The Exeter Times, 1888-3-1, Page 8IN SU RANO ill.
iii.J.L1.401', AGENT FOR
DANT of Toronte ; teleo for the 11103 NIX FIDE
117SURA.170 E tlY, fit seontlon, Iengland,
the 110 "rem, 0 ANADI&N. of Nfontreal, d the
B11111811 ?SPIRE, ASSU114110FA QOM-
ANY,of I louden, Englaud, established 1847.
Assets over $5,000,000; claims and bonuses
paid, over $10,000,000.
LOCAL mews.—Tre shall be happy to re-
4sive at all times, from any part of the
County, items of local news, such as ac
cidents,or any interesting incident what-
ever, from any of our subscribers or read.
erS generall y for the. purpose of public-
„Cofer innef
11HURS'RY,1VICH, 1st 1888.
The undersigned woulct announce to the
public that he has now OD hand one of the
'best assorted stocks of Harness, Boote &
Shoes ever brought into Exeter, and would
eall especial attention to his Scotch Collars,
Felt Boots & Oyer shoes as they are best in
the Market, and at lowest prices. Also a
number of Children's Sleighs at a sacrifice.
Call and be convinced. Urns, Recnalm.
Miss Brophy, of Montreal, who has been
visiting Mrs. John Farmer, here, for some
time, returned home on Monday.—Mr. T.
Tyndall disposed of his household furniture
en Satnrday last, and left on Tuesday for
Hardy vs. Pichard.
Yon On Maly toll that 1888 is a leap
year witheut counting u Tt s ust looks
like Ono women after olio man
The revival meetings held this week
in the two Methodist ehercheit ere being
well attended, and geed work ia being clone.
At the prima which dealers in town are
offering binding twine, farmers will :this
year have no'reasen to grumble.
Several cellars were flooded with water
last week in consequence of the sudden
breaking up of thewinter
The sun of three or four days of last week
4411-3, the ram of Saturday has rendered the
sleighing miserable. Robins, crows aud
other harbingers of spring have been seen.
It is now asserted that the Central Sank
wreckage will realize 50 cents, on the dollar
Lor depositor. The shareholders will be
called upon to pay the double liability.
The following gentlemen have been ap-
pointed License Commissioners by the On-
tario Government : South Huron, Robert
Preengtorian Thsturboolt.
This baudboole jut published by IVIr.
Biteekettllebinsoe, Termite, and edited 14
Rev. Geo. Sinipeon, gives some interesting
facts dealing with the progress of that de-
nominetion in Otieutde. in the last ten
years the number of communicante has in-
creased from 93,788 to 136,590 contribu-
tious for all church purposes liave rieteit
from 6986,000 to 61,533,000 ; there ere ROW
889 miniaters, agaiust 607 in 1887, and 387
missionaries against 159 then. During the
:same period the church colleges have also
leaves e Schedule showing the anumut et
The aseessor is on his retinae, and as he aigUit,KU vs
01..iftt 0.0tW
ProPt3ttY eseessed with l every rete -
payee, the sheet should be examined care
felly an if the ()Weer considers himself
oter-asseeeed the objeotion shoal be enter-
ed on. the back, and the paper fyled with
the clerk, when OM Niveal will be dealt
with by the Court a Revhdon. Xvery year
especially election time, there is a good. deal
of grumbling of unfair valuation of proper-
ty, but the fault lies with the ratepayer in
not ruing to it in Clete.
flourished, the endowments of Knox College The abstract of the financial statement of I
Toronto, halm gown from $6,300 to $153,- lthe auditors was published in hist week's
000. The combined assets of the college I Tleses, The total receipts from the various
amount to $1,400,000, against $450,000 teal usual sources (save $1909.54, balance
years ago. In mission work, both home and carried from Mat year) emouuted to 69,609. -
foreign; the Presbyterian church of Canada 081, while the expenditure totalled up the
has also made similar remarkable Advances. SUM of 0905,41, leaving a letilance uf
carnival. $2,703.651, The tetal assets of the village
for the year 1887 amounted to $17,471.871,
The first of a series of eareivals under tho the liebtlities 618,312,00, leaving atialance
auspices of the Exeter 13rass Band was held of liabilities oger assets of 6810,131. It
in the roller rink on Tuesday evening, will be seen that the council manage the
About five o'clock in the Afternoon the band affairs in a oarefel manner, and, surely, to
the satisfaction of all.
Spicer, John B. Geiger and Peter Douglas. headed by Capt. J. N. Howard, drum
While playing at school the other day, major, riding in a Pony cutter drawn by an
Miss Libby, daughter of Mr. Thos. .Coates, Iceland pony, paraded the principal streets.
of Usborne, fell upon the ice and disjointed They played excellently, and the captain
her right arm at the elbowperformed his duties admirably. Infect, he
Owing to the bad state of the roade things said he would not have consented to act
aronnd the market have been duller than had the work to be done for any organization
usual, though not so quiet as one might other than the band. The parade attracted
expect. much attention, and was the means of draw-
ing a large crowd to the carnival in the av.
iness to -day, and it is said Mr. John Ross
give uP bus- ening. Promptly on time the program was
Messrs. Trick & Currelley
will occupy the store, and carry on a gen-
mile 'walkinthe first contest being a two -
will match . For this there were
eral mercantile business. four entries, Messrs. W. Follend, 11. Pick -
When the girl who has encouraged a ard, J. Vail and E. timunet Each had a
yotmg luau for several years suddenly tells very fair start, Braund taking the lead, Fel-
him she can be eo mote than a sister to him land second, Vail third and Pickard fourth.
he can for the first time see the freckles on These positions were kept for about one
her nose, mile, when Folland withdrew. Vail in a
A team of horses belonging to Mr John few rounds took the lend, Braund second,
Gillespie, ran away from the station on and Pickard (who seems to have fallen .into
Monday. One of the animals was some -
The motion to Judge Rose on behalf of what, out and bruised. Too many oats,
the plaintiff for an order for the costs of
this action was disposed of on Friclay last, A gentleman from Seaforth drove over to
E'recently. While here his horse
His Lordship making an order giving thexeter
took sick and was left at the Exeter hotel.
plaintiff' his full costs of suit and also the
On Friday last it was loaded on, a dray and
costs of the motion. This much litigated
suet is finished at last and the plaintiff bas drawn to Seaforth.
• been successful from beginning to end. The iron cresting put upon the roof Of the
town hall on Thursday last by Messrs. Bis-
sett Bros. adds greatly to the a.ppearanee of
the building, and relieves the somewhat flat
appearance of no building.
3rotber)y Kindness Exemplified.
Recently George Bailey. of Mt. Mellick,
Queen's Co. Ireland, and cousin of Mr. M.
Emmett of this place, while sailing from
New York to his home and when within
two days sail of Cork he died suddenly of
apoplexy. The deceased being a free mason
and the steward and doctor of the vessel
also being of the same fraternity. the re-
mains, instead of being consigned to the
waters, as is the custom, was conveyed to
Port and sent to his friends for a proper
Benefit Tour ONVII. Town.
--,We can endorse the following item from
an exchange : "When you return from some
ethor town with a bundle of goods that you
6uld have bought just as well f rom your
home merchants, don't you feel a little
mean ? Honor bright, don't you? You
are doing what little you can to ruin every
business man in your town, because we all
depend on one another. When you have
got the cash to pay for your goods don't go
off to some other town to make your pur-
chases and expect your home merchants to
"trust" you for months. Give those who
accommodate you the benefit of your cash
Not at all Applicable.
Last weeks Wingliam Times contained
the following:—It is said that a number of
Exeter bacheiors are forming a protective
association. This is no doubt a work of
The Independent Order of Foresters,
hitherto transacting business throughout
the Dominion of Canada will apply for an
Incorporation at the approaching session of
Rev. Mr. Holmes, of Elitnville, preached
in the Methodist church on Sunday
evening laat, in the absence of Rev. James
Graham at Parkhill, where he conducted
the arniversary services of the Methodist
ch urch.
Fields throughout the district have a bare
appearance, caused by the recent ince:sant
Thaws. It is feared that, if the =orient fine
weather during the day and keen fre,st at
eight, continue, the prospects of a good J9.11
wheat crop are meagre
Miss Sweet who has been in Toronto
learning the latest improved Tailor System
of Cutting and Fitting; also picking up
new ideas in 'dress and mantle making as to
style, finish, :etc., will resume work again
Monday next Mch. 5. RANTON & Co.
First come first served.
On Monday, FeVy 20th while C, Prou
was in the hay loft of one of his barns, le
fell through an unnoticed hole to main floor,
alghting upon his side, and breaking sev-
eral ribs. He has been laid up for several
days in consequence.
On Sunday morning last while Mr. John
Brawn, undertaker, was drawing the hearse
from the building in which it is kept, one of
supererogation as in all probability :the the hind wheels slipped offthe platform lead -
members are the most ordinary looking, ing from the building, upsetting the hearse
upon its side. Fifteen men were necessary
to raise it nom the ground.
cranky, egotistic and small-souled residents
in the town. The words of a writer signing
herself "Regina" in the Brussels Post .are
opportune here.
And thus all the lords of creation,
Possessors of nothing of worth,
Imagine their wondrous attractions
Would charm any woman on earth.
I'd scornto be won by such boobies,
Their friendship I'd ever elude,
My husband must be, when 1 get one,
A man, not a snob nor a dude.
1Tou1d I be an old maid? Yes, surely,
I'd rather be laid on the shelf
Than marry a fellow whose father
Must. help him in keeping himself,
With regard the members baying valid
reaeons for their inaugurating suchanassocas
ation we are not in a position to affirm, but
we can say that the members are as fine a
lookiumlot of fellows as one might wish to
see; meek, mild and whole-souled, and
possessing enviable qualities as heart-
Brief notice was made last week of the
death of Wilmot beloved wife of Mr.
Thomas Cornish of this place, which took
place at the family residence on the 20th
nit., at the age of 61 years ancl 4 months.
Deceased was a daughter of the late Wm.
Johns of Devonshire, England, and was
born in that county in the year 1826. She
was married to Mr.' Thomas Cornish in the
year ]852, and a decade later with her
husband immigrated to Canada and settled
in the vicinity of Horn's school house.
Four years later they purchased a farm in
the northern part of the township, in the
vicinity of Bethesda, to which they then
Clothes -line thieves are a; work in the
village agahe One day last week a line
in the yard of a resident of the southern
part of the village was stripped of a great
many articles of clothing, mostly all be-
longing to other people, having been re-
ceived by the lady to wash.
No eharge whatever is made for the
insertion of marriage notices in the Times
and we will take it as a special favor if
ministers anywhere in the county will fur-
nish us with all such events to which they
are a party. Send them on a postal card if
you choose. Birth and death notices are
also inserted free.
A couple of weeks ago Messrs. John and
Thomas Ryan of Stephen made assignments
in favor of creditors, and on Monday Mr. P.
Coughlin of the same township also handed
over his goods and effects. It is difficult to
say how much in the dollar the estates will
pay as new claims are cropping up every
Miss Lizzie Westeott, 2nd con. of Bid-
clulph, has just completed a fine quilt con-
taining seventeen hundred and fifty pieces,
which is excelled by Annie Welsh, of she
2nd concession of Usbarne, who has just
completed two fine quilts, one of which con-
tains four thousand nine hued -zed and forty-
nine ; the other, three thouliand three hun-
dred and seventy five."
Some unprincipled. wretch committed
an act of sacrilege in the Main-st. Methodist
church on Tuesday evg. While a revival
meeting was in progress the pereon entered
the building, and stole from the ante -room
a valuable oveicoat belonging to Mr, John
Renton, and abstracted a fina pair of
gloves from the ove7coat pockets of Mr.
moved. They lived upon this farm, enjoy- H. Hooper. The act was a bare -faced one,
ing the pleasures and enduring the hard- and the party must have been hard up for
ships consequent upon farming life until elothing when he would enter a church to
about five years ago, when, having saved steal.
sufficient of this world's goods to tide them
through life, they came to Exeter where On Friday evening last a number of young
they have since resided., Mrs. Cornish has people met at the residence of Dr. Hynd-
been failing for over a year, the death of a man for the purpose of organizing amu-
daughzer, Mre. Solomon Manning, having steal and literary society lot mutual im-
been to great a shock for her. She wasrovement. Alter due deliberation upon
not, however, confined to her bed until the question by those present the Society
was crgaeized under the name of The Ex -
pleurisy seized her, vv,hich together with
R. H. Collins, as President, and Mr. W. E.
congestion of the 'lungs caused death to
ensure. The deceased was of a quiet re- Guiulay as Secretary. Arrangements are
m -
tiring disposition, highly. respected by a being made to procure a piano, and a co
very wide circle of acquaintances, and her mittee waeappomted to make Arrangements
untimely death is much regretted. She wag for a suitable hall. Other committeee have
a consistent member of the Bible Christian
(now Methodist) church mid died trueting
in the merits Of a crucified Saviour. The
friends and it eigh bars of the deceased showed
sympathy and kindness ill an uumistakeble
-way by their untiring efforts in attending
and waiting epee her through her
illness, day and night, doing all that
Was possible for human power to do to
comfort and relieve her in her dying hoots
She ieft a hueband and ono danehter, Mrs,
Riehard Scott of Thlibert township to
sneurn their irreparable loss of a loving wife
mid mother. Meets sympathy is felt by
our eitizents tor the bereaved husband in hie
'marl eilliction, ::'4V£W ShOWo at the femoral,
which took place on Wednesday afternoon
of Ludt week. The ;funeral sermon will be
preached. in James-st eloareli OD Sunday
morningnext by Rev. aas,, Llraliarn, to get over the MO places an the ,)attonc oueuoe.
There is abitterrivalry between Chicago
and St. Paul, Minn„ in the matter of
divorces. Chicago has been supposed to
stand unrivalled among American cities
in the proportion o divorces to marriages;
b t h
obliged to yield the palm to its more in-
significant but more ambitious rival. The
proportion of divorces to marriages it
Chicago is only one in thirteen, while in
St. Paul it is rather better than one in ten.
The comments of our American exchanges
on the fisheries treaty are edifying. Those
of them which favor the Cleveland admin-
istration profess tobelieve that the United
States has gut much the best of thebargain.
Those who are opposed to the administra-
tion insist that American righti have been
ut the greatwestern me po s as been
the ways of "seldom swift") bringing • up
the rear about half -a -lap behind. The two ed tooheaply, aud that the American
commissioners have betrayed the interests
miles were walked in la minutes and 9 sec-
onds by Vail, who defeated Braund liy half of the country. The truth lies between
a lap, and. Pickard by one lap. NA. e might
say just here that Richard has good strong
action, but he is a trifle slow in gathering
himself, which, no doubt, was the cause of
his defeat. This match will be walked
again at the next carnival, as the medal
(silver) has to be won three times in succes-
sion before it can be claimed by any of the
contestants. The next called was gents in
comic costume. There was one entry, John
Bawden, who carried off first prize. The
The next on the programme was the ladies
sheet and pillew case costnme. In this
there were five entries, Misses Tait, Weekes,
Stewart, Davis and Eacrett. The lady
judges, after unusual deliberation, awarded
the prizes to Misses L. Stewart and F.
Davis, respectively. There must have been
much trouble experienced in choosing the
-worthy ones, as it was generally admitted
that the costumes of 401 were very complete
and represented well the character forwhich
they were gotten up. The bicycle race
came next. Four entries, Messrs. W. Gun
dy, H. L. Billings and T. Bowerman, Exe-
ter, and W. J. Powell, of Winchelsea.
They raced in pairs, and Billings and Gundy
being the two winners, they raced to settle
s tee who should receive the firet prize.
he race between the latter two was not at
1 exciting (a mile in 4 minutes) Billings,
owever, winning by a few feet. The char-
acter costume for little giris was then smil-
ed. Miss Fanny Fairbairn was awarded
first, and Mies Amelia Davis second prize.
The blindfold race caused considerable
laughter. Four boys were blindfolded, e.nd
started off for the prize, which was sus-
pended in the centre of the rink. .After
considerable tumbling, Master W. Vail
captured the prize. This ended the pro-
gramme as advertised, but a three-legged
race, which had been gotten up by Messrs.
Oke and Eacrett, took place next. The
pairs were Vail and .Oke, and Davis and
Eacrett. They went ten laps, Davis and
Eacrett winning by two -and -a -half laps,
the other two having stopped during the
8th lap. Taking the affair eltogether, the
carnival was a grand success, not a hitch to
marr the proceedings having occurred.
May the band on every occasion duriug the
season be attended with similar success.
Being so well pleased with the first carnival
the people will anxiously look forward to
the date of the next. While the various at.
tractions merited the large turnout, the
baud deserve the encouragement they are
getting. The judges were Messrs. HurtIon,
Walters and Lennox.
The regular meeting of the Council will be
held on Monday evg. next.
Good servant girl wented. about the 5th
March. Mrs. 'John Jaynese
The baud paraded the streets Tuesday,
previous to the carnival.
The various milliners are at present visit-
ing the openings at Toronto and London.
The river has entirely broken up. The
ice came over the dam on Saturday.
Easter Sunday comes on All Fools' day
this year. Beware lest you are supplied
with artificial eggs.
The carnival given by the Exeter Brass
Band Tuesday evg. was a grand success,—
financially and otherwise.
the two extremes. The treaty Is a fair
compromise, in which mutual concessions
have been made and mutual advantages
A tornado passed over Tatiderburg and ad-
joiniug counties in Indians. ou Friday, dee.
tvoystal dwellings, balm, etc., and Mille
Many cattle.
Renewed SUONV storms prevail thronglibli' t
England, The roads are coupletely bloaked
ia many places and oatdeo- work ie the
country has been stopped.
Odessa despatches state that a large quan-
tity of cavalry acieontremiints, tools, forges
and other warlike material is awaiting at
Elisabethford 'transportation to the frontier.
Two car loads of superior mares were I
shipped from here on Friday last to Manitoba I
by John Enright.
The young ladies of the Jarnes-st. Metho-
dist church realized upwards of $40 at the
oyster social on Wednesday Met.
Remember the Auction Sale of House-
hold Furniture, &c. of Ira H. Spicer on
Monday next
The Blyth Standard has changed hands
this week. Mr. R. T. White having sold
out to Mr. Watson of Port Elgin vtho will
run it in future.
The elethodist church of Elimville will
give an entertainment anti fruit social on '
Friday evg March 9th. ' Admission, adults
20e, children 15c.
Fishermen at the lake report the winter
herring fishing so far, the best for many
years. Most of those caught have been by
net, but a few have been caught by line. -
Mr. .Gavin Ross, of Hay, sold a team et
young mares the other day for $500. Mr.
Ross keeps some of the finest stock in the
county and can always realize the top figure.
Mr. Thomas Seldon of Ingersoll brother
of Mr. Richard Seldom of this place sus,
d Sundnight
been appointed to complete all thtaineserious
e arrange- btirning of hiloss on ays stablee Ingeisolby the
l. The
ments. The meeting adjoutned to meet
again sit the call of tee President, at an
early data
Some �f the nhilosepliers of the -weather,
bureau have been investigating the low wat-
er pheriomenon in the lakes, and report that
there is no new underground water exit,
and no immediate fear that the St. Law -
t once. system will run dry.. They say that
the lowering of the water level is to be at-
tributed to the hot, dry summer and rain-
less fall of lag year ; but the large Amount. judgmeirt in Mr, Moftat's case, fining huh
of ica end snoW at the north this winter and $100 anti , meets, Angue McKinnon, who
the usual spring rains will restore tie equi- heel the bar at the "One Horse Hotel" in
librimm they expect the water be tip Stephen rented, was also fined fot the first
to its usual level by .Tune next. If this ex- offence $50, and costs. Thos. Hodgins, of
ITotation,fails %erne of the leg cargo cars Centralia, egainse whoni eherge wee pre.,
mers will need to travel nearly flyin light forrecl, :settled paying $100 for the decond
Mr. Alarn Bloomfield, of Brinsley,
had a very narrow escape last Thurs-
day. He was leiding a horse to water
andit suddenlywheeled andkickedhimin
the breast. Luckily he was too faraway
to receive any serious damage.
Mr. Wm. Ritchie, of McGillivray, has
purchased for $200 froMr. Jno. Walk-
er, of Brucefield, a fine Clydesaale filly,
coming three years old, registered, to
replace the one recently sold.
Two frame stores on Mani-st, Wing -
ham were burned; Suuday morning.
They were occupied by J. Mude, tailor;
F. Holloway, insurance agent; Wm. Allen,
barber; and G. Fawcett, tailor. The
buildings were owned by H. W.C. Meyer
and W.H. Hutton, and were Insured.
J. Mude had $1000 in the Glasgow In
suranoe Company. Fawoett's stock was
insured for $100 in the Royal Canadian.
Cause of fire unknowii. Loss on build-
ings about $2000 en contents about 1500.
GIIINT—CARTASLE.—At the residence of the
bride's father, on Feb. 22, by the Rev. R.
Wilson, J. Grant, Ansa Craig, merphant, to
Miss Emma, eldest daugrbter of J. Haskett
I hereby give notice, and caution all Persons
not to give any credit on my account unless a
written order from me is presented, as I will not
be responsible for, nor pay any debts so contract-
Exeter, Feb. 27,1888. JOHN GILLISPIE •
Dress -Making!
-- --x--0
Mrs. Bissett and Miss Weleh beg to inform
the public that they are opening out busi-
ness, and nen be found on the
William and Gidley streets.
Dress -di -taking done in all the Latest Styles.
Lc seeps on Fancy Work given.—Stamping a
specialty. Orders promptly attend -
to. A call solicited.
corner of
Oldtbrattd engluill*tttatiesi
fire was started IT tevo boys, who have been
Over s. week ago Colifity Clerk Adamson
while etirling received a fall, and sustained
injures on the knees that rendered him
quite lame since that time. He is perfectly
satisfied that during the preeeat Lenten
season dancing is not in aster.- --Goderich
At the adjourned Scott Aot coert on Fri-
day lest the Police MagiStrate rendered
Notice to Creditors
HIcEs, W4thlimitker'lgOlAian.
Has the Ager ey ler tile sale of the above in
EXISTAlt. No Spectacles in the Dilarket equal
them in the Rye P riusenvrwa QuALMES they
po ssess, or the GREAT EAsn and COMVORT they
confer on the wearer,
Their use will in actuality eo strengthen the
Eye that it does not become necessary to
ohmage them for limey years. They are there-
fore the ClIBAPEST,
They Are the Best in the World,
They Never Tire the Eye,
And Last Many Years Without Change.
The Sight teeted by our Now Test Card, same
as usedby the leading Oculists thraughout the
In the matter of A—TRICK COUGHLIN
of the Township of Stephen, in the
County of auron, Yeoman and Drover,
an Insolvent.
The above-named Insolvent has made an
assignment of his estate to me, John G quarry,
in:pursuanee of an Act respeeting Assignments,
for the benefit of Creditors, 48 Victoria,.Chapter
28, Ontario, and ardending Acts,: and his credit-
ors are hereby notified to moot at HALL'S
HOTEL, Offa in the said Township of Stephen,
on Saturday, the 3rd day of arch, 1888, at the
hour of twoVelook in the afternoon, to appoint
inspeetors, and ive direetions with reference to
the disposal of the estate,
And notice is hereby given that after the first
day of April. next, the said Assignee will pro-
ceed to distribute the assets of the said Insolvent
among the parties entitled thereto, having re-
gard only to the claims of which notice as re-
quired by the said Act shall have been given to
him, and that lie will not be:liable for any partiof
the said assets to any person or persons of who
debt or claim he shall not jthoeHnNhaevoilhvaAdRilttlisii,
Assignee, Offs.
SolicEitxoerfor Assignee.
Dated this 23rd of February, A. /1),, 1888.
Merchant Tailor,
Has removed to premises one door
north of Browning's drug store, whare
there will be found a
of Buino:s,
1VIesers. Trick & Currelley having retired
from the businees
_ ell Assent d Stook
Irish, French and
Canadian Goods.
Made up on the
Graduate or Cleveland
Cutting School.
Mr John P. Ross
IIes purchased their etock at geettlly mane.
ed pricee, and will open on Monday
next, when geeat bargaite
may be expected. New goods
arebeing achled. A cell eolicited,
or any injurious materials.
14aa'f'r attic, CBLEBEATED 20YAMITI4eTnAIEEL
Having this season purchased most of out
steck direct from manufacturers in England
and Germany ; to do so we had to give our
orders very early in the season, end as the
prospects looked well, WO bought largely.
—THE-- .
And we find that hard times are causing
great depression in trade, we have, therefore.
decided to meet the times by marking all
goods at such Hard Pan Prices as to ensure
a speedy clearance. Therefore, we would in-
vite all intending purchasers to call and in-
spect our stock, and note prioes of all new
Ladies' Dolmans, Jackets and Ulstera, also
Maids' and Misses' Ulsters, all sizes,
Black and Gold silk and satin dress -
goods, in all the nowest colors and
styles, plain and fancy Plushes,
" Hosiery, Gloves, &c.
Ready-made Cictehing,
Hats & Caps. All will be sold at
Lowest Possible Prices.
Are You Looki g
The cheapest cheapest spot in town for
Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Paints, Oils and Glass, &o., &o., &c., if you are, just call a
We axe now offering the balteuce of our Bed& of Axes,
Cross -cut saws, Lamps and Tubular Lanterns, at cost for
30 DAYS 01\TD-5E- I
We would oall your attention to a few of our specialties :—
A Handsome Brass Library Lamp,
A. Large Glass Stand Lamp, new design -
A Good Tubular Lantern
A Good Axe and Randle
An A 1 Manure Mirk - -
And everything at Rook Bottom Prices.for Cash.
$2 50
$1 00
$0 50
$1 00
lt0 80
A full stook of the following lines always on hand -.—Barb wire, Plain Galvanized, An -
ardent and Tiled wire, and Buckthorn Fencing
Having purchased our supply of Binder Twine early we are now in a position to supply
it at the lowest possible price.
A full stoce of tinware of all kinds always in stook. Eavetroughing and roofing a spec-
ialty. Agents for the B de It Metalie Shingle Roofiug. Ask for priees. Agents for the
celebrated Raymond Sewing Machine.
Visitors to Exeter
—Would do well to call andinspect—
One of the Newest, Cheapest & Best Stocks in town.
Black and Colored Cashmeres.. 131solt and Colored Silks and Satins,
Colored Plushes. Melton Cloths, Jersey Cloaks, Black Dress Materials
and Mourning Goods, Woollen shavvla and Fascinators, it, all Colors
and prices,
Also u fine range of Staples. Fine lines of gloves in Kid, Cloth and
IBE 0 S X "2"
Gents' Furniebings.—Fine Display in Hats, Tie , Braces, White and
Colored Handkerchiefs, Shirts and Drawers.
Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, Overooatings, Pantiogs & Suitings.
BOOTS AND SHOES. --A very large consigroent just received, of tbe
very best styles and quality, in Ladies', Gents' and Children's.
A full line of Glassware and Croc.
ery-ware always on hand.
Our Crooery Department is Comp
Botter, Eggs dna all kinds of Produce taken in exchange, a
very highest price pid.
111 • CARLING, •.Main.".