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Clinton News-Record, 1979-12-20, Page 2
„ • PAGE 2 —LLINTON NEWS-RicQ116, TWIRSUAY;.PECEMBER 20, 19'79 If you've been passing News -Record staff on the streets this past week with a detached, pre- dtcupied look - that's because we've all got CEF, that's Christmas Edition fever. Gary and Heather have worked long and hard preparing the greetings of mer- chants and servicers - be • sure and read these ads they were carefully chcisen by those placing them. Jim and Shelley have been shutterbugging all over town - in fact, Tuesday we thought Shelley would be meeting herself going out the door as she rushed to cover as many school concerts as possible. Freda has been writing her arm off to make sure all those gift cards go out for the many subscriptio s, which are sent a,s pr- s. Howe m r our staff - weare ate to have three days holiday next week. Let's have a word of appreciation for all who Will' be spending Christmas Day at work, the doctors and nurses on call or on duty, police and volunteer firemen, telephone operators and others. We wish to say a special. thank -you to Rev. Broadfoot and Father Hardy fir re -informing us on their ads which were temporarily misplaced. The whole effort goes to the press today - and along with the print and pictures go our combined wishes for a happy last Christmas of the 70's. In wishing to convey a thought on Christmas I Couldn't have come up with anything to touch the following which came to my desk yesterday: "With so much em- phasis being placed on WISHES A HAPPY BIRTHDAY On To Jackie Slotegraaf Clinton. December 22 Nancy Shropshall Clinton. December 23 Kathy Cummings Laval, Que. December 24 Christopher Merrill Vancouver, B.C. December25 To Join - just come into the News -Record office, 53 Albert St. Clinton or phone 482-3443 and have your name entered in the Birthday Book and get your FRE E button: the 'spirit g,rtstmas' at this season of the year, it is refreshing to learn that.. this 'spirit' exists in the hearts of some people throughout the year. Evidence of this has been recently portrayed by the. residents of the 16th and Maitland Concessions of Goderich Township when thW-combined to harvest a neighbor's bean ' and torn crop, then com- pleted the fall plowing of these same acres. A farmer is no stranger to the numerous 'chores' which have to be wound up before winter sets in and, along with these kind folks, several friends from putside the immediate neighborhood labored on the weekends to complete them. The grateful beneficiary of all these good deeds is Terry Pearson of RR 2, Clinton, who was critically in- jured on August 17, 1979 in a train -truck crash. May these unselfish people be rewarded in some way for the donation of time and labor to help a fellowman anFl may that same 'spirit' continue throughout their lives.” + Country Guide, as most people in the agricultural business know, is a national magazine with readers from coast to coast. So it's an honor for Clinton to have one of its well-known area residents, Mrs. Florence Pullen, make the pages. The article entitled -Extra Care Brings Bonus Lambs" was written by Marg Jonas and covers a symposium lecture which Florence delivered- at the University of Guelph. Marian Doucette is well-known in this area for her work with pup- pets. Her efforts in this field were well rewarded when she was one of 15 persons , from eastern Canada and north eastern U.S.A. accepted into the Frog Primp Theatre, Toronto for an • intensive training workshop in puppetry. Among the 15 were 5 from Connecticut, one from Sudbury, one from New York and others from Ontario. Many will be interested to learn that the one from New York, who was also Marian's partner for the workshop, was Stephen Long of Jim HensOn's Besides Iler work as a Library Technician with the Huron County Library in Goderich, Marian has al,sq 'just completed a series of puppet shows with Mrs: Theresa Wilson of Clinton° who --is • Children's Librarian. for f Huron County. Together they presented puppet shows . in myth; Brussels, Exeter, .Goderich, Hensall, Kitkton, Seaforth and Zurich. +++ The I.O.D.E. Money Wreath draw alsO held December 15 was won by Mrs. Dawna Westlake of Bayfield. Place for Kids© Forty mernbers Or the staff Qf Lavis Con,tracting Company and their wives gathered at the Huron, Fish and Game for their annual Christmas party on Decem ber 16. With another deadline facing* Town Talk tomorrow for the December 27 issue - it's almost too much for this befuddled mind to grasp. So we shall probably be filling up the space with the long promised recipes which were omitted from the original cook book published earlier this year. Cannot sign off without wishing one and all "the very best" for Christmas and the coming year and decade from the folk at the Little House on the Bayfield Prairie,Bert, Peggy, Geoff (London) and Ian. FSEAVERS SCOUTS NEWS...by Mary Freeman • - CUB • BEAVERS: The Beavers had their first Christmas tree decorating party. Wednesday night. Divided into lodges each group showed imagination and originality by colouring and paking their own decorations for the tree. The. opportunity to "show off" their tree will_ come December 19, 1979 at the Christmas party. The boys rocked 'around the Christmas trpe' and sang Christmas songs and carols led by Tic - Tac with guitar accompaniment. Every little boy has his own ,meaning of Christmas and the following Beavers shared their views: Matthew BUtcher: It means to ,get presents and to give presents; Paul Dinning: It means Jesus and a happy feeling; Craig Cald- well: Baby Jesus was born and Santa comes; Andrew Walker:. Putting up the Christmas tree and Santa filling your stocking; Jeff Deruyter:: Playing in the' snbw and having fun; Bradley Jewitt: It's fun and I love to put up the Christmas tree. I think the most I like Is watching the Christmas shows and the food. "To the Beavers that's Christmas" - and they all wish you a happy one. CUBS: There was a traditional sound in Clinton town last Thursday night as Wolf Cubs, leaders and parent Barry Stevens and Scouter Bob Semple went a -caroling. Despite the cold weather, the Cubs travelled the streets of Clinton on wagons kindly donated by Ron Jewitt and•Bob Gibbings. Afterwards a big warm fire and hot chocolate awaited, the boys at the home of Phil Beddow. A big thank -you to Barry Clogg,.and Phil. SCOUTS: The Scouts enjoyed a elaxing evening of games and Christmas ca-rois, followed by an exchange of gifts among the boys, and the presentation of a small gift to each boy from the troop. Achievement badges at the bronze level for Safety were awarded to Brian Phillips, Wesley Delve and Greg Carter. Greg was also awarded the silver stage of the Swimming Achievement badge. Several of the boys now have only the Citizenship badge to earn at the • bronze level in order to receive their Pioneer Award. The date of the camp has been set for Jan. 5 and 6. Next meeting will be January 7,1980. "-111 •••• This game can be played with any number of people. It's fun for the whole family or just.a few friends. A word that describes an action is called an 'adverb'. The word 'slowly ' is an adverb-Fecause it describes how a person walks or talks. Nobody loses or wins in this game. How to play: 1. One person leaves .the room for a few minutes. 2. The people in the room think up an adverb. 3. The person who has left the room comes hack in and asks questions about anything at all. 4. The other people answer the questions and talk in the manner of the adverb. 5. The person who has left the room tries to guess what the adverb is. Sometimes this takes a very short time,, and sometimes it takes about five minutes. • Example: The person who has been picked to leave the room is you. While you are out, the people in the room think up the adverb 'sadly'. But you don't know that because you weren't there. When you come back into the room you have to (Suess what the adverb they chose is. You ask a person any question you want. such as "What do you •think of flowers?" That person will answer you in the saddest way possible, and may even pretend to cry. It won't take long to guess the word "sadly". Slime adverbs that ate fun.to act out and guess are; crazily. angrily. shyly, dreamily, laughingly, and quickly. You can use any adverb you like. SH`10 a Christmas staff party On December 8 the Bank of Montreal, Clinton held its annual Christmas Staff party. After en- joying cocktails at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hilderley', the staff moved on to the White Carnation for supper, dancing and an exchange of gifts. Summerhill card party The Summerhill Hall Board held another successful card party in the Hall on December 14. Winners were: ladies' high, Mary Marsh; ladies' ' 'low, Hazel Watkins; ladies' lone hands, Mary Vanden Elseri; men's high, Tilly Westerhout; men's low, Clayton Ellis ; men's lone hands, Bob Gibbings. It was decided to hold the next card party in the hall on December 28. DRYS -DALE MAJOR APPLIANCE CENTRE LTD., SALES WITH SERVICE The Place To Buy Appliances NEW AND USED Henson 262-2728 Closed Mondays StciterIi,ill La exchange gifts The Christmas meeting of the Summerhill Ladies Club was held on Dec. 12 at .the home of Margaret Wright. A number of Christmas carols were sung with. Gladys Van Egmond accompanying on the piano. Sandra Westerhout( opened 'the meeting by reading a poem entitled "Winter". A thank -you note was received from the Huron Day Care. centre for the money sent to them to assist with the Christmas party. A Christmas card was ,received from Pat and Alli Westerhout from Florida and Donna Tyndall won the raffle. The next meeting will be held on Jan. 9 at the hnme of Edith Wright with the roll call being your project for the winter months. Mc/Se on lunch and program will be Hazel Watkins, Sandra Westerhout ' and Margaret Wright. Jane Van Spengen gave a reading entitled, "Everyone needs 'Someone." Jean Vodden conducted a „scavenger hunt won by Marian Colclough. Gladys Van Egrnond played a - medley of Christmas 'songs and the roll call was answered by 17 members taking part in an exchange of Christmas gifts. The Queen and Grace was sung and the com- mittee served a beautiful lunch of Chfistmas cookies and cake. • • rr-r7.-7' 4, r .414 lint:on, cnta. r I 0 *Electrical Contracting *Pole pm) orastructlots *Heat Pumps * Off ,Gas - Electric Heating * ftefrigercition & Air conditioning * Sheet Metal Fabricating visit the ,WISE APPLIANCE CENTRE at 262 Bayfield Rd., Clinton 482.7062 FEATURING APPLIANCES BY BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Clinton Electric v,hite Vvestinghouw -V- 1+u -I p tri t Appliances Sales and Service APPLIANCE REPAIRS ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE 90 ALBERT ST. 482-3646 APPLIANCE and REFRIGERATION REPAIR SERVICE Jim Broadfoot 482-7032 • Lloyd Garland FURNITURE REFINISHING AND UPHOLSTERY : • Corner 5th Avenue and Halifax St., Vanastra • Phone 482-9576 BILL'S APPLIANCE SERVICE Repairs to all makes of major appliances. CALL: BILL DARRELL CLINTON. 482-9022 INSURANCE C. Buruma 482-3287 HalLenHThaertel Phoneaa Office Sf ft i. c, eC 4118n2t.p9n747 Investments is de:748428-236199394 GAISER-KNEALE INSURANCE AGENCY INC. Insurance- Real Estate JOHN WISE GENERAL INSURANCE— GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS Clinton Office:482-9644 Res.:482-7265 OPTOMETRY JOHN LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Seaforth 527-1240 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9:00-5:30 Saturday 9:00-12:00 Closed Wednesday BY APPOINTMENT. Free park Trig on premises R.W. BELL • OPTOMETRIST. The Square, GODERICH 524-7661 AREA COOE 519 482-7971 DAYFIELID ROAD a ASSOCIATION DIESEL SPECIALISTS P.O. BOX 788 CLINT-0,N. ONTARIO NOM ILO TELEVISION AND STEREO '91.rnoutossess 211 VICTORIA ST. CLINTON 482-7021 • MAGNAVOX -PHILIP.. SHARP-OPTONICA Colour T.V. and Audio Components. Stiles and Service " CHANNEL MASTER—DELHI T.V. & F.M. Antenna Systems T.V.• A GROVES APPLIANCES 10 HURON ST., CLINTON 482.9414 *ADMIRAL *McCLARY aril Appliances Laundry and Built-in * SHARP Appliances • cinci MIcrowttao Ovens, *CHANNEL•MAStEr elting ms • An it/nnts Vitt/n/4 AND DEril to "We se i se Whet We tear ELECTRIC 11(111k OfitASe tVisCIOC "everiOng e1ecttical'' • ECONOMY • QUALITY • SERVICE "Big jobs or small, We guarantee them all." 482-7374 CLINTON DECORATING 1 ‹ecoratinc iitct 33 Huron St., Clinton - Box 337, Clinton NOM 1L0 482-9542 529-7939 Paints, Stains, Min Wax products, %./.11 coverings, Draperies, Floor Sanding, Texturing Interior & Exterior Contracting FREE ESTIMATES TRAVEL THE COACH HOUSE TRAVEL SERVICE 59 HAMILTON ST. GODERICH 524-8366 OPEN:, Monday -Friday 9:00-5:30 Closed Saturdays during June,July, Aug. FULLY APPOINTED FOR BUSINESS OR PLEASURE TRAVEL ACCOUNTING TRI TOWN ' BOOKKEEPING AND COMPUTER SERVICE Complete Businea Ser. vice - quarterly, half - yearly, yearly. Also Farm and Individual Service. LAWRENCE BEANE ROBERT PALING 52 Huron St., Clinton PHONE 482-3524 1' Durst, Vodden & Bender CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS BOX 758 52 HURON ST. CLINTON 482-7979 37 West Street Goderich, Ontario 524-2011 MacGillivray Associates (Goderich) Limited ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING AND COMPUTER SERVICES ln.house computer providing cash disbursements ledger, cash receipts ledger, accounts receivable, financial statemen- ts, time and charges and specialized reports. 1 40 THE SQUARE GODERICH 524-2677 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Classified Ads 482-3443 MORE NEWS...MORE FEATURES... Keep Informed With PHOTOGRAPHY James Fitzgerald Photography Clinton • 10 years experience • Weddings, passports • Family portraits in your home 482-9502 or 482-389U ACCOUNTING MtEACH,ERN. AND ASSQCIATES: R.R. 2, Grand fiend NOM iTU Phone 238-2616 (519) 30 years °aperientvilltii Roveci nue ncida In li, till estipetit of Farm tix probiorns. Beciiekeitelrig Avtilltible •