HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-12-20, Page 16AN't . PA EMB kt PA 1979 Jason MacLean and Ricky Lobb got their seasons a little mixed up during a skit put on by the Grade 3 class at Clinton Public School's Christmas concert last Monday night. It seems the Easter B11 unnny got his dates mixed up. (News -Record photo) Christmas, a time for lov( By Rev. James Broadfoot St. Pauls Anglican Church As in years past, devout Christians from all over .the world, will be gathering in Bethlehem, for December 25, to once again celebrate the birth of a baby - a baby born in a simple manger in a stable out behind an inn. As the Christians gather in Bethlehem, they won't• come to that same manger in a stable, but rather they will crowd into the Church\ of the Nativity, which purports to be the spot where the stable stood. It is not important to most Christians whether or not this baby was born on December 25, or whether the Church of the Nativity is on the actual spot where the manger once stood. What is important is that this child was seen as the fulfillment of the prophecies of Isaiah. "For to us a child is born, to us a son is given...and- His namewill be called `Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace...' " Also: "Behold .a young woman shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. '(Immanuel means 'God with us'.) The stage had been set and Bethlehem, the city of David; was to be the place. A young woman was to bear the child; the message was to go out to the shepherds ; ,and a star would guide the wise men. So it was as St. Paul would later write: "...when the time had fully come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman". Matthew tells us that everything took place as it had'been told by the prophet. This was the context in. which God's tender love for all mankind was revealed.. The name of this child and the purpose of his birth were revealed to Joseph. "You shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins". God took upon Himself our own nature in order that, He could, be identified with and be one. with us. Christ's presence in the world has meant that something eternal is, at stake in every moment in our lives. In all things, God's purpose is . being worked out in our lives. Christmas, then, for the Christian, is truly a time of celebration - a celebration of our freedom in Jesus Christ, and of the fact that our reconciliation with God has been worked out in Jesus Christ. It is more than. just a time of giving things to those who have given things to us. It is a time when we not only redirect our concerns and compassion for the or- phans, the widows; the destitute*,and the homeless, b�ut also that we visibly demonstrate "that God is of love, and he who loves is born of God and knows God",, Radars dear guest speaker The banquet room and tables at the Clinton Legion Hall were bright with Christmas decorations and candles for the Christmas banquet of the Golden Radar Club on Wed- nesday evening December 12. At 6 p.m., 77 ..guests sat down to a delicious turkey dinner served by the Legion Ladies Auxiliary. The head table guests were escorted to their seats by the mouth organ music of .Watt Webster. At the close of the meal, Minlue Rum ball extended a vote of thanks to the ladies of the auxiliary. Mr. Ed Johns then introduced the guest SPECIAL HOLIDAY SEASON HOURS The Special Hours . which appeared in The Huron Shopping News were incorrect. They should have read: Monday to Saturday, Dec. 17 to 22 OPEN FROM 9 TO 9 Sunday, Dec. 23: 1 to 9, Monday, Dec. 24: 9 to 6 Closed Christmas Day Open .Boxing Day, Dec. 26: 9.6 Thursday, December 27:9-6 Friday, Dec. 28: 9 to 9, Saturday, Dec. 29: 9 to 6 Sunday, December 30: 1 to 6 Monday, December 31: 9 to 6 January 1, New Years Day., Closed January 2 - Resume Regular Hours •Ot WOOL LEAVNER P'aotucrs �oiniontr••• 3)33344 infon SINCt 1141 . TUE ORIGINAL OLD MILL AICD FACTORY OUT. �T litt RL'T At tihd Raliwdy tack $Inco 1844 523.4666 speaker for _the evening, Rev. John Oestreicher. His topic was "what I like" about Christmas". The four things on which he dwelt were: food, the child -likeness of Christmas;' memories and the spirit of sharing. Ceacilia Edgar expressed a vote of thanks to the speaker anal `presented him with a gift • of ap- preciation. Rev. Oestreicher then drew tickets for two door prizes which were trays of delicious fresh fruits and were won by Blanche Stephenson and Lillian Orpen. Prizes for three lucky chairs were won by Elmer Trick, Esther Kendall • and John Deeves. The presentation ' of -past president's pin to Mrs. Mary Grigg. was made by Muriel Jones. Everyone then joined in a sing song of Christmas Carols led by Lorna Radford at the piano. Watt Webster entertained with his mouth organ and Elmer Trick with piano solos. The remainder .of the evening ' was ' spent in progressive euchre. The. men's prizes werewon by Ed peeves high and Angus Stephen low. Mary Wallis won the ladies high prize and Leila Johnston the low one. Ernie Crich won a prize for most lone hands. The weather was ideal and allreported a good time. uc�cersm; At their meeting on p:ecem ber . 11 the Tuckersrnth Unit 1 of the Brucefield UCW .chose their new officers for the upcoming year. They include: p sident, Mrs. Hazel McCartney; vice president,, Mrs. 'Minnie Walters; secretary, Mt -Beatrice Stoll`; treasurer, Mrs vho • Prrry and Mrs. Jean (Henderson: cards th UCJ,..:'m eet and flowers, Mrs. Vi Ross; pianist, Mrs. Ann Broadfoot. Before the meeting a pot luck dinner ' was served by Mrs. Muriel Allan and other ladies of the group.. Twenty were present at the meal, including Romp niiAStc alo g with Rev. and Mrs: Mc len and their baby Brumfield UC WIid" candlelight serz•i€ Stanley Unit of Brucefield UCW were the hostesses for the Christmas pot luck dinner and meeting on Tuesday. After a beautiful meal, the meeting opened with Mrs. D. Triebner reading a poem "A Christmas wish", and Mrs. W. Scott read a story "In search of Christmas". Mrs. Alex McBeath was leader for the can-. dlelight service based on the UCW purpose. • Candles were lit representing' Witness study fellowship. The service was conducted by Mrs. W. Caldwell, Mrs. ,D. Triebner, Mrs. W. McBeath and Mrs. C. Henders6n. Mrs. W. Scott, Mrs. H. Taylor and Mrs. W. Baird also took part. After the offering, a carol was sung and - prayer was given by the leader. Mrs. Arnold Taylor the president, welcoitied everyone and gave out the programs for 1980 to the members. Mrs. E. SUPERIOR MEMORIALS ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS Stoll gave the secretary's report and called the roll and the card and treasurer's reports were given. The 1 M.S. allocation was discussed and it was moved by Mrs. R. Walters and seconded by Mrs. D. Triebner-to give $8 as well as having one meeting set aside for the M & S fund. Mrs. J. Moffat read a letter from our foster -child in Haiti and told of the new study book on Japan. The secretary read letters from Alma College, the • Children's War Memorial Hospital and Alcohol and Drug Concern and money was voted to each of them. A letter was read regarding Singtime. Reports for the year will be given at the January meeting. Rev. R. McMullen closed the meeting with Drayer. daughter Jennifer. Mrs, Elsie Henderson and Mrs. Della Clarke of Huronyiew were also. present. The various com- mittees showed a. very successful year and the penny sale did• well and 'the ccaptains were Mrs. Ross and Mrs. Vina Berry. They realized almost $200: . Mrs. Marg Lince and Mrs. Jean Henderson were in charge of the devotion period and the meeting opened with a ,hymn with Mrs. Hen- deson at the piano. The offering was received by Mrs. Lince and . thee retiring president, "Mrs. Broad - foot chaired th,pbusiness portion of the mee ing. After the close the meeting lunch and coQee were served. • Csuatjnteed • Buy Direct and 13US. PHONE 347-1910 ! RES. 357-1015 ' MARI.,ERS .CEM.ETERY LETTERING MONUMENT CLEANIING & .REPAIR DON DINOMME AREA REPRESENTATIVE FOR AN APPOINTMENT ANYTIME Phone 52..4. -6621 . T. PRYDE & SON LTD. BUSINESS EST. 1920 A Blessed Christmas and may the New Year bring Peace on Earth and Good Will Among Men ' from the Rector. Wardens and Members of St. Paul's Anglican Church, Clinton Wingham Memorials Granite • Cemetery Lettering save Commissions. • Y"o are invited to S . Paul's Anglican Church CLINTON on D cember 24 - 9:00 p.m. for the FAMILY Cil ISTMAS EVE SERVICE of HOL COMMUNION SERMON: GLORY TO G Q D SPECIAL MUSIC BY THE CHOIR RECTOR: THE REV. JAMES R. • CLINTONSEAFORTH Areq Representative MICHAEL FALCONER 153 High Street CLINTON 482-9441' GODERICH AREA Representative ROBERT McCALLUM 11 Cambria -Road GODRICH 524= 345 ANGLICAN ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH THE REV. JAMES R. BROADFOOT, B A;, M. DIV. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1979 4TH SUNDAY IN ADVENT 11:30 a.m. Service of Lessons and Carols. Special music by the choir, MONDAY, DECEMBER 24: Christmas Eve. "Christ - Mass" 9 p.m. Family Christmas Eve Service of Holy Com- munion SERMON: "GLORY TO GOD" CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 243 Princess St. E. REV..ARIE VANDEN BERG B.D. • Th M. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1979 10 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE SERMON: "IN THE DAYS OF HEROD" 7:30 P.M. CHRISTMAS CANDLELIGHT SERVICE SERMON: "GLORY TO GOD" CHOIR CANTATA: "THE SONG OF THE ANGELS" CHRISTMAS DAY -'DEC, 25 10 A.M. SERMON: "THE BIRTH OF JESUS" Participation of Junior Congregation and Sunday School All are invited to join with us in the services of joy and celebration. hliBtmas.W Orating's We send you a treasury of old fashioned holiday greetings TRINITY CHURCH BAYFIELD ST. JAMES' CHURCH MIDDLE roN RECTOR: REV. WM. BENNETT SUNDAY, -DECEMBER 23, 1979 ADVENT -IV 8 a.m. Holy Cnm,munion (Trinity) 10 00 a.m. Carols, Readings and S.S•,.,_Pageant Trinity 11:15 a.m. Mattins • St. James SERVICES OF CHRISTMAS Monday, December 24• /:30 p.m. Carols and Holy Communion St. James' Middleton ' 11:00 p.m. Carols :and Holy Communion Trinity Bayfield CHRISTMAS DAY 10:00 a.m. Said Eucharist Trinity he Rector at all Services Two small, very friendly churches welcome you to ,hare in the traditional Anglican Prayer Book ser Aces. (1962 Canadian BCP) CALVARY PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 160 Victoria Street Pastor Wayne Lester 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Morning Worsnip 1.00 p.m. Wednesday. Prayer Service ALL WELCOME ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH THE REV. THOMAS A. A. DUKE CHARLES MERRILL ORGANIST SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1979 10 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP 10 a.m, SUNDAY SCHOOL All Welcorr': cxnd sincere 0 "Holding Forth the Word of Life" Phil. 2 15 PASTOR: Rev Les Shiel 565 2659 SUNDAY - 10 A.M. FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL 11 A.M. CHRISTMAS SERVICE WEDNESDAY -8 P.M. PRAYER AND BIBLE STUDY 7:30 P.M. PRESENTATION OF BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS CANTATA BIRTHDAY OF THE KING Ontario Street United Church 105 Ontario St., Clinton, Ont. Minister: Rev. R. Norman Pick Organist: Mrs. Doris McKinley SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1979 4TH SUNDAY IN ADVENT 11 00 A.M. PUBLIC WORSHIP DECEMBER 24 - 7:30 P.M:- - CHRISTMAS EVE FAMILY'SERVICE. REV. JOHN OESTREICHER PR EACH ING. DECEMBER 24 - MIDNIGHT SERVICE OF HOLY COMMUNION TO CELEBRATE CHRIST'S BIRTH. You and Your Family are Welcome in this Bible Believing Fundamental Baptist Church. R.R. 2, CLINTON rttlle eft bf clihton Ian H1g Wvoy No., CORDON AND SHIRLEY. StEEPE STEWART VRIESINGO VIVIAN SPENCE ' • NEIL WAMMES TRAVEL.ON SALES & SERVICE • 482- 364 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH , CLINTON SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1979 MR. EDWARD J ANDERSON PASTOR 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 if. a.m. Morning Worship Everyone Welcome WESLEY-WILLIS UNITED CHURCH - CATHCJLIC SAINT JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC CHURCH James St., Clinti. n Phdne 482.9468 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1979 FATHER J. HARDY ' ADVENT IV MASS SATURDAY 8 p,m. SUNDAY 11 a.m. CONFESSION SATURDAY 7:15 P.M. BUS FROM VANASTRr. 11 we Lorne PEOPLE .SERVING GOD THROUGH SERVING PEOPLE MINSTER JOHN S. OESTREICHER B.A. B R.E ORGANIST MISS CATHARINE POTTER CHOIR DIRECTOR MRS. WM. HEARN SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1979 11:00 a.m. Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Sunday School and Nursery ADVENT IV SERMON: "CHRISTMAS IS...." Music by primary junior and senior choirs and Church Band Dec. 24 CHRISTMAS EVE UNION SERVICES at Ontario St. Church at 7:30 p.m. and 12 midnight HOLMESVILLE UNITED CHURCH ' 9:45 a.m. Worship and Sunday. School SERMON: "CHRISTMAS IS...." • Music by Senior Choir Dec. 24 - 8:30 p.m. CH ISTMAS EVE SERVICE 4