HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-10-25, Page 7fr
Mrs.,liera Brintnell,
HHensall,celebrated hef
8,01h bIrthd ay on Saturday
at the h me- of her on
Jack and his wife Mary.
Frien4 and; relatives
gathered to extend best
wishes and to observe her
birthday with her. Mrs.
Brintnell received many
flowers, gifts and treats.
Refreshments and a'
social. time were enjoyed.
Toronto man
.Eric Colbert died
suddenly in Toronto on
Saturday October 13 in
his 55th year. A well-
known Sarnia resident,
where he worked as an
accountant and practised
law, he also established
the Sarnia Airport, and
served as city alderman
during the 1950's.
At the time of his death
in Toronto, ' he was
Director Administrative
Operations - Canada with
I.T.T. Couier.
Eric was the beloved
husband of Shirley
views irom
(Chapman) formerly of Mrs. Mel Glanville is a
Hensall, and is also patient in Victoria
survived by daughters Hospital, London, where
cherY1 and Marie Anne. she is receiving treat -
Funeral service was in merit,
Toronto, Monday October Mrs. Alice Ferg spent
15, 1979. the weekend visiting with
her sister and brother -in -
Church news law, Mr. and Mrs. George
• Coultei in Listowel.
Rev. Kenneth Knight Mrs. Gladys Wilson,
conducted service ifl, Mr. and Mrs. Michael.
Carmel Presbyteria.n Croft and Shannon of
Church on unday, Brantford visited on
speaking on the selection Sunday with Mr. and
of Elders which are to be Mrs, Leonard Noakes.
chosen. Mr. and Mrs. Don
There will be no service Gooding and Dale of
next Sunday October 28 Parkhill were recent
as Caven Presbyterian visitors with Mrs.
Church Exeter is ob- Gooding's mother, Mrs.
serving their An- Edgar Munn.
niversary service when Mr. and Mrs. Eric
Rev. G.L. Royal of Knox Luther *returned home
Church, Goderich is to be after a pleasant trip to
guest speaker. Service on Winnipeg and Leth-
\ Sunday November 4 will bridge.
be at 11:30 a.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Noakes attended the 39th
Convocation at
University of Waterloo on
Friday. Their son Donald
received his degree as
M.A. Sc. (Sys. Des.)
:Eryfogels will be saved
MITCHELL -. The 'Perth
,County Council and the
City of Stratford have
agreecL to go ahead with
- renovations to the
Fryfogel Inn and to
purchase the Thompson
The decision carne
after months of dispute,
'started last June when
Stratford council reneged
,,:on an agreement to
)-Testore the 135 year old
Ann, saying they didn't
want to be burdened with
another large capital
sp'expertse. Meanwhile, the
county council was leary
of buying the museum.
In a recent meeting, it
-was decided to cut the inn
renovation costs by
$129,000, leaving the new
total cost of the project at
In exchange for this,
the city proposed that the
county agree to a joint
venture to buy the
museum. This was ap-
proved and the cost to
both councils will be
$70,000, with the federal
government paying the
rest of the costs.
Inn renovations will
include an addition and
the museum, which
contains 17,000 pieces of
farm equipment and
home implements and is
considered one of the
finest in the world.
Defective truck
takes wild ride
A broken rear axle has
been blamed as the cause
-of a single truck accident
that resulted in over
$2,000 in damages.
The Clinton Police
reported that the truck,
driven by Larry
Seymour, 22 of Seaforth,
travelled 593 feet after he
went on a wild ride down
Ontario *Street when the
brakes loosened and the
rear axle dropped off.
The vehicle went out of
control, entered the
boulevard, hit a small'
tree, and then continued
west on the south curb in
front of 120 Ontario
Damage to the truck
was set at $2,000 and the
driver escpaed unin-
A parked car on Huron
Street received $400 in
damages following a
October 19 accident.
The legally parked
vehicle, belonging to
Michael Hodgson \ as
struck by anotier
vehicle, driven by
Murray Woods, 19 of
Damages of $850 were
sustained in a two car
Phone 402-9235
Out hostess willbring gifts and
greetings, along with helpful
coninuinity information,
collision on Victoria
Street on October 19.
• •A car driven by Eva
Hoy, 33 of Clinton
received $600 in damages
and a second vehicle
•driven by Elizabeth
McHugh, 30 of Ailsa
Craig received $250 when
the two collided. No one
was injured. •
A car driven by F.
Elliott Lapp,61 of Auburn
received $300 in damages
and Herbert Brall, 25 of
RR 2, Goderich received
$100 in damages whert, the
two collided on Albert
Street on October 20.
Queensway welcomes
new resident
Queensway Nursing
Home welcomed a new
resident, Mrs. Ella
Penhale, Exeter. Bir-
thday greetings to Neil
Regan and Edna Young,
who celebrated their
birthdays this month.
Visitors during the week
with Wallie Crich were
Evelyn Price and Gerald
F...1der. Mrs. Violet litstip
and Laureen Feinnel and.
Joan Betteridge visited
with Irene Kalbfleisch.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith
McLaren, Mrs. • Jean
Coates and Mrs. Ruby
Pollen visited Louise
Kitchell., Audrey Christie
and Helen Scare visited
Russell Erratt.
Rev. Kenneth Knight
conducted, the churc,h
service accompanied 'by
Mrs. MacDougall at the
piano. The Hensall
United Church Ladies
entertained the residents,
playing bingo and
passing out treats. The
men's high bowling score
was Neil Regan with 141
and the ladies' high score
was Edna Young with
Mrs. Pearl Erratt, who -
was a patient in St.
Joseph's Hospital,
London undergoing
treatment, returned to
her home this week. Her
many friends wish her a
speedy recovery.
Miss Jane Heal R.N.
returned to Los Angeles
California after spending
a pleasant visit with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Heal.
c1;4N,TONWS4Rg.CORP, THUR. QP:gPagg ;5p 19.T,9,,rPAQg 7
mers coming
• Huron County hockey
fans will be treated to a
fine display of hockey
next week when the
National Hockey League
Oldtimers Hockey Club
'comes to Clinton..
The NHL Oldtimer'S
Will play the Clinton
Mustang Qldtimers on.
Friday, November 2 at
the Clinton arena. •
Included in the 24 man .
roster are great names
like Murray Henderson of
the Boston Bruins,. Norm
Ullman of Detroit and
Toronto, Ike Hildebrand
of , Chicago, Brian
McFarlane of Hockey
Night in Canada, Mike
gelyk o TOronto, Harry
Howell and Andy
Bathgate o New York,
Bob Nevin of Toronto,
and Larry Carriere of the
Buffalo Sabres.
And from an earlier
era, Sid Smith C;of Toronto,
Wally Stanowski of the
Leafs and Rangers, Pete
Conacher of the Black
Hawks, and Cal Gardner
of the Leafs, Hawks,
Bruins and • Rangers will
don skates.
Most of the players will
alsO he available to sign
autographs before and
after the game.
Red Cross officials are very grateful, thanks to an outstanding turnout at their
blood donor clinic last Thursday at Central Huron Secondary School when 229
units were collected from 255 volunteers, like Gary Merner, president of the
Clinton Kinsmen Club. Whose the gal lying next to you Gary? (News -Record
Rebekah officers installed in Hensall'
District Deputy
President Mrs. Jean
'Henderson of Huron
Lodge Clinton visited
Amber Rebekah Lodge
on Wednesday evening
and installed the officers.
She was presented by Jr.
P.N.G., Mrs. Maggie
Campbell and welcomed
by Noble Grand Mrs.
Hazel Corbett. The Vice
Grand Mrs. Elizabeth
Riley reported for the
visiting committee and
the C.P.T. fund.
L.S.N.G. • Bertha
MacGregor reported for
the finance committee
and treasurer Dorothy
Corbett gave the annual
report of the Lodge. It
was announced tickets
were available for the
Grand Master's banquet
in Wingham November
8th and for • 'Ernie
Chipchase's Night' Nov.
17th from Don McGregor,
Exeter. Mrs. Cleta
Holland Clinton read the
Constitution for the.
D.D.P. Mrs.. Henderson.
The installation staff
were as follows: dept.
marshal , Barbara
Taylor; dep. rec.
secretary, Mrs. Lobb;
dept. treasurer, Mary
Trick; dept. fin.
secretary, Flora
Dowson; chaplain, Irene
Cantelon;' dep. warden,
Valena Trewartha; in
side guardian, Florence
Officers installed were:
Jr. P.N.G., Maggie
Campbell, Noble Grand,
Mrs. Hazel Corbett; Vice
Grand, Elizabeth Riley:
chaplain, Alice Freg;
warden, Margaret
Consitt; conductor,
Gladys Coleman; ree*T`
secretary, Leona Parke',
fin. secretary, rrene
Blackwell; treasurer,
Campbell thanked her
and presented a gift. Mrs.
Campbell also presented
Noble Grand Sister Hazel
wlxithg•e.i.i gift from the
Past D.D.P. Bertha
MacGregor thanked
D.D.P. Jean Henderson
and congratulated her on.
the most capable manner
in which she presented
the installation and afso
her staff. Mrs. Florence
Miller spoke on behalf. of
Clinton Lodge and
Maggie Campbell
Dorothy Corbett ; thanked • members for.
'musician, Evelyn . Mc -
Beath; colour bearer,
Vera Lerrlmon: Inside
Guardian, • Isobel
Rogerson; outside
guardian. Annie Reid;
R.S.H.G., Dorothy
Parker; L.S.N.G., Bertha
Aldeen Volland;
L.S.V.G., Olga • Chip -
The pianist, Kay Wise
presided for the in-
stallation and, ac-
companied the soloist
Cleta Holland. The
anniversary cards.
Former Hensall
man dies
Wellington Alexander
MacDonald of 14 Old Mill
Terrace Toronto, passed
away at Queen Elizabeth
Hospital. on Wednesday.
October 17 in, his 82nd
year. He s,vas.formerly of
Hensall and the husband
of Catharine (Gerster)
MacDonald. A son, Hugh
John MacDonald, North
Bay 'and a sister Mrs.
Kenneth King, London
and three grandchildren
D.D.P., Jean Henderson----kurvive him.
, .
broughtr-greetings from Funeral service was
the assembly and district held from the Bonthron
and spoke briefly on Funeral Home, Hensall
increasing membership. on Friday October 19,
Jr. P.N.G. Maggie 1979 with Rev. Stan
McDonald officiating
e ith burial in Hensall
inion • (iemetery.
Personals . •
Harvey Keyes Who ,has
been a * patient - in
t!ni v rsi ty llospital,•
1.ondori -for several weeks
is recuperating.. His
many friends wish him a
speedy recovery
Mrs. Fraser of Ottawa
has been visiting with her
mother, Mrs. Harvey
Keyes and also with her
father, who is a patient in
Ciniversity Hospital,
Several member of the
"Three Links" Senior
Citizens of Hensall at-
tended the. fourth Fall
Rally ip Clinton Legion
Hall on Wednesday
october 17th.
Doctor to ,patient
"You're very rundown.
Lay off golf for a4vvhile
and try to get.in 'a good
day atthe office. -
If you like pizza,
and you like spaghetti,
you'll like PANZEROTTI!
Try one soon!
FRI. & SAT. 4 P.M. -2 A.M.
Select your new
Fall Suit from our
collection of quality all -wool
3 -piece suits
The Three Links Senior Citizen club of Hensall were Wednesday at the Legion and hosted by the two
represented at the zone rally held in Clinton last Clinton clubs. (News -Record photo)
The Luxury Class
Luxury in an agile, light-
weight machine Electric
starter and deluxe paint
36 to 46
Have your luxii,tv your
performance, t()() with
the ultimate
• the Excel V
Man was not meant to
mix gas and oil