HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-1-26, Page 5Since last July Mr, Wm, H. Graham Of St. May, has Bold to different News of the Day. pr(11(1,1T tiramor:,UUJIVHIRUfl parties seven fine Clydesdale colts, The Southern League ia in a quandary whether to play ball or dissolve. The Chicagos will do their sprieg training as usuat at Hot Seriogs. DANGEROUS COUR Tratras, Counterfeits are always dangerous, more so that they always closely imitate the origin- al in tippeerance and name. Tbe remark- able success aobieved by Nasal 13alin as a positive cure for Catarrh and Cold in the Head Isas induced unprinoipled partiee to imitate it. The public are cautioned not to be deceived by nostrums itnitating Nasal Balm in name and tippet:ramie bearing such names as Nasal Cream, Nasal Balsam, eto. Ask for Naeal Balm amide not take imitation dealers may urge upon you. For wale by all druggists or eent postpaid on receipt of price (50o and $1.) by addressiug Fulford Co., which netted him a large sum of money. George Porte, of (iiandeboye, has been committed to jail for two months for a breach of the Scott Act. Mr. Henry Eoyd, or the lat con. McGillivray, has disposed of one ot Iiia valuable farms to Mr. Wm. Lee, 2nd McGillivray, for the BUM of $5750. Mea ars, Owens Bros., Ot NO, 2 McGill- ivrey have disposed ofkanother magnifi- cent span of ClYdeadale geldiuga, for the sum of $395.00. Mr William Wood of Blanshard, has a span of three year old Clydesdale geldings for which lie refused a Ebert tuneeago the handsome sum ot $450. ring last fall while plowing was in Pro ,.fs on the Trick farm on the Bay- oad, they turned up an eik's an- tler that measured 5 feet, 8; inches in length, and one of the prongs measur- ed 18i inches in length. Mr. Wilbur Foster, operator at the 0, T. R- Station, Clinton, has left to take a position on the C. P. R., as operator at a station near Ottawa. Him place will be supplied by Mr. Hyde. The Well and favorably known trot- ting stallion "Royal Revenge," owned by Mr, D. Erwin, of the Central Hotel,- Blytb, has become the property of Mr. Jonathan Eedy, of Lucan. The nome nal price of $1,200 was paid for him. It is stated that Mr. J. A. Norris has been sppointecl post -master, at Far quhar, inotead of Mr. Gardiner resigned anti that Mr. Hay will act as his deputy. This rumor has no foundation, and the probability Is that Mr. John Kay of Usborne Will be appointed. Mr. Edward Hall, of LimerIck, who, some time ago left ler Michigan, was killed the other day in, the lumber woods. He was drawing logs, when the load upset, he falling betvveen two of the logs, and was crushed to death. The remains were interred in (he ceme- tery at Limerick on Sunday last. De- ceased was well and. favorably known throughout this section. • Stratford is discussing the question o electric light, and it is proposed to buy a Royal plant at a cost of $10,000, to run fifty lamps. Tbe estimated cost or 50.. all night lamps, including interest on plant is $2,835 per year. On Tuesday evening of laet vveek Mr, Darius O'Neil, of the 15 con. London, had the misfortune of having his hodse and contents destroyed by fire, caused by a chimney Igniting and the Burning. contents falling into a fire place de- pOstting its burning debris upon the floole Mr. )'Neille loss is partly cover- ed by insurance. The meeting of the Directors, of the Blanshard Agricultural Society was held in the hall on Thursday, 12th inst., ti(e, follovving officers ware elected for thO,ensuing year; President, William Roger; yice.president, Wm. Hazlewood; Sec-treas., Robert Beatty; directors, Messrs. Creighton and Anson. A fire started in the basement of the Methodiat church, Mitchell, on Sunday last. Divine service was in progress at the time, and when the alarm was given, the greatest excitement pre - veiled. A rush wasmade for the doors, one lady tumbled down stairs, while several others were nearly crowded through a window. Beyond the burning of a hole in the upper floor, very little damage was done. Sonia discussion is going on in the township at present over a proposition to separate East Williams into two tovvnships, taking the river Salable as a dividing line. This would make a very even division of the township, the south part. having a few more votes and a • little the most land. One object for making this Change is the very heavy • expense of keeping op the' numerous • heavy bridges' over the river, which would. by the change, fall Upon the • coun ty at large. • The new Presbyterian church at Cor- bett's corners was dedicated on Sunday • last. Sermons were preached on Sun- day, and on Monday a tea was given. The affair ryas successful beyond antici- pation. fhe church was built by A. K. Vah Wyck of Parkhill, and is a handsome little edifice. AA the inaugural meeting of the St. Marys council the following officers were appointed: Wm. Williams, town clerk, Aelaus Mitchell, constable; Ed- ward Long, treasurer, J. W. Poole, assessor and N. E. Birch, collector. Woo. Brown, night watchman. The • weigh scales have been rented to Mr. Geo. Grant for the current year for $130. The following trots Hibbert sehool teacher. and a Liberal, anent the fre- quent changes made by the Ontario Government, in the school books, will prove interesting to all:—The people in this locality 'were much pleased to to beer the voice of the press proclaim- ing against the incessant changing of school books. It is a very grievous trouble , and many good and efficient • books are cast aside, and others not a • whit better. and in some 'cases not so good as those they are driven out are put in their place. It is not any predu- • dice that prompts me its what I say •here, but simply the trouble caused by • meang children continually to be • but*Ing new books, when their former hotilte would serve jest as good purpose. httV'e now authorized a complete set • of new books, all of winch must be used • after ,Tuly, So parents may see for therdselves that if theie children have to buy new books, it is not it fault of the teacher; because the teacher has to • coriduct the school according to law or • the section Wilt forfeit its school grants. The Biddutpli township council on • their adjournment on Monday evening ,16th, were, together with the munieipal officers, entertained by the genial land- lord ?t,the 'Victoria Hotel, Clarpieboye, to it Sumptuous banquet, efti rwbkoh the usual:loyal toasts were given and drank • with gusts, ,,Our 1VIunicipal Xnstitu tions 'i was ably responded to by Messes Viii, Baton end McGee. "Our. Municipel (Macre was drank with en. 'thuslitani Red acknowledged in neat speeches by Meesra. J. Lewis, lissetteor,' and a. Flanagan, treasurer, Was I Our Eilueittientil Interest" brodght forth • and telling speethes from Reeve trod - gins and Mr. Flanagan A "But -brier' VMS drank to “Mine host and hostess' followed by liPor he is a jolly good .elloW," The mijouttiment wits Made at tettsoneble hoer. In u recent game on the slope van Traliiren shut the Browue out without a hit. CAUTION. A source of mncla ill health ia neglected Constipation. The utmost caution should be observed to keep the bowels regular. The best regulator of the bowels to promote their natural action is Burdock Blood Bitters. Try it it troubled with constipation. A San Francisco paper remarks that Lat- ham is a tatueh better °etcher than he is "a third 'basemen." The Texas League has been admitted to qualified membership under the national agreement. PRESENCE OF MIND, Piesenee of mind in ease of aceidents and emergencies, and when coupled with Hagyards • Yellow Oil will often save life. Yellow Oil cures all painful injuries, scalds, burns, bruises, frost bites, rheumatic and neuralgic pains. and in fact ,a handy and reliable surgical aid. Now comes the story that Radburn has bought an interest in a hotel at Blooming - on, Ill., and 'will retire from base ball. • RE1VIARRABLE RESTORATION. Matthew Sullivan, of Westover, Ont„ was ill with dyspepsia for four years. Finding dootors did him little good he tried Burdock Blood Bitters; six bottles cured him, and he gained in weight to 178 pounds. B. B. B. oures the worst known cases of chronic dys- pepsia after all else fails. Hon. Mr. Levalle, Quebeo Legislative Conn oilier, has resigned his seat. A BOON AND A BLESSING A boon and a blessing to mankind is Hag. yard's Yellow Oil, the great pain destroyer and healing remade for external and inter- nal me. Yellow Oil cures all aches and pains, rheumatism, lame back, sore throat, croup, deafness, cramps, contracted cords and lameness. Procure il of your druggist. The extra:mould weather of the past two bays has killed ahe peach euds along the Hudson. LOOK OUT FOR IT If you are troubled with a cold or cough, how very- light the attack, look out for it, do not allow it to settle on the lungs ; break up the cough by the cough by loosening the tough phlegm with Hagyard's Pectoral Bal- sam. Ed. Coffey, the convicted murderer who cut his throat in jail at Pittsburg, Pa., last Wedne2eay, died yesterday morning. Santo Salizer, a Mexican, was lynched last night, near Collins, 'Tex., for the simposed murder of David Stafiord. • MIND Yon OwN BUSINESS. Those iffen always succeed best who mind their own business. The reason is probably because they meet with such little competit- ion. Imperial Cream Tartar Baking Powder is the Most successful baking powder in the Market because it /Merida toit's own business. It aells °flats own merits, not by abusing ether Bimilar preparations. DO YOU BELIEVE IN SIGNS ? We do ; for inetanee the signs of torpid liver are yellow eyes, sallow complexion, pain under i•ight shoulder, irregular bowels, headache, low spirits and. weariness. All these signs may be removed by Burdock Blood Bitters, which is a sure cure for all irregularities of the liver. A Cleveland, Ohio, despatch saye :—It is reported that a long freight train plunged from a trestle over the flats into the river to- day, and that four men were killed. ADVICE TO ltorEams.-Are you disturbet at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at onee and get a bottle of 'lre.Winslow's SoothingSyrmP' for Children Teei thing, Its value is ncalculable. • It will VtilieVe the poor little sufferer inimediately Impend upon it, mothers; there is no mistake about it. It euros Dysentery and ninsebeea, reguldtes the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colictsoftens the emu s, reducesInitammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "sirs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and bes female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is tarsals by all druggists through- out the world. Price twenty-five cents a bot- tle. Se sure and ask for "Pans. Wxxsnow's 0,erriture. P",817P nnd take no other kind. Bight Hon. Hugh Childers, who has been making private inquiries into the condition of affairs in Ireland, has returned to London. Gontaut de Birmis, Chateau Miranda, Paris, has been burned, with a valuable historical collection of portraits. SCOTT's EMULSION OE COD LITER OIL AND HYPOPHOSPRITES is sold all over the world. It is far superior to plain Cod Liver Oil, palatable and easily digested. Dr. Martin Miles Stanton, Bury Bucks, London, England, says: "I have pre- scribed Scott's Emulsion, and taken it myself. 1± 18 palatable, efficient, and can be tolerated by almost anyone, especially where cod liver nonildit4s1elfsiotaen.not be borne. Pitt lili in 500 MARKET BEPRTS. (corrected at 5 o'clock p.m. Wednesday. Fe.11Whe a 1- - ... 0 SO to 87 Barley ... - Spring When C... ••• 9 cr;; too 0;73 Oats .“ .., 0 88 to 40 Clover seed 4 508o 5 00 2.00 co 2 60 Timothy '' Peas 0 58 to 0 58 DOM 0 138 be 0 CC Eggs ... 0 18 to 5 18 Flourperbbi . .. Butter DO 6 o a 65 ... - 15 to 0 17 Potatoes,per bushel ... 75 150 80 Apples,per bag . ' 40 60 0 50 DriedApplespr b ... .., 0 04 to 0 00 4..i0O8O per lb. .., .., 0 05 to 0 05 Turkey per lb 0 07 to 08 Ducks pe r pr •. .,.. 0 468o 00,0 Obickens per pr • - 0 e0 to 0 80 frogs ,r1r essedp e r 1 0 0 75 to 7 00 Beef •.. ••• 400 8130 l'i i'd'e a rd°rtto alleged ..„.. 5 50 to 5 50 Sheepskins (moll ,, 6 00 to 0 00 ClEulfElking 0 75 he 1 CC 0(30 to 0 '70 Wool per lb „, 0 20 to 0 21 isityperton ,.. onion seer bush 800 te 8 00 V'oodper cord 0 GO to 0 75 21 to 1 00 Fer: trAurs. Ettrnished by115o86o9 Carter, Son ie Co. Xtall 1.vbeat. ..... . .. ....... . 80 te 89, Sering . . .... .,E .. . ..... (o) 15(3 Ilar.ey ........ .... .. ... 00 "70 . . ... ... . .......... 86 81 ..... . . .... 60 •• 1501 imo thy, „ .. ..... ....,.1 50 2 Of Peas „ „ , 151 Go Eges„.„ ... .... . . 16 17 "Sutter ..... ... ....... 10 1? Potatoes Per . ..... 60 70 An 4(1 )11st1.31.,3.1t-."...','.‘,.-.,.:.'',..11Wd(ieT1;,. (0 150 .. . 11a1 1500toii 81(3 I The Largest and Most Complete ' assortment of Spectacle in Town ---At prices to ! Suit you. , -PROM-- -- IMPZIRIAL 3/XLLS wooDuAm, • The undersigned would respeCtfully infor lia eommunity that they hex° leeeed the above mina for a term of years; and will be pleased te have a call from all. The mill has recently been improved, by the addition of Lew mach- inery. J1515thQjntentjonof the subscribers to add a act of rolls as 000n as possible ; and all Icombined, the FPOM 70 Cis. 10 DolIars1Woodham Grist Mill Will be second to none in the Went. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED IN Griating and Chopping Done • , EVERY CASE.' Promptly. • Fresh oatmeal constantly on hand for sale or exchanged for oats. sATisrACTION GUARANTEED. WR WILL NOT BE UNDER- SOLD. --Don't fail to call at the-_ Dominion Laboratory ! J. W. BROWNING, Prop. —CURES -- Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick Headache, Kidney Troubles, Rheumatism Skin.Diseases --and all - Impurities of the Blood from what- ever cause arising Female weakness &General debility Purely Vegetable, Highly Concentrated, Pleasant and effectual to use. -ASK FOR -- Doctor Hodder's Cowpound. Take no other. Sold everywhere. Price 75 cents per bottle. • DR. HO DDER'S Colgh Lung Cure Sold Everywhere. Price, 25 cents and 50 cents per bottle. Proprietors and Manfrs, the Union Medicine Company, Toronto Canada. ).SAW GUMMING.—The Under- - signed would heti= the public that he is prepared to gum saws oir the shortest notice, and in a first-class manner; guaranteeing not to damage the plate. SaWS gummed at a low price, at the factory, i mile south of Exeter. 2-ra T. HEAMAN. • The Great English Prescription. A successful medicine used over 80 years in thousands of cases. Cures Spermatorthea, Nervous Weakness, ElitiSSiOnS, Impotency and all diseases caused by abuse. [ELMORE] indiscretion, or over-exertion. (Arras] Six packages auaranteed to Cure when all others Fail. Ask your Druggist for The Great English Prescription, take no substitute. One package Si. Six 85, by mali. Write for Pamphlet, Address Eureka Climatical Co., litetrolt, Mich. -Ora REELPIAM'S W 0 It POWD 21 el Are pletisant to take. Contaits their OWE Ptirgativc. Is a P-17,1 $11V4-1. Lelia effectual 4E,TrtntiOr• of wortzei im Clm.ild.wn ot Adults PgSiTak: LmElL OATARRN. Immediato Relleg SOR CO111111 Ileg(1 HAY FEVER. EASY TO USE. Not a Snuff, Powder or Irritating Liquid. Price 50 eta. and $L00. If not obtainable at your drug. gists, gent prepaid on receipt of price. Addresa LFORD & CO., Brookville, Ont.. TRUSSES! riEIRISTIAN LAWYER, ma n Edo. turer of all kinds 0ln:tissue; Residence: Bannie's Mills,13ay,wnere he w ill attend to the -wants of any who May require his services, Why pay from $15.00 to $25 00 for the same ar- ticle which he eau tarnish you for $5.00, and which is as good If not better and warranted to fit with comfort? Remember, Double TruSses, 45.00; Single Trusses, 42.50. All c'ern- ratinications addressed to CHRISTIAN LA.WYEE, Zurich P. O., Ont. EW BLAG'I(SMITH SHOP,— Thos as,Ve would inform the public that he hes opened a Qtexnn8110 In Seutlioott'it Meek. opposite the. PeSt Office, where he Witt bo 01611.500 to 105015 )115 old easte- rners and am s any new enos, wishing work done on sliertest notice and at lerr Pri aoti• norse-sheeing and general bliteltinnithing s. SPedialtY. TID15. OAVB, • Ounesite the Pest 011166.111toter, (1014su3t c o An oid physician; retirecl o in pre et ic_e,hav in hat placed 10 1105 bands 07 an 2a11indiAn t otorinula Of 9 8inap10 Vogottwoic remedy for the speedy and permanent 01180 119 illtenatuription, Bronchitis. Catarrh, Alithrna. rola 011 throat and limg affections, 9180 11 Pest - titre aria rai1fda1 eure for N ravens Debi' ity and all Nervotts CoMplaints, after having teSte,t1 its wonderful eurative powers in thbuSandi) of 09508, has felt it lih &Ay to make it knewn to histufferine fellows. Actuated by this Mstive And a desire to relieve nu man sniterink,„ Send free of climate, te Ito vithe O1581re 1t, thlti 881)11)0,in Germ sma1reneh 08 .11..nallth, w1,61:,bnli directiOns ler preparing and usiint Sent bY 'mail by audreselneg with stainti, /ming 1,7ori.01,40Zo,seetnte° Rte1 4 EitOr TRIAL SOLICITED, J. (46 A. MeNEVIN, WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE, OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, • OF THE SKIN, And every- species ot disease arising from disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMACH, BOVVELPImrBLOOD. R1. MILBURN & (11 "'",g)=6,ro. EALLAmem Expectorant! --0--X-0- The high high character of this old medicine as a sure remedy for Coughs, Colds, Throat and Lung Troubles is repeatedly confirmed by the gratifying, arateful and unsolicited testimony received from those who hav e been benefitted by its use. 'READ THE FOLLOWING- : MR. 8. J. Wmoock, Toronto, writes:— "nave used .Hallamore's Expectorant in my family for Coughs and 'Colds, for thir- teen years and would. not be without it." Mu. J. C. SMITH, Car Inspector, 0.1).R., Galt, writes :— Send me one dollar's worth of Hallamore's Expectorant I cannot get along without it. GO TO LUTZ'S DRUG STORE FOR A 25 ct. •Bottle. The whole sTstem is dqranged mid out of sorts.. 'I'lle blood is impure, pimples, boils and liver_ spr ta nylim ant ing on the face and , body. The liver is clogged and Ina° Give, causing fa- tigue, loss of appetite. a ann. sleepy, tiredfeel. . Send in your orders for Chestnut or Stone, Carmel Soft, and the Senaouie Blossburg , 1 • ing , with inability to do work. the complexion is follow and inuAdy. and it is rbsolutely ne- cessitry, to enjoy good health, to take the cele- Coal before it advances. Ansalecl Galvanized and Barb Wire cheap. brated QUEEN CITY OIL WOliKS pzmizz.np..issoTis, At Tercet°, very Barrel Guarituteed, This 011 was need on ell machinery during th Exhibitinn. It has been Awarded NINE GOLD MEDALS during the last three years. M -See that you get Peerless. It is only made by xtoarEs & CO., Toncasrro FOR SALE BY JAS. PICKARD. 11-111PIIIICITS0r2HELIO1 CILIAIUIS Has made his head -quarters with • his old friend, 0* AS St For fev:weeke only. Come and see him. He has go. s of goods of all descriptions with him. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES.. My Oyster .Parlor is alway open, and oysters served as you, want them, and ou the shortest possible notice. a °' "i S.c5C • b: \ ,sC'' C.2. :v.. 41'. e -,C4 ''''' o S, -- ,:••,. 4c5'- -,,e`.C.:\o' cp.e. ccey.oe.ccics, o .61 ,...,,Z2' CNC/ • 'e' \,0 e, Y- NO-) c.,N. ••;c0 ••,:."4', .0N-0 ,.,,c1N- (SC.'" '0..C.'' '':.` 4..• Z>'\ • de' • oe'C \ 6.0 r,,.ce, ' 't -C 11....Ca •?,...<,..\e, , N. \ c\'• . , \ 5.' c., cc\ •,,..,e.. e, ,b..,gss es Nee's eg, 'N•c) -'s• tic k -‘b" - --:', • .ci'' e'>-- 4.1c' .eN.' e, ° Ne...- <e!,tP 21. • K:P. .cs''' 'C''e' • .c.' api'' et 2S- ,''' sePs e (s. - 4%,•61' ,ic> • • ." • • Ifanufactured only by Thomas Holloway, 78, Ne' Oxford Street, lite 588, Oxford Street, Loudon, g& -Purchasers should look to the Label oa the Boxes and Pots. If the address is not 538, Oxford Street, Lendoa, they•are (Wholesale and Retail.) BITILDER'S HARDWARE ---Nails, Glass, (stained and engraved), Locks, Hinge. Butts (full line.) CARRIAGE HARDWARE—Bar Iron, Bent Stuff, Hubbs, Spokes, Cutter Banners Shafts, Moquette Wunslin, Drill, dm. 'MILL SUPPLIES—Stow Pipe, Fittings, 'Valves, Asbestos, Packing, Rubber and Leath- er Beitings, &e. SPORTING MATERIAL—Breath Loading and Shot Guns, .Powder, Shot, &o. Rochester - Lamps, Silver Star Coal Oil, Wicks, Bur- ners, Axes, & Skates. LANCE SAWS. ,..1,11,4,7,11•1441111 ROCHESTER STOVE DEPARTMENT. —SEE THE— Original Cook and Triumph!. HEATING STOVES. The Bradley Eavetrongh and Tin. ware a Specialty. Verity's Plows and Points, Cai- ne Paster, Carpet, Felts, Pitch OTar,&. Dr.CHASE'S 1 Mandrake Dandelion Liver Cnre, which puri- fies the blood by stimulating the Liver, nading digestion omit promoting a nattwal evacuation of the bowels. Mandrake 8 na Dandelion MO i4V0 of the best Liver regulators known, and I all medical Men agree that the Liver is of 1 more vinl importance to heisith than time lEteart and Lungs, If the Liver is torpid or in- active, Dyspepsia, indigestion, Headache, cos- tiveness, etc. will result, L -I -V -E -R Complaint.Lian e v ttnd Uri nary Troable,,Teun- (lice, Liver Sno ts,Impure Blood, 17,111) ar.th. I are quickly mired by Dr. Obase'e nem-Irak° Dandelion Liver C tr a m. wean the N.idnoys aro diseased, overtaxed and weaken...4d, one or two bottles are One r- entood to Jure. Mr. Alex, 'Payler, West Gwil- limbil ry, was trouble i f or 1 5 yes' rs with ki ci- ney d isease o was compelled to rise 5 and 0 time8 th iough tho night to urinate, suffered int,en se pain, and was 00911)' cured alter an other remedies end physicians hail failed, by using Vireo bet -tie S. 5C)00,00() SOLD! or one-half million of Dr. chti.A0 s Itoeeipt Books have been sold in Canada Oen e. 11,11a 011 want every 09esern trottbied Liver nittints and Ituilley 151500.808, ole., to try Clmse Liver r118e3. Wrapped around every bottle 18 vatiab10 RECEIPT-BOOIC FRME No 11dy's toilet, 1101180 nonSeunto ..,eoldd 1)0 1811(100± 151118 hOOlt, the 15110815 601100810)) of reel - pee extant, The depattment 0(1 08 re - (mints for hocutitylitg the complexion. A.fttg- ;Jolla Bohn ,Croarn of Beauty, 'May Pew, Tan, fireeGles. Su nburn, 'Hair Dyes and Promotm•s, Tooth powders. Washes, vi el den tour Dye, tor bleathing dardc hair to a golded hue, Eye or Lustre, etc „ etc, ' Sold by all 1,11 cleolora at $1, ,131115 n. bottle, The book atone Is worth ten times the cost of the mectieine. lllry 1)r. 01199e8 Kidney Liver Pills, tbd only pill ni ado neting (Meath; on tho kidneys, Liv - 011)1115 Bowela, Priee 25e, Sold by nu deal. erg, RE ON YOUR GUAR,O Don't allow/ a cold in hoed to slowly and surely develop into catarrh, whety yoti Oat be bizrOct 908 25e, by 081110 Dr. tlfutse's Catarrh Clare, A few apidic Alons torte insipient t- arrb 1 to 15 bexen cure ordinary Catarrh; 2 to 5 bexp '14 flniaratitoed to egro ehronie catarrh, ty it, 1» 8 seeteed sure eels), 'FM ia•i•••••••••21.111•16•114.11.• JAMES PIcKARp, ormusgeyawararcorsemitsromansenneasosenerreamenes...., Furniture & rtdadertalkinci, We Would call the attention of the people of Exeter and surrounding country to, feet that we, hexing purchased the stock ead basiness of WILLIA.M DREW, ere offer Special inch -moments hi , Parlor Setts, Plain awn iraney Tables. Springs mita Alattrasst Itedroom Setts, Wood, Cane 61 Verforated ()hairs, nook Crises, Writing Desks, Sitteboards, Whatnots, Cradles, liallstands. And an Eedless Variety in 130(1S, .EsnrentiS, 011DbOardS, Scc. \s„ Our Stook of Lumber is Large and Thoroughly Seasoned, sad, haviug had extend/A porience tho 'leading factories or the Dominion, we tan guarantee &get' and Ser- le l'lirrilitl'o'teck of tInklertaltieg Good Our Ss is the Largest 10 15110 Goitety, aoa. our Hoarse intArt qeq,nal north af ton a. Speeipt attention will be paicl to dile branch of to business, it townyone will And Its prompt and reliable business lose • 11,21PAI115ING 02 ALL KINDS PROMPTLY' ATTENDED TO. Remember fhe Stand, ODS, ,Door Xorth of Molson's Pan 1I 0 "WIT; n"1-1F43.-VVS