HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-2-2, Page 5DISTRICT DOINGS.
Occurrences of the Past woeittrhroughou
the Neighborhood In a Coacise Porn.
18 is thought that Messrs, josepla
Kydci Jt bon, of Dublin, who recently
failed will 'make a compromise with
their creditors,
The death of James G. MOBride
PceUrred at Seatorth the other day,
was aged 60 years'and was one of
the oldest settlers in this part of Cana.
Mr. P. Pike, of McGillivray, sold a
yOung ClYdesdale mare, in foal, last
ThUrsdifipto Christopher landau, of Ohio
for thert4td of $400.
Mr. WM. Richie, o McGi11vray, sold
a young Clydesdale mare last Thursday
to Christopher Linden, of Ohio, for the
sum of 8275.
Rey. R. Kerr, of Mitchell, has accepted
the call to the position of assistant
Minister ofSt. James' Church, Stra.tford,
Oh yesl I should think so. 'rhe first
dose made me feel like a new person;
thelinvariable answer to the question
did Dr. Crrson's Stomach Bitters help
While tobogganing Tuesday night a
little claughte: of John Farrell, of Luoan
was thrown against a stone breaking
her lower jawbone and knocleing out a
number of her teeth.
On Tuesday three little girls, two of
them daughters of Mr.W. Doherty, organ
manufacturer, and the third named
Hilyer, of Clinton, went down the tobog
'grin slide and ran into a wire fence.
Ethel Doherty was badly cut over the
eye and her sister about the mouth.
The other girl escaped injury.
"Pectoria" loosens the phlegm,
"Peotoria" soothes the inflamed
.br on chial tubes.
"Peotoria" neer fails to cure a Cold
or Cough.
"Pectoria" 25 cents a bottle.
A destructive fire ocourred near
Kuhryville, township of Ellice, en
Monday night. 'rhe large frame barn
and stable ot Mr. Frederick Denistedt
was totally destroyed, together with 16
heaa of fine cattle, and all his stock
and implements. Mr. Denstedt's loss
will be yery heavy, as he is only par-
tially covered by insurance. Much
sympathy is felt byhis neighbors for Mr.
D. in the -calamity that has overtaken
Major W. F. Murray of Clinton died
from apcfpllexy at Wednessday, aged 69
years. He was a native of Edinburgh
and an enthusiastic military manhaving
been Associated with the Canadian mil-
ita fOr 35 years, and fora long time held
the rank of major of the 33rd Battalion,
havirig retired, retaining his rank5 but a
short time ago. He was a past :nester
of Clinton Masorete Lodge, past first
principal ofthe chapter, and a past grand
lodge officer; having been a member of
the Masonic fraternity for about 45 years.
At the last meeting of the Mitchell
Public SchoolBoard a motion was passed
sgiVing the principal the privilege of
closing the school at three o'clock once
ie three weeks, for the purpose, it is
stated, of holdtng a meeting:of. the
teachere to dismiss the:best methods of
teaching readingi &c. 'Ehe Advocate is
of opinion that a teacher should be
thoroughly acquainted with the best
methods of teaching, reading Sso, before
he offers himself for engagement, and
that the move is peculiar, unnecessary
and decidedly wrong.
The Stratford Herald says: -The
assault upon John E. Davis, of the•Mit-
chell Advocate by Mr. T. D. .7.'render-
gest turns out to have been not so
unprovoked as at first supposed. The
Davises have slandered Mr. Prender -
gest and those connected with him in 9.
manner moat offensive and uncalled for
until he became justified in resenting it
vigorously as he did. The Advocate
publishers appear to have a penchant
for this kind of work and for pursuing
with dirty abuse people against whom
they have conceived spite or dislike.
Mr. Prendergast acknowledged the
assault and paid the fine without grud-
ging "
....----. -..-
To this "fifth quarter of the globe," as an
Irish writer has called it, the mother coun-
try send many things they do not want, and
the consequences too frequently are an over-
stocked market and a depressed trade.
Enna this category we beg leave, however,
to exct'utle two articles -the two celebrated
remedies of liallowa.y. Throughout •Attie
ti abasia they are at a premium. • The • Pills
and Ointment aro considered. the most proe
fitable commodities that eau be taken to the
diggings, as their efficiency in tho diseases
common in the gold regions in well known to
every nugget -hunter, and they are therefore
eatiserly bought uo at any price by those
toilers after the 'mammon of unrighteous
floss,' For bilious feyers and all disorders
of tho liver and bowels which prevail on tbe
auriferous soils of the interior, the Pills ap-
pear to be a positive, immediate and invari•
able ottee. Niro have . soon relearned • gold
hunte front thert
diggings and their repos
on th e head are unifortn. Ni is the tes.
linen %less eoneinsive in relation to the
Ohtt. 466 a means of relieving rheuma-
tism aud veuralgia, mid healing the wounds,
aboteions, contusions, tee ineident to the
hard life in the wilderness. In abort, every
one oat in 'the buele leeks upon Hollowell's
two preporations as a sufficient medicine
chose for all the disorders of hie outer and
• haler ream tie knows, for he bus wintered
with them and et ternorei with them beyond
the settlements, that they are his snrest re.
theme in siokness at all seasons and under all
circuiristauces. Almost eyeey digs er has
Scene atecclote to relate of the cures they
law° perfonned, Limbs owed from morti0s
cetiora ulsers punier ved treat geingretio, con-
tracited joitits relaxed, liver tRsealie arrested,
tlyseittery end diarrhoea. eured-these are
their trophies. In fact, they aro among the
David Bea, sr., ono of Montrealoldest
residents, died yesterday at tho age of 81
I actually believe that Everest'a Cough
Syrup saved ney life. -Jas. Kirkpatrick,
Momitant, Forest P, 0.
The Grits of Halton have nominated Wrc.
McLeod, Reeve ef Georgetown, as their ean-
clidabe for the Commons.
Everest's Liver Regulator worked wondere
on me and made me feel like a new mare -
Levi 11. Slipp•
er Forest P. 0.
The Grand Trunk Reilway Compauy's re-
turn of traffic receipts, for the week ending
21at Jauuary, amoents to 3266,13)., an in-
crease of $25 352 over corresponding period ,
I had a bad cold on nay lungs for two
years; ; everything I trl,ed failed me till I got
Everest'a Cough Syrup, aud it cured me. -
Mrs. 1). A. Fraser, Parishill P. 0.
The President to -day approved the Postal
Convention recently ooncluded between the
United States and Canada.
To payout serious dimease, regulate the
stomaoh, liver, bowels, kidneys and blood
with Burdock Blood Bitters. Remember
that prevention is better than cure.
Australia, now exports oranges to England.
Artizans, reeehanics and laboring men are
liable to sudden aeoulents and injuries, as
well as paiuful cords, stiff joints and. lameness.
To all thus troubled we would recommend
Elagyarcl's Yellow Oil, the handy and reliable
pain care for outward or internal use,
The Kent brewers are going to try to naake
real lager.
Aug person troubled with irregular acting
kidneys or any form of kidney complaint,
however slight it may seem, is in a dangerous
condition if the trouble is neglected. Bur-
dock Blood Bitters should bo taken at once ;
it is the best regulator of the kidneys, liver
and blood known to the world.
That person who is afflicted with rheuma-
tism is a great sufferer and greatly pitied if
they cannot procure Hagyard's Yellow Oil.
This remedy is a certain sure, not only for
rheumatism but for all external aches and
inteimal pains.
Miss Braddon is said to clear 24,500 on
each of her novels.
Thousands of people are suffering untold
• .
misemes from.constipation'headaches, bill-
iousneas and weakness thatmight be at once
relieved and soon cured by the use of Burdoek
Blood Bitters. This invaluable medicine is
teed by all dealers at One Dollar per bottle,
thus placing it within the reach of all.
Berry, the British hangman, kissed the
Blarney Stone during a recent tour in Irelaad.
I have used Hagyarcl's Pectoral Balsam in
my family for years and. have found it ahead
of any preparation of the kindin curing colds,
eto. I can especially recommend it for
children. Alex. Moffat Millbank, Ont.
Herbert Spenser is well again and at work
developinghis scheme of systematic philosophy.
Capt, D. H. Lyon, manager and proprietor
of the C. P. R. and R, W. & 0. B. car ferry
Brockville, says: I used Nasal Balm for a
prolonged ease of cold in the head. Two
applications effected a complete and thorough
cure in less than 24 hours. I would not take
$100 for my bottle of Nasal Balm if I could
not replace it.
Grattan, English consul at Antwerp, has
recommended Valupiik to Lord Salisbury for
&liaise correspondence.
I don't care who is appointed to the Balti-
more post office, said General Johnston to
the President, but I do insist that my cook
use Imperial Cream Tartar Baking Powder.
1 am done with powder containing alum and
A. sister of the great Alexandre Dumas hag
just died a nun at 80 years of age. She
entered the cloister when 30.
Croup whooping cough sore throat, sudden
cold, and the lung troubles peculiar to child-
ren, are eaily controlled by promptly admin•
istring Ayr's Cherry Pectorial, This remedy
is safe to take and certain in its action.
The Milwaukee Brewers' Union, No. 9, has
decided unanimously to stand by the Union.
The result will undoubtedly be a general lock-
"It is worth its weight in gold," is a com-
mon expression. But, while the value of
gold is easily •affected, the worth of Ayr's
Sarsaparilla, as a blood purifier, never
depreciates. It will eradicate scrofula 'from
the system when everything else fails.
The Pittsburg miners have decided to ask
an advanoe of 10 per cent. in wages for the
Pittsburg district. The operators -will resist.
Food. for Consumptives.
Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with
Hypophosphosphites, is a most marvelous
food and medicine. In healsi the irritation of
the throat and lungs, mid gives flesh Etna
strength quicker than any other remedy
known. 11 13 very palatable, having none of
the clieagreeable taste of the crude oil. Put
up in 500 and $1 size
ADVICE TO MOTHERS. -Are you disturbed at
night and broken oeyour rest by a ick child
suffering and crying with pain of Outtina
Teeth? If so send at obee and get a, bottle of
"mrs.Winstowa Soothing.Syrup" for Children
Teething. Its value is incalculable. It will
relieve the poor little sufferer immediately
Depend upon it, mothers; there is no mistake
about it, It cures Dysentery and Diarrhout,
regulates the Stomach. and Bowels, cures Wind
Colin,. so tten s the Gum s, reduce s Inflammation,
and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
"Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children
teething is pleasant to the taste and is the
peeseription of one of the oldest and bes
tomato physicians a,nd nurses in tbe United
States, and is for s ale by all druggists through-
out the world, Price twenty-five cents a bot-
tle. Be suro. and ask for ...Mits. evneseow's
Pen:ranee e'nitrP "nnd take no other kind.
SEBT11111 NEW!
The Proprietor of the WOOD EtAll
Dominion Laboratory
.1 The undersigned would reepeotfully infer
Rego to announce to his numerous friends
and patrons that he hes just put in a full
-line of -
Staple & Feeley Stationery, Accounts Books
end all kindof School Requisites, Leter
and Ncte Paper, Fools Cap Paper,
,Account Paper, Colored Tissues
Gilt Papers, Drawing Pap -
or, Pens and Pencils,
And also a full lino of all the newest itecl
•most popular
All of which will be sold at the Lewes re-
munerative rates.
Liver Complitiat,
• Dyspepsia,
• Biliousriess,
Sick Headache,
Kitluey Troubles,
Skin Diseases
--and all -
Impurities of the
13lowl from what-
ever cause arising
Female weakness
&General debility
Purely Vegetable, Highly Concentrated,
Pleasant and effectual to use.
Doctor Hodder's Compound.
Take no other. Sold everywhere. Price
75 cents per bottle.
Gough etre
Sold Everywhere. Price, 25 cents and 50
cents per bottle. •Proprietors and Manna,
the Union Mediein.e Company,
Toronto Canada.
QAW GUMMING. --The Under-
sikned would inform the Dublie that he
is prepared to gum saws on the shortest notice,
and in a first-class manner, guaranteeing not to
damage th•e plate. Saws gummed at a low price,
lathe factory, ;I mile south of Exeter.
•2-m • T IlEAMAN
The Great English Preceriptiou.
A successful medicine used over
80 years in thousands of cases.
Cures Spermatorritett, Nervous
Weakness, Emissions, impotency
and all diseases caused by abuse.
fnEFonnl indiscretion`, or over-exertion. [AFTER]
Six packages Guaranteed to Cure when all others
Fait Ask your Druggist for The Great English
PreserhitIon, take no substitute. One package
Sl. Six $5, by mail. Write for Paniphlet. Address
Eureka Chemical Co., Detroit, Mich.
. EXnutit
(Corrected a15 o'clock p .m, eVeduesdity.
Tu.n.Who a t ... ... ... ... 0 90 to 80
Spring Weeat ... ... ... ... p 68 to 072
Barley ... ... .:. .,. , 05 to 70
Oats ••• „, ... 0 40 to 41
°lover Seed „, - 4 00 to 4 75
Timothy " ... 2 00 co 2 60
P ()as - ii sa to 0 So
Clore .,. 0 58 to 0 OG
t4ggii 6.4 ... 0 .18 to 0 is
16 to o 17
Plourperbbi ... 00 to 5 68
Pobittooe,por busiaol .., ... 75 to 80
Apples,per bag - ..: 40 to 0 50
Driodippiespr b ... ... 0 0400 0 00
Geese per lb . ... ' .. o 06 to 001
Turkey per lb „,„ ... o es to 08
leuelts pe e pr • ... 0 45 to 0 50
dillekeus per pr „. 0 20 to 0 SO
ftogti,lrbsRodpor10 , ... 0 80 to / 0
1-3 eel m ,.. 6.1.• IN • 4 00 to 5 tat
Fl Jae h rouhg, ... ... .,. .,. 5 50 to 5 50
" civilised ,.. „ ,, 0 00 to 6 00
ebeepsking each ... 0 75 to 1 GC
oalfsitiu a ... 0 SO to 6 70
Wool pee lb ... ,,• .., 0 20 to 0 '21
.'''': omonsnorbnitti
... ,.. 0 50 to 0 75
good things of whahav') ili we cannot +An TiaVperton .,... ... -.
'ScO to 8 00
In Li eh , and 81111011411 the itrmorts at presont
ere so lingo as to be iocredible, still the de-
mend keeps in ad settee of the sem ly. Fur. ST: MARTS. ..
Dished witn these remedies the digger and Furnisbed by Messrs: Carter-,
tile E•sttler have little need, of niedieel att.
vice, for it seems beyond goestioe that their
-curative efiecte. ;lover the whole chief° of dis-
eitsee, 81)11 a large poption of the cheaterof
eceidents. Of whet use is encases to the
digger, if, ellen fortune is achieved, lie, die
beekle his tweed ? mid how teeny lives that
were saeritioed iu the early deyt. of the eold
elsooveriee 'might have been sa%
ved by these AlVies Poroeh ,„,.... . ,,,, '''' .
11,00timnille rteraylitiollf,._ 1111 Di 09h d • 11°01 pooh ,,,,,, ,...,•.......... .• ,,
,... ... .....,......,
Vir 0 It 11,1 O'N'ITTN..3 ER
pleasantto take.. Contain ;heir Emit
Purgative. Is a, sir-'. lunl effectual
fogtroyer of worms in Cnililren or Adults
immediate Ballet
• sor.
he community that they hey° leasedthe above
=Motor a term of yours; and will be pleased
to Lave a call from all. The mill has reeeutlY
been improved, by the itddition of new mach-
inery. It is the intention of tee subscribers to
edd a set of roils 89 00011 as possible ; and all
combined, the
Woodham Grist Mill
wane s000nd to none in tbe West.
Gristing and Chopping Done
Fresh oatmeal constantly oil hand for sale or
exchanged for oats.
And every species of disease arising-
fro.ra disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS,
STOMACH, B ovv-zr,s, -7.7 BLOOD.
Expectora t
• The high character of this old medicine
as a sure remedy for Coughs, Colds, Throat
and Lung Troubles is repeatedly confirmed
by the gratifying, arateful and unsolicited
testimony received from those who have
been benefitted by its
MR. S. J. WILCOoK., Toronto, writes:—
"I have used Hollamore's Expectorant in
my family for Coughs and Colds, for thir-
teen years and would eot be without it."
• Ma. if. C. SMITH, Car Inspector,
Galt, writes :-
Send me clue dollar's worth of Ilallamore'8
Expectorant. I cannot get along without
25 et, Bottle.
BAST TO USE., . • '
Not a Snuff Powder or Initating Liquid. Price I
Rids. and $1.01 If not obtainable at your drug. i
gists, sent prepaid on receipt of price. • Addresl
f,t3LIFORID evo CO., Brockville„ Ont.. j
The whole sstom is deranged and. out of
sorts The blood is import:, pimples, boils and
iver .!ipr ts. (tepees:fug on the face and body.
The liver is olog,god and inn cave, causing fa-
tigue, loss of appetite, a dull. sleepy, tired feel-
,xvith inability to do work. the coin pi axon
At Toronto. Every Darrel G-uarenteed. This 011 was used on all machinery during lbo
Exhibition. It has been awarded NINE GOLD MEDALS during the Met three years.
Il"'See that you. get Peerless. It is only made by
S.AZILVEL nocints 414 co., TortoNTo
Call on G A. H. for your Groceries
C I Teas
Dashwood Flour
Ptety Hams and
Smoking tobacco a
five cent piece with every 3 plugs
4 e
le.5- ' "SN' d‘C
e, • iN "4" C'CN ••4`
'tsIN le° (21•C' a k
•c•ce' ,z;c` t • -c 0 "\'.
0 e,
Cd 0 .0 • N. cN'''
NS° r (41• ...s\c,
• s„O
d • o'C' 'C\
Ks. (5C), e; ehr.. see.
4, N. N., z>'c
6)9. ..c,o N.,1,00
cs°' °
-9\ ;c017.4.1e- \efe
ere e
{9 • 01
.ZN'N. et Ole e
4.4° 'xIsN
cps' s -oc"
ce, 0,z;t. cco.
e,•4's' o eecc" • eq.' ef''
4,9 J. se' .,s;•$9's .,,., .
manufactured only by Thomas Holloway, es, New Oxford. Street, s•
late 553, Oxford Street, London. I
GM -Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots'
IIf the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are apurious.
(Wholesale and Retail.
BUILDER'S UARDWARE--Nails, Glass, (stained •and engraved), Locke, Hinge
Butts (full line.) ,
CABRIA.GrE HARDWARE -Bar Iron, Bent Stuff, Hubbs, Spokes, Cutter Runnere
Shafts, Moquette Wunslin, Drill
MILL SUPPLIF,S-Stow Pipe, Fittings, 'Valves, Asbestos, racking, Rubber and Leath.
er Settings, are.
SPORTING MATERIAL -Breach Loading and ShocGuns, Powder, Shot ; see,
Silver Star Coal
Oil, Wicks, Bli.r-
n.ers', Axes,
& Skates.
Original Cook and Triumpi
The :Bradley Eevetrough and Tin-
ware a Specialty.
'Verity's Plows and Points, Cal -
Plaster, Carpet, Felts, Pitch
Send in our orders for Chestnu o • Blossburg
Coal before it advances. Ansaled Galvanized and Barb Wire cheap.
, 's fallow' and rirady, and it is absolutely ne- 1
TRUSSESI. cessary, to enjoy good health, to take the cele -
turer of all kinds of Trusses; Residence: I
Renuie's Mills, Hey, wears ho will attend to the
wants of any Who may require his services.
Why pay from $15.00 to 00 for the same 11.r.
ticle which ho can furnish you for 65.00, and
which 68 83 good if not better and warranted
to fit with 'comfort ? Itetnember, Double
rPruases, s3.00; Single Trusses, ele,50. All COM-
munientionsaddressod to
•.Zuriell P0., Ont.
real wheat,- , . . ,,, ...... .... , . . . .
eitting Wheat- .... . . ..... .
T3ar,ey . „, ... ... .... ..... .
. . ..... . . . . ,„.
Clover .. ....... .. . .. ,
...... . „
1-1 tter ,
Potetette tier truth, ....... .. .
Thos Cave would inform the public that,
he has opened n,
eameatacecsevr 'Tier sTet
Sontheo Re Meek, seeesi to the Post Office,
where he will be T1le:1104 to meet hie old custo-
ers end es tey now orms, wishing worIc dos°
ta eliertest notice; en d et low prices.
lfsese-shoeing and general Week, _tmithing
specialty, TITOS. CAVE,
Oneesite the Post 011ice. Heater,
Mandrake Dandelion Liver Cure, which puri-
fies the blood by stimulating the Liver, ceding
digestion and. promoting a. natural evecuation
of the bowele. ittartdraito sure Dandelion ere
two of the best Liver reginatoes knewn,. and
all medical Mon agree that t iv
nore vita importance to health than the I
Heart and Lungs, If the Liver is torpid or in- I
betty°, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Headache, Cos-
tiveness, etc. will result,
L- -E
Complaint. 3kiinev and Uri nary Trnable.Jaun-
lice, Liver spots, Impure l3loo cl, Foul Itreeth.
aro ciaicRly eared by tr.. Chase's Miluarake
Dandelion tivet
When th o Ridneys are diseased, overtaxed
and weakened, one or two betties are gun T -
;meted to .31.1re. Mr. Alex, Taylor, 'West Gwil-
limhery, wee trouble:1 for 15 years with kid-
ney disease, was compelled to rise 5 and 6
timetttinnugh the night to itrinate, suffered
intengo pain, nevi wria finnely email after mil
other remedies rind physicians had failed, by
aging tbrod bottles.
500C),00() S0T-11) !
Over bite -half mantle er ;or, Chnso n000tet
Rooks have beim sold in Oltuarla alone, and wo
want every person troubled With. Liver ( mu.
Plaints and kidney diSeasee, ole., to try Chase
Liver Olive. Wrapped arouna every bottle is
it valuahle
No t,lery•s 1,00101, h011eger !museum!, should be
with oat this book, t.110 411081 onlblelionnf reci-
pes exte.nt, The dorm,tin out gie os re-
oeipts for beautifying the oomph:ea/el. Stag -
Ilona Beim ,Cream of SO t•tY, nee Cow,
1 rookies Sunburn Hair Dyes and Pet -motors,
aozistrArrioN 0013,00. Tooth inmates, W,islieft,(,olden timir 1)57n, for
luttbi ealadpilhaeyeticitnatitill;eltliter,i.:((it j.1.)6y111L1 ott-i,1,(1131:1v, blaadhOlgt ,lark hair to golden hue, Eye or
missionary the formula of n, slime° vegeteb17 tinsBdttle.13°v:en:i164tIli 'tt nuY b°6t1'.
!c!tittChtao 8,2 reriledy for the speedy' and perm enoet etre o Tho boolc edohe is worth ten times tho oast of
the medicine.
o ohs Mptiot oe eh tib Neal h, Astholh airy 0!,r,se s ney raver Pills, tbe only
80 82 .to .1treiit and lung affectio al8i) a 1)°8i' pill In.ek meting octia on the Elaneys, Vv-
._ se ss oreousileineleints, nathr having tested its e
„„4 se e wouderiel enrative powers ill thousemls of er8' .
ee 2 01 oases, Meilen it his ditty to mike it known to
60 co 131.0_311fferiin 10110W8+ Actuated by tee; motive Tnaetenow a acid. le hoed to elowly and
18 o/ MRCI deters te Yeti 005 human snireviest I, wet setely tievelop into catarrh, when you eau be
se le send ttoOOf eleirgeoe ell who desire ,t, this enrod for ese, by ening Dr, Obese Gatalri
. 60 70
„ alrectiohN ?rop 0 lin gsnd using. 8e11 1)37
*, es men by edareteene with stamp, rt ming this
e„. •
7 is, j 8 56 oaoor SV A Netts 146 Pe .4mr, Ilteed licelies16`
.. . 170 tilreall yt bat "tadical cure foe Nervena Debility"end ee rtiel Rowels', Piece e5 e, Sold, by an d o
Furniture &
reeme, in Gernlan,l, renal' or elegli l\a, wall full ogre. A feW applic.itiens b Ito in iteeht eat-
merit ;1 to 2 beitiS core rains ry catarrh ;9 to
6 beees 1,6 eattetteteett to °ere ehreeie eitterrit,
ey it. 0n1" 25e. wad mere cure, \
.T.1=0.4^.41! • -
f t
Would call the attention of the people of Exeter ucl siirtonreling cotintry to
fact that vve, having purchased the StOck ead basiness of WILLEA.M ,DREW, ere offts
special inducements hi'
1?arlor Setts, Plat 1 tuna Fancy TithieS, Springs and, MattresSt
Bedroom Setts, Wood.. Cane 86 eerforated chairs, Book Case%
Writing Desks, Sideboards, Whatnots, Cradles.,
And an Endless; Variety iu Be4s, Bureaus, Cupboards, &e.
Our Stook of Umber is Large initi Thoroughly Soagened, cad, having had crstensiorit
xpericome in the leading factories of the Domiaion, we cat% guareatee Styhsh tied Sore
le Furniture.
Oar Stook of Undertaking Goode is the Largoot itt tho Camay, anI our linarso tins'S
qequcd north af London. Speciol attention Will be phid to this branch of ttio businoss,
toyetyone Will find no prompt and reliable business me
ilemenabor file Stand One D6or North f Moison's
()WV, Si) .4.'S...NT)