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Pest Wishes rom
26. Births
To Jean and Richard
Shaddick, Burnaby, .B.C. a
son, David Richard Scott, 9
lbs. 15 as. A sister for
Gary, Marie and Jeffrey
Black are happy to announce
the arrival of a new member
to their family. Krista
Leanne was born, Nov. 15,
1979 at Clinton Public
Hospital weighing 6 lbs. 131/2
ozs. First granddaughter for
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Black,
Clinton, and Mr. and Mrs.
Ken Johnston, Victoria,
B.0 .--47nc
Alex and Anita thank God for
the safe arrival of a son
Adam Christian on Monday
November 19, 1979 at Clinton
Public Hospital weighing 6
lbs. 3 ozs. A brother for
Danny, Suzanne and
Doug and Janene are
pleased to announce the safe
arrival of a son Jason
Lawrence weighing 6 lbs. 4
ozs. on November 16, 1979 at
Clinton Public Hospital. A
brother for Derrick and
Darryl. Proud grandparents
are Mrs. Jean Jamieson and
Mrs. Nancy Wise.-47nc
27. Deaths
At St. Joseph's Hospital on
Tuesday, November 13, 1979,
Walter George Mead of 1235
Huron Street, in his 78th
year. Beloved husband of
Mrs. Lizzie (Williams) Mead
and dear father of Mrs.
Garry (Geraldine) Minielly,
Goderich, Mrs. Harold
(Vera) Ferguson, Mrs.
Douglas (Noreen) Rath,
George and Leonard Mead,
all 'residing in London.
Loving grandfather of 13
grandchildren. Dear brother
of .Mrs. William (Lillian)
Walsh, Clinton, Henry Mead,
Lambeth,Frank Mead, Galt.
Predeceased by five sisters.
Resting at the Jas. M.
Carrothers & Sons Funeral
ome, 843. Dundas Street
(,,fter 2 p.m. Thursday).
F� neral service was held in
Alban's Anglican Church,
ron Street, on Friday,
ember 16, at 11 a.m. with
n G. Dibbs officiating.
ent Forest Lawn
rial Gardens.-47nc
At his residence in Blyth, on
Monday, November 19,
Wesley Irwin Taman, in his
66th year. Beloved husband
of the former Margaret
Gillespie. Dear father of
James of Goderich, Lyle of
London, Richard of Blyth
and Judy (Mrs. Delmar
Sproule) of RR 3, Auburn.
Dear brother of Mrs. Audrey
Walsh of Clinton. One
brother Clifford
predeceased. Also survived
by five grandchildren.
Rested at the Tasker
Funeral Home, Blyth,
Ontario, where the funeral
service was held on Wed-
nesday, November 21 at 2
p.rn. Interment Blyth Union
31. Card of thanks 31, Card of thanks
Doug and Jean Dale would
like to thank Dr. Baker, Dr.
Harding and the nurses and
staff of St. Joseph's Hospital
for the kind attention and
care that Jean. and Christine
received during their recent
stay and to everyone who
sent cards and flowers and
visited since ,coming
home. -47
I wish . to thank my friends
and relatives for the lovely
cards, flowers and gifts
while I was a patient in
Victoria Hospital. Perce
Johnston. -47x
Roy and Ethel Poth thank all
those who, in any way,
contributed to the enjoyment
of their golden wedding
celebration. Special ap-
preciation is expressed to
those who gave of • their
talents, time and energy for
the Open House at St.
Andrew's, Church.-47nc
I wish to express my thanks
to my relatives, friends and
neighbours for remembering
me in so many ways during
my recent stays in St.
Joseph's Hospital, London
•and since our return home.
Cathy and Leisa Mustar-
d. -47
1 wish to say thank you to all
my neighbours, friends and
relatives for ,their prayers,
cards, visits and flowers
-Jduring my stay • in St.
oseph's Hospital, London
and since returning home. A
special thanks to Rev. Stan
McDonald. Your kindness
will always be reniembered.
Pearl Erratt.-47
I would like to thank all my
old Varna neighbours and
friends for their wedding
contributions. It will come in
handy when setting up our
new home in Winnipeg. Both
my new husband, Tom and I
really appreciate your
tcindness. Joanne Broeze
We would like to express our
• thanks to all friends and
relatives who attended our
50th wedding anniversary on
November 17, for the many
beautiful cards, gifts and
best wishes. Special thanks
to our family, Thelma, Ron,
Muriel and Ross, Gordon and
Darlene and their families
for arranging the Open
House for W.I. social. com-
mittee Marjorie Duizer,
Marg Anderson, Alice
Buchanan and Hatti Wood
for the lunch and U.C.W.
social committee. Sandra.
Westerhout, Margaret
Wright, Marg Peel and
Edythe Beacom for the
lovely hot turkey dinner. It
was a perfect day in every
way and will long be
remembered. Bert and Dora
Shobb rook .-47nc
30. In memoriam
Thanks to all who sent cards,
flowers or treats while I was
in hospital, Drs. Newland,
Baker and Watts, ReV.
James Broadfoot, Rev. Bill
Bennett and a big thank you
to Howard Currie who took
care of the lawn and garden.
Bert Rowden.-47x
1 ,wish to thank my friends
and neighbours for the many
acts of,kindnes,s shown to me
and my•family while I was a
patient in Guelph and Clinton
hospitals. Also thanks to Dr..
Baker- andthe first floor
-nurses of the Clinton Public
Hospital. • H,elen
•Soothera n.---47
The family of the late Vina
Parker wishes to sincerely
thank all their friends,
relatives and neighbours for
their kind messages of
sympathy, beautiful floral
tributes and charitable
donations during their recent
bereavement. Special thanks
to the Ball Funeral Home,
Rev. Wm. Bennett, Rev. G.
Youmatoff and Rev. Canon
Paull of Trinity Anglican
Church, Rev. Alun Thomas
of Bayfield United Church,
the ladies of Trinity Anglican
Church, and everyone who
helped in any special way.
Your kindness and
thoughtfulness is deeply
appreciated and never to be
n, Rla 4 Hereeexhibti exhibiting
was awarded the trophy donated by
Hully utstanding knowledge of snowmobiles
along with safe operation of the machine, by Becky Collins of Hully
Guliy.(Wilma Oke photo).
420 Bayfield Road
CLINTON 412-3431
Community news and noes
Hilda M. Payne
Unit one of Hensall
United Church met on
Thursday afternoon,
November 8 with Mrs.
Audrey Joynt in the chair
and leading the
devotional on Prayer.
For the study, mem-
bers read interesting
articles followed by
1rr loving memory of a dear.
husband and father Leslie'
John who passed away two
years ago November 23,
God looked around
His garden and found
An empty space,
He " then looked down upon
the earth
And saw your tired face
He put His arms'around you
And lifted you to rest
God's Garden mush be
For He only takes the best.
It broke our hearts to lose
But you did not go alone,
For part of us went with you
The day God called you
Treasure him God in the
Garden of Rest
For on this earth, he was one
of the best.
Lovingly remembered by
wife Lois and son Brad. -47
31. Card of thanks
13eatrice and Louis Taylor
wish to thank their family,
friends and neighbours for
their gifts, congratulations
and dards on the oceaslon of
their 45th . wedding an-
niversary. Special thanks to
their family for the dinner
catered by Mrs. Rathwe 1,
and Bob and Willa Tayl r.
All ` 'was greatly a,
pre eiated 0-47
I wish to thank all my neigh,
bours, friends, relatives and
comrades in the Legion
Auxiliary for remembering
me in so many ways while I
was a patient in St. Joseph's.,
Hospital, London. Grdee
Castle. -47x
Marie and Krista ,would like
to thank Dr. Harrett and the '
nurses on the second floor for
their excellent care while
they were patients at Clinton
Public Hospital. Also, thanks
to family and friends for the
cards, gifts, flowers and
visits. -47x
My thanks to Father Hardy,
Dr. Doorly, Dr. Harrett,
nurses and staff of Clinton
Hospital, friends and
relatives for all kindness
while =I was a patient. Hazel
Shanahan. --47
Tom and Genevieve Allen
wish to express their sincere
appreciation to their friends,
neighbours and relatives for
all the good wishes ex-
pressed in so many ways on
the occasion of their 40th
wedding anniversary, , Our
thanks to all who attended
our party at the Myth
Community' Centre and
made it such a memorable
event for us. Aspecial thank
you to our family for giving.
us the party and the family
dinner at the Bedford Hotel
in Goderich. It was a never-
to-be.forgotten weaken,
d+ --47x
News from Hensall
Remembrance. Day Commerce, Mike Caers;
,service was held at for Thompsons elevator,
Hensall United Church on Charlie Hay; for the
Sunday, November 11 Kinettes and Kinsmen
with Legion members, Mrs. Brian Fink and
Ladies' Auxiliary, Cubs David Snell; for the
and Beavers parading in Liquor Control Board,
the 'church and the ser- Garnet Allan; each
vice being conducted by member of the Cubs put a
Rev. Stan McDonald. The Canadian flag around the
colour party, consisting wreaths and each of the
of Mrs. Iva Reid, Mrs. Beavers added a poppy to
Hilda- Smale, Charlie the ground. Harry Horton
Cooper and Murray recited, "In Flanders
Traquair placed flags at Fields" and after prayer
the front of the church at led by Chaplain
the start of the service McDonald, the.
and O' Canada was sung. Benediction was
In his sermon, Rev. pronounced. At the close
McDonald spoke on of the ceremony a
remembering those who reception was held in the
paid the supreme Legion Hall attended by
sacrifice .and the thank- many members of the
fulness we should all have United Church
in . our hearts for those congregation and others.
men and women. The Among the people at -
time of remembering and tending ; was a family
thankfulness should lead from Viet Nam who have
to peace and un- joined our community.
derstanding. Reading the Parade Marshall was
scripture on behalf of the Wilmer Dalrymple of
Legion was . Ron Mock, Exeter and Pipers were
and veteran of the first Brian Fink, Jery Wurm
war, Harry Horton, and Cookie Schrader of
recited a poem, "I Exeter and Sargeant -at -
Wonder".. Arms was Larry Uyl. The
Following the closing ladies of the Ladies' -
hymn, the colours were Auxiliary served the
retired and the parade re- reception refreshments.
assembled outside the
church and marched to 4-H news
the' Cenotaph followed by
the congregation. At the The Needle Beetles, 4-H
Cenotaph, ' a memorial Club '1 of Hensall did not
service was conducted by hold a regular meeting
Padre McDonald. The last week but about two -
last post was played by thirds of the club met to
Frans Boogemans of catch up on work already
Dashwood, following the demonstrated.
two minutes' silence and The second part to the
then the following fifth meeting of the
wreaths were placed: for Needle Pointers, 4-H club
the Province, Ernie 2 of Hensall, was held on
Davis; for the Legion, November 6 at the United
Ervin Serris; for the Church. After the Pledge
Legion Auxiliary, Mrs. was repeated, a
Beatrice Uyl; for the discussion was held on
town, Reeve Harold plans for Achievement
Knight; for Tuckersmith Day and' how to work out
township, Reeve Ervin the skit: Then Mrs. Belva
Sillery; for Hay town- Fuss demonstrated how
ship, Lloyd Mousseau; to overcast the ends of the
for Bendix Corporation, coasters after they were
Andy Imanse; for the blocked. When everyone
Bank of Montreal, Eric had the hang of it, the
Luther; for the Bank of meeting was adjourned.
Non -County Councillors
Cgrtain appointments are made each year by the Coun-
ty of Huron to various local boards or committees. In
1980 County appointments are to be made as follows:
-Huron County Land Division Committee
- Huron County Public Library Board
All present members of the Library Board and all mem-
bers of the Land Division Committee except one are
eligible for reappointment.
If interested, submit details in writing (including
telephone number) and indicate committee or board on
which y'ou prefer to serve.
Submissions to be received by the undersigned by, noon
on Friday. Detenriber !, 1919.
Clerk -Treasurer & Administrator
County of Huron
Court House, Goderich, Ontario
NfA 1M2
(tel.; 24-8394, Area Code 514)
discussions. Mrs. Kay
Elder's was entitled "For
everything there is a
season" and told of a
farming family. Mrs.
Helen Scane spoke about
the Child Welfare Act and
the Canadian Human
Rights Commission that
'is working on equal pay
for equal work. Mrs.
Anita Cook spoke about
child labour that is still
taking place in .poor
countries giving as
examples Columbia,
where children work ten
hours a day and India,
where children as young
as five work in the match
For entertainment,
Mrs. Belva Fuss sang,
"Let there be peace" and
followed that with a
medley of Christmas
music played on the
Business was as
follows: final
arrangements made for
the dinner at the Arena on
November 17; unit one to
provide the devotional at
the General Meeting in
December; and the unit
to meet at 7:30 p.m. for
business; church
calendars are now on sale
and flowers for January
to be looked after -by unit
Following the close of
the meeting, a social time
was held and hostesses,
Mrs. Kay Elder and Mrs.
Vera Drysdale served a
dainty lunch.
WI. meets
The November meeting
of the Hensall Women's
Institute will be held in
the United Church on
Wednesday,. November 14
at 8 p.m. when the
speaker will be Mrs. Ken
Rodney of Seaforth. All
members, former
members and friends are
invited to attend.
Sales barn
Hensall Sales Barn sold
at higher prices last
Thursday, with an active
demand and supply being
mostly heifers and steers.
Fat cattle: steers, $74=
$80.50. top to $80.90;
heifers, $71.50-$77.50, top
to $80.75. Pigs, $20.50-
Mr. and :MI'S. John
Devlin,. Exeter, spent
Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. John Skein and
Eight Intermediate
hockey teams will be
playing in tournament
at the Hensll Arena on
November 23-25. On the
opening evening, a dance
will be held following the
Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Flaxbard, Zurich and Mr.
and Mrs. Sam Oesch
visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Bell and Barry in
Goderich on Sunday.
Unit two meets
Suppliers of Ready -Mixed Concrete
for the new building
Continued Success
to Dennis and
Wayne of
Den -Way Auto Body,
Plumbing for the
new building by
Joe Durand
Mrs. Moira Cooper of
the Lambton Church
Centre was guest speaker
at the November meeting
of Unit two of Hensall
United Church Women
held in the Fellowship
Hall on. Monday,
November 12. Twenty
members and guests
heard how she had been
trained and led by God to
take the position of leader
at the centre with her
husband as ad-
Mrs. Cooper finds this
an exciting challenge and
has great expectations
for the future of Lambton
United Church Centre.
She is a most interesting
During. the business,
members were 'reminded
of the help, needed on
November 17 far the
banquet and that United
Church calendars are
now on sale. Contact Mrs.
Cecil Pepper or UC
members. An invitation
to join Chislehurst ' for
their meeting on
December 4 at 2 p.rn. was
accepted, names of those
hoping to attend to be
given to Grace Drum-
mond. Unit two will
provide the flowers in the
church during December
and • decorate the church
for Christmas. The an-
nual meeting will be held
on December 3 at 8:15
A devotion- on
tribulations was given by
Mrs. Sadie Hoy. During
the social hour, a tasty
lunch was served by
hostesses Mrs. Grant
MacLean and Mrs. Carl
R.R. 1, Brucefield
R.R Clinton 482-9212
Blockwork done by
to DenWay
Auto Body
Walter Bell
R.R. 2 Goderich
Londesboro 523-4286
Three links meet
Progressive euchre
was played at the
November meeting of the
- Three Links, Hensall
Senior Citizens held on
Tuesday, November 13.'
Eight tables were in play.
Winners were ladies'
high, Mrs. Pearl
Koehler; men's high,
Stewart Blackwell;
ladies' lone hands, Mrs.
Hilda. Payne; gents' lone
hands, Clarence Volland;
lucky chair, Mrs. Alice
At the business meeting
it was decided to hold an
afternoon of carpet
bowling instruction on
Monday afternoon at 1:30
p.m. led by Mrs. Isabel
Rogerson. All with cars
were reminded to pick up
those less fortunate for
the meetings. There was
some discussion about
Hensall holding the next
Spring Zone Rally and
Mrs. Hilda Payne and
Mrs. Isabel Rogerson
agreed to find out the
availability of halls in
Personal information
of all members present
were handed in to be used
for a Leadership
Development Project
financed by the New
Horizons and being
compiled by Harry
Cooking for one or
two", a demonstration to
be given at Exeter -.,,a
Huronview, was brought
to attention of members.
Further demonstrations
will take place at.
Huronview on November
27 and 30 at 1 p.m. .
Mrs. Irene Davis
reported on the fall Zone 8
rally, She would like us to
become a "Star" club of
the U.S.C.O. as the
organization does so
much to help seniors.
Mrs, Isabel Rogerson
displayed two hand -
hooked cushions and rugs
made by the members for
sale to raise funds for the
club. They will be on
display at the Flower
Basket until the end of the
year. Proceeds from the
sale are to go towards the
Arena Fund.
Sales barn
We are proud to have had
a part in the new building
CLINTON 482-3157
Demand at the Hensall
Sales Barn was active
again last week, salbs�,
mostly in heifers and
steers and prices higher.
Fat cattle; steers, $74-
$82.50, sales to $83;
heifers, $72.80481.80,
ses to $90.25. Pins,
Fred J. Hudie Ltd.
Suppliers of all budding matelals
for the new building