HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-10-25, Page 26Now you can permanently insulate small home spaces for big savings
"Liao things mean a lot, " so
the old song \s'a}rs — and, in the
area of home insulation, those
little things you overlook can
add up to the tune of a lot of your
hard-earned dollars.
For example, the next time
you're leaving the house, take a
look at your door -frame trim.
Can you see &thin strip of day-
light peeking around it?
If the answer is yes, you're
probably also seeing a not -so -
thin portion of your household
budget going into your heatingbills.
According to the Energy Ad-
visory Service at Texas A. & M.
University. air leakage around
window and door frames, heat-
ing and cooling ducts, plumbing
fixtures, electrical outlets and
other areas such as baseboards,
can waste 25 percent of cooling
energy and up to 40 percent of
heating energy in the home.
And these figures are not based
upon homes that lack wall and
home can cau§e a huge amount of waste in energy and dollars if
they're not properly insulated. Now there's a revolutionary new
sealant/spot insulator called Great Stuff" which quickly, easily
and permanendy fills in the gaps around door frames, window
frames, electrical outlets, heating and cooling ducts, plumbing
fixtures and baseboards for maximum insulation efficiency.
attic insulation.
Even when homeowners in-
sulate the major areas of the
home, the small drafts of air that
can seep in through these many
cracks and openings,can make a
very significant impact—for the
worse—on the costs of heating
and cooling.
Now, there's a new easy-to-
use urethane foam called Great
StuffT" Sealant that will enable
smart do-it-yourselfers to fill,
seal and insulate all of those
small, hard -to -reach places
around the home from basement
to rooftop to protect from drafts
—and wasted energy.
How does it work? Great
Stuff" Sealant comes in a
handy -to -use 14 oz. aerosol can
with an exclusive "reach any-
where" nozzle that lets you get
to all of those hard -to -get -at
cracks and holes around and be-
hind electric outlets, plumbing
pipes, air conditioners, and
window and door frames.
This revolutionary aerosol
sealant dispenses very much
like whipped cream, instantly
filling any void. And, unlike
most foam sealants, Great
Stuff1' expands instantly, thus
reducing waste and time-con-
suming trim work once it has
cured, 4%
It sets in just one to three
hours and cures to a resilient,
firm consistency overnight. The
resiliency of this sealant is an
important factor to consider if
you have been "filling in the
gaps" with conventional caulk-
While standard caulking ma-
terials will dry out and shrink
with time, Great Stuff" Sealant
never shrinks and will flex to ac-
cept expansion and contraction
of materials in the home. And, a
14 oz. can of Great Stufr does
the equivalent work of 15 tubes
of caulking.
Use the sealant on the outside
of the home to seal openings
around windows, vents and air
conditioners and up under the
bottom course of siding. Ins,ide
the home, it's perfect for filling
in holes in plaster or gypsum
board walls and ceilings without
having to nail in patches.
While you're sealing out
drafts, why not block out such
unwelcome intruders as squir-
rels, mice and insects in the pro-
cess.? This new sealant will fill
in all the tiny nooks where these
pests make their entrance.
The sealant will re -bond
bricks, tile and,stone, replace
add to expansion joints in
sonry, seal installations of s
lights watertight, seal vans and
campers from dust and water in-
filtration, and work to keep just
about anything else insulated
and sgaled against all of nature's
You can even give nature a
helping band with this remark-
able new product! This sealant
will actually work to fill in and
seal holes in trees to protect
them from insects and repair the
ravages of storms and acci-
Remember—your home in-
sulation has to be thorough in
order to be effective. And now,
you can do a great job of making
your home virtually draft -free
—with Great Stuff1" Sealant to
help you along.
Great Stuff" Sealant is avail-
able at most Home Centers,
lumber yards and hardware
new aerosol sealant/spot insulator called Great Stuff ". It does
more jobs than standard caulking material, in less tun* with less
waste. And, while standard caulking materials will dry out and
shrink with time, Great Stuff " Sealant is a permanent home im-
prover which will never shrink, dry out or fall away.
Plan so you can work
less and play more
You can improve the quality
of life in your home by lessen-
ing the quantity of time spent on
Organization is the key. Peo-
ple who work outside the home
know they must consolidate
chores into -compact time pe-
riods, if they're to be accom-
Full-time homemakers will
find they can enjoy spare time to
spend with children, friends or
hobbies by adopting a similar -
Here are some suggestions
that can help everybody have
more time for play: •
• Get an early start. Set your
alarm a half-hour earlier and
you'll be able to accomplish a
!ot before the day really begins.
• Some worthwhile ways to
use the extra time might include
making a hearty breakfast, do-
ing'a load of laundry or ironing a
few things.
• Do all daily housecleaning
chores right after breakfast.
• Avoid many time-consum-
in?, expensive trips to the clean- ,
ers by removing stains on your
new fall wools and other dry-
clean -only clothes with an ap-
plication of K2r' Spot -lifter.
Just apply it to the spot, let dry
to a fine white powder, and then
brush the powder—and-the
• Reserve a block of time
with no work allowed. Use it to
do what you want to do, not
what you have to do.
• Declare "put -away" time
once a day—not only °for other
family mambers but for your-
self. Many homemakers spcnd
unnecessary time picking up
sweaters, scarves and footballs
over and over again throughout
the day.
• Run the dishwasher only
once a day. If your family is
small, you might be able to save
time and money by running it
only every two or three days.
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