HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-10-18, Page 16tr. >'AGg 16 c- CLINTON 1E WS RECORP,.THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1979 15. Tenders 15. Tenders , 15. Tenders ONTARIO GOVERNMENT TENDER W1-7903 The Ministry of Natural Resou!'ces hat the following parcels of land available for lease by tender for the 1980 season: TOWNSHIP Stanley Hullett Hullett Mullett Hullett Hullett Ashfield Port Albert \\ THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE TENDER WILL BE AS FOLLOWS: iSuccessful tenderers will pay the Ministry the total sum of their tender in the • form of a cheque made payable to the TREASURER OF ONTARIO prior -to being issued a land use permit. The Ministry will be responsible for municipal taxes. Payment must be received by December 31, 1979. LOT 4 8 18 7 8 19 & 20 CONCESSION Lake Road West 3 3 5 5 6 17 to 20 East and West of Arthur Street ) AREAS DESIGNATED USE 37 acres cropland 80 acres cropland 20 acres cropland 47 acres cropland 50 acres cropland 45 acres cropland 2 acres cropland and 2 acres hay • No herbicides with the exception of 2 -4 -D -B, Lasso or Bladex can be applied to any of the properties. 3o Subleasing is not permissible. 4. No fall plowing can be done on any of the properties. 5 • There will be no compensation or adjustment for damage to crops as a result of use by wildlife and/or hunters. .6. 7, The Ministry of Natural Resources reserves the right to enter upon the properties and carry out any necessary`activities. Persons using property of the Ministry under a Land Use Permit will do so at their ou,n risk. This tender closes on November 7, 1979 at 5:00 p.m. This tender will be opened on November 9, 1979 at 9:00 a.m. 17. Auction sales 17. Auction sales LARGE Consignment Sale OF OVER 50 TRACTORS and NEW & USED FARM EQUIPMENT ,at Brindley's Sales Yard DUNGANNON Friday, Oct. 19 11 a.m. SHARP Massey Ferguson 1505 4 wheel drive with 3 point hitch and P.T.O., D.B. 1210'4 wheel drive, 6 new tractors. For More Information call S29-7970 CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Cattle, feed, dairy equipment, tractors, machinery, etc. to be held for Adrian Wammes at Lot 34, Con- cession 9 Goderich Township. Go four miles west of Clinton on No. 8 highway to Holmesville turn left and follow cut line to first corner,-iurn left and go 1 mile. Saturday, October 27 at 1 p.m. at the location Cattle: 1 - Holstein heifer six months old, 5 BWF heifers six months old, 6 BWF steers six months old, 5 BWF steers approx. 700 to 800 lbs. Feed: approx. 22 tonnes of mixed grain; approx. 1600 bales of mixed 1st cut hay; approx. 1200 bales of good straw. Dairy Equipment: Surge Alomo 20 Plus vacuum pump • with 1.65 HP electric motor plus vacuum pipe, small • 1178 litre bulk milk cooler, Cascade 40 hot water heater, 2 surge milker units. Tractors & Equipment: Case 530 diesel tractor with power steering and extenal hydraulic outlets, David Brown (Red) 880 diesel tractor with adjustable rear wheels, David Brown belt pulley, 1 • set of 14.9 x 28 tractor chains, NeW Holland 270 hayliner baler, Massey Ferguson 3 Pt. hitch 7 ft. haymower, New Idea 201 PTO manure spreader in A.1 condition, Oliver 3'242 3 PT hitch 3 furrow 14" bottom plow, Maissey Ferguson 9 ft. 3 P hitch disc; Helm 6 fi. auger snowblower, JP 11 ft. Danish cultivator with finger' harrows, Smoker 28 tt. hay & grain elevator with 1 HP electric motor, Gehl belt drive hammermill and drive belt, two wheel trailer, John Deere, Van Brunt 17 run seed drill, wagon flat rack, 2 row 1 HC trail corn planter with fibee glass fertilzer hoppers, three bar side rake, wheel barrow, 1 -HP electric motor, jack, all jack etc., plus some small* iterihs not mentioned: FARM IS" SOLD TERMS:•CASH DAY OF SALE CHEQUE ACCEPTED WITH PROPER I.D. R chard `Lobb: Auctioneer LINTCN 402.7090 OWNER Olt ' Ah " IONEER NO ` RESPONSIBLE FOR AC- Ci0ENtS DAY oR AICA;. { 18. Service available TRY US FOR THE BEST IN DRY CLEANING! Mothers Day Fabric Cleaning Centre, 13 Rattenbury St. downtown Clinton. Phone 482- 3533.-41,42 TWO YOUNG MEN, with pickup truck, will clean yards, garages and haul junk to dump. Phone 482-3533 ask for Todd. or Dean.-41,42ar Now is the time for FALL CLEAN-UP Call... LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SERVICES 482-9475 JOHN KASSIES GENERAL CONTRACTING_ * Farm Buildings * Additions * Renovations Phone 482-3063 Custom Slaughtering and Processing kill Day Wednesday "VIACRIIMS DASHWOOD 237-3677 18. Services available BACKHOE.. CONTRACTING by . SlOtegraaf and Co. * Trenching * Farm Drains * Septic Beds 482-9112 or 524-7067 PETE SLOTEGRAAF SCREENED TOP SOIL (for Lawns - Gardens - Flowers) ALSO •Crushed Stone •Crushed Road Gravel •Cement Gravel *Pit Run Gravel Backhoe Work LYLE MONTGOMERY 482-7644 evenings 18. Services availa ie 24 opsin es%lnies WATER WELL DRILLING W,D. 'HOPPER • & SONS FOUR MODERN ROTARY RIGGS PHONE: SEAFCRTH NEiL 577-1.7.3,7, DURL: 527-0828. JIM: 527-Q775 �$1 19. Notice to creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Thomas Joseph Feeney. All persons having claims against the Estate of Thomas Joseph Feeney, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, deceased, who died on the 13th day of July, 1979, are hereby notified to send in full par- ticulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of October, 1979, ▪ after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth, this 1st day of October, 1979. McConnell, Stewart & Devereaux, Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for the executors-41-43ar IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM JAMES MUTCH late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above named who died on the 21st day of August, 1979, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 1st day of November, 1979, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 25th day of September, 1979. MENZIES, ROSSS Clinton, Ontario Solicitor for the Executor.-40-42ar BO-JEN CARPENTRY" FOR •• CUSTOM BUILT HOMES •' RENOVATIONS • ADDITIONS SEE BOB LANGENDOEN BOX 309 CLINTON PHONE 482-9720 PHONE 524-8029 HOUSE PLANS and MECHANICAL DRAFTING 482-3586 J.B. COLQUHOUN GENERAL • CONTRACTOR ' Custom Built Homes " Renovations Additions 482-9506 EVENINGS Complete Custom Framing nonglare glass. Ready to hang, 48 hour service. Harold Tyndall e 482,7409 CLINTON cow !' for needlepoint, crewel, photographs, oil pain- tings, etc. Regular or HANK'S SMALL ENGINE SERVICE HENRY REININK 1 MILE NORTH OF LONDESBORO 523-9202 FOR SALE Used Snowmobiles We also Service and Repair snowmobiles and snowblower: and othor small Origin* equipment HENDRIK GELOK ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL TRA1LeR AND R.V. SERVICE OUALITY WORKMANSHIP AT'A AEASONABLE PRiCE MAINTENANCE , NEW AND OLD INSTALLATIONS PHONE 519-482-3700 IN THE ESTATE OF IDA MAY WALKINSHAW, late of the Township of Tucker - smith in the County of Huron, Spinster, deceased. ALL persgn,, having claims ''agains'-"t r state of the above-named who died on the 25th day orJuly;' 1979, are regtired to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 1st day of November, 1979,. after which date the assets will he distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 1st daffy of Octol-"r, 1979. MENZIES, ROSS Clinton, Ontario ti Solicitors for the .xecutrice,s.-40-42ar 21. Personal ARE YOU tired of being alone? If you are unattached meet that special person. Apply Box 104 Owen Sound, N4K •5P1. Please state age. -42-44x MR. AND MRS. BOB VAN LOO. Congratulations Mom and Dad on your 30th wed- ding anniversary. Love from all the family. -42x 24. Business opportunities EARN a second income. Learn income tax preparation at home. For free brochure write U & R Tax Schools 118 Roxborough Drive, Toronto, Ontario M4W 1X4. No obligation. —42bc BUSINESS OP- PORTUNITY. Would you like a business of your own? You don't need an office to start, begin at home - full or part time. Ideal for husband' and wife teams. Phone 482- 9562. No obligation. --42,43 • 20. Public notices Would you enjoy the flexibility of being qualified for several jobs? Graduates of this 20 -week program starting November 5 have the skills necessary for the building, furniture, and recreational vehicle industries. You may be eligible for financial assistance from Canada Employment or the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP). W¢ ccm help you erg Conestoga College tfApplied Arts and echnologY Building skills today for the needs of tomorrow. Clinton Campus Phone 482-3458 26. Births THIEL Ken and Donna Thiel of Zurich are pleased to an- nounce the birth of their daughter, Kelly Louise, weighing 6 lbs 51/2 oz. on Oct. 9 1979 at St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Proud grandparents are Ervin and Marj Reickert,Stewart and and Alice Thiel of Zurich.-42nc NOTT Dean and Tommy pre ' Abased' 'to-. `announce the arrival of their baby sister Angela Marie weighing 9 lbs. 14 ozs. on October 14, 1979 at Clinton Public . Hospital. Proud , parents'" are Beverley and Linda Nott. " Another grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Harold East and Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Nott.-42nc AIRDRIE (Our Three Sons) Stanley and Timmy Airdrie are pleased to announce the birth of their baby brother Joseph Arthur (Joey) on October 12., 1979 at- Clinton Public Hospital. Proud parents are Art and Dorothy Airdrie (nee Collins) of Londesboro. Fourth gran- dchild for Mrs. Isabel Air- drie of Londesboro and sixth grandchild for Mrs. Elizabeth Foster of RR 3 Clinton.-42nc BRIGHAM Mr. and Mrs. James H. Brigham (nee McClinchey) are pleased to announce the safe arrival of their daughter Jennifer Kathryn on October 13, 1979 at Clinton Public Hospital. Proud grand- parents are Mr. ,and Mrs. Robert McClinchey and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brigham .-42nc 27. Deaths, ASHDOWN At Victoria Hospital, London on "October 12th, 1979, Henry (Harry) Clive Ashdown, of 852 Driftwood Road, in his 75th year. Beloved husband • of Lola Helen (Hildreth) Ashdown and dear father of Bruce, London. Services were held at Mount Pleasant Chapel on Monday, October LSth, 1979. Interment Mount Pleasant Cemetery. Arrangements by Memorial Funeral Home, 546 King Street East, London.-42nc NOTICE to Residents of Vanastra ANNUAL FALL TRASH PICKUP iaturdaye Oct. 20th 4hamney Scinitat on 7. Deaths. BURLEY , In Clinton on Wednesday, October 10th, 1979, Muriel 'Elizabeth (Murphy) Burley, in her 54th year. Dear mother of Judy, (Mrs. David Parks), Christine (Mrs, Lyle Smale) both of Goderich, John of London and. Michael of Goderich. Also survived by six sisters: Mrs. Kay MacGinnus, Mrs. Ann Towesnard both of Cape Breton, Mrs. Margaret Hilton of Halifax, Teresa Murphy of Brantford, Mrs. Emma Couckuyt, Mrs. Frank Bishop both of Grand Bend, two brothers Jphnny and Ernie Murphy both of Cape Breton and six gran- dchildren. Rested at the McCallum Funeral Home, Cambria Road at East Street, Goderich after 2 p.m. Friday. Funeral Service was held 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon. Interment Maitland Cemetery.-42nc GARDINER At Alexandra Marine Hospital, Goderich on Monday, October 15th, 1979, George Glenfield (Glen) Gardiner of Port Albert, former superintendent North York Board of Education, Toronto, in his 68th year. Beloved husband of Helen Irving. Dear father of Glen, Frank and John all- of Toronto. Brother of Bob of Mount Forest and Noreen (Mrs. Charles Crompton) . Toronto. Predeceased by one sister Margaret (Mrs. Roy Beacom) of Brantford. Also survived by five grand- children. Rested at Stiles Funeral Home, 77 Montreal Street, Goderich until noon Wednesday. Service at North Street United Church, Goderich, on Wednesday at 2 pm. Interment Christ Church Cemetery, Port Albert.-42nc DE WE•ERD At Victoria Hospital, South Street Campus, London, on Sunday, October 14, 1979, Jan De Weerd, of -RR- 1, Clinton. in his 53rd year, beloved husband of Styntje De Weerd, dear father of Trudy (Mrs, Ross MacDonald) of Whitechurch, Janis of Toronto, Dianne at home, and Janet at. home, Ralph of RR 1, Londesboro, Ken of RR .1, Londesboro, Tim at home, John at home. ,Dear son of Mr. Roelf De Weerd of Holland, dear brother of Geesje (Mrs. Lambert Zwiers) Holland, Fygje (Mrs. Jans Mulder) of Holland, Tinie (Mrs. Berend Taddipg) of Holland Willie (Mrs. r'rans De Vries) Holland, Hennie (Mrs. Roelf Veld) Holland, Tieme De Weerd, Holland, also sur- viving are two grand- children. Rested at the Beattie Funeral Home, 55 Rattenbury Street, east Clinton. Funeral Service was held on Wednesday, October 17, 1979y -from the Christian Reformed Church, Clinton, Ontario, commencing at 2 pm with Rev. Arie Van Den Berg officiating. Interment Clinton Cemetery.-42nc 30. In memoriam JENKINS In loving memory of a dear wife and mother Regina who passed away one year ago October 22,1978: Her loving face I hope to see again Though the days have passed away Sleep on, dear wife, and take your rest They miss you most who loved you best. Always remembered by Gordon and family. -42 JENKINS In loving memory of Gina Jenkins (Horbanuik), who passed away ,one year ago, October 22, 1978. Just when your life was brightest, .fust when your years were best, You were called from this world To a home of eternal rest. —Lovingly remembered by mother, Vicki, sisters, Patricia, Leila, Connie and brother, Leo. -42 31. Card of thanks McASH Sincere thanks to our family, relatives and friends who helped make our 40th an- niversary such a happy occasion. Thanks for the cards, gifts and flowers and all who came to call at our house Sunday afternoon and evening. Speeial thanks to our family for the dinner Friday evening and to our friends who took us out to a surprise dinner Saturday evening. Bill and Eleanor McAsh.-42 POTTER My sincere thanks to our friends 'relatives neighbours and , the 'Ontario Street t1CW for the ldV4ly cards and flowers sent to me in hospital and since returning home. A special thank you to Or. Newland, first floor nurses and Rev, nick for his Cheery visits, it was deeply AP - predated. Bilrten Potter. - 42 by Blanche beeves UCW meets On Tuesday afternoon, October 9, the Holmesvlle UC W met in the church with Mrs, Irene Cudmore and her group in charge of the meeting. Mrs. Isobel Sturdy read the scripture and the Thanksgiving Meditation, and Mrs. Margaret Yeo received the offering. Readings were given by Mrs. Isobel Sturdy and Mrs. Margaret Yeo. A humorous skit was presented by Mrs. Grace Walter, Mrs. Margaret Yeo and Mrs. Irene Cudmore. The meeting was turned over to Mrs. Isobel Sturdy for the business. Mrs. Phyllis Cox gave an interesting account of the West Huron Fall Rally held in the Benmiller Church. Plans were made for the bazaar to be held in the White Carnation on Nov`. 7. Mrs. Verna Lobb read "What a grandmother is" written by an eight-year- old girl. The members enjoyed singing together the new humn of praise in the October "Observer", with Mrs. Verna Lobb at the piano. The pennies were counted and Mrs. Jean Ginn's side won. No one is really a loser this 31. Card of thanks CLARKE Sincere thanks to friends and neighbours for letters, cards, flowers, gifts and visits while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital, London and since I returned home. A special thank you to Goshen U.C.W. Elizabeth Clarke. -42x TYNDALL Sincere thanks to our family, relatives, neighbours and friends who helped make our 40th Wedding Anniversary such a happy occasion. Thanks for the cards, gifts and flowers and to all who attended the reception on Friday evening October 12th. • Harold and Donna Tyn- dall.-42nc JERVIS I would like to • thank everyone for their 'kindness,,. 'ShSwn' to the while 1 was a patient in Stratford General Hospital and since returning. home. Many thanks for cards,-'•41c,wers and gifts. Your kindness will always be remembered. Olda Jer- vis. -42x LOBE I'wish to thank my friends and relatives for all the cards and gifts I, reeeived while I was a patient in Clinton Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Lambert, Dr. Baker, Dr. Street, and the nurses on first floor. Gregory Lobb. -42x HUMMEL The family of the late Andrew Hummel would like to express its sincere ap- preciation to friends and neighbours who brought them comfort during their recent sorrow. The many expressions of sympathy, floral tributes, donations to the Heart Fund ' and acts of kindness will always be remembered. A special thanks to M. Falconer of Ball Funeral Home, and Rev. A. Van Den Berg of the Clinton Christian Reformed Church. The Hummel Family. --42x PATERSON Rod and Cathy (Taylor) wish to thank their relatives, friends and neighbours for the many lovely gifts they received. Special thanks to all who helped in any way to make their wedding day complete. Thanks again. -42 8. Real estate wanted Year, as earn one who saved' pennies is invited to a dinner at the White Carnation at 7 p.m. Tuesday, October 30. Mrs: Bessie Townshend's group (the losers) are to be responsible for the entertainment after the dinner. Last Sunday morning before the worship hour in Holmesville United Church, Mr, . Ir.vine Tebbutt played the beautiful antique organ, presently owned by Murray Draper of Clinton. It used to.be the proud possession of Ebeneezer United Church where Mr. Tebbutt was organist for 24 years. During the service, the men's quartet of Mervyn Lobb and three of his sons, Murray, Hugh and Gordon sang "The Little Brown Church in the Vale" and "ord, I'm Coming Ho e" ac- companied by the organist Mrs. Jim Lobb. Mr. Oestreicher talked with the children about persons in the Bible whose names start with the letter -"D", King David, Daniel, etc. before they went to their respective classes. The sermon was "Something to Live For". Bill Crawford and Gerry Ginn received the offering. Next Sunday morning Rob Parr of Wesley - Willis United Church will speak about the work being done by the United Church. Personals Mr. and Mrs. William (Peggy) Yeo of Victoria, B.C. spent their holiday with Mr. and Mrs..Eldon Yeo." Miss Karen McGregor of Ann Arbor spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs, Yeo and Doug. Happy birthday to two young ladies in Holmesville - a mother and daughter! Mrs. Arabell Bushell of London has been visiting with Alvin and Barb Betties and other relatives in the Clinton area. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Morrow of Brighton, . Michigan have been visitors with Alvin and Barb Betties. Stitcheroos do blocking The fifth meeting of the Stitch�y Stitcheroos took place Tuesday, October 16. The , meeting was opened with the; 4-11 pledge followed by the secretarial report. The roll call "Historically many articles were needlepointed for per- sonal use and household items. Name one. Include picture or sketch in your project manual," was then answered by all members. This brought the meeting to an opening and Judy Renner then explained and demon- strated "How to Block it •Right". Each member did at least one block. We also discussed preparations for achievement day December 6, 1979. The rest of the meeting was used to complete un- finished stitches and blocking. Refreshments were then served bringing the meeting to a close. -- by Helen Ties ma • 8. Real estate wanted WANTED FARM LAND We have urgent buyers for two hog farms - 50 to 250 acres - farrow to Finish, and one for Finishing. Also needed is a 300 acre cash crop' farm in the South part of Ashfield Township. Phone: R.A. (Gus) CHISHOLM Farm Representcltiva 1' Alexander ilt Chapmen HES. TY LIMED % f 10 Tho Square Godortch 524•2171