HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-09-27, Page 20• V- , I I 1 supp As some of you know we have group parent committee to work with the four youth groups, Brownies, Cubs, Guides and Scouts. We would like to see parents who have children in these groups come out to offer. us suggestions or help out in any way you can, The next meeting is to be held Sunday, Sep- tember 29 at Tp.m. in the Vanastra Recreation Centre. The 'committee would like to ask any group who wishes, to put a table at the Christmas Bazaar to jotri tis to set a date for this event. • The groups have many events which take place before Christmas so there is a lot of arranging to be done. Please come out and share with us your ideas. The leaders of these groups need your support to be able to give their best to your children. So we will see you September 29 at the Vanastra Rec Centre at 7 p.m. Public School news Things are now in full swing at the Vanastra • Public, School. Our Rhythmics program has started again and each • day our entire school population (teachers too) participate in five minutes of vigorous exercise. We have also increased the number of Physical Education classes each week. Our cross country team has been busy practising and our soccer players have been meeting on a regular basis. Choir will be starting soon. Our school choir will be singing Christmas Carols on CKNX again this year. Monday was a Professional Activity Day. Our teachers all attended a workshop at Huron Centennial School. They were not alone. Almost 100 teachers from Blyth, Seaforth, Lon- desboro, Clinton and Vanastra and Brucefield took part in the day's activities. On Thursday, LoUr School will dismiss at t: 30 p.m. so that our teachers will be able to take part in a Mathematics Workshop sponsored and organized by the Huron County Board of Education. In October, area teachers will be visiting our school to take part in the October Professional Activity Day. It's often said that a picture is worth a thousand words. However in this case, some explanation may be needed. Students and teachers at the Vanastra Public School are taking part in a daily exercise L VANASTRA the\,,,by S. Jerome and M. Dunamore) VO ice Dear Editor We're not poor people Dear Editor: As a faithful reader of The London Free Press, I've always enjoyed their articles on local news. But on Saturday, Sept. 1, 1979, I was appalled: at' • headlines that read Souring of Vanastra. • We are a young com- munity trying to raise our standards equal to those in surrounding areas. We are under . constant criticism from other areas because of where we choose to live, and then to my dismay, the Free Press who I'm sure had a few to say the least, subscribers in Vanastra, jumps on us also. The pictures "taken were in poor taste, the rubble pile apparently was moved long before the article was ever done. There could have been some pictures taken of completely renovated • homes, or of the park or indoor swimming pool. • If Helen Connell would t have spoken " to the principal of Vanastra •Public School • he could 'have told how well the children behave here. We have no vandalism in our school that I am aware of. Please check surroun- ding area schools! • You make us sound like poor people. I have a great deal of respect for people here. There are , many trying to pull 1 1 1 1 11 1 • everything together. We • have Cubs, Brownies, Guides, baseball teams, tennis courts, .curling club, skating rink, swimming pool,. and a recreation centre that is always arranging dances. This year we had our first fair which turned into a huge success. I can • enjoy snowmobiling in winter or bike riding in summer. I'd be the last to complain about .the taxes here with all we have. With the wages in this area and the $20,000 house, I can enjoy all the luxuries in life I want and pay cash. It's a nice feeling for me. If I wanted to live in a $60,000 house I'd move to Goderich, $100,000 would move me to Toronto. I think I'll stay here a while and do all I can to help this community. After all, I'd hate to be poor in a rich area • anyway. At least I know one day -I'll see a paper saying "Paid in Full". Maybe this area will never be anything but I'd bet no one here is taking the shirt off their back to pay for house payments or taxes. You've upset a lot of people and •we deserve another chance. Come back in a few more years and try again. I don't imagine house sales will jump too high after your story. Please apologize to ,the "800 Strangers of Vanastra". Soured Reader, Sharyn Kyle, Vanastra (The Vanastra correspondents felt this letter should be printed in our column for the benefit of those who missed it in the Goderich Signal - Star.) Lions plan year The Vanastra and District Lions Club have started another year. They hold their dinner meetings the first Wednesday of every month in the Vanastra Rec Centre. •They have also set up the committee S to run their club. Each member of the club has been appointed a job on a committee, some of which are publicity, boys and girls committee, health and welfare, fund raising and social The next project for the Lions will be World Service Day to be held the week of October 8. program during class time. Set to music here one class along with teacher Dave McConnell do their' 10 minute routine which leaves them huffing and puffing. (News -Record photo) Open House Come on in and • check 'em out. We've got it — more Moto -Ski® for • 1980. There's more power and performance tAT ' than ever before in models to suittiery, d.'2--(., taste. So come in today and see flow much\ -4,,-,- more we have to offer. Bring the iffamilyl Remkes Enterprises *RTrademarks ot Bombardier Inc All rights reserved It Bombardier Inc May 1979 Open Hou Oct. Model Mirage 1 Mirage II Futura 500 / Grand Prix Special Futura L/Ct Super Sonic L/C e Specials 5, 6, Reg. Price $1699 $1999 $2799 $2799 $3299 $3199 Our Price '1570 11779 '2519 12519 12997 12914 See Thoth At REMKES ENTERPRISES RR# ' Centralia • a A Management Seminar 11 at THE CANDLELIGHT RESTAURANT, GODERI on THURSDAY, OCT. 4, 1979 REGISTRATION; 8.30 AM Wotuld you like to attend? If your are interested, please complete th 9nd mail it along with your cheque for $30. information, please contact: CH, 9.00 AM to 4.30 PM PETE HUXTABLE e registration coupon, per person. For further attel,: 271.5650 0 • 0 Management Seminar, Federal Business Development Bank, 1036 ONTARIO ST., STRATFORD I will attend the business management seminar at. GODERICH Address_ on OCT, 4,, 197! Postal Code lloolitratilon Faro of S10. luratileOne, • Tel.: iiiii* ir il . lt II 1 1 3 mi. S. of Exeter on Hwy. 4 Phone 228-6281 moto•skic MANAGEMENT $E/?V/CES ••FEDERA1 BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT BANK Taxation: An Introduction e St 44 Incompt e Taxes shouid kerightfuliy be to a minimum. Now is boutthe time to, find Outs a: Income Ca/cu/ation; Tax Calcu/ation Year End ; IncOPporation; Dividepds. , questiot)ts. Spea6r8 on hand to '11).Stive1, CLINTON nViTS-R,CORP4.7141/.R.P.PATt§:.,APTIYI.:Pg8.ThI9.7*-PA,gg.19 • if) an sale The Lions Club held an executive meeting on. September 20 at Mrs. Betty McLean's. The meeting was to form,, the committee that it takes to run the club, The dinner meeting will be held October 4 and members will be. con- tacted as to where this meeting will be held. The first fall project for the Lioness will be their' rummage sale to be held in the Vanastra Recreation Centre on October 20 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. If anyone has donations for the sale would they please contact Mrs. Myrna Smith at 482- 3591 or Mrs. June Jeacock at 4829799. •A #.0.) APPLIANCE REPAIR Large or Smalls we'll fix therm all., Our repair experts wilt have your appliance in tip • top shape fast, Call es PECKto- APPLIANCES • "IN THE HEART OF • . DOWNTOWN' VARNA" VARNA •' •48241.03 • REFRIGERATION Commercial and Industrial' AIR CONDITIONING & REFRIGERATION SALES & SERVICE •• Heat Pumps • Freezer & Chilling Rooms • Ice Cubes 8.Milk Coolers • Fre-Heaterl (Free Hot Water) BUCHANAN & HALL LTD. 5247758 DON C. JOHNSTON VANASTRA FACTORY OUTLET "The Store That Saves You More" CHAR(,EX LADIES' POLYESTER SLACKS Choose from a size range from 5 to 18. Excellent • selection to choose from. Compare this price Just Assorted LADIES' TOPS Sleeveless - short sleeve - • and long -sleeve tops. Many different styles. )k NOW. 1/2 PRICE NEW IN OUR STORE LADIES' PURSES Made from leather canvas. REG. VALUE TO '21.95 NOW 2 PRICE A new line to our store; Gothic plain knit, all sheer panty hose with gusset. Comes in beige, spice, and taupe. Petite, Average and Tall sizes. Be ready for fall! MEN'S WORK CLOTHING Pants - Shirts - Coveralls BUY NOW AND SAVE 10%. Reg. '1.39 NOW 2/1” QUEEN SIZE MINI & MAXI Reg. '1.59 ea. NOW Men's Fleece Lined • PARKA Made from 100% Creslan' Acrylic. The ideal thing for those cool fall nights. Choose from sizes M -L -XL in Red only. OUR REGULAR '11.67 $1199 NOW JUST 1. • FABRIC DEPARTMENT SPECIALS FLEECE -LINED JOGGING SUIT MATERIAL 60" wide, washable. Comes in colours of brown, black, red, blue and beige. METRE Made from • 90% polyester and 10% nylon corduroy. Comes in colours of green, light blue, navy, rose apd rust. 60" wide - washable. JUST $ 7 9 5 METRE We have an excellent selection of first quality plains and stripes. PLAIN $11 12 Us METRE STRIPED $8066 METRE BY THE POUND We have just received a new shipment of curtaining. Many patterns to choose from. FLANNELETTE BY THE METRE We have an excellent selec- tion of patterned and solid colours to choose from. Save money and make your pyjamas. $4°)410 PLAIN: 45" WIDE AN • METRE $170 PRINTED 36" WIDE • METRE VANASTRA FACTORY UT E MtN SOV$ tAcitis Oohs SAW, MAI - "AID atklit - itWING MA e.I411414 1,01•040 boobs - STORE HOURS: • . Monday.. Faddy 10 a.ti't, 10.0', Saia.tday, 6 poni., , Stitido l2noofl 6 • -11gfeway4- Soufh of Clinton at Vanastra .44 •