HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-10-11, Page 9CLINTION;NEWS.743.g..CORDoMPASPAY,.ocToligg n.,„1979,TAtog 9 • • SAVE 47db Combination Pack LOIN PORK CHOR Contains: 2 Rib End, 2 Loin End 4 Centre Cuts Our Regular Price Ib 1.861 IIMMINIMMII YOU'LL DO better AT . 0 CUT FROM CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF Rump, Sirloin Tip, Inside Cut Round CUT FROM CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF • Eye Removed 4010111111at A&P Canada Entra Fancy, Washington Red & Golden DELICIOUS APPLES The pick of the apple whom Save on 5 pound family pack vexar bags. 2.79 No. 1 Grade, Ontario, Yellow Cooking Mary Miles, Assorted Varieties COOKED MEATS 16 -ex vac pac .69 Schneiders, Assorted Vay_ieties SLICED BOLOGNA 1 • 1 -lb vac pac 5. A&P is a Sausage Shop! BREAKFAST Burns Sausages ib1.19 MARY MILES, HOT OR SWEET -Sausage Italian Style Ib 1.19 SCHHEIDERS, SAUSAGE Oktoberfest1 RP) 1 -lb pkg SAVE 2IP A&P, Assorted Varieties Including CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES COORSH PKG OF 4-2-02 POUCHES Corned.s Beef' L89 Potato--jalad 2413:1516 SCHNEIDERS, SLICED, ASSORTED VARIETIES Cooked Meats 6-02 VAC PAC 79? A&P is a Complete Meat Shop! SWIFT PREMIUM WIENERS 1 1b vac pac . .00 (Our Regular Price 1.59) NO. 1 GRADE, ONTARIO, HARVEST FRESH, TENDER, SWEET NO. 1 GRADE, dNTARIO, WAXED Carrots 5 -lb cello bag 78 F Rutabagas 1618? NO. 1 GRADE, ONTARIO SOUTH AFRICAN, SWEET, JUICY, HIGH IN VITAMIN C Potatoes 20 -lb bag 1.39 Oranges v/a.lencia 12 for 1.99 Reiger Begonias avaAssorti:d Colours liable in most stores 4 -inch pot 1.69 -A&P, Frozen, Concentrated A&P BRANDS . TRUSTWORTHY QUALITY ACTION PRICE! A&P SNACK CRACKERS 300 g pkg (Our Regular Price 1.19) LIBBY% WINE FLAVOURED ACTION PRICE! Sauerkraut 32 -fl -on 795e Llnayis, DEEP BUTTERED ACTION PRICEI 12•FL-OZ TIN hole Kernel Corn 49? Filli COURSE • ACTION PRICE( . 4, kg SAO Games Dog. Food 4.19 ALL 0010stitt OR CAKE & PASTRY ... AdtiOttitittiC I :,- Monarch Flour 2991341 I t DISHWASHER DETERGENT ACTION PRICE! Cascade 50-ozbox 2.49 MoCORMICKS, SOME OF EACH OR PARTY ' -ACTION PRICEI Crackers. 12 -oz pkg 1 09 oNAtkeits— 11-0Z NW 79c) ,M111); SPICED OR MEDIUM • ACTION Pill; t 6a.'".cEhee0 Albr.1 A&P, 4 it SIZE,1XTRA WNW" . pu.- ct Tube Socks ,-1 , ' Pak1.29 ACTION PRICE! Ann Page, Smooth PEANUT BUTTER 2j jar • A&P, PROCESS ACTION PRICE! 16-02 PKG' A&P, ASSORTED FLAVOURS 3-0Z PKG Cheese Slices . L69 Jelly Powders 5 for ggi A&P, ASSORTEDL COLOURS BOX Of 200 SHEETS Facial Tissue 69/1 A&P, ORANGE FLAVOUR POLY PKG OF 2-6.5-02 ENVS • Surunix Crystalsf' 69? JANE PARKER, FROZEN ACTION PRICEI Nile -Pie 26 -oz pie L 9 A& 1 ACTION PRIG 14eFL.O• TItl twice, Pes 3 f°1* lin a A&P, FROZEN, ASSORTED \ CUTS ACTION PRICEI French Fries 3 5 -lb pkg 89,/ STRAWBERRY. OR RASPBERRY, WITH PECTIN 24•Flet0E JAR Ann Page Jams 1.19 ACTION 'PRIM A&P Tuna 7.ortin 1.39 A&P. oioly of 107111:514111 Tea Oags SOLD Midd.leton. By Blanche DeeVes Church News Holy Communion was celebrated along with Harvest Horne Service. The service Started With Rqn Flerningplaying the guitar and singing Song \ of Thanksgiving. The Wardens, Don Middleton and Ray Wise presented Harvest Symbols of bread aid grapes. The sermon was given by Rev. Douglas. Pitts. The offering was received by John Peeves and Jim Middleton. Rev?, Wm. Bennett was in charge of the service. The church was nicely decorated by the ladies of the church. Holy Baptism will be held next Sunday in St. James for Leanne Wain. The ACW of St. James, Middleton will meet Thursday at the home of Delores Dutot. Mrs. Jeanne Bennett will recall the highlights of her visit to Western Australia. Visitors are welcome. Ladies bring your pennies rolled, this is the last call. Personals Get well wishes to Bill Smith who had surgery a week ago. We are pleased to hear that Eileen Potter's stay was . short in Clinton Hospital.. Get well wishes go out to her. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Malenfant and Beverly of Windsor spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dupuis and family. Mr. "and Mrs. Ted q• Middleton and grand- daughters Kelly and Kerri.. Middleton' and daughter Nancy with her husband, Alan Clark and baby son Kyle Alan from Nipising, Ontario visited with Mrs. Fred Middleton on Saturday afternoon October 6. Also at the happy gathering to welcome ,Mrs. , Mid- dleton's first great- grandson were Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Grindley and daughter Carol, Audrey Middleton, Marnie, Cindy and Shelley Middleton and. Shelly Colquhoun. Mr. and Mrs. • Hugh Middleton of Toronto,. who had been visiting with Stewart Middleton, called to see their aunt, Mrs. Fred Middleton on Saturday. _afternoon and were pleased to have a visit with many of their cousins. Mrs. Fred Middleton and Miss Agnes Mid- dleton of Goderich were guests at a Thanksgiving dinner on. Sunday night with Dr. and Mrs. Grindley and family at their cottage in Snowdon Acres. Don and Audrey Middleton had a houseful on this Thanksgiving holiday with the young people, ;Joyfriends and girlfriends. A happy time was had by all. Dinner guests with the Deeves on Monday were Clarence and Jean Perdue, Bonnie and Don Lockwood and Sean, Donna and Harold Tyndall will be celebrating their 40th anniversary on Friday evening in Holmesville. Good wishes only. Thanksgiving dinner guests on Sunday with Fred, Carol and Jennifer Dutot, were Pat and Ray Chisholm and children of Goderich and Alvin and Delores Dutot. Weavers busy at area events. For the newly formed Huron Tract Spinners and Weavers Guild, the last weekend was a busy and exciting one. The newly formed class for weaving at the Ripley Fall Fair attracted en- tries from most of the members. Goderich weavers winning prizes were: Ruth Ann Smith, Sharon FitZjames, Janet Thomson, Jane Klages, Laura • Bean, Ruth Knight, Joan Stadelmann and Evelyn Hardy. At the Van Egmend House Ci'derfest in Seafotth, Ruth Ann Stnith demonstrated weaving a shawl on a triangular fra e loom while Pat Lee der4onstrated the ancient me hod of card WeaVing. JohJohh and Ilarbaira Kerr did the spinning.