HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-10-25, Page 11•- CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25,1979--PAGE11
The 16th class of graduates have completed the
three week course at the Pfrimmer Clinic near
Bayfield and now are Deep Muscle Therapists.
Those taking the popular course included, back
row, left to right: Christy Bauer, Ohio; Marian
Lassiter, North Carolina; John Maxey, Texas;
Donna Brown, Michigan; Mary Kisch (assistant),
June Smith, Florida; Clary Thomas, Maryland.
Front row, Lucille Heroux, Quebe.c; Jean
Herriman, Arizona; Leila Smith, North Dakota;
Therese Pfrimmer; Ruthanne Hobbs, Indiana.
(News -Record -photo) —
Ten people from
throughout the United
States and Canada have
offered their praise and
support for the Therese
Pfrimmer technique of
Deep Muscle Therapy
(DMT), following. their
October 19 graduation
from the Bayfield Clinic.
"DMT is an effective
way of helping any
human being whether
they are considered
normal, crippled by
disease, or accidently
injured. Relief of pain
and Cardiovascular
Disease. Your vic-
tory over these crippling
diseases motivated Me to
leave a busy practice for
three weeks to study the
Pfrimmer DMT
Technique under per-
sonal direction. Seeing
actual results in your
clinic, coupled with the
logic of of Pfrimmer
DMT, convinced me that
I shall be able to achieve
my goal of accumulating
1,000 wheelchairs in my
clinic in Houston, Texas.
and good body functions Only history will we able
can be attained an.d_sto evaluate fully your gift
maintained. The muscles to the world, but I feel it
then work for the in- will rank among the
dividual instead of greatest. I heartily join
against them, those who have
graduating student nominated you for the
Christy Bauer from Nobel Prize and I -shall
Akron, Ohio explained. always treasure the three
The only Canadian weeks of sharing your
student, Lucille. Heroux knowledge and ex -
from Montreal, Quebec perience and the
commented, "Being a association with your
nurse for 21 years, I found patients and students.
that DMT should be used he supported.
as prevention and as, Another graduate,
chronic state. Knowing Ruthanne Hobbs from
what the medical people Alexandria, Indiana
have been doing they are explained what she had
not curing people at all, learned from the course,
they just try to balance '. 111t?;,,the»,pale \§1Ov ,year i
the`t's°y4sten s';°viith ratite's': have been : trained. in
medication and- by the Relexology, Myopathy,
same time, people are Massage Therapy,
intoxicated." Swedish Massage, Ac -
She added, " I'm -, cupressure, Craniopathy
hoping that DMT will be and,„autxipMn. I am now
spread dyer the world so two-thirds of the way
to help more people." through my course in
Leila Smith from Mott, DMT and I must admit, it
North Dakota agreed, "1 makes more sense than
feel that DMT is a safe anything else I have ever
way of helping an in- learned. In all the
dividual function better aforementioned
physically regardless of therapies, some work
the 'condition." better than others for
"Thank you ' for specific conditions, but
selecting me from many DMT will favorably af-
applicants to receive feet every muscle in the
training in the Pfrimrner • body thus affecting every
DMT technique," John G. possible condition. I
Maxey from Houston, consider it a privilege to
Texas noted. have been chosen for this
"A large portion of my trust and I do consider it
practice is made up of a most valuable tool in
patients with Multiple my continuing search for
Sclerosis, Muscular better understanding of
Dystrophy, Myasthenia this marvelous creation."
Gravis, Stroke, Arthritis "In my estimation,
DMT is beneficial for
many physical problems
because of its effect on
muscles and their ac-
tivity in the body," Donna
Brown from Detroit,
Michigan said. "This
technique, which is
different than any other
type of therapy I have
seen, does more for the
circulation (lymph as
well as blood) than other
methods of treatment and
the person's system has a
much better chance of
correcting the build-up of
toxins collecting in _the
muscle structure and
cleansing the body so that
the body functions nor-
mally again."
_Clary Thomas was
amazed to see the results
of DMT. "DMT has
changed my opinion
about the medical
science. I have seen cases
where people have been
declared incurrable and
after receiving DMT are
able to function in a more
normal fashion."
Marian Lassiter of
Srnithville, North
Carolina commented,
"DMT is probably the
most effective single
answer to prevention'pr'
correction of more
crippling disease con-
ditions than any therapy
now known to or
recognized by the
medical establishment.
June Smith of Tampa,
Florida also supported
the program noting,
"DMT is the only truly
effective method of deep
tissue manipulation. The
exciting part of this,
therapy is that it can he
used to prevent crippling
conditions as well as to
help correct them:"
"I have been a
n-i:::;sage therapist for 10
yea -s and I'm always
starching for a better and
longer lasting technique
of helping people
Jean Herriman from
Phoenix, Arizona said. "I
feel the Pfrimmer. DMT
is the ultimate in
restoring health to many
who have not been able
find relief elsewhere.
• from page 10
to sing and prayer by
Mrs, Stella Shiel. Letter
forms addressed t+b
different missionaries
were passed out to be
written and mailed.
\Refres,hrnents , were
served 'by the hostess,
assisted by Mrs. Mabel
Church' service .
The services in the
B-ayfield Baptist Church
this Sunday • were well
attended in spite ,of the
illnesses that seem to be
plaguing some of the
members. The Sunday
School contest is cer-
tainly a drawing card and
some that came for it are
returning again and
Last Sunday was .
family Sunday and each
member was encouraged
to bring all their family.
Next Sunday will be
Pumpkin Sunday with
each child receiving a
° In the worship service,
the Pastor Rev. Les Shiel,
spoke on the "Faith-
fulness of God"
It's a marvelous meld of you, your tastes, your lifestyle,
the things that are truly important to you
and your family.
And of us, the talented professionals who have the
know-how to put it all together.
Our experience as a growing studio has taught us
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expertise are vital,
knowing you is equally essential.
So let's get acquainted soon.
Come. Or call us for an appointment.
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,. e ..:.,.
�.. g, Public School was
Sc ooI Is a place >l'or �ICids, but on Monday night the Clinton
Op tied for adults as parents came to see the work of their' youngsters. Yvonne
n Arnold Crich oh
t k her d w u. h ,. �, � desk and fatherecked , tt ..
CO �, ao a g . too er the work
of their three daughters, left to right, Sylvia 9; Angela, 11 and Sherry, 6,
(News -Record phni o 1 .. �
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Friday 8 to 9
Sat. 8 to 6
Closed Sundays
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