HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-2-2, Page 8uus.Noz.
eeN Y. Of Peronte ; eleo for thei 07.1NIX
INSUP &NOB 0 CAW A NY, et houdun eleele
leenee es 0 AN AMAX> of Meek:eve, ite 0, the
Uri:fee leeLPIRE bX1liAeSeiTellANO el COM-
PANY, of tioneou, einglanee establisheil
Atieete over 65,000,000; eleenes end bouneee
lesetd, over $1.Q.090,000.
&Oak& NWirs.-1Ve,shall be happy to
,csice at all times, frayany part of tho
Council, items of local nexus, such 44 ac
oidentseor any interesting incident what-
ever, from any of our subscribers or read.
ere eeneratly for the purpoee of public-
TffiN CENT'S per lino for Arstiusertion, and
, wotrit ci I4NT3 per line for each subsequent in
eertion 'Will be ehar,10(1 to nOtiees alalseeeine
this palmitin-
Z4Iletetet VineS.
THU16DA1Y, FEB. 2o4.,1888,
The midersignecl would announce to the
public that he has now ou hand one of the
beat aseorted stocks of Harness, Boots &
Shoes ever brought into Exeter, and. would
call especial attention to his Scotch Collars,
Felt Boots & Over shoes as they.are best in
the Market, and at lowest prices. Also a
number of ChilcIren'e Sleighs at a sacrifice,
Call and be venvinced, .Is. EMMETT.
Mr. Sarni Gidley has furnished upwards
of 300 chairs for town hall.
Mr. John Kay has been appointed, post.
inasterfor Farquhar office. We compliment
Mr Kay upon his appoiutment.
Mr. John Evans killed a hog 8 menthe old.
the other day which weighed 425 lbs. This
beats Mr. Horrel's mentioeed last week.
Farmers who are owing this office wood
on subscription account, .will oblige us by
bringing it in while the sleighing is good.
Mrs. T. Trivitt has a canary which has
already this year hatched out a brood of
young canaries. Mrs. T. is always ahead
of others in matters of this kind.
All the bricklards in Stephen have been
pretty well cleared out, save that of Mr.
John Mitchell. Mr. Mitchell has on hand
about 150,000.
Rev. W. S. Pascoe delivered his popular
lecture, "A diamond from a coal pit," at
Eden Methodist church on Tuesday evg.
The ice on the river is very thick and of
good quality. The hotels and others are at
present engaged putting away a supply for
summer's use.
The rink was open for the first time dur-
ing several months, on Saturday. The
attendance was good, which is encouraging
to the band.
- The Exeter station house is being lower-
ed and otherwise considerably improved.
The wori is not being done too soon, as the
building was entirely too high.
• Mr. Henry Horney sold to White & Co.
the other day a nine -months' old colt for
$148. This is a good price, but the colt is
a superior one.
A spirited_ young horse belonging to the
Messrs. Smith Bros., cattle breeders of this
plate, ran away Tuesday, but without
ding any serioas damage.
A couple of American horse buyers were
in town Monday and Tuesday. They -pur-
chased. several line specimens of horse flesh.
The Yankees state that the farmers in this
-district raise choice and superior stock.
At a special meeting of the Usborne come -
4111104 on Saturday, Mr. Jas. Jones was
Appointed auditor instead of Mr. Alex.
Duncau who was illegally appointed to the
last regular meeting of the council.
The astronomical event of Saturday night
was the total eclipse of the moon, of which,
between the passing fleecy clouds, many ex-
cellent views were obtained here. The
event passed off satisfactorily in ell respects
and according to announcement. It lasted
to view from about 6:30 until 7.35.
While the funeral cortege of the late
Samuel Gibson was leaving Dashwood ou
'Tuesday the house was discovered to be on
Ire. The conflagration was promptly ex-
tinguished, but not before having consider -
Ably damaged the upper storey of the build-
ing. Cause of fire, a defective stoyepipe.
Mason & Morgan's Uncle Tom's Cabin
,combination are on their fifteenth annual
tour, and will give one of their elegant en-
terainments in Drew's Hall on Saturday
evg. next. Those wishing a rare treat in
the shape of areal entertainment will do
well to attend.
Hon. G. W, Ross, Minister of Education,
says there are now 7,000 school teachers
Onetano, and that every year 1,000- new
tenchers are required. The supply still
largely exceeds the demand, as last year
1,500 passed the examinations. If all who
Qbtained certificates looked for schools 801T10
would be very much disappointed.
On Thursday last a vigorous storm visited
this section, and continued for some days.
The roads running north and south, were,
en consequence, drifted to an almost im-
passable state. In this connection we
might say that those who were predicting a
lel, open winter. probably Dow wish they
?real- tied a string to the prediction. It needs
ge nulled back, for the oldest inhabitant
•e remember of a more steady winter
.• canners
ee present.
'eelse versary of the Thames Road
"e church occurred on Sanday
'Pl."1)34e211„1 last, On Sunday the sermons
uct"..411°'"•Y ' +on such occasions were
t126tolnast7 '4 on Monday the annual tea
lereached, whlig '11 Sunday and Monday
Was given. loot 11 attended, especially
meetings were we
that of Mondey evg. A great many from
noe, all of whom re
sixeter were in ttena. sant and profitable
evert havieg, Jima wplea
time.surt Exeter, No.
At thelast meeting of Oe ,fficers were in -
123, 1.0. F., the following
etaelleDdin R, H. Diekson
ly,0 Howard
'Le. Clarke
Gt„ Dyer
;Fin. Secy., ei
iRec. Secy., S. Wee), 'Way
" J. J. Piele, %rd
W, Ira 5pk.r
" jas. c forp
• N• Petereen
4 J. A. Rollins
"The Oraer In a fIonrishiu Jofl neW
Menibers being added at each meetnge '
A. young man named Sam 1 Gibson, 04
Daslewood, died very suddenly at Sodom on
Sattirday evg. last, He was left in the
house of a 1Vir, Starilake to take care of the
48 Pe
J 33
Children in the absente of the relit of the
fatally. When the folke reterned home
they knocked at the door, but could not
gain admission. An entrance into the
house was forced aeed Mr. Gibson was
found dead in bed with the two little ones
vpin e eotuidly asleep One 011 each side of the
body. It is thought that the deceased died
'while ia a At, as he was Sublect to snob.
He was taken to Dashwood and on Tuesday
%vas interred iti tho ENcter eemetery, 4
' Wile" Viaap Ockwagil— 12he OddfelleWe intend gier
telerment Abortly- '
The Cestueli metQ lenday evg„ peter
auantQ adjoUrninent. The reeve in the
eheir, andel]. the Members prOSSOt• Mill-
alteS of the preVions meeting road arid gigue
xlm4e1 of 40091.11ItS were preeeeted
ter paymentl viz i—W• Betton, beard, re
S.Ford, en Indigent, $l0; Jas. Creech, $82
bat of salary to 26th, Jen ; do„ telegram,
ee-Aterk Clarke, 67 cts. ; do., yearly rent
of ground' for burial of animals ,$2 ; de, $15
for six Porde of wood, (0, $2,50 per cerd, for
town lall; do., $2,75, elm cord of dry wood
for town hall; do., one cord of eoft wood,
$1.75 ; aas, BoAsclen, labor, snow plow,
$4.50 ; E. Bieeett, $3,00, laboteauOw
plow ; M. Eaerett, taking poems, 35 ; do.,
postage, $4 ; Lawyer Collins, fee, re -Mark
Clarke, $10 ; Jas. Creech, 37 cts., mole ter
Mark Clerke, who is somewhat indisposed.
It was reeoleed that the above accounts,
with the exception of that of R. H. Collins,
which recinires some explanation, be passed..
It was held that wider the cirourestences
the charge made by Mr. Collins le soinewhet
exorbitent. It will be remembered that,
during the simmer, Merk Clarke eves; upon,
several occasione, brought before the reeve
and fined, I inally, he was taken before P.
M. Williams, with whom is vested the pow-
er to commit to jail, The Magistrate com-
mitted Clarke for 60 days, instead of 30
ally as the law provides. Clarke's lawyer
appealed against the commitment. The
Constable was inetructed to see Mr, Cob
line, who was going to Goderieh
and have him while there cause
Clarke to be released. This was done. Mr.
Collin's acct. was retarned for explanation.
Mr. Carling raised objection to the mode
in which the Commissioner sent iu bis ac-
counts for labor. Instead of specifying and
itemizing the accounts he sent them in in
total, giving neither dates nor number Of
hours of service. The Commissioner stated
that he was put in the position to oversee
these matters and thought that the council
could surely trust him; he was not going to
rob or even cheat the corporation. After
considerable cross - firing, Councillor
Carling said that Mr. Bissett was not going
to run the Council any longer,
in his own way, and it was accordingly
resolved on motion of T. B. Carling, seconded
by Mr. McCallum that the Commissioner in
future hand in his accounts properly made
out and itemized, so that the council might
have a better idea of what is going ou.
Offers to supply a large tank for basement
of the town hall, were received from Messrs.
Swallow Bros. and Mr. John Gould, eaeh
$20. It was moved by T. B. Carling, second-
ed by Jas. Pickard that the contract be
awarded to Mr. Gould providing he places
the tank on cedar sills and has it otherwiee
properly supported.—Carried.
Mr. Pickard raised objection to supplying
Mark Clarke with food at the expense of the
corporation while he kept about him a couple
of horses, half -a -dozen useless curs and other
stook. The constable was instructed to
inquire into the affairs of Mr. Clarke.
A communication from the census com-
missioner was handed to the board showing
the population of Exeter at the present
time to be 1811. The matter of incorpor-
ating the village iuto a town came up.
After a aho t deliberation on motion of W.
G. Biseett, sec by Mr. McCallum it was re-
solved that nothing be done in the matter
at the present time.
There is a surplus of corporation money
of $2,000 with the treasuree. It was moved
by W. G. Bissett seconded by. Thos. Mc-
Callum that $1,500 be placed m the bank
for five months at the credit of the corpor-
ation, to draw interest . Mr. Sam'l
Gidley, the contractor for town hall fur-
nishings sent uponapprohation, a chair to
be used. by County Judge, at division and
other court sittings. The price is $2 in
advance of contract, but as the chair was
considered superior to one ordered, it was
resolved to accept it.
The constable in future will look sharply
after the boys and girls who make it a
practice of hanging on sleighs, much to the
annoyance of farmers, and danger to them-
The council adjourned to meet on Mon-
day evg., Feby 13th.
Old Books and Periodicals.
In various other towns and villages where
a Mechanics' Institute exists the directorate
each year sell by auction, books and period-
icals which have been read and re -read, and
which, pyactieally, are of no use nor value
to the institution. In many cases these
sales are characterized with enthusiasm, and
as a result of which neat sums are realized,
and being appropriated to the grants go a
considerable way in the purchase of new
books. We are not aware if this practice
is followed in Exeter- .And such not being
the case would it not be a good idea for the
Institute here to cause a sale of old books
to take place each year? That is, such
books as are not standard works.
Mr. J. Parkinson, of Wilkesport, the per-
son who recently pee -chased from Mr. John
Broderick, the premises one door north of
town hall, spent last week in town. Mr.
Parkinson has a good business at Wilkes -
port, but owing to the poor health of his
wife was compelled to seek amore congenial
clime, and accordingly has decided to come
to Exeter, either at once or in the Spring,
to open a general store in the above men-
tionedlocality. Mr. Parkinson is a man of
thorough experience in the mercantile busi-
ness, anti will very likely succeed in doing
a lucrative business here. He is favorably
impressed. -with the appearance of the town
and entertains golden hopes of its future.—
E. Floocly, of Clinton, was in town Tuesday
in the interests of the Entpire.—Miss Mc-
Intyre, of Goderich, is at present the guest
of MA. J. P. Ross. --Mrs. Hayes has return-
ed home from her visit at St. Marys. --Miss
M. Muir, of Clinton, is visiting the Misses
Gould for a few weeks.—Miss Jeckell of
Sarnia, is visiting friends in town.—Mr. and
Mrs. Pickard, of Seotorth, spent Sunday in
town with friends.— Rev. Mr. Fletcher
preached in the James-st. Methodist church
here last Sunday evs.,'Rev. Mr, Graham
conducting the evening services in the Pres-
byterian church, Thames Road. --Mr. Ed.
Neil, of Detroit, spent a few days of last
week with friends in town. '
Mr. H. Spackman, Secy. on the part of
members of Court Harmony' No. 61, C.O. F.
wishes us to tender to Mr. W. G. Bissett
h.'seir sincere thanks for his kindness in stip-
eke ng conveyances gratuitously for the fu.
fig) of their late Bro., Rich, Luxton.
theie entertainment4 in Drew's
ottish Concert, esompany gave
Hall frn.,,,o,y evg, tinder the auspices
of the Royal Are 'h Masons. The attendance
w_aegairofa,,rt cootitsitth.il,a.uPdejoePclfoece. xrrhnei ge a ttebee,
6`. t nmenb took Ingeg of the nature of the
Ont given her a few eiteM1,:e ,sende, and Wae,
apparently, highly apprecia,ma by all. The
only change made in the perZormere is the
addition to the tie:roe of 'Awe v erg,
'who is a very flne and audible vocalist, the
services of Mr. and Mrs. Burton having
been dispensed with, The dancing by
the Misses Dora and Bella Taylor was sip.
ply superb and elicited much applause.
L41 4:Mt°
Grebe tviadwood, continue to 09410, . in in
large palatittes,
Mesers,, Tdok & Currency are ofFeriug
immense bargains. Bead adv, in another
1131Aaway horse envie ib 'lively tor lioo-
plc on Main-st. Friday last. When nearing
the town hall it kicked itself free of the
We omitted from the minutes of Us -
borne Council published last week the me -
tion whereby Theis. Heywood eves Appointed
assessor, Viee Alex, Duncan.
Mr, Wm. Drew. of Los Angeles, Califor-
nia, has our thauks for °roles of California
papers., , Mr. Drew likes that (*nary splen-
didltzey. anneal meeting of the County Crane
Lodge will take place in the lodge room
here on Tuescle,y, Feby. 7th, 1883, at 10
o'clock, a. m Let there be a good atten-
dance. • , •
Isl. Clues. Tom has sold. his premises one
door south of TISIES office to Mr. J. N.
Hooper, for a fair sum, It is current that
Mn Hooper will open up a eueral store
J. W. 13engough of Grip, will give cane of
his popular entertainments bere on Friday,
Feb. lith under the auspices of the Inde •
pendent order of Foreeters.
An entertainment under the auspices of
the ladies's Guild of the Trivitt MeMorial
church will be held in Drew's hall Friday,
Feb. 10th. Proceeds in aid of organ fund,
The total stun paid out by the G. T. R.
Company to clannants re the late accident
at St. Thomas, exceeds, $43,000, of which
amount the children of Mr, and Mrs. Zea-
land, (killed at that time) get $10,000.
There may be some old building standing
about your premises, or a corner of your
barn or some outhouse, which could be fixed
up without much trouble or expense to
answer the purpose of au ice-heuse, if you
have not such a convenience already on
your farm. Those who have tried it only
know what a comfort and convenience a
good supply of ice is -during the hot months
of summer.
The Eeeter brass band having leased the
skating rink from Messrs. Davis & Rendle
for the next four months, will until further
notice have it open on Tues'y e,iul Friday
evg. for the general public. Saturday after-
noons it will be open for ladies and children
only. There will be no change in the days
of opening and Lill parties from a distanee
can depend on this being carried out. All
parties intending to take part inthe grand
carnival which will take place in about two
weeks would do well to practice for the
The many frieuds in Exeter will be sorry
to learn of the death of Mrs. James Neil,
which took place at Ailsa Craig on Satur-
day last, Jan. 20th. Deceased with her
husband lived on a farm in McGillivray for
many years, until about four years ago,
when they moved into Exeeer and resided
in the northern part of the village. About
a year and a half ago they moved ' to Ailsa
Craig where they have lived ever slum De-
ceased was aged 37 years and was univer-
sally respected, as was evinced by the large
attendance at the funeral Monday. The
remains were interred at the burying grounl
near the old homestead.
We heartily welcome to our list of friends
mane nevi subscribers. Subseriiiiions in
the majority of cases have been paid very
promptly this year, and in no nrevious year
did we lose so few old and gain so many
new subscribers. Our subscription list is
larger by hundreds than ever before, and
the Teems is and always has been the
people's local paper. A pleasing feature of
our success is, that the sturdiest Reformers
are among our patrons, and while not gedte
agreeing with us on all political topics, give
us meta for ow fairness in dealing with
matters of political nature. We .return
thanks to those of our patrons who have
spoken many kind words in favor of the
To the Editor of the Exeter Times. -
R. Hughes seems to have ceased greae
amusement by his very long and rather
haughty letter in the Three of last week.
It was hardly what might have been expect-
ed from a man, who, to use his own words
divested the English Church of the last
remnant of Romamsm; it was hardly worthy
of one who had done so great a deed. We
could not read his letter without calling to
mind that old maxim "empty vessels give
the greatest sounds". On my return. to
Heneall I will gladly make Mr. Hughes'
acquaintance with a view to improving my
bad English which he has showed the bad
taste to accuse me of. Now, Mr. Editor
this is the last time I shall address you on
this subject, but should I on my travels
meet with anything to interest your numer-
ous and intelligent readers you will:again
hear front me.
Yours &c.,
Anti -Roman.
Goderich, January 23rd 1888.
COULTHAED-110T11011,—On the 18th Jarltlary,
by the Rev. .1. Rennie, Mr. Robert J. Coult-
hard, Ekfrid, to Isabella, third daughter of
Alex Hotson, Esq., McGillivray.
MOTAG6ART—RATZ.—At the Methodist par-
sonage, Parkhill, on Monday, Jan, 23rd, by
the Rev. A. G. Harris, Mr. Jas. L. Mc-
Taggert of Tuckersniith, to Miss Emma
Ratz, of Exeter
FIERBEET—HALLoRN.—At the Methodist
parsonage, Crediton, on the 31st Jauttary.
by Rev. D. M. Kennedy, Win. Herbert of
Biddalph, to Miss. Annie Hallorn of
, Geesore—In Fullerton, ou the 22nd ult.,
' Janet Gibson, aged 65 years and 5 mos.
Gensoet.—In Stephen, on 28th Silt" Samuel
Gib on , aged 18 year s.
Neale—At Ailsa Craig, on the 28th inst.,
Margaret, wife of jee. Neil, aged 39 years.
Deceased was a former resident of Eeetor.
Secninereer.—At Hensel', on the 27th ult.,
Louisa Stoteman, relict of the late Wm..
Stoneman, aged 69 years. •
SNELL. —At Fairfield, on the 31st" -
Elizabeth, wife of Mr. Thos. Snell, aged
42 years
Cumeone.—In Exeter on the 21st. ale, Vera
youngest daughter of John and Elizabeth
Cudmore, aged 1 year 2 raos and 9 days.
Hevale,—Iti Fullerton. on the 221n1 alt.,
Anria Elizabeth Hewitt., aged 61 years and
5 menthe.
Ilette--At Holliston, MiCh., on San, 19t1,
Edward Hall, aged 42 years; interred at
Xot400 to 094traOtOTS
MAIM) TENDEXIS will be l'eeeiYe 1 by the
nueloesigned uP te Meech etes, at le 0 Week, or
the ()rotation of a ()Oar bridge Over the 0 0.010
Biver, Don, 1, rp of Didelnipb. )?Jens end
ripeeifteatioue eau be 'moil by applyine to r.
Paris, (Carmelites') Istioanle 0
W, D , STAN twx, Clerk
0-4 Grauton, P; 01
jn the matter of ALEXA.NDER, MoDONA.LD
of the Township of Tuckersinith, in the
County of Enron, Farmer, an Insolvent,
Miele above named Alexander McDonelel hes
.e. made au aeeignment o Archileolcilliehoe,
of the gone:mini) of 'Osborne, of hie real fled
nersoual estate in trust for the benefit of zed -
A meeting of the Creditors of the said Alex.
ander AIODoeald will be held at my office, an
the Village of Exeter, on Saturday, the 28111
day ofeTarmery, left et °levee o'clook in the
eorenoon,eor the appointmeut 01 Inspooters
and awing of directions for the disposal of the
Creditors are requested to file their claims
against the said estate, verified by afthlayit ,
stating the nature of the security (if any) held
by them , on or Im rore the day of meeting, as
required by the statutes hi that behalf.
Solicitor for Archibald Bishop, Assignee.
In order to
nonib we have
n prices. Our
,ffering the balance
'eoods, Shirtings,
fats, Boots &
iroceries, Ses.
a Exeter. We
,dian Tweed at
iress 0-oods,10
'eatery cotton
hoice Tea, 45
hoice Tea, 35
ho iee Tea, 20
clop. 25 hors for
an l'ish, 30 els.
Bottles Pickles,
hewing Tobacco,
tone china Tea
do 0uus
do Tea
do Break
(to Dinner
,amp Glosses,
Betties Essences,
Scrubbing Brushes,
Lnd ever
See our Ladies'
clear out
At prices
will give
40 o.
si ce
ate., worth
ole., worth
cts„ worth
per can.
b0 ate.
45 cts.
& Saucers,
fast plates,
5 etre
Ai cts.
An early
4- Currelley,
our entire stook this
another big reduction
are all new, and we are
our Tweeds, Dress-
Cottonades, Flannels,
Crockery, Glassware,
never before offered
you All Wool Can
per yd., worth 60 die
I Rod Menne], lee ets
I Shirting, 10 ets
I Print, 5 cts
I Sheeting, 11 chi
60 ets,
50 °es.
25 els,
per lb.
per doz., 75 cts„
(worth 51,00
55 c ., worth. 73,
60o, worth 80.
" 75e, worth $1.00,
in proportion.
Kid Boots. for
call is So-
The Principle
Head Office, 215 Tonge-et.. Toronto.
Washington, .711.1).L.
E minent Throat and Lung Surgeon,
Will visit the Central Hotel Exe-
ter, February 21, 1888,
M,S, Doan, Bridgenorth, Ont., catarrh, head
and throat.
Mrs, joseph Eyre, Kimballs, Ont., removing
growth from nose,
Mr. Stophonscut(boiler foundry) Petrolia, Ont -
Mrs. M. CornIsh, Wallacoburg, Ont., asthma
and oonsumption,
Mrs. Martundress, Iona, catarrh of the
Mrs. T. Lansing end son, Kingston, catarrh &
catarsixel deafness.
Mrs. Ralph Climber, Aylmer, Ont., catarrh,
throat. ,
Mr. Ames Emberson, Ne,panee, Ont., bron.
John A, LittleaDundalk, Ont., catarrh.
jorm E, Kersey, Dadgeroes, P 0, catarrh, bad
A, D • tIrlin's son, Wallaceburg,
itOne, caearrh
heecehacnrcti warehcm. Oct., catarrh, head
ttllicVlLh.rgtott, Sterlieg Ont., catarrh, head Ss
te1:1E1:6t,laittis. Piero°, Strathroe, Ont., enlarged tons
W. tiedsey Petrolea. Out., catarrh.
Mrs. iTolin Vyner, Ont., catarrh, head &
ely. 70, Zlehle, Jeweller and watehinaker, tro)ia, e,ttarrh, throat
Strathroe, Ottt., broncho e n-
W II Storey. of Storey & Son, peomineet
gl ove manufaeturers of Acton,.Ont. cured be
Dr. Washington of Catarrh of the throat., bad
form, Arad peonorirmod itiourebla en:merit,
ee tele] i stein Canada and England, Write 11i1111
for partionlars,
Inlay 6,1888,
R I CIEL7Rewarded are those wh9
this and then act, theyw1117ft
honorable employment that evill'no t lake them
roan their homes and fainilles. The prats are
large and Sure for eery industrious person,
many have Made and are now making Several
hundred dollitre a monlb • It is easy forany
(mote xntake 55 and upwards per dayt Who is
willing to work. Either lex, Young Or old;
Capital het needed, s. we start you. Everething
new. No special ability require ,d. you, teaeler•
cen de it as well ha IteN Onewrite to us at
onee for fell eartieedere, which we mail.% free,
4.tiaress stinson & Co,, Portland, Maine.
4deliratt41 Ongitsh ($1)tatits!
18 Tsevier 8TREET, LONDON, E. C, Excerson.
R111CItS wo,tehmeker, •Towoller,
p and Optician.
Tim the Agor cy for the sale of the above in
EXDTED, No Spectacles in the Market equal
them in the Exs Pnneenverre Qv/ear-ems theY
possess, or the Oneeve BAWL and COTSFOAT they
coufer onthe wearer. -
Their use will in actuality so strengthen the
Dye that it does not become necessary to
ohmage thera /or many years, They are there-
fore the OnnaPuste.
They Are the Best in the World,
They Never 'Tire the Eye,
•And Legit Many Years "Without Change.
The Sight tested by our New Toot Card, same
as usedby the leading Oculists throughout the
Merchant Tailor,
Has removed to premises one door
north of Browning's drugstore, where
there will be found a
mated St
Scotch, :English,
Irish, French and
Canadian Goods.
Made up on the
3. $STELL,
Graduate ot Cleveland
Cutting School.
or any injurious mat 4.
E. W. GI LLETT, *itTo.°41ZI'LL.
Saitwoll 1 Pickari
Having this season purchased most of our
etc& direct from manufacturers in England
and Germany; to do so we had to give our
orders very early in the season end As the
pspects looked well, we bought largely.
And we find that hard times are (musing
great depression in trade, we have, therefore,
decided to meet the timea by marking all
g,odds at suoh Hard. Pan Prices as to ensure
a speedy clearance. Therefore, we would in-
vite all intending purchasers to call and in-
spect our stock, and note prices of all new
Ladies' Dolmans Jackets and Ulsters, also
Maids' and Misses' THsters, all sizes,
Black and Gold silk and satin dress -
goods, in all the nowest colors and
styles, plain and fanny Plashes,
Hosiery, Gloves, &c.
Ready-made Clothing,
Hats & Caps. All will be sold at
Lowest Possible 'Prices.
.f‘ "
33188=1'1m" 23:atis
And secure some of the Bargains they are offering in the
following lines
We carry the largest stock of Stoves in the County. Call
and see them, and get prices before buying. Tinware of all.
kinds always on hand. Roofing awk eavetroughing a specialty
An Immense Stock of Manure Forks, Spades, Shovels
Scoop Shovels at hard time prices.
We are offering Lamps and Lamp Goods at cost, as we are
going out of that line.—Leave your orders for Stove Coal,
and save the high winter freights.—Verity's Plows and Plow
Fronts always on hand. --Highest price paid for Hides and
Tallow in Cash or Trade. --Agents for the Raymond. Sewing
Visitors to Exeter
—Would do well to call andinspect
One of the Newest, Cheapest & Best Stocks in town.
Black and Colored Cashmeres. Black and Colored Silks and Satins
Colored Plushes. Melton Cloths, Jarsey Cloaks, Black Dress .Mftterials,
and Mourning Goods, Woollen shawls and Fascinators, in all Colors
and prices, ,
Also a fine range of Staples. Fine lines of gloves in Kid, Cloth and
Gents' Furnishings.—Fine Display in Hats, Ties, Brace, White and
Colored Handkerchiefs, Shirts and Drawers.
Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, Overooatings, Pantings & twinge.
BOOTS AND SHOES.—A very large consigrnent just received, of the
very best styles and quality, itt Leclies', Gents' and Children's.
A full line of Glassware and Crook-
ery-ware always on hand.
our Crooery Department ie Complete,
• Butter, Eggs and all kinds of Produce taken in exchange, and the
very highest prize psid. •
CARLIING, Main.t., Exeter.