HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-1-26, Page 8•se
FANY o Termite ; elso or tne VIICLIN IX •
INSURANCE. C011IFANY, 41 14011(1.011, E nal 24ad
the BOYAlt(jANAD1AN, ooutrea1 nd the
13111.11 M.
811,1t1PlItli; LIFE ASS1711.1.x
Non co-
P,6.N ,onclon, Luciancl, establiehe leo.
Aseete over $5,000,000; ClAiMS Aud hoanses
paid, ever $10,000,000.
F40C.A.14 OFIrS,—We Owl/ be happy to re-
Jelve ot all tlinse, front any part of the
(knotty, Items of local news, such ac
cidents,or any interesting incident what-
etr0', front any of our subscribers or read.
ers ea/weeny for the purpose of public-
TBInOEN'nel oeritue tor arstinsertion, and
Watrff CSINTs per line or etten subsequent te
sorties' win be charged to notices ttp veering
this column.
Neter tines.
TEII.JIISI)AY, JAN. 266, 1888.
The undereignecl would announce to the
public that he has now on hand one a the
lied assorted stocks of Harness, Boots &
Shoes ever brought into Exeter, and would
call especial ettentionsto his Scotch Collare,
Felt Boots & Over 'shoes as they are best in
the Market, and at lowest prices Alto a
number of Chilaren's Sleiglas at a eacrifiee.
Call and be eonvinced. ()Bag. E.A.ORETT.
Tobogg,aning haa become a favorite:sport,
Wm. Kycld was elected deputy -reeve of
the rp of Usborne at the meeting on Sat-
urday last.
Sleighing continues good and beelines is
fairly brisk, Grain and wood seem. to be
coming in in large quantities.
The Ladies' Aid of the James -et. Metho-
dist Church intend holding it bazaar on
Good Friday, March 30th.
Mr. Wm. Tapp, the well-known hostler
through this vicinity, has secured a position
as manager for Mr. Win. Hawkshaw's sta-
bles at Seaforth. Bill is a No. hostler.
Mr. Isaac Herren of Exeter, killed an
eighteeu months' old hog the other day,
which weighed 340 pounds. This is an ex-
ceptional weight for a porker so young.
While Mr. Philp Baker, of Grand Bend,
was unloading cordwood the other day one
of the sticks fell upon his hand, crushing
the thumb frightfully.
The Village Connell.
The P9111101 mot porsuant to adjournmeot
at the town ball 18th jan'y 1888 All the
members present. Minutes of the previous
electing were read. and confirmed. Moved
by 3. Pickard see by T. 13. Ceiling, that
orders be granted. for the following sums
viz:—D. Beaund, $16.00 in full a Rift. to
(late and L Handfeed $1.50, rep hose -cart,
—Carried. Moved by L Pickard see. by
T, H. elcCallum, that the Times office do
The village clerk is busily engaged
takingthefeensus. This is done with a view
to having the villageincorporated es a town
this summer.
Don't forget the concert next Tuesday
evg., to be given by Gavin Spence limier
the auspices of the Arch Masons. See bills
and programmes. -
Col Coleman of Seaforth, is negotiating
for the purchase of the „Exeter Salt well.
If a purchase can be effected such machin-
ery as is necessary for the manufacture of, those of greater import and danger. He
fine salt will be put in. said there was a great deal of polity in the
. . .
T. M. Kay, reeve of Usborne township, world, but it wont stand like principle.
has been eledted warden of Huron county_ Policy. is like the mushroom—it may . grow
Mr. 8, ilifcLeod of West Williams, --Warden laree in a night but soon dies. Principle as
of Middlesex co. Mr. Alex. McLaren, the sturdy oak, and will stand for years.
Hibbert, warden of Perth.
Verity enbecribed $35; M. R. IL VeOity,
`$15; end Mrs. John Trick$100 together
with minor eubseriptions by others in
Messrs. Davis & Reynolds have lensed
the roller riuk to the 'Exeter leans heed and
twill be opened. on Saturday evg, next,
The lediee' dressing room will be well
heated and comfortable.
E e the crusha( 1 •m will turn We
II'? printg et SallIES prices as lest Y n Wol
Carried, Moved by I.% H. McCallum sec.
often hear of young women agreeing among
themselvee not to'associate with young meo
who drink, smoke and indulge in other min-
. •
by 3. Pickerd that the list of persone se-
lected for firemen by the ehiet engineer,
compose the fire department of this village
and that vacancies m the same be filled by
the voiee of the company or compeuiee int()
whicn theymay be divided —Carried. The
clerk to sacertaia the price of it tank to
place in beeement cf town hall. The clerk
was appointed to take the census of the
village at once on tuition ef J. Pickard,
eec by T, .1.e.Callurn, Bylaw No. 7, for
the auove perpoec WI4S duly read and patised
on motion of T. 13. Carling sec by W. G.
Bissett The council adjourned until Mon-
day the 30th inst., at 7.30 13. in., on motion
of j. Pickard, sec by W. G. Biwa.
The Rev. Dr. Ryckman, of London, de -
livered a lecture in the Main-st. Methodist
Chureh here on Tuesday evening to it email
but appreciative audience. The eubject of
the lecture Was, 'Be snre you are right and
subject well, dividing it into three heads, of this municipality. I do not wish it un -
or vices. It is now the young men's turn.
A society composed of 'the best young gen-
tlemen" of Adrian, Mich., has been organiz-
ed, the object of winch is to discourage tho
young ladiee, in the repeeheneible practice of
wearing corsets. The members of the So-
ciety have bound themselves by it solemn
vow not to associate with any young ladies,
who wear corsets. Seeing that the corset is
a hidden vice, it will be interesting to learn
how the members of the Adrian society are
going to discover who are the y oung ladies
they must boycott, and who are tnose who
they will honor with their distinguished
To the Editor of the Exeter Ti711,C$
Sin. --As a ratepayer of the township of
Stephen I desire to protest against the ac-
tion of the Reeve hi anpointing J. W. Ho -
then go ahead. The lecturer -handled the nea•th one of the auditors of aceounte of '87
thusly ;-1st, Be sure ; 2nd, Be sure you
are right ; 3rd, Then go Acad. He dwelt
largely upon the different opinions of what
was right, showing that many men view
right trom a selfish standpomt, as those re-
ceiving benefit from such and such declar-
ed these things right, while others being
not so benefitted. declared the same things
decidedly -wrong ; men who were apt to
think twice and study things well were as a
derstood that I have any Al -feeling against
Mr. Hogarth, but the municipal law in re-
ference to such appointments is so plain
that there is no doubt as to his disqualifica-
tion. Mr, Hogarth acted as deputy -return-
ing officer in polling sub -division No. 1, at
the last municipal election, and was ap-
pointed to that position by the Council of
1887. Therefore he cannot act ast auditor.
I have heard it hinted that certain parties
are going to allow him to do the auditing
rule more often right than the unthinkmg
man of this opinion to -day and some other and then put in an appeal to the Council
to -morrow. The lecturer said that our against his qualification or ifueceseary tele
legal steps against the adoption of the re -
women saw clearer and looked deeper and
and can port and endeavor to have it set aside.
sharper into things than did men,
am only giving a friendly hint to all those
often read characters where men fail. The
Rev. gentleman is surely very gracious. He Parties concerned in order to have the mat -
and ter placed aright, and so as to avoid future
spoke against affectation in Society,
and unnecessary trouble. I am of opinion
lustrated nicely how some persons tried to
that the Reeve should zecind such an al).
appear froin what they really are he
showed how affectation even reached' the pointineut and make another selection,
pulpit, picturing how some ministers in Yours truly,
their most passionate and stirring appeals, g BATEPAYEN.
never Ir one moment forgot how they held Stephen, .1.1111Y 23. 1888.
their hands or into what position they, threw
their bodies. He spoke against several .
forms of affectation; amongst which the use To the Editor of the Exeter 2'tmes.
of big words by ignorant persons affecting to SIR.—Allow me a short space in your col -
be learned, and cited several amusing in- =us to bring to task our rather venerable
eidents to establish his contention. The township fathers: At the inaugural Saner -
doctor said a young man mieht do right in day last among other things of importance
his own houses, surrounded with every the appointment of officers took place, and
good influence, but that some young inen am very sorry to say that while at this
tound. it a struggle to do right out in the meeting it was the proper time to meke the
whirl of a busy lite, and find it hard to main. appointments, yet some were made with
tain integrity in all things. Few men can undue haste, and apparently without the
stand. alone for truth and right; they could slightest consideration. I refer principally
stand if others stood with them, He urged totthe appointment of an assessor. Last year
that all should cultivate a firm and resolved A. Duncan was appointed at a salary of $60
mind, and that by so doing. a, person would vice Thos. Heywood, who refused to perform
find no difficulty in passing through the the arduous duties for less than $85. Mr,
many trials of every day life; and that by Duncan dill the work faithfully aud well,
shunning small temptations one cau avoid so perfect, in fact, that some $30 or $40,
the cost consequent upon a Court of Revis-
ion were saved the township, as no appeals
toqiis assessment were made—a fact which
cannot be shown as ever having occurred
before ; but rather, numerous appeals have
been made against the assesament made by
other men. This year Mr. Heywood conies
along and offers to do the work for 05, an
the Council accepted his offer I am. inform
ed without having discharged Mr. Duncan
or even asking him if be would make the
assessment for the $55 or less. This is fol
lowed by another infornial act. They then
appoint Mr. Duncan one of the auditors,
suppose, thinking it might act as a soothin
syrup, and possibly it did. But Mr. Dan
can cannot qualify as auditor, according. t
the law governing matters of this nature, a
read Chap. 18, Div. 5, Section 260, Vie.
46, whieli is as follows : "Every Council
Policy may do wonders for.a while but it
Mr. E. Spicer, of Cookstown, formerly wont last. He pointed out to the young
asst. P. M. in the office here, has disposed meirthat if they find they cannot be holiest
and true in the positions they Jill, with -
of his stove and tin business in the above
village, and gone to Michigan, draw, as such occupations have no call for
them. Some people claim that you cannot
Mr. C. Prouty lost one of his driving do business and be honest, but the speaker
horses on Sunday last The animal hadwould rather see a man starve by honesty
been sick for some days, but it was beyond than get rich by lying or fraud; he had,
veterinary skill to determine the nature of. however, never heard of any one starving
the compiaint. The beast has proved a through honesty, yet he would rejoice to
faithful servant to Mr. P. preach a funeral sermon for the man who
While skating ou the pond the other slay died because he was too honest to live. In
in company, with several others, Miss closing he recommended the young men to
Ineddis broke through the ice, and went take the motto of David Crockett, the Ken-
elown into the water several feet. She was tuoky hunter, for theirs, viz :—`Be sure you
rescued immediately, although not before are right and then go ahead." The lecture
receiving a thorough wetting. throughout was very interesting, and. much
The Village of Lucan, to the South of Ex- profitable advice was given.
eter a few mile, bat achieved the distinc-
tion of being the most criminal Place of int College Federation.
Aize in the country.Added to the Donnelly Meetings in the interest of College Feder -
tragedy their transpires yearly a toul mnr- ation were held in the Janaes st. Methodist
der, the latest addition to the list being the church on Thursday last In the afternoon
ease of Thos. Orme. This is attended with the ministers of the district met, the chair
unfathomable mystery. being occupied by Dr. Pascoe, president of
The mmiversary services of the Caven theLonclon conference, vvho briefly a ddressed
Presbyterian church were held on Sunday the gathering, advancing various modes of
and on Monday last. Splendid. sermons raising the amount assigned to be given by
-were preached on Sunday, and on Monday the Exeter District. Dr, Williams and Dr.
the annual tea was given. The attendance Burwash were also presentthe latter
supplying for Dr. Potts who was ill and
at the Monday meeting was not very large
owing to the inclemency of the weather, unable to attend. There was very little
Several fine addresses were made and. a
enthubia,sra manifested, many of the minis -
good time was spent by all in attendance. ter and laity, not concurring in the scheme.
Proceeds of tea and Sunday collections On motion, the appropriations of the;various
amounted to gms circuits in the distrie.t were accepted
the total amount of evlueli being $3,834.42.
We were shown an old relic by Mr. Dani The meeting was adjourned until the evg.,
Davie, yesterday, in the shape of a knitting in order to give the public generally, a
stick nearly two hundred years old. It chance of learning the real object for which
-was presented the late Min, Wm Sanders, the money was required and asked. Dr.
in she year 1780, by one Betsy Bally. Pascoe occupied the chair and spoke briefly
Mrs. Sanders some 50 years ago presented on the object of the meeting, to a very
to the late Mrs. R. Davis, who upon her small attendance, after which Dr. Burwash
death handecl it down and it still has atook the platform. He took up the growth
/dace in the Da,vis family. It is an ancient of the church from the inception to the
col -advance and gives evidence of artistic
taste having been displayed.
loresent, ad illustrated its bright f uture.
He depicted the educational advancement,
demonstrated the necessity of still greater
Pereonal. t • , progress and showed lucidly the benefit. of
Dan Dyer of Zurich is visiting friends in the college being centrally located, as then
town.—Jno. Bansden left for Toronto a young man could be edneated efficiently,
Tuesday.—The Misses Sperling, who have cheaply and with a moral tendency. He
been visiting friends in tovvn for the past said that by having it in Toronto a vastly
tWO weeks loft for their home in St. Marye greater number of students would take ad.-
Ttiesdity.--IVIr. Treble of Manitoba, a vantage of the institution, as it would be
former resident of Exeter, who has been stiperior to all others. Dr, Williams was
visiting friends here for SOMO dnys re. next speaker, and in his easy and happy
turned home yesterday. ' vvay explained why Dr, Potts, his aesociate
in the campaign vat not present; he was
Me -Organized. ill ancl ,analle to attend, and that he had
a'a meeting of those interestel met at the sent Dr. Burwash an able substitute.
ire Hall on Friday evg. for the purpose of After relating it few anecdotes intermingled
re-oreanizing Fire Company No. 2. The with some strong points,. he proceeded to
Chief, Wm. Treble appointed at it recent lay the matter of his inission plainly before
meeting of the Council, took the chair, end
briefly addreseed those preset* eoriceenieg
carried out.
y the village by.
membere, and those
the program which waS to
The convexly as pro
1a in limited to 1
chosen by the Chi5f are :—L Handfeed, Jrio
Cede -lore, Wm. 'reech, D. Spicer, Wim
:Long, ,Ias. es, Geo. Hill, a. T. West
cott, jno. eVtits llatidford, Itit
Spicer, Rich. Farmer,' Sidney Davie, Rich.
Pickard, ,Tno. Parsente, Ed, Teeble Will
Hamicock and W. Pollan& '1'he by-laws
were read and subscribed to, after which
the election of officers took place, viz :—
Ca t 1 Handfeed ; ist Lieut., Silas Hand •
shall at the first meeting thereof in ever
year, after being duly organized, appoint
two auditors, one of evhorn shall be such
person as the head of the Council nominates
but no one, who, at such time, or during
the preceding year, is or was a member, o
is or was clerk or treaeurer of the Council
or who has, or during such preceeding year,
had directly or indirectly, alone or in con
junction with any other person, a share o
interest iu any coutract or employment wit
or on behalf of the corporation, except a
auditor, shall be appointed as auditor."
The above clause is plain, and why di
the Council make such a blunder in appoint
ing Mr. Duncan as one of the auditors
Was it ignorance of the law, or was i
thought that their acts would not be detect
ed ? They are placed in it "pretty pickle
indeed—appointing an essessor before ha
ing discharged the old one, and selecting a
auditor a person who has had connectio
with the Council (hiring the precedin
year. A truly competent set of men
They require watching. And how they ar
going to get nut of the difficulty which the
have placed themselves in is more than on
can surmise. Their only alternative is,
perform this part of the business ever agai
If my memory serves me right, some thr
years ago, Mr. Duncan applied for the p
sition of Clerk, offering, I believe, to do t
work for $100 without any extras. Th
was voted down and Mr. Holman receiv
the clerkship at a salary of $100, togeth
with all extras. A year later Mr. Dunes
made another attenipt, offering to perfor
the duties of the office for eSO, togeth
with perquisites. The Council this ti
claimed that it ',vas not udent to dispesi
with the services of an efficient servant. a,
thought that as Mr: Holman had. done h
ditties exceedingly well he ought to be r
tained as servant of the Council in the cap
city of Clerk, and accordingly gave him t
olcl ettlary of $100 and extras. Why w
not this order of reasoning exercised in t
matter of the appointieg ot an assessor?
Duncan performed bis dales to the enti
satisfaction of all, and if proficieney in t
case of one can be claimed as a .reason
re engagement, why was not Mr. Dube
the people. He said that the total ainount reaspOointed assessor, saying nothing of t
required for the purpose WAS 1,200,000, of fact that he was not even given ail opp
whigh one half had already been raised; timity t� say whether or not he would
the sight vvhinli iS in a central iodation the workfortheitrntaco11stoil
tllieo$s55 i?T18iieCoGy(11
Toronto had already' been seenred and that Practiee,. b
the rental of the lend would be $1 per acre fairness in this matter, and I think bitper erminH
e, e explained the scheme very nothiog zuflieiently harsh can he said
unpreetively and ebovved the advaetagee in done by way of retribetion. Hoping yr
faster of Teronto over Cohoeing rg, etatthat readers will consider these Smote',
in 'reroute other denominations had eentres • renntin,
for their' young MOE, while the Methodists , Yours respectfully,
had not, but thought they should have ON It WIl0 WAS VIM
equal attractions fertile young teen of the ‘Iilliniville, Jen. 24th, 1888.
&mech. After having explained the matter,
fully, he laid stress to the meter of sub -
ford ; 2nd. vent., Richard Farmer ; itt seriptions arid made alt earneet eppeal for it
brancliman, Jim, Parkes ; 2nd branchmeri, thousand dollars to be raised in liSceteto
Jobe Rendle .,Sec.-Treas„ Mts 1). Spicer ; proportioeately divided between the main]
loreman of lea'ding hose, Geo. 11111 ; asst,. and Jarnee-st ellurches, Finding that the
forennoi, Ira Spider'suction hoes!, mere people were not ready to publicly resoond
Ject Cudroore, Wm, Long, Win, Creech ; eeveral personst Were denoted to page
ioncn J, T. Weeteott end Ea. Treble, throtighthe audience, and canstat every -
The night of Meeting was thinged from the body. The liet W,cre beaded Dr, Pekoe,
tecond Friday di each month to that of the $100; Rev. &Orme Graham $50; Het Pen.
econd Thureclay. hall $25s Rev II -Gimes $25,. Mt. W. IL,
The recent rules issued for the rite"
meat of the county police does not app
le) meet theanproval of genie .of the couxt
constables, who think that too 'much poi
ha's been vested itt the high tOnstab
Several of the forcehave positively refits
to recognize the order, and WilI nesi
their comMissions Suoner (Inn do eo. A
test case Will likely bo noade duting tine
week. , Eketer, Dec. 8. ,l'AlsTSON'S BLOCK.
Paneolle.—At Exeter, on the 14th inst., the
wife of Samuel ParsOn8 of it son.
liALL.—At Wit, on the 23rd, just., the wife
of John Hall of it daughter.
HILPATille1C,— At Crediton, ou the 14t14 inst.,
the wife of Ralph Kilpetrick of a eon.
4eIttrattd 6nalis1t Aptchults
—AND -
18 Jnwne $T11E1K, LeND051, 13. C., ENGLAND.
RHICES Watchmaker, Jeweller,
. and Optician.
Has the Ageray for the sole of the above in
EXEITEB. Io Speetacies in the magnet eqval
possess, or the GIOSAT EASE and 00Till'OET they
"CaritTsteh4illeianrgivali ty so strengthen the
Eye that it does not become necessary to
change them gor many years. They are there-
fore the ORDArNs,.2.
They Are the Best in the World,
They Never Tire the Eye,
And. DIA Many Years Without Change.
The Sight tested by our New Tent Oar,same
as usedby the leading Oculists throughout the
INDLUY—STERNETT—At the residence of the
heidees lather, West Nieeouri, ou Dee. 28
by the Rev. A. Grant, James D. fiedley'
et St. Marys, to Eliza Sterrett,
Baanslissv--Wisnmeti—At the manse, SO
Marys, on the 18th inst.. by the Rev. A.
Grant, Richard, B. Bradshaw. to Jane
Wiseman, all of West Nissoe
RYAN—Benny—At Irishtown, on the Obb
lust, by the Bev. Deau Murphy, Mr.Patrick
Ryan, to Mini Margaret Barry, both of
Tann---11ARver. -At the residence of the
bride's father, 14th con. Logan, on the
llth inst.' by the Rev, Anclresv Henderson,
M. A., ofAttwood, Mr. Wm, larr, of
Moucton, to Miss Margaret Harvey, daugh-
ter of Mr. David flarveY. ' I
All parties having claims against the Late
Richard Luxten, of the Village ot Exeter, in
the County, of Pinyon, Carpenter, are hereby
notified that a itatement of such claims prop-
erly attested and giving full particulars of the
pature or the security held, if any, =net be
fyled with either of the undersigned execiators
or must be addressed to D. A. Ross. Exeter P.
0,, in registered letter, postage prepaid, cm or
boletYrteheimheinlawigihlitbliedeoayus diofert'ae biruutabrey fi, n1.181iidi,aes.
tribution and settlement of the estate and ef-
fects o/ tbe said deceased.
D. A. ROSS, l
R, SAM W MD, 'r Executors.
Exeter, Jany. 24th 1888.
L ori.don, Huron & Bruce.
CioiNe Nonsa— Passenger.
London, depart ... ... ... 8.1G A. u. 4. 25r au
Lucam Cross.ng ... ... ... 9.00 5,20
Clan delsoyo .,„ ... 9.10 525
Oentralia ... ... 9 23 5.37
Exeter ... _MC 5.48
Bonsai ... ... ... ... ... 9,45 6.00
Hippen ... .. ... ... 9.01 6.07
Bruce:el d ... ... MO 6,10
Clinton ... ... ... 10.18 6.35
Londesborce ... ... 10.87 6.55
Myth ... ... ... 10,45 705
Belgrave ... . 11.00 7.29
Winghom, arrive ... ... 11.20 7,40
0 onto $ovric. Passenger
Wingham, depart ... 7,00 A.:9 . 3.10 p.m
Belgrave ... ... 7.17 3.33
Blyth ... ... .. ... 7,33 37
nondesboro' . . ... 7:40 0.55 '
Clinton ... . ... ... ... , 8.00 4.14
Brimfield ... 8.19 4,34
Kippen... ... 8,27 4.42
Rens%11 ... 2. ... 8.33 4,48
Exeter ... ... 8.47 6,02
Centralia .., ... 8,57 5.12
°land eboye . . 0.30 ex
Luean Crossing.........9,20 5.29
,ORNE HOUSE.—The tinder.
1 signedtakes the liberty to inform the tra-
velling Public that he opened his house for the
accommodation of 'all travellers. on , October
lst. Those who 'favor himwith their patro-
nage will receive the best attention. There is
good stabling in conneetion. ' '
Wanted Immediatly. -- Assistant Teacher,
(female) for S. S. No. 6, Usborne, till summer
' holidays. Applications received by
Winthelsea, Ont
Notice ! '
The annual 'fleeting of the Usborne & Hib-
bert M. F, Insurance Co'y will be held in the
Hall at Farquhar, en Monday, 6th of February,
at 1 o'clock, p. m.. f or,the purpose of bearing the
. Directors'and Auditors' Reports, and for the
' election of Directors to fill the places of those
who retire.
By Order of the Board,
Farquhar P, 0. Secretary
' nor
: day,
' necessary
, dIst
' the
. Village.
L ..1...L.
- amount
, earn
- ty.
, and
_ equipped
s tigers
a order
a it
i thority
Tenders Wanted.
TENDERS will be received by the
Undersigned up.to 6o'clock, p.m., Mon-
the Soth January, for the whole work
for the erection of a Thick Idetho-
Church in thelrillage of Centralia. Plans
specifications may be seen at any time at
residence of Joseph Marshall, in the said
Secey of Building Com
A, . GENTS WANTED to canvas
for Advertising Patronage. A small
of work done witlitactandintelligence
may produce a considerable inconse. agents
several bundred dollars in' commissions
a season and incur no personal responsibili-
Enquire at the nearestsnewspaner office
learn that mire is the best known and beet
establishmentfor placing advertise-
ments tia newspapers and conveying to °Oval-
the information which they require iu
to make their inyestraeLts wisely and
profitably. Men of good address, or women,
well informed and practical, may obtain, am.
se solicit advertising patronage for • 1.16,
A.pply by letter to Gm. P. ROWELL & 00,
NOWSliapeZ advertising Bureau, 3.0 Spruce St.
New York, and full particulars will be sent b3
return mail.
—He is bound to—
" , in RUBBERS
Bargains in Groceries, Boot e and Shoe
He is bound to reduce bis stock and wi
give bargains never before heard of in
Goods well assorted and everything fres]
No shelf -worn goods in stock.
Remember and call early and bring the et!
along with you, for which you will
receive inoee than full value.
Auction SALE
1ty —Of Surplus Winter Stock—
TT, ES. 1 AN 2 s
or any injurious materials. ' -
E. W. GILLETT, 'r()It',McAha°01:7;;L.
A J SNELL Saninil PiCkaril
Merchant Tailor
Has removed to premises one door
north of Browning's drug store, where
there will be found a
11 &marl a Sit
• —ALSO-- —
Scotch., English,
Irish, French and
Canadian Goods.
Made up on the
416. 3. SILL,
G-raduate of Cleveland
Cutting School-
- Having this season purchased most of our
stook direct from manefaeturers in England
and Germany ; to do so we had to give our
orders very early in the season and as the
prospects looked well, we bought largely.
And we And that hard times are causing
great depression in trade, we• have, therefore,
decided to meet the times by markingall
goods at 811011 Hard Pan Prices as to enrMre
a speedy clearance. Therefore, we would in- •
vite all intending purchasers to call and in-
spect our stock, and note prices of all nes\
Ladies' Dolmans, Jackets and •Ulsters, alsr
Maids' and. Misses' -Meters, all sizes,
Black and Gold silk and satin dress-/
goods, in all the nowest colors and eg
styles, plain and fancy Flushes,
Iosiery, Gloves, &c.
—ALSO .A. runt tiiTE 0Y—
Ready-made Clothing,
Hats & Caps. All will be o11 at
Lowest Possible P cee.
BIssarrT3E3 IR,
And secure some of the Bargains they are offering in
following lines :—
We carry the largest stock of Stoves in the County. Call
and see them, and get.prices before buying. Tinware of all
kinds always on hand. Roofing an. eavetroughin.g a specialty
An Immense Stock of Manure Forks, Spades Shovels
Scoop Shovels at bard time prices.
We are offering Lamps and Lamp Goods at cost, as we are
gong out of that line.—Leave your orders for Stove Coal.,
and save the high winter freights.—Verity's Plows and Plow
Fronts always on hand. --Highest price paid for Hides and
Tallow. in Cash or Trade. --Agents for the Raymond Sewing
Visitors to Exeter
—Would do well to call and inspect—
One of the Newest, Cheapest & Best Stooks in town.
Black and Colored Cashmeres. Black and Colored Silks and Satins;
Colored Plushes. Melton Cloths, Jarsey Cloaks, Black Dress Materiats-
and Mourning Goods, Woollen shawls and Fascinators, in all Colors
and prices,
Also a fine range of Staples. Fine lines of gloves in Rid, *Cloth and
0 S X r
Gents' Furnishings.—Fine Display in Hate, Title, Braims, White and
Colored Handkerchiefs, Shirts and Drawers,
Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, Overcoatings, Panting@ t
BOOTS AND SHOES.—A very largo consigment just received, of tilt
very best styles and quality, in Ladies', Gents' and Children's.
A fun line of Glassware and Crook-
ery-ware always on hand.
Our Crocery Department is Complete,
Eggs and 1111 kinds of Produce taken in exchange, at d the
very highest price psid.
L CARLING, IVIain-t., Exetvro