HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-10-04, Page 8• PAGE 8 —CI,,INTON NEWS-RECORI), THT,JRS1)AY, OCT013ER 4 , 1979 -1"777777":', One of the more popular stops at the International Plowing Match last week was the booth of the Bell brothers of Goderich Township, where freshly ,?›.• •••<'' 1.'44 . pressed, tasty apple cider was in strong demand. Art Bell, right posed outside the booth and reported cider sales were excellent. (News -Record photo) Students will visit Kleinburg On Tuesday, October 2 Mrs. Brooks will be taking her class on a tour of the community while Monday, October 8 is Thanksgiving Day. Bazaarpians set There was a well at- since Brownies and tended meeting of the Guides have to sell Group Parent Committee _calendars, the Scouts and on Sunday Sept. 29 in the Cubs would not canvass Vanastra Recreation Vanastra with their Centre, when quite a bit calendars. There will be of - business was discussed, including the Christmas Bazaar on Dec. 1, the second annual one for Vanastra, sponsored by the Group Parent Committee. There will be a total of 12 tables at the bazaar, most 'of which will be non-profit organizations. A com- mittee has been set up to look after arrangements for the bazaar. It was decided ,that Church will not be closing There have been many misconceptions in the Community regarding the Vanastra Christian Church and one of them is that the Church is to be closed. This is not so. In fact there is a new committee already formed and a new program is underway. The Sunday Service will still commence at 10 a.m. and within the next two weeks the "Come Alive” club will hopefully be starting on a weekday evening for the children. The other activities that have always been held at the Church will definitely be allowed to continue and will be encouraged by the committee. Also there is a minister who, will be interviewed very soon, so hopefully we will again be fortunate enough W. have a minister on a regular basis. So please come out and support the Church and enjoy some fellowship on Sunday morning. Community update , Lions Club On Thitrsday, the Lions Club will be canvassing the homes ,in an effort to raise foodibagketi for the needy. This will be done Oct. 4 between 6:30 p.m. and 9 p.m. The Lions would greatly appreciate your support. Ori Oct. 26 the Lions Club will hold a benefit dance, to raise Money for the sick of the com- munity. These funds will be available to 'all "per- sons living or involved in the community. It is your support that will make this) fund available. Tickets are $10 per couple and Will be available from Lions members. Curling Club The Vanastra Curling Club will be open again this year, with a Fun Night to be held Oct. 27 at, 7 p.m. 'LadieS are bring a pot luck lunch. All nevi inenibers are welcotte So come out and ,join in the, fun. I Turn to page/ 3 ? Scout calendars at the bazaar for those who wish to purchase them. Other topics covered at this meeting included Remembrance Day, the Goderich Santa Claus Parade, Apple Day, cutting board sales, and a Christmas Concert. The meeting lasted until 8:15 and it was decided to hold the next one on Oct. 28 at 7 p.m. in the Vanastra Recreation Centre. Tuesday, October 9 will see grades 4, 5 and 6 pupils visiting the famous Kleinburg "McMichael Collection of Art" and "Black Creek Pioneer Village. On Wed., October 17, Dr. Morgenson will speak on "Childhood's End" at Clinton Public School at 8 p.m. If you intend to attend Dr. Morgenson's talk please call the school and let us know by .October 10th. (482-7828) On Thursday,- October 18, we are having an open house, so plant to come and meet the staff. On Monday, October 22nd, there will be a T.V. special "Day of the Child". We would en- courage you to take a look at it, while on Tuesday, October 23, the annual Cross County Tour- nament will be held. Wedriesday, October 24 is "Day Of The Child". Our boys and girls are encouraged to dress in the costume from another country. Grade One has invited Mrs. F. Fingland to show us her doll Collection helping us celebrate this "Day of the Child" and other classes . will get a peek at this lovely collection as well. There will be food for our International Bazaar and hamburgers will be sold., Parents are welcome to join us', at -3 p.m. On Monday, October 29th, a Professional Activity Day will be held at our school. Teachers from surrounding schools will be joining with our staff that day to work on more effective programs for their individual grade levels. by S. jerome and M. INM$Wore Survey results conwkted On September 27, Mrs. Nancy Anstett of t.40 Vanastra Resource Centre (Huron Info/74 ma'tiOn and Multi Service Centre) asked members from the clubs in Vanastra, .Community AssociatiOn-, Block Parents, Guiding and Scouting leaders, Lions and Lioness, to attend a meeting to deliver the results of a 'survey she had done on Vanastra. The Vanastra Resource Centre received a grant from the secretary of state to do a survey of Vanastra to develop community spirit and awareness in Vanastra. Nancy started working on the survey in April 1979. When asking advice on __how she should go about presenting this information, she was advised to present it to members of the com- munity who are already involved in community work. Mr. Hank Bonte-Gelok, who is a member of both the Lions Club and" the Community Association, was chairman of the meeting. This was done because of Nancy's feeling that because she is not a member of the community she should have no say in our opinions. Nancy showed us charts on the results of her survey -She also had results from interviews with 14 of • our businessmen, Mr. John Ross, principal of Vanastra Public School; Mrs. Diane Durnin Vanastra Tuckersmith Recreation Centre director; and Mr. Jack McLachlan, clerk- for Tuckersmith township. She also hada set of slides to show us pictures of the business and residential sections of Vanastra. There were also slides of the Recreation Centre, the Adventure Playground and some of the fair and parade. The presentation over, we were divided into groups of 4 or 5 to discuss the impact of the survey and ways to improve our image. This done, each group then gave their ideas on how to improve our image and how to get our community working together. This WaS""d'f§cussed in great detail, and Mr. Ross pointed out to us that feelings about Vanastra have been here long before our coming, since World War II, when this community started as an air base. It is up to us as a community to improve on those feelings. It was agreed by all that this meeting should be held again and invite the - rest of our. com- munity, a representative of the Secretary of States office,the businessmen and a representative of Tuckersmith Township Council. It was a very good presentation, and Nancy should be congratulated on a job well done. Sc' when it is- time for the rest of the community to see the results of the survey we hope to see all our neighbours out on Oct. 15. Watch this column for more in- formation. You're a member too Did you know that every homeowner is a member of the Vanastra Community Association. There is no membership fee for belonging to this Association. The job of the V.C.A. is to be a liaison for the community with Tuckersmith Township Council. The Association held a meeting Oct. 1 to elect a new executive. The Lions Club of 'Vanastra \ and District will be holding a Christmas Dance on November 23. Music will be supplied by "-Joe' Overholt and the Stan- dbys". Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gawhiler and family on the birth of their daughter last Saturday. Vanastra and District Lioness Club is holding a rummage and bake sale on Oct. 20 from 10 a.m. to 4 _p.m. in the Vanastra Recreation Centre. If you have any donations please contact Mrs. Myrna Smith at 482-3591 or Mrs. June Jeacock at 482-9790 There will also be a special table featuring Mrs. Gloria Allaway's homemade quilts. Proceeds from this project will go towards community work. The Cubs and Scouts will be holding their Apple Day on Oct. 13. Scouts still require more leaders, so if you are interested, and betwen the age of 18 and 98, you qualify, as ex- perience is not necessary. Please contact Mr. Clem Goulding at 482-3764 or Mr. Glen Smith at 482- 3591. 000 - DISCO VER flNT!ERS �F 1 • ,...coNvgNmsest. Last Wednesday, September 26 at Huron Cen- tennial School was a scene of activity and coh- versation as children proudly introduced parents to teachers'at the Open. House from 7 pm to.9 pm. • Many parents left church suppers, ,combining and other tasks to take the opportunity to talk to the teachers of their children. .. Each teacher was happy to report a high at- tendance and interest in the happenings of Huron Centennial School. Here Mrs. Coultis of Varna with her 2 children Sandra and Tony in Mrs. Westlake's Kindergarten Class. lat s •• Good Food... Fast'n, Hot! FRIDAY 8, SATURDAY NIGHTS OPEN TILL 1 A.M. Highest Savings Account Rate Ever ! AT THE ALL NEW 1 FEATURING ALL YOUR FAVOURITES: • BURGERS • SHOE STRING FRIES • MILKSHAKES •.AND MUCH MORE WE'RE LOCATED CONVENIENTLY AT THE RNER OF STON and RIA ST. VICTORIA AND GREY TRUST SinceI844 Contact our Ot,ice: 100 Kingston Street Goderich 04.7381, l!lombit,04m•d#6,60-0iiiiinsiatano•potoorrition' " ADJACENT TO THE ?0,1.0 StATION Scout US OUT FOR YOURSELF! • I The lightweight champ ... 275 pounds of frolic set in motion by a 340 free-air powerpiant. Unique direct -drive system has about 40 fevvier parts than in most larger sleds. Canted ski spindles for better stability. Aluminum slicle4ail suspension. Mikuni -carb, Heavy-duty shock cushions the ride. WE'RE VERY BIC ON SERVICE. HURON TRACTOR Exeter 235-1115 Blyth 523-4244 REAL DESIRABLE FRESH TRADE-INS See Them Today 79 GMC JIMMY Two wheel drive, NWP 845. High Sierra package, im- maculate condition, low mileage. 79 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN 4 door, NMN 736, 8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, low mileage. 79 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE MWP 835. Only 6600 miles, local car, landau top, tape playing radio, opera lamps plus all Cadillac standard features. 78 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS SUPREME 2 door coupe. NMN 704. Individual seats, cruise central, accent stripes, only 10,000 miles. 78 DODGE ASPEN 4 door, 6, automatic, power steering, MEN 453. Low mileage. 77 BUICK LESABRE CUSTOM 4 door, air conditioning, power windows. individual seats, cruise control, low mileage. LST 506. 77 CADILLAC SEDAN DE VILLE Cruise control, tilt wheel, air conditioning, all the ex- tras. LHH 958. 77 CHEVROLET BELAIR 4 door, cruise control, colour green. MCX 723. 77 CHEVROLET BELAIR 4 door, tilt wheel, cruise control. LZM 969. 77 CHEVROLET BLAZER 4 wheel drive, 8, automatic, power steering. power brakes. M68 609. 77 CHEVROLET MONTE CARLO LMT 061 Gorgeous car with landau top, individual seats, rally wheels. 77 CHEVY NOVA LRP 585, 6, automatic, power steering, real low Mileage. 77 DODGE ASPEN 2 door, 6. automatic, power steering, vinyl top. Very low mileage. MSY 973. 77 TOYOTA COROLLA SR5 Like new, low mileage. LFA 279. EXTRA SPECIAL 77 FORD LTD 4 door, only 6200 actual miles, locally owned. Your chance for a brand new used car. LNY 650. 77 BUICK REGAL 2 door, LHH 714, landau top, 8, automatic, power steering, power brakes. 77 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 4 door, LHH 740, very low mileage. 76 OLDS CUTLASS • 2 door, LBR 178, a local car with extra low mileage. Rally wheels, etc. EXTRA SPECIAL /6 PONTIAC VENTURA 4 door, 6, automatic, power steering, Ziebart, 13000 actual miles. LBR 122. 76 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX Si Air conditioned, power windows, power door locks, stereo radio, bucket seats, tilt wheel, cruise control, honeycomb wheels, landau roof, extra smart car. LBX 583. • 76 FORD TORINO 4 door, KFS 817, 8, automatic, power steering, power brakes. 16 BUICK CENTURY 4 door, KHW 741i bucket seats, vinyl top. very low mileage. MANY, MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM McGE Pontiac - Buick Cadillac HAMILTON S. GODERICH 5248391 • •