HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-10-25, Page 19• • '1. Grades 4, 5 and 6 from the Vanastra Public School learned a great deal about pioneer life recently when they visited Black Creek Pioneer Village near Kleinburg.(photo by Sharon Jerome) Sharon's recipe corner Helpful Hints When cutting—strips of material for hooked rugs, cut in to 3/4" from the edge. This will keep the strips together and make it easy to cutoff the strips as you need them,.one at a time. Make economical patchwork drapes by cutting sewing scraps into squares, joining them together; and lining thein with white sheets. To aid in counting stitches when a knitting pattern calls for a large humber of stitches, place a safety pin after each 10 or 20 stitches. Wear a cobbler's \apron to prevent tangling when working with two balls of yarn. Use the end pockets for the yarn and put the project in the centre pocket when in- terrupted. Leftover Ham Casserole 4 slices day old bread 1 tsp. prepared mustard 1 beaten egg salt and pepper to taste 1 cup chopped ham 1 cup cheese, grated 3/4 cup milk 4 oz: tomato paste or - 1 cup drained tomatoes Grease a 4 x 8 x 2" baking dish. Lay. 2 slices of bread (trim crusts off) on bottom. Mix ham and mustard and spread on top of bread. Sprinkle 1/2 cup cheese over ham. Add last two slices of bread. Mix egg, milk, salt and pepper. Pour over bread. Put tomato paste over top and sprinkle with rest of cheese. Chill 1 hour. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 to 30 minutes. People boom in Exeter EXETER - According to Exeter Deupty Clerk Brian Parsons, "Exeter is really picking up steam." According to population figures for the town, growth in Exeter is about five times higher than the average that has been experienced over each of the past 10 years. At a recent meeting, he explained to the Exeter council that .136 people had been added to the population roll for this year, bringing the town's current population to 3,668. Our mistake In last weeks's issue of the News -Record it was reported that Mary Pickett was fined $104 for minor consumtion of liquor. •However a typographical error was made and the name should have read Mary Peckitt of RR 4, Seaforth not Mary Pickett of RR 3, Clinton. The News -Record •apologizes for this error and hopes that it caused few inconveniences. Man killed srttissgLs- - Robert A1140 give enridge, 55, of RR 2, illidvale died Oh ' October 10 Jfter he was pinned ukid r a tractor and trailer load of Corn. r •-• t Pumpkin Pie 9 inch pie shell Beat together: 13,4 cups pumpkin 1 tin sweetened con- densed milk (15 oz.) 1 egg 1/2 tsp. salt 1/2 tsp. cinnamon 3/4 tsp. nutmeg 3/4 tsp. ginger 1 cup hot water Bake at 375 degrees for 50 to 55 minutes. Personal notes + Welcome home to Tony Jeacock, after his stay in Stratford Hospital. Good health in the future and a speedy recoxery. On Oct. 31, Halloween night, the Lions Club will sponsor a Halloween party at the Vanastra Community Church. Prizes will be given to the children with the best costumes. This party begins at 7 p.m. The Lions Club are putting on a Christmas Dance on Nov. 23 in the Vanastra Rec Centre. Music will be by "Joe Overholt". Dancing will be from 8 p.m. to 1 p.m. and tic:zets will be $10.00 per couple Schools are well used KINCARDINE - Schools in the Kincardine area lead a full existence, day and night. 1, A recent survey con- ducted by The Kincardine News has shown that after the days' classes are completed, most schools remain active, often being open five nights a week free of charge for the use of a wide variety of non-profit groups. At the high school in town, meeting time is booked four nights a week for activities from sewing to photography, from furniture re- finishing to bridge. At the W.E. 'Thompson Public School, the facilities are used for ham radio clubs, dog obedience classes and flying ground school, to name a few. All of the other elementary and secon- dary schools in the area questioned also sup- ported extracurricular 'activities. The seven schools contacted by The News offer free facilities during the week for non- profit groups and on the weekends, a charge is usually made to cover custodial costs. The Lioness Club will have a general meeting on Nov. 1 and a pot luck supper in the Vanastra Recreation Centre at 7 p.m. Bingo news The 'share -the -wealth winners at the Rec Centre regular Tuesday evening bingo, for October 16 were: Russell Beyer, Clinton, $73; Alice Jackson, Clinton, $72; and Pat Shaw, Blyth, $74. The jackpot was split three ways with the winners each taking home $66. a 4 „onimunity :news and 4ot:es. • ScoutCookbooks -The Vanastra Cubs and Scouts have the Huron District Scouts cookbooks' available now. They are $4 a 'piece. and are available from Dave Dunsmore (Scoutmaster) or Jim Thomas (Cub - master) If you wish to see or purchase one of these cookbooks please feel free to contact these leaders. Help us help you There is a lot of work to be done to write this column, so Sharon and I would like to ask that if you have news or events that you would like to be put in the paper, please give us this information by Monday night each week. Our numbers are : Sharon, 482-9077; or Maureen 482-7723. No news item is too small. Curling The Vanastra Curling Rink is opening'its season this year with a Fun Night on Saturday October 27 starting at 7:30 p.m. Ladies are asked to bring a pot luck lunch. All new members are welcome, so come out and join in the fun! Workshop planned The Vanastra Resource Centre will be sponsoring a community workshop this Saturday Oct. 27 in the Vanastra Recreation Centre on "Creative Problem Solving". The charge is $2 which will cover the cost of lunch and coffee breaks. This workshop, open to teenagers and adults, will be a day of fun starting at 9:30 a.m. and ending at 4:30 p.m. So come out and listen to Kathy Conway- Widdis speal on this top 4. . . On October 28 in the Vanastra Recreation Centre there will be a Group Parent Committee meeting at 7 ' p.m., so please come out and support the leaders of the Brownies, Cubs, Guides and Scouts. en house held This past week was a very busy week at the Vanastra Public School. On Thtirsday, Stan Crookall was at the school and displayed his "Art From The Bible". He explained his art -Brownies meet We had opening. We had Brownie gold and inspection. And then we played a game and then we went to our classes and we did some things. And then we came into a circle and we talked about what we are going to do and then we had our prayer. And then we had our squeeze (sques) and then we leave to home. by Jean Bernard Come Alive Club on The Vanastra Christian Church would like to remind all children ages 4 and up about the 'Come Alive Club held at the Church Tuesday evenings from 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. Come out and enjoy crafts, Bible stories and lots of fun. Guest minister this Sunday Oct. 28 will be Rev. De Haan. Watch further Vanastra Voice for special an- nouncements, regarding the'church. Vanastra Swimathon - Tina Jeffrey of Vanastra checks in with Mrs. Ber- nadette Scott during the swimathon held at the Vanastra Recreation Centre last week to buy equipment for the Recreation for Special, Needs Program. Tina completed 39 laps across the pool. (Expositor photo) Smile Then there was the bumper sticker that said "Unemployment isn't working". 'town of Clinton LEAF PICKUP MONDAY: OCT. 29 . MONDAY: NOV. 5 Lecovet that aro properly socurod in bags dr 'other toiltable tentalneris and placed at tho roaciltide wUl bo picked up on Mondays Only , beginning at C C tigt;ctOtti ctEttit-ttitAS' • $400. REWARD for , 1948 CANADIAN SILVER DOLLAR • in good condition - CASH PAID FOR ALL SILVER b. GOLD COINS. PAYING: • $8°0 and up for Silver Dollar dated 1967 &before .4 $400 for 50, Pieces dated 1967 ji before $2?0 for 25' Pieces dated 1966 & before Or for Sliver Dimes dated 1968 & before Canadian Olympic coins, American Silver dollars & all Gold Coins wanted ONE DAY ONLY Sotordoy, October 27, 197,9 Beilfor *mit Motel HighWa NO. 21 Gocierich tolitakto 524.7848 ., N . • techniques as well as the history behind each of his religious paintings. He emphQsized that a per- son's "want to" is much more important than a person's talent. On Thursday evening October 18 a very suc- cessful open house took place. The parents and visitors were even able to watch a physical education class "in action". This week has been dedicated to the children of the world. r, CLINTON NgWS-RECORD, THURSDAY, OCTOEIR Z5, 1978---PAGg h() d tra sale The Vanastra, and District Lioness Club held highly successful rummage and bake sale on Saturday Oct, 20 and the, proceeds will go towards community work. At this time the club would like to thank all those who supported the rummage sale. The Benefit Dance is.to be held this Friday October 26 in the Vanastra Recreation Centre. Music has been donated by the band "Kadenza". Tickets are $10 per couple and are available from any Lion or Lioness Club member. The proceeds from this dance will be put into a special medical fund. Dancing is from 8 p.m. - 1 a.m. The Lioness Club will be putting on a dance for the teenageW on November 16. This will be held in the Manastra Recreation Centre from 8:30 p.m. to 12 p.m., and is open tco 10(1S 12, tQ 13, and music will be sup- plied by records. The cost is $2 per Person, IC 4. PPLIAN In The Heart of Down Town Varna" • Vacuum Cleaners Saleand Service of most makes • CB Radios and Accessories • Speed Queen Applicineel • Moffat Appliances • Smoke Sensors • Insect Lights and Fly Killing Units • Handcrafted Gifts Varna, Ont. Phone 482.7103 GEO. A. BAIRD BACKHOE SERVICE Excavating and Trenching Septic Beds GEO. A. BAIRD BRUCEFIELD 482-3390 JIM ELLIOTT R.R. 3 GODERICH 529-7281 Don't miss our October 25th, 26th, 27th No tricks - all treats at Hully Gully! Thurs., Fri. 'til midnight - Sat. 'til 6:00 Watch for our timed specials during these three days of savings PLUS many more in-store specials. THURSDAY NIGHT SPECIAL 9 P.M. - MIDNIGHT FLIP VISOR HIELD -Reg. *8,45‘ nr.P1‘"t WHILE SUPPLY LASTS FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL 9 P.M. - MIDNIGHT • NGK SPARK PLUGS WHILE SUPPLY LASTS 000 Tigre 85 h.p. - fastest smoothest snowmobile ever built! 2 -Piece Suits from $59.U0 All Leather Mitts 14.00 Gas Cans 7.00 Snowmobile Trackstartga We can supply tracks for mok maske—sionfsnowmobiles 5 Bardahl. Snowmobile Oil "se12.95 EVERYONE THAT COMES IN P.J.'s RECEIVES A FREE TOQUE. New 1980Cats from $1,499." SAVE UP TO $600.00 on 1979 MODELS! 2 -bed 84" wide Snowmobile troilersi395." USED SNOWMOB11.E. 72 SNO JET 396 cc. 72 YAMAHA 433 New Track 12 BOA SKI 340'A-1Original 7-3-RUPP 440 Sold 73 SNOW JET 440 73 SKI-DOO SILVER BULLET 294 77 SIU -D00 EVEREST 440 79 POLARIS TX 340 A-1 74 MOTO SKI 340 New Hood Low Mileage 44-042-1414PIC Sold 71 SKIROULE 440 FOR PARTS other models not listed - also available for parts. 75 OLYMPIC E/START Many of the above carry .a 30 day Warranty from lst snowfall. - 79 3000 JAG F/C 79 5000 EL TIGRE 78 2000 LYNX TWIN - Complete with Speedo & Tack & New Styletrack 79 3000 JAG F/A 79 6000 EL TIGRE 79 6000 EL ,TIGRE 79 CROSS COUNTRY 440 EL TIGRE 79 2000 JAG — DEMO Full Warranty 79 3000 JAG — DEMO Full :Warranty 73 SNOWJET 340 78 2000 JAG 72 JOHNSON J30A Just say Charge It ohyour Hully Gully AO4Ount. 30 DAYS INTEREST Mgr • Open 7 daysaweekinciuding Thuts, St Fri, illi 0:00, Sat. 94, Suin 1-8 •