HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-3-8, Page 5DISTRICT DOINGS, Otooaraneea of the Pitst week Through- out the Neighborhood la a Vendee rem, St. Mary e is without a planin A oladiefs hugging goctety" he organized by a number of the f• a in lestolecli. There will be no spring allOar year, under the auspices of the Perth Agricultural Society. The other night Mr. Brown o 6th con. of Hibbert, lost a filly v at $200. Mr. Wm. Cosgrove, of St.Mary purchased a large manufacturing lishnaent en Berlin. Wm. Barron, dry -goods naerc St.Marys, made an assignment on day last. 04,0ale by-law passed last sumnus hthiting cattle running at large 1 Marys, is about to be recIncled. Mr, Manly, of Muskoka, forme St,Maays, has sold his farm in district and is about to return t Marys. John • Robinson of the 4th Blanshard, got very uncomfor tossed from a load of wood last w no very serious results. The St. Marys' .Argus 'speaks o overcoat with a "cabby cape and smile," Express yourself more sir THIS is to certify that I have kn the most beneficial results to ac pany the use of Everest's Cough S so extensively manufactured and by him. Rev. A, I. Snyder, „Wyon P0. •Mr. Wm, Grant of Granton, los valuable 2-year-o1d colt ' last w either by a kick from another h or by running its head against stable door. Mr. Thos. Thomson, ofBlanshard, the other day, a two year old filly, si by Farmer's Friend, for the handso consideration of over $200. W. Barclay has rented las. Wats farm 3rd line Blanshard for a term three years. Mr. Watson intends grating to Colorado in the spring the benefit of his health. Mr. Duncan McKellar has sold fancy team of four year old fillies the neat sum of $400. Mr. John D also sold a team recently for $3 klibbert is not behind in horse -Ile Mr. G. F. Morphy, of the base 1 Blanshard, has let the contract for t building of a fine new brick ho during the coming summer. Mr. Jo Fromm, Woodliam, has the coati, fcerithe brick work and Mr. John Elin that for the carpen mirk .• I rum Everest's Cough Syrup an e cellent remedy and '.can heartily commend it. P. B. Rosenberry, D. 8, Arkona P. 0. The Mitchell Advocate has entr ,Upon its twentrninth year of publi 'lion. It is one of the best:conduct tocal papers on our exchange list. Mr.Philip Carlin, of Hibbert, h sold a three-yearmla stallion sired b Mr. Wm. Pinkney' "Old Sampson to Messrs. bicCullough & Fowler, Ohio, for the sum of $450. A meeting of the creditors of Joh and Henry Watson of Hibbert, w held in the Sheriff's office, Stratfor on Friday last, when Mr. Hugh Camp bell, of Mitchell, was appointed as ignee of both estates. A young man from the country sol six buishels of oats in Seaforth th other day and was given a pay nhequ for $2.40. Before getting it cashed he changed the 6 to 60 and the $2.4 to 22.50 and securing the last amoun • slipped home. W as not iden wiled. Robert and James Sanders eta,v purchased from Mr. Wm. Simpson, o Biddulph, a lefty acre farm in th township of Hay, paying therefor handsome sum. The property ia wel situated and heavily timbered. Try Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters If you are Dyspeptic, Try Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters It your liver is sluggish, Try Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters, Mr. Isaac Bailey, of the firm o Bailey & Bailey, blacksmiths and carriage builders, /YlcIntyre's Corners Blanshard, was united in wedlock, on the 22nd ult., to Miss Ii vine, daughter of Mr. Thos. Irvine, sr., 4th line, same township. No doubt owing to the • extreme frosts of late the railroad bridge which crosses the creek running through the farm of Mr, Wen.. Rowel iffe, of Stephen became shifted, and a southern bound train the other day, was delayed for sonie time until the rails could be put M proper places. John, Felton George Rowe and Thos. Smith, the McGillivray farmers charg. ed with conspiring to defraud the ends of justice by inducing Hannah Rote- , a young girl who had been rap d by Allen Patton, a son of one of the prisoners, were arraigned before Judge Elliot on Saturday and elected trial by jury. They were remanded to the Spring Assizes, having failed to obtain bail. A farmer of Blanshard sold one cley recently, to an American buyer, a fine five-year-old mare, sired by "Fear. naught Chief," for the handsome sum 04700, Mr. A. McDonald, of Exe- t'igr, shipped 15 brood mares and a Ate, stallion "Bismarke° purchased froth Mr. Chas. Mason, of Egniond vin!U e, to r. Sidebottort of' Brandon, Man, He intends shipping another lot about the =dello of March. Mr. Reid, of' Bellfontain, Ohio, maimed by Snell and White of Eeeter, succeeded in purchasing the imported stallion 'Newell' purchasedM from e Charles Bean, of Claricleboye, imported mate 'Lena,' imported from ,Sootlancl by Mr Wm. Love, and purchased from Me Wilcon of Seaforth; Canadian Stallion 2 -years -old bred by a nct purchesed from Mr. Janes 'McMichael, of' Sea. forth. This batik secured 2nd prize at London and 2nd at 13rucef1eld last year. Y earling stallion 'Lord Nel- son," 2-yeareold, and a full blood Shetland pony froill Me. W. Hawk - shave Of Seafortli; else eleVen other brood-rneres frona different parties, which were ;shipped to his Stables it G Bellnentain. g mill. been ir sex this South f the glued s, has estab- hau t, Fri - r pro - n Ste rly of that o Ste line, tably eek, I an baby fully won 00211- yrup sold ling t a eek orse the sold red me on's of mi - for his for ow 90. eh. ine he U80 hn act es, ter x - L. ed ea ed as of as d, s- 0 1 For Cauldron Starving to Death. On account of their inability to digest ordinary food, Soot's Emulsion oan be dietieted and give strength and flesh when all other feed fails. See what Dr, A.R. Peek, Penn, Med. College, Petitoodiao, says: "1 haae used and presmibeil Scott's Emulsion ofiOod Liver Oil, and find it an excellent preparation, agreeing well with the stomach, ond its continued use adding greatly to the strength and comfort of the patient." Put up hi 50o and al size, The doctors seem to helm decided at last that the orowu prince is 'suffering from a sore throet. BOOKS vs. EXPERIENCE. Books aro useful to add to our knowledg but practical experience teaohes us that th best remedy for all diseases of the Sterne° Liver and Bloocl is easily to be had and called B. B. B. Halton will return to the license system o May 1st of this year, WELL SPOKEN OF. "I eau recommona Hagyard's Yellow 011 very highly, it cured me of rheumatism in nay Angers when I could not bend them. Ida Plank, Strathroy, Ont. A medicine for external and internal use in all painful cone - plaints. 433 Seamenues Se., Moline/1a,, May 2 '87 .After ineffectually tryine many of the s called remedies for catarrh,b1 ralide a trial o Nasal Balm whioh gave me inetant relief, an slums oommenoing its use I daily nets th beuifietal chenges his producing after a few applications. It ()bangers the unpleasant odo of the vireo in the throat and the poisonou secretions over which every breothraust pass To any thus troubled it is a priceless medicine E. A. CARDINAL. • Oon BEST PirreiorMIS elm Crocases certify that Imperial ()ream Tartar Baking Powderia made from pure Crystal Cream 'Tartar and English Soda and is by far the best known. Sold by all grocers. The extraoedinary popularity of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is the natural result of its use by all classes of people for over forty years. It has proven itself the very best speoific for colds, coughs, and .pulmonary complaints. Take Ayer's Sarsaparilla, in the spring of the year, to purify the blood, invigorate the system, excite the liver to aotion, and restore healthy tone and vigor to the whole physical mechanism. Remember that quality, not quantity, constitutes the value of medicine. ANOTHER ITEM - Mrs. J. Thoinpson, of Elma, Ont., writes that she suffered from general weakness anct was so reduced that at tinaes she bonnie al- ined uncon scions. Three bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters completely cured her, and she now recommends BBB to her Mends and neighbors. DEPEND UPON IT. Accidents will happen despite all care, and painful injuries such as Sprains, Bruises, Outs Ina Burns result. Every family should therefore keep Hagyard's Yellow Oil on hand it is the greatest family medicine for all pains, Coughs, Colds and Sore Throat, croup and Whooping Cough yield quickly to this excellent remedy. WELL WORTH KNOWING. A medicine which has stood the test of time for many years and has always given the best satisfaction as has Hagyard's Pec- toral Balsam is certainly well worth frying for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness and all Throat troubles tor which 11 18 so laighlyrecommend- ed. ONE GOOD POINT. Out of the many possessed by Burdook Blood Bitters is that it may be taken at all seasons of the year, and by either young or old- In thie way the three blest' B's are al- ways at work and doing good. e, li is 21 11 0 ET,MIUINBW, The Proprietor of the Dominion taboratory 1 Begs to annoolloa to his numerous friend s and patrona that he has just put in a ful 1 —line of— Staple & Fancy Stationery, Aceuuuts Boo ks and all:kinds of School Requisites, .Lete r and Note Paper, Fools Cap Paper, Aescount Paper, Colored Tissues Gilt Papers, Drawing Pap- er, Pens and Pencils, And also a full line of all the newest and most popular WORKS — OF -- FICTION, All of which will be sold at the Lewes re - numerative rates. a J. W. BROWNING, Prop. Sir John Ross, who 18 18 stated will sue- oeed Sir Fred Middleton in command of the troops in Oanacta, has had a long and varied service in the Crimean war, the Licher; mutiny and the Afghan war. NARKET REPORTS. EXETER (Corrected at 5 o'clookp , Wednesday. Pa11Whe al 79 to 80 Spring Wheat... 9179 to 0 79 Serie y 66 0 70 Oats Clover Seed4 00 to 4 60 Timothy " 2 50 to 3 00 Peas „.. Corn ... 0 58 to 0 60 ... 0 18 to l3 ... 15 to 0 17 ... 00 to 5 55 758o 80 ... 40 to 0 50 ... 0 04 to 0 00 ... 0 05 to 0 05 ... 0 07 to 08 ... 0 80 45 to 0 50 0 20 to 0 Elggs Batter Flourperbbl . Potn,toes,per beim Apples,per bag DriedApplespr b Geese per lb. Turkey per lb Ducks per pr Chickens per pr liogs,dressedper10 ... 6 80 bo 7 0 Beef ... 4 00 to 5 00 aidesrouhg, ... 5 50 to 5 50 " d .. 6 00 to 6 00 Sheepskins each ,- ... 0 75 to 1 GC Calfskin s ... 0 50 to 0 70 Wool per lb ... ... 0 20 to 0 21 Hayperton ... 800 to 8 00 Onionsnerbush 0 60 to 0 75 Woodper cord ..........25 to $ oo sT: maims. Furnished by Messrs: Carter, Son &Co. Pall Wheat 80 to 80 Spring Wheat............ ........ ...... 80 80 Barley 70 74 Oats Clover Seed Timothy Peas Eggs Butter . Potatoes per bush............ ... , Apples per1bush Wool per lb Hay porton 40 42 460 50e 150 200 58 60 15 76 16 16 ..... 60 70 80 40 21 23 800 000 MGM_ 7_1_1211S11132122222272MSANsgsgISISE2131SZMZSUESIOS/112. J. S Ea Merchant Tailor', Has removed to premises one door north of Browning's drugstore, where there will be found a assevted Steek OF SPRING TWEEDS FOR SUITINGS &C. Scotch, English, Irish, French and Canadian. Goods. Made up on the SHORTEST NOTICE ------AN1) ---- CONSISTENTLY LOW PRICEES 1 A CALL WILL CONVINCE.' (7. SELL, raduate of Cleveland cutting School rrt-EIEBILLIVS rir 0 11,' POV/D3ERkl... Aro pleasant to t he, Coutnin their own Purgative. Is a P -f^, em'n. and effectual *greyer of wocius in children or Adulta 1)ress-1taidng! mr..,Bissett and. Miss Welsh beg to in- form the public that they are opening out business, and ean be found on the ciorner of William aud Gidley streets. press -making done in all the Latest (Styles. Lessens en Fanoy Work given.—Stamping a speoialtY. Orders promptly attend- ed to. A call solicited: REMOVAL MR. T. DEARING will °campy his new premises, one door south o f Toles office (lately vacat- ed by C, Tom, where RE WILL SELL HIS ENTIRE STOCK Lem THAN ACTUAL COST He is bound to reduce his stock and will give bargains never before heard of in Exeter. Goods well assorted and everything fresh. No shelf -worn goods in stock. BARGAINS FOR YOU! FOR YOUR NEIGHBORS! BARGAINS FOR ALL! Remember and call early and bring the cash along with you, for which you will receive more than fullevalue. T. DEARING, Exeter, Dec. 8. FANSON'S BLOOK. THE KEY TO HEALTH. 'nee 15lireete Preee1114lkeVe, A successful Medicine used over 06 Y0017i to thousandsof easee. Cares 8permatorrhea, Nervous Trog1ones4, ,Emisaions, Impatenq and all diseases caused by abuse. ABSFORTs] indiscretion, or over-exertion. f gni iipaelroges Ouuranteed to Carew/wean° hers ltig...1ApttmyotyotreDrnaogilustaftoicruTtel7 cilanreelkSpfteillcgoilgt BEI 0, fax. 481: , pliamemallieWoricteorioar DPaarasPrholiett Ancliclore48: A POSITIVE roa CATARRH. GIVES Immediate Relief von Cold in Head, HAY FEVER. EASY TO USE. ROtfl Snuff, Powder or Irritating Liquid. Price 60 ets. and $L00. Il' not obtainable at your drug, gists, sent prepaid on receipt of price. Addresa puLFoRo a co., Brockville, Ont. Atto Ian X larani4X1 MILLS WOODELAM. The undersigned would respectfully infor he community that they laave leased the above mills for a term of years; and ivill be pleased to have a can from all. The mill has recently been improved, by the addition of new naaoh.• inory. It is the intention of 81%e subscribers to add a sot of rolls as soon as possible; and all eon3bine5, the Woodham Grist Mill Will he second to none in the Weet. —X---X-- Gristing and Chopping Done Promptly. Fresh oatmeal constantly on hand for sale or exchaeged for oats. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. NEPA TRIAL SOLICITED. J. & A.. MeNEVIN, —CURES -- Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick Headache, Kidney Troubles, Rheumatism Skin Diseases —and all - Impurities of the Blood from what- ever cause arising Female weakness &General debility Parely Vegetable, Highly Concentrated, Pleasant and effectual to use. —ASK FOR— Doctor Hodder's Compound. Take no other. Sold everywhere. Price 75 cents per bottle. DR. HO DDER'S hash Lung Curs Sold Everywhere, Price, 25 cents and 50 cents per bottle. Proprietors and Mard'rs, the Union. Medicine Company, Toronto Canada. thaloOks Blithe clogged &verniers of the Bovvels, 3Ki.dneys and Liver, carry- ing off gradually without weakening the system, all the impuritiee and foul humors of the secretions; at the same tinie Correcting Acidity of the Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dys- pepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, HeartburnConstipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jaundice Salt Rheum, Ei7sipelas, Scrofula, Pluttering the Heart„.1Vervousness, and Gen- eral Debility; all these and many other similar Complaints yield to the happy influence of 33132/DOCE BLOOD BITTERS. T.PtiLletre7 A CQ, Preprietem, Toreniu HALLANORE'S xpectora —o—x-o-x—o— . The high character ofthis old medicine as a sure reinedY for Coughs, Colds, Throat and Lung Troubles is ,repeatedly confirmed by the.giettifying, grateful and unsolicited testimony received ;ifeorn those who have bean benefitted by its use. READ THE FOLLOWING : Mn. S. J. WiecooK, Toronto, writes:— "I have used Hallamore's Expectorant in my family for Coughs and Colds, for thir- teen years and would not be without it." Mn. J. C. SMITH, Car Thspector, C,P,R, Galt, writes :— Send me one dollar's worth of Halls, more's Expectorant. I cannot get along without it. GO TO LUTZ'S DRUGSTORE FOR A 26 et. Bottle, The whole system is deranged anti out of sorts. The blood in impure, pimples, boils and liver sects appearing on the face and body, The liver is clogged and in active, causing fa- tigue,loss of appetite, e. dull. sleepy, tire dfeel. ing ,with inability to do work, the complexion is fallow and muddy, and It is absolutely ne- cessary,to enjoy good health, to take the 'cele- brated Dr. CHASE'S Mandrake, Dandelion Liver Cure, which puri- fies the blood by stimulatiog tee Liver, aiding digestion and promoting a /mama evacuation of the bowols. Mandrake and Dandelion are two of the best Liver regulators known,. and • all medicalanen agree that the Liver 1S Of more vital iinportance to health than tho Heart and Lungs, If the Liyer is torpid or in- active, Dyspepsia Indigestion, Headache, Cos- tiveness, eta. wdresule, Complaint, Lidney and Urinary Treu ble ,Jaun- dice, Liver Spots,Impure Blood, Pout Breath. aro quickly oared by Dr. Chase's Mandrake Dandelion Liyer When the Kidneys are diseased, overtaxed andwealrened, one or two bottles are guar- anteed to Jure. ere Alex, Teylor, "West Crwil- limbury, was troubled for 15 yearn with kid- ney disease, wits compelled to rise 5 and times thxough the night to urinate, suffered intense pain, and was finally cured after an other remedies and physicians had failed, by using three bottles. 5000.000 SOLD! Over one-hoef million of Dr, Chase s Beeeipt Books have been sold in Canada alone, end 'WO wont wavy person troabied with Liver 0023.1. 'OlailltS and kidney diseases, etc„ to try Chase Liver Cure. Wrapped around every bottle is a valiant)] o RECEIPT -BOOK FREE NO tocly's toilet, house or houeeman shouhl he withont this book, the fib os t oollection of reel - es ipts for berth tifyiug the eom plod oil, in.g- ptloonner:ji3.:',..4.73ntt,icTrohnemladoileIsi!od,tetiptayr, ttimme;tr)goilvv,01,%.::, Ifreckles, Snuburn, Hair Dyes abd Promotoes, Tooth powdo s NV:tails s , Golden Sail. Dye, for bleaching dark hair to a golden hue, Bye or Lustre. etc „ etc. Sold by all all dealers at $L Buy a bottle, The book alone is worth ten times the cost of the medicine. Try Dr. Chase's ICedney Liver Fins, the only 1)111 made meting directlg on the Xicliakeys, LiV- eerrsand Bowels, Price 25e, Sold by all deal - 'HE ON YOUR OTJARD Don't anew a cold in head to otowly and surely develop intO catarrh, when yon Can be cured for Ole, by rising Cr. Chase's Catarrh Cure. A few applic.aimis euro incipient eat - aria, ; 3 to e boxes euro ordinary catarrh'2 le hostas ts gearentood to cure chronic entarrh. ry it, 010 w RSc. id sure cure, QUEEN CITY OIL WORKS M LB S S OI At Toronto.' Every Barrel Guaranteed, This Oil was need on all machinery during the Exhibition, 11 bus been awarded NINE GOLD MEDALS during the last three yeare. IlairSee that you get Peerless. 11 18 only made by 6,A,ZVCIEL ltoczna cg: co., Tonowro. FOE SALE BY JAS. PICEARD. kaislominr.0.11.•00011•414...110.01XIC Are You Looking The cheapest spot in town for Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Paints, Oils and Glass, &sc., cee., if yon are, just call at BISSETT BROS. We are now offering the balance of our stook of Axes, Cross -cut saws, Lamps and Tubular Lanterns, at cost for 30 DA:YDS 0 Is1-1-1-"Z We would eall your attention to a few of our specialties :— A Handsome Brass Library Lamp, $2 50 A Large Glass Stand Lan2p, new design $1 00 A Good Tubular Lantern $0 50 A Good Axe and Handle $ 00 An A 1 Manure Kirk 1, tiO 80 And everytifing at Book Bottom Prices for Oman. A full stock of the following lines always on hande—Barb wire, Plain Galvanized, An - ardent and Tiled wire, and Buckthorn Fencing, Having purohased our supply of Binder Twine early we are now in a position to supply at the lowest possible price. A full stoce of tinware of all kinds always in stook. Eavetroughing and roofing a spec- ialty. Agents for the B & B Metall° Shingle Roofing. Ask for priees. Agents for the celebrated Raymond Sewing Machine. BISSETT BROS., Exeter. 11.....1341=1.1ammo.m..1.41.1011, MinamileiCiraM•00.1.11.••nam,••••nrninmadnow, 1 '). 4 i. 'C%,,:dts4P•42S4°1. 0S- 'c6:see:.1c: :,:c:'C'-' 'sb;e:":4: Zes.:$'ca<'‘.6C c:e;e' b. - e's C`• 'tC' b' .4.c' .I k I ea '' • 41, . ,•t", a aca .e\- 'e ‘ g ' 0 .0$ ''' O., ,$ ., e, les• e ' 22.° 2,. • 0 ei', ° .ea9-1,04.' 'S dt ep- i.• `31- 'S)S....,..$ ' V & i. rea.o. b. •es,' '9 6‘:.e2 o° is e z, ,..-5.7,,,,,,so,;,,,,,,,,°,,o,P:G0.45,,,,,,,,.z.:-. .„'''''''..0''. 4s' -,P Manufactured only by Thomas Holloway, 78, New Oxford Street, . late 533, Oxford Street, London. 'S'''' C,N '''‘'' • se ." $ Bar Purchasers should look to the Label oa the Zoxes ant Pots. If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. Change of Adv, next week. JA1VIES PICKARD. les.m..........aimmsoarpossaumuromapan.-nliasierromneracmardrauerremwasillwneftrnmele........1 Furniture Un exit kin We would call the attention of the people of Exeter and surrounding country to the tact that We, having purchased the stook and business of WILLIAM DREW aro offer- ing special inclueements in Parlor Setts, Plain and Fancy Tables. Sprin,„„rrs and 10Iattresses Bedroom SettS, Wood, Cane AI Perforated Chairs, Book CaSm writing Desks, Sideboards, Whatnots, Cradles, liallStandS. And an Endless 'Variety in Beds, bureaus, Cupboards, ttc. Our Stock ot Lumber is Large and Thoroughly Seasoned, eati, having had extensive experience in the leading factories of the Dominion, \vo can guarantee Stylish and Ser- viceable Furniture. Our Stock of Undertaking Goods is the Largest in the County, and car Hearse bear' ' equal hotth at London, Speoinl attention will be paid to this branch of the basin everyone will And us prompt and reliable /tailless REPAIRING OF ALL ElNDS PROMPTLY ATTHNDED TO. liblteltlber the Stand, One Door North of 3/To1son's 4 ;rice charged. !./,'• Send me MatitdOn li•OW. did 44.3s\ 1,eir ORONTO, flaff11,04