HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-12-20, Page 229w PAGE 22 --C1 [NTON NEWSIRECORD, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2.0, 1979 tri/ _«.wri...r_ .Haan••. li r' �*. •14,4ni ,AMM„ 4A ' IPS I .. WI s� �iilao ow4Plant: ---DAI I`.• FREE amnrit Ay. 'ediote Oct 961-1200 don a .InfQ•m • 1. Articles for sale Fr1PFYT 1.11 FIREWOOD FOR -SALE. For more " information call Wm. Brand, 482.7553.--5.0,51 WHITE ZIG ZAG sewing machine with three drawer cabinet, Phone Jim at 482- 7103 after 6 p.m. -50,51 CHRISTMAS ORDERS being taken now for oven ready Muscovy ducks. Jack Mayhew 482-3176 after 5 p.m. -.50,51 SIMPLICITY WRINGER WASHER; 4 ,years old, ex- cellent condition. Phone 482- 7103 after 6 p.m. Ask for Jjm.-50,51 •FIREPLACE SCREEN, - polished brass frame, black mesh 36" long 26" high, like new. Phone 482-7091.-51x R>pCORDS & TAPES at city prices - at BTR, 20 Isaac St., Clinton, just south of the lights, -51,52 TWO GOODYEAR RALLY G.T. 60-14's, good tires for dune buggy; $5.00 each; automatic radio - 8 track with a pair of 8 ohm speakers, $40.00, good condition. Phone 524- 9293.--51 nc , 1 pr. size 9 men's skates '(new) $35.00 or best offer; Underwood manual typewriter (Elite) excellent ' condition $60.00 or best offer. Phone 482-9770.-51x FUR COATS and jackets for sale, from a leading furrier, trade ins reasonable..prices. Call after 4 p.m. 482-9791.-51 USED "LENNOX" oil furnace, also firewood for sale; wood splitter for hire. Phone 262-5432:=-51,52 GOOD USED Westinghouse dryer. Phone 527-0317.-51 SLAB #'1ARD.WOOD FOR SALE 4 ft. x 4 ft. x 4 ft. Will Deliver. '25. bundle. Good for fireplace or wood stove. PHONE 482-9347 roziyagyozstforzimazwzari g GIFT i g SUGGESTIONS g ii New and used bikes, g lights. . locks, g speedmeters and other accessories. DON'S BICYCLE ii AND REPAIR wiN 305 Ontario Street M1 Clinton 11 482-994V it>:4intloSS 3`moiWASt eS NEW MATTRESSES Everyday Prices Lower Than Most Sales 40 DINETTE SU ITES of Wood and Chrome C&E Furniture NEW AND USED Y mil. south'on hwy. 21 GoderIch 524-7231 Wir Tokio Trades , VANASTRA ; HOME FURNISHINGS 2 Miles seuthM of Clinton ( .on Highway No. 4 • •NEWOR USED v I4OME FURNISHINGS (, .APPLIANCES e •LAWN ORNAMENTS Opens 6 da"244 l's c..lnirebMt Clinton News-Recoir(1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads Tuesday Noon Display Advertising Tuesday 4:00 p.m. RATES: '3.00 for first 22 words ('2.50 if paid within one week of publication). Additional words 14' each. Different rates apply to classifications 19, 20 and 30. Box number '2.00 extra per week. Engagement and wedding announ- cements '4.50. CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Articles for sale 2. Mobile Homes 2.1. •+tertertier tie.ort� 3. Articles for rent 4. Articles Ranted i. Cars, trucks for sale 6. Pets 7. Real estate for sale %. Recreational 8. Real estate wanted 9. At c ommodation to rent 91. I'rot.►.•rt) for tient IGt•ner.11l 10. Vt anti`d to rent 11. Room and hoard 12. Help.$santed 1 i. %% anted (general) 14. t nrplos ment wanted ' PHONE 15. 1 enders 16. Mortgages 17. Auction Sales 18. Services available 19. Notice to creditors 20. Public notices 21. Personal 22. Lost and found 23, Miscellaneous 24. Business opportunitie' 25. To give away 26. Births 27. 'Deaths 28. Engagements 29. Alarriages 30. In memoriam 11. Cards of thanks 482-3443 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:00 a.m. to 5 p. 1. Articles for sale HOOVER WASHER Spin Dryer in very good con- dition. Must sell family growing. • Phone 565- •2119.=--51,52 SMALL ELECTRIC ORGAN. like new $50. -2 electric heaters: For more in- formation. Phone 565- 2185.-51 WESTINGHOUSE top loading dishwasher in ex- cellent condition; white bathroom sink;red leather chair; lady Schick 'hair- dryer. No reasonable offer refused. Phone 482-9880 after 5 p.m. -51 SINGER stylist sewing machine, -' 6 yrs. $125.00. Phone- 523-4376.-51,52 TWO REAL QUIET ' mare ponies, one -4 yrs. - broken to ride; one - 2 yrs. phone .David Livingston 482- 7555.-51 1979 POLARIS TXL with cover less than 500 miles. Phone 524-6547 after 4:30 p.m. -51 USED T.V. & APPLIANCES 1 ONLY Rogers Majestic Cabinet stereo $200. 2 ONLY. • Admiral 25" Colour $299. 1 ANLY Rogers Majestic Modular 4 Colour =350. LAUNDRY 1-McClary 500 Automatic Washer =250. 1-McCiory 500 Automatic Dryer =150. (Matching Pair) 1 -Twin Tub Washer ;150. Several Used Dryers priced from 900. 1 ONLY Frigidaire 24" Range *75. GROVES T.V. & APPLIANCES &loin Corner, Clifitoti 482.9414 1. Articles for sale WHITEHALL FARM apple orchards has Northern Spys and MacIntosh apples. Phone the Don Middletons 482-9838.-49-51nc YOU CAN GET your - Hospital Medical Insurance'. at Ontario Motor League, 7 Rattenbury St., Clinton. Phone 482-9300.-49-51ar OVEN READY GEESE for sale, $1.25 per pound. Phone 482-7140 or 482-3162 anytime. -50-52 SPECIAL OCCASION cakes baked and decorated +.to order. Phone 482-3769.-50,51 DRY HARDWOOD. Will deliver'. Bob Thompson. Phone 482-7171.-51-1 2. Mobile Homes 1975 12' x 60' Mobile Home, as is - Phone 482-3479 for • viewing. -50,51,,, 3. Articles for rent FORMAL RENTALS - Dress up! Go formal! We have the complete Wedding Service at Campbell's Men's Wear Main St., Clinton (Formerly Pickett and Campbell's Ltd.) -14t1 PLYWOOD forms, wedges, mixer power trowel etc. Form ties stocked. For in- formation call M.J. Corriveau, Zurich 236-4954 after 4 p.m. weekdays. Anytime weekends.-19tfar 4. Articles wanted WANTED:' Good used fur- niture. Phone 482- 7922.-8tfa r WANTED: Old Brick Buildings for Demolition and Salvage purposes. Contact Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia. 1-542-4088; Ontario's largest supplier of reclaimed bricks.--11tfar 5. Cars, trucks for sale 1976 FORD 4 wheel drive t/2 ton truck; 360 4 speed, ps and pb, free Wheeling hubs, many new parts, Ziebarted when new; $3500. Phone 524- 6421.-51 I • 1972 FORD Ml 'STAN'G 351 (Cleveland), V-8 automatic, power steering and brakes, 4 chrome slotted triags; 2 new Firestone Super Sport 50's, thra's'h snuff ler, C'r�a ig 8 track and 401, att amplifier,speakers in luded. E�coelleht running onditiotk. Best diet. Phone 524 9293. 1nc P Ei ' Oro 1,lr 4../ 15 yf 11,1 24 I .w/FR sit . ID It}.1 Afel JI ilkl"*• t/ -, 5. Cars, trucks for sale 7. Real estate for sale 7. Real estate for sale 7. Real estate for sale 7. Real estate for sale 9• Accommodation o rent 1978 4 -WHEEL DRIVE, Subaru Brat, 20,000 miles, 30 miles per gal. $5,300. Phone 527-1398 or 527-0606.--50 KIPPEN: 3 bedroom white aluminum house, large lot, completely renovated, patio, family room, with Franklin, 32' x 32' workshop. Phone 453-0369 - for ap- pointment. -49-52 Soo& reetiv Merry Christn-las one and all. Hope it's abundant in joy and peace. Thanks to all. from George Cutler RES: 524-2665 482-9782 REPRESENTING •GREEN PARENT r FORD AMEr4CURY SALES LTD. 263 HURON RD., GODERICH 6. Pets HORSES BOARDED: Box stalls, $65 per month, ex- cellent riding area, outside ring, possible indoor arena this winter. Phone after 6 p.m. 482- 9960. -43 tf n c A 1 LAUCKNER REALTY INC. Member of the London St. Thomas MLS MAIN STREET - DASH - WOOD - Vacant store, 3000 sq. ft., locker room 27' x 17', electric heated - brick house, 4 bedroom family room, diningroom, kitchen, 13' x 10' office, 2 bathrooms, store may be purchased separately. Executive ranch style home 1600 s.q. feet. 5 bedrooms, two 4 pc. baths one- 2 pc., living. dining room and kit- chen. Basement 20 x 20 rec room with 12 ft,' stone fireplace. 70 ft. T.V. tower, spring creek, situated on 12 plus acres of good land: Many other extras. Phone for appointment to see through this exclusive property. Restaurant and Gas Station - on corner of 1$ two busy highways, 3/o ?' acre lot, a making of a good family business - good buildings. Ideal summer cottage in quiet subdivision with good view of lake - 3 bedrooms, Iivingroom, diningroom, kitchen area, electvkc'•,heat, drilled water supply, fully furnished with bet, ter than average fur- niture, 80' x 150' lot. This is a real buy. 3 , bedroom cottage, close to lake, 4 pc. bath, diningroom, "kitchen, electric heat, lot 83' x 250'. Lots for Sale LISTINGS WANTED ADAM FLOWERS Box 41, Bayfield 565-2813 } Attention Farmers A. For sale ONE 10 ton feed bin, needs work. Phone evenings 523- 9409.-51,52 BALED HAY and straw. Preane 482-3340.-51-1x 11111111111111111111111111111101100111/1111111111 YANiNAR DIE$EL POWER DOES' IT BETTER' '131/2 h.p.- 33 h.p. Huron County's Yanmar Dealer AND SONS LTD; CLINTON 482-3409 omeinamanimmion D. Livestock FOR SALE: Good selection of Hampshire, Yorkshire, Hamp x York and York x Landrace -boars. Also available gilts of these breeds and crosses. 'Bob Robinson, Walton 345- 2317,-50,51. HefisaII livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:30 P.M. All classes of Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargroavor 462.1511 Clinton Barry Milton 236.2711 Exciter and 229.6203 Kirk ton FARMERS For all your new farm buildings BIG OR SMALL"! Give Ray 'Lambert Construction a cods Pone 482.3 OS l Real Estate Ltd. Clinton Phone: 482-9371 Residence: 523-9338 HULLETT TWP. - 6 acre hog operation, liquid cleanout. Good brick home. CLINTON - 11/2 storey 3 bedroom home with sun - porch, double garage. Situated on large lot. Close to uptown. HURON ST. - 2 floor 3 bedroom frame home with 2 room apartment for extra income. HULLETT TWP.. - 33 acre, farm on Hwy. 4, 2 miles south of Blyth. Good buildings. Setup for farrowing. VANASTRA - close to school, double dwelling, 4 bedroom each unit. 18 ACRES - near Varna, new home, very scenic. HULLETT TWP. - 10 acres with 4 bedroom home and Targe workshop. Low down payment. FOOD FOR THOUGHT Mincing your words makes it easier if you have to eat them later. HOUSE PLANS DRAWN • residential design n architectural drafting • project management free estimates - no obligation SCHAEFER RESIDENTIAL DESIGN LISTOWEL 291-1449 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111101 REALTY 11 WORLD [NM MEMBER BROKER SHAREN • REALTY AND INSURANCE LTD. PEP IOW WE WOULD LIKE TO EXTEND SEASON'S GREETINGS TO ALL! MILT VAN PATTER BAYFIELD 565-2117 41' c As we gather together to share the a blessings and joy of the holiday with those we love, we greet old friends and say thanks. ENIB BELL BILL TARABA CLEO COLQUHOUN ORTON LOGAN MARIANNE GERDES JACK CUMMINGS JOHN'aCHNEIKER BILL CLIFFORD ALLAN AMY BILL CLIFFORD REALTOR GODERICH SEAFOkkTH %:{i}'}r%Y}: %SC+'%'i::K??%•;,}nr •: `•:?•:{} :::•} ••:•:S'}'r <'•?:??:Y +•.} •})•.i ;•}v.:.•: •r.,. • • >,{.,: Oyu % ;.;.}??<:� :%:'v':;?:+':<.•:•'r:??T.%$'r:{v:.•r:•••}r}%::r: •i:,+.%'% ..;?:ti:: 'r,}r•:%'�{,+:j:{ • •.:v::$:i:�::: � r.;:. .�.::.•>.?�i•:2%r:,%:•' , ..::; ? n..•:.:•`•:. REAL ESTATE LTD. CLiNTaNitAROL DWORMAN' 48-345�5'` DIRK VAN'`DE'iERN 483165 11EN'SALL. RO'N b iR& 1614144 IMF' RTINM HENRY MERO.527• 0430 REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTOR. 1182-3766 ,11 r,. 41 114, Air Our Wish For You... Have the merriest Christmas ever! 1► ei0 John and Moranne Duddy Bud and Leah.. - Kuehl John Thompson • 1 9. Accommodation to rent ' HOUSES FOR RENT in Vanastra. Phone 482- 3278.-41 tfa r ,+ THREE BEDROOM DUPLEX, close to Post Office and downtown area, newly decorated_ . Available first part of 'December. Phone 482-7065.-42tfar , NEWLY DECORATED ready for. occupancy 1 block from uptown, self-contained semi-detached home with private drive, $195. monthly, references required. Phone 482-9371 or 482-7391.--48-51 MODERN FARM HOME for rent, 4 bedrooms, 11/2 baths, 1/2 mile east' of Zurich on paved road. Phone 262-2928 after 5 p.m. 262-5768.-49,52 VANASTRA FOUR BEDROOM semi-detached. References. Phone 523-4299 after 6 p.m. or weekend- s.-51tf IN NEW APARTMENT BUILDING 2 apartments available immediately. Rent $200 month,; Phone 482-7652 or 482-7957.-51 TWO BEDROOM apartment for rent in Clinton. Couples only. Phone 357-U97.-51 FOR RENT 2-2 Bedroom, broadloom throughout, stove, fridge, balcony, controlled entrance, air conditioning. ALL utilities paid. Phone 524-2920 12. Help wanted ELIZABETH COURT • Locain HensatedH 1 and 2 bedrooms available now, Jan. or Feb. 1 •Shag carpeting throughout, •Kelvinator Appliances •Laundry Facilities •AII utilities paid FOR ENQUIRIES HENSALL 262-2129tf LONDON 433-7781 . 12. Help wanted ASSISTANT MANAGER Mature experienced salesperson for family department store in Western Ontario town. Steady em- ployment, good future. Write Lloyd Alter, 35 Harrison Cres., London, Ontario.-5lbc ' REPORTER AND -or associate editor required by, community newspaper in Alberta. Call 403-926-2000 or write MacKenzie Highway News Ltd. Box 1018 High Level, Alberta TOH 1 Z0.-51 be MAJOR SUPPLIER of custom-built home systems seeks a representative in your area. Be the first to offer over 300 floor plans. - Please address inquiries to - Territory Manager, Tri-ang Home Systems. P:O. Box' 339, Lancaster, Ontario. KOC 1NO. 613-347-3737�T-51 be 13. Wanted (general) RIDE WANTED from Goderich to Clinton, Monday through Friday ap- proximately 5:30 or 6:00 p.m. Phone 482-3647.-51x 18. Services available Custom Slaughtering and Processing kill Day Wednesday DASHWOOD 237-3677 JOHN KASSIES GENERAL CONTRACTING * Farm Buildings * Additions *-Renovations Phone 482-3063 12. Help wanted warm SALES REPRESENTATIVE An aggressive marketing team is being established for the sale and servile of Farm Business Management Programs in r the Canadian farm market. Fourteen new sales positions are being created across Ontario. A farm background, and a degree in agriculture or business management is required. Sales ex- perience would be a definite asset. An ap- preciation of financial management as it relates to profitability of a farm business is highly desirable. Our company is an internationally recognized leader in the development of innovative Farm Management Programs and has a high calibre Matti i f Product Specialists available for staff training and sales support. Pledge forward tesume to: Porsonnal Manager Canfarm Co -opera sive Services ox 1024 uolph, Ontario 11•16N1 11 4