HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-10-11, Page 11• • • ;IT .!!!r • 1 , • ,• • - r • United urc BY Blanche Deeves The 100th birthday of the Holmesville United Church- was 'celebrated last Sunday with a -good kittendance. Greeting the congregation at the door were.Mrs. Irene Cudmore and Mrs. Isobel Harris. Rev. and Mrs. Oestreicher, Jonathon and Jefferey came to the service by horse and buggy driven by Bob French of Mitchell. The church was nicely decorated by the ladies of the church with fall flowers, oil lamps, fruits and vegetables. The entire choir was dressed in clothes of many years ago. Hugh Lobb led the congregation in the singing of "Old Tyme Hymns". The Snell Family sang 'several modern- hymns which were enjoyed by the congregation. Rev. Oestreicher gave the announcements at which time he read a letter of congratulations on the Holmesville Church's 100th birthday from St. James Middleton congregation, the only other Church in Goderich Township, and sent by Rev. Wm. Bennett. The Centennial hymn was sung by all. The words and music were written by Hugh Lobb and Verna -Lobb. Murray Drapler brought the organ tp the church that was in the Ebenezer Church, when. Mr. Irwin Tebbutt was organist. Mrs. Charotte 'Norman played the piano along with Mrs. Lobb on the electric organ. Rev. Douglas Ross gave the sermon. The offering was received by Don Harris, Harold Jantze, Alyin Etettles, Gerry Ginn. An enjoyable time was enjoyed by all at the coffee hour which followed the service. The October meeting of the Goderich Township Women's Institute was held Monday evening with Molly Cox at the piano. Hazel McCreath presided at the meeting and Bernice Mcllwain read the secretary's report and read the correspondence. Alice' - Porter, Hazel McCreath and Bernice Mcllwain went to Fan- shawe Park to meet three ladies and a man from England. The three ladies were Tr e m be r s of the W.I. in Englknd. They were not enjoying the crickets as they made so much noise. They don't have crickets in England they said. Bayfield Presbyterians hold Thanksgiving A Communion service was held on Sunday morning in a crowded church resplendent with fruits of the harvest. Thanksgiving was the theme of the service conducted by the Rev. Alun Thomas. It was announced that the Rev. James Reddoch will be conducting the services for the next two Sundays and that he will receive any an- nouncements for the bulletins at 565-2557. On October 31. an of- tictal Board Meeting will beheldat 8:15pm The Fall Presbyterial will be meeting at Varna on Tuesday, October 16th. Between 6:30 and 8 pm dessert will be served and an opportunity to view the book display will be afforded. It was also announced that places are still available for the 3M trip to Frankenmuth, Michigan. Anyone in- terested in going please contact Ray or Anna Scotchmer at 565-2464. 00 Roll call was answered by telling where Your ancestors. came from. The ladies received an invitation from Wingham W.I. to attend their meeting on October 18 at 2*: 30 p.m. The Ooderich Township W.I. will 'be 'in charge of the bake table at Hurpnview October 16 at 2:30 pp.. Bernice McIlwain gve a report on the Fall ' Rally at Elimville. The guest speaker was unable to attend this meeting, so Phyllis Harrison gave two readings and held a game contest. A variety program is to be held Thursday, October 25 at 8:15 p.m. The 65th area convention is to be held in St. Marys November 1 and 2. Lunch was served by the ladies in charge and a social time was held. Personals Miss Jean Blaney and Miss Fern Foster of Toronto spent a weekend recently with Alvin,,and Barb Bettles. Ken and Kay Harris had an enjoyable holiday in Orillia with George and Ann Wise. Donna and Harold Tyndall will be celebrating their 40th anniversary Friday evening in Holmesville. Good wishes only. Gordon and Joyce Sellwood, Lee and Kim all of Barrie spent the weekend with Joyce's parents, Jean and Clarence Perdue. on -Sunday for Thanksgiving dinner guests with Clarence and Jean Perdue were the Sellwoods of Barrie, Jerry and Debbie Perdue and Julie Bolonga all of London. Don and Bonnie Lockwood and Sean, .Edward and Blanche Deeves. Betty and Ross Feagan, Doug and Genny Bland were dinner guests on the weekend with Don - and Isobel Harris. I.. • ,c•tt.N.Tol,,T4sigwpAgcos...„,,,j..,...gvg§:).?"..9c;94......14,,,'9Z9r4AGE U. OpivIKETE - SALES, SERVICE, PARTS COME TAKE A LOOK! WE'RE THE ONE WHEN IT COMES TQ VOLVO & MAZDA M -W MOTORS •• Neither rain nor snow nor sleet nor • can stop a postman nor a determined minister either as Rev. John Oestreicher and his family showed on Sunday. The minister and his family were driven to Holmesville United Church last Sunday as the congregation marked its centennial. (Steve Cooke photo) moo to id., 8.0. Sat. 9 1 sales Deptopen other hours by appointment. HOW TO FINE) US . HEADING SOUTH ON HWY NO 21 VICTORIA ST i TURN LEFT ON EAST ST PROCEED TWO DLOCKS everybody saves an food here - 11111167 MP• Oct 10 to Oct.16 Save 94h. Ib. -X ir Aged Al Steer blade bone out . Door t ENERGY SAVERS! Quality MSelfStorIng aIes onufgctured 95 Doors and Windows. Aluminum storm doors and windows help to 8ave on winter fuel costs. One phone call will have a trained estimator at your door who will measure and supply you Double Hung Window with an accurate estimate. Free of charge to 87" p.t. and at no obligation. Call today or come in and $ bring your specifications. - $ 1 05E1 Save 30 Ib. Can. No. 1 Large STALK CELERY a is is oa Produce of U.S.A. 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