HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-3-1, Page 5DISTRICT DOINGS. Occerrences of the rest we0t.Thko, the Neighborhood in a CODeitie Several failures have recently place in Mitchell. Parkhill is to have a fine new P terian Church that will 'teat 400 p Mr. R. Airtchell lias Purchased For Children StalIring to Death, u&rhout f9°4, ectt's 341'111810n 'sail be 4ligeSted end give strength and flesh wheu all other food erns. state. See svbat Dr,. A.H, Peek, Penn, Med, Oollege, Petitcodiac, Says: "I have heed and taken prescribed. Soott's Erauleion of Cod Liver Oil, and find it an expellent preparation, agreeing resby. well with the stomaoh, and its continued nee eeple, adding greatly to tbe strength end comfort of the patient." Put up in 50o and $1. size. In 13rooldyn, N.Y., on Thurectay. Wm. Me - Mast re, who bad bee e directed b Ws h. • cian to ese an electric battery for heart (Ifs dropped dead when he tuined theourr nt 'What Baking powder shall we Use? OD acme -tut of tbeir Mithility to digest ordieas1 au 80 acre farm in Soivick township for thel sum of $2,500. Senn Everest/s Cough Syrup an ex- cellent, remedy and can heartily recom- mend it. P. B. Rosenberry, L. .1). S., Arlcona P. 0. Mrs. H. Joyner, of Clinton,. stepped in a hole made by a horee's loot, and, falling'over, broke her leg. It.e/oitid that barber Frise, of Lucius, has iiksittS'out to the opposition, the price heir% $200. WE invariably land Everest's Cough Syrup the best family medicine..—Geo, Donaideon, Forest, P. 0. Property of the value of $550,000 is exempt flora taxes in Stratford, about 890,000 of which is in the shape of bon- uses carrying exemption from taxes. Mrs. Sheriff Gibbons, of Goderich, was seized vvith a paralytic stroke Tues- . day night and lapsed into unconscious - nes. At last Recounts her case was hopeless. Two doctors and chloroform were re- quired to extract a needle that had run into the heel of a son of Rev. W. W. Sperling, of Clinton. Fire broke out Thursday evg in the drying -room of the furniture factory of Broadfoot 88 Box, ,Seafortis, but was prevented by tbe brigade Isom spread- ing. The loss is small and covered by insurance, Mrs. Geo. Dudley, of Strathroy, slip- ped while carrying a pail of water into the house, and tailing, broke her right arm betweeu the elbow and the shout. der. THIS is to certify that I have known the most beneficial results toaccompany the use of Everest's Cough Syrup so ex- tensively manufactured and sold him. Rev. A. I. Snyder, Wyoming The stock of Keeler & Co. of chell, amounting to $7,680, was sol Wednesday by the Sheritl for 33i. c on the 5. This is considered a very good price. Try Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters If you ale Dyspeptic, Try Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters It your liver is sluggitih, '1'ry Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters. The former License Commissioners fo Perth have been re-appointed-- Meesis. G. McPherson, M. F. Goodwin and Jacob Iiohlman for the North Rid- ing, and Messrs. T. H. Race, J, S. Mc- Intyre end James Prindiville for the eeeseseseseseeesseasesemeseepeeeeereesese THE PRINTING PRESS How wisely events follow each other in proper order 1 Plitt •M the time whim the mind of Eoropfs wee seeking from a thousand 'mat lethergy and when means. were required o spreed ithread tire r wills of the hequiriea 'Odell the learuect were leaking in ell branches of Morose,. Caxton fqrm to the world the XaV1.22ZRZA.—i-ri1 IAZZLIS PriiitiugPleils. BY Its instromentality the woopii.Ams become the property of tbe entire globe, and -- the Advenceineut of science has been greatiO The undersigned Tould reseeetfullir -tofu esse mOre fully comprehended this truth than I to have a call from all. The mill has recently OW 1 1 • Lollowa,v.. be same inteileet that led him • been imeroved. by the addition a new mach- Fan SALE HY .143..PICICARD disoeVeries 'and itiveutions ot one land have promoteg„ leTe men cif the present e hos gsoito„., 1)0 plea 3 1::?aleJ S OIL At 'Poroeto. Every Barrel Quarenteed. Thie Oil wee used on all machinery (hiring Ha W'See that you get Peerless. It is oely mode by Exhibition, it has been Awarded NINE GOLD MEDALf3 during the 'get three yeares (Jed " ass.zicitrEL ac)oras ce4 c:;c) Tc)rtionvic) o thesteches which resulted h? the production 11116r7. it i8 the intentieh t•ee subscribers te Imperial Cream Tartar Baking Powde flies well es to himself, which might be drawls Woodham G-rist Mill it is stated flint Sir Chas. Tupper is to made irons pure 99 per cent Cryetel Cr Tartar and Enplish $octa heece is the that can be wade. k acid a sat of rolls as soon as possible ; and all of les celebrated Palls and Oretenent saw at combined, the . ."'"""""""""-"'""'"-"---'"---"""'"• "'""-""-'''"''""""I' best from this source. He laid his •discoveries 1 before the world', sowing his seed broadcast, . Will be secondto none in the West. 1 A. filrignMAIV be wherever a written language is read, and *ord mo'destly welted. the result, Ma cenfiderit * Gristing and Chopping Done stete.,inent of .lei.ii theor.y led men to try his promptly, reme(ies; ea intunsio exoellence when mese has tried eetabliehecl them ermlyiu the confidence Fresh oatmeal constautly on hand for sale or of the public of both herniepOeres, and Thos. exchanged for oats. Holloway stands now, in the estimation of reified to the peerage, with the title of Ashburton, Mabee C B Mrs, 7 Messre. Fulford & Co„ --Nasal Balm helped my catarrh very much. D. Se MoDONALD Glendeyer Mills,Mabou O. B. A correspondent says that women in vioinity of Farmersville don male attire go into the bush• and fell trees. A purgative medicine should possess to and curative, as well as cathartic propert This combination of ingredients may • tho people, as the most powerful opponent of the all disease. For disorders of the liver and SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, and stoinabh, the Pills are claimed to be a swift raid sure epecifio, and the eleini is verified by Mc an overwhohning mass of testimony. Now vve TRIAL SOLICITED. ies, all know how entirely the baclily health de - found in Ayer' e Pills. They stiengthen a stimulate the bowels causing natural acti One of the stills at John MoConald's re ery, Petrolia, exploded yesterday morel Loss about $150; no insurance. Almost miraculous are some of the en acooniplished 1.1 the use of Ayer's Sarsap illa. 111 the case of It. L. Eine, Richmo Va., who suffered for 47 yeawith aggravated form of scrofula, Ayer'S Sarsap ilia effected astonishing rrsults. In regal d to the fishery treaty the N. Tribune (Rep.) 89.35 its doom in the Sen is sealed, the only question being the major by which it will be defeated. BOOKS vs. EXPERIENCE. Books are wieful to add to our Icpowledg but practical experienoe teaches us that tl best remedy for till diseases of the Stoma Liver and Blood is easily to be had and called B. B. B. The doctors now say tbat the supposed ca be pends upon the condition if these two imsor. nit tent oi ans. If the digestion is impaired,the OU. bowels. disordered, and the liver torpicl or fin- congested, the whole frame suffers ; thng.e 'streegth declines, the spirits droop, the coin. plexion becomes cadaverous, the flesh wasted, res supineness and despair take the places of ar' enerey and hopefulness, the siok man becomes re nd, es deed to the great objects and pursuits of DU life es if he were entombed alive. Out of his ar- self -sepulchre, as it were; this powerful remedy lifts him as if by magic—a few timely doses Y. of the Pills brings back digestion, appetite and ate physiOal energy. etatements ale too ity plaits end too eacily contradicted if untrue, to admit of t he slightest doubt. Ott the contrary we know thorn to be nothing but he literal F, fad. They are not founded merely upon ID common report, but upon i he testimony of ch parties occupying high positions in society -- is men of unblemished reputation and matured judgment—that likewise is confirmed by se eircumstauces within our .own immediate kuowledge.—Ieerach Telegratn. by 0 P0, A Mit- d on en ts v na 2 th 81 fa Pa th it Pa an ex th Pe on tim an th ber tot enr for ted tro old ed, tee ite re be at. ce ur he ue es ce nd re 4)5ed ry be d- tt n - at z. n. eprosy recently reported at St.Catharines s not that dreadful malady, but elephaetiasis colored man is the sufferer. WELL SPOKEN OF. "I can recomineud Hagyard's ,Yellow Oil ery highly, it cuved me of rheumatism in y fingers when I nould not bend there." da Plank, Strathroy, Ont. A medicine for eternal and internal use in all painful corn - lints. United States pension payments for Feb - nary will amount to $10,000,000. Total nited Statee revenues for the month up to 3rd, $25,000,000; expenditures for same cried, $18,900,000. ANOTHER ]TEM. Mrs, j. Thompson, of Elma, Ont., writes at she suffered from general weakness ana as so reduced that at times she beeatne al- ost unconscious. Three bottles of Burdock lood Bitters completely oared her. and she ow recommends BBB to her Wends and eighbore. john Clayton, the actor of "Dandy Dick" me is dead. DEPEND UPON IT. Accidents will happen despite all care, and infnlinjuries such as Sprains, Bruises, uts enu Burns result. Every family should erefore keep Hagyard's Yellow Oil 1)0 hand is the greatest family medicine for all ins, Coughs, Colds and Sore Throat, croup Wheopieg :Cough yield quickly to tills cellent reinedy. Princess Helene Kotchoubey, chief lady of O Czarina's' household, is dead at St. tersburg. WELL,• WORTH KNOWING. ' A medicine which has stood the test of O for many years and has always given e best satisfaction as has Hagyard's Pec- -al Balsam is certainly well worth trying Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness and all Throat ubles for which it is so highly recommend - The London Liberal candidate for member of Parliament for Hamystead has withdrawn from the canvass. ONE GOOD POINT. Out of the many possessed by Burdock Blood Bitters is that it may be taken at all seasons of the year, and by either young or old- In thie way the three busy B's are al- ways at work and doing good. South. A sure sign of rain or that you require a dose or two of Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters. Pains in the back and limbt, headache, feverish cold, oft recuring attacks of the `‘blues." Large bottles 50 cents. On the 17th May next the people of Parkhill will vote on the matter of ex- pending $15,000 upon the erection of waterworks in that town. It is consid- ered that the By-law will carry. Died at,Brinsley,on;Triciny evening last the wife of Jas. Doyle, sr. The deceased Yves a very old woman, having reached the age of 84. Her husband, who is still living, is 94. Mr Robert Henry, who resided the 9th eon. of Hullett, has caused aching void in the pockets of a nuns of Clinton and Seaforth business m by his sudden departure for the tUni States. Before going he privately s his 60 acre ferny The Parkhill School Board commit are taking active steps to secure a s for the new High:School, and it is mo than likely that the building will completed this summer. Tuesday Mr. Fred. Dufton, of Str ford, while looking for game in Elli shot a bear, the prolific mother of lo cubs, which were. ell saved alive. 1' carcase weighs 150 pounds. 0 of the cubs has not yet opened its ey on the world, and Mr. Dufton will mai an attempt to raise it on the bottle a make a fire -hall pet of it. The Orangemen of South Huron a already making extensive preparatio for the 12th of July, 1888, in the tow of Seeforth. Invitations have been issu and itis expected there will ba a ve large turnout. Low railway fares will given and every accommbdatien provi ed at Seaforth. The Executive Committee of the Sco Act Association held a meeting at Ch ton some days ago, and decided to once proceed with the work of organi ing the temper:Anne forces for the co test likely to take place about the nsiel dle of April. Messrs. Joseph and Thomas Skinne of Mitchell, have again sustained loss, this time by the death of thei imported Clydesdale stallion eDykedale Last spring Mr. Joseph Skinner lost heavy colts and an Imported mare, mak ing the total loss in the neighborhood o $4000. ADV1OD TO M.OTHERS.,-Ar0 you distimbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at onco and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately Depend upon it, mothers there is no mistake about it. It cures 'Dysentery and Diairbcea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colio, softens the Gums,reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. winsiow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and DI the prescription of one of the oldest and hes female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is forsale by all druggists through- out the world, Price twenty-five cents a bot- tle. Be sure and ask for 'Afro. WINermw's P'snTHINO. P-oup and take no other kind. IVIARKET REPORTS. EXETER (Corrected at5 o'clockp.m. Wednesday. -FalltVlie t 0 79 to 80 Spring Wheat ••• 0,79 to 0 79 ... 6810 70 ... 64010 41 4 00 to 4 50 ... 0 58. to 0 60 ... 018boiij8 15 to 0 17 0010555 7510 80 ... 40 to o so o 04 to 0 00 ... 0 05 to 0 05 .., 0 07 to 08 .,. 0 45 to 0 50 0 20 to 0 30 00 to 7 0 ... 4 00 to 5 00 ... 5 50 to 5 50 .. 0 no to 6 00 0 75 to 1 GC ... 0 50 to 0 7(i W001 001 peril, “. 0 20 to 0 21 ayporton ... 800 to 8 00 Onion slier bus h 0 50 to 0 75 Woodoer cord ............25 to a oo AT. IVIADICS. Furnished hy Ateliers: Carter, Son & Co, Pall Whoat„, ... .. „. „ ... . .....„,,,,. ..... ,.„ 80 to 80 Spring Wheat..., .. . . .... 80 80 Bar, ey . . . ....... ... . ....... . . , .. . 71' 74 Critts . . .. . . ... . . 40 4'2 (lover See'd,„ .. . ....... .„„.4 ce 5 Of . . . . ..... 2 Ot Pena.- ... ........ . . .,,.... ..... ............., 88 50 10 10 Flu ttor . .... ... 10 ootetoes per 'bush 60 70 Apples perbesh.... ... , , 40 Wool perib......... . .... . . . . el 23 TTS.V 'Der ...... ... . . . . .„... 00 0 00 r, Oats a ,:egoinvoe:h. Syec!d r ; Pods 1 9.orn 3 it s John Murray, jun,, has sold his terra of 50 acres, part of lot 8, con. 6, to. R, Wivel for $1,000. John Weir, of Sea- / ford), has sold his farm on the gravel ( road, near Clinton, to George Torrence, r, for $6,500. Robt. McKerachar has also sold his farm on the 4th concession, Tuclserstm I Is to Mr. John O'Rielly for the SUM of $6,0(10. This farm contains 200 n CreS. . Mr. Dewey of St, Marys, complained some tame ago of sick headache, and was suddenly seised with violent con- vulsions, which lasted, some time. T.Tpon returning to consciousness he cote- plathed 01 a pain in the shoulder, and on examination it was found that the shoulder blade had been broken by the violence Of the con vulsions. l'huradav of last week Robert Ford, Mitet ell, son Of ItIr. Charles Ford of the same place W. s working in a sew mill at Hepworth, awl while stimding near the furnace over which the butting saw is run, a slid) which had just been cut slip- ped baolc over the table anti falling itito the fire hole gimlet.< Mr. FOrd on the , back 01. the head and fractured his skull, Ifis bead le se much swoolen •that the doeims emmor, make a ',mute exatnina. tion, but ilir' give very little• hope o1f hie it Stater Flourperbbl . Po tato° s,per bushel ... Apples,per bag ... Driecilpplespr b ... • Geese ser lb. Turkey per lb Ducks perpr Chickensner pr EEogs,drasoedj,crlo Beef FficleF1rouhg, e' dressed Sheepskins each °AMAMI/A Ulit0A.00, bobI, 28, --No.. 2 spring wheet, r to 78c; no. 2 rod, 801e; be. 2 corn, 48e0; 830. 2 oats, 27Se; mess pork, 813 00; lard, §7,721; short rib mdog, 57.17 to $7 20; dry salted ohonlders, $5 00 to 6 10; short dicer sides, $1 50 to 7 021. 'tt011.rnPAr, Peb 28 .-arriiti--Wheat 1'141 Winter, floc to.80e; \elute wiutr4 850 r.0 S6o; motile, 83a to 84o; core, 70c to 71e reas, 73e to 74e; cal ,3,.4.1a to 420; baile,y, 600 Li') 75e;1 e, 650 to 65c. , CONSUAIPTIO IV CURED. Au old physician „retired' f von] pract ice, hav Ing had placed 121 his hands ny an East Indian missionary the formula 01 11. simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and nil throat and lung affections, also a posi- tive and. radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous oomphonts, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of lases, has fell it his ilutf 10 1111(0 it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by ftD.4 antis° and 8 desire to relieve oilman sufferinh, ' send free of charge. to all who desire it. this recipe, in German,Pronoli or English, with hill directions fer preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, miming this eap er, W. A NOT113 1.49 Power'e nceheeter T 4.111.1111 —CURES— Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick Headache, Kidney Troubles., Rheumatism Skin Diseases —and all - Impurities of the Blood from what- ever cause arising Female weakness &General debility Purely Vegetable,Highly Concentrated, Pleasant and effectual to use. —ASK. FOR,' J. & A. MeNEVIN WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, INDIGESTION) FLUTTERING JAUNDICE, OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, And every species of disease arisinp: from disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMA CB, BOWEL:" '1"-- BLOOD. TKILBURN &CO "'IA, 6T0. AiLLAMOREPS Expectorant! --0- -X -0-X —0— The high character of this old medicine as a sure remedy for Coughs, Colds, Throat andLung Troubles is repeatedly confirmed by the gratifying, arateful aud unsolicited testimony, received from those who have been benefitted by its READ THE FOLLOWING: KM S. J. WILCOCK, Termite, writes:— "Iertare used Hallamore's Expectorant in my family for Coughs and Colds, for thir- teen years and would not he without it." Doctor Hod.,ler's Compound. A In. J. C. SMITH, Car Inspector, C.P.R., Take DO other Sold everywhere. Price Galt, writes :- 75 cents per bottle. Send me one dollar's worth of Hallamore's DR. 110 ODER'S Expectorant. I cannot get along without bash Lang Cure it. GO TO LUTZ'S DRUG STORE FOR A Sold Everywhere. Price, 25 cents and 50 cents per bottle. Proprietors and Manrrs, 25 ct. Bottle. the Union Medicine Company, Toronto Canada. The Great leni,lish Preseriptiou. successful Medicine used over 80 years in thousands of cases. Cures Spermatorthea, Nervous Weakness, Emissions, Impotency and all diseases caused by abuse. [DEFORD] indiscretion, or over-exertion. [.ievert] Six packages Guaranteed to Cure when all others Pad. Ask your Druggist for The Greet English Prescription, take no substitute. One package St Six $5, by mail. Write for Pamphlet. Address Eureka Chemical Co.. Detroit. Mich. '/ , 1.44: -g17: seess. ee j WORM P 7,7,7 re.; Are pleasant to t ko. Contain their owl* ,Pergative. Is a. s•!-. S.Dt1 erfec.taat giekroYer of wurm 1, Ouildvati (Yr dulte v.o esf-ts, e, COLD IN THE HEAD Cs• o A POSITIVE' OU:fit CATARRH., GIVES IMM.gdiate Relief .,oxt COM Ili Head, NAY FEVER. EASY TO ESE. 1701 a Snuff, rowdily or Irritating Liquid, Price Ores. and $1.90, If not obtainable atyour drive, gists, sent prepaid on receipt of price. Addresa FULFORD 00., Brook:vino, Ont. EtV I3LACT<SMITH SHOP.— Thu 0v woold inform the noblie that helms opened a oaraeocer..8ast:VW'xe8 SleXoles In 8011016011'g Mock, ennosite the Post, Office, where' lacWill he rkles.$ed to meet his old mute' mots ana 11.8 loony new enes, wishlo work 1 0(1811'0010st netl'ea and at; low DridOS.f; a°1 .11,8ee-81i8eing load general hleeksmith fog a tmeeielly. tl▪ f0S. • Os tool t the Post ()Moe, Paefer, The whole s7 stem is deranged and out of sorts The blood is impure, pimples, boils and liver sprts wppearing en the face and body, The liver is clogged and inactive, causing fa- tigue, loss of appetite, a dull. sleepy, tiredfeel- ing ,with inability to do work. the complexion is fallow and muddy, and it is s.bsolutely ne- cessary, to enjoy good health, to take the cele- brated Dr. CHASE'S Mandrake, Dandelion Liver Cure, which puri- fies the blood by stimulating the Liver, aiding digestion and promoting a natured evacuation of the bowels. Mandrake and Dandelion aro wo of the best Liver regulators known, and 'all medical men agree that the Liver is of more vits 1 importance to bensth than the Henzt and Lunge, u the Liyer is torpid or in- active, Dysponsin., Indigestion, Headache, Cos- , etc. wi iesu „ (lotnplittnt, iskiney n.nd Urinary Trouble,,renn- dice, Liver spots. 5111 (11180 Blood, Iloul Breath, are quickly cured by Dr. taertse's Iffundrake Dandelion Liver 1:7 When the Icic7neys are diseased, overtaxed and weakened, one or two bottles aro guar- anteed touro,Mr. Alex, 'Paylor, West Gwil- I ini bur 18811y, Wtronble for 15 yenre with kid- ney disco, 181.8 corenenscl to rise 5 and 6 times through the nIght to urinate, suffered in ton se pain, and WILS any cured after all other remedies end pbysicians haa failea, by • ;it:ion:et:1168-7i al: tntioe e of Dr, Obese s Beeeipt 5000,00() SOT,I) Books hovo been sold in Canaan, alone, 8,110 we went evoey D81500 ill:0111)10d With 1...18108 00111. plaints ii,nd kidney 11e00.5011, 0to., to fey obese T,iver Ortre, syre,nped neortna ovary bottle is n. v,iluahle RECEIPT -BOOK FREE ,so 1 rdp t.'11101, 1..111e0 00 11,01;0100W •,h0111.11 1)0 NrEthou j this hook, tho atm,: eel incti (1) 1(0). MA extant,. Tho le d depo hu(1) giv es re - este fro, b fying the 01181,),D8141D.. tag"' ,nlia ilm esteem or hp, ..tv, nal, Dew, Ta reckles So Wee. 0 le s Oyes d "I, el leo is, Vooth powdet 1. \,ishPs, don hill 1)30 for rleachkg sleek hilA tO goidee hue, Nye or metro. ote.„ etc. Sold by'all s11 donlors at se Puy 41. 1)Oft'10, lie book worth ton 1171.188 the /lost of be modieine. Try Or, Os ekes leesitety Isivor Ville, the mei 111 te tele 801185 (111 octig on thiA rctetriorg, 8800 newel P Hee 21) 0 • Soltt by alt. deals RR ON YOUR GU.,tr.:I'v now 6 el w 1,1 et Itrad to sin wly end 1111(0 17 elevelori Joie olLttl , w.hen )7011 0411 be nerod fr.‘ Dr. Otiftao'N f)cfarrI) 0111.0 l'neinfont . a lio% ii.ir,1t,11'11inert0eotsm•rh1 11) s (1,13,n '8 (Om) ti 110 ertterrI) ov 180110, . • C6,11 on G A 11. for your Grocerie81 s I Teas Spices Dashwood Flour Ptety Hams and Bacon. Smoking tobacco a five cent piece with every 3 plugs. 4 88 88 ' ,„..,. ' ,z•4, vic .c, .....- .,:-‘• ::''..- 4.'s e e, 4c, cs:\ ,,•... .., ...,, '''. o eee c.ssSe cP osescee.c.;,1e, see edc .,10' 5..0 z - .‘,0 .c.,;,• ee;'3'• 0'0, ,. .se, e, V 'es c", I, e, e'P S. e) f . 0 .,F. c.. 1 acscl' \esOo e • ,..1'. .4> ,e5>'s' OS. • Z), • '.P c;.' i6C‘ ,DP 44‘ $ ' es't' sde ob" .ezan 4 Alb, 14.1 20' k6s' .0."c %,C' • •ce' c)S' „icy. 4 do. .^NrV .e,e1 ess, e, 's eso epees' -DOC. • 4.8-'; ; 4N. Manufactured only by Thomas Holloway, 78, New Oxford Street, late 538, Oxford Street, London. ni Purchaserseshould look to the Label oa the Boxes and Pots If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. EiXAMAISC=MCM• 'MARE (Wholesale and Retail.) 'BUILDER'S HARDWARE—Nails, Glass, (stained and engraved), Locks, Hinge Butts (full line.) CARRIAGE HARDWIRE—Bar Iron, Bent Stuff, Hubbs, Spokes, Cutter Runneee Shafts, Moquette Wunslin, Drill, &c. MILL S1JPPL1ES—Sto18 Pipe, Fittings, 'Valves, Asbestos, Packing, Rubber and Leath. er &e. SPORTING MATERIAL—Breach Loading and Shot Guns, Powder, Shot, &c, Rochester Lamps, Silver Star Coal Oil, Wicks, Bur- ners, Axes, & Skates. LANCE SAWS. STOVE DEPARTMENT —SEE THE— Original Cook and Triumph HEATING STOVES. The Bradley Eavetrough and TM, ware a Specialty. ----- Verity's Plows and Points, Cale Plaster, Carpet, Felts, Pitch OTar,&. Send in your orders for Chestnut or Steno, Carmel Soft, and the Semouic Blossburig Coal before it advances. Ansaled Galvanized aticl Barb Wire cheap. JAMES PICKARD Furniture & Undertakina We would call the attention 01 11)4) people of 'Exeter and surrounding country eis inch tha.t tvo, littering purehesed the stock end business of WILLIAM DREW, ere offe. special itideeetneets Parlor Sett.% Plain ann. Fancy Tables. Springs ana inattressl liettronna Setts, WOO(l. Calle & f)evinrated Chairs. Blook Cases, ; ; `41fl.Ib oards, Vfluctnots, Cradles, 11-ta1lstandS, And an E11411055 Variety B0(1)1. Bureaus, Cupboards, &C. Our Stook ot Lumber is Largo and Thoroughly Seasoned, 8 AA, having hail exiensiik; •gperiende it) the l&ading factories of the Dominion, 180 0(8(1 guarantee Stylesh and Ser. le Purniturs; 1 Our Stook of 'Undertaking Goods is Os Largest in tho (lesenty, mei our 'leered bee 't copal north el Loudon. Speoisi attention will be 110(1 to this branch of the business, neveryono will find us prompt and reliable usios.s.s 131111"AtIlI1O OP &tit ItIN1)S PRO \flviLY A TTENDIIID TO. RernoimJr Ph( Stand, One Door North of Yfolson'g .t?ttnIt )13,171,W