HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-10-11, Page 214.14,1
qntral huron chronicle
Michelle Corbett, editor
secondary school news
Students on the air
By Joe Lawson
As most of you have
probably heard on the
morning announcements
or from your friends, a
radio club is being for-
med at CRSS. In reality,
the radio station is not
really a true-to-life
station. It is based in
Holmesville, where
cablecast channel 12
originates. Music (rock
and roll only) will most
likely be played between
the hours of four -thirty
and six o'clock. School
news, announcements
and current events will be
read out during this time.
The broadcasting club
was, conceived b9 Janet
Eastman and Rick
Brown, who presented
the idea to Mr. Howard,
the club's faculty ad-
visor, wha will train the
disc, jockeys and other
members on the use of
equipment involved. Mr.
Howard is very well
qualified as an instructor
because he has done
some work in a radio
The station will be a
non-profit organization
and consequently will not
be able to sell products.
This factor was a slight
drawback in getting
albums. Approximately
two • weeks ago, two
record companies, A and
M Records and Capitol
Records came through
with promotional
records. The money 'for
the •equipment will be
supplied by the students'
council which is very
helpful in the formation
of clubs.
There is no lack of
interest in the club,
consisting of ap-
proximately 25 students.
The station can only be
a success with your help
so remember to tune in to
CHSS first rock and roll
radio station.
�► * * * 16
Annie Slanders advises ear wiggler `
Dear Annie: No, this is
not one of those forlorn
"torn between two
lovers" letters. I have a
real dilly of a problem for
you and I would like your
It all started one day
when I discovered that I
could wiggle my ears.
Now, I am aware that few
of my fellow earthlings
possess this unique
talent. However, now that
I have let my boyfriend. in
on this deep, dark secret
of my life, I feel like a
freak on exhibition at a
circus. He has told all of
his buddies and anybody
else that will listen to him
.about my ears. I don't
really mind the _.good-
natured ribbings that I
have been getting.
However, last week one
of his pals addressed me
personally from the other
end of the hall as "the
Flying Nun". It sort of
caught on and now I can't
go anywhere without a
whisper of "The Flying
Nun" echoing behind me.
I find that the position
that I am now in is a very
embarrassing one. Annie,
what should I do? , - A
Protestant With Loose
Dear Loose Ears:
Considering the way
you signed your letter, .I
don't think "The Flying
Nun" is,;ppropriate at.
all. How about "Dumbo
the Elephant"?
Say;' you could make a
lot of money off of .your
talent. Not many people
are capable of wiggling
their ears you know! Why
not'. join the circus or
qi something? You could be
one of the star at-
In light of this, I really
don't think you have a
problem at all. We all
possess our own unique
talents (Yours being
more unique than most I
must admit), and I think
you have just discovered
one that . could be your
claim to fame! - Ever
,optimistic, Annie Slan-
Dear Annie: Do I have
a whopper of a problem
for you! It all started
when my friend, What's
Her Name, set her sites
on my brother's
girlfriend's sister's
Whichamacallit. What's
her name decided to drop
her boyfriend Whosit so
she could make a play for
Whichamacallit. To say
the least, Whosit did not
appreciate What's Her
Name dropping him, so
he started to go out with
her sister's cousin's
niece, You Know. Who.
Meanwhile, Guess Who
got the hots for You Know
Who and asked her to go
out with him-, but You
Know Who had promised
Whosit to go along with
his little scheme against
What's Her Name, so she
couldn't go out with
Guess Who. Guess Who
got upset and decided to
go out with I Dunno, my
brother's girlfriend's
sister's boyfriend's
girlfriend. I Dunno did
not want to date Guess
Who because he was a
real dud, but she decided
to break up with her
boyfriend and date Guess
Who anyway. Her
boyfriend got upset and
he asked me out for next
Friday night. I told him
that I would decide this
week and let him know.
Now comes the
problem! Since .I am
friends with What's Her
Name, Whichamacallit,
Whosit, You Know Who,
Guess Who and I Dunno
(in other words, everyone
involved), I feel caught, in
the gunfire. Annie, am I
being used to get back at
this guy's girlfriend? -
Dear Whodathunkit:
"Whopper" is truly not
the word to use when
describing your problem.
Now I have a problem of.
my own (and how do you
think that will sound
when word gets around?)
I would be happy to help
you out if I only knew
what was going on.
Change by chimes
Paul Hartman
In the very near future,
students at CHSS will be
changing classes to the
sound of chimes.
School principal, Gord
Phillips, made the move
to have the chime system
installed after finding
that the process of
changing classes was far
too disorderly.
The usual method of
class changes, whereby a
teacher dismissed
students when the , clock
indicated that the period
was over, was found
inadequate. The reason
for this, in our principal's
own words, was "No two
clocks in the school were
the same." He himself
admits that this is an
exaggeration but it does
illustrate the point.
-The master clock in the
office will now controljthe
entire process ' of
changing classeSt- ' Mr.
Phillips declined to
comment on t'he cost of
the system.
Therefore I suggest that
you send me this mess in
sort of a family -tree
diagram. Then maybe we
can get to the "root" of
the problem. (Tee -Hee
I've still got it, even in the
midst of confusion) -
(Perplexed) Annie
P.S. Your relatives and
friends sure_ do have
weird names.
Fund raising canvass on
On Tuesday, October 9 Iunctiun wan the
the second.full• Students Students' Council is
Council meeting was having a walk-a-thon and
held. Fund-raising was bike-a-thon on Wed -
the major topic and it was nesday, October 23. For
decided that a magazine those of you who are
ambitious and like to get
out of school early (at
-1:30) this is the thing for
you. It will be a ten mile
walk, or you can bike to
Auburn and back.- The
money will be ..used for
practice hoards for the
tennis courts and
uniforms for school
selling campaign would
begin on Friday, October
12. It is hoped that 15,000
subscriptions will be sold
and -.the money made will
go towards a .scoreboard.
The scoreboard will cost
between $2,000 and $3,000'.
Many prizes will be of-
fered. Let's all get out
and sell.
The Athletic
Association, , in con -
Also, the •Athletic
Association and the
Students' Council are
going to set up a booth at
the cross-country meets
in Benmiller, as our •
beloved school is hosting
WOSSA and the Huron -
Perth meets this year.
CHSS is going to have a
Broadcasting Club; which
will be -based in
Holmes-ville and will
cablecast over channel
12. The Students' Council
has decided. to donate
enough money to laity
turntables and speakers.
The next dance will be
held on November 23. artd
the group is going to be
Constance news and views.
by Mary Merner
Past weekend visitors
With Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Stevenson, David,
Darren and Luanne were
Mr. and Mrs. Grant
Koch, Suzanne and Andy,
Mr. and Mrs: Jim Steckle
and Korey all of New
Congratulations to Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Otten
(former Elva Becker)
who were married in
Zurich on Friday Sep-
tember 28. The reception
was held at the Pineridge
Chalet in Hensall. A
number of neighbours
and relatives attended.
They will be residing in
the house on the farm of
Eric Anderson.
Mr. and Mrs. .Marris
Bos, Steven, Sharon,
Kenny, Michael, Andy
and Kathy visited on
'Sunday with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Bos
and John of Mitchell.
Weekend visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Stevenson, David,
Darren and Luanne were
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Her-
man and Korey of
Stratford and Betty Ann
Herman of Shakespeare.
This week
Mrs. Bill Storey visited
on Wednesday with Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Smale of
Sharon Thompson of
Downsview spent the
weekend at the home of
her parents Mr. and Mrs.
John Thompson and Bob.
Thanksgiving weekend
visitors with Mrs. W.L.
Whyte, Bill and Mr.
Harold Whyte were Mr.
and Mrs. John Whyte,
Andrea and Kerri of
This week's Chronicle quiz
• On the top left of the
illustration, you will see a
square. Your goal is td
. place the numbers 1 to 9
in each square of the box
in order that each row,
column. and diagonal will
add up to 15.
If that war a breeze,.
then take a look at the
wheel on the top right.
Again, use the numbers
from 1 to 9 and fill in the
wheel in order that each
line of three numbe 's
adds up to 15. Answe s
neat week.
5/elution time: biro
last week, we implored
you to arrange six coins
so that two rows of four
coins each are created.
The answer is in the
lower left on the
illustration. Two of the
coins are stacked and
each straight row has
four coins in it. It is also
possible to create a "T" -
pattern to obtain the
same result With the two
coins stacked at the in-
On the, lower right, you
will see the solution to t e
second problem froni 1a st
week. Tho goal was to
arrange five coins into
three rows with three
coins apiece. Again, two
of the coins are stacked
and the rest create the
other rows.
Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and Mr. and
Frank Van der Molan, Mrs. Terence Hunter of
Paul, Mark and Margie of Colborne Township spent
Oakville, Miss Margie 'the Thanksgiving
Whyte of Galt,.Jeff Whyte weekend with Mr. and
of Guelph and the Nick Mrs. Andy Thompson of
Whyte family. Oakville.
Mr. Carl 1Vlerner, Sunday visitors with
Sandy, Julie, Michael and Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Shelley visited on Sunday Preszcator, Bill, Debbie,
with. Mr. and Mrs. Allan • _and 1Vlichael w re Mr.
Merner of Drumbo. and Mrs. Ke Jewitt,
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mrs. Ella Jewitt of
Stevenson of Tillsonburg Seaforth, vin Jewitt of
visited on Sunday with Toronto Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul John ewitt, Mr. and
Stevenson, David ' Mr.sv:.Ellwood Spicer of
egina, Saskatchewan.
elerr, Mcllroy of White
Rock; B.C.
Mr. and Mrs. • Alvin
Smale of Seaforth visited
on Sunday with ,Mr. and
Mrs. Dave Preszcator,
Christine, Lisa,
Christopher and Gregory.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Stevenson, David,
Darren and Luanne
visited on Thanksgiving
Day with Mr. and ,Mrs.
Bill Stevenson and family
of Belgrave.
Mr. and Mts. Ken
Mitchell, Jennifer)
Robert and Simon of
Toronto, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Tardella and
Christopher of
Mississauga spent the
Thanksgiving weekend
with their parents Mr.
and Mrs. Don Buchanan,
Paul and Garry.
Darren and Luanne.
Visitors .over —the
Thanksgiving weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Dimaline, Don, Peterand
David were Miss Kathy
Dimaline of Toronto;
Trudy Dimaline and Ken
Allen of Hamilton.
Mr. and Mrs. Marris
Bos, Steven, Sharon,
Kenny, Michael, Andy
and Kathy visited on
Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Leo Sanders,
Jennifer and Jeffery of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Woods and Michelle of
Gananoque spent the
Thanksgiving weekend
with her parents Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Riley. Mrs.
Jean Riley of Clinton Mr.
and Mrs. Doug Riley,
Kim and Greg ,of Win-
throp also visited on
Mr, and Mrs. Dave
Preszcator, Christine,.
Lisa, Christopher and
Gregory visited on
Saturday evening with
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Brady
of Egmondville.
Mr. and Mrs. John
The college graduate
thinks li'e's going to run
the world someday, and
the frightening thing is
that he is.
White Carnations
Offer the
Smorgasbord All Fall
Hot buffet - salad bar - dessert'-
home cooking our specialty
WED. 12.2 P.M. 5.8 P.M.
THURS.12 2 P.M. 5.8 P.M.
FRI. 12-2 P.M.
5-8 P.M.
SAT. 12.2 P.M. 5.5 P.M.
Muhl, 12-2 P.M. 5-7:30 P.M.
TEL. 482.9228 AFTER HOURS 524.4133
Nott' accepting reservations for Christmas
parties and Now Yoar*.
by Hilda M. Payne
Church news
Rev. , Stan McDonald
was in charge on Sunday
when the Hensall United
Church joined with all
churches around the
world in celebrating
World Wide Communion
Sunday. He explained the
meaning of Communion
to the congregation with
his theme, Our Com:,
munion, A New Life in
Christ. `
Assisting with, the
communion service were
Pat O'Brien, Hans
Gerstenkorn, 'Joyce
Pepper, Barbara
Gackstetter, Charles
Cooper, Ross Sararas,
Doug Mock and Dr.
During the service the
following were received
into the fellowship of the
church through the
transfer of membership:
from Balfour United
Church, Brantford, Mrs.
Sharon Beaver; from,
Grand Bend United
Church, Mrs. Jean
Brends; from Chiselhurst
United Church, Mr. and
Mrs. Bev. Hamilton;
from St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church,
Wingham, Mrs. Jean
Hull; from Caven
Presbyterian Church,
Exeter, Mr. and Mrs.
Douglas Jamieson; from
Emmanuel Lutheran
Church, Dashwood, Mr.
Ronald Keller; from
Brucefield. United
Church, Mrs.H. Lemon;
from Monkton United
Church ' Mr. and Mrs.
William Smith and Mr.
Michael Smith and from
Parkview United -Church,
Stratford, Mr. and Mrs.
Lorne Thrower.
Greeting the
congregation was Mrs.
Grace Drummond and
ushers were David and
John Rowcliffe. The
service closed with the
choir singing the very
impressive hymn and
Mrs. Mary ` Moffatt of-
ficiated at the organ. The
flowers' at the front of the
church were placed in
honour of the marriage of
Wilmer Ferguson and
Peggy Forrest which took
place in the church on
Saturday, and in loving
memory of Mr. Alfred
Smith and Mr. Roy Kyle.
UCW meeting
The Thanksgiving
meeting of unit four of
Hensall UCW was held on
October 4, in the church
swith 19 members at-
Mrs. ' Nan 1 Britton
presided and Mrs. Pearl
Shaddick gave the
devotional on
Thanksgiving. Mrs.
Dorothy Mickle gave a
study taken from, Roots
in Gambia as written for
The Huron Expositor by
Margie Whyte.
Twenty-three .visits to
sick and shut-ins • were
reported among the
members. Mrs. Britton
gave the benediction and
lunch was served by the
committee in charge.
4-H Newt
The third meeting of
Hensall one 4-H club was
held on Oetpber 2 at the
United Church. The
meeting opened With the
Pledge and the roll call
was answered by all
giving the colors chosen
for their free article. AU
decided to call the club
The Needle Beetles.
Diane Gerstilnkorn
demonstrated how to
transfer onto canvas
then we all worked on our
Cross stitch. Linda
Gerstenkorn adjourned
the meeting until October
Dinner guests with Mr.
McDonald at the Manse
on Sunday were Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Snell and
family of Goderich, Mr.
and Mrs. Allan Bosman
and family of Lon-
desboro, Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Jewitt and family of
Clinton and Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Snell of London.
*The Young -Teens
Group of the United
Church were off to a good
start for this season when
they met and had an
evening of volleyball and
" basketball at the school
and then came back to
the Manse for lunch and
fellowship together.
Mrs. Lorne
Gackstetter, superin-
tendent of the United
Church Sunday School
has been busy this week
finding more chairs and
tables for the increased
attendance at Sunday
School. More- teachers
are desperatelyneeded
and it is to be hoped that
volunteers will come
forward. A number of the
teachers attended the
training session in
Listowel on Monday
evening and regular staff
meetings and training
nights have been plan-
ned, under the direction
of Mr. McDonald, for the
local staff.
The Bible Study group
in the United Church got
off to -a good start on
Thursday evening. For
the next eight weeks, the
group will be studying the
Book of James under the
leadership F`bf Rev.
McDonald. '"The group
meet in the church
parlour on Thursday
evening at 7 pm and
everyone is invited.
Mrs. Hilda.Payne, Mrs.
Joyce Pepper, Mrs.
Eileen Rannie, Mrs.
Hazel Corbett, Mrs.
Elizabeth Riley, Mrs.
Pearl Koehler and Mrs.
Robert Simpson,all at-
tended the Huron County
Fall Rally held at
Elimville on Monday,
October 1.
Mr. and Mrs. Les Reid,
(formerly of Benmiller Inn)
(formerly of Seneca College)
Surprise your guests with Beef Wellington; Veal a la
Jamie, or Scampi St. Geolge. Follow up with Chocolate
Mousse, Black Forest Cake, or any of dozens of other
exciting desserts. Learn to prepare breads, pastries,
and even a wedding cake complete with decorations.
Register now at:
Central Huron Secondary School
165 Princess St. E.
Clinton, Ontario
The registration feels $25 for ten weekly sessions of
approximately 31/4 . hours each commencing Monday,
Oct. 15 at 7:00 p.m. d small additional fee will be collec-
ollectted to cover the cost of food used.
LodesborP, Mr, �,nd
Mrs. Greg McDonald and
family Ailsa Craig and
Mr. and Mrs. Ken
Rogerson, Clinton visited
with • Mr, and Mrs.
William ,Rogerson on the
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Payne, London visited
with the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Payne over the
Mr. and Mrs. Randy
Mason and Andrew of
London. visited with the
latter's. parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Skea at the
Mr. and Mrs. Sim
Roobol and Mr. and Mrs.
Arie Roobol from Holland
spent three days recently
during the sunny weather
at Wiarton and Tober-
mory and shopped there.
Mr. William T. Dodds
and Mr. and Mrs. Don
Dodds and family
Seaforth and Mrs. Tom
Brintnell spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Sim
Roobol and Mr. and Mrs.
Arie Roobol:
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Van Dyke of Brantford,
Mr. ,and Mrs. Tony Peters
1Gagel of Goderich, Mr.
and Mrs. John
Konynendyk of Wood-
stock and Mr. Anthony
Gelderland and, Mrs.
Jean Adenan of
Ridgetown all visited
with .Mr. and Mrs. Sim
Roobol and Mr, and Mrs.
Arie Roobol during the
last week of September.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Smith spent the weekend
with their daughter and
family, Mr. and Mrs.
John McGuire and family
in Erin.
Mrs. Ina Johns and
Mrs. Florence Johns of
Exeter spent
Thanksgiving Day with
Mr. and Mrs. Hans
Gerstenkorn and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert
Johns, Exeter, Mrs. Ruby
Bell and Miss Debbie
Venner, of London spent
Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Roger Venner.
Mr. and Mrs. John
McAllister and Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Bieber of
Exeter spent a pleasant
fishing trip in Manitoulin
Island recently.
held at the
Hensall and District
Community Centre
Saturday, October 13
Music by
Admission $5. per couple
Proceeds for Hensall and District Community Centre
Fund Raising Committee
b�V�Mn.WK�.V11.'WW,M.NV�.'V'�V�• K•�. N.1NWNhfYV�'ti'�•
Colborne Township
Display and ale oflocal
arts, crafts, andl`country baking
1/4 mile north of Goderich, east of Hwy. 21
10 A.M.-9P.M.
10 A.M. - 6 P.M.
Tea Served - Door Prizes
Col Sanders Recipe
ried Ck
Good den!
Regular $2.50 Value
The Ausable Bayfield Conservcition Authority
welcomes everyone to the annual Autumn Outing
Sunday Oct. 14 at the Bannockburn Wildlife Area.
(1 1/4 miles east of Varna on Huron County Road #3).
Guided tours from 2.4 p.m. Hot drinks served.
Bring the family (and your boots).
For more information call Ausable Conser-
vation Authority, 235-2610. .
-74. T rY IN S
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entueky Fried
t •