HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-12-13, Page 3671, r .a MlcheIIe Corbett. Editor secondory.schooI news Donna Woods, Deputy Commissioner of the Beaver Division, left, and Joyce Irwin, Radar Distirct Commissioner, right, presented the charter to Clinton's first Pathfinder group to leader Gladys East this week. Pathfinders is a group in Guiding for girls 12 years of age and older. (News -Record photo) Pedestrian hurt Clinton police report Maria Holthuysen, 38, of RR 1, Walton was taken to Clinton hospital where she was treated for minor . injuries on December 6. Clinton Police reported that Mrs, folthuysen was injured after she was hit by a car at the main in- tersection in' Clinton. The Illi ■ v %pi). c Fitne ss is fun. 111) Try some. Walk, jog, run, skate, ski, swim, paddre, pedal .. don't let life catch you with your head down. PaR»c/Parndn+ o driver' of the car, Dianne damage following a Vanderwal, 22, of RR 2, December 3 accident on Goderich was uninjured. Victoria Street. A vehicle, ,driven by The Clinton Police Francis MdDonald of reported that the Jones Goderich received $400 in car was legally parked damages and a car when a second vehicle driven by Lynda Milliam, driven by .Wayne 29, of RR. 1, Auburn Tideswell, 18, of Clinton, 'received $200 following a travelling _north on December 7. accident. Victoria Street, slid on The accident occured on sand, spun ,around and Huron Street. struck the parked 'car. A parked car driven by The Tideswell car then Linda Jones, of RR 2, - left .the scene of the ac - Clinton received $700 in cident. This week at CHSS Huron County teachers voted by a . two-thirds majority to accept a contract offer from the board of education. This vote s -quashes rumors of a teachers' strike in the early new year. by • Julie Armstrong There used to be a mail, well ' on -in years, "who liked to • spend his Saturdays obServing people. He would' get up very early ev.e}y Saturday morning and set'.out as usual to some of the best places he knew to make his observations. He. considered himself'to be quite good at watching other people and recognizing their faults, and so he was, Warmth, light, . and sounds forced him to ¶return to reality 'from a pleasant sleep. He smiled. Another beautiful day for his expedition. The sun was a com- panion, in much the same position as himself. The sun was always there, watching over th.eworld, noticed but never ti'luly acknowledged or ap- preciated. Making the usual preparations for his outing, and with pencil and notebook in hand, he left his house, locking the door behind him. The park was always his first stop. Situated beneath two towering oaks 'near a drinking fountain, he made himself comfortable on his 'park bench. While watching the dog walkers, playing children, joggers and pigeon feeders, . he\ frantically made note of all of the faults he found with them. He noticed how cold people were to one another, how they did not have time for the familiar faces they met. He observed . with an. The first draft of the intent and critical eye. exam timetable wa's "Lunchtime!" he posted in classrooms on thought to himself as he Tuesday, December 11, glanced at his watch. All conflicts .are to be Without hesitation, he reported to the office as started toward the little soon aspocsible, restaurant across the There will be' a 'two street, Where, 'lot 'Only hour assembly, on could he satisfy his Friday, December 21. mounting hunger,. but also observe further. After this students will be Some of his best subjects dismissed at noon. came to the restaurant. The third Chronicle He was sure to recognize Monthly of this school . the majority of the faces: year will go on sale They ate there every December 19. Be sure to week, ordering the same get your copy. food, and making ' the Mon. Dec.31sT. Dancing 9:30 - 1 A.M. to the "Music makers" $30. Per Couple • Late night buffet featuring roast beef & pork included in admission price For advance Reservations please phone 482-9228 after hours 524-4133 Licensed under L.L.B.O. III AML/ 46$3/ r.i7r-c -v64 "at. 400 vxv x , ****************** ** TV i.2 LISTINGS * Mondays - Lions TV Bingo 7:30-9 p.m. * Wednesdays - Beginning at 7 p.m. of T "Sforytime" with Caroline Cass 2- "Surprise!" with Ronnie'Varga 3- "I'll Be Seeing You" with Stan Profit Thursdays- Beginning at 7 p.m. "Simply: Sports" with Dick Eisler This Week featuring Goderich Old Timers with Gord Crawford and Bob Cornish. This Thurs.: Week II - "Easy Listening" with Grant Ellison ' Remaining Thursday monthly Specials: Week I"Foxy's Friends" with Ronnie Varga Week III "Do you know?" with Frank McTaggart & Qavo Barrick. Week IV y "The Best of Friends" with Warren & Eleanor Robinson , • 20.m. will bite slated for any religious • prtigrorit5 `" .Monday flit. F idays 'Elston botwec►n 4:30 - 6 p.m. for MOS °'.I t with students tom Contral Illur on Secon ell*SA`Pol oh Chanriei:12 on' your Ty` . dial: a. * ** **. 4' I same complaints. Ho ironic it seemed to' him that these people shoul lead such routine live and•yet believe it all ha a ' purpose.\ He was in terrupted by the waitres askinggfor his order. "The usual please", h said mechanically whil scribbling in his noteboo "but with less mustard Last week there was fa too much mustard". After lunch, he heade for ' the marketplace. I the afternoon, the marke was always overflowin with excellent ob servatio\ns ,to be made People bobbed everywhere, . trying t wade through the tur moil. Suddenly above the noise, the crying of a child surfaced. The child emerged from the flow o people. Everyone rushed by him, hesitating only to cast a glance. It was evident that the little boy was lost. He screamed pitifully for his mother. The plight of the child did not. concern the man however. He was busy making careful note of the reaction of the people. 'They haven't the time to help even a , child', he wrote., 'How sad to think that self -concern' should overrule compassion...' He looked up. °The crying had ceased. He watched the boy's mother scoop the child up. As the two floated away amongst the faces, the man closed his notebook decidedly, and left for home. Just as he reached the walkway leading up to his front door, ' he was stopped by a voice behind him saying, "Rather late today aren't you?" Surprised, he reeled to greet the face of a stranger standing before him. Noticing the stranger'snotebook and pencil, he asked ,politely, "I beg your pardon?" The stranger opened his notebook. "You usuajly 'arrive home at 4:30, but you're late today". Startled, the man moved toward the door of his house. The . stranger continued. "I've been watching you for quite w some time now, in the park, the restaurant, and d the market. I- know° what s you write in , your d notebook. In fact the - same things are written s in mine." Angered and puzzled, e the man was lost for a e response. .Instea:d he k snatched the notebook • from the stranger and ✓ began to read it: His face lost its anger as, there d before him, he saw the n same things printed t about himself as he had g ' been observing in others. - For the first time in a • long "while he felt inadequate, inferior. The o stranger's face was not - criticizing or accusing, but .instead wise and knowledgeable. It made him more resentful 'and f defiant. Then the stranger added firmly, "Mirrors are handy objects you know, but only if they are used. A mirror lets us see ourselves as we are, so that before confronting . others, we can make • ourselves presentable. Without mirrors, only others could see us. We could never see our- selves. Yes, mirrors certainly are -useful." The stranger smiled and walked off.•Solemnly, the man watched him go. And for the first time, as he ' looked a:t the scrib- blings in his notebook, he saw his own reflection. CLINTON N. WS'- t CORPt THURSDAY, PgCgMBRR 13,1979—; !, Chr►nacle quiz corner Santa was busy at ,his.. North Pole complex getting read.' 'for, Christmas. There was a labor.shortage since most., of the elves were sick in bed from working, gravel running, etc,. -Sant,a looked, around and he soon found some elves sitting in a box playing poker. There was an elf at each corner of the box, and opposite each elf sat three other elves and each elf's hat was placed on the right of another elf. Flow many elves were there in the box before Santa hauled them to the dungeon for flogging? Watch for the answer. +++ A few weeks agog a kangaroo dreamed of eating 13 cats in a circle. One of the cats was white and the object was to eat each 13th cat keeping in .the same direction and leaving the white cat to eat last. To eat each 13th cat, the kangaroo must eat a cat, count the remaining cats in the same direction and eat the 13th cat. If the kangaroo starts at the fifth cat from the white cat (in the direc,t,ion which the kangaroo counts), then the eating can continue until there is only the white 'cat left. Of course, kangaroos never eat cats, but it was just a dream. Basketball teams each lose one by Jeff Schmidt The CHSS basketball teams travelled to Stratford Northwestern Monday for their second league game, and were handed . a three-way defeat by the. hosting Huskies. The Seniors opened their game with a great deal of effort, but were outscored early in' the contest and were unable to come back 'despite a strong scoring drive in the fourth quarter. The aim • IMMO MAKE ITA MUSICAL SEASON! with a Gift from: RON MUSIC STUDIO We have a good selection of: DRUMS, AORDIONS, HARMONICAS, PIANOS, MUSIC, ACCESSORIES ETC.... USIC LESSONS ALSO ALSO AVAILABLE ATTENTION GUITARISTS: Something Just New In "FRESHNER GIIITAR11 ' Built iw Wah-wah distortion, phase and sustained with hard shelled case ONLY IANOS STARTING ATASLOW AS 74c 00 TECHNICS irT �RGAN$i375000 COME IN AND PLAY OUR INSTRUMENTS... 61. HAMILTON T. GOO)N11(11 RIcKK 524 2111 R 481.4069 O "1 toommom 'S'"" arm - 11 ",e'er°, a, MO iy II I o• \00 'final score was 71-52 for Stratford. The Juniors lost out to greater height and. superior outside shooting - a 89-26 defeat. The Midget game ended in a 56-30. win for the Huskies. Starts '.�hurs , p �� 13 - apt."' 5th... Please Note Shawthmos; FRI. b SAT, DOUBL E DILL. STARTS _AT7;00 P.M. , WEEK, PAYS STARTS AT 8 P.M. A story about having the courage to be what you are. MISE"...k, love ('au'i l otl l( r forever... but the 1'IcXt time they meet he \VOi 1't CV(i 1 hall()' \ V In Ale l5. There are many ways to be seduced Fame Power Love WE DARE YOU To Discover "The Legacy"! Joe Tynan knows them all THEW SEDUCTION OF JOE TYNAN Legacyh A PETHURST LTD PRODUCTION A UNIVERSAL RELEASE C 69,9 UNIVERSAL CITY STUO,OS ,NC 4,23) All 9 S RESERVED STARTS WED., DEC. 19 SHOWTIME: 8 P.M. BURTON, MOORE, KRUGER ARE... INF WILD • Pius RUCE LEE- UPER DRAGON" R Diu r THE SUPER DRAGON 1 NEVER DIES! STARTS JAN. 18, 1980 E.' : MOTION PICTUR The Human Adventure Is Just Beginning. PARK GODERICH 0 .THE SQUARE. PHONE 524-7811 AIR CONDITIONED CHRISTMAS HOURS AND DEADLINES for the OFFICE OPEN REGULAR HOURS EXCEPT F'OR: Saturday, Dec. 2.2 OPEN 9 .A.M. - 5 P.M. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Dec. 24 - 25 • 26 CLOSED Tuesday, Jan. 1 CLOSED k DEADLINE FOR l DEC. 27 PAPER - 5:00 P.M., Thursday, Dec; 20 for classified and Display ads. DEADLINE FOR. JANUARY 3 PAPER - 5:00 p.m., Monday Dec. 31 for classified and Display ads. Season's Greetings .Y