Clinton News-Record, 1979-10-18, Page 22PAGE 4A.,--CIMITON NEWS,Rgc.ORP4 THI RSDAy, ocrcipgx 18,, 1979 Wal., th® Os* toIi kqu.ntiti.ito„riormol What's new Huronview Mrs. Elsie Henderson provided the music on Thanksgiving Sunday at Huronview as Mr. Crich who is the regiaar organist was sick. Flowers in the Chapel on 'Thanksgiving Sunday were in memory .of Mrs. Livermore, who was a nurse• here, and Mr. Slavin, who was a resident. Flowers at the foot of the cross were donated by Marg and Albert Versteegden. Last Sunday was Communion Sunday when Rev. Darrell was here to assist. Sunday evening Mrs. Luther held a service. The choir was ,in at- tendance and san Jesus Come. Mrs. Elsie Hen- derson played the organ, and Margaret McQueen sang a solo while Cecil Skinner played his violin. Everyone enjoyed turkey on Monday and Huronview residents were no exception. Our compliments to our dietitian and her kitchen staff. Many favourable comments •were heard throughout the home concerning the meal. The Anglicans held communion on Tuesday morning. Mrs. Grace Peck held the painting class in the craft room also on Tuesday morning, while Tuesday evening, the Vanastra Lion's Club showed the film "Blue Skies” to the residents free\ of charge. We would like to thank the Vanastra Lions for the evening at the movies. The baking class spent Wednesday. morning preparing goodies for the bake sale on 'Friday morning. This bake sale will be for the residents only and baking will be packaged with this in •mind. If we all gain any weight this week, we'll be blaming the Clinton Legion ladies who catered to the C.N.I.B. Thanksgiving supper on Wednesday evening. Following the delicious meal, the Huron Strings entertained us with many musical numbers. There was also a couple of readings done by Mrs. BobTaylor and Mary Trick. "Abbott and Costello meet the Keystone Kops was the name of the movie shown by day care on Wed- nesday evening in the auditorium. The Craft Room was a busy spot on Thursday morning with needlework being done, baking and Mrs. Peck busy oil painting. Residents are invited down to the craft room any morning. If you don't want, to work, just come for a visit and a cup of coffee. Cecil Skinner con- ducted -Bible Study Thursday afternoon, as Mrs. Proudy will be away for awhile. Mrs. Elsie Henderson added to the service by playing the organ. October is proving to be an active month with much happening. Stitch Witches gather The, third meeting of the Clinton 3, 4-H "Stitch Witches" was held on Wednesday, October 10 at the home of Mrs. P. Sandercock at 7 p.m. Roll call for the seniors was to name a color scheme and hues you have choSen for your free choice article, and show an example of your color scheme. The Juniors had to name their favorite color, what colors they would put with it to -make a color scheme and name the color scheme. Thirteen members answered the roll call. BUsiness included choosing a name for our club which was the "Stitch •Witches". Mrs. Sandereoek discussed the color wheel then the leaders demonstrated how to work the Bargelloc. and the Cross stitch on cariV4s. Prices effective thru Saturday, October 20th, 1979. WE REDEEM ALL FOOD STORE COUPQNS! Loto Canada, Provincial & Wintario tickets available at A&P foe:4 stores! 'TUVE 615/ SAVE7O? 11-1Th EN REAM 2 litretarton Old South, Frozen, Concentrated, 100% Florida JUICE 12.541 -oz tin E 4r Action Price! "h. Del Monte, Fancy ; tOntC 'OMATO JUKE 4841 -oz tin Our Reg. Price 1.05 each Our Regular Price 2.19 —1 Stock Up! SAVE VS 40? lb with supermarket prices (Country Style) (Our Regular Price lb 1.89) (Our Reg. Price lb1.69) Dare, Assorted Varieties Action Price! 500 g box In CNA Juice, Assorted Cuts BREAKTIME 1149 PAIANDA COOK1E$fr1 PINEAPPLE Your Choice Town Club, Sweet Pickled COTTAGE . i OLLS • A&P, Sliced, Vac Poe SIDE BACON lb Grade "A", Eviscerated, Frozen, Vac Pac, 20 to 24 -oz Avg. CORNISH GAME HENS HEINZ ntr KETCHUPbo Assorted Varieties NAPOLI 900 PASTAS. Pkg JELL -0 - flogz JELLY .POWDERS Grannies, Asserted Varieties FRUIT TARTS pkg of 6 Action Price! 49 In stores with Deli Shop! A&P is a Seafood Shop!] Canada Packers, Mac & Cheese, Celery, Swiss or ' Highliner, Frozen, Battered BAKED cl',:ze1 flfl •• BOSTON 1 MEAT'LOAF.lb BLUE FISH 'PI': 16419 .4.. SCHNEIDERS BLUE WATER, FROZEN, BATTER FRIED, BOSTON 12-0Z PKG Mild Cheese' 0,2.49 Blue Fish Fillets 1.33 1"1"1 Action Price! Kraft Quarters Action Price! 49 1941 -oz tin Martins, Reconstituted BUYSAVE 49? APPLE JUICE 48 fl -oz tin BUY 3 —SAVE iff& I for (Stock Upl ) Tomato or Vegetable HEINZ SOUPS 6 149 for (Our Regular Price 33c each) 10 fl -oz tin Jane Parker, Sliced,60% Whole Wheat Regular or Sandwich, 10004 Whole Wheat or Cracked Wheat (Our Reg. Price 65c each) Jane Parker, Hamburg Buns or Our Rog. Price 61c ea ER 440s PARKER, MOO AC))0N 'Mat , 16,02 LOAF RaisinBread 2 fbr 1.49 • - , • AER7. . Atil•OW0 ORitti . Pio 4.4 ri tip; '-' Ili tiffitit)- 2.601.49:. • pkg for of 8 JANE PARER, SUGAR, CINNAMON ACTION PRICEI Cake OflUtSpkgcf122 for 1,49 PAltt4Mtiv1' WOOED ACTION Niro argan • .„ 4 ne 1466k 3for A&P, PURE, FROM CONCENTRATE ACTION PRICE, Orange Juice 6441 oz bti 1_49 AYLMER, MIX A MATCH --- CHOICE PEAS,, CREAM "STYLE CORN OR PEAS 8. CARROTS ACTON PRICE( Vegetables 10.,i12. lin 544649 CAT FOOD, AtteiRTED v RIETIES ACTION PRiCEI Mine, Live 6.°2 fin 6 f°r 149 DgitillY.0 ASV:0'0 VARIEt S ACTION 0,01E1 (,)g Food fe)r 1.49 HUNTS ACTION PRICEI 1441. -OZ TIN Tomato Sauce 3f011.49 'ASSORTED VARIETIES 'ACTION PRICE, II-FL.OZ TIN Clark Stews .3 far 1.49 WEAL, SLICED OR DICER CARROTS OR BEM..? Vegetables .410iititiAttO VitibittikihAsma Vic a Di le 314,44