manageable horse hitched to a cutter Ian
a.geinst Mr. Dt11.111'S sleigh, with elicit force
as to make him lose hie balance, and caus-
ing his horses to run away. The barrel of
apples which was in the sleigh at the time
of the suddea jerk tipped over, making a
great seaeter of the apples. The runaway
team was stopped in front of Mr. Ed. Bos-
senberry's house, without auy injury being
• lelt. J. Sehmidt, of the Huron House,
has closed his bargain with llfr. Hood, of
Milvertou, for the hotel at that place, teed
intendtithing possessioe of the same next
week, and with his family will leave here
Tueeclay, 1311). inst. Mr. Schmidt lea good
jolly fellow, and au influential citizen.
While we are sony at toeing him from our
inidet we congratulate thcepeople of Milver-
ton on their acquisition. Good bye, Jake,
may your shadow never grow less. The
Huron House will remain 'under the able
manageinent of Mr. Schmidt's partner, Mr
Chas. Greb, who will endeavor to keep up
the good reputation the Huron House has
always had.
Information reaches us couserning what
.we call one of tlio most dastardly and cow-
ardly acti of violation of the Ontario Game
Laws that has ever happened he this vie
einity. The perpetrator of the cruel deed
doestmot live 1.00 miles away. His name
is known, as ie also it witness to the
mile. If the Exeter Game Club has not
been informed by this time rogercling the
poaching, vso hope that when they do thy
will shove the Matter to the fulleet extent
of the law. If we ateeiot misinformed, it
happened ou Thmsday of last week. A doe
was deliberately shot, (hunted with hounds)
--betcherecl, we should say -es She Was
net able td got away from a rifle, lot alone
hounds, foe when she was fleeced, and ou-
trage telcon out it Was found that she was
lioi0m with two fully developed fawns. The
pooe thiogs Were buteliered, 11 is said, in
what is known as f-teaver lioadow, Zurich
swam 9, north of Zurich Rend. When we
take into coneideration that animals in the
woods at thie thne of the year collect get
the nehricions food that arm be. got lam.
on, We Weal Ll call it nothing lose than e,old-
wooded murder. We withhold tho names
Of parties concomed, 98 the story May be
tallacieuS, and we 1101)0 So, for sake of the
mane itself, if eot for the person or por-
tions alleged to be guilty of tho heinous
crime. If the stony be tett'
e it is to be hop-
ed that the law will be meted out to the
We are glad to eee the circulation of
"Tori DUNS" gradually increasing in
Crediton and hope it may etill continue to
do so.
Mr. D, Hill has commenced to gather
eggs mid has started out with one mule
and a hencheleigh. We hope besiness mei
soon get better so that he cam put all his
foece on the road.
Part,3024ALS.-Mr. A. Geiser, of Sarnia, is
visiting his parents for a short period. -
Mr. Lyons, of London, is the guest of
Isaac Eledgins.-Mr. A. Mollie, 'our :mer-
chant teller, is about to leave ue and in-
tends removing to Dakota where he intends
taking hp land. He had had a good bus-
iness here and we are very sorry to lose
him. --Mr. 'Wesley Nersworthy has engag.
ed the service% of an apprentice. This
looks suspielous. Keep an eye on Wes,
boys. --The weather here has been very
cold the last few days and, traffic was at a,
standstill. The roads also are neither fit
for wheels nor sleighe.'
Tho funeral cortege wlaioli followed the
remains of the late Mn, 13ennett to their
last resting place at Zion was, if not the
largest, ono of the largest ever seen in this
locality, there being counted one hundred
and five "sleights said cutters in the proces-
sion. Thus the people testified their
respect for their departed friend end
neighbor. The funeral sermon preached
by Rev W Penlitul was very appropriate
and impressive, We are sorry to say Mrs.
Bennett since the sudden demise ol hes
husband ',has been very much prostrated,
the shocks being a too severe strain upon
her nervous system.
The remains of the late Francis Ashton
of Farquhar, were interred iu this place
last Monday, a large number 'turning out
to pay the last rites of respect to the de -
departed. Mn..Ashton will be remem-
bered by many. he having for a great
number of years occupied the pulpits in
Most of the churches in this locality as
a local preacher, many a time. His ser-
mons did not glitter with educational polish
but they, neverthless, bad something fa -
better -the true ring ofreligion about theme
These old patriarchs ale feet disappearing
from our midst. but they are leaving be-
hind them footprints stamped upon the
sands of time. If the members of the
young and rising generation with all
'worldly aclvantapes, education, position and
affluence only do their duty half as nobly
as did our departed friend, Francis Ash-
• ton, in his day, the °mese of religion will
not want ground and champione.
tiononmee-The people of this little vill-
age ogietIlltrounding country enjoyed a
rare freatlast Friday evg., the 9£1.1 inst, it
being the occasion of a,grand concert under
the,ausidoes of the Methodist church here.
It had been announced by bills and pro.
graimnes that Mr. 8. P. flails, B. A., of
Goclerich accompanied by Misses Wilkinson
Graham, Truman mullein Belcher would
contribute the major portion of the pro-
gramme and this it" seems was sufficient
guarantee to ensure a successful entertain-
ment, for at theeippointed hour the large
church was well filled by an attentive and
appreciative audience. Besides the above
talented performers the following local
talent assieterl very materially by readings
and recitations in making the entertain-
ment a decided success viz :----itlesers. P.
T. Hall'
e T. Andrew, * Martin, and J.
Johns. • All the parts were so well taken
and every attempt so successfully' carried
out that it is useless to enter into partio-
Ulan. Still in justice at least to Mr. Halls
and his assistants from Goderich, it must
be said that they fairly captivated the
aedience as was shown by the repeated eu.
cores aud applause which followed every
effort. Miss Wilkinson sang several se-
lections in excellent style aud v as loudly
applauded. This young lady is the happy
poseessor of it beautifully clear voice, aud
the rendering of "Angels over bright and
fir," mid "Lullaby," called forth the rare
musical talent with which she is gifted. Her
voice was eimellent and the pathetic charas -
ter of these songs was portrayed in a very
touelaing manuer. Miss Graham, who
appeared with Miss 'Wilkinson iu "The
ilaeter stood in the Garden," arid in all
of the quartette Performances, and who
poseesses • a very sweet plaintive "mice,
rendered her parts with remarkable musi-
cal precision, and won for herself the M3 -
teem and plaudits of the eaudiedce. Miss
Trueman WhO accompanied the quartette
as accompanist cleservea great praise for the
excellent manner in which she acquitted
hereelf in that capanity, but is well deserv-
big of special mention for the 'di:emetic
povier with which she recited "Rodger aud
I" and "Autsoa" the latter in response to
encores and a speciel request sent up from
the audience. Miss Truman Was accord-
ed groat applause for her splendid efforts.
Mr. Belcher also came in for a great share
of praise for the manner in which he ren-
dered "A Hundred Fathoins Deep," and
"Alone in the Desert." His selections
bass 701e6.
1710erepey. ainiclisscor:aerdwll
pleased the audienoe greatly as was mani-
fest from the Omuta:at applause ancl free
(meet eucciees. Of Mr. Halle it is hardly
neeessary ta tweak, hie renowned ability as
a leader needs no, comment. The greet
amount of handelutkirm with him before
tincl'after the entertainment mid et inter.
• • y
IDISS1011, ainey SaaWea that Me people.
were greatly pleaeed to see their old friend
and highly es 'Alfieri with hie efforts to
entertain them. The ottertaiinnent on
the whole was of a high °lase order end
wee a splendid stmeess. If 111r, flalle and
his Mends ever come back to see us Again,
whieh we hope they will, they will reCoivo
hearty welcome.
(ProM another sortrce.)
Rev W. se is gettieg bettee,
'The proceeds 01 1110 concert emonnted to
Mr. R. Willcox is gonfined to his house
with a sevete cold,
Sineeral relatives of the late Mr. Beimett
have been hero attending leis funerttl.
She Wm. Worry lis purehased a 11310
brOOCI blare frata Mr. ThoneesWerry which
he intends taking to Manitoba,
Moors. Henry Andrew and W Louie left
lest Monday for Shoal Lake dietedet Mamie
MIA whine they ietend to make their
homes, Atay prosperity attend them.
Blanshard Council.
The township Council mot in the town
hall on Monday, 511) inst. All tile imam
bore present ---the Reese in the chair. The
minuteof the provisos meeting read ana
confirmed. The Clorarnittee appointed at
the hist meeting to revise the by-law, sub
mitted their report, when on rnotion of
Councillor Johnson, seconded by Councillor
Dickenson it was resolved that tenders be
asked for the printing of 500 (espies of said
by-laive, and tenders to be opened by a
committee consisting nf the eeve and
Councillor MoVanuel.
Orders were granted in favor of George
Moir, for insurance assessment on town
hall for 1687, $1 50 ; G. D. Lawrie, salary
as treasurer, 1887, 052 35 ; B. Fred Sharp
express charges and stationery, 32 20 ; D.
Johns, graye, $1:75 ; Ruth Pitchie, charity,
$71 Geo. Wilkinson, charity, 83 ; Peter
McVannell, revising by-laws, 34 ; Thomas
Lawton, revising by-laws, 31.
On motion of 0ouneillot Dickenson Becl-
ouded by Councillor Johnson; the tEmder of
Abray & Edwards for plank was accepted,
prices stated 312 50 delivered at MoIntyre's
corners and 311 50 at the mill.
• The Council then adjourned.
Wood bees and dancing partiee form the
popular pastimes of tne hoar.
Mr. Wm. Spence, of the 8th con., has
rented his rented his farm of 200 acres to
Mr. Bugg for five yeare.
Mr. James Watson intends spending a
few months in Colorado for the good of his
health. .He intends leaving about the
first of the month.
Mr. Henry White left Blanshard on
Tuesday for Manitoba. He has purchased
a section of land there. We join his many
friends in wishing him enosperity rn hie
new home.
• Mr. C. Skinner left here on Thersday
last for the Township of Elena, where he
hae purchased a farm, In him eve have
lost a kind and obliging neighbor.
Faasonim.-The Misses Lane are visit-
ing friends in the Township of Grey. -The
Misses Whaley have returned from visiting
friends in North Easthope.-There aro
Iwo young men from a distance visiting
here. Some of our boys are getting alarm-
ed lest that when they leave a couple of
the fair damsels will also take their depar-
Mn. Corn. Sweitzer, of this line, when in
Exeter it few days ago, received rough
treatment at the hands of one of the hotel-
keepere of that place, because he chose to
give hie opinion as to the Scott Adt and its
working, whiehewas not altogether to the
hotel -keeper's liking. Mr. 8. was uncere-
moniously ejected from the house, and
lancleelsoethe icy !sidewalk. He wasnet
injured.'" --
Bilmrs.—.6., meeting of the projectors
and others conuected with the new cheese
factory was held in the school house at
Fairfield on Friday evglast, ansi was a suc-
cess, the utmost unanimity prevailing.
Every person present seemed. to take an iu-
tereet in cheese -making. A resolutton was
passed to begin operations at once, and
that Centralia be place of location, it being
mote central. -Rev. Jas. Graham will de-
liver a lecture in the Methodist Church on
Wednesday night, 21st inst., subject a 'Ed-
mund. Burke, the model politician.' • Doors
open at 7.30. Proceeds in aid of the new
shed. -Mr. Arthur Rollins shipped a car
load of horses from here to Killarney. on
Monday last. Altogether they are a good
selection. -The tam o'shanter is it thing
of the past. -Crows have been seen, and
seeing must neceesarily be close at hand. -
Rumor 13 abroad thatewe are going to lose
one of our fair maidens, Be on the alert,
teefs, lest more may follow suit 1-W1zen
our church is completed it promises to be
the fineet in the district outside Exeter, -
The Centralia, football club --the champions
of the neighborhood-seetoa to be very
quiet of late. Is it that they cannot get
another club to challenge them or accept
their challenges ? There must be some-
thing in this.
'" re -www -e
Mr. I. Lewis was in the village last
week, and he 'scarcely' found a dog.
Mr. Sae. Jermyn has been offered a high
figure 'for his two-year-old pacing colt,
'Blizzard,' having reeently shown trials at
2.34 or better.
At a special meeting of the Bidatilph Ag-
rieultnral Society the Board decitlea 'not to
bola a spriog show as heretofore, and the
18th day of September, 1888, was appoint-
ed on which to hold the fell'ethibition.
A. meeting of the ratepayers of No. 5
division ago held in the Tenaporance Hall,
Grantee, on Saturday evening, 10th inst,
1 to consider the necessity of a high edhool
Mt. G. Wcstnarin was appointed chairman,
and Mr. ,J. Grant, secretary. The oliair.
men gave a brief explanation of the °hied
of the meeting ; haviug in his possession
a paper the outcome of a cnucus ineetiug
calettlated to mielead the ratepayers who
have not received any information except -
hag from the advocates of a high school.
W. D. Stenley svas first to address the
meeting, and stated that be ULM to ropres
sent C. 0, flodgitis, and it would be in the
interest of Mr. Hodgine be would speak.
Failing to heat whet wee anticipated the
meetieg disapproved cif the steed taken by
the Reeve, and the following resolution was
unenisnottely minded :-MoVeld by W. Il,
Langford, seconded by A, Wrefonl, that
the Township Connell eubmit the question
of a high school to the electors by a ballot,
before taking any binding action on the
part of the townehip, sued thee tt copy of
this smite/Lion be forwarded to represent -eh
tives in smd. e0alleil. MOM'S, Stewart,
Grant, Clarke, Mowbray, Wroford, Waes
and others expreseed their VieWS on this
questioo svhich isi agitating the minds of
the elee,tore theonaliout tee mrmicipalitY ;
aed thought Granton a tweet suitable place
for a high echool then Liman. Adjourned
to moot In Friday, March 1611), at 7 9, na,
Dr. Platt, Liberal, was re-elected in
Prince Edeverd Comity on Satindsey 1m a
Inarrity of 170, and De. Ilhome,Coneerva„
tivo, in West Middleseic by 11'7 majority
Re(sotHi!,ti lip; E,1„0111) 33::. PA OLIA7., E.:12%183:000
raid up Capital ... ., S2,000,090
The IVIolsons Bank
Offers the Public 4 PEE, CENeheNTETINST
P1114 ANNUM for money on • , eii
AND sipEN 01INvm.orI NmTotleo yIS IS: 9,15It A NBUM
p:rtuteRnisaLs sPriv at The Bank
Main Street, Exeter.
10 a, re. op OP m. Sa.A.c.1)N
Exeter , Oct.25, '87. Matiaost
St. Marys.
Over seventy write have been issued in
this County this year, and still we prosper.
Our curlers came off victorious by one
idiot in their match with the Seaforth
champions last Tuesday.
Postmaster White hats taken possession
of the dwelling in the Post Office Block.
and will enter into active service on the 1st
of A.pril,
There is great amusement here aver the
libel suit between - Davis and llaee of
Mitchell. It is the greatest fares of the
The bones question is again agitating
oar citizens. An agricultural implement
firm hae the floor'with a 117100e firm on the
front seats. Let her go, McFadden.
The ooir by-law has bobbed up onee
more. Petitions and °tinnier petitions are
on the wing, and the old red cow is getting
her gate opener in 'readiness for the spring
The voice of the auction sale boll is
heard in the town. Four auetion stales in
in town last Saturday. Three stocks of
dry-goode, and one of groceries. Bargains
are the rule. Goods at your own prices
drew a large crowd.
I-Iay Council.
The council met on Saturday March 10th
All the members ipresent. The offer of
Robert Bell to furnieh the township with
cedar, red beech and rock elm, was accept-
ed at the following prices. Cedar 311 per
thousand, week elm 311.40 per thousand,
red beech 38.75 at the mill and of suitable
sizes and lengths.
Moved by G latcEiveu sec by A McEwen
that for the use of the town hall for enter-
tainments and exhibitions, the following
fees be charged s. For one night 32, for two
successive nights 33.50 and that the care.
taker get 50 cents for extra work.
• Moved by G MoEwen sec by Mr Hess
that this council procure 100 feet of 12
inch tile as a trial lot for culverts. The
sum of 310 was granted towards opening
the Weisrailler ditch at Rippen.
Moved by Mr Heyrock see by A McEwen
that the auditors' report be adopted and
filially passed and that the (sleek be in-
structed to get 50 copies of the same in
English and the same number in German
language printed for distribution.
The following emrsons were appointed
pathrnasters .A. Holland, J Hawkins, J
Patterson, Wm McrEwen, J,Heffernan, W
Thompson, W Northcott, A Ingram, 3
Bonthron, Buchanan, 'W Reitb, Y Diok
J Howard, 0 Alsworth, J Corbett, 11.) Mack,
Y Dick, W Coney% 3 Johnston, 3 Berry,
,Daters, W McSherry, fl Reichert sr, J
Speaks, 0 Smith, R Dignan, E Troyer, H
Reichert jrn:D Sheeler, S Martin, We
Battler, H Bender, H Baleen H Virfllert, D
Save, 30 Gingrich, II Voehler jr, C Fuss,
Gellman, H Gies, J Voolker, Holbein,
H Ortweins J Millick, A Keifer, 0
Soliwartzentruber, A Walpern 0 Mueller
H Phiel, 3 Gelliman, PI Steinbach, A 's
Albreht, if Mill, H Kalbfleisch, J Pollock,
Geo Turnbull. 5 Hendricks, It O'Brien, D
Spencer, A. Mosso, G Dinomy, M Kaercher
a Allen. G Hess, J Williams, W Elder, J
131atchford, J Seott, R Cook, Wm Bell.
Pound keepers. -3 White, W Hodgins,
Northcott, R McAllister, Tog Broderick,
H Rine, R Cook, M Raereher, J Reith, B •
Spencer, 11 Turnbull. -
Fence viewers -J Loadmart, W Gram, 0
Eaorett, Wm Moir, A McLaren, H Bawer
T Decker, 3 Tregrey, M Xaercher, W. Mo-
Phee, J Weide, and W Snider.
Moved by Geo McEwen, see by Mr Hess
that the following Road Commissioners be
appointed for 1888 for centre road, 11
Carlisle, J Troyer, F Sohnettler, W Mom.
North I3oundary-C Troyer, H Gies.
South Bouneary-j Broderick, and 3 Wag-
The following accounts were passed. -
McLean Bros., printing and adv, 32.50; 11
Zeller treasurer insurance on town hall,
34.95; W Colwell rep scraper, 32.00; II
• Lipplunelt collector 361; D Braund rep
scraper, 33.75; J Foster privet, 37,35 L
Extern do $9.10; 0 Aldsworth rep oulvert
The commit adjourned to meet on Sat-
urday April 21, at 10 a. in.
To the Editor of the Exeter Times.
Snt.-I now take the opportunity of
letting the public, at large, know some
facts through your widely circulated paper,
concerning S. S. No. 5, ot Ushorue. As
ethe above named section is somewhat,
gerrymandered, and the schoolhouse being
large and not in the ;centre of the section,
some ill-disposed parents have taken ad
vantage of the circumstances and send
their children from other sections into this
one. Accordiugiy, on the hitt school
meeting day the question about those nou-
resident pupils was introduced and dis-
cussed. All present, including the trustees
were 110511ait100s for making the parents of
cif those non-resident pupils pay for their
children attending this sehool. However,
for nubile unknown to anybody but the
trustees, no action WAS taken then but it
was delayed till some future day. A few
weeks later, a trustee -the treasurer of the
boarci-gehe the other two trustees due
notice to attend a meeting to be held o11 a
certain night immediately after 4 o'clock.
On the night appointed only the testate!)
who gave the notice appeared at the place.
Shortly after thie the treasto er moth1 noti-
fied the other trustees, meeting with the
Kuno sneeess as before. :those two must-
ings were called for the express parpoeo oi
settling the gneetion conceteing the note.
yeeident pupile. Ono or two mepils mnsie
hems Exeter ; they, however, paid up like
wee. This sehool !seethes elivaye choonie
men for trustees worthy of the poeition out
it seems as thotigh it is elowhy smitten into
clegrodittion. The Mime tenetece meet
ecriainty have litt1 e regard' for the, welfare
of the Emotion ancl,thoso other people who
wisli their children to attend this school
hobd certeitaly be wide enough awalco to
not as men oe keep their children away
f om where they have no buelness. 110-
oing that I beim not encroached toe much
neon youe ,space and that the above may
have effect. Yourne tiAt.,:;rAzat.