HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-12-20, Page 11The Kindergarten "A" class at Huron Centennial
School in Brucefield showed their voices were in
fine form for the concert the school put on Wed -
nesday night. They sang, Now December's Here.
(News -Record photo)
Baptists enjoy supper and concert
The annual church
family'dinner was held in
the Sunday School rooms
of the Bayfield Baptik
Church Saturday evening a sumptuous dinner
served buffet §tyle
when everyone enjoying followed by . a short
1!,.:Y•" ••••
As this quiet scene
reflects Christmas peace,
may all share its true tranquility.
program. Gifts were
presented in appreciation
to Mrs. Jean Greer, who
takes care of the nursery
every Suiiday in the
Church, and _also to our
music specialists, Miss
Shirley Keys and Mrs.
Cathi Cullen, who take
care. of the organ music
and Mrs. Muriel Snider,
at the piano.
The candles were lit on
the tables and the lights
turned off for a beautiful
carol sing. Mrs. Gloria
Topping of Woodstock
was the guest soloist and
sang two lovely solos and
her daughter, Karen -Ann
played 'a piano solo.
Pastor Loshbough from
the Exeter 'Baptist
Church gave a short
message, his main theme
being "If I had only
known" including the
Innkeeper in Bethlehem,
who could have said that
Jesus the. Saviour was
right there in his inn and
he could have let Him
have his room. Will we
too hear people dying
with this on their lips,. if I
had only known. He
challenged each to go and
tell others about the Birth
of the Saviour.
There was one sad note
to the evening when Mrs.
Ivor Bodenham suffered
a severe heart attack and
had to go to. University
Hospital in London where
she is doing as well as can
be expected.' Our 'hearts
and prayers are with her
and the family.
Sunday services at the
Bayfield Baptist Church
were well attended, with
18 on the Sunday School
bus. The pastor, Rev. Les
Shiel used 1st Kings
chapter 19, verses one to
18, and spoke about
Elijah, man of God who
had just had a great
spiritual victory and now
was mentally, physically
and spiritually exhausted
and ran away from the
threats of the queen.
Sympathy is extended
to the family of Mrs.
'Agnes Cameron who
passed away Sunday
afternoon in the Clinton
Next Sunday,
December 23, the choir
will be presenting their
annual cantata. This has
been well prepared and
will prove a great
blessing to all who attend.
Everyone is welcome on
December 23, at 8 p.m.
Carol in
the streets.
Friday evening about
twenty people. from the
Bayfjeld Baptist Church
met at the Church and
went out to sing Christ-
mas Carols. They were
taken around the neigh-
-bourhood by Tom
Penhale with his lovely
team and wagon.
The singers sure en-
joyed themselves and the
homes where they
stopped really did ap-
preciate the effort • put
into this form of en-
tertainment. They
returned to the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Norm
Talbot for hotchocolate,
Baptist wpmeri
Make boxes
Janet Talbot
The Christmas meeting
of the Women's
Missionary Fellowship of
the Bayfield Baptist'
Church was held on
Tuesday evening 'atthe
home of Mrs. Ann
Chapman with ° the
president, Mts. Janet •
'Talbot, in charge.
The meeting began
with the singing of ,a
Christmas carol and a
prayer. The secretary's
.report was read and
adopted, the plans for the
Church family dinner
cuNToNNw$-RgcoRp, muRsPW, mcgMPER 0, 979PAE 11
or $hut ins
were discussed and the
carol singing for Friday
night announced. A short
comedy skit was then
acted out, the readers
included Sandra.
Ann Chapman, Stella
Shiel, Janet Talbot and
Mary Keys.
A letter •from• Pastor ,
.Brubaeker, reporting on
the many Gospel signs
that have been put up in
so many places and the
blessings that have been
received by people seeing
these signs, proving over
again that this is indeed,a
great migsionary
Middleton news
Blanche Deeves
Morning prayer was
held in St. James Church
on Sunday morning and
during the service Lois
Wise read the lessons.
The third candle of love
was lit by Rev. Pitts and
the sermon. topic was
When We Open The DOor.
Ray Wise and Edward
Deeves received the
offering and Rev. D. Pitts
was in charge of the
service in the absence of
Our Rev. Bennett.
Next Sunday,
December 23, morning
prayer will be held in St.
James on December 24,
Christmas Vigil (Eve)
will be held at 7:30 p.m.
and Carols 'and Holy
Communion service "is on
Sunday, December 30.
• On DeceMber 13, the
ACW of, St.lames met at
the home of Blanche
Deeves. Lois Wise began
the meeting by
welcoming everyone, and
thanking Mrs. Deeves for
opening her home which
was decorated for the
season. Mrs. Wise read a
poem and Jeanne Bennett
gave a Christmas
scripture reading. Mrs.
Wise read the meditation
and led the ladies in
Estelle Wise read the.
minutes1 of .the last
meeting in(the absence of
Shirley Storey, and also
read the correspondence.
Vera Miller gave the
treasurer's report and
the social services report
was given by Mrs.
Deeves. Lois Smith gave
her annual report on the
foster child. Delores
Dutot gave her annual
reporl. on supply and Mrs.
Deeves gave her annual
report on social services.
Jeanne Bennett read a
letter from her daughter
in the Netherlands and
told the ladies how
,Christmas is spent there
and how they celebrate
on different days.
Discussions were held on
quilting and the .budget
and the meeting closed in
prayer. Lunch was.
served by the host,
assisted by Marion Smith
and Delores Dutot.
Many from this area
enjoyed the township
dance on Saturday night
at the White Carnation.
•." Good to hear that Tessa
Steenstra is doing so web
in St. Joseph's Hospital,
Merry Christmas to all
the readers and thanks to
all those who have helped
me put this column
United Co -Operatives
of Ontario
Livestock Department
Ship your livestock
Monday is shipping
day from .
Varno Stockyard
Roy Scotchmer
Call Dashwood 238-2707
or Bayfield 565-2636
By 730 a.rn. Monday
for prompt service
Mrs. Lillian Steckle
then brought a Christmas
She suggested that we too
can enjoy every joy and
every privilege that the
shepherds had when the
Angels told thernof the
birth of the Christ Child.
The meeting. closed
with 'Mrs. Steckle reading
two of her poems and 411
prayer by Mrs. Stella
Shiels. Refreshments
were served by the
hostess. Boxes were
prepared to be presented
toot r shut -is.
wishes for health '
and happiness, peace and good will, to all.
from Bob, Carolyn, Sandy, Bobby.
• Kim
Snell Plumbing & Heating
hristm s
for that
Special Man
ortzZ...`.. •
"el 11111111
. ;14: efigni
iesti. \
Sending a Oft of warm
Christmas wishes to our
_many fine friends.
Tues., Dec. 25 - CLOSED
Wed., Dec. 26. CLOSED
Thurs. - Sat. Dec. 27 - 29 -
Regular hours
Mon., Dec. 31 - Regular hours Thanks.
Tues., Jan. 1 - CLOSED
Gord and Jean Herman
May your holiday
suit you perfectly.
Don't miss the last draw!
DEC. 24 - '100.
.-41;s=mrszimyszmsmmz•mmsrAimdzs,-immv;txmm•msmmtmsmcm•m-mmm.me:Atm.ma-mre;zmtic tS'DtttP.
,, ...
.1111. 111,11,1
d I, Wishing you bright holidays
as Christmas lights up the world.
It's a pleasure to serve you.
Jack. Riddell
MPP Huron -Middlesex
IVJ.ay the spirit of
brotherhood and good
will be yours throughout
the Yuletide and its
sacred message echo
around the world, for all
to share. Thanks to our
friends........ may you
go in pOcroe.
• is
In this season of happy thoughts and warm
hearts, we extend a special "Thank you" to all our good
friends and patrons for your confidence,
loyalty and support . . a Merry Christmas to all!
;The Riddell family extends to you our,
Warivii0nsgt and the spirit of hristmai be wth Cii
Christmas greetings. May the true
yciu throughout the New
73 Mar V Strout
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