HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-3-8, Page 7.01 EUROPEAN HEWS. cUEER LANGUAGES, Sense Savage* lralik by vettietling-eoine Plotting A.gainet Persilisand's Pea0e--Aorie Drum -others Pinola Viewers. n'IOnY BetWeell frame and Italy -EDI- At the lest meeting of the Berlin Authro- peror William Fretting to get to His pologioal Society, Qaedenfeldt, Ger. Son, man offieer who bas lived on Gomero Ielsind, one of the Canary group, deecribed a whist- ling language Whioh ie used by tee inaabit- ants, The language does not consist of any arbitrary. {series a eigssels or sounde ; ieza deeoribecl as ordinary epetch trenslated into articulate whistlieg, each syllable having LoNDox, Feb. 29.- Matters are getting more and more uucomfortable for Prince Ferdinand of Bu'garia. leuesia has more than taken Biernarelee hint. She hes call- ed upon the powers to declare the young Ite own appropria,te tone. 2 he Cromer° uses man a usurper, and is bringing preasure to both fingers and lip when whistling, and bear upon the Sultan to exercise his privi. Lieut. renedenieldt asserts that he cancarry on a conversation witha neighbor a mile off, lege as Suzerain, and bend a small army to Sofia to pull Ferdinand off the throne should he be eo unwiee as to cliug to it after re- eseieiag formal notice to quit. More than thick, the effieiel Russian Gagette has pub - Mhos& an article ei hich es tantamount to an incitement to the Bulgarians to rim against the usurper, and perform work which otherwise may have to be done by the army of oacupation. It will surprise the a stone's throw of another in a straight line moat competent European observers if some fort of rising be not brought about soon in Bulgaria. TheRussian paper rouble, which forty yeara ago was worth three shil- lings, ancl threepenoe, is now valued on European Exehaeges at only one shilling sevenpenoe halfpenny; bub there is still plenty of gold to be spared for the Bulgar- ians who oare to take the risk of earning it, and, after all, an insurrection and the ex- pulsion of Ferdinand by mercenaries would be infinitely cheaper than sending a corps of 'Russian soldiers into the principality. ployed. By dividing the endue into nn - even halves the instrument on being struck Lord Salisbury has again announced that may be made to yield two distinct notes. England is not pledged in any way to any power, but few 'people now doubt that he By these and shortening or lengtheningethe intervals between each note, a code is es - and Biernarole understand one another. tablished, with a regular sequence of taps, France and Italy are still at loggerheads strokes, and intervals capable of expressing over the proposed commercial treaty, and every syllable in the language. All the the biekeriags are becoming more aorimon- natives understand this code; and so highly bus every day. The Italian military news - elaborated is it, that a ehief oan by its papers are beginning to complain of the means sufnmo n to his presence any village great concentration of French troops on whom he desires to see, intimating to the their frontier, and the French newspapers latter at the same time the purpose for want to know the meaning of the sudden in- which he is required. In this way, too, crease in the Italian militia and the prepare,- meesages can be sent from village to village tione for strengthening the territorial over wide stretches of country -the drum - army. • mer in one hamlet transmitting to the next Poor old Emperor William is fretting the gaols hegaears--and with extraordtnary himself sadly at Berlin over the bad news rapidity. Buchholz had proof on one occa- which, whatever the official chroniclers mon of the utilitypf this drum language and may say, he is receiving daily frorn San its capabilities as a medium of conemuni- . Remo. He yearns to be at his eon's side, maim The negro who had charge of his buts Bismarck and the physicians, dreading canoe obtained leave one morning to attend the effects of the journey on the aged mon- to some private business of his own, which arch, and the emotions excited by the took him to the other side of the river. The meeting, have for the present persuaded man remained away an unreasonable time, him that duty to his fatherland must over- and Buchholz got very angry, as he was ride his paternal desires'and that he must waiting to leave the place. Another negro jenuein in his capital. The published re- suggested that they should drum for him. forts about the Crown Prince's condition The drummer was sent for and instructed are becoming exasperating in their hopeless to inform the missing servant that his mas- divergence from hitherto accepted facts, ter was very angry with him, and that he but at the moment of eabling one thing was to return at once. In a few minutes seems certain -that there is some trouble the man returned wibh the inevitable apolo- with the lungs of the patient, and the gies for the length of time he had been apecialists have been summoned from Stras- away. He had perfectly understood the burg and Berlin to take part in yet another message drummed out to him, as Buchholz conferenee. which will be held at once. ascertained by inquiring of him. Bismarok evidently intends making Alsace- Equally curious is the so-called sign lan- Lorraine thoroughly German if it is possi- uage, or finger speech of Oriental traders, Mee The new. Parliament house in Stras- argely employed on the east coast of Africa, burg is to be built of stone in the most solid in the direction of Zanzibar. Walking through a market place In this region of the world, the traveller will often witness a strange sight., A couple of grave, long - who perfeotly uuderstandtt eel he is saying. The practice is confined to Gomero IaIaod and is guise unknown in the other islands of the Arehipelago. The adoption of the whistling language is said to be due to the peouliar geological construction of Gomers Imbed. It is traversed by numerous gullies and deep ravines running out in all direotions from the central plateau. As they are not bridged, they can only be crossed with, greaa difficeslty ; hence a man living within has often to go roend many miles evhen he wishes to see and speak to his neighbor. Thie, it is conjectured led to the adoption of whistling as a useful means of communi- cation, which has gradually assumed the proportions of a true ,substitute for tspeeeb. It is described as being anything but un - pleasing to the ear. This reminds one of the drum language of the natives of the Cameroons, mentioned in Buchholz's book on the West of Africa, by means of whioh the most complicated mes- sages oan be conveyed to villages at a dis- tance when occasions necessitate it. For this purpose a peculiarly shaped drum is em - fashion, and is undoubtedly meant to last a long time. Hawkers from France are for- bidden to attend fairs held in the conquered provinces, and, cruelest of all, French hair- bearded Arabs will step mettle, each will put dressers in Alsace-Lorraine must call them- his hand up the other's capacious sleeve, selves by some German name. Theywill no and the pair will then begin apparently to longer be allowed to display on their sign- pinch each other's &gars for a few minutes. boards the niyetic words, coiffeur Iri9enr, al- Often the performance will be varied. One though these words erpear over almost will unroll his long turban cloth, ox perhaps every barber's shop in other parts of Ger- lift up his long mantle and then cover his many. I hand, and concealed beneath this the pinch- ! ing of the fingers will proceed as before. Kan in the jroon. I The initiated know that this is a method of 1bargaining by means of a code of finger This individual is familiar in the tradi- speech understood by Eastern traders from tions and the literature of every people southern Arabia and northern Africa to the from the earliest tines to the present. , borders of Persia. It has been adopted in There are stories which are supposed to the first instance for a simple reason. In date back a period earlier than the time of the East, especially along the mast of the Moses, telling of a man who was Put to :Red Sea, Zanzibar, and southern Arabia, all death for gatherieg sticks on the Sabbath ; business is transa,Aed in the open air. And and was sent to the moon to stay there ever , in all such transactions the bystanders, after. A German story also tells about a idlers, riff-raff, and meddlesome busybodies man who eat sticks on the Sabbath, and generally contrive to have a good deal to who was caught up in the moon, fagots and say, tendering their advice to both buyer all. It is believed that he is still to be and seller. The unwritten etiquette of the seen, bearing his burden of sticks. }Mat requirea that ends friendly counsel A similar story is told in Swabia, only in should nob be resented. But as the mer - this case the punishment wee for having chants and dealers find it an unmitigated stolen the wood, rather than for breaking nuisance and a great hindrance to business, the Sabbath. 1 they have adopted a oertam code of finger A Datch myth relates that the fellow signs, which they exchange when bargain - was guilty of stealing oabbages on Christmas ing, with their hands concealed under their evening. His neighbours caught him just sleeves or turban cloth. Each finger and as he was making off with the plunder, and , each joiat of a finger represents a certain they " wished" him up in the moon. There figure. So the pair can bargain by the hour he is to -night with his stolen cabbages. I -as they often do -to their heart's con - In some of the provinces along the North I tent, and none of the noisy and gaping Sea the man in the moon was a sheep -stealer, busybodies around them be any the miser and in fact of his being loaded down as he inn it. is with cabbages is accounted for by saying I that he used to entice the sheep with these vegetables. Still We All Admire Ifer. Still farther north the people talk about I Woman with satchel enters oar, sits a giant who lives in the moon, and who is ' down; enters conductor, asks for fare; supposed to cause the ebb and flow of the woman opens satchel, takes out purse, shuts tide. When the giant stoops, the water satchel, opens purse, takes out dime, shuts flows and when he stands erect, tne water purse, opens satchel, puts in purse, Auto ebbs again. ; satchel, offers dime, receives nickel, opens In Greenland the sun is a female divinity, satchel, takes out puree, but satchel, opens and the moon is her brother. Daring their purse, puts in nickel, closes purse, opens mortal lives upon the earth, the brother satchel, puts in purse, closes satchel; "Stop teased his sister. She flew up in the air, the car, please 1" • and became the sun; he could not fly I so high, and b mama the moon ; but be' • still pursuee his sister, hoping some day to I Bound to be Grammatical. surprise bet. I Justice of thePeace--" Had you ever saw "When he is tired and hungry, in lois this man before ?" Witnees-" Yes." "Had last quarter, he leaves his house, on a sledge he came before you had went ?" " No." harnessed to four dogs, and hunts for several " Is them your eggs what you say was days. On his return, he eats so much that stole ?" "Yes." "Would you have ec- he again grows into a full moon." cognized them if you had seen them before f Thu Russians have several amounts to they was biting here ?" " Yes ; I would give, of the phenomena of the moon. One have knosved them." "Speak grammatie, ia that a man was looking for a land where young man 1 It ain'e proper to say have thsere was no death. He took up his abode knowed ; you should say have knew." inithe moon, but after he had lived a hum' deed years, more or less, death found him and came there after him. A furious ebruggle between the moon and death took ' place. While it was going on, the man was might up in the sky, and now shines "as a star near the moon." The variety of these stories is by n� means exhausted, but enough -have been given that the reader may Judge of their character. In them all the man in the moon ie a very bad fellow or 0, coward. In a fe w instances he ia identified with some historical scoundrel. The French have a theory that he is Judea Imariet, who was tramper ted there for his treason. Where have been inclined to think that he 18 Cain, carrying a bundle of thorns on his shoulders in 'punishment of offering to God the (sheep., est gift from his field, Dante refers to this notion in the emend canto of Ida "•Para- clise," when he apeak e of the gloomy elnata upon this body"! (the leneert)e), Whieh below on earth give rise to talk Of Cain," Too Coriolis. Little Precocity-" Uncle, what paint do you use ?" Unale--" For what, clear ?" To paint your nose. Is it the mune hind ma uses on her cheeks ?" Little Precocity iss hurriedly sent to bed. Beat and Cold Is a never -failing cause of &Seam AL this season of the year neuralgia, toothache, and a host of similar diseases are rampant. The , great question, then, is to find the quickest, surest, and tnost economical remedy. Pol. son's NERVaLINE exactly fills these require- ments. It is prompt, efficient, and most edolieltlical, for it exceeds in power every known remedy, and is as cheap as inferior articiee. A.10 cent sample bottle will give every person a chance to test ie. Large bottles only 26 cents. Curiosities of Clourtellip, Celifornia miner having amassed quite fortune, was returning by ships to New York, to visit old friends and to find hims eelf a wife. A youzsg women on hoard the ehip eerving in the capacity of nursery governess to the family of a snerolaant on board, pleased him much by her neat and modest appearance. He therefore introduc- ed himself one day, and broke the ice of his purpose with one reckless plunge " Ma. dam, my name is my parents and family reside in • New Hampshire; I have property amounting to $200,000, and expect to engage in business in ---. I am a per - featly temperate man, and I can give you good reference to testify to my general up. right character. I am unnuireied and want a wife; will you marry me ?" The lady took in the character of the suitor at once. " Thank you," she said, "1 will,' and on landing they were forthwith married. How the Princesses Louise, of Savoy, ever recovered from her humiliation after hav- ing offered herself in marriage to Charles, Duke of Bourbon, only to receive a grave but positive refusal, few women min under- stand. Ladies, however, are permitted to assist a bashfel wooer when Either he feara his fate too much Or his desert too small, Who fears to put it to the touch Or win and lose it an. More shrewd still was the young lady - and more daring -who told her admirer that else was a mind-reader, and could read what was going on in his mind at that mo meat; that he wanted to propose to her but did not know hpw. to do it, which, of course, relieved the young man from his embarrass- ment permanently. 'A my bashful man having suoceeded in winning a wife, .a lady relative teased him to tell hor how he ever pluoked up courage enough to propose. " Now, tell the truth, N—," said she ; "Did not the lady have to do the courting for youT" "N -no," answered the gentleman; "but I own she smoothed over the hard places for me." And this seems to be the ladies'. mission in courtship -to smooth over the hard place& The Leap Year One. Leap year ie here, To maidens dear Who're waited on by bashful beaux That smile and sigh And oft oome nigh To popping, but who ne'er propose. Prooeed with skill, And thus you will Proposals from your lovers draw; They'll take the cue: Say, "How would you Like mother for a mother-in-law ?" A Long Street. There is a story told of a north country parson who, making a purchase in Watling street, London, amazed the salesman who asked him if he could send the parcel any- where, by answering: "Yes, if you like to send it you may. I live in this street, but •don'twant to pay the carriage." "Pay the cerriagel" exclaimed the dealer, " there won't be any carriage to plier if, as you say, you live in our street." 'Well," said the Jocular parson "I do live 071 the Watling - street, 280 miles away, in the county of Durham. "A Word to the Wise is 'Sufficient." Catarrh is not simply an inconvenience, unpleasant to the sufferer and disgusting to others -it is an advanced outpost of ap- proaching disease of worse type. Do not neglect its warning; it brings deadly evile in its train. Before it ifs too late, use Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. It reaches the seat of the ailment, and is the only thing •that will. You may dose yourself with quack medicines 'till it is too late -'till the sttearnlet becomes a resistless torrent. lt is the matured invention of a sciontfic physi- cian. "A word to the wise is sufficient." The latest fad on ball dresses are long angel sleeves. Whenever your Stomach or Bowen+ gee out of oi •dor, musing Biliousness. Dyspepsia, or Indigeetion and their attendant evils, take at OnO0 a dose of Dr, Carson's Stomaole Billie -re. Best taraily mediates, All Dm:meets, 60 mute. The Teem is the favorite French round hat, and it has a low crown. CINGALESS HAIR Ilmewea restores grey and faded hair to its natural color and prevents falling out. • Handkerchiefs entirely of lace are coming in vogue. • Ocean. Steamship Passengers Via New York should take the Erie railway, as it is not only the shorbest and best line, but lauds people close to the piers of the leading steamship companies. In buying tickets, ask for the Erie. . When hour -glasses were m use people al - way 4 had a rattling time. A Cure for Drunkenness. The opium habit, depsomania, the morphine habit nervous prostration caused by the use of tobacco, wekofulness, mental depression softening of the brain, et,a., premature old age, Ids of vitality caused by over-exertion of the brain, and lo cs of natural strength, from any cause whatever. Men- young, old or middle aged -who are broken down from any of the above malaise, or any cause notineotioned above send your address and10 contain stamps for Lubon's Treatise, in bock forna, of .Diseases of Man, Booke sent Healed and secure from observation. Address M. V. LUBON, 47 Wellington street Rad Toronto, Ont. Doctor-" I will leave you this medicine to take after each meal." Mike-" And will yez be koiud enough to leave the meal, too, aootor ?" Ems I Comm Omm cures in ono minute In wrestling with adversity one get* some terrible throes. People who are subject to bad breath, foul etate tongue, or any dieorder of the Stomaoh, CAL at ont be relieved by using Dr. GaCS011'S Stomach Bitten She old end tried son:oily. Ask Your Druggist Easter bonnets will match the gowns worn with them. Coif No Vlore. Watson' e cough drops are the beat in the world for the throat and chest, for the voice unequalled. See that the letters R. & T. W are stamped on each drop. A winding stare-Watohing your best girl as you hold her skein of floss. A. P. 587. tOPIPIPMPIt' 4."1"at owl Call," This la a funny phrase to tbe uninitiated, bat ail the brokers understand it. They use it when a person gives a ceeeaisa per cent. for the option of buy ing or selling stock on e fixed (ley at a price stated on the day the optiou is given. It is often a eeriorte opine asion to tee dealer'bat there is a more ger- ious " pet and call." than this: when you are "put" to bed vsith a severe cold and your wends call a physigian. Avoid all this by keeping in the how Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical niscovery, The great euro foe pul- monary and blood disease. Ita action le marvellou s. It cures the worst cough, whether acute, lingering, or chronic, For Weak Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Short Breath, Coneumption, 'Night -Sweats, and kiein ntioredes,aflootions, it surpasses all other m Black, dark -brown, or gray furs trim red oloth dresses very tastefully. Many men et many minds; • Many pills of various kiade. But fora mild, effective, vegetable purga- tive, you had better get Dr. .Pieroe's Pleas- ant Purgative Pellets. They cure sick head- ache, bilious headache, dizziness, constipa- tion'indigestion, and bilious attacks; 25 cents a vial, by drugeista. In the days of manuscript books people learned by wrote. eaeas-eseseeeeseeseeeeesseeseseeneeeeseesnerseeeesse TO TOWN AND VILLAGE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS VETE have unexoelled facilities for the SALE or F EXCHANGE of Newspaper offices, Terms, me per cent, Satisfaction guaranteed. terWe have now four good eetablishments for sale at a bargain, and one publieher wantieg a partner, Auxiliary Publtshing Company, 83 and 36 Adelaide St. Toronto, Ont, tegm FIRE LIVING STREAM as AUGERS, bore 20 fee per hour, Also Reek DrUle-nand, Horse or Steam Power. Send for Catalogue. .1aldlaw :Manufacturing Co. • Heummer, Om. HE LONDOKI GUARANTEE AND ACCIDENT CO. (LW, OF LONDON, ENG. Capitel, £260,000. Dominion Government Deposit, £55,000. Head Mae: 72 King St. East, Toronto. Gentlemen of influence wanted in unrepresented distriots. A. T. MaCORD, Resident Secretary for the Dominion. Colonists' Trains. TIIE CANADIAN PACIFIC RMLWAY Will run Settlers' Train, to all points In • THE NORTH-WEST, British Columbia and the Pacific Coast, Leaving Toronto, N. & NAV. Station, Breek Street at 9 p.m., TUESDAY FEB'Y 28T11 and every Tueeday thereafter during March and Apre A colonist sleeper will be attached to theca trains Make early application to agent for what oars and berths you will require. 33.feet cars supplied for colonists' nacvables. No Customs delay or expense. No quarantine. No transfers. For further ieforma. tion see agent, or write COLONIZATION AGENT, no Ring St. West, Toronto. WHALEY, ROYCE et CO.. (successors to) W. GRADAH Co.. 233 Tonga St., Toronto, dealers in all kinds Band and Orchestra Instru- ments. Both New and Second -Hand. Vocal and Instrumental Music, Music Books, eto. In- struction Books for every Instrument Agents for Carl Fischer's Bann & On- CrIESTRA Mono. Send for Catalogues. ne744,esaae FOR THE rick xiachine That's taking the lead, new or eecond hand, apply to ALEX. DOIG, 61 Nelson St., Toronto. MERCHANTS .. BUTCHERS AND TRADERS GENERALLY. Wo want a 000D MAN ill your locality to pick up V.41...7-faMla =IVO for Us. Cash furnished on satiefaatory guaranty. Addree O. S. PAGE, Hyde Park, Vermont, U.S. amels eiery mpound For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged. UR ES Nervous Prostration,Nervous Head. ache,Neuralgia, NervoutWeakness, Stomach and Liver Diseases, and all affections of the Kidneys. A NERVE TONIC. GEORGE W. BOCTON, STAMFORD, CONN.. fillYS: "For two years I was a sufferer from nervons de. bility, and e thank God and the discoverer of the valuable remedy that PAM'S CELERY COMDOI7ND cured me. 11 is a vulinible remedy. Long may it live. Let any one write to me for advice." AN ALTERATIVE. &ouzo Anoorr. WnnasOn, VT„ says: "I believe Peann's OEIXItY COMPOUND saved my life, My trouble eeemed to be an internal huraor. Before I used it I was covered with an eruption from 'head to heel." The eruption Is raeldlY and I am live hundred POT cent. better every way:. A LAXATIVE. A. 0. BEAN, WRITE RIVER JUNCTION, VT., says: For two years past I have been a great sufferee from kidney and liver troubles. attended nit& dys- pepsia and constipation, 13efore I began to take Cemenx Coatroom) it seemed as though twerything ailed me. Now I hall say nothing ails me. A DIURETIC. Geonoe ADDOTT. SIOUX CITY, Iowa, mays: "I have been tieing PA/NE'B CELERY CON/POUND and it has done me more good foe kidneys and lama back than any other medicine I have ever taken. Hundreds of teetimonials have been received from persons who have ueed this remedy with remarkable benefit. Send for circular. Price 51.00. Sold by Druggists, WELLS,RICHARDSON &CO., Proprietor*. Montreal, Que. CANAD1A.N EUSINESS ENIVElts ITV, ‘../Public Library Buildinge,Toronto. Students from British Columbia,. California, Kansae, Illinois, and quite a number of other States and Provinees, now in attendance. Write for Deeoriptive Circulars. THOS. e3ENGOUG58, CHAS. H. BROOKS, President. Seo'y & Manager. SAUSAGE GASINCS. ,'Ke EST IMPORTED ENGLISH SHEEPS, also Sinal lUltle American Hogs Casings. Quality guaranteed In lots to suit purehaaers. Write for prices. Jas. Park & SOIL E.E.DS Sasos 1888 • or 8 85O 1 E ' G;,;01xtutrilz GAR- alorip- tive and priced Catalogue for Boring i rade is now ready, and -s ill be mailed free to all appli- cants, and to customers of lost year without solicitation. Menem GARDENERS will find it to their advantage to sow our seeds. dNO. A. DEVOE at CO., Hamilton, Ont. Cold in the Head, Hay Pavel, etc., can positively be cured. A. new !method. Medicine Guar- anteed to cure. No cure, no pay. 11 you have tried other remedies that failed to cure, you will not be disappointed in thee For full particulars address hf. V. LUBON, 47 Wellington-st. E., Toronto, Gan. Send 100. in stamps for Book "Treatise on Dig - eases of Man." —D2Cw7lEgE Toronto Silver Plate 0o,, MANUFACTURERS OF TELE EINOIRST GRADB OF VLVER PLATED WARES. TRADE MARK. ALL GOODS GYARANTEED TORONTO., SEEDS 111111.10111111111111.111 =WE'S Seed CatalOgile, eentaining deeetee tA9DE 11714 prices of all the beat varieties Of VEGETABLE AND FLOWER SEEDS •now ready and will be mailed free to alt Who apply by letter, ItZfr Send for it. WM. RENNIE, TortoNvoi ONTARio: Allan Lino Royal Mail Stoamohipo. ladling duriag winter from Port and every Mirada, end Beatles every Saturday to Liverpool, and in stun. mer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, calling at Londonderry to land malls and passengers toe Scotland and Ireland. Akio from Baltimore via Hell. fee and St. Johree N. F., to Liverpool fortnightly dna. Ing femme months. The downers of the Glaegovf llnosafl 4tlng winter be med from Halifax, Portland Boston and Plailedelphia ; and during nimmer betwees Glasgow and Montreal, weekly, Glaagow and 13oefloni weekly ; and Glasgow and Philadelphia fertnigh*I. Foe Freight, paesage, or other baforzeuaton apply If el, Schumacher & Co., Baltimore; la Cunard & CO., Halifax ; Shoo & Co., St, John's N. Fe Wm, Thomson & Go., St. John N. B, ; Allan & Co., Ohloago ; Love Alden, New Yolk; 11 ilourlier, Terento ; Aisne Rae a ' co. Quebec ; Wm. lbookie,' rhdadelphlisi R. & Allan Platten," %elev. Mneereet 'i44 -tria HE greatest die. j (+every of the 4V • .iPeemesnveelft .i11Br 'gf1:to0R:370.,Su: km ()unmet ALuBtoon lama AND Emma coaeranzes. dealer teat Blood nu el' A nt e d febwy iitaflE In .sif3teuil1,-ton whohave been beae ParteM. teired4) e, enan'i195 rtortS1 Erysipelas ot 2 years etandin8' ; thioth86. auberta°r 24 , daughter cured of Epileptic Fite after 0 years' euffering elan e irre , 55 a nut t., cured of weaknes and Lung Trouble; John Wood, 95 Cathearb cured of Liver complaint and Billousnees, used Old 8 fifty -cant bottles; Mre. J. Beal, 6 Augusta St. troubled for yearn with Nervous Prostration, tw small bottles gave her ereat relief. Sold at 50o. & 81.00 P. E. DALLEY az CO., Proprietore. ' There are many LITITATIOA s of PEEItLESSI IIVIACIIINE OIL, but none equal it in lubrieatirg propertiee. FARM - RES, eineaten, etc., lied none equal to the (miasma Peerless made by , SAMUEL ROGERS & CO,, TORONTO. Seel by de tiers everywhere. • We are children who cheerfielly join in the chorus When Breadmaker's Yeast Is the subjea before as - Mamma tried all the rest, . So the knows it's the best, (lightest. 'Cause her bread is the -whitest, her buns- are the tind we eat all the pancakes she a'are set before us. BUY THE BREADMAKER'S YEAST. PRICE 5 CENTS 1 eIELIABLE CATALOGUE eon FRESs, lit/ L 13 S , ETC. Every Market Gardener, Florist, anitiiliMMIMEMMIBEI Our IlhIstraterl and Descriptive Catalogue and Cultivators' Guide 1FREE. It contams au the latest novelties and standard varieties of GARDEN, FIELD. and FLoWER Farmer and Amateur should consult it before purchasing. Our stock is fresh, vire and reliable. Prices reasonable. EEDS J. A. SMERS SEED MERCHANTS AND IMPORTERS 147 King St. East, Toronto peeking 1, obtain a Business Eduoation, or become proficient n Shorthand and Typewriting, should at- tend the BRITISH AMERICAN • BUSINESS COLLEGE Arcade, Yonge street, Toronto. For Circulars, etc., Address O. O'DEA. Secretary. THE ALBANY STEAM TRAP CO'S SPECIAL BUCKET RETURN TRAP. LADIES' Dress and Mantle cutting by this new and improved TAILORS' SQUARE. Satisfaction guaranteed to teach ladies the full art of cutting all garments worn by ladies and children. PROP. SMITH, 849i Queen St W., Toronto. Agents wanted. oses Dahlias,9 And all other Flowering Plants, in greet variety. Illustrated Catalogue upon application. Webster Bros., • Niorists, • Hamilton. FOLDING BEDS,T, , le" le fie,, • . Out of use Out ' of -1 sight. Send for (dr- ;• milers. a Chinn Robinson 22 ChurchCoStreet' __ea.-- TORONTO, 1 INSTANT RELIEF FINAL CURE. en your fuldrees Iand ten contain s nips for Book " Treetiee:on Difeeeses of Man." Address • M. V. LLTBON, 47 Wellington-st E., Termite. one tarThe Celebrated Han. cock Inspirator. tg-Gresbam's Automatic Ne.sterting Injeotor. /0"Aforrison's Automatic Sight Feed Lubricator, teeEngineerse et Plumb, ere.Supplies of every description. Send for circulars. r''.11A3IES 111O1t1iI5ON, 76 &77 Adelaide Elt.W., TORONTO. CANADA PERMANENT LOAN AHD SAVINGS COMPANY. INCORPORATED A.D. 1855, Subscribed Capital, • • $3,510,000 Peid.up Capital, • • 0,300,090 Reserve Fond, • • 1,180,000 Total Assets, • • 9,801,615 Olnee :-Coy's 331dgs. Termites St., Toronto. STRAIGHT LOANS, OR CREDIT FONCIER PLAN. The Company has a large amount of money to lend, on Real Estate securities ut the lowest current retool interest repayable either in Me sum or by instalments as may be desired by the borrower. Applications may be made direct to the undereigned by letter or otherwise, or to the local representatives of the company throughout Ontario. As the Com- pany always has funds on hand no delay need be ex. emoted. Mxpeneas re uced to minimum. Mortgages and Itunicioni Debentures Purchased. HERBERT MASON, Managing Director. PATENTS rovg,t1;:l'irrsitIgr,',Ptgit 00/1 AGENTS WANTED over the entire Do kx minion. Address, 41110. 18. maim, 87 Church Street, Toronto. ieftOCUU.S.RED in Carada, the U.. ant PATENTS al f()reign anuntetes, Engineeis, Pa tent Attorneys, aid experts in Patent Causes, Estab Halted 1867. Donald C Eldon t at Co., Toronto 0110 NTO CUTTING SC11001-A GRANT 'ellen:in to acquire a tbatotah knowledge 0 garment cutting in its brenehes. • Now's the -tine to enter. Geed centers aro in groat demand at bh , wages. TO111513 Oh application. S. Ocatteete, 12 Yonge Street. laiDeteeine,,,,f;" PURE AERIAL FERTILIZER AP* BONE MEAL. -- W, A. FREEMAN, Soid Agent for the Dominion of Canada for ROWLIN & CO'S FERTILIZERS Send for oiroulard and price to RUBBER 8TAMPS,"81.17 Oka find Burning Matilde &d Sent 22 tUngs*. 15, Go rear) To000to( Ai FREEMAN, Dealer intuilders' Supplies, IITANIIIT ON, • • ONT. 77...."75.i.-Ve51-5-5-FiaA-le:5-• Fa F.0 R•. •SrE t- LE f3.14.05 a cos. , F2Fa e.e.8Ne ALL, LEADING IVIERCHA`NTS. ILL,US'TRATEd CATALOGUE kl LE ela E • • A CD :STEELL 13, ,R0 5 & C O. t 0 , 0 kl ;17- ervous ' DR. GRAY'S Spedific hag been used for the pas fifteen yenrs with geeat etiotees, iu the treatnient of Nervone Debility, and all diseases arising from ex. moms, over-worked brain, lose of vitality, ringlike' in the ears, palpitatioe, eta, nor sale by rill druggists. Price 81. per boX or 6 TIDESS for $5, ter Win be Bent by mall oft teeeipt Of price. Pamphlet ori applicatioe. TIIE GRAY MEDICINE CO, Toronto. yuesErlymAtio .999.00 IN GOLD TO BE GIVEN ?WAY In order to introduce my Nursery stook out the 'United States and Canada, I will give awa 59,9e100 in gold as follows, to the parties sending 14 Three Cent Canadian, or 21 Two Oent Amer! Postego Stamps for any one of the following coil don ot plants or bulbs, which will be sent -ey (postpaid), th April next, and guaxanteed to arrive toi good condition: No.1.-2 Hardy Roses, 0.-2 Everblooming Roses, 3.-2 Hardy Climbing Hoses, 4.-2 Dahlias. 5.-5 Cliadiolus. 6.-3 Hardy Grape Vines. 7.-8 llaspberries. 4 each, black and red( 8.-20 StrawberryPiants, 4 choice kind. Aillettere with stamps encloged as recamated above: for plants, will be numbered as they come to hendtgi and th the senders of e first thirteen hundred letter will receive gifts as follows : i list. - $250 The next 20, $10 each. tad.- 100 The next 40, 5 each. 3rd. - 50 The next 415, 0 each. 4tit. -- SO The next 820, 1 each. • lith. - 00 senders of tho next eleven hundred letters will re- Af ter 50 thorreand letters have been receive ,r1 the - °Wye gifts as follows: 1st. -$025 The next 10, $15 efich. 2nd.-- 125 The next 15, 10 each. 3rd.- 75 The next 40, 5 each. 5205 The next 560, 1 wide ie net 470, 0 each. After 100 thousand letters have been received, the, senders of the next one thousand letters will receive glfts as follow,: 1.71:1124 ' 8 0100 each The next $20 each' 3, 4 stud 5 75 oath Tito stelet 15. 10 each! 6 50 each. The next 304. 3 eachi 0, 10.11 and 1226 each Tito next 653, 10,00 After 150 thousand letters Iowa been resseived, the tenders of the next eleVen hundred and nine lettene will receive gifts as follows: 1 5100 each '(bo next 10620 each 2 , 75 each he next 25 10 emelt Band 4 50 each The next 5S5 2 each The next 5 250110!, Tho next 479 1 °Litchi Any person may send any number of times for any, of above eoneetions. If three onto extra is stoner will tend in April a peented Het of the menet Of all Verbena who ate exili. tied 10 560 gifts. As 'a direct inveetinent this will not pay, but my object is to introduce my stook, and build up a trade' .br Man. I employ ne agouti!, but deal direct with, leash:Caere, and can dell and deliVer steak to any part of the United States or Canada, either by mail, impress Or freight, et nbettonsabser the price charged by other Nurserymen through agents. Send me a, '1186 0! %Tante and I will State you 25165*. Identical' 'this paper, and address all letters-, • J. LANNIErt, Toone, Omsk