HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-2-2, Page 4•e oter qi:ites.
THURSDAY. FEB. oo, x888 '
been begun by agents of Gerniany, but
the Flemings Inwe taleen it up, and insist
the official reeognieion of the Flemish
VS the 'Belgian language, Excited its they
are, neither Walloons nor Flemings stop
to note what a grotetsq,ue illustration their
conduct affords of the nationel motto,
"Union ;Pekes otrengeln" Lander ordia
Dn. 1VIoNrAoug has successfully
WlillStOOd a, SeeCnid election trial And
is thetelOre fully established in his
well earned seat in Haldimand
After he had carried the riding for
the second time, the people of the
opposition, assailed him with vile
pary conditions in the kairopoon world accusations. I -le had been guilty
The indications are that the Govern- such a quarrel as this might be regarded of a host of informalitleS and was a
ment of Sir John A. Macaw -gild will find AS purely local and temporary; but no peety to weolesele personal brIbery,
Even the cleputy.returning officers
swerved their duty. Bot upon in-
vestigation, however, all this tran-
spired to be fallacious. Not a
charge of bribery could be proven
against him'either by agents or
personally. Andthe deputy -return-
ing officers, it was found, had done
their duty in accordance with the
regulations governing them. Our
Reform friends have wrongly pre-
judged in this matter, tor instead of
discredit having been brought on the
Conservative cause, the recent elec-
tion trials bears testimony to the
effect that the Consetvatine party is
Chamberlain our next Governor-General. entirely blameless, and that in all
Mr. Chamberlain, however, has his eye on a,
aeeses the electiona on their part
much greater office, one in the gift of • the ,
people of England, First the cable agent, have. been. carried on in strict con
Provinces; without any concrete policy, who is as big a liar as the Americen core* formity with the law and have been
arid with two of their best ,representative pondent at Ottawa, Med Lord Stanley marked 'with the utmost propriety
men, Hons. Edwaecl Blake and Alexander appointed Governor General, then it was and decorum. The Conservatives
itself with a stronger support at the
opening of the Canedian Parliament on
February 23rd than it has had at any
, time sinee the ouppression of Riel'e re-
bellion. Many of the malcontent French
Conservatives, who forsook the banner of
the veteren leader when Re l was hung,
have returned to the party allegiance,
and conetitaencies which were considered
secure for the Liberals have during the
past year elected supporters of the
Government -So that the lase session's
majority of about thirty will be considev-
ably increased, probably by ten or fifteen
It is not at all surprising that, under
the circumstances, the Libeeals should be
nanch disheartened., With only a nom-
inal leader, Eon. Wilfred. Laurier., of
Quebec, a French-Canadian, who has but
little in conunon with the rank and file
or even the leaders of the party in other
reflecting person can treat it as a light
matter. jt coincides in time with tip°
meny indications of tbe, greyest character
And. it must be confessed that the signs of
peace in Europe shine by their absence.
Interesting Letter from the
Oanadita_n CaPitaL
Ottawa, Jan. 13. -It is midwinter at the
Capital, whieli is snow bound eud ice girth
eud Borealis Rex rides client on c polar
bear. The enterprising Otteiva correspon-
dents of the American press are not affected
by the thermometer. They lie with the
same fertility of invention M all sorts of
weather. There latest feat is to make Mr.
MacKenzie, practically invalided, the Lord Churchill, now it is Joe Chamberlain -
outlook for the Liberal party is inanaa e and presently it will be Mr, Parnell. The have just reason to feel'proud of
. .
fact is Lord Lansdowne's term does not their representative men, especially
dark one.
expire till Augost 18th, and in the present
eomplioatea stet° of affairs in England Lord
Salisbury is unlikely to offer aeyone the
position at this critical time.
Talking of the Goveruor-General it will
interest your readera to peruse the :agile, -
tare of His Excellency to the proclamation
enjoinieg members of Parliament to
appear ab Ottawa "to treat, do, act, and
conclude upon those things which may, by
the favor of God, be ordained; In testi-
mony whereot withese John J. McGee,
Esq., Deputy of Our Right Trusty and
Entirely Beloved Cousin, the Most Honour
It seems to be settled that the policy of
protection, which carried Sir John A.
Macdonald into power in 1878, will still
be maintained by him, with of course such
changes from time to time as may be
deemed for the best interests of the
eountry, That this policy is regarded
with favor by the majority of the people,
even in Provinces which support Liberal
local Governments, is shown by the
feat that the Province of Ontario, which
has had a Liberal Legislature for years,
invariably returns "ei, xnajority of Coneer-
vatives to the Dominion Parliament.
So far as commercial union is concerned, able Sir Henry Charles Keith Petty -Fitz -
it has not yet been made a -plank in :the .1-inturice, Marquis of Lansdowne, in the
politicel platform of the Liberals, and County. of Somerset, Earl of Wycombe, of
ChippingWycombe, in the County of
probably will not be.. Bueks, iseount Caine and Calnstone, in
The resolutions, passed. at the Quebec
the County of Wilts, and Lord Wycome,
Conference held some time ago, !demand- Baron of Chipping Wycombe in the County
Mg concessions from the Dominion Gov- of Bucks in the peerage of Great Britain;
ernment, will also farm a subject of de- Earl of Kerry and Earl of Shelburne, Vis -
bate at the approaching Parliamentary count Clanmauriee and Fitzreaurice, learon
session. These concessions, the princi- of Kerry, Lixnaw, and Dunkerron, in the
pal of which are a revision of the Federal peerage of Ireland; Knight of the Grand
Constitution and a relegation of power Cross of Our Most Distinguished Order -
from the Dominion to the Provincial but I must cut it short or you will require a
Parliaments (which would- leave the new font of upper case type. If the
and ehe English government can spare a man whose
former a merely advisory body name is just a 'heti& bit briefer our official
latter supreme ones), will undoubtedly be
printing bills will shrink.
rejected by the Government It may be
dou.oted whether any Grovernment, how-
ever liberal, would legislate itself out of
power by conferring complete political
antonaony upon the various Provinces
constituting the Dominion,
The Manitoba B,ailway difficulty will
also, with:At doubt, engage the attention
of the coming Parliament, but how the
conflicting interests of the people in that
Province, who demand the construotion
of the lted River Valley Railway, ca,n
.be reeonciled with those of elle Canadian
Pacific it is impossible now to conjecbure.
It has been mooted that the Dominion
Government 'would. repurchase from the bays. Prince Edward Island is known to
be almost engirdled with oysters. The
Canadian Pacific Railway Company the
bays of that beautiful salt water lake the
lands rantecl as pare of the subsidy; and
Bras d'Or M Cape Breton, fatten the oyster.
The few oysters found in Nova Scotia are
chiefly at jeaclore Head. It is not extra-
ordinary, we are told by Mr. Earneet In-
gersoll, to find Canadian oysters eight or
ten inches in length. The oyster that is
thin and watery incurs a well merited public
contempt. In Prince Edward Island they
sell oysters at oxie dollar a barrel. The ro-
miniofl law forbids the taking of oysters be-
tween May 1st and September, but is view-
ed like the prohibited "raking" of oysters
in winter as th which a Shediaz fisherman
onee said publicly grandfather rake
oysters, my father he rake oysters when he
want 'em and by Gar I take him tuo "
I:Leonine mATTEES•
Di Montague, who, it is probably
useless to say, has been used most
sh a meful ly by his adversaries.
Entrance Examination to High
Schools and Collegiate
Examination papers will be set in Litera-
ture on passages from the following lessons
in the authorized Fourth Reader: -
JULY. 1888.--1. The Face against the
Pane, pp 74-76; 2. The Discovery of America,
pp. 115-119; 3. Lady Clare, pp. 128-130; 4.
To a Skylark, pp. 187; 5. The Gulf Stream,
pp. 131-136; 6. The Conquest of Bengal, pp.
222-228; 7. The Demon of the Deep, pp.
266.271; 8 After Death in Arabia, pp. 272-
274; 9. The Forsaken Merman, pp. 298-302.
Deceninen, 1888,-1 The Face against
the Pane, pp. 74-71; 2. From "The Deserted
Village", pp. 80-83; 3. The Battle of Bann-
ockburn, pp 82-90; 4. Lady Clare, pp. 128-
130; 5. The Gulf Stream, pp. 131-136; 6.
• Scene from "Ivanhoe," pp.l64-168; 7. She
was Phantom ot Delight, pp 18S; 8. The
Demon of the Deep, pp. 266-271; 9. The
Forsaken Merman, pp. 298-302.
At each examination candidates should
Absolutely Puree.
Teas poweer never varies A. no.o.rYel of par-
ity, strength and wholesomeness. More °conc.-
raioal than the ordinary lanai, and cannot be
Bold in competition, with the. multitudeit of low
test, short weight, alum, orpliosphate powders.
Sold only in caus.—ROYALBAHDIG POWDEB,
CC.. 106 Wall street Y
Word comes from down by the'sea that
the Mai:sees of the oyster fishing is being
vigotoasly prosecuted through holes in the
ice. It is net generally known that this
wholesome bivalve forms an 'important part
of our maritime fisheries now so much
discussed. There is an almost unlimited.
field for the cultivation of this industry.
The condition of things in New Brunswick
and Prince Edward Island is highly favor-
able for oyster growth. The interior of
Miramichi Bay is full of the mollusks. Oy-
sters ate also found along the shores of
Northumberlend Strait, Shediae and other
also that it would offer to purchase from
this Company its menopoly rights. This
would be largely benee.cial to Manitoba,
but ruinous to the other Provinces, and
it is quite safe to predict that, whatever
Sir john's Government may do about the
repurchase of the land, it will not COO
sent to buy the monopoly franchise. The
Canadian Pacific Railway only serves
about 300,000 of population from Port
Arthur to the Pacifie Ocean -a vast
distance -and if harassed by free compe-
tition, would not pay half its running
---- Warden of the county, Liberal, end Mr
The outlook in Europe does not bright- David Henderson, Conservative. TIal ton
en. The deadlock in Bulgarie stirs more has 5666 voters. The Liberal majority at
eon,. 'the geueral election vvas 9. There is an un -
and ntore deeply, every day that it
accountable delay in'essuing the writfor Kent
tinues, the sense of injured pride and the
feeling of national humiliation in the whieh was vacant long before Halton.
Helder:and is to be giver:, a rest for the bel -
Czar and in his people. and with instinct-
be able to quote any part of the selections
prescribed for memorization J.S well as pass -
A sure sigo of rain or that you require
a dose or two of Dr. Carson's Stomach
Bitters. Pains m the, back and limbt,
headache, feverish cold oft recuring
attacks of the blues." Large bottles
50 cents.
ages of speeial beauty from tbe prescribed
literature selections At the July examin-
talon, 1888, they will be expected to have
memorized of the following; tattle Deem- OR SALE,—A BARGAIN.—
The first party of iminigrants 111 00111180
tion with the Manchester Young Ken's
Christian Association scheme left Liverpool
on Saturday for situations on farms in Can -
:Wen The Government are being urged to
extend the benefits of the proposed emigra-
tionn scheme to crofters and fishermen of the
North-west coast, as well as to the crofters
of the Western Isles. Lord Letbian has
been approachral on the subject and promise
ed to give the tiuggestion his best attention.
Various Scotch schemes of emigration are
being laid before the Scotch and Colonial
Secretaries of State. During the past week
reports have beeit received from many dis-
tricts showing an increased desire on the
part of the crofters to emigrate with the
help of the Government.
'VOTING NCEIC Suffering from the eft:sots of
early evil habits, the result of ignorance or
folly, who find themselves weak, nervous, and
exhausted; also Mermen Aoito and Onn
who are broken down from the effects of &bine
or over -work aud in idvanced life feel the
consequences of youthful excess, send fox and .
min Iti V Lubon's Treatise on Diseases of NEW 111W
--GO TO---
33MAY1-"TIM az CO'S
1111 -
Where you will find carpets of all makes and qualities, and
at the lowest cash prices '\
Hemp Carpets, Union Carpets, All -wool Carpets, Peary
Carpets, Balmoral Carpets, Brussels Carpets;
Anglo-wilton Carpets, (borders to match.)
Don't fail to visit the Mammoth Carpet House of the West.
Thos o ttie Co's
176 (S6 178 DUNDAS-STREET (East of Richmond-st.
---USE ONLY— —
511's Noliratott Larttiao Machin gil
The Old Esta lis
ne7F0Iii SALE BY
1\1°COLL BROS. & CO.,
.11.1Eal e
To new premises West side Main -street
One Door South
of Post Office
Where he will be found 'Atli
Men. The book will be sent sealed to any ad-
dress on receipt of two ac. sten:ins. Address
M. V.LUBON, 47 WellinOn St. E. Toronto,
ber examination' 1888, e, at each examm
ation thereafter ail of the follow ing 'selections:
I. The Short Extracts, (List given 05
page 8); 2. ru. Find a Way or Make It, pp.
22; 3, The Bells of Shandon, pp. 51.52; 4.
To Mary in Heaven pp. 97-93; 5. Ring out
Wild Bells, pp. 121:122; 6. Lady Clare, pp.
122-130; 7. Before Sedan, pp. 199; 8. The
Three Fishers, pp. 220; 9. Riding Together,
pp. 231; 10. Edinburgh after Flodden, pp.
277-281; 11. The Forsaken Merman, pp.
• Li Halton polling is fixed for the 7th, the
choice lying between Mr. Win. McLeod, ex -
anee of the term, Dr. Montague having been
ive sagacity they fasen. upon Gen -nal -1Y eoefiemea ie his seat. There are severel
the chief of responsibility. for the frustra-
tion of their hopes. Austria stands for-
ward as the agent in Bulgaria and the
Balkan States, but Russia knows that
Germany is the principal of the combina-
tion. The accemelation of troops in
Poland and Galicia goes on without re-
laxation; and while the gaze of most men
is fixed on the Russian and the Austrian
movements, Germany, almost unobserved After to -morrow (Feb'y Ist) parcel post
is steadily increasml her forces m osen maeter that is left so as to permit of inspec-
as well as on. the Rhine. The Czar has tion willpass for one cent an ounce instead.
renewed his anti -German pleasures in the of six cents for four ounces.
Baltic Provinces, where forty Lutheran Tun ensiles OE CANADA.
clergymen have been depiiv•ed of their In. 1837 we exported goods to the value of
beneflces without a moment's nokice, be- $89,515,511. ; imported, $112,892,236, on
cause they used solely the German lan- which a duty was collected of $22,469,705,
gone. Ile has also renewed the post of
Govetnor of the three:Provinces, and that
official will be made responsible for
Russianizing measures. In Denmark, the
War Minister, M. Edrup, has openly
declared that Copenhagen ought to be
fortified in order to provide Pra,nce and.
Russia, both friends of the Danes, with a
position through which they might ateitak
Germany in case of need. In ltely, the
house of the French Oonsel at Florence
appeals to the Supreme Court in regard. to
the six months limit and the issue of writs
in Russell, Glengarry, E. Simcoe and per
baps Prince Edward are thereby delayed.
One thing is certain, all the vacant seats
cennot be filled by the opening of Parlia-
ment. Carleton eleets a successor to Sir
John to-tnori
• News Notes.
The revising officers under the Dominion
Franchise Act have been instructed by a
circular from the Department of the Secre-
tary of Stete that the Government does not
wish any preparations to be made for the
revision of the voters' list before the date
fixed by the law and not before receiving
notice. •
service rendered to His needy ones fee His
sake "Inasmuch as ye dal it unto the least
of these My brethren, ye did it unto Me."
The Canada Gazette names March 1 as
the day for holding the poll in the County
of Halton for submitting the question of the
repeal of the Scott Act. Mn Solomon
Heimann of elilton, hoe been appointed re -
tinning officer.
The' total receipts on inland revenue ac-
count clarmng the months of December were
$632.118.27. The deposits in the Dominion
Savings Banks during the month of Decern.
ber amounted to $700.839, and the with-
drawals, including outstanding npresented
cheeks, totalled $735.520.85. There is at
the credit of depositors a total of $19.904..
806. 61.
From observation made along the entire
Quarter section of North Vest Land,
near Virden. 160 acres, six miles from Virden,
three froin Elargraye Stations, Manitoba,
Anply to
ORNE HOUSE.—Thelinder--
R signedtakes Cie liberty to inform tbe tra-
velling Public that he opened his house for the
accommodation of all travellers, on Otitobar
1st. Those who favor hiniwitla their patro-
nage will receive the best attention. There is
good stabling in connection.
Wanted Immediatly. — Assistant Teaoher,
(female) for S. S. No. 6, Ushorne, till summer
holidays. Applications reeeivod by
Notice I
Stock onoott Shan
Sewed. work a speciality.
Repairing promptly attended to.
The annual meeting of the IT shortie
bort M. F, Insurance Co'y will bo held in the
Rail at Farquhar, en Monday, Mel Yebruary,
at 1 o'clock, p. m. for the purpose of hearing the
Directors' and Auditors' Reports, and for the
election of Directors to fill the places of those
who retire.
By Order of the Board,
l'arquhar P , 0 .
All parties having claims against the Late
Luxton, of the Village of Exeter, in
the County, of Huron, Carpenter, are hereby
notified that a statenlent of Bitch claims prop-
erly attested and giving frill particulars of the
nature of the security held, if any, must be
tried. with sithev et the nd.arsign ed execa tors
or roust be addressed to V. A. Boss. Exeter P.
O., in z:e "stared letter, postage prepaid, on or
chain of lakes the startling discovery has before e Eighth day of February, 1888, vs
Walnut & Rosewood Caskets
been made that the surfatee of all the great ?eiffuttitoenmainnallitittfeemeoennsi me
t of theienstaL
half during the past year. The cause of facts oi the said deceased.
inland seas has been lowered a foot and a
this state of effeirs is a mystery. Whether FEED, LUXTON
IT, SA.MW Executors.
suddenly been afforded for the vast body of Exeter, Iany. 24th 1818.
SOMe immense subternmean outlet has
water or whether the tributery strea,ms
have been effected by drouth is a matter for
seientifie men to determine. amount of work clone with tact andinte Igen
The Bishop of Algoma states in a letter ty_tov Produce a considerable i.1.1001316 d.gentS
to the church papers that the offerings of earn several bemired dollars in corn.missions
in a season and incur no personal responsibili-
the Churehwomen of Canada tothe Widows' ty. Enquire at the nearest newspaper office
and Orphame tend of Algoma amount to rine lear a that ours is the best known thud best
'11Ped establishment for placing a dyer
over $3,400, of which our own diocese of aunl t 8 in newspapers and divvying to &dyer -
Huron contributed. $1.037. He adds : "To tigers the information which they require in
all who have co-operated in tbis labor of order to make theft investments wisely and
GENT$ WANTED to canvas
. for Advertising. l'atrouage. A small
A full stock of all kinds o
Dye -stuffs and package
Dyes, constantly- oil
hand. Winan's K.1
the test
in the mark-
• et and always •
fresh. Family recip-
es carefully prepared at
the Central Drug Store Exeter
Completpe Stook of Robes & Trimmings
• Always on hand.
My Stock of Furniture is un-
love the Bishop of Algoma, and his clergy if well informed and practical, May obtain an -
Foil tably. lVien of good addresEt, or women,
dimity to solicit advertising patronage for vs.
Apply by letter to • Gzo. P. BoWEIA, & CO..
NONVEitia.pCX 1., clvertising 13111'136U, 10 Spruce St.,
New York,. and full particulars vill be sent by
return moal
or 21.4 per cent. rhe balance of trade
against Canada was therefore $23,376,426, offer the assuratice of their deep and. abni-
the largest yet. The amoant of duty pet ing thanitfulness, and invoke on them the
heed of. the poonlation wae the highest in benediction of Hint who declares of every
five yeara. Of course the latter estimate "'""'""""' '
dependsemon the figure et Which you cal- Lou don, Huron 8z Bruce.
r essenger
culete the present population. As edimat Goma NOUTM-
01 population of 4,856,706, briegs tne figer- London, depart ... .. . .. 6.16 A.. n 4, 0.55.
CS to 84.03 per head. On' British goods the Taman Crossing ... • .." ... • 0.00 • 5,2g '14
duty colleetea was an ayerage of QO per Yeanntid,:ib°Ye — ..: •••• "eas° fata75
ceet„ and on ;American geode 16 per cent. ii,„t la —040 000
0,25 5.48
Our imports frotn Great Britain exceeded liensearil ,.....
was lately searched. by the pOliCe, 011lour exports' to thet country by only about
information lod.ged that paPers essential ' $400,000, vbile oer imports from the United
to the conduce of a case on trial before States exceeaea our exports to thet conutry
the coutte had been there seMated. The by 87,000,000 odd, There was ert till round,
itcreased trade, with the ehief countries.
raitienitiettGaenec'.1eadaiirtijastsalacliftriha-oediltrgisapatialla- The oast of collecting customs reveutte Wad
whb gave the warrant for the search, and
threatened, if the demands were itot
complied with, te withdreiv tho Vreneli
Ambassador at noel° epd to take
. , e
measures for the vincocatenn (n the
DatiOnal honor. The difficulty is said to
lieve bean neljestecl. Not leestsignificerit
ttinottg the sigus of unrest and upheaval
is the Viemitth agitation. which hes been
spreading Belgium for the lest ewe
months, The 13trigiane :ire of two races
-the Flemings, of Gerinaeic Ori,gin, and
the WailoOns, who are of French vice,
The former num:leer about 3,200,000, the
latter, 2,800,000. The Flemith. and the
laienich lenguages are spoken, butrrench
alwe s beeil the (alit:lel, eornineteiel
Nippon 0.31 • 6.07
nreceiteld „. 0.50 6,15
Clinton 10.18 6,05
Loudesbero• 10.27 6.55
Blyth ,„ . 10,46 7 05
Bolgrit4e 11.00 7.2o
Wingbein, arrive " • 1120 7, 40
0010G So term near:tenger
ebriost a million cloth:ere There at'e a, greet weighs:tel.. eaulet 7,104,11. 3.10 r.tr
Many other instructive figures in these re- r Detente, ,„ „, 7.17 8,33
turns Winch 1 will deal with later, ae oce I Mete ... - - 7,31 37
elution offer& .., 7:10 8.56
Clinton ... — — ,,,. ..t. 8,00 4 15*
IT LAST P., etla efkehl ,,, MI 8,10 , 4,01'
13y far the most imporesettepolitical oc-
currence of tac pad, week is the annotnee.
:rant thet Sir John afeeaonatd has intimat-
ea to Mr %wet his witlingtes8 seture
imperial legislation to eonfirm tile boundary
of Onterio, whieli Mr. Mowat got the Privy
Couneil to lit. The firmest admirer of the
veteran Chieftain tont ackeowledge-whet
the l'reiniet himmelf now adreite--that be
was well beaten in thie metter. farming is naore profitable than geem
ceneringeitrutelze'ieult: tompicto. attielagr Pre Stelae. the case of a friend Wereess : ananneag ,
in Doeeheetoe, tv oso o to 03 otti bob ,IORNELLEOTe ISAMITTen 01DLIe
n -Tho butineel ifi tutor be carried
16.epen ... - 8.27 .011
liens 411 .7., ,,, 8.00 4,48
8,47 3.02
Oentrali a. ... 8,5/ 5-.12
Oland Choy° ,.. — — 01 3 5,25
Lucan Crossing — .., 0,20 5.20
Farm ef, Property
D. W. lulmage,
JL THE Township of Hay, for sale. It con-
tains 100 acres more or less, beingtho west half
of Lots No. 21 and 22, Zurich gravolroad. Good.
frame buildings on premises, .4,nd all conven-
iences ; large orchard of fruit bearing trees.
The landis of good quality being clay loam.
Good water. Two and a -half milesfrora ECen-
sail market. The property free from all Mourn -
prances. Reabons for selling:—Going north to
procure znore laud. Will sell with or without
crops. ?or further particulars apply to tills
ofiloo or to
Hen mill. P. 0. Out
Will sell the balance of stockl
—of ----
At Libora: Dilooraat
All Accounts overdue are
Ito be collected this month.
The Undersighed offers for sale South half of ' : " : • . .
Beady for use in any quantity. ror
'making Soap, Softening liVater,Disin-
fectingrund a hundred other -uses, A
can equals 20 pounds Sal Soda,
Sold by all Grocer's and Druggists,
300 TV13f3
Butter Wanted
J. Xatheison,
Our Stock is 770,1 Asortiet:
pos. vin St3ASONIS TFADE.
OtS, Lo s,
Lobo Con, 8, MeGillivr ay, containing 50 acres, 0
ai 'cleared, tlie balance hardwood bush,
There is a gOod !mired house, good barn and , , -
stabling, good bearing Orchard, plentiful 1
to school and churches. Also yillage proRorty
Mr. Aildrew Robitision, of Mcgillierey
is abotut to establish 0, cheese factory
there. Ile confident that that deity
comprising SLOts,01). 01,72itbetla Streat,int e'Vil Olas 8 .
supply of good wator o the farm, convenient
pod well with pamp also 500 Village Lots
ls,ge of Exeter, with good frame house and., •
cellar. good sts, e, g ,
a quantity of choice fruit trees on tho premi,
ses. Vor further particulars apply to
Exeter Nertb,
lDwitiva, MAGUIRE)
>notice isheroby given that the partnership
Charles GidleY and Samuel Oidley, um
"milder's, has this day been disSolved by mutual I Parties desiring an or
business for some tune paet carried on by itlestsirti
Per sale at Reasonable Prices.
Situation good, fronting good
wide Streets ; also a number of
firm Of ethartes end Semeel aidtcy, at Exeter'
in the Counte of Eldon j as Cabinet Ma,kers and , ' L d
eemielit, ami the hdBines8 wilt henceforth be Houses would do welt to coil
earried OA Toy the said Same el Gyileyo who will 1.
pay alt adatitthtrg owing by the tato fine, rod to it th, 0 tindereigned
aid On or before theist day ere ebruned text,
Terms to suit purchaser,
whom alt Motleys ewieg to the mee firm intit, be St1
his Wil epee ante et all plod ()ries dither) net him an \ Kow 0d4N, lOwst 'meek, oepbesite aebn
antl. liteniey totiod of MAgtutn, rhe P 0 Savinge ha8 deposits' ate-' avOrage Sta0 Paa weath Or 7, theletha Grlitte8 StIttm"Y Store'
13s nk 01 ea/table-a now going en is thought to have 'bunting to $19,812;91f in each year. Dated this 81st daY of D Cocoa or, 1837,
16 lbs, sugar $1.00 ; 13 lbs. white sugar, $1
We can't be undersold in Teas frorn 20
to 75e. per lb,
hots & Shoes (All Styles) ait Low Prices
A,. nicely assortea Stock of
T-3: .4N.. 1-71 D R fi
I FORKS, SCYTHE'S and GI:ASS all siZes
I (Cheap.) Bost Mtiebito Oil 60o per Gal.
ter A nice Tea Sett of 44 Pieces, $2.75,
A gooa suit of ready-made clothing for 86,
Ordered seats got up in Good. Style.
Ottr esseood itre marked down to
the Lowest Noteh
A remise and Tiot also IL _bard for. Salo
. CARLING-, .A.PPlYto . . . .
11;%urntt. ;10 LIN UATIA:E,s0I4.,..u. r,