HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-2-2, Page 1of A Grand Offer FOR 1.17 We will send thee TIMES and any City Weekly from now until 1889. Snheoribe now and read the open - LEGAL. LH. DIOESOIN, Berrieter, Soli. • °Wu' of Supreme Court,NotaryPublic Conveyancer Commissioner, 64e. Money to Loan. Office in Fausen's Block, Exeter, , COLI.ATINS r e Barrister Solicitor Conveyancer Etc I ./ - ONT. QceSftmwe11'sBioo flafl 8.Q34 office.) ARMOUR W. FORD, Solicitor in the Supreme Court of Ontario. Cony° moor, Ceramissioneri Special attention given to the collection a claims in the United States: Patents procured, money to!loa,n at lowest rates. Odic° : Opera House Blook, St. Marys, Ont. ELLIOT GI ELLIOTT, Barristers, Senators, Notaries Public, ConveyaAcers d6o, ta-money to Loan at Lowest Rates of interest. OFFICE, - MAIN- STREET, EXETER. re v. =woe: J. ELLIOT. -.1•1“••••••;•••••••••••01•110101•111•0 L. BILLINGS, 3D3a1-mism, OPJFIC.E: over cwrElLts Bank Nitrous Oxide Gras for Painless Extraction. W CART1RIGI1T, L. D. S. Strm0-3i0011- Graduate of the Rayal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Hay ingfurnishedfine Dental Rooms leankt on MA IN -ST„ next door to Treble's Harness shop, Exeter, where I am prepared to perform all branches oi the D otital profession ivith ease dt skill. 47C7-3E2Gairr.A.M3X.an -sren_z•oIR. usedin extracting teeth, Charges, Moderate; Terms, Cash. fl 11NSMAN ,DENTIST,L.D.S Sam:Well's Block, Main-st, EXeter, Extracts Teeth without pain, by giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold Filings and- all other dental work the best possible. Goes to Zzatios on last Thursday in eatili month. MEDICAL PLUTZ, D. M., a Ofticeathisrosidence Exeter. T W. BROWNING. IVI. D., M. • p.e,GreduateVietorianniversity.Ofece tndjresidence,Doir.inioLabora toxy. Exe ber D. FiYNDMAN ooroner for the County of Tinian. Oillee, oixposite Mr. T. Carling's store, Exeter. j. A. ROLLINS7 M. O. 2.8 D .1..." 0. Office, Main St.Exeter,Ont.liesiden cm houserecently occupied by P. MaPlullipp, Esq. ,......—,..----...-. AUCTIONEERS. -"TERRY EILBE, R Licensed Auo- .4-1- tioneer for ITay, Stephen, and McGinn- Vrayaownships: Sales a onducted at moderate :stet. Office--AtPosb-ofiloe.Orecliton, Cut. TON GILL, Auctioneer for the EY Townships a Stephen, Ray and Unborn° and the Village of Exeter. AU sales promptly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales array gad en this office. r•••••••••••••••TIMMT Tr" VETERINARY. TENNENT & TENNENT5 VETERINARY - SURGEONS, oraccatea of the Ontario Veterinary College. ] Omen : One floor South of Town Hall. i MONEYTO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN AT 0 AND 61 ,. per cent, $25,000 Private Fund. e Best Loaning Companies represented. ' L.H, DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter, ......... • INSURANCE. TEE WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO . Established in 1863. YEAD OFFICE - - WATERLOO, ONT • Thie corm:any hits been over Eighteen ,eare In enooessfol operation in Western On- ario,andsontinties to insure againstloss or amage by enre,Buildings,Merenandiseenan- factoriee,and all othe 1:description soflingur- ble property, tntendin3 insurers have the lotion of insuring on the Premium Note or lash System . During the past ton. years this Company &sinned 57,025 Policies, covering property r theamou nt of $42,872,088 ; and paid in foss - g alone 5702,75%00 Assets, eteee,e0o.o0, consisting oe gash' B eiank, Government Dee osit,an. d tho unass- j geed i*romium Notation hand and tu foroo. 3, r TV meowing D. Presidei 1. 0. M. TAYLon, ji ,Tma BOY 1E7. .B. Hoeutitspector. CHAS. .e. Agouti oT Exete3:a.bdvicititv , Li CENTRAL H 3 arber Shop G( 9 R FANSON'S BLOCK. A, Hastings. Prop R dII titling end Haft: outing in the latest stylee the art. Eye* atteution paid to entthig . 4, , . , 7tlies anti Ontldren's lioir. WITCHES MADE TO ORDER 1 AND HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE "HEW TO TEL LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL NVEfilitE THEY MAY," VOL. XV.,, NO, 9. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 2, 1888. 1[6 10'0 an/ IMIENNIMIIMm...1•REMII/MOSM OUR 'CLEARING SALE "Ishits lltionth I WILL ECLIPSE "Mil" Y°Lr EVER SAW FORE ALL Winter Goods Will be Cleared Out at Cost. ----- REMNANTS at less than cost. You can save Five Dollars ($5) on every Twenty Dollers worth of Goods that you buy from us. BARGAINS ! FOR EVERYBODY. 47% DOUPE 81, CO Three }louses and Lots for Sale. LOOK GUT FOR WAR —IN THE— Crediin Chap Sioro J. MITCHELL has received a splendid lot of XMAS goods, and is determined to make prices to suit bard times, eepeoially in BOOTS &SHOES, HATS CAPS, SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, and other goods. Note some of the prices: 5 lbs. good tea - $1.00 15 lbs. good sear - 13 Ms, raisins, (new fruit) 6 bars soap - - Good dress goods - -• 10 ets. per yd Printery cotton 1 yd. wide - 7 eta. " Splendid tweed for suite - •75 cts. • SHAWLS, MANTLES, AND ALL KINDS OF DRY -GOODS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. Don't fail to call and get your goods for Xonas at J. MITCHELL'S Cheap Store. FIRST-CLASS COAL OIL CHEAP. 01,00 01.00 25 ots THE Intorcoloniaillailway OF CANADA, ai Pzissenger and irreight Route between Canada, and Great Britain and 0 direct route between the West and all points t on the Lower St. Lawrence and Bale dee Oha- Iluron. County Connell. 1 The County Ceniacil for 1888 met at G d erieh last week, every member being present. The first business was the election of a war- den. D. D. Wilton, a Seaforth, WAS nominated by M. G. Cameret, of lioderich, ani Titoreas 11. Teylor, of East Wewanosh, Thomas M. Kay, of Usborne, was nomin- ated by Dr, Bellies. of Exeter, and. John bailot being taken resulted in 27 votes for Mr. Kay, and 23 for Mr. Wilson, Nvhou Mr. Kay was declared duly elected. The now Warden briefly thanked the Commit far the honor conferred upon bin, end expressed the hope that be would have the same cordial support twin the council RS his predecessore. A motion by Mews Beek and Britton, to raise the sunt of $3,000 for the improvement of the boundary lines of the respective muni- cipalities, to be apportioned after the June meeting when the clerk obeli have oalculated the amounts due the respective municipalities was referred to the Finance Committee, .A circular front County Council of Welland' asking co-operation in petitioning the Legis- lature to abolish grand juries, was referred to Special Committee. A. circular front County Council Kent, ask- ing for oo-operation in securing an amend- ment to the aseessment aot so that all farm etook obeli be exempt from taxetion, was re- ferred to Special Committee, The following ietter from the County Soli- citor, wIth Accompanying returns of Lit:tense Commissioners, Pollee Magistrate &o., were referred to Finance Committee. • Goderich, Jan'y 24, 1888. To County Clerk :— Dear Sir.—We sent you some statements lately showing the position of the funds claim ed by the County, realized from the fines im- posed for violations of the Scott Act. These staternents showed a balance of $1,370,60 to be payable to the county after satisfaction of all the estimates by the License Commission ers of all three ridings, The result arrived at in these statements Le, we believe, correct. Since then we have had our costs of defend- ing the action brought agaihst the county tax ed, and the whole matter is therefore ripe for immediate conclusion. The county must be paid the $1,370.60 ; we must be paid $75, the amount at Adele our costs were taxed, and the License Commissioners of the three ridings must give receipt in full to the county for their several estiruates and tho matter Is then completely at an end. We uncler- stand from a teeter shown us by Mr. Seeger from the Provincial Seeretary's office, that ordirs have been issued to give the necessary cheques, and we expect before the present session is over to see the end of the mat - The other matter of the Police Magistrate's Binary, fees, &o., is not yet adjusted, hut it is, we think, so entirely distinct frotn the other questions—those between the License Coromissioners and the county—thee we see no occasion for keeping both open till both -are admated. We have alressaY advientl tbdt in our opinion the appuintment is a lawful one, the county liable for the salary, and the Police Magistrate bound to account to the county for hie fees. This anthraces the whole legal aspect of the matter, so far as we see. What remains isniere toatter of account requiring, we think, no assistance from Ilif solicitors. he statement of account between the onnty and the License Goromiasioners of he Ridings is as follows : New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, • . P. E. Island Cape Breton, .Newfoundiand, • Bermuda, and Jamaica. New and elegant Pullman Pullet Sleeping nd Day Cars run on through Express trains, Passengersfor Great Britain or the Conti- nent by leaving Toronto 018.50 a. m. Thurs- day will join ontwa,rd mail 'steamer at Hali- fax a. in, Saturday. Superior Elevator Warehouse and Dock ari- onamodatiou at Halifax for shipment of grain and generalmerehandise. Years of experience hays proved the INTER - (MORTAL .in connection with steamship Ines to and from London. Liverpool and lasgowto Halifax, to be tbe quickest freight (mite- between Caclada and Great Britain. Information as to Passenger and Freight &tea can be had on application to ROBERT B. MI)ODIE, Western Freight /Passenger Agent Roe sin House Block, York ht. Tore to D. PO T TINGER ( ALL (Sz TRY DEAR' —He is bound to— G, GIVE BARGAINS in TEAS " in HOSIERY " in CLOTHING " in TWEEDS in TOP SHIRTS in UNDERWEAR in CARDINGS 111113BERS " in .DRESS GOODS " itt LADIES' PLUSH rgaius in. Groceries, Boots and Shoes, E WILL SELL HIS ENTIRE STOCK --AT ESS THAN ACTUAL COST is bound to reduce bis stook and will give bargains never before heerd of M Exeter, ecis well assorted and everything fresh. No shelf -worn goods in stock, RGAINS- FOR 'YOU I FOR YOUR NEIGHBORS ! BARGAINS FOR ALL I member end call eaely and bring the melt along with you, for which yen will reeeive more than full value, 'lotion. SALE! —Of Serplus VViiiter Stook— ti.A.N. 24 T. 1:)EAItIINTGI Exeter, Deo. 8. F.ASaN'S 131,00R, Total fines received— West Huron, 02,550,00 East Huron, 2,000.00 South Huron, 650.00 ----- Estimates for expenditure— West Huron, $1,172 64 East Huron, 1,381 43 South Fluent, 1,275 33 ---------- 05,200,00 $3,829 40 Amount due the County, $1,370 60 Garrote & Proudfoot, Solicitors: The following are the accounts for which orders have been issued on the treasurer since tny last report: John Barker, graveling approaches to Dunlop's and Maitland bridges 144; Wm Lashanat oiling rollers, and repair- ing floor of Maitland bridge, 03.75; George McCartney, repairing aperoach to bridge on mill road near Brucefield $4.50: John Mole cleaning grates and bridge floor at Manches- ter $5.25 and repairing approaches and drain at same bridge $18.10; Thomee Glenn re. puking approaches to north gravel •road bridge, $2; Joseph Kirkpatrick repairing ap- proach to bridge on VVawanosh and Colborne boundary $4; & J Selwood repair, approach- es to Honfryn diriclge oar one-half 04; Wm. Hudson filling abntmenth oti bridge between Ribbert and Tuckersmith, awl furnishing 100 feet elm Inraber $6: Wm Vanstone, re - abutment Bentnfiler bridge, 04; David Teard gravelling at Graham's bridge, Ashfield, $4..; Richard Box repairs Crediton bridge $48: Jas Tyner repaire on gravel road uorth of Befgrave 020; Wn Ainley, railieg Brussels bridge $10.75; Abray & Edwards eepeirs CopeIand'a 'triage, 32:24; Wm Horton floor- ing bridge on Efibbert and Uslygne boundary our half, 39; Thies Tufts. approaching Kirk - ton bridge our half $5,50; W B Forster re- pairs Holmeeyille bridge 312; Joseph Neag- lea repairs to piers Benmiller bridge and rt. moving old pier al; Ball's bridge $72.98; T Small repairs bridge on tisborno and Bid. dulph boundary our helf 32: Thos Stothers, Use of land and lightening mail stage while erecting Nine Mile River bridge, 37. Thos 'hitting bolt for Ilohnesvilte beidge 37.25; Jas Penlin rennin Dey'w brulgil and gravel. ing apploachee to Wroxeter Madge 37.35; T townie, repairing floor of 13luevale Wedge, 1,40; Robert Purcloin bridge on Hibbert and uckersenith boundary, our half 311; Hugh heathers, repairing bridge awl approaches n Athficsle and amen boundeny, our half, 9; John 1VIcClellattcl, Desisting to replace old tete at Holmesville 'bridge, 315: jam .111o. arm, repairing Hall'e apd Gulley Inking /id grevelling $38; John McLellan balance ea work on ola pier it gamesville 330. otal orders isseed in 'Dec, $404 02; total viers 'lasted for 1887, $10,518,28: eepaire nd improvemente to county buildings for the ear, e415.02, Medical tertifinates front Torre Itolline and dna Certifying to the insanity of Ann Mor- an an indigent, wore filed. Itioeocl by Mr. Kelly stmonded by Mr. eine, thet all Magee within tho county ext pt those on boundary lieee and in incorpor- bo hereefter maintained end SIIMOti by the hand entinieipalities wereiri tuated, and thet the hy.atv of the council 40TIN WHITE eb SONS Publisher Ei Pond Proprietors assemine these bridges be BO for repealed. Refeerecl to ;Road and Bridge Oorainittee. The Uotinty Clerk was lestrected to pro- cure a eopy of the Ottario Statutes for each reeve and deputy reeve, tho same to remain the property of the munieipalities. Arrow: OF INS:MOTOR TOL Geutlenaen,---I have the honor to submit the annual eeport of the Public Scheele in the West Riding for the year 1887. The number of teechers en d d g 1887 lEtS 107, classMed as follows : 3 firs class, 47 secoud class 57 third class. Th work doue during the year wee in the major ity of sections vets satisfactory, I am sorr, to find that trnsteosin saveral sections hay redeiced the selectee for 1888. This has had the effect of making a number of good teeehere leave the profession aud their piece have been filled by those of a lower toed and leas experience. Teachers will aseep it low salary only an two couditions lat, a knowledge on the part of the applicant of his unfitness for tue work; 2nd, a 'feeling that be 4pot spent eithereime or money in hie peenaration at -all oommensorate to that re quiied by °Ile who is better qualified. TOO menytimetees and.ratepayers (tor the trust - ease merely reflect the opinions of the ratepayers) consider the aotaal amoent of money paid more than they ,do the return to be given for the outlay. Low salaries cause o ftequent change of -teachers, whiett is an neury to any section. A. large number of candidates presented themselves at the teaohera and entrenee examinations during 1887. At the teachers' ton-professioual examination 66 oandidates wrote and more than the average peceeetage passed. At the County Model Schools 78 ook the examipation, of whom 65 were Successful. At tbe High School entrance oxinninations 70 came ttp at Exeter, of whom 59 passed, and of 154 at Goderich, 97 were successful. Itwould be great advantage to he schools of Ashfield and, West Wawanoeh o hold an entrance examination at Dungan- non. It is expensive for the oandiclates to enme to Goderioh. The coat would be no more than at present as the work which would be taken at Dungannon is now taken at Goderioh. The Minister of Education has agreed to allow the examination there if the Couuty Cognoil gives consent. The different High School boatels imposed it fee of 50 cents on all entrance candidates at the last exam - nation. "The new regulations give the Counoil of the County jurisdidtion to Ma - pose a fee not exeeediug one dollar. J. E. TOM, I,P.S. COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT. Gnannuntr.--leubmit herewith the annual financial statement. You will observe that the estimated amount of receipts and expendi- tures corresponds closely in most oases with the actual amounts, the mostnotkable &fret, erne being ha roacts and bridges and salaries', and in jail aud soliool accounts. The increase in jail expenditure oval estimates was caused through changing the line of payment of the jail officials, thus 'placiug two additional months, salaries in the accourits of 1887. ,Iu. school management the expenditure has been inereastug -year by' yeateereaching in 1887 the sum of 32,519.27; but RS a les has now been placed upon candidates for examin- ation, the expeediture in future will be avail- i able n reducing the estimates of the present year. Dating the year there bas beeo loaned out on morgagee the sum of $33,450, and eince the first of January 34,000 more, these morgages I will lay before the Finance Committee. , The following is the Etetement of collect- ions from non-resident lands between May 1 and Deo. 31, 1887 EUNIC/RALITY. AMOUNT. Ashfleid..................e 99 04 Colborne ........ ...... 59 21 Grey............... --53 05 Elowick 25 95 Hullett ....... ..... 62 70 Morris ... .. . .... 20 26 dcKillop........ 6 36 Tuckersmith. Turnberry ..... Wawanosh East Bayfield... ........ . Myth Brussels ......... ........ 100 72 Exeter .. . 21 63 Wroxeter , 20 28 - 3557 31 69 24 5 66 . 66 12 65 Wax. J. R. Bonanza, Co. Taeasurer, A motion to petition the Ont., Legislature to either do away with license conaraissioters, or else provide legislation whereby the expen- ditute of said boards may be more satisfacb o1ily:presented to the county coanell was ITIOVOti by Messrs, Rollins and Bisset, and adopted, That in the matter of exemption of farm stock from laxation received , from county of Kent, and the abolition of the grand jury, from the county of Welland, no action be taken. That the tender of Hunter leme, of Kiln eardine, for the iron bridge at Exeter, $1,865, be accepted. If one would see the heavens in their great. est glory, lie should get out of bed about 5 o'clock some clear morning and go out of doors, The eveuing sky bee one blueing beauty, but with that exception is barren of marked planetary display. First in radiance in the east is Venus which ehinea with a white and steady light, like a great electric lamp, and throwe her rays into it dark room like a moon. Next are Jupiter, Afars, and -Saturn, which, with Venus, are all beheld within an area of 00 deg. . Jupiter pave court ta Venus, and is quite bear to her, showie himself bright end rosy. Thirty degrees northwest, not far from, the zenith, is rod More. aocempaniecl by a veil faint sear, end 110 1401'8 conspionots by lho contrast. Thirty degreee further northwest le Regulus' ehief of the Lime Conetellation, and 30 deg, etihl futther on in a nearly att./fight Inie is Satarn. eentedes CIandeboye. Bitters. —A aerie% of special soryieee itee being held by the Rev, getnuel &leery, in the Methodist Church, berm—Miss Ethel Lovett, of Exetertogether with her cousin, Miss A, Thompson, went in the village a few Says ago visiting friende,----IVIt, Jos, Dixon Is theta to sell his farm opposite uis hanmatead on ace count of the boys wishing to make their. hetet° ie the North-west, Ho will Alias the Artemes Simpson is giting, bit relatives of tide vicipity flying yleits eremite to hie return West., • 131ansb.ard. ENTEISTAIRBEINT.—On Friday eve it taffy social wee given in Cooper 'f3 church, Beim Line. The programme of the literary part of the entertainment was funnelled by St. Marys' telent, •tee performere being Minses Colley and Colman and Metiers. Evans, Mel Phee, Cosgrove and U A. Graham. The choir of the church assisted in the comple- tion of Ithe program. The proceeds 320 go towardrdefraning the expenses of fernishing the parsonage. A good time was spent by all, and the people in the vicipity no doubt look forward. to a future deer) at which the Sk. Marys folk mey re -visit Ocemer's olturehe Latnalle Lumen, Jan. 26.—The coroner's jury in the Orme case met pursuant to edjournnaent at 1 P. in. to -day. 3, W. Orme, deceased's brother, was the only other witness examined. After the Coroner's charge the Onus were locked, up at 2:30 p. m,, and after remaining for three hours xeturned the follewing verdict with two of the fourteen jurymen dissenting "That Robert Berne Ornae came to his death by a bullet in the head fired by hit own hand from a revolver, either accidentelly pr intentionally, on Tueeday, the 17111 net.; on the townline between the townships of Bia. dulph and London" 31. St.arerts. Bitairs,--Measra, W. H., H. A,, and.R. 5 Graham leave Monday next for Britiali Cot tumble, in the interests of the Standard Pablishing Co., Gixelpla. We wish these young men a safe journey and every success in their undertaking. --EL A. L, White, the newly -appointed post master, emote ripen his daties March 1st .—Mr. 3. May, a St. Marys' boy, and who has for some yearateen a trayeller for Marshall 13ron, Louden, in tends in a few weeks going to SouthAfriorteln interests of it publishing house cif Guelph.— Mr. W. Humphris is also going to the. same place in tho interests of -the same fleen, itt the satne time.—The new domicil bane re- appointed all the old town officials, .;41)4, but very little deliberation. --There weenie eotal eclipse at the moon at 7:30 o'clock Sittenday night. 11 was viewed with interest by many. °nth:ton. "Serapie,—The eclipse of the mooed. on Sat- urday evg.•last was witnessed by most of our villagefolks, and many were the theories acl- vanced as to thetcause, After it wait explain- ed, that it was the shadow a the earth on the mooneone man said he could "see the rooky moncitains." A missionary SOE210i1 was preacheitin the Methodist Chorale on Sunday en,!'"last by the Rev. Mr. Jones, of Grand Bend. The Rev. genttemah.did strapiefustioe which fitted thii occasion. The atinual lefissiouttry meeting was held Methodist antral on TInersday, last. The detautn ation cosititedelf Revs: tare' Jones and Graham. Through the inelemen oy of the weather the attendance was not very large, but what • ;lacked in nunabere was naade up in tbe wit and energy of the speak- ers. PEnsonete—Mr. john Kelfass and Miss Harbotte, of Morriston, are visiting friends in this neighborhood.—Mr. Will Hoffmann, of Blyth, ts paying his parents a short visit. Will is doing well, and can soon Oahe full brotherhood in the Knights of the Shears.— Among ether visitors in to VII during the last week we were also pleased to notice Miss Wood, of Exeter, and Miss Simons, of Dash- wood, who were the guests of Mrs. S. Wood and Mrs,. C. Kibler, Eternivrannemsx.— We understand that Mr. Tait, principal of our public School in- tends hulding a grand entertainment about the last of February in the interest of the ischool. He is deilling the juvenile and is working hard to make it a success, as we hope it may be. The intentions are, we tin- derstand, to have a geed tnusioal entertain- ment as well, and he haa alreadyseemed some of our local talent. We will be better able to describe it at some future date. Ftem.---Ou Thursday en. last Mr. Math, tforlock, living miles north of Crediton, met with a heavy loss by the destruction of his apiary by fire. It seems that Mr. M, had sent his little boy ont to build a fire in the house just before they all went to church in the evening, and that through a defective stove the flax, dm used in packing around the bee hives were ignited. Thelfamily no- ticed nothing before they left, and were in ()hutch at the time of the fire. After it was first seen by some of the neighbors it large number from the village drove back in sleighs and confined the flames to the one building but they had arrived to late, as already 85 or 90 oolonies Of bees had been destroyed, and only a few standing at it distanee were Sas- ed. Mr. vlorlock had teken a great interest in the culture of bees and Ind made it slimes of it, but all his hard work seems to have been fermenting. He values a colony at aboat 38 to $10, in which case his loss will be about 3800, on winch their was no insur- ance. We -would suggest to the public it future to leave sotneone at home at all nines, as it case of fire evena child contth stop it, (if seen in nine) andalter It has gaine:1 it headway defy 50 mon. Be/erre—Our School Triasteee ha,vo en- gaged another assistant teacher for our school, whieh is largely attended at presett The vacaney is iilled by Miss Taylor, of Blyth, Ont. --Wil ere glad to hear that 11/rs. Trevethick, Who has been very low is recovering nicely. Mrs. Trovethielc's life was at item timenlespaired of, and her many hieeds will be glad to hear of the fevorable chaege, —Oar village has, daring tho last few weeks, presented it lively Appearance, and large quantities of wood, lumber, Wet, and brielt were hanied,—Revival services are being berried ou in the Germau Church and we understned with good sinicess.--The reg- eler quer. services were held in the Gertnan &larch on Sunday last, Rev. ale, UMbileh, Of New Hanibrug presiding.- -There is armee talk of shitting down one er botletor the hex mills in this village'owing 40 the dearth in tho manufectured flax market. Wo hope that sneh will not bo the case, as this NUS of butinoss has mid is doing more for oat 'vie. lege and township thau any other bueiness that we know of. If the propriehots Antrit necessary to close it will eertainly throw a great nenthor of hands out of employment, and besidee be a great loss to the larmieg community, The Wiolsons Ban, A(Qlutg,jjt EY TA ILL fAaff.liT, 1850 Paid up Clepital .. 32,00000 Rent Vitae „, 275,000 pfgeArstv#,Nlieume'vf;c1,04x,I0)y1011.110ENT, DEPOSIT RECEIPTS .eNni l'Elt CENT, INTEAEST PEA ANAMii Per Mouoy in Savings Bank Dep'in't aattely Be-0peeed. For furthor jiarticulars apply at The Beek main Stroot, Exeter. 1)10,itIOE HOURS a, in, m, Se turdeys,10 ten to ineet A. A. C DFNOV,AN fleeter . Oct , 25, '37. Manage, ca.mjew` Moray, 'The farmers heeled Exeter are gettiug jealous of Mr. P. Kelly, of this place, who is glutting the market with f at cattle. Bit <mad not take thew in fgst enough in the ordinary way, but now has hit Upon a novel method of transportation. He 43 construct. edit small barn, put it on runners, and now glides iuto town with it big load in fine style. Be careful Mr. E. that your team don't run away and cause you trouble and delay. r • *A 4 t'..The Directors of the Corbett Cheese Cempany intend letting by public auction, at 2 o'clock p. rri , the gettmg out, of the timber for the foundation of the building. Timber to be rock elm, size to be 10x12. The different lengths. to be known at the time of letting. A lady teacher in the Mitehell public school placed a bottle of ink on a hot s tove Monday morning to thaw out. Some time later she went to remove the corkWhen it flew out, and the ink went all over her face, disfiguring her so that ahe was obliged to ,leave for home to have it removed: Ravi Dr. Pascoe, of Exeter, delivered his celebrated lecture'"A diamond from a ooal pit," ' in the Salem Methodist church, Step -hen, on Tuesday evening, of last week. The lecture was very interestine throughout, and was much appreciat;d by an intelligent thougb small audience. At the "Judson Competition" for the beat paintinfe, held in London, recently, Miss Moscrip, of, St. Marks, succeeded in carrying 'bilethe silver medal. )ver sixty artists 'doMpetecl and all of the work exhibited was really first class. The painting exhibited by Miss Moscrip is known as PRoens, Sweet Home. - After the prizes were awarded •Miss M. sold her exhibit to a lade! in London for a handsome consideration. Isaac Brown, it Bayham farmer, has had an experience with hay fork, men. Some time ago he -signed what pur- ported to be an order lay fork; and when it Was sent him he refused to •take it. The matter dropped for, some time, but now Brown has received no- tice that Peter Woods, ofBrantford, has entered suit to recover the amount of a note held by him agamit Brown for the sum of $156, le is claimed the note is signed in the usual manner, but Brown a is said, ,cahnot write Ills own nee:to. The case will come up at the St. Thom - "as Division Court. " ‘Atia.ttirne when the agriculturists of .0ntltrio are forced to the conclusion „that -the centinuous growth oC the 'Cereals upein ,the. same soil is inflicting a. /emelt injuryenupon the, country in general, and it farmers in‘partioulan. 11 may, lint be „Awned ,. too intrusive to epeak,of thesoccese 01townshipee-404,„ about in Clydesdale horses,'" FIVeleare ago Mr. Benjamin Pile, of McGillivray, purchased a Clydesdale mare for , 3240. Since then he has sold three of her progeny for 3400 each, while he still has two colts from the same mare. which he estimates to be worth at least $400, making in elle total value ot $1,600 in 5 years- ago, Me. Ritchie's experience of raising Clydesdale horses is much the same as Mr. Piles, both gentlemen say it costs but •little more to raise pure blooded Clydesdales than it does to raise inongrels. Both keep only animals that will register id the Ontario Stud Book. Gor such there is a good demand in the Utaited States, and no danger of glutting the market. ' Vire congratulate Mr, 'Sandy' McLaren s upon his election to the wardenship of the fine county of Perth. Mr. Mc1eiren the Laird of Glenquaich, is the reeve of Iiibbert, and was born under Scottish skies in July1823. Mr. Afc_Larert is the •oldest member of the county couacil. He was a. member at the session of the council in 1853. He has served 25 years in the council and 30 years in the township council. Although sornewhat advanced in years Mr. McLaren has lost , none of his youthful vivacity. He is deservedly one of the most popular men at the Board and though a Reformer will make a capable and efFecient war- den. The Mitchell Recorder prints the following practical joke :- -Oti Saturday last a resident etergyrnants wife went into one °tour stores and selected four turkeys. The turkeys were to be sent out of emerge, The boys each shouldered a turkey, one going th one cleryman's alid another to another, till all the birds vvere distributed. Not long atter the mistakewas disoovered, and the boys were despatched to gather in the fowl, but they found it an errand of a very differen t nature, and that it bird in Ile hand was worth tsvo in sornebNly else's oven, Che clergymen's wives'so unexpecteillytreated to acomplimen tapy turkey, lost no tune in getting the present prepared for the oven, and some of thern Were In the oven when called for. The prominent feature o the joke is, that this clergymen whose wife purchased the turkeys wee licit among those favored in the distribtx- tion. Irv* ENTION'w,l)ins mlittionirod the rld d'Illririg the last half centitrY• Not least among the Wonders ok in- ventive progress isa methOd, and system of work that eau be performed ad ever the nountrY wahout separating the workers from their homes. Pay Ilberel, any one can do the tverit; °neer San young or oIrt: no speciai oniltty re- quired. Capital net need; yeti are started free. ChM this out and return to us and wo will gond you freo, something or great value anti itgpor- Mime to you, that will start you in bushiest, which will bring Y011 ill nil) 1'0 money right tway than anything olso in the world. Oratid outfit free, Address True 1 Co., Aegestee Maitte. ntvvrosee, wonders exist, in thousends of 4.0,4:1 LI) formS, bni, aro sitreessed by the nor - Yew oe inventenn Those who aro in need of erofiteblo .ivork that call bo tlene wail° living et home should at emco sond thoir address to 1101-, tiratiutiVidtroOrtili ioz• i Maine, an ri receive frac titer sox, of 011 ages. Can earn from $5 to $65 por day and upwards where - over thoy live. are started froo. Catqbal ;IA roquired. SOme I1Syti mado Over 350 te Ingle deeitt thia work, All succeed,