HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-09-27, Page 23N N S' , , QRD,, THURSDAY,SEPTEMBER 27,1979 f',A,G;B �2—C�,IN�Q _E'V1l' ., 17. Auction sales 17. Auction sales ETT TOWNSHHU`s IP PRO.PERTY' to be sold by Public Auction Saturday, October 20 at 10:30 a.m. at the location 1 have been Instructed by the Mortgagee to sell under the powers contained in a certain mortgage subject to conditions and reserve: Part Lot 22, Con- cession 9, in the Townshiw.of Hullett, five miles nor- th of Clinton on No. 4 Highway, then '/, mile east. The property consists of a ten acre parcel of land on which there is situated, a 11/2 storey, 4 bedroom frame house, Insulated and heated with an oil fur- nace. A work shop, 24' x 40', insulated, lined, with cement floor and cement block chimney with op at- tached 24' x 13' leanto complete with cement floor. The property is well landscaped and has an acre suitable for a pond. For viewing or further information, Phone 482- 7898. Terms - 10% down day of sale. Balance in 30 days. Selling subject to reasonable reserve. Richard Lobb: Auctioneer CLINTON 482-7898 FARMERS and DEALERS reserve this date Saturday, Oct. 6,1919 10:00 A.M. Sharp GIGANTIC AUCTION OF Tractors, Combines, Haying & Harvesting equipment, Tillage equipment and all other type of farm equipment, as well as Lawn & Garden equipment, Snowmobiles. TRACTOR SELL AT 2:30 Sharp. Don't miss it - See you there. Auctioneer: Cliff Gilbert WAYNE WARD FARM EQUIP. Hwy. No. 6 WIARTON. 1 "534-2980 S# 534=1638` moi' // �• ./ rt�iiir-r' ,fariir/i t MORTGAGE SALE by PUBLIC AUCTION Under dnd by vl.rtue of the POWER OF -SALE con- tained in a certain ..mortgage, _which is now in default, there will be offered by sale by PUBLIC AUCTION by Rathwell & Associates, Auctioneers, the sale to take place on the premises at the hour of 7 o'clock in the evening of Thursday the 27th day of September 1979. The lands and premises known as 217 Albert Street, Plan 3, Part lot 14 & 13, in the Town of Clinton. The property will be offered for sale subject to -a reserve bid. The purchaser shall pay down to the Vendor's agent at the time of sale by way of deposit of *2,000.00 by cash or by certified cheque and balance due on or before the 29th day of October 1979. Adjustments are to be made as of the date of closing. The Purchaser shall search title at his own expense. On the premises is said to be erected a single storey frame house with 3 bedrooms, full basement, living 8 dining rooms, kitchen all situated on a large (99' x 165') lot. Inspection of the property may be had from 6 o'clock In the evening on the day of sale or by appointment. rT Further particulars and conditions of sale may be had frorn.Mr. Bruce R. Rathwell at 527-1458. c/a/A/foe/7V 3.1oclaVe AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS, APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK 1WO (519) 527-1458 18. Services available 18. Services available Custom Slaughtering and Processing hill Da , Vl f'dnr'Sda� viarans DASHWOOD 237.3677 HANK'S SMALL ENGINE SERVICE HENRY REININK 1 Milt NORTH Or LONDESOORO 5239 202 *'Lawn and Garden Equlpmont *Ropairs *Now Lawnmowers and'Tlllors in $tock. 18. Services available KENS CARPENTRY - Remodelling renovations, cupboards, rec rooms, carports, flooring, Hunt- Pella windows and patio doors, aluminum siding, windows, doors. Phone 482- 7676.—Ken McNairn:-1.2tfar CUSTOM BACKHOE ex- cavation work. Land fill and top soil for sale. Call Rick Diemert, Bayfield 565- 2481.-15tf HOUSE PLANS and MECHANICAL DRAFTING 482-3586 BO-JEN CARPENTRY" FOR • CUSTOM BUILT HOMES • RENOVATIONS • ADDITIONS SEE BOB LANGENDOEN BOX 309 CLINTON PHONE 482-9720 PHONE 524-8029 SCREENED TOP SOIL (for Lawns - Gardens - Flowers) ALSO •Crushed Stone •Crushed Road Gravel •Cement Gravel •Pit Run Gravel Backhoe Work LYLE MONTGOMERY 482-7644 evenings BACKHOE CONTRACTING by Slotegraaf and Co,. * Trenching * Farm Drains * Septic Beds 482-9112 or 524-7067 PETE SLOTEGRAAF JOHN KASSIES GENERAL CONTRACTING * Farm Buildings * Additions * Renovations Phone 482-3063 18. Services available MID -WESTERN PAVING driveways, farm lanes, parking lots, repairs. Free estimates. Phone Clinton 482.3733.-31-42 HURON MUSIC STUDIO LTD, 61 Hamilton St. Goderich now open. Piano, organ, drums, accordion and guitar lessons available. Instruments and supplies available at the store. Phone 524-2711 or 482-9869.-39,40 BYERS UPHOLSTERY — We will rebuild recover or restyle your old furniture. Top quality fabrics and workmanship. Call 482-7939, 7-1 Princess St. W., Clin- ton.—tfn !RAVES INTERIOR HINTING and small delivery - odd jobs around the house. Will take junk to dump. For .free estimate call 482-9347 after 6 p.m. -39-46 CHUTER PLUMBING HEATING & ELECTRIC Frunace Installations DELAVAL MILKER SUPPLIES Appliance Service 46 King St.'482-7652 c-18tfn PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS Bruce Pulsifer 527-0053 or 348-9223 after 6 p.m. WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. HOPPER & SONS FOUR MODERN ROTARY RIGGS PHONE: SEAFORTH NEIL: 527-1737 DURL: 527-0828 JIM: 527-0775 i t Complete Custom Framing • i f for needlepoint, crewel, photographs, oil pain- - tinys, etc. Regular or t non -glare glass. Ready t to hong, 48 hour service. Harold Tyndall ndall Y i 482,7409 CLINTON m •ow j DRYWALL known for high quality PETER BAKOS DRYWALL have complete drywall service phone 527-1398 527-0606 19. Notice to creditors 24, Bxusiness . . • opportunities 1111 Vig ESTATE OF MARY JAPM LANGDON, late of the Townshipl,of T!4ckersm.ith in the County of Huron.i, Housewife, deceased, ALL persons, having, claims against the Estate of the above named who died on the 16th day of June, 1979, are required to file full particulars thereof•, with the undersigned on or before °tile llth day of October, ,1979, after which date .the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall, then have notice. DATED at Clinton, • Ontario, this llth day df September, 1979. MENZIES, ROSS Clinton, Ontario Solicitors for the Administrator. -38-40 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF DORETHY CREIGHTON ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above-mentioned, late of the .Town of. Clinton, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on August 18th, 1979, are required to file proof of same with the un- dersigned on or before the 6th day of October, 1979. After that date the Executor will proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario this 12th day of September, A.D., 1979. CRAWFORD MILL & DAVIES Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor.-38-40ar NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Mary Isabella Grasby. All persons having claims against the Estate of Mary Isabella Grasby, late of the Township of Tuckersmith in the County of Huron, deceased, who died on the 22nd day of August, 1979, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before. the 18th day of October, 1979, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario this 19th day of September, 1979. McCONNELL, STEWART & DEVEREAUX, Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for the executors. ; 39-41ar IN THE ESTATE OF GEORGE . LEWIS GLAZIER, late of tile Town of .Clinton, in the County of Huron, deceased. ALL persons haying claims against the Estate of the above-named who died on the 20th day of July, 1979, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 22nd day of ` October, 1979, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to the'claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 20th day of September, 1979. D. GERALD HILTZ, Clinton, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executrix. -39-41 ar 24. Busine s opportunities It's time to get in on the fastest growing market in North America today - LIQUID FERTILIZER for pop - ups, starters, side dressing and foliage feeding, " INVESTMENT $10,000 OR MORE FARM -BACKGROUND ESSENTIAL For more information please contact E. McLachlan President 0 INDUSTRIES INC., ..482 COMMISSIONERS RD.E., LONDON, ONT...- ,PHONE (519) 681.8593 1111111' ca¢�you doing for th¢ rest of Your life? 22. Lost and found J.B. COLQUHOUN GENERAL CONTRACTOR * Custom Built Homes *,Renovations * Additions 482-9506 . EVENINGS 1 DRAINAGE CONTRACTdRS , FARM AND MUNICIPAL DRAINAGE PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE CATCH BASINS 8 Weldon Ave. Arva, Ont. CATCH BASINS PHONE Shop 473.2669 Gerry Res. 438-4392 Steve Goderich 524-7037 DRAINAGE PHONE Shop 473-2669 Gerry 438-4392 Steve Goderich 524.7037 HENDRIK GELOK ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL TRAILER AND R.V. SERVICE QUALITY WORKMANSHIP AT A• REASONABLE .PRICE • MAINTENANCE NEW AND OLD ;INSTALLATIONS PHONE 519-482-V00 . FOUND: Male dog, long Haired - no collar - black, white and brown in Brucefield area. Phone 482- 3352.-39 - 24. Business opportunities MAKE money iri your spare time. Learn income tax preparation. For free brochure, no obligation. Write U & R Tax Schools, 118 Roxborough Drive, Toronto, Ontario M4W 1X4.--39bc is your lack of .basic education hindeliring your progress at work? Do you need more English and Math to prepare you for a skill training program and a better job? Consider Conestoga. 'We're specialists in Adult Education. We'll help you progress at your own speed to get the education; to learn the skills; to get the job. That's why we're here. Why not call us for details? We can help you find out. ere, YOU MAY BE , ELIGIBLE FOR FINANCIAL SUPPORT FROM CANADA EMPLOYMENT. I. TOASTMASTER t t BREAD t t FRANCHISE i • and 1977Ford One Ton Truck i i CALL ' 527-0655 i i,. i Conestoga College - ofApplied Arts and Technology Building skills today for the needs of tomorrow. Clinton Campus Phone 482-3458 KING FORL 'INDOU TRI 482 Commissioners. Road. Ease, London, Ontario, N6C PHONE (51.9) 681-8593 L. FOR LEASE Self-service Gas Bar and Pop-Shoppe in Clinton Good Volume PHONE. 1-652-2.728 OR 1-764-2629 AFTER 5 P.M. 12. Help wanted 25. To give away KrkTE1`T$ U), Phone 484-7§4§,T lYe; away. kn "FREE TQ 1300D home, 1 week old Lab puppy.. Phone ,482.7251-39 '26. Births •' •BRITTON Bev and Dave Britton, Stratford are pleased to announce the safe. arrival of their son, Trevor William, at Stratford G,eneral 'Hospital,, • Sept, 17, 1979. Proud gran- dparents are Marge and Paul Britton, Stratford and Mary and Ross Millar, Goderich, also great- grandparents, - Mrs. Lloyd Millar, Clinton and Mr. and Mrs. E. Ruller, Strat- ford.-39nc KING Mark and Pamela are happy to announce the safe arrival of their 6 lb. 12 oz. wee brother at Clinton Public Hospital on September 20, 1979. Proud parents are Bradley and Glenis King of Clinton.-39nc 27. Deaths BARNES At Parkwood Hospital on Saturday, September . 22, 1979, George William Barnes of 309 Wellington Court, Apt. 301, in his 83rd year. Beloved husband of Mrs. Leota Barnes. Dear father of Ruth (Mrs. Gerald Scott) Elaine (Mrs. Clifford Edwards), Mr. Robert Barnes, and Beverly Burt, all of London. Kathryn (Mrs. Donald McLeod) of Bayfield. Mr. George (Bill) Barnes, of Ottawa. Predeceased by one daughter Mrs. Marjorie Roden. Survived by 29 grandchildren and several great-grandchildren. Brother of Arthur Barnes, Charles Barnes, Ethel Barnes,- Agnes Kerr, Mary Nail, and Edith Stephenson. Friends were received at the Evans Funeral Home, 648 Hamilton Road where funeral service was .con- ducted on Tuesday, Sep- tember 25 at 1 p.m. Inter- ment Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens.-39nc GULKA At her residence 37 Ewald Place, on Saturday Sep- tember 22, 1979, Mrs. Frances Hazel Elizabeth (Christie) Gulka in her 61st year. Beloved wife of -Michael Andrew Gulka. N. Dear mother of Richard and ' Michael of London, Ronald of Brampton, Jack of Thunder Bay, and Michele, of London. Also survived by three grandchildren, and "adopted" son James Fit- zgerald of Clinton. Visitation. in the Needham Memorial Chapel, 520 Dundas Street (Mon. 7-9 p.m. and Tues 2-5 p.m.) Funeral service was conducted on Tuesday, September 25, 1979 in St. Pius X Roman Catholic Church,, 777 Valetta Street. Private interment Wed- nesday, Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens.-39nc 12. Help wanted ITR , Deaths . _. .. ...... ........ � A CLARK. !F' °Al xan►dra Marine and General Hospital, ,Goderich, on Tuesday eptember, 1979, James; 'Joseph (Joe) Clark,, of G,pderleh,, in ,his 78,th year. B,eloYed husband of the late Grace Young, Dfather , Goderich,; WiifredRichard,(Mrs. Don ear H.orton),nnof Grim sby, Ruth (Mrs. Ken Horton), Caledonia, Rita (Mrs,. Albert Babineau), Tiverton. Brother of Mrs. Ada Leitch, Goderich, George Clark, Bayfield, Gladys (Mrs. Fred Telford), Bayfield ,and . Borden Clark, Grand. Bend. Also survived by 14 gran- 'dchlldren and 1 great grandchild. Rested at the Stiles Funeral Home, Goderich, after 2 p.m. Thursday. Service on Friday at 2 p.m. Interment in Maitland Cemetery.-39nc KUNTZ At the Blue Water Rest Home, Zurich, on Tuesday, September 18, 1979, Luella Elizabeth Kuntz of Dash- wood, in her 82nd year. Dear sister of (Tilly) Mrs. Clayton Pfile of Dashwood, (Clara) Mrs. Arthur Koessez of Lansing, Michigan, Arnold Kuntz of Grand Bend. Also surviving are five nieces and one nephew. Daughter of the late John and, Susan Kuntz. Rested at-' the T. Harry Hoffman Funeral Home, Dashwood, where the funeral service took place on Thursday, September 20 at 2 p.m. Interment Zion Lutheran Cemetery Dash- wood. Reverend M. Mellecke officiating. CAMPBELL At the Clinton Public Hospital on Tuesday, Sep- tember 18, 1979, Mrs. John Campbell of Blyth (former Frances Gillis), in her 53rd year. Beloved wife of John of Blyth. Dear mother of Harold of Sarnia, Ronald of Seaforth, Danny of Toronto, Gwen (Mrs. Ken Patterson) of Blyth, Barbara (Mrs. Douglas Howson) of Blyth. - Also survived by 11 gran- dchildren. Rested at the Tasker Funeral Home, Queen s Street, Blyth, until 1 p.m. Thursday, then to .the Blyth United Church for funeral service at 2 p.m. Interment Blyth Union Cemetery.-39nc MacTAVISH In Huronview, Clinton, on Saturday, September 22, 1979. Mary Belle (Elliott). Beloved wife of the late Allan E. MacTavish of Wingham in her 88th year: Dear mother' of Cameron MacTavish, of Wingham. Also survived by six grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Predeceased by two sons, Gordon and Harold, one sister Tini (Mrs. Albert Waiters), of Wingham and three brothers, Gordon, Jim and Albert, one grandson and one granddaughter. Rested at the Currie -Walker Funeral Home, Wingham, where service was . held Tuesday, September 25, 1979. Service at 2 p.m. Interment in Wroxeter Cemetery.-39nc 12..Help wanted WANTED IMMEDIATELY DUE TO EXPANSION WE REQUIRE PEOPLE FOR...... (A) Office Work and Telephone Duties (,11) Sales and Customer Service (C) Electrical Appliance Repair person No Experience Necessary—On The Job Training Apply in Person to: CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE 35 EAST STREET GODERICH ONTARIO Interviews to be held on: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28th 1:00 P.M. — 5s00 P.M. An equal opportunity einployer PHONE eALLS PLEAS 'M•