Clinton News-Record, 1979-11-29, Page 12t.
) advocate
EleanorBradnock, editor
WI learn about early days in banking
Banking Down Through
the Years, was the topic
of David Scott, manager
of the Canadian 'Imperial
Bank of Commerce,
Auburn, when he spoke at
the November meeting of
the Auburn Women's
Institute last Tuesday in
the Community
Memorial Hall. He spoke
about the bartering
system in the early days
of Canada and the
present mechanized
computer system. He was
introduced by Mrs. Bud
Chamney, public
relations officer for the
branch and thanked by
Mrs. Thomas Haggitt and
presented with a gift.
The president, Mrs.
Eleanor Bradnock, was
in charge of the meeting
which opened with the
Lions plan
The 4uburn and
District Lions Club met
last Wednesday evening
in the Auburn Com-
munity Memorial Hall
with the dinner catered
by the Anglican Church
Women. There were 16
members present.
President, • Lion Bill
Robertson, was in charge
of the meeting. The
secretary, Lion Bob
,Worsell, gave his report
and this was adopted on
motion by Lion Donald
Haines and seconded by
Lion Kenneth Scott.. A
donation of $25 was voted
to be sent to the
P.R.I.D.E. Multicap
There will be)a canvass
for the C.N.I.B. on
Monday, November 26.
Ode,. Mary Stewart
Collect and 0 Canada
with Mrs. Catherine
Jackson at the piano.
Mrs. Bud Chamney
sang a solo, It Is No
Secret What God Can Do,
accompanied by Mrs.
Kenneth McDougall.
The secretary, Mrs.
Robert Peck, was unable
to be present so the
assistant secretary, Mrs.
Kenneth McDougall read
the minutes. ' She also
gave the financial
Plans were made for
the family night on
November 30 at 6:30 p.m.
when members are to
bring something for both
the first and second
course. Mrs. Frank
Raithby, Mrs. Robert
Turner and Mrs. Thomas
There is to be an
executive meeting at the
home of the president.
LIOn Bill Robertson on
November 25.
It was announced that
there will be a zone
meeting at Wingham and
five members stated that
they would attend.
Tickets for the New,
Year's Eve pork bar-
becue are going fast at
$15 per couple.
Tickets fqr the gas
barbecue draw are now
available at 50 cents or
three for $1. The draw is
to be held during the sno-
fest weekend. The date is
to be announced in
The Children's
Christmas party will also
be announced soon.
Stewart Toll takes
.4re • A r.40
Stewart Toll, Assistant
. e. •
Director of Education
with the Middlesex
County Board of
Education, has been
elected president of the
550 -member Ontario
Association of Education
Administrative Officials.
Jardin will, be in charge
of decorating.
It was announced that
the Women's Institute
will be catering to the
Ladie§' Night of the
Auburn and District
Lions Club on December
5. Mrs. Thomas Haggitt
will be in charge of the
The members decided
to purchase six dozen
dessert spoons for the
hall kitchen as many
were missing after the
125th Birthday Party.
New cooking dishes are
also to be purchased and
Mrs. Thomas Haggitt
was named to look after
A box will be placed at
the door on Family Night
to assist Family and
Children's Services with
their work for the needy
at Christmas.
The card report was
given by Mrs. Lillian
Letherland. She also read
the thank -you notes.
It was decided to again
send Christmas cards to
the shut-ins and an in-
vitation to attend the
Blyth W.I. meeting on
December 6 at 8 p.m. was
A letter was read from
the War Memorial
Children's Hospital,
London, requesting
finanda-1-- assistance and
the members voted to
send $25.
A reading, Changeable
November, was given by
Mrs. Kenneth
Mrs. Thomas Jardin
gave a good report on the
recent London Area
meeting in St. Marys.
A newsletter from the
London Branch of the
Ontario Lupus
Association, in which
Miss Ruth. Peck of
London had written an
article, was read by Mrs.
Bradnock. A delicious
lunch was served by Mrs.
Kenneth McDougall and
Mrs. Bud Chamney.
ACW meet at Cartwright's
St. Mark's Anglican
Church Women met last
Friday at the home of the
president, Mrs. Donald
Cartwright. She opened
the meeting with the
hymn, I Heard the Voice
of Jesus Say, followed
with prayers led by Mrs.
Thomas Haggitt.
The scripture lesson
was Mark 7, verses 32 to
37. The meditation from
•the Living Message was
read alternately.
Mrs. Jqhn Daer gave a
reading, What Do You
,t ' -
The Association, com-
posed of school board
directors and superin-
tendents, aids in
professional develop-
ment, provides a public
voice on education
matters, and offers
support services for its
Preventive TV studied
GODERICH - The board
at the Alexandra Marine,
and General HopsitaV in
Goderich is showing
interest in an in-hospital
television system. •
The board is studying
the system which would
be set up and operated by
the hospital's own staff.
Patient Education
Television (PETV), used
at University Hospital in
London, teach people in
hospitals preventive
medicine, good health
niaintenance and bad
health habits or lifestyles
that contribute to illness.
Through black and
white receivers PETV
can look at problems such
as smoking, alcoholism,
obesity, tension, exercise
• Surprise
Available in 36" and
48" widths.
... in old bathrooms,
basements or
additions. Stop in;
and see how great
and easy -to -care for
this sturdy four -piece
Fiberglas* shower stall
unit is. From •399t0
aikirtottl, ONT.
;If •
as well as explore dif-
ferent parts of the body.
Sterivision, the firm
being used at Univeristy
Hospital, provides black
and white single -channel
sets at every patient's
beside at no charge either
to the, patient of the
• Mr. Toll has been a
member of • the
Association since its
inception in 1969. He
joined the Middlesex
County Board of
Education as an area
superintendent in 1969
and was. appointed
Superintendent of
Development and Special
Education in 1971, He
became Assistant
Director of Education in
Mr: Toll was raised in
the Auburn area and is
the son of the. late Fred
and Laura Toll. He is
married to the former
Marguerite Hall,
daughter of Mrs. Luella
Hall of Blyth and the late
Bernard Hall.
After reading the
hymn, 0 Jesus I Have
Promised, Mrs. Cart-
wright thanked all who
had taken part 'in the
The business period
started with the minutes
read •by the secretary,
Mrs. John Daer. The
financial statement was
given by the treasurer,
Mrs. Thomas Haggitt.
Correspondence was read
and business discussed.
It was decided to have
the next meeting on
December 20 at the home
of Mrs. Thomas Haggitt.
The, roll call was an-
swered by a Bible zverse
referring to a seasbn of
the year.
The offering was
received and . the
travelling apron passed.
The meeting was closed
with the Grace and lunch
was served by ,Mrs.
Cartwright, assisted by
•Mrs.. Lillian Letherland.
The Huron Central Agricultural Society chose a new executive at a meeting
last Wednesday night. Jack Mayhew, left, Is the first vice president, Faye Fear
is the society's secretary -treasurer and Dave Dalzell was chosen as the new
president. (News -Record photo)
Village news and notes
Mrs. Dorothy Grange, Enough for your
Mrs. Thomas Jardin, family) .
Mrs. Oliver Anderson, Mrs. Ben Hamilton is a
Mrs. Lillian Letherland, patient in Alexandra
Mrs. Frank Raithby and Marine and General
Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock Hospital where she un -
joined the Goderich derwent surgery last
Garden Club on their trip Friday. She is wished a
to the Royal Botanical speedy recov,ery.
Gardens in Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
to the Velhuis Nurseries Weston of,Toronto visited
and Greenhouses in on the weekend with her
Dundas last Thursday. mother, Mrs. Mary
Mrs. William Moss Rollinson and her brother
spent a few days last Murray Rollinson.
week as a patient in Mr. and Mrs. Alan
Alexandra Marine and Moore of Stratford called
General Hqspital, on, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Goderich. She vvtiable to Johnston and Miss Laura
come home on the Phillips last Sunday.
weekend. Gordon Dobie is a
Donald Haines held the patient in University
winning ticket (number Hospital where he un -
90) in last weeks Auburn derwent surgery on his
and District Lions Club feet. He is wished a
lottery. •speedy recovery.
Winners at the weekly Mrs. Donald Haines is
euchre party held every visiting in Niagara Falls
Tuesday evening ' at 8 with her son Ed Haines,
p.m., last week were: Mrs. Haines and wee
novelty, Mrs. Donald granddaughter-.
Haines; high lady, Mrs. Mrs. Wilfred Plunkett
Gordon Powell; low lady, is a patient' in Clinton
Mrs. Mabel Hawkins; Public Hospital. She is
high man, \ Kenneth wished a speedy
McDbuga,11 and low man, recovery.
Ray Hanna. Congratulations to Mr.
The annual Family and Mrs. Allan Reed. (nee
Night will be held on
November 30th at 6:30
p.rn. and will begin with a
pot luck dinner.
Everyone is to bring
something for the ,first
course and the second.
Large or small, we'll fix
them all...
Our repair experts will
have y_our applianie•in tip
top shape fast. Call us to-
Gail Seers) on the birth of
twin sons in St. Joseph's
Hospital-, London on
November 21 - twin
brothers for Jeremy and
grandsons for Mr. and
Mrs. William Seers of
Auburn and Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Reed of Hen-
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley
McNall of Welland visited
on the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. Tom Johnston
and Miss Laura Phillips.
Mrs. Thomas Jardin,
Mrs. Dorothy Grange and
Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock
attended the Nutrition
Course at Carlow last
Wednesday sponsored by
the Tiger Dunlop
Women's Institute and
given by the Home
Economics Branch of the
Ministry of Agriculture
and Food and the Huron
County Health Unit.
- Sales of •after -shave
lotion and cologne reach
all time highs in June,
proving that everyone
loves 'Father, but noone
likes the way he smells.
rrai Henry
at the
My Xmas gift
to you
for 12 months on any piano or organ
purchase. Largest selections of quality,
pianos in Western Ontario and all keyboard
prices are the lowest anywhere. Get yours.
now before prices go sky-high.
Special from
start to finish
This agile, light‘weight ,machine conies with an
electic starter and d deluxe brilllt 11111h so it
looks CIS great as it rides And it lids all the per-
formance you expect frOnl Y‘imalhi
Machines, Service, Parts and Accessories
All at very competitive prices .
DIAL 262-6142 HENSALL. - ONT.
Your Authorized Yamaha Full Service Dealer.
l mile West and 1 Mile South of Hensall
0C: 41
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I'M ' '..,"',.)4J .7 .....' ';..• 5 ".• • ' ''6•it ' 4
').301.1•144a;,;•(.7.4;$//b,Pii),X0',;;;ii;/ dr•;iirstlit!lir16. ',14.1%:Z•44....s..; • A... ....i4r..\ . .•, S' ••.,... • \)::,`,...:‘:....",,,e,•;',.:‘,;,„•..*.i#gt
I. If you decorate your house with Christmas lights, keep it
simple. Too much .of a good thijig is a waste of electricity.
2. Turn your Christmas display on after 7 pim when the deniand
frWeiedridity is lighter. And please, remember to switch it off
at bedtime.
.. A h'appy Christmas is a safe Christmas. Discard old lights
that show wear or damage and make sure lights are marked
C.S.A. for safety.
Get one free chance with each purchase
at the stores displaying the red ,card
in their window
Piets Place, Sills Hardware, Jack and Jill, Larones, Crown
Hardware, Huron Expositor, Hetherington Shoes, Keating's
- Pharmacy, Seaforth Jewellers, Bill O'Shea Men's Wear, Robt. L.
Plumsteel Interiors, David Longstaff Optician, Stedmans.
Canadian Tire Frank Kling Ltd.
SANTA CLAUS PARADE Dec 1 commencing
from the arena at 10:30 a.m.
Visit Santa at the Town Hall from 11:00 a.m.
to 12 noon •and 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
' r ;