HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-10-04, Page 10- PAGE 10C.LZN' ,'ON NgWS-RECoRD, THT,JISDAY, OCTQPER, 4 ,1979 -rffllrmf"r Planning Consultant M.M. Campbell of Walkerton presented ° a proposal to the Village Council for his client Mill Pond Marina , for an amendment to permit the establishment of a boat dock on the south side of the Bayfield River just east of Highway 21 to provide boat slips for 100 craft. The requests are for changes in the Bayfield Secondary Plan 1974 so that what is designated as Hazard Land be changed to recreational com- mercial and that, the commercial section of the plan- be modified by adding "within the recreational commercial area -on the east side of King's Highway 21, south of the Bayfield River, the only permitted use shall be boat docking facilities." The village is on record as opposing this plan at the present time. Another amendment suggested by Mr. Campbell, so that the proposed marina, the Mill Pod Marina can receive vrillage' approval, is for the Land Use Zoning Bylaw passed in 1969. It would change from the Developmental Zone to the special Commercial No. 1 zone, the lands where the Mill Pond Marina proposes to develop commercial boating, docking and launching facilities. The Council is requested to make these amendments so that the proposed marina will be in com- pliance with Bayfield Zoning Bylaw and the Bayfield Secondary Plan. In other bu.siness, Reeve Frank MacFadden reported that he had given considerable time to arrange for plumbing facilities to be provided for Iho Troon Hall. Council was reminded that its responsibility is to contribute $2,000 toward an addition to the Hall to house the plumbing. Council understands that the balance of a New Horizons grant to the Senior Citizens is to be used for a holding tank and installation and plumbing. Villagers are rerninded that a trash collection will be made next Wednesday, October 10 and that the regular garbage collection will take place on Tuesday, October 9,,as Monday is a holiday. + Tide trash collection of a plaque. in xnet`niory of will take place o Wed- Lucy Woods Diehl whose nesday, October 10. foresight led to the + The regular garbage preservation of the park collection next week will for 'the enjoyment of the be on 'Tuesday following public. Thanksgiving Day. + Scouts and Cubs are + The Three M Group asked ,to register at St. of St. Andrew's United Andrew's United Church Church is sponsoring a on Thursday, October 4 . trip to Frankenrnuth,' from 6:30 until 8:00 p.m. Michigan on. Saturday, -1- A commemorative . Oct. 20. The bus will leave • Ceremony will take place the church. at 630 a.m. . at - Pioneer Park on . The cost is $10 a person. Sunday, October 7 at 2 There will be :a 'breakfast. p.m. when Bayfield stop on the way. -To book residents and friends are a seat, call Ray or Anna invited for the unveiling Scotchmerat565-2464. Residents of Clan Gregor Apartments in Bayfield are proud of their new sign which was erected at .their expense from part of the proceeds of a recent bazaar. Shown with the sign are Mrs. Sadie Murney, left, and Mrs. Dorothy Weston. (Gwen Pemberton photo) Only $2 to join the Ever Youngs The -Ever Young Club' 'food. After the dinner, the held their opening 'new President, Len meeting in the Municipal Carter chaired the Building with a pot -luck meeting. Vina Parker, dinner, and a good at- the new secretary took tendance with lots of good the minutes and Dorothy Cox gave the treasurer's report. Lillian Higgins gave a reading composed by a Bayfield resident, Chas. Curtis, which was greatly enjoyed by all. c* ?� yx { Csyr.�r r W ::+.'', . > s ASN. i aYr. '1$Y<5'.'�,°.tiF3:...+s..e With all the trout hanging around the Bayfield Harbor, the village Lions Club has decided to have a Rainbow Trout Derby next week from October 12 to 14. For the occasion, the club has set up a display in Brandon's window. (Gwen Pemberton photo) By Mary Chessell Scott Kirton, who plays soccer in Bayfield, won the most improved player trophy in the squirt division at the soccer banquet on Saturday night. Irt was held in •the Varna church basement, with Mrs. Howard Fink- beiner and Mrs. Annie Finkbeiner catering. Mr. David Silcock of Exeter, coach of the Grand Bend all-star peewees, presented the trophies. Varna boys who play for Bayfield are Scott Kirton, Jimmy Hilal;'Jon Leppington, Scott; Jason and Darryn McAsh. Several Zurich lads play for them, too. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gale of « Vanastra were presented with gifts in appreciation of the great work they've done with 'these boys. They had a trip to Storybook Gardens one Saturday, and are hoping to attend a professional soccer game .at the Silverdome in Pontiac, Mich, next year. May sponsor , family Some members of the Varna -Goshen charge of the United Church have been looking into the possibility of bringing a refugee family here, and on Sunday Gordon Hill and Rev. Wilena Brown in dialogue presented a picture of the problems that would have to' be overcome, such as communication if the family ` did not speak English, and helping them to overcome the cultural shockin ad- justing to our way of life. The - rbachi 'es, and other co venie deg we take for /grante4 will be new to them. Gordon stressed the benefits we, as a community, would receive in working together to help these people settle into a new environment. He noted that, on the average, these families have become self-sufficient in from four to six months' time. Members have been asked to discuss the matter and express their opinions at a meeting of the official board to be held in mid-October, when it is hoped a decision will be reached on whether to proceed with this project or give assistance in some other way. A very successful smorgasbord supper was held on Wednesday, and a good profit realized for the UCW. Please remember tonight's meeting, with guest speaker John Penn. Celebrate 40th A large number of friends called on Bill and Eleanor McAsh on Sunday to congratulate them on their 40th Wedding Anniversary. Pouring tea in the af- ternoon were - Muriel Grigg and Helen Rath- wellof Clinton, and Helen Rathwell of Goderich and Mary Sinclair of London. In the evening, Dorothy Ostrom of Varna, Madeline Rathwell .of - Brucefield, 'Willa Rath - well, RR 3, Clinton and Verna Rathwell of Port Elgin, performed the honour's. Serving were their daughter Peggy Morrison and daughters- inlavv 1Vlrlldred, Joan and Louise, also Eleanor's siOter, Marjorie Stirling. 11 an'y of their guests were very interested in the renovations they have made to their home, the former Beattie house, which also housed a library for a number of years. Personals We're sorry to report that Mary Wood is con- fined to Seaforth Hospital with back trouble. We're hoping it's not too serious, and that she'll Turn to page l l • See the film Fern Baker gave a resume of their trip to Scotland in August, and pictures were passed around to show the beauty of Scotland. She also had a bouquet of heather. Harry added a few remarks and a story or two. He also told of the progress of the facilities which are being added to the Town Hall. The Ever Young Club are greatly inconvenienced by the delay of this project as we are waiting to entertain so many clubs, . Happy birthday was sung for the several members who had bir- thdays in September, and a . hearty welcome was given to several guests. Time was given for members to rejoin for 1980. The fee. is only $2 and we extend a special nvitatilin to sill our senior 'Citizens, 60' and over to join with us and :give support to the USCO who do such a wonderful job for every one of us. A bus trip to Kingsville (Jack Miner's Sanc- tuary) is being planned for October 22 so get in touch with Lloyd Makins, Fern Baker or Clara Johnston as soon as possible. Euchre was enjoyed after the meeting. Prizes for high score went to Mary Clark and George Clark. Low scores went to Belle Reid and Brown Higgins. Lone hands went to Esther Makins. The County Health canyon. They travelled Nurse, Madelon Roske there and back via will conduct her clinic in Manitoulin Island and the e village of Bayfield in Chi-Cheemaun. The lake the municipal building was as smooth as glass Tues., Oct. 9 from 1-3:30 both ways so that `The for senior citizens. Big Canoe' traversed the Dr. Robert and Mrs. trough with the greatest Smale of Midland called of ease. on Lloyd and, Esther Residents of the Clan Makins recently. Dr. Gregor Apartments Smale taught Esther in welcome two newcomers, S.S. No. 4 Stanley about Mrs. Belle Reid_ from the Year 1912Varna and Mrs. Maud Mrs. Gladys Bere and. Sturgeon, who has moved her son Arthur• visited in from her home in the with Mrs. Bore's sister, village. Mrs. Vivian Morton on Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Sunday. Pridham and family of Mr. and Mrs. Don Exeter were dinner Lance of Main Street guests with ' the Glen have been in Michigan to Sturgeons on Sunday. see their new grandson, Mrs. Pridham is a sister Ryan Justin, born Sep- of Mrs. Sturgeon. tcmber 18 to Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Justin Lance of Royal O'Hara of Neapolis, Ohio Oak, Michigan. spent Saturday and Mrs. Sadie Murney's Sunday with Mr. and daughter and her Mrs. uluji sturgeon and husband, Mr. and Mrs. family and visited other John Cummings of friends in the village. Winnipeg visited Mrs. Mrs. Dorothy Weston Murney. They also has returned recently visited in Clinton with from a bus tour arranged Mr. and Mrs. Bill Murney by Hanover Tours �d Terri. :through the Maritimes This is the time to enjoy including the Cabot Trail, the autumn colors and Pcggy's Cove and several Bayfield people Louisburg. The tour' were off on a bus trip this included a visit to past week to Muskoka Plattsburg and Lake where they stayed at Placid, the site pf the 1980 Cleveland House on Lake Rosseau. Mrs. Ag. Cameron, .Mrs. Barbara MacVean, Mr. and Mrs. Mat Nediger, . Mrs. Beulah Smith and Mrs. Greta Scotchmer were the lucky ones. Mrs. Elva Metcalf, Mrs. Marie Watson and Miss Kay Reid drove north last week to Sault Ste. Marie and .took the train trip through the Agawa Canyon. They reported that the fall colors were at the hel'ght of their beauty in the Winter- Olympics. Martin and Edna Andrews of Glass Street in the vilge, and for- merly of London, celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary on September 26 at a dinner party in London with their daughter, Marie Richardson, son-in-law George and grand- children Scott, Marianne and Lisa Marie. ZURICH - It seems t councils in sev municipalities in area are invoiv resignation issues ' In Zurich las Councillor Gelinas anno resignation a .an article which ap- peared in a recent issues of the Zurich Citizens' News. Mr. Gelanis, a seven year 'veteran of Zurich council, said he has received considerable flack over the article entitled Arena Drinking Concerns Gelanis. It dealt with the rec league, Turn to page 11 • at ral this d in week, /Claude need his a result of Minor soccer awards given The Bayfield Minor Soccer season ended with a banquet on September 29 at Varna United Church. It was attended by 34 boys and 39 parents. It started with a welcome by coach Roy Price, then a splendid meal catered by Bernip Kinkburner of Zurich. The trophies were presented by Dave/ Silcock to: most valu• o mosquito, Billy 'in- namin; most im.'oved mosquito, Bobb 'Dunn; most valua.a atom, David Ste ens; most improved tom, Jordie Price; ' ost valuable squirt Dean Martin; most/ improved squirt, Sco7 Kirkon. he parents presented red Gale with a trophy and his wife with coffee mugs and stand. The boys preented the two coaches, Brian Stevens and Roy Price with -a pen stand for their desks, and the evening finished with a film show. We would like to thank everyone who made our season a success. we've been first with the news' you want to know CLINTON NEWS -RECORD LIMITED • 11 ALBERT ST.,. CLINTON 482-3901 OPEN WEDNESDAYS For Your Convenience HOURS: Monday through Saturday, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.; Friday nights till 9 p.m. Show me a man who walks with his head held high ... and I'll show you a man who hasn't quite gotten used to his bifocals. 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