HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-1-26, Page 4te 'eke * )air that nothing can be esee beyond DISTRICT DOIXGS. iMeS, THU1SDA,j AN . 6T1-1 I 8•88 -else; MR. Fauna conservative, was yesterday elected by acclamation M. P. for Victoria, B. C, • It is understood a writ for Kent Halton, Russell and Prince Ed. ward Dominion electious will be issued in a few days, and, polling fixed for about February loth. The Ontario Reformers have been growing more and more restive under the "leadership" of Mr. Laur- ier until they have at length deter- mined to throw him overboard. • They speak of Sir Richard Cart- wright being the most acceptable substitute. In the East Simcoe coutrovertea election case His Lordship decided that Patton's agency was proved, and voided Cook s election, Patton and Owen having forfeitea •the protection of the court, by giving evidence unsatisfactorily, their trial for corrupt practices was set dowa • for the ist of Febreary. McLaren, counsel for respondent. --- • A SEMI •OFFICIAL announcement conies from England that the Hon. Joseph. Chamberlain is likely to succeed Lord Lansdowne as Govern or -General of Canada. It is repre- sented that in view of the important questions which are likely to arise, the British Gove-nment needs a representative who can not only keep ambitioua Canadians in check, but a distance of a few yards. Even in the towns and cities of Dakota, dur- ooeurrailee* of the least week Thienhou hag the blizzard of the other dear* the Neighborhood in a Ooncise )(Porto. school children were lost and perish- ed, So far as the cyclone .is con l' he between cers at Exet , • country will only add to its destillot- months' ago, is able to resumele' lidurttY8 iveness, for the storm cloed that again. passed liarrniessly Over • the unculti•' At the annual meeting of the Con. yated prairie a few years ago, eow gizie.ccayvtilivige Aostris000eirastiowneraat aleppreQs4nsetelad the carries destruction to growing erops „, „ and buildings, and death to the g-Usio; jEesktei.: ;;--V-.1)oree-sPidr:lelittient, R. Leather. Wm, Nightie - inhabitants. , The deadly winter and Clete, Esq ; Secretary -Treasurer, A. H. summer storms of the American N. Jenkins. 1101111WeSt C•i• n not fail to open the Mr, Samuel Bearss of Cherry GroVe eyes of intending eilligrants, Who on has traded ins farm of ' 1 he young, man who got his had ceroed the development of the - - eaquiry, will find that the Ca.nadia.a acres to Me, ihonapson, for the farm of sixty acres occupied, at present, by noriliwest is entirely free from the Mr. Ralph Hunt, difference twenty two surrneer cyclone, and that its blfs. hundred doLiam, zarils are tame and harmless when The following is the number of births, compared with those of Dakota and marriages and deaths registered in the Minnesota. • township of Bicldulph for the year end- • ing 31st Dec., 1887, Births, 51, mar. The Commercial Union schemes rlagea+ 141 dead" 2. of Messrs. Butterworth and William Oh Yes1 I should think mi.. The first fades into pale iusignificance beside the grandeur of a tariff scherne out- lined in a bill which has been intro- duced intoilthe United States house of representatives by Congressman Townsend. Mr. Townsend's scheme embraces, not only the United State's and Canada, but also Mexico Central. America and the whole of South America. It is simply con- tinental free trade, and a tariff wall against the rest of •the world=a practical enforcement of the Mon roe doctrine. The plan is a gigan• tic one, and must ot course involve a one hundred dose made me feel like a new person; did Dr, Crrsou's Stomach Bitters Absolutely Pure. theeinvariable answer to the queetion P * , . Ir - you? ity, strength awl wholesomeAc,,s. More (mono - help 1 This powder never varies A niarvel of itir- Ile 6 t. marysi papers complain of mural than the ordinary lcindr. And cannot be reckless driving upon the, public streets soht in competition witii the multitudes of low test, short ••veight, alum orphosphate powders. Several runaways have occurred Lately Sole owe in eans.-RO Ye. E, BARING eo Naomi, co„ we wan Street N. Y - owing to the carelessness of dtivers of , spirited equines. •wornmegmensmermwer, 'enreesesavomatimea I A sure sign ot rain or thatyou require a dose or two of Dr. (Argon's Stomach Bitters. Pains in the back and Inaba headache, feverish cold, oft tecuring attack's of the ',blues." Large bottles 50 cents. FOR THE LARG-EST ASSORTMENT, CHOICEST PATTERNS, AND BEST VALUE IN ONTARIO, —GO TO- 23M.A..a"rl'IM crk CO S Where you will find carpets of all makes and qualities, and at the lowest cash prices. Remp Carpets, Union Carpets, All -wool Carpet„, Tapestry Carpets, 13almoral Carpets, Brussels Cari.ilts, Anglo-wilton Carpets (borders to match) , Don't fail to visit the Mammoth Carpet House of the West. Mr. John B. Geiger, of. the Bronson Line, Hay, has sold his hundred acre farm to 1\1r. Oficts. Brill, of Zurich, for the surn of $6,100. Mr, Geiger intends leaving about March next for Dakota. Ile is an 'old and highly esteemed rest dent of the township, and will be muoh myraid of details. But Mr. Towtis- The west half of Lot 9, con. 1, S.E,R., missed, in his Adelaide, 100 acres, being part of the end has made provisioe Wool000k estate, was sold at auction to have all these satisfactorily ar- recently to Mr. John Galsworth of the ranged. A. congress of represeuta- Ist con. tor the. sum of $3,50Y0'. The other hundred on the opposite side of the road, being part of lots 8 and 9, con. 1, N. E. R,, was bought at the same time by Mr. Jos. Brent, a neigh- bor, for $4,320. "Pectoria" loosens the phlegm. "Pectoria" soothes the inflamed bronchial tubes. "Pectoria" neer fails to cure a Cold or Cough. "Pectoria" 23 cents a bottle. tives of all nations of the continent , wive is conversant with every phase I is to meet in Washington early next of the social and political condition year and settle the thing. The of the country. It is known that 'United States of North America Lord Lansdowne is to return to his must have one representative for Irish estate. each state, and the other national- ities will be allowed only one repre- sentative each ; that is to say the United States of North America, being one nation, will haye more votes iu the o.ongress which is to fix the continental tariff than all of the other nations combined.. It is a much broader scheme than that of Messrs. Whelan and Butterworth, butuot any more likely to come iuto effect. THAT UliWNOL Ear M E p aliticia.n, Mr. H. H. Cook, is again unseated, his supposed election haying been proved in the courts to have been brought about by corrupt means. This is no new experience for Mr. Gook, who in 1874 contended with Major Walker, Mr. M. C. Cameron, an other Liberal candidates for the champion's belt for corruption, an honor since gained by a younger competitor, Purcell, of Glengarry. The evidence before the Election court showed that one Patton had been one of the most active, if not the most active of the Liberal work- ers in East Simcoe. While osten- sively employed by the Province, and paid trone the Provincial treas- ury to attend to public duties, he was busily employed in canvassing and wire pulling for his party. Then News Notes. -- The increase in the eustoms duty col- lected during December was $296,411. Hon. Edward Blake at latest advices was in Italy, and was considerably im- proved in health. Four times as many lives have been de- stroyedby the Dakota blizzard than were lost in the suppressioa of the rebellion in our own North-west. The 'Winnipeg Call dubs Hon. Thos. Greenway .'the Judas of Ontario," and as a good Liberal electioneer, he -Mr. Prendergast .`the Ananias of Mani - went still further, the evidence show (toba." Both were Conservatives in the ing that he was guilty of bribery by past, actual payment of money, of having vehicles to convey voters and of un- duly influencing electors under his control. The Dominion Printing Bureau have leased. temporary premises at Ottawa, which are being stocked for purposes of preparing voters list under the Franchise Act. F. Hudson, of Ventnor, England, gath- Ma' THOS. GlIE "wAY hasbeen ered recently from his garden fullya, gal - called upou to.form a ministry for lon of geeen peas of excellent growth. Manitoba, and has been successful Thepeagrown in the open air, in its 'formation. Mr. Greenway as withouteanvyeriesroteetion, and this was the aanopportunity of discontent will lot gat lhave sixth I ered so co nmence- ince th i ' . . of displaying his meat of Nov. skill in , the governingf . o a country Rom Catholics,InaQnuebecprovhdlicie there are 1,486,000 John Willis, Stephen ; Robert McAllis- .ected by 1 cardinal,,1 ter, fray' i. Alex. lhompson and John to make its people happy. In sonsie quarters the belief is strong that chhishops, I apostolic perfectand 15 e_Murdoch,i,Stanley ; Henry BeacornIn 2piairests and religieux. They have 9547 ' G_ o, erich Township ; Dr. Coleman - Sea' - the Gteenway Goyernment will be churches, 28 seminaries and. collegese, 2. 32 forth. George Jackson and W. J ' I overthrown as speedily as was that convents and. 69 hospitals. ers werie-re7elected auditore. J. Ulsr- Monday 16th -was 'a red The Huron, Medical A,ssomaticpa met at the rooms of the Y.M.C.A-, Seafortb, on Tuesday, Jan. 17th. The number of euercibers present was not quite so large as on some previous occasions, Some interesting eases were presented, and reports on some new remedies brough t in and disousseet Al through the meet- ing was one full of interest and profit. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year : -Dr. Young, Londes- bore, President; Dr. Gunn, Clinton, Vice -President ; Dr. Elliott, Brucefield, Secretary. The next meeting will be Clinton. o Into the storm. Selecting her way care- fully, the brave girl led her little charges Phe annual meeting of the members through' snow drifts and the blinding bliz- I of the South Huron Agricultural So- zard, and, after a journey of three quarters meter was held in Dixon's Hall Bruce. OUNG MEN Suffering from the effects of ,L early evil habits, the result of ignorancie or folly, who flnd theniseives weak, aetVoue, and exhausted; SIBO ATIDOLD lonD and OLD mEN, who are broken down froni the effec(e of abuse or over -work, aud in Advanced life fool the consequences of youthful excess, send for and =AD DE. V. Lubon's Tree.tise on DiStIlIFOS of Men. The book will be sent sealed to any ad- dress on receipt of two 30. stamps. Address h se Beattie 4% Co's 176 & 178 DUNDAS-STREET (East of Richniond-st,, LIO 0 '11". FARM.E.I.SSE&N „MIT ILMEN M0511% 410'oraliod DArcliao Machino Th ld Establish do M'COLT. ROS. & CO. teeFOR SALE BY BISSETT BROS SOLE MANPRS, TORONTO. M. V, LIMON, 47 Weningtan st. E. Toronto. •7au.13th. 1887. Melttits one yortug lady teacher, of Voley Coun- ty, Nebraska, exhibited wonderful courage and presence of mind during the late bliz- MEZZONTEID zard. A despatch says that, ',Miss Minnie , Freeman was at the little school house of Myra Valley district, with tlairteen pupils . . To new premises West side Mehl -street imaging in age from 6 to )5 years. About One Door South an hour before the time for &missal, the blizzard which swept across the level prairie , . struck the school house with such force as to tear the door from its hinges. Another i terrific gust struck the building, and in the twinkling of an eye, carried away the roof, lea-1ring the little ones exposed to the ele- ment, rhe plucky teacher . gathered hert pupils together, and, securing a coil of 00 0 00 s 00: strong heavy twine, began with the largest one and tied them all together by the twins, three abreast. Taking the youngest in her arms, she tied the end of the twine around her own body, and, with all the words of Sewed. work a speciality. encouragement she could muster, started Repairing promptly attended to. of Post Office Where he will be found with A NEW AND COMPLETE held, on Wednesday last. At the ap- pointed hour the President, Mr. John Murdoch, took the (their. Tho Treasui. er report, which was read and adopted, showed the receipts for the year to- be $1,952 and the disbursements $1,813, leaving a surplus oa last yearlsZtrans- actions of $139, which added to the surplus from the year before last.leaves a bat:lace now in the treasury of $300. This is a very satisfactory showing, and places the Society in a better position, financially, than it has occupied for many years. The following officers and directors were elected for the year:- - Wm. Dixon, Brucelield, President; W. Cooper, .I. uckersnuth, and John Ketrien Stenley, Vice -Presidents. Directors:— Alex. Forsyth, Tuckerstuith L Hun- ter Usborne Jas. Pickard Exeter- of Dr. Harrison. Thera is a vast difference between the two men. Dr. I-Iarrison durIng his political • career in Ontario was upright, and not a single charge of political in Ceeneistency or double dea,ling could be brought up against him, While on the other hand, air. Geeenway, as is well known by Conservatives and Reformers, was a person to the vilest traits of double-dealing. In /885 when he was returned • as a ' ,There are in theUnited States treasury about $600,000,000- The people of the United States will never consent ,to the annexation. of Canada until that surplos is disposed, of in some manner. Otherwise letter day on the townline. Mr. Albert Gunning VVRS united in wedlock to eliss /knee Kirk, niece of Mr. David Johnston, (council- lor.) tenth line Blanshard. The cere- mony was perfornaed at the residetioe of the people of Montreal would grab the whole sum for the improvement of the Mr Johnston, by the Rev, J. 0. Steven - •Montreal harbor. son. In the evening a host of the The Manitoba school lands did no frieeds and relatives of the respective I parties partook of a sunaptuons supper very well the other day. The Manitoba at Mr. Gunning's. Instead of the authorities should have adopted Mr. 'light fantastic toe' a chairman was Mowat's scheme and filled the bidders appointed when readings, recitations with champagne at the public expense. vocal and instrumental music as well as humorous speeches were the order of the mg et. Mr. A. Gunning has built for himself antenviable name as a chair- man. At the close, hearty and feeling resolutions were passed and tendered to Mr W. Gunning, (father of the bridegroom) and suitablyreplied to, The presents were costly and numerous. At an early hour next morning the aiisemblage dispersed feeling that they had spent one night well, The Biddulph township council met in Clendeboye onMonday 16th and or- ganized. 'file Reeve briefly addressed representative for South Heron ill That vvould have merle the bidding "spir. he interests of the Conservative ited," and the sale would have been "un - party in the House of Commons, he precedented1y successful." signed, previous to his nominatioc, Lima, 0., Jan. 20.—Early yesterday morning the house of Frauk Smith, in an agreement with the Reform the eastern part of this county, took fire, party to the effect that it that party and the whole family, consisting of Mr. would give him no oppositicn, he Smith and his wife and four children, would support the then government were burned to death. The flames spread of Hon. Alex. MacH.enzie, which so rapidly that all meaus of escape were was quite contrary to his open pro. Gut 01 fession, as a [Conservative, We are A short time ago a free ball was given by a certain hotel -keeper inastnall village of opinion tbat man who under in Bruce. Among the numerous invite - takes to control and Inel a govern. tons sent out was one to each of the min.- ment, should be possessed ofsome isters, Presbyterian and Methodist. The the council. The lefunicipal officers for ; political integrityeveninf came and so did the clergy, who th° year are .s follows --- W. D. Stan ley clerk, Jolm Flanagan treas.. J ` ,opener the ball. with prayer, but as very Ue To DATI.1 more than three I lUti- few lads put iii an Lew, , as.. ere/1111h au -i tore; R 1). Stanity, collec dred deaths have been re weed as lassios_ the ParbY broke,tie at a prerneture appearance Ana fewer Smyth, , amass°ri --• Breen and iv, J. le following comprisetl - tor71'l the result of the terribleP blizzard 'lour for such a gathering. of Health for th D. Stanley, John - . le Boerd. e sear. -0. G [Todgine, Minaetote an Nebraska. There let recently re gee! in Dakota, nay -itY, --' • cold-blooded murder on record he justfeineferd and Dennis Heengari, Jetainines. CI micle, Jan. 20. --The t W mos11 J. II" TiOci ins, fsi' l' d developed here. Word was recei; sod 1 - Sanitary inspeetor; Dr. H. record will be largely added to when this eity Murphy that a woknaln i, od gibs, can be no doubt that' this frightful Ohief of Police Officer. The ivho threw her six sveeks various Medical lialtil D. R. 0. poll clerks and con - Outlying settlemetts have been old in the train one mile south of heard from, and the figure still fur • La chiM °fr ther increased when the snow 3is "eer' ('11 °'e 'MAcille:all Cen6ral Rlil- . road. The officer repaired t ' p bell house, and fouod the° tile Cjttrrj - ot the unknown lost are uncovered., ing soundly, as if nothitici whc):11(111All slecP* appears in the spring, and the bodies esred vivi.tes in 1b87 were ordered to be paid, to distinh her slumbers. Sheeceai r, W, Richardson applied to the been subject to the deadly blizzards The American northwest has always _., a crutch, l'he °facer aw It ei 1 1 ' cripple, with but a c., ec her and detached from elle leg, and walks iviela' f i comic'. to have his . S S Ne 12 1 p , , , o , coil lot No 91 3 • of winter and the e 11. qua y deadly stables weie ordered to be peid as aiso rent of polling booths, making a total of election expenses of $53.00, ordere td the amount of $280 00, tor various ser- cytione of summer, and it always will be, The evil is not one that can be nutigefed by niere In no rural settlement can houees ever become so thickly planted as to afford certaio relive for the. entor,. aapp,a Ana dropped it acao at] T tuilate caught in a blizzard for asked i---"Whete that ebild.stour had on the railroad train -with, you "hist night? She started, changed color end answered: siator mot me and took it," When the officer told her that she had mur- d.erod ie end meg go to jail, she said she took: the child on, the car platform; . . ant attached to P 8 No, 2, J Donelley owner of Lot a8 con 5, applied to be detaehed from P.S.S. 1 and Attached to P8 8, 6- Both applications will be considered hy the courWii on the flat Moaday le March at 0 o m in the eourt rOOLN, ClandebOY0.. rflb council ad- , ce yt he journed to meet at the temperenee 10 people on the train rieticed her leave the !mei, Grail ton, on the first Settartity deneely laden with fine snow is tild Car With the thila and return 1611( it lie Februe G -E O. MA.N SON of a mile, the lettle bend reached the thres- 1311: A hold of a farin houseand were taken be" ) Wsta,-• 9 v./ JA issasrascannunzessr =le= Tr-e.T71t1 rrti A 47 ATesitrr Intowarded 'are those who read foil gi this and -then act; they will find honorable employment that will not take them large .and sure for every inatestrieus person, from` their homes and families. The praits are inany have made and are now. making several hundred dollars a month. It is easy for any one to make $5 and upwards per day, who is eapital not needed; we start you. EverYthing a nu willing to work. Either sex, young or old; W l t 6'5 Rosewood •Caskets Pew% No special ability required; you, reader, once for full Particulars. which we maili free. . min do it as well as any one. Write to us at] ALSO COFFINS or Evene DmsoniPluoir. Address Stinson & Clo,, Portland. lffaine. ---- — ' ---.--- A P. leto Stook of Robes & Trimming wohralds drcervionlgu ttihoen 1 az es dt htahief - -OMP Always on hand. S ,INYENT.l. een ury• Not east among the wonders oi in- ventive progress is a method and system of work that can be performed all over the country withoutlseparating the workers from their homes. Pay liberal; any one can do the work; either sex young or old; no speoial abilmy re- quired. Capital not need; you are started free. Cut this out and return to no and we will send you free,Esomothing of great value and impor- tance to .you,that will start YOU ill business, which will bring you in more money right away than anythine else in the world, Grand outfit free, Addreiai True ck. Co., Augusta, Maine. • reereemSea Wonders exist in thousands of .1/44•LIA forms, but aro surpassed by the mar- vels of invention. Those Who are in need of profitable Work that can be done while living at home should at once send their address to Hall-, ett and Oo.. Portland, Maine, and reeeive free full information how either sex, of ell agoS. can Cern from $5 to 555 per day and upwards where, - ever they live, You are started free. Capital not required. Some have made over $50 in a single day at this work. All sucesed, KIOR SALE,—A BARGAIN.— D W Quarter section of North West Land, Dulmage, near 'Virden. He acres, six miles from Virden, three from. lIargraye Station s,741emitoln, Amply to KIR K T 0 N, •W, 11. MONO OE, Exeter. FUNERALS FURNISHED AND CON- ' DUCTED A.T Low RATES. My Stock of Furniture is un- excelled. fGIVE ME A CALL rIIHE OLD MeLEOD FARM, IN TEE Township of Hay, for sale. It con - tattle 1.00 acres more or leas, boingthe west half of Lots No:21 and 22, Zurich gravelroad. Good frame buildings on premises, Aud all convert lances; large orchard of fruit bearing trees. Tho land is of good quality being clay loam. Good water. Two rind a -half miles from Hen- son market. The property free from all ineum- oritnees. Itel6ons for selling -I -Going north to procure more hind. Will sell with or without crops. POr further particulars apply to this office or to WAHLeWe BIAS. OPN. 6. Ont. Farm & Village Property Accounts Will sell the balance, of stock --of-- ROBES, FELT BOOTS, OVERSHOES AND • OV.ERCOATS, At hioeral vlsonn Tbe TJnclersigned offers for sale South box cf 0 8 L Lei 0, Con. 8, McGillivray, containing 50 acres 45 cleared, the balance har.dwoOd. bush! 0 S There is it geed frame house, gone barn and 7 • Mal had b ri r h CEN TEAL DRUC ST A full stock of alq kinds of Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. •Wina)\!..;!s Condition Powd- ers the test in the mark- et and always fresh. Family rocij es carefully- prepared, ,83 the Central Drug Store Fl!‘"t C. LIT' 99 PRCN PUREST, STRONCEST, BEST. Heady for use in any quantity. For snaking Soap, Softening Water, Disin., feetinscand a hundred other uses, A can equal& 20 pounds Sal Soda, Sold by all GTOOOFS and DruggistS, M.vir„ GILLETT. - TORONTali 500 T*013$ Butter Wante4; J. mathes. fra °ivsemrciounet:.re EXETER i`ZORTI-I Our Stock 'is 77,ell Assor' LLOW PRICES STILL 'MA' I-NTAT?„ LU 1N If GROCERIES I 1 10 lbs. sugar $1,00 ; 13 tbs. white so,/ We can't be undersold in Teas to 75e, per lb. Boot & Shoes (All Styles) at tv.' A wide streets; also a number of II A R D \Air ik ieceiy assorted stoce cc . simply of good wnter on the farm, coliveuient Z..ort. to school and churches. Also rillage property comprising 3 f,ot s, on Elizabeth Street ,in the Vil loge of Exeter, vath good frame. house and - cellar. good stable, good. well with wimp, also a quantity of choice fruit treos on the premi- ses, Vox further, particularkl apply to VPAED P•XettIr North, TOR Tile SeASON S Ills DE. , gee ea ng o c or vlontittil • Notice ,of Dissolution Notice ishcreby given that the partnership btisiness fer some time past carried mg by 'Meow Charles Gidley and Saniuel Gidley, under the lino of Charlet; and Samuel Gidley, at Exeter ro e Minty of Unroll, AS Cabinet Afalters, an , • Benders, leis this day been dissolved bg Mutual .r arties aesiring Land or dallied on by the•said Samuel Gitlieri Who will ()uses would do well to con- pt,s, adeetrets Owing bY the late 5nri, hod to `whom all moneyb °Wing to the late firm must be p016 00 or before theist day Of Febrel next, 500 Village Lots For sale at Reasonable Pikes. Situation good; fronting good • PORES, SCYTHES and GLASS: HousEs a rArE;HLADTD (Oilcan.) Be.,t, Machine 01100(1A ' COAL ()IL AS LOW AS TaIrii FOR SALE ItS" A nice Tea Sett of 44 Pieces c' • A good suit of readyanede elothin6, Ordered wag got up 'IR Good Our PP 6ISGObli aP6 inatked dc the Lowest Notch: - COTTON -2e TAIII)S 'Pet ONE A HO'af` and Lot, also, a karrn Applyto • • 'JO ffN MATHESON'. 0. consent, and the bUsiness will henceforth H d suit the -undersigned, Terms to suit purehasek. • 1. CA.RLING, WITNEF4q * 011AILLEfi XPLEY, JOHN ELLtor. ? SAMUEL GILLEY, N.13, Tire busineas will in fir tura Ise carried on in Key Oddfellowte Block. opposite John Grigg's Statonory Store. eietee eitssist.day,of December,1881,