The Exeter Times, 1888-3-1, Page 1London, RUMP. & Bruce, onion Nonwn— Paestinger. Louden., depart .,, .„ 830 A, .4. 4,25r .3Luoaz t Crosfi.ug ... 0.00 5,20 •Clandeboye 0.10 mo Centralia •9.25 5.87 Exeter ... „. —9,55 5.18 Eensall 0,48 ' 0.00 9.51 6,07 0,59 0,15 1035 6.35 10.37 6.66 ' Passenger , 7.31 883 ,.. 7:40 8,56 8.00 4.151 114) 5.19 4,31 8,27 4.42 ... 8.33 4,48 ••• 8.47 6.02 8,67 5,12 .,. 9.10 5,26 9,20 6.39 Clinton. ... Londedboro• Coma Sorra, LOnclesbore' Clinton „ Brueolield „ EiPPen. Bewail „ Exeter Centralia ... (landeboye Lncan Oroesing LE,GAL. 1 , :, DICKSON Barrister Soli- j54Ces el Supreme Court,Notary Public a milioya2406: OeirimisiSioner, (to. Money to Lou. ' Moe in Fanson's 13loc1, Exeter, R H. COLLINS, Barristert I 1 Solicitor Conveyancer Etc 'I , ))3SETElt, .. ONT. OfeeeSamevelleatiock Ran $ old office.) A RmouR W. FORD, -4- -I- Solicitor ill the Supreme Court of Ontario, Conveyancer, Com= ssioneridim, &a. Special attention. given to the collection of ClailDB in the United States: Patents procured, money to loan ab loweat rates. Oates : Opera House Bloch, St. Marys, Ont. 1.414.4LIOT & ELLIOT, ..I, of .it Barristers,Solicitors, Notaries Public, Conveyancers &c, &c. lt..Money to Loan at Lowest Rates interest. OFFICE, - MAIN - STREET, EXETER. E. V. Imam. J. ELLIOT. • _DENTAL. il L. BILLINGS, -ILL • 3:3=1"O"ITST, OFFICE: oyez 0,ArIELIUS Bank ,Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction. MT B. CARTWRIGHT, L. D. S. • S7R.G-=01•T X,EN'TIST- ., Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Eav ilibeigiiis ing fnrnisted fine Dental Rooms OD MAIN -ST„ next door to Treble's Harness shop, Exeter, where I am prepared to perform all branches of the Dental profession with ease le skill.' -v-ma-mT.A.39mm -v-..e...i.car6 used in extraoting teeth. Charges, Moderate; Terms, Cash. 11. --"'- IllN SMAN,DENTIST.L.D.S . . Samwell's Block, Main-st, Exeter, Extracts Teeth without pain, 1y giegetlllerrGlaDifgsadaokaegal Nork the beat possible. Goes l4tes.i.a, I. to Daman on last Thursday in each montti. a.-,....,....,---, MEDICAL . (1 LuTz,D. m., k..1 • Oflicee.t hisresidence Exeter. T W. B.ROWNING M. D., M. C e) . P. 8 ,G re, duate Vieloviarinivers 'tea Office- iddlresidence,Dom-InionLaboratox v, Exeter TIE,. HYNDMAN, coroner for the a , County of Huron. Office, opposite Mr. • . Carling's store, Exeter. — ----- -- — TAR. J. A.ROLLINS, M. C. P. 5 ..a.-, o. °Mee, Blain St.Exeter,Ont. Besiden C8 houserecontly occupied by 1'. McPhillips, Esq. . — AUCTIONEERS. t (( 1 , i .1 ENEY EILBER, Licensed Auo- tioneer for Elay, Stephen, woe ateGitli- seaY:Townshies: SnJes conducted atmoderate sates. Oftice—Atrost•offioe.Orediton, Ont. TORN GILL, Auctioneer for the co Townships of Stephen, 'flay and Itaborne and the Village of Exeter. All sales promptly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged at this office. -re VETERINARY. Li d 1 e a a 1] G r r. TENNENT 8t, TENNENT5 VETERINARY - SURGEONS, ‘Alf Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary C011ege. Creams : One door South of Town Hall. MONEY TO LOAN. TJFONE TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6+ per cent, 825,000 Private b'unds„ Best Loaning Companies represented. L.H. DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter, „ DI i T J...J 1 H G, . INSUBANCE . TAIli WATERLOO sMUTCAL FLREINSURANC E CO. Established in 1863. V EAD OFFICE - • WATERLOO, ONT. This comeanv has been over Eighteen realm ineuecessful operation in Westeen On- ario,andcontinuess tit) insure sgainstloss or .amage by Vire,Buildings,Merchandise,Man- tfactories,and all otbe r descrinti On fi °inseams- .ble property. Intending insurers have the ption of insuring on the Premium Note or 3esh Systole]. During the past ten, years this Company r as issued, 67,096 Policies. covering property 0 thee bunt of $540,872,088 ; ancl paid Wass- IS k1 .1031 3109.752.00 AssetS.8116,100.00, consisting of Cash tasank, Pvernment Depoeit,and the unarm - seed Premium Notes on handstand in force. J, V WArsonbt 11 13. Preside i.t. 0 , 11, TAypon, ecretary, J.8. Ructues,Inspector. OHAS. erttra Agontfor 'Exeter and vicinity, CENTRAL Barber Shop, _ rANSON'S BLOCK. A. Hastings, Pi -op, Shaving and Hair cutting in the lateet styles of.the art, ee Every attention peid to cutting Ladies ana Ohildren's Hair ,0gVVITCH.ES IVIA.i)E TO ORDER A 111.1eL omorrro AND HTJRON az- -VIIL!()LE"81fA GAZETTE, • "E(WW TO THE LINE, LET THE :pS,FALL WIIEBE THEY MAL" VOL. ;:v., NO. 9. EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY Kl<o-N OUR CLEARING SALE This Month! WILL ECLIPSE ANYTHING YOU EVER SAW BEFORE,. ALL Winter Goods Will be Cleared Out at Cost. REMNANTS at less than cost. You eau save Five Dollars ($5) on every Twenty Dollais wortheof Goods that you buy from us. BARGAINS FOR EVERYBODY. J.LOUPE a, CO. Three Houses and Lots for Sale. HELLO! MR. D. WHERE ARE YOU GOING TO Oh, 1 am going back to the Crodilon Chap Sioro WHICH STORE? Why, MITCHELL'S, Of course ! DOES HE SELL CHEAPLY? Why yes.; he has his store jam full of the best and cheapest goods in the village. Why Mr. D. you live so near Exetei ? IL know Clot sir ; but back at Mitchell's I can get good goods at right prices. He has the cheapest and best stock of Boots and Shoes you ever saw. it astonished nie when saw the large and Splended stock that he carries. He has everythiugaisually kept in a first-class general store. Everything new and fresh and mathed at rock bottom prices. Take My advice and give him a call, as he reys the highest price for butter and eggs, J. MITCHELL'S CHEAP STORE, Crectiton Ont. FIE nieroolonialllailway OF CANADA. The Royal Mail, Passenger and A'reight oute between Canada and Gloat Butain and n the LOWOT St. LOAM:WOO and Baie dos Cha- irect route between the West and all points eur, It Iso ew Brunswick, Nova Scotia„ P. E. Island Cape Breton, ewtoundland, Bermuda, and Jamaica. New and elegant Pullman 13uffe5 Sleeping nd Day Cars run Ott through Express trains. Passengersfor Great Britain Or 'be Conti- ent by leaving Toronto at 8.30 a. ni. Thurs. ay will join outward mail steamer et Heli- x a, m. Saturday. Superior Elevator Warehouse and Dock ea- ommodation at Halifax for shipment Ofgrath ncl general merchandise. Year of exporience have proved the INTER- OLONIAL in connection with ateaniali nes to aud from London. Liverpool and lasgow to Halifax, to he the quickest freight ute between Co dada and Groat Britain. Information as to Passenger end Freight tes can be bad on application to ROBERT B. M:)0DIE, westing, Fr eight &Passenger Agent Possin House Elock,Yoric at. To,o tc, D. PO VEIN GEL CALL & TRY —Ile is bound to— GIVE BARGAINS in TEAS a " in HOSIERY " in CLOTHING " in TWEEDS " in TOP SEIR'TSj " , in UNDERWEAR " in CA RDINGS " in RUB13ER5 "• in DRESS GOODS in LADIESPLUSH rgains in Groceries, Boots and Shoes, IE WILL SELL HIS ENTIRE STOCK 1 —AT ESS THAN ACTUAL COST is bound to reduce his stock and will give bargains never before heard of in Exeter. ods well aesorted end everything fresh. No shelf -worn geode in stock, RGAINS FOR YOU 1 Fort yourt NEIGHBORS ! BARGAINS FOR ALL! lomember and call early and bring the cash alobg with you, for which yon will receive more than full valet). AUCTION SALE —Of Surplus Winter Stolt- -ON— SA.TT7RDii.Y; F141T3' Y. 18 F •SDAY, 22n1.' WORKS FICTION and Volloy.l•fq , ' All of which will be sold at the LOW 08 ro- IiulttofSttiy3 rates. ' Exeter, 11 oc. 8. INA asors BLOC1 3, fl,11, SALT! SALT 1 SALT 1 The Exeter Salt Works Company -A- offer salt at the Exeter Salt Woll at $2.25 per ton. T. B. CAItLINGE, Sea - SAW GUMMING.—The Under - a igned would inform the public that he is prepared to gum saws on the shorteet notice, and in a first-class manner, guaranteeing not to damage the plate. Saws gummed ata lowprice, at the faotory, mile south of Efeter. 1- ,ORNE HOUSE.—The 'Under- ' 4 signedtakes the liberty to ,inform the tra- velling Public ihat he opened his house for trio accommodation of all travellers, on October lat. Those who favor him with their patro- nage will receive t be best attention, 7.11ere is good stabling in cennection, .TOHN OALLANDER, Kirkton The Art of Advertising . For $10 we will insert 4 lines (32 words) in one Million (sepias of Daily, Sunday or Weekly Newspapers. The work will all be done in Ten Days. Send order and cheek to GEO. P. ROWELL 8500., i10 Spruce St. New York. 176 page catalogue sent by Mail for 30 cents. For Sale, A large one storey frame store building with cellar underneath together with -.)-, of 8.11 acre of lend, sitn abed in the business part of .Exeter. There is also a dwelling at r‘+ar of property facing William -at. Tenn s to suit pm chaser: e'er further particulars apply to ' 2 mos. THOS. HAMLIN, Exeter. For Sale. -- , 1 hereby offer for sale 100 acres of land, locati ed in the best part of Stephen township, lately occupied by Thomas Sims. The land is well im", proved and is adesirable farm in every respect; 15 18 composed of Lot Number Eighteen in th4 Tenth concession of the Township of Stephen Parties desiring to purohnse will be furnished with all particulars on application to , WM. LEWIS. or to OreditoM LEWIS H. DICKSON. . lo Barrister, Exeter. A Farm & Village Property . . FOR SALE. — The 'Undersigned offers for sale South half of Lot 9, Coo. 3, MoGilliVrhy, containing 50 acres, 15 cleared, the balance hardwood bush. There is a good frame house, good barn and stabling, good bearing orchard, a plentiful supply of good water ou tbe farm, convenient to school and churches. Also yillage property, comprising3Lota,ou Elizabeth Street,intheVil legs of Exeter, with aood frame house and: cellar. good stable, goo d well with pump, also: a quantity of choice fruit trees on the prerni-, sea. For further particulars apply to..EDWARD KAGIBE, EketerNorth: MLLETTS PowDERED ,VM 99 PER CENT PUREST, STRONGEST, BEST. Ready for use in any quantity. For making Soap, Softening Water, Disin- feeting,mid a hundred other uses, A eau equal:: 20 pounds Sal Soda, Sold by all Grocer' and Druggists, • 2E. W. GILLETT. - TORONTM 4,..., r•I'vvp) %;..t, iptatiT0'" - kkirhI‘"445'-'•r- • t** . • - • „, , \ ' 4 - ..- , EllifIRIRIAIK intl. examine Senior's Show Window, where you will see some firstclass photos, equal to any City Work. 'HERE ! DID I NOT TELL YOU SO ! And yon can rely upon getting value for our money everytime. ------- :le abiuet Photograph $3 a doz $1.50 FOR CARDS. He also has a fine line of Photo Frames ad Mats, at RightPrices. ICTURE FRAME MOULDING IN ALL STYLES. trE'Call — and — See-ast JOSEPH SENIOR, i Opposite H. Spackman'a Tinshop, 1 l'I ETEING ligEwf I i M il 1 1 The Proprietor of the Dominion Laboratory Begs to announce to his nutnerous friends and patrons that he hs just put in a full --line of— Staple & Fancy Slatiobery, Accounts Booke and all kinds of Seliool _Requisites, Leter Ana Note Paper, Poole Cap Paper, Account Paper; Colored 'I'iseues Gilt Papers, Drawing Pap. or, Pete and Pencils, And also a full line of ali the nevreat rend 0108 t popular T. DE A .1`Sr G NING, MARCH 1 1888. ROUND THE COUNTRY, By our Own Correspondents, Hensall. teA young man named 13atteartf The London out, went to Seaforth last Thursday and sense time during the evening er night be was overconee by the fumes of gas-gaa wheth- er from a coal stove or a pop maelaine depon- ent saith net. At any trite he claim to have Wen robbed of 0200 while in an unconscions ochaditiort. ea -e-0-•-• Stephen. A rather amusing some a as that which ()c- ourted at a farm house near Ciediton one evening last week. At the cenoltision of a Weed beettlie party gathered at the house, aid sceMeidlevere heartily engaged in tripping the liglIffit4teetie. Of course, on suoh *.l.i.fet*Ntekiii.ekare quite necessary, and • tesetheetkitOtis):eeske cider barrel was sLhii1k fat -Ward. A few glateesie Were partaken` iithy46h one, the re- sulteed Which were soon vieible, as your cor- respondent is quite certain that' few of the assemblage for a time knew Upon which end --head:or foot --they were dancing. The (Anil assigned for their bees:m:3114mo ember. 'ted,', is that the eider being frozen at eaoh the barrel and leaving the centre to the pure and unadulterated article e'free to be tipped. They drew and ma. !ligly drank of the juice, the strength of OS was soon exhibit. The fact of the tier is, the cider was) strong enough 10 street car, Creels -ton. -- xeseee-Mr. Jos. Senior, of Exeter, has • milifieieion in the Crediton Post Office a ne lot'Or Cebinet photos which speak for • hemselesei: • We cougratulate Mi. Senior on' is success 53 an artist and can cheerfully eetommend him to the public. —We wish to 10 the attention of our village constable to ,fact that considerable more noise wad ieconduet is carried on in our streets than ,hecessary, arid that it is no credit to our •plasm to tolerate it. Strangerefare hiig of the nuisance, and we thiuk it should ei.put a stop to, 'el. 0. F.—The Independent Order of For- tistere of this pima are making very rapid progess. Tlsey have organized a large 'rcenert here and are monthly increasing their Membership. We think tnis accounts for the • _largeepterober of crippled folks we have about .8, teie i;0 eeems thet the Court has not bOieght a saddle for the goat, and „they are snot accustomed to Tiding hare bac. eseVEns Forsoneriere—One Sunday recently a 'ektired farmer living, in, 0reditott.-44gghtedf ,WitteSunday, and arose) bright and early drove t, the old homestead, and started the fanning mill going, Re continued his labors until about two o'clock in the afternoon, when a neighbor who had heard the noise went to eee what was going on. The old gentlemen was surprisect when be beard it was Sunday, and borrowed a Sunday suit to go home in, and begged the neighbor not to say A word about it. • When he reached home and in- formed his wife of the gross mistake, she too was conscience stricken, as she had scrubbed and was doing her Saturday's work. We think the old man had better adopt Robin- son's Grime's plan and make a scratch on the wall for week days and a longer ova for Sunday, so that in future such a mistake will not occur, If being quizzed is doing pen- ance the old man has received his penalty. PEnsmeere—The Misses HirSzel of Detroit, paid their father a flying visit during the past week. —Mr. Beaver of Morriston is visiting friends in and around Crediton.— Mrs. I, H. Shelton of Corsicanha, Teem, is paying her parents (.111r. and Mrs. John Trevethick) a visit.—IVIr. John Ratz of New Hamburg, Ont., was in town last week. ENTERTAINMENT. —The most successful entertainment ever held in Crediton was held iu the town hall on Friday evsning last under the auspices of the Orediton Public school. The teachers have good reasons to feel gratified with their success. as never before was there such a large gathering at an affair of the kind in Crediton. It is estimated tint between five and sit hundred persons were in attendance, the hall being fairly packed. The programme was long, the only fault and that is a good one, and well ren- dered. The children did excellently and deserve great praiee. The dialogues by the grown up folks were also well receive.: and caused considerable laugl:ter, especially the ones entitled. "The train to Mauro," "Wo. man's Rights," and "The Tailor Shop." We think that if some of the great woman uffrage adyocates had been iu attendenee nd saw the evils of it in reality, as depicted n 'Woman's Rights,' (where the husband as to stay at home and do the washing and eusework while the wife is away attending political meeting) they would change their pinions The singing was excellent and we ave much pleasure in:referring to the solos y Messrs Senior aud Snell of Exeter; the ialogues oas were interspersed with choice elections by the string -bands which were vell received and after two hours of enjoy• ent everybody went home well pleased and ronounced it the best ever held in Codi - on, At the close the brass baud played a ew lively seleetions And wound up with God save the Queen. None—The proceeds will be applied toward a library for the school. Meate.--It seems we will find mean folks whatever we go. We are sorry to report a case in oter midet ; but if it aceomplishes its Mission we will feel gratified. The caSe is this t Mr. Wm. Wenzel, of this place, claim that Esomeene is making a public witness of bite, and it is evicleutly merely for spite, as he heti now, during the hiet few months, bon subponted on 4 or 5 Seott Aeo cases, Wheth- er against Oreditou nice or euteldere, and has been compelled to hire a livery and attend cann't in all these cases, and 'toyer reeeives any pay, besides he looaes a day's work. Mr. W. setts he would hot care but in most of the eaees he has never been inside the hotels, and consequently can be of no 090 as a wit. noes. ,All of which goes to show that ibis a inade.up aliaie to dreg him into Scott Lot case, Whoever 11 18 bewete, es murder will out, A bill which will be introduced. bY• Mr, Hardy proposes to throw the eost of en- fen:Ging the Scott Act upon the munimpel. hies, to the eXtent of tho fines So that the Government will not bo calied upon to contribute ono third Of the expense unless the lines ti,re insufficient to pay the Cost (.4. onft)roimit, JOB N WHITE & SONS, Fubllehers and Proprietors A1444M11110411 1 COMMUNICATION We wish it to be clietinetly undoretoted that WO do not bold ourselves reseensible fe04he (Tin- ian Advanced by corresponcleats tinder this heading, To the Editor of the Exeter 7 Everything eonsideredesees ;seem strange that the, comeelletselOWelhe, Peliee Magistrate to hold courYIn',-theefown hall here and try oases from the 'Snerrountling townships without his allowingthe teem any remuneration. It is wevoough to grant the free uee of the hall foraejeal comee„ but when the magistrate comes- here and'S asks for the building to hear • those of the, various townships hereabout, I consider 1-.4 presumptuous on his part and deeidedly wrong of the council :to allow him to else the hall without payingeetbe usua rental. Trusting that this wroqg vriekbe rectified, I am Yours truly, •„ RATEPAYRIL 4-44 4 To the Editor of the Exeter 2'irnee. DIIAR Sirt,—I have just received a cepa, of THE TIMES containing a letter in refit. ence to the deputy returning officer.- of . Stephen towuship, signed "Justice,” Pur:1 . Porting tobe an answer to mine on the sante matter. Being an ordinary farmer I am not in EL position to give you extracts from Harrison's Manual relating to the case, and having only in my possession the municipal statutes in which can be founcl clauses on She subject, Ido not,d lire to find. much 'Ogarth bkhis acting with justiOe. ; in ees to besof the opinion that the epfe-*Ahe act would not be violated by W. de, as D R 0. In my hinnble way ':f.:Ilesire to inform "Justice" ilaatrif he Auld go to theelerkof thie township and siitithe form ddechteetion which is to be taketby every auditor '„VefOre he caiietene,;he 'WOnld be at onn(itee;cuetrvaliflyncaepc14;4tdhgli.Iat ,Holth could -. •Nice -46, chaPelecbeier 74, reitkds as fol. lcieri. (—"The itophnOiclaratiini'vto be made by every anclifsh441elee as f011Ows : (A. 13.) Having beenWffinted teethe °MOE, of auditor for ilieserkiunicipal .,corporation of --------, do hereby promise anti declare that I will faithfully- perform the duties of Such office according to the best of my judg- ment and ability; and I do solemly declare that I had not, directly or indirecesly any share or interest whatever in any contract or employment (except that of anditor, if Bs -APPOINTED) with, by Or Oil hihAlf Of SUCh municipal corporation during thee.year pre- ceding my appointment, and MO I have not any such contract or emplog*ent except that of auditor for the preseut li.f:t." . aehteepernilesive ,tesidesi " tie4sciffiritie tad "Justice" will notice that thee 'et in this tt eaeeedoesennt, leave theetakie theedeelare stances Mr. Hogarth could not make the declaration referred to and therefore was disqualified. "Justice" talks considerable of Harrison's manual, I do not care fOr his opinion on the matter. There is the de- claration atiir to be made, and flogarth cannot n RATBPAYETt. Stephen Feb'y 28,1888. 4 • What's the Matter. To Editor of the Exeter Times. Now, what's the row about the toun, And why is a' this clatter, inan ? The farmers a' are speerin roun' To find out what's the matter, man. The Council a' both great and sine' Will hang at next election, man, Because they all refused the hall, And hae no escaped detection, man. The cranks say all, ye must gie the hall, To try our Scott Act cases, man ; The Council say, `No, well not do so Till some one asks for gall grasses,' man. Poor Scottie he threatened but (nobody , [f rechtened) To breakdown the &tore Of the hall, man; But the Magistrate wrote a, most polite note, And he met with no trouble At all, 'man. Clinton's Scottie s' the lad that aye gets mad When cases are far between, man ; He gets so much a case. You can tell by [his face That foe cash he is unco keen, man. Scott's ill to please. 'Wi all his fees For trials, he's still craving for moreanan; He wants the Inspectors and otherDirectors To come on wi' cases galore, man. Oh 1 Scottie's the boy for the temp'renee cry; Oh ! Scottie's a chap of great bounty (He makes siccan faces.) For a' his grinea,ces He's paid in geid cash by the county. , Oh, Scottie! Oh; Scottie! Oh; 'ee1 do 1 wot (Ye ; It's eash and no temperance ye're after. Wi' the face that ye carry, no wonner ye [tarry Wi' a job then whilk no job is safter. His face is 5 study. His blnid is na ruddy; He as white as his liver; nae whiter ; But cash is hie allin' ; we a know he's faille'. Then why not draw ScottAet reins tighter. Ronne. A letter dated Havana, on the island of Cuba, Feb. 16, says between May last and January, 1888, 2,000 persons died of smallpox in. Havana and that 4,000 per- sons died in other parts of the island In Santiago De Cuba there were over 1,000 deaths, The authorities are doing nothing. The text of Mr,Parnell's bill is published. The bill empowers the court to order a reduction of arrears and 009b of tenants So whom the land not of 188'7 applies, where it is proved that such tenants are unable to pay, owing to circumstances beyond thoir oontrol; extends to nine mos. the period within which caretakers under the act of 1887 may apply for restitution of their tenancy; empowers the court to reduce the amount of judgment and costs against such caretakers whon it is proved. that they are unable to pay, and directs thab upon payment of the reduced judg- ment, and upon, application to be restored to their holdings, they bo dealt with as if Shay- had Niardgment in full. The bill lias beau submitted to Mr. Morley, and 1ee e 1,1/1olson , (61c4BI'33:0113)1SYrAtinTA Pahl e Capital... $2.000,000: ltest Fuzee, $75,040 Caere the 1.'6MS* 4 1iRVENT',IN'TZIM$T, PEE ANNIThIfor neeinseeon DEPOSIT RECEIPTS AND le PEE CENT. INTERST PER eklxlitrAl For alopmy in Savings Bank, JCisp'nat (Lately 1e-Opehed. VOr further particulars epp/y et The jes.nk Main street, Exeter, • oFe.ICE ROUES — 10 a. m. to sp. m. 8aturdays,10 5m. telP.m ' A. A. C, DENOVAN, Exeter, Oct, 25, '87. •21Tel/imam ' IffitaillM4344444, 40:014241.341,114X1104 Legislative Assembly Notes. The enterprising town of Woodstock is asking lecorporation as a city. The Globe says:—"Nights eittines have not been in order this session. It must be owned that legislation is moving at a some- what leisurely pace.'i Mr. Hardy's bill relating to the enforce - meet of the Scott Act provides that the tinee shall be applied in the enforcement of the At ; that the Government shall not contribute anything unless the finest are in- sufficient to meet the expenses • that where there is such a deficiency the 'Government 4• 11411On111.9' ‘.481P. Illaerlhyl,r(PIcodfdaity., introduced a bill providing that towns not separated from • counties, having salaried police magietiates shall not be chargeable with any portion of the salary and expeeses paid to police mag- istrates by the counties, and that no pert of said salary and expenses shall be collected .frqui said town. The hill introduced by Mr. Gibs= to amend the Voters' Litt Act is intended to .provide for the preparation of a supplernen- tory voters' list towards the end of the year of persons who may vote at municipal eleo tions, so that persons who purchase nropma ty after -the revision of the genet -al list may secure the right of voting at such eleetions. Holt. G. W. Ross has been formally noti- fied of the passage of a resolution by the Centra,1 Farmers' Institute, approvingof the introduction of the elementary text book on agriculture into the common schools, and recommending, the Model Farm to the fav- orable consideration of farmers. The reso- lution was earried unanimously. The Prisonreport for Ontario was pre. sented by le1r. Hardy Friday. In the com- mon jails of the Province there 11,017 com- mitments in 1887, an increase ef 872 over the number in the previous year. The dif- ference is caused by an increase of 575 in She umber of commitments for drankenness offset by decreases in the commitments fiar various other offences. The non -criminal classes confined in jails are represented by 460 lunatics, 15 persons detailed as •witniss.- es, 60 debtors and 111 persons charged with Icontempt of Court,' which offence probably consists sometimes of non-payment of debts. The number of covictions was 6,789. • On evening of September 30 there were 655 persons confined in the jails of Ontario, 316 in the Central prisms, 117 in the Andrew Mercer reformatory and 192 in the Reform- atory for boys at Penetanguishene. Mr. Phelps' bill for the better protection of game was discussed Monday. Law which lay down the exact time and mode in which game are to be killed are always said to be for the "protection.of game," although it is probable thatathe deer and 'ducks feel Nit little' interest in-5ha-questiori of wheth- etethey are to be killed in June Or Decem- ber, or by a vulgar pot -hunter or a man in a green coat. However, it is not well to dis- play any levity on this subject iu the Legis- leture. where many of the men are keen sportsmen. The object of Mr. Phelps' bill is to shorten the season for deer -shooting. Mr. Fraser was prepared to go him one bet ter, by prohibiting entirely for • several years the shooting of moose, which are al- most extinct, ancl by offering rewards for the destruction of wolves, which are.slaugh- tering as many deer as the pot -hunters. The bill was read tilsecond time. News Notes. The best orchards in Nova Scotia last year netted to their owners a,t the rate of 8800 an acre. They have now started to nianufacture paper from tobacco. Well, turn about is fair play. For a long tiae it has been said that they manufacture cigars from paper. At the Brandon, Man., market, where from 6,000 to 10,000 bushels of wheat are marketed daily, the ruling price last week was about 50 cents per bushel and oats 25 cents. "Thou shalt not covet; thy neighbor's, fish" is a clause that should be inserted ITt the tenth commandment, which. oughO'to be framed large and hung up in full view of every Ainericro. Congressman and Senator. Writs have been issuedfor the elections in West Middlesex and PrMce Edward. Nominationsin both cases take place on. March 5 and polling on March 12. The traffic returns of the Canadian Pacific Railway from February 14th to February 21st were, in 1888, $181,000;in 1887, $119,000; increase for 1888, $82,00,0 The above does not include earnings on the South-eastern Railway. The Halton Scott Act voting is to -day, lat. The contest bids fair to be very close. The results in the former con- tests were as follows Majority for 1881 85 • 1884 180 SOUTH VALLEJO, Cal., Feb. 27.—The steamer Julia was blown up this morning and burned. Over 10 persons were on board, and it is belitsvet1 that 30 o40 were killed or drowned and many wounded. They were Mostly laborers. Oereasee, Feb. 27.—In the Supretrie Court to -day the appeals to unseat Coul- ontbe, of Maskinonge (Conservative); Ganthier, of L'A ssomption (Grit); and Casgrain, of L'Islet (Grit), and Langelier, of Montmorency, (Grit), were dismissed with costs, the court holding that it had no jarisdiction. The appeals wore agairisi She six months' hoist., The Figaro publishes a dispatch from its correspondent at San Remo eontian- ing most astounding statements concern- ing the condition of the Crown Prince. All the Germans at San Remo, the correspondent says„as well AS the itteet of the German physicians attending the sufferer, agree that Olt Prince is affeoted with cancer, complicated with a disease eontracted in his youth, whieh is equally incorable with eeneor itself, Itthie present condition, the tlitpraclIgious, thi) Prince may live a month or six wooks, and porba,ps only a ti vol., it tho, next operation, which is inot,itablo, is not suc- ssPitl.. Other reports t,,,t,y !,10 Prince. it Will be supported by the Giadstouians d eing"Well