HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-09-27, Page 331979-80 staff
Vice -Principal
Mr. Gordon 0. Philips, B.A.
Mr. Thomas E. Fox, B.A.B.Ed.
Commercial Mr. Willaim Cook, B.A.
Technical Mr. William Craig
Department Heads
English Mrs. Margaret Robinson, B.A.
Guidance Services Mr. Gordon Smith,13.A. .
History Mr. James Moore, M.A.
Mathematics Mr. Graham Russell, B. Sc.
Physical Education Mr. Kenneth Clynick, B.A.
Science Mr. Alan Jewson, B.S.A.
Special Education Mr. George Cull,
Suliject Chairmen iiighi
Art and Classical Studies -Mr. Ronald Walker, B.A.
Miss Patricia Senn, B.A.
Mr. Garfield Baker, B.A.
Miss K. Stonehill, 13.A.M.ED.M.L.S.
Mrs. Fairida Garrett, B.A.
Family Studies
Ainslie, Miss Jennette, B.A. MacDonald, Mr. Robert
Alien, Mr. Keith, B.A. Madill, Miss Christine, B.A. B. Ed.
Blackmore, Carl, B.A.Sc. P. Eng. Mann, Mr. Robert, B.A.
Brownridge, Mr. John, B.A. McKellar, Mr. William, B.A.
Burch, Miss Maxine, B.A. McKenzie,.Miss Linda, B.A.
Carr, Mrs. Joanne, B.A.B.Ed. McKibbon, Mrs. Nancy
Davis, Mr. Barry Montgomery, Mr. Wallace, B. Sc.
Munro, Mr. William, B.A.
Newnham, Mr. Robert
Parr, Mr. Robert, B.A.
Reed, Mrs. Sherry, B.A.
Reeve, Mr. Brian, B. Sc.
Reidy, Mr. Kenneth, B.A.
Renshaw, Mrs. Catherine
DeGroot, Mrs. Else, NVII
DeGroot, Mr. Joseph, ING
Dixon, Mr. Clayton
Doherty, Mr. Malcolm, B.A.
Doherty, Mr. Seamus
Hodgins, Mr. Ward, B.S.A..
Hoernig, Mr. Heinz
Howard, Mr. James, B.A.B.Ed.Richman, Mrs. Eleanor, B.A.
Hunt, Mr. Ernest Scott, Mrs. Maureen, B. Sc.
Jankowski, Mr. Joseph, B.A. Shackleton, Mr. Thomas
Jewson, Mrs. Bernice, B.A. • Smith; Mr. Ronald, B.A.
Judge, Mr. Eric, B.A. Storey, Miss Marlene, Mus. BAC.
Leeper, Mrs. Marlene, B.A. Stubbs, Mrs. Nancy, B.A.B.Ed.
Ludwig, Mr. Douglas, B.A. Twigs, Miss Elizabeth, B.A.
Weary, Mrs. Shirley, B.A.
Weber, Mr. William, B.A.B.Phe.
was a large group of dignitaries on hand last Friday
to' present awards at the annual commencement
Commencement committee
Commencement Committee - 1979
Mrs. J. Carr
Mr. J. Hunt
Mrs. B. Jewson
Miss L. McKenzie
Mr. G. Phillips
Mr. G. Russell
Miss P. Senn
1VIrs. M. Scott
Mr. R. Walker
Masters of Ceremonies: M. Robinson, J. Carr, R. Smith.
Awards and Prizes: Miss L. McKenzie, Mrs. E. DeGroot.
to the
class of •
1 !Mil SOUTH OF BILYTH'Oh HWY. 4 - 523-4595
"Leather Specialists before the
age of leather the leader
now In the age of leather"
• •
exercises at CHSS. Pictured above is iust part of the platform
party. (photo by Jack Hunt)
Valedictorian's address...
• from page 1
with satisfaction and look to
the future with expec'tation.
Involvement in school
activities is just as im-
portant as the academic
aspect of school life. If one
does not participate in school
events, one soon begins to
feel that school is
synonymous with books,
tests and assignments. Of
course we do go to school to
learn, but there is so much
more to school than
scholastic p-rocedures and
lessons. Participation in
extracurricular activities
makes school life more
pleasurable and memorable.
It has always been said that,
"Your school days are the
best years of your life."
Most of us don't • realize
this until they are nearly
over. It is important to be
actively involved in life.
Don't sit on the sidelines,
watching life pass by. Get
involved; make life more
As I look back on the happy
years I've spent at this
school, I wished that I could
return for yet another year.
But as we know, life doesn't
•Siand still and we wouldn't
want it to once we really
thought about it. Life is only
interesting if we're ex-
periencing new things and
travelling in new directions.
It might be easier to stand
still and live in a rut, but it's
much more exciting to strike
out in new directions:
As yet unconquered, the
future beckons to us and
offers a challenge. May we
accept that challenge and be
confident in ourselves that
we can accomplish what it is
that we set out to do. Our
years at CHSS have taught
us much - much more than
couldbe written on a test
paper or than could be read
from a text book. ,We have
experienced both sUccess
and failure. It is to our
benefit if we learn from past
experiences, whether they
be mistakes of ac-
complishments. Armed with
this knowledge and some
common sense, we can.
tackle any future challenge
that comes our way. Let us
not shrink from the future
but let us try new things and
be ready for new ex-
periences. Whatever ex-
perience we may pass
through, we will learn
something new. Life is a
continued learning process.
Whatever you set out to do,
do your best. If you fail,.
you'll realize that it wasn't
because you didn't try hard
enough. Don't attempt the
impossible. Set your goals
high enough that you will be
facing a challenge btit Tow
enough that they will be
within your reach. •
Don't go along with the
crowd just because that is
the thing to be doing. Be an
individual. Do what you want
to do and what you feel is
right. It's your life. Don't let
another live it for you.
The following poem by an
unknown author briefly
sums up life:
Yesterday is only a dream,
And tomorrow is only a
But today well -lived,
Makes every yesterday a
dream of happiness,
And every tomorrow a vision
of hope. .
Expressed in this poem is
the idea that today is im-
portant. Yesterday is gone;
tomorrow has yet to come.
Today is within our grasp.
Realistically, we know that
we can't live in either the
past or the future; we must
live sach day as it comes. It
'is a well-known belief that,
"You only get out of life what
you put into it." Let's be the
ones who put forth our best
effort. Let's make it wor-
This is an evening of
celebration a celebration of
our accomplishments up to
Ihis point in time. So far in
life, we have achieved much.
tet us hope that we continue
to make further . 'ac-
complishments in th(days to