HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-1-26, Page 3of.?1,01.
OLD WOIiLD NEWS The Great Forest Fences of Newfoundland
, Deicribed by Traveller.
The Co.Yulcon India ne of Alaska kill the
The War Cloud Still Floveriog on the go
zon-The Twenty-fifth Anniversary
the Warsaw Nevolt-An Affair on t
French Frontier.
moose in large numbers while swimming
of acroes the Yukon River during their per -
he lodical migratioes, manceuvering around
fatigocde ' and then !stealthily approach
and stab it ze,the heart or loins.' Aeothor
he ar Tficfebiretrous !node a ca,pttu iog deer
I ' th 1 'b 11
last 'week, I de not know that there QV
eree'eny remit to euppose that he won
their birch bark eanotie until the animal
Loweox, Jan, 17.s -It did not please t
0, y ere? nt sans le US 08Ort
" Mr. Whys -riper in his " ',Promote m Alaeka"
ld A kind of corral or inslosure, elliptical
n form and open at one end, ie means on a
autocrat of all the Rusaias tee melee a spee
nuke a speech, since xt has not been
habit, but the 'Plaine, journaliets !seem to
have got it into their head° that, because
was New Year'e Day in Russia, it woniel
en appropriate time for him to taik, a
that therefore he ,would talk. This id
(spread through /Europe, and so grew
spreading that •teserybody sat; up loest night
deer trail, generally neer the ontlet of a
,., wood. he farther end of the euclosecl
space hs barricaded; the sides are built of
"ec istakee, with Islip noosoa or loops between
T1 them. Herde of deer are d hem in from
' '
ea the woods and trying to break the trap
generally run eheir headn into the nooses,
tighten them, and so get caught and shot
while still bewildered and running from
aide to side. Near the opening it is own -
mon to ereet piles of snow svith portholes
through. which natieme hidden, ehoot at the
passing deer,"
We will notiee lastly the " deer.fences'
al, of the tame numerous and powerful, but i
now extinct, Boothia nation, the aboriginal
ce inhabitants of Newfoundland. They are f
• time cleacribeci by Mr. Harvey M iecent
' interesting book on Newfouwilmul " The
to learn what hi bed melds It appears th
he said nothing at all. Gossip founded
the statements f those who attended yeste
day's reception in the Winter Palace repr
gents him as grave and careworn in appea
ance, but tide xnay be ascribed to the cease-
less burden of Nihilist cow:piracy quite
legitimately as to. the weight of reeponsibi
ity for an impendiugesliaturbance of the tsetse
It is noted that both he and the Ozerin
talked a long time to Gen. Schweinitz, th
• German military attache, and so delicate
the existing tension that this is seriously
quoted as a reaSintring sign. It is more
probable duet the Sohweinitz 'conversation
was About the health of the aged Kaiser and
the Crown Prince than about ruatters of
State, with which the General has nothing
Tho Deketa flag crop for 11387 le estinseted
to be 3,900,000 bushele.
The woxisea of 'Russia do all the harvest- BIBLE COMPETITION
$11,001100 IN CASH PRIZES.=Woe. Address!, estles. O.
GOOD AGENTS WANTED over the entire 1),,t*: Itt,(1.0LorLiaritk ,yve.
7 eilturies secrete, toronto.
e diet challenge wotion, inecinnes to s teSt
iall New York papertt Wyckoff, Seamans & Bens
0; a4tIla414uli,li4°A.. rEaVALIt41:96S.SCe(3!, ; Cc:tied/so Asent. 66'1Iin; St. E. Toronto,
ing the gratu iscat with pickles, ae vvas
37 Seott Sts 'Sorooto.
3,000 years ago and is thrashed with a
No. 21.
Save wood nehe e to use as a fertilizer. In order to increase our subsoriptio
It is mere protItablo •than to son them to to ono handred thousand subscribere by
VIP Citteldirtnt eV CO., 235
n . Yongs St., Toronto, dealers in
all lciLde Band and OrolieStra tuetru..
the merits, Botts New and necond Maud,
d to V00 d Instrumental Musks bloat° Books, eto. In.
To sirnetion Boolcs for every instranient,
first Agents for Uari Flasher $ nano kr 0 a.
OISJOyFRA Li3310. S011d for Catalogues,
the soap. inhkor0. Wood toshee never come gl sivtodaavvyaoyf thiTcolaybouleextamw0euinurtsvi: pdreiozledse.
amiss on the farm or in the garden.
1 the four hundred and fifty-one persons
A mixture of two Mulched pounds of oats, ' anesisering correotly on or before the
two hundred pounds of e ncl. t t ay o June next the questions, whel.
pounds of ilaneeed, ground together, was re- the 13ible are the words BnAss and
con by the Couestry Gent/en/an as first found? we will give the following
excellent food for grOWing oolt. j wards:
The eonsumption of mutton is increaeing end aelft gold .....5000 otdgalli Canada.
I let 1 ele nt Piano b be in
in this• country, especially our large oitieS, 3rd cash in gold 5160 5th.
end has beeeme profitable to supply this To the net 250 Parse" oaoh nLadies' fine gold
demand. Is is profitable, first, because the go
r:otns °each a Ladies' newest sit.
ppine jesernimerativn, and secondly, because ver open aoe watch valued at 520.. . .
tiviveattTerref cte
't is promotive of good husbandry, the Sm. To the next 100 each a solid gold ting,
•enoilni.1 teessygerea E !DON .S1 Li A ilAhl TElre
prevenient of the soil. 1 preteens etones valuee at SW- • ,......,. 2,060
To the next 266 each a silver platednapkin ring
Beans are good food for the cows. The valued at 52. . .. ..... ..,................ 532
bean meal ie probably the best form B t ;
To the f our* 34hiunnDdIr2edl'Plre\ YrAs eitiips whose nitinee '
f the bearis are boiled until eoft thiy may i
be fed with profit Wapte beans on the °Luce etoi.utht:elamoitcrrdelcee,ivoeTtwilleg, viftioilui guivilem
arm, or damaged stook that can sometimes the
he bought clicc'P' should. ti'llv4Y8 be 'ed' , kilica°vvshinipg gold $iso eth cash in gold 8 20 1
mBeaatnwsr.erl. rieh in Protein or nitrogenous 1 sm., 049h in old., _450
elnd oash es gold 819 6th cash in goici.-1,•: 17
Oth cash in gold.... 5
Hay seeds make excellent food for young ,To tin next3 29 each a splendid sewing machine
i valued at 00
chicks. It should be fed as a variety, being TOthe neat 31 each a triPle. Piili4d Tee 8. 'et, 1. 1740
given once a day. 11 would not be out of ! edema valued at $50, by the beat maker.,.. 1,550
place to grow a orop of buckwheat for he ,To the next 150 eaph a half dozen set desert
hens also eapeeially if bees axe kept Any- 0 ii:iylrfel, extraeaseilyear plated
h &id gold ring, newest 900
thing th'at can be wed to afford Variety design, valued at 53 556
should be given, not enly the chicks, but LAST BEwARDS.
the adult fowls as well. To those who are too late for any oftheabove rewards these special or last rewards
It „has been computed that the carrying
capacity of a freight car of ten tons is: are offered.
Wheats 340 bushele ; corn, 400 bushels; I To the three hundred and ninety persone
P0fatnes, 430 bushels ; apples, 370 bushels ; : whose names come in last, we will give the
ats, 080 bushels; lumber, 6,000 feet ; ' folloWing rewards:
, To the last name on the list, cash.
butter, 20,000 pounds' flour, 90 parte:Aare „ To tine next to last name on list • • • • • '''''''''
ood, 6 cords ; cattle, 1'8 to 20 head ; hogs, To the third from last name on list, cash... ....
0 to GO head and sheep 80 to le0 head. ; To the next 19 el'ell 510 04911
' i To the aext 20 each s5 cash .
These cold days make it hard for some To the nextso each $3 cash
All the news from Central Europe boa
out this evidence that the old Russian part
whose voice is always for war is in full con
trol at St. Petersburg. The Vienna Weh
ZeiGung, which is the big militery authority
estimates the Russian cavalry now statione
within easy reach of the Germain Austria
and Roumanian frontiers at 14 divisimvs,
eor fences were made by falling the trees
along the ridge of the river's bank without
chopping tho trunks quite asunder, taking
care that they fell pa.rallel with the river,
each tree having been guided so as to coin-
cide with and fell rapon the last Gaps were
ffilled up lay driving iu stakes itncl interweav-
ing the branches and limbs of other trees.
ra They were raised to the height of six, seven
Y or ten feet, as the place required, and wore
- not to be foroed or leaped by the largest
r deer." It is interesting to notice that large
portions bliese deer-fenees still reinain iss
d some parts of the interior of Newfoundland
o principally, however, in those lying to the °
a north-west, the usual headquarters of the
f Beall% The intrepid Cornmek, when we
o travelliug Newf °midland, se w those which
Y he on the bank of the River Exploits, and
total of 100,000 men. It is a peculiarity o
this arm of the Russian service that it is s
organized thet it oan operate independentl
te in the narrative of ilia expedition he thus p
of the infantry, and the firehr Zeitang poin
1 out that it is evidently intended to das
anross the frontiers at a moment's notice an
impede the mobilization of hostile armies b
steering up tracks, destroying supplies, an
ravaging the country. To day it is re
5 15000
eople to get the butter to cohot To the next 100 each 2 cash 2
me, ancl To the next 109 each a cash 191)
atter is often poured into the chtern to get The questions must be answered correctly ,
he butter, says an exchange' Thic makes in order to secure any reward. Each com..,
come soft and white. By all means also petitor must send with the answers fifty ,
he thermometer in the cream, and do not cents by P. 0. order or registered letter, (if 4,
t the churn be too cold when the cream is in t threeextra mus be added
poured in it. Keep zb in a warm room for ; for discount) for a thrfe months' subserip-
au hour before churning. Bring the cream , thin to the Ladies' Journal, nob it ladi
to a temperature of at least sixty-three de-
grees, and a little higher may do better.
This will save work and maere better hatter. competition remains open till the 30th day
everyplease r o e
of June inclusive, and letters wherever mail -
So refers to them ea." NVhat arrests the attee- w
tion most while gliding down the stream is t
Y the extent of the Indian fences to entrap the it
d deer. They extend from the lake downward t
- continuously on the banks of the river at le
ported that four regiments of drgoons ar
rived at Waldavet, three regunents o
Kirghestans of Chelm. Both villages ar
just back of Lublin. At Chelm many eiti
zens were turned out of their own house
into the snow and bitter !sold to make room
for these Oriental barbarians. Forty sen
tries are said to have been frozen to deat
in the neighborhood of Lublin in the pas
fortnight and tea per cent. of a whole army
corps are stationed there ill with typhus
Civilian doctors are being enlisted and sen
of the Czar's cou cl have been so eloquent a
forward from ellttiaats of Russia. No speeoh
these facts. -
- least thirty miles. There are openings left
f here and there in them, for the animals to go
e through and swim across the river; and at
- these places the Indians were stationed, to
S kill them in the water with spears, out of
their canoes, as at the lake. Here, then,
connecting these fences wi:h those on the
h north-west side of the lake, are at least forty
t miles of country, easterly and westerly, pre-
pared to intercept all the deer that pass thEtt
• way in their periodical migrations. It was
t melancholy to contemplate the gigantic yet
eeble efforts of a whole primitive nation,
S in their anxiety to provide subsistence, for-
saken and going to decoy. There Must ha,ve
been hundreds of the red Indians, and that
not many years ago, to have kept op:these
fences and pounds."
Friday was the twenty-fifth anniversary
of the famous revolt in Warsaw against the
forcible conscription by which all the young
men of the city regarded as anti•Russian
were seized sled dragged into the Russian
Army. It is 0 melancholy memory as the
birthday of ,P.61and's last ill-fated uprising
against her oppressor. What wonder that
we begin to hear rumors of a revival of
something like the old fire and hope among
the Poles when this anniversary, though it
sees their country flooded once more with
Russian troops, sees also Austria and Ger-
'siting, who consented to the brutal repres-
4' .8133 ranged now against the Czar.
..., '
4-,, probable that there will be any
' onstration on the part of the Poles
the Russians occupy the country,
se should be war a single Ruseian
!mould raise the whole country
, 13em. '
ig respite which the Crown Prince
ng. has so excited the hopes of
f in and oat of Germany that are
ld now be doubly painful and dia.
g Yet I am assured that really sm-
ut it miracle can avert fatai cense-
ei. Though these may be delayed for
, time, it Is &Maly true that they may
any day. His magnificent physique
splendid manliness of mind are making
rand fight against the malady, holding it
jitill at bay, but the experts in their hearts
do not believe that he can recover.
Another disturbing incident has occurred,
if not On the Gternaan frontier, at least near
enough to it to warrant the French in coup-
ling the Germans with it. A night or two
after Christmas it young sentinel inthe dark
at a lonely outpost on the outskirts of Cha-
lons was attacked by three strangers, who
nearly killed him in the struggle, left him
covered with blood and eenselees, and ran
away with his Lobel rifle. There could be
no motive for the assault but it desire to get
possess.sion of a sample of this new inven-
tion, of tne excellence of which so much bas
l'Oti said, and the French naturally reason
tat none but Germans could have such a
E ire. Doubtless more will be heard of
s mithin a few desire.
Announcement of the intention of Prince
enri d'Orleans, the eldeat son of the Due
de Chartres and a young man in bis twenty
first year, to join the Rassian Armes is in-
teresting as a minor !neve in the Orleaniet
,. game and as indicating the Orleamst ex-
.1pectation of a Russo -German war.
I M. de Lesseps is beginning to strike out
wildly like it man who has fought too long
abut terrible odds and realizes that his
d of the battle ia imminent. Until re-
ady he has been able by the outlay of
ermous sums of money among the black -
ailing journals in Paris to conceal from
French pliblio the fact that his Panama
jeot is Sersoutily attacked oatside. Ap-
ently he is no longer able to buy silence,
fierce +moults are now coming from all
A. MB answer is that he intends to
icier the canal nnvigable in 1890 by means
'-gigitistie metal,focks to be conetructed by
el, who will begin the work as soon as
ias finished the erection of the huge ex.
bion tower 'on the Champs de Mars.
ii his friends and believers when they
this will allele their heads mournfrdly
, "Poor old mair r
It Was the Fly,
Ile (shaking his fist in baby's face),
d just mash you-"
a. " Why, Charlie, I'm sneprised
you talk that way to little sister
u have been left with her."
e. "Why, mamma, I'm talking, to
that keeps lighting on her noire. ' •
The Boundary Line
een emnfort arid discomfort is often
fight. Have you rheumatism or
, ia, ? or are yen a safferer frees obeoure
'he veins'? Why euffer longer ? You can
OA for 10 cents a bottle of that king of
fer p-Polson's NilllaViLTISIts or you can get a
r bottlo for 25 eents. it suree promptly.
Nitre, pleasaht to take, and never fella is
`:'''Se all kind a of pain. Doh% wait an
but send to any drug store and got a 1
bottle. Nerviline, the euro pain cure. c
The Mission in aiTiOeo
The evening meal is announced and you
follow your host to the dining room, or,
rather, the one large sitting room of his
house. Here his wife, seated at the table
before it large tea tray, welcomes you to the
repast, and. herhaps adds a quite unsiecoes-
earn, apology for its character. As you un- w
fold your clean napkin you glance over the w
table ard are quite satisfied with your lot. s
There is, for instance, to open the repast, ar
a tureen of good chicken soup, and a cold es
pigeon pie, a rolled tongue, sardiues, and
boiled eges are other items. There are to
dishes of savory white yams, of sweet pota- se
toes, and golden :dices of fried plantain. A to
superb pineapple imparts its fragrance to
the mingled odors of the steaming tea and cm
the savory broth. Little &ass dishes of ne
luscious jams and sweet biscuits fill up sicl
spare gaps in between the pieces de resale fac
&woe, and it is probable that a few bright
fiowers in a slender vase give a grace to the wa
ontspread meal which (dearly indkrates fem- he
inine supervision, While your thoughts and an
your gaze are wandering thus, you see your
hostess suddenly pause in the tea outpour- not
ing and lower her head and clasp her bands, usu
while your host, who has, once or twice nes
endeavored to arrest your attention, rises or
somewhat bashfully and pronounces a brief it is
benediction on the repast. Then, this duty
over, he serves and carves and outs with a
will. If you are it man of any tact and de.
sire to administer a little harmless flattery
to your kind hosts you will compliment
your hostess on her delicious tea. Then
she will tell you of the difficulties which at.
tend the procuring of fresh italic in Africa,
and of bow, in her case, :these difficulties
have been met and conquered. She will en-
umerate her many goats and describe the
vagaries of her half -wild cow. And you
muat especially dwell on the excellence of
the cold pigeon pie. This Will no doubt
elicit from your hostess the avowal -with
a little blushing -that she herself made it.
Her husband shot the pretty green fruit
pigeons-" poor little things I in seems] it
shame, dosen't it r -and ahe made the pie
crust. You know, the native girls can
learn to cook moat things, but they never
can be taught to make pastry, so always
go into the kitchen and do it myself."
Ospitsi„0200,000, Deminion Government Deposit,
0115,000. Head Office ; 72 Eing St. „East, Toronto.
thstitlemeu of influence wanted in unrepresented
dist t A. . ,
Resident eecretter for tee 'Dominion. I
lonerst lateeiness College. Catelon, '
yor Tao Faculty he.s peen strengtheueci, the prem,
lees etlareee and nee- eppliances added. The Busi-
ness Depa..tment affords one of the best course,: oh- j
tainable, while the kihorthand Departsnont him
sess,sponn.d restate unequalled In the Instoiy oi
shortband Ladies admitted to all advaotages effered
by the Institotion. ' Students enter at any tiaie 01r -
Mears mania tree. 14. eleo0oRedIOR, incipal.
Parmere going to Manitoba will find it to
their advantage to call upon or write to VT.
B. Gillett, 623 Main Street, Winnipeg, whee
y has improved, fame for male.
3 Information cheerfully furnished Without:
, ellerge, Assistance given tc bona Ade sett-
lers who may buy farms from him. Money
lent at low rates of interest on personal prop-
ertv, to assist gnats settlers to start farming.
in the ohurohof Rome, 10th edition, cheaper irt price,
839 pages. Agents, ladies or gentlemen. to sell this
FASCJINATnel and TRAGIC book. Liberal ternI3,'
importer ot floe Guns, Rifkle Amunition and sports
man's goods of every description.
On receipt of 515.09, I will express to any addtess,
an English made double hewer breeott loadieg shot,
gun, with cover and tools complete,
W. MoDOWALL, 51 King street East, Toronto
eletion, ter "matraLnzamrit-""sseurinss
- AUGERS, bore 20 fee
ger hour. Also Reek Drilla-Hand, Horse oe
tesan Power. send for Catalogue.
Laldlaw Maitufaeturiog Co.
Haim/roe, Cese.
We are the only manufacturer:sof small America's Roin
In Canada. Vleee casings TAN„E VIE LEAD of any
English Sheep Casings, auto sizeoitrangth and length.
Price E1st American Hog CasInge
Per keg of 100 lbs..$30 00 Per keg of 50 Ilis..$1.5 OS
Smaller quantities, per lb..S5o
Exams( Sumer Casosea:-
Per keg of 60 bundles., ' .• . • , • . • • • •580 OD
Smaller queutities, per e•undie• ' 0 60
Patronize Homo Trade, If any other dealers are
offeenk Casings et leas than the aheve we will sell
itt thou figures if shown the prioes.
We also manufacture R•E ANIMAL
FERMI L12 E eeensesed os blood, bone
must P I t , ' . Fhie or
Meal, 585 per tan. .6.11 Goods Warranted,0oramorey
refunded. Goods F. 0.13. at Hamilton.
7. IROWIIN ek CO., littruiros, Orr.
Allan Line Royal Nail Steamships.
Safling noriny, winter from Port and every bundsy
and Halifax every Saturday to Livemool, and In sum.
seer from Quebec, every Saturday to Liverpool, calliug
ab Londonderry to land mails and passeegers fos
Scotland and irelaed. Also from Baltimore via Mal.
fex aed et, John's N. F., to Liverpool fortnig,letly dltif•
Ing :rummer months. The sesames of the Glaegow
lines sail entine winter to end from Halifax, Perched
lemon and Phaladelphia ; and during mummer betweee
Oloosow and Montreal, weekly, Glasgow end Hoet.oet
weeklior and Glasgow end Philadelphia, fortnightlyi
For Preig83t, passage, or other information apply to
4. Schumacher Ss Co., Baltimore; S. Cunard er
STOCKMEN, give this valuable pre.
paration a fair trial. It operates
promptlyand effectually in destroying
Ticks -rind other vermin.pests, as well
seas in eradicating all affections of the
Habra ehea a 0o., St. Jchn's F., Wm. Thomson
& Co., St Abu, N. B. ; Allan & Co., Chicago ; Lov,o Sts
Alden, New Tork ; Bendier, Toronto; .1:11 rasa RAG
SE 0o., Citzebee; Brookie, Philadelphia
Allan Portlaati Boston Montreal
skin to which Sheep are subject. Sold
at 35o., Too and Sl. A 85o. Tin will clean 20
eels or 85 Lambs. HUGH MILLER &Cm Torontra
Filial /A ffeotion, ed, if the bear post mark of that date
' earlier, will be eligible for a prize. Twen
Young people 'sometimes know so .very days will be allowed for letters to reach
much mol e than their elders! at least, ac-
e° from distant places. Nearly two hundr
riling to their own estimate of their know- thousand persons have received rewards in
ledge. They pride themselves on advanced previous competitions. Address and make
methods of thought, and freedom from "old orders payable to Editor Leanne Jounw
fogy notions," but possibly they will find! Toronto, Canada.
on reaching roiddle age, that years do bring
their Olen peculiar teachiugs, which. youth
13 not yet capable of receiving. Said, an .
overworked mother once it moment of •
Don't You Know
bitterness: that yell canaot afford to neglect that cat -
"I'm afraid I don't enjoy my children as arrh ? Don's you know that it may lead to
much as I did when Shoy were little. Then consumption, to insageity, to death? Don,t
they were merely clinging, affectionate you know that it cam be easily eured? Don't
creatures; they never judged what I did, or you know while the -thousand and ono
doubted that I was the most remarkable nostrums you have tried have utterly failed
woman in the world. Now they seem so that Dr, Sage's Catarrh Remedy is a cer-
much wiser than I, that it appears to be tate euro? lt has stood the test for years,
natural for them to find fault with me. and there are hundreds of thousands of
"Nothing I do is considered very praise- gratefnI men and women in all parts of the
orthy. In fact, I am almost always in the country who can testify to its efficacy. All
rerig. If I try to join in their conversation, dru riots
ey evidently think 'mother's
en't worth much; she hasn't had the 'at' were imur trod upon violators of tiurSoott A
°Pithells On Monday last fines amountinst to Si
4 advantages.' at Appr.stoo, Almonte and Pakenham
"It's true I haven't. I've been too busy North
become a very cultivated woman but it
ems to me affection taken by itself, ought 0813 11 Man Swallow a Oannou-ball ?
count for something in this world." Well, " that depends." He can if h
Yet her children did love her; they only thesmt is large enough and the ormnon-ba,
itted to "honor" tier in daily life. The not too large. The question really Seein
xt day after her death her son stood be. I svor thy of some coneicleration in view of ti
e her coffin, looking at the worn, placid size of some of the pale that are prescribe
e, and said, through his tears,- I for suffering humanity. Why not thro
never could understand why mother them "-to the clogs,"and take Dr. Pierce
sn't happier. She had every comfort in Resent, Purgative Pellets ? sue&
r later years, but she alwa,ys looked worn coated, put ely vegetable, perfectly huntress
d discouraged." in glass, and always fresh.
Had he been of clearer vision, he need
, have hought far for the reason. It is The seTo,sgth in the Crown Prince's thro
ally our own warmth or lack of tender- 18
8 Whi011 makes the faces about us bright
gloomy --a truth to be remembered before
forever too late.
Aln.autiful Imported Birtinlar (Itard
to any baby :shoes motber will send as tisit
names of two or more other babies, and th.t.:
parents' addresses Atte naudecens ss,s.
scowl Dye Sample Card tha rauther 4v1
relish valuable 10 onnacion.
Wells. ,Erinliniqllecy. r8r. tIlh.1 Sit333RTZghl
AL, .
We want a GOOD MAN in your iocauty to pica up
for us. Cash furnished on satisfactory guarant3s
A.ddreS$ C. /3. PACE, Hyde Park, Vermont, U.S.
!, r114
LADIES' Dress and Mantle clotting by this
new and unproved
• Satisfaction guaranteed to teach ladies the
f ull art of cutting all garments worn by ladies
and children. PROF. SMITII 183i Queen
St W., Toronto. Agents wanted.
50 seem
ta'The Celebrated Han.
cock Inspirator.
427Gresham's Automatic
Ra -starting Injector.
eand'orrison's Automatic
Sight Feed TiubricatOr.
Gge'rEns, gis unpepe hrs.e' s &or leuvmeri>y•
description. Send fot
474 circulars.
78 & 77 Adelaide St.W.,
Subscribed Capital, $3,15i0,020
Paid-up Capital, • • 2,300,690
Reserve Wand, • . 1,1801,000
Total Assets, . 5,301,615
Office :-Coy's Bldg& Toronto> St., Toronto.
The Company bee it largo amount of money to lend
on Real Estate securities at the lc west current ratan!
Interest repayable either 113 000 swn or byinstilmenti
as may be desired by the borrower.
Applications may barnacle direct to the undersigned
by letter or alit, wise, or to the local representatives
of the company throughout Ontario. As the Com-
pany always has funds on hand no delay need be ex-
pected. Expenses reduced to minimum.
. Mortgages and Municipal Debentures Purchased.
th;TINOWEIHOES5 J. HERBERT MASON, Managing Direttor.
Wholesale 0CCASINS5
Diecounts th Clubs and Dealers. Send for Catalogue.
is and Retail.
10 ' '
r. -BELTunroajED ONGLISH SHEEPS, also Sinal
' In lots toesrunurocteasoarlingiritCeqOalritiTrigoeusa.ranteed
Misplaced Charity.
There is nothing so difficult and perplex.
ing as to help the poor without pauperizing
therm Many think that it is the right prin-
ciple to give to all who iesk and who appear
needy. Ib cannot, they say, do any harm ;
it may do a great amount of good. Perhaps
there may be frands among them. Well, be
it an, It is better to give to wealthy frauds,
so it is argued, than to let one deserving
person go unaided. Is such an argument
sound, and is sin& indiscriminate charity
really useful? It is to be feared not. One
Who has made the whole subject of charity
a lifelong study, and who cannot at the
retine time be called a field hearted political
economist said lately :
Do riot be deceived. Do not say that a
piece of bread, an old coat, a pair of cast-
off shoo, a hat of archaic pattern can do no
harm. If the person so helped is able.
bodied, and he received the article without
having earned it, positive miechief has been
dote. Because the Very moment that any
man, woman, or child has taken the first
lesson m the art of liVing without labor,
that moment the ±1004 stop is taken to a
downward career. Por he who has discov-
ered how to live, without labor, on the labor
of other people, 18 on the dirojt road to liv-
ing by appropriating to himself the property
of others and graduating from the pauper
ciass to tile criminal class.
Any number of illuStrations and proofof
thi e can bit found everywhere, There is
not a day peeper!in which such cannot be
ecu isa Torontrewith all the bad characterise
ice about them which say emphatiCal-
y, "Ruined and degraded by misplaced
She Knew Which was the Gentleman.
Disconsolate Lover--" Don't you know,
Maggie, that I am it gentleman, it scholar
and one 01 the leading physimane here?
How you eau leave me for that man I can't
Adonis Chorus Girl --t" The only evidence
I have that you area gentleman is five packs
at Jas. Park & Son.
Lam weary cf living,.' moaned roor Mrs. Black,
"Tor Fro fairly worn out with the pain in my bask
My nerves are a chain
Of weakness and pain,
And my poor head is aching as if it would eraok."
"Now, dun't be discouraged," cried good Mr
" 11 18 never so dark but there's promise of light ;
I can tell you, in orief,
What will give you relief-
Pierce's Favorite Prescription will soon set yo
It is the only remedy for woman's pecul-
iar weaknesses and ailments, sold by drug-
gists, under a positive guarantee from the
cif cigarettes and two treats to coffee and manufacturers, that it svill give satisfaction
cakes. The Man you despise is certainly in every Mee or money will be refunded.
a gentlemen. If you dou't think so look at See guarantee on .bottle wrapper. Large
this lovely box of silk stockings." bottles (100 doses) $1. Six for $5.
Calumny is like a csal ; if it does not
CINGALIISE Ham Resew= restores grey and faded burn it will soil.
hair to its natural color and prevents falling out.
Free 'Free !! Free ! ! !
A frozen orange is light in weight. BY A Book of Instruction and Price List on
lifting oranges with the hand the bestfruit Dyeing said Cleaning, to be had gratis by
rnay be obtained.
calling at any of our offices, or by post by
PeVIG who aro at'lleea a° bal. br°48b. 1°11100249cl sending your address to R. Parker & Co.
1°11°14' or MYdiaMderU
°be 81-m64/' can at n138° Dyers and Cleaners, 759 to 763 Yonge St,
be relieved by tieing Dr. Carson's Stomach litteera,
the old and tiled remedy. Ask your Druggist Toronto, Branch Offiees : 4 John $t. N.,
Is a double wedding unlucky 7,, asitl a Hamilton : 100 Culborne St, Brantford.
Western exchange. " Well, we should my Texas is good for another thing. The
Wet it is, especially if wife No, 1 finds out Angora goat thrives there and comes to its
where wife No. 2 live." best estate.
Whenever your Stomach or Bowels get out 02 10 A Cure for DrunkenneSs.
der, oaireing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, or Indigestion The opium habit, depooreania, the morphine habit
and their attendant evils, take at once it dose of Dr.
nervous probt(ation caused by the use of tobacco
Carson's Stomach Bitters. Best family Medi:due.
All Drligglets, 50 cants.
mew No 50)08)85
s. Public Library Building, Toronto. Students from
British Columbia, California, Kansas Illinois and
quite a number of the ether States and provinces now
in attendance. Write for descriptive circulars.
Pre ident. Sec'y Sr Manager.
wakefulness, mental depression, softening of the
eto., premattne old age, !ass of vitality caused
Life is it short day, but it 13 it Working by over exertion of the br'
ais and toes of natural AL ife
day, -Hannah Moor. strength, from any entire whatever. Men -young,
GoEs gAreagoyde,upaat3,0 isn't;
to) running behind ? I °'
Can y sn ntove to new location? Excellent
lands, cheap, which will increase in value
several fold In five years. No other oppor.
tunnies existing. Pun particulars, free
upon application to C. 0. WARREN, Gen,
Pass. Ag, Si. Paula, Rims., or
J. N. lillUCILINS,
Trav. Pass. Agt., 4 Palmier House Eloek,
--130 XsIL 3E1-
Toronto Silvor Plate Ca .1 vl • E.W.C?-
MANurAOreluras or Tnit ThenITST GRAM OF r
TUE greatest as
covery of the
" resent age for RPrEFCr.
/2' Ursa AND Krim?
TR AI' E c‘rs
Cinnamon:. A per
foot Blood Purifier
any p
laints wno order it. send for °hoiden. Price
oId er middle aged -who arc hroken'clown from any
"S63JAT1CL-An effectnal remely invanted of the above entrees or any cause notmentioneci above
and propared by S. 3.• Lancaster, for Sciatica, send your address ands() omits in stamps tor Lubon 3
rnmatory Rheumatism,Nenraigia,CoutjanclLum- Treatise, in book form, of Mamma of Ran, Books
who Wile cured himself by it after being three sent sealed and secure from observation. Address M.
on orntolme. The remedy will he expressed to v. Lows, 47 Wellington atreet East Toronto, Ont.
art of Canada to any person suffering the above
of 85
CASTER. Petrone, net. ,-...,......r.,,,, mver rrmymen
Robert Bonner began hienewspaPer work •
on the Ifartiord,Courent. EUREKA It i'!7, ':,i,'‘' g TOR011flAN
_.frc_:._04.11_._';'_'.7.' _ _ _ __,__
. Colt NO More. .
world for the throat ata cheet, for the voioe
For Sale-libistrative desoriptive Oat
Watson'is cough drops are the beet in thePATENTS
. la ogee free, R. Chamberlin Toronto
are stamped 'on each drop, Paid. Valuable outfit and particulars
unequalled. See that the letterna IL ti T. W woRK von Aim. 2030a weekand expnses
free. P. O. TICKER V, Augusta, Maine.
Itt one of the New 'York hotels the the ninth story. din-
niug rboiri and kitchen are ha PROCURER in entiadtethe'it 5. and
Hunt Comm Cunt tutted in dee initiate. ' PATENT°
all /
22) melee edentates. ItegIneore Pa,
, tent Attorneys, and imperts nit Patent Causes, Estali. ,
4. Roman Colosseum willbe erected
, in Ilisliccl 11137. Ronald C. litidorit ek Co.. Toronto.
London. on the' eroundS recently occepied 1
e, .
by " The Wild West." I ITIORONTO Cutting Seirool-A grand °bailee
I to 80091(0 a thorough' knowledge of Garment
ITCHING PILES., . > Cutting hi all its lactoelses., aystsint, teeletitlio and
Symsroms-Moisture : intense Itehing and stinging ; i Reliable. No tnisedits. Cotters having trotfifie,
moat at night ;worseby sorathhIng. Wallowed to ehould VIlilt 68 at once. Perfect setlsirietionestered,
continue nornore form, which often bleed and tileer. S. ConitiOnei, Prop„ 122 Yonge St,,: .,
itteirbecoming very Sore. SwAvnies Oinvertir stops . . . .,...
the itching and bleeding, heald tikeration, end in IIIAISTAIAS ,Efolit, les. ,011310., ii.16noickAt,rtooteit2ici
inall5' 03883 rem:Sven the tuineurs. ,111 15 equally effi.. aesorted a rds
eaolout: irecturinierill Skin diseases. DR, SWAYNE Sd 1 51.50 eachapicket PAeltecil of one don naoS
SON, Proprietons Phlladelpliia. Swererees OnnnitNik 1 for balf Above intonate. Ono fringed issakad
WI be obtained of druggists. Sent by mail fOr 601 of five plain whorl Se' desired, Cosh to MOM -
taints. ' pijy order, atirrttawS 111108 &co., Toronto,
Nervotts Deb'ility.
9113. mu,y.s ,,ccuia has been ueed for the paid
Mean years with gseat gnome in the treatment of
Nervous Debility, and all diseases arising from ex.
ceases, overworked brain, loss of vitality, ringing in
thc ears, pa pi a on, t to. 1 or salo by all druggists.
Price 51 per hex, or 6 boxes for 0, or will be sent by
snail on reosipt of prioe. Pamphlet on application.
. .
A few in Hamilton
alto have been bene
flted by its use ;-
Mrs. M. lieenan, 102
Robert Sti,; cured ot
rysipelas of 2 years
-tending ; Robert Cor ;
cell, 24 South SA,
daughter cured of
Epileptic Fits after
6 years' suffering ;
mine Buse , 65 860 53., cured of weakness
And Lung Trouble John Wood, 95 Cathcart SE,
cured of Liver Complaint and Biliousness, used only
&fifty -cent betties; errs. J. Beal, 6 Oliveto, St.,
, troutled for years with Nervous Pmetratioe Ur°
small bottles glave her/reat relief. Sold at 60e.
11'. 11'. ALLEY it CO., Proprietore,
We are now Offering the Pegg
Iron Fences ever 3o1d in Canada,
at reinarkably Low Prices.
Stable Fixtures, Sand Screens,
Weather Vanes, Iron Stairs and
Mutters, Fire Rscapes, Offieti
Railings, Flower Stands, Wire
Signs, and all kinds of Wire, Iron
and Brass Work,
!IltoN FENCES OF EVERY imscrupTioN, Send tor Catalogue