HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-1-26, Page 1• A Grand Offer. FOR $1.75 We will send the TIMES and any City Weekly from now until 1889. SUbscribe now and read the, open LEGAIh, ,a. Dioxs(fl4, 139,rrister, Soli- " 40 oit or ef Supreme C °fist , Notary Public Convoyancea Commissioner, &a. Money to Loan, y, Offtee in Patisipi's Block, Exeter, R.118, Barrister, Solicitor, Gonveyancer Etc, ETER, OT, OffieeSarnwell'sBloels Ball sold office.) ARMOUR "W. FORD, Solicitor lathe Supreme Court of Ontario, 'Conveyancer, Commiesioneri (to., acc. Special attention given to the collection of claims in the United States'. Patents procured, money totloan at lowest rates. (Moe : Opera Rouse Block, St. Marys, Ont. ELLIOT & ELLIOTT, Barristers, Solicitors, 'Notaries Public .Conveyanoers 850, dzo. t'aioney to Loan at Lowest Rates of Interest. OFFICE, - MA.IN - STREET, EXETER. L V. ELLIOT. S. ELLIOT. DENTAL. H L. BILLINGS, :3Dmi•Twxur, 0.1,1110E: over 0,.1rEIVS Bank Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction. W. I. elitTWRIBET, L. IL S. s-t:r7t,csaEcorr 1:41TTIST. Graduate of the P.oyal College of Dental surgeons of Ontario. Eav ingfnruishedfine Dented Booms on MAIN -ST„ next door to Treble's Hamm shop,Bxeter, where I £4111prepared to perform an branches el the Dentalprofession with ease st skill. 7T3E04:21-EM._e..33S.,133 u sed in extracting teeth, Charges, Moderate; 'Perms, Cash. .AND 'HITUTION & 4TP.P.I.)KSEN_ _GAZETTE. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET TEE CHIPS F WHERE THEY MAY." VOL. XV.) NO. 9. EXETER ONTARIO THURSDAT MOR NG, JANUARY 26, 1888, 40101 avarrie SO -01$ Publishiersand Proprietors FARME4S an& OTHERS. Briolz and. Tile, We Wishto call the special attention ot the farmers and others requiring tile, that Mr, Geo. Mc atz, of Lot 11, Con. 5, Steplient Crediton P, O., has on hand a very large quantity of 'LT 'KINSMAN ,DENTIST.L.D.8 Salneyersh Block, Main-st, Exeter, Extracts Teeth withoutpain, by giving Vegetable -Vapor. Gold Filings and all other dental work the best possible. Goes :4f f•ft,e; to Zumos on last Thursday in each month. MEDIOAL TILE OF ALL SIZES! , At the Following Prices : 2ir inch Tile ..• $ 5,50porM. 3 ••• 4 '4 18,0o " 0 ... 28,00 " 7 8 " ••. 40.00 neceBso,ry, limit ed eredit will be given. Crediton, Sept. 11, '87. GEO MOATZ. VIo LatillYoulingh And Everybody Laght, rf LUTZ,D. M., . 011ie eat hiaresidence Exeter . T W. BROWNINGri IVI. D., M. 0 . r . s ,G r &dilate VictorialJniversity.011ics, txt d]c sidence,13 oix1rtionLaborator v.EXOter 1)11. RYNDMAN, coroner for the county of lauron. Oface, opposite Mr. Carling's store, F,xeter. TAR. S. A. ROLLINS, M.O. P. S o. 0-�e4 Main st.Exeter,Ont.Residen se h one er e oentiv occupied by P. McPhillips, Esq. AUCTIONEERS. T_TENRY EILBER, Licensed Anti- tionoer for ElayeStephen, and MoGllli r ay:Townships . see es conducted at moderat e rates. Othce-At Paft"'f,"'arec TOHN Auctioneer 'for the GP Townships of Stephen, Ray and Usborne and the Village of Exeter. All sales promptly attended, !Ind satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged at this office. VETERINARY. TENNENT & TENNENT, VETERINARY - SURGEONS, ---WHO SEES OUR -- SPLENDID - - BARGAINS 1 -------- Beautiful Honest Goods in End- less Varieties - THE PRICE WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY -- FOR YOUR SAKE! FOR OUR SAKE • FOR GOODNESS SAKE COME AND LET US SAVE MONE FOR YOU. CAN DO IT! WE DO DO IT! WE WILL DO IT L J. DOUPE, & CO., KIRKTON. Graduat es of the Ontario Veterinary College. ti °Freon : One 'boor South of Town Hall, amormaammoon.... ten digit la 1$p8. &safe 5 bottle z gut°, p , all bot se 'bottle. MONEY TO LOAN. -vr ONE/ TO LOANAT 6 AND per cent, $25,000 Private Funds. Best Loaning Companies represented. L. Er. DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter, INSURANCE. WE ROUND THE COUNTRY. By Our Own correspondents. Woodham. Hambler. Mie$ neanda Seen of Devon, is at preeeut visiting flinds in the township of Grey, The le tore whichwas to have been deliver - ad inthe Methodist church by the Be''. Dia --- Aceinenr•-Cal Monday while Mr. Wmto, 11:3487.7i of of rE oe rae.n ti e, reason s oth oe:tgp.0 of rit Itei Jacques of Usborne was drawing logs ll the Metiers. Abray and Edwards' saw mill in this 3lat inSt;' place his homes butane hightened and ran Agetrtheeirrounds feuvnearys ecniedaeearviPotriienigt atIole datisPproeseeenoft away, Mr. J, not being able to control the 801hg animate and pulling them from one tide of their goods. A word of caution will not be the road to the other. the load upeet into the ditch, one monstrous log roiling on Mr. Jacques. Ample assistance wits at hand and the unfortunate men was soon extricated from hie unoorafmtable position, no bones broken, but badly bruised and shakeu up. The horses were not injured nor the sleigh damaged. Thesitutss.-Bediness in general seems to be good, the soros doing a lively trade; at the grist mill thiugs seems to be booming, the enterprising proprietors being slut and. cognizant of the wants of the people. We are not assuming too much, when we say that no better flour is manufactured in the district than is turned out 0f our mill. At the paw mill too, business i good, and lumber seems to be flying in all directions and the numerous employees are as bus? as bees in the springtime. -Mr. J. Stephens recently sold his olydesdale stallion to an American boyer for a good SUM. It is probable that he will haye purchased another ere eptingtirne. Three Houses and Lots for sale in Kirkton. LOOK OUT POR WAR -IN TFIE- THE WA.TERLOO MUTUAL EIRE IN SUBAN C E 0 0 . • Established in 1863. HEAD OFFICE - • WATERLOO, ONT. This coneeanv has been over Eighteen years in successful operation in Western On- tario,andeorrtinuee to insure agaiustloos or damage by Piro ,Builclings es/tea:ahem die° ,Man- ufactoriee,eud ale othordemerintions Oilmen - able property . Intending Menem bay() the option of insuring on the Pre.011.11O1 Note or 0 Ash. System , - leering the past ten yeaes tbis Company has {gaited 57,006 Policies, covering propeety to thenerount of 840,872,088 ; and. paid inloss, , .4- s es aloy 1, I . ASSO , 8116 ,10 0 000 , consieting of Cash O B0,11 , Government D °posit , and the unites- tt eased realities Notes on hand end in force, 4T, W t irloPx11 B. Preside:. t. 0 , 51. Terynon, scare, ee 3. B . Ilecerrits, Enspector . Ott AS. Seeable agentfor 'Exeter emit vionaitv, CENTRAL arbor Sho FANSON'S BLOCK. A. Hastings, Prop. Shavieg Mid Hair anteing in the latest stylee of the art, Every attention paid to cutting Ladles and Children's Hair SWITCHES MADE TO ORDER A 0.k.Dt SOLICITED Croiiton neap Sion J. MITCHELL bus received a splendid lot of XMAS goods, and is determined to make prices to suit hard times, eimeeially in BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, AND DRAWERS, and other goods. • Note some of the prieee : 5 lbs. good tea - 15 lbs. good,sugar 18 lbs, raisins, (new fruit) - 6 bars soap - out of place. Farmers beware, and as here- tofore mentioned through the columns of the TIMES, sign your name to none of their paper whatever thee you will be sere from the swindler's clutch. Dashwood. BRI_Va.-The weather has been'exceedingly keen this last week or two. -The yards of the saw -mill are being rapidly filled with saw -logs. The begs aro of excellent quality and will doubtles,s make splendid lumber. Farraers pan buy the best of lumber here for draining and building Imposes at a very reasonable figare.-Business is very good here considering times. -Mr. August Pope and sister, of Platteville, are visiting at the home of their brother, Mr. John Pope, mer- ehant tailor of this place. -Miss M. Rhoda and Miss A. Stephen are home from Berlin at present, visiting friends and relations. -- Mr. H. Kellerman and Miss K. McCallum spent Sunday in visiting friends in Forest. - Mr. Chas. leossenberry waa in town Sunday. -Mr. Chas, Shoemaker bas sold his Teei. dance here and intends going into farming. - Revival meetings are being held here under $10.50 for registration ; Mr. Edward, $2.75, the guidance of Revs- Hauch and Ortwein culvert. The Board then adjourned. and the church is crowded every thing. They, no doubt, will be the means nf pro- ducing a great deal of good. • Last Sunday was quarterly meeting in the Goshen Line briok clatirth. A large xlumber of people attended the services there, and in the avg., Bishop Ihnbaoh preaohea a splendid sermon in the church here. --Word was received here that Mr. Edward Hall formerly stage -driver of this place, had been killed in the woode. Blanshard Council. -- Blanshard, jan. 10th, 1888. Tbe municipal council eleot for the Town- ship of Blanshard met to -day, and after hav- ing subseribed the oath of office the following gentlemen took seats at the Board : •Thomas LtiNV8011. reeve; George Hudson, dep•reeve ; Messrs. Johnson, MoVannell and Diokensoh, Counoillare. The minutes of the previous meeting read signed by the reeve. Mr. Wm, ,Tohnson was re -appointed °lett:. Mr. Kennedy was re• appointed assessor ; Mr. Loynd% Treasurer ; Mr. John Anderson, collector, •and alessra. Roger and Armstrong, auditors ; Mr.- Thos. Pearson, caretaker of hall ; air, Joseph Car- routhers, impounding other. Council resolved itself into nom. of the whole on salaries. Mr. Johnson in • the chair. The corn. rose aud reported as fol- lows ;---Clerk to be paid $110; A.ssessor, §50; Treasurer, pc); Collector, $00 ; Auditors, $10 each; selectors of jurors, $6 each ; Care- taker, 14;eimpounding officer, $30. 'The Reeve took the chair arid the report was ad- opted. The Clerk was ordered to ask for tenders for printing for the current year. The ten- ders to be opened on the first Monday in February at two o'clock P. M, at the council The Reeve and Ur. Johnson wore appoint - to make arrangements,for plank. The time for the return of the roll waa extended lo the first Monday in Feby. 'Orders were issuea to, lat, Wilkinson, $3, charity; Rath Ritchie, $7, charity; Thomas Pearaon, t, caretaker of hall ; Johnson, $52.50, fall salary as clerk, and Clandeboye, • Business is rather' dull In onr 'village jest at present, the people seern to be buying only the bare neeessities of life. The people around dre laying in a large stock of ice, which is very thick on the river new. The members of ithe Nureury Methodist Church, Mooresville, intend holding a tea - meeting in their church on Wednesaay evg., Jan, 25th. Agood time is expected. Them is splendid skating on the river near liere just now and the young folks of this piece are getting the benefit of It. It is said that a person can kate along the river for over ten miles. The farmers around here are taking ad vantage ot the splendid sleighing to get oat their prelim. Immense loadof wood are eoutinuelly being driven through the village. The Independent Order of Fore:Item o thie place seem to be making rapid advainennent in the matter of members, They have nearly forty members in. their court now and expect several more yet. A. great many of the farmers in this vicinity are keeping their oats till spring er- pecting to got about forty eents per bushel. We would not be surprised to see oats verY ohisap next spring. There have been a lot ot petty burglaries around here lately. Leta week some evil inclined persons broke into the. station and took therefeoin two or three boxes of tea and several others artieles. They next tried their hand on the safe, but they could not get it open, (neither could the station master next morning Wh011 he wanted his books) Detective Day is at lament tracing them. The same night Mr. James Barrie lost a sett of harness. • Fox -bunt -hag is at its height erotued here at present. A great many vixens have beeu killed buc they are very numerous yet. One day last week a young man came into towu with the information that there was a bleak fox in hie Inish. The effect was instantan- eous. A. veritable army started atter tho fox, but after tracing it for about two miles •they came ROCOSS a beautiful 'black cat' which lied lost its way. The unfortunate hunters were so enraged that they set upon poor pussy and riddled her with bullets. The owner of the cat hearing of the loss of hie beautiful tabby' threatened the eportsinen -with the law if they did not pay for the cat which they promptly did. No. of registrations for 1897 : birthe, 62 ; marriages. 14 ; deathe, 30.-106 in all. 'The Molsons Bank WS: PA iii,rAigrt;NI,',1.560 .144 up oupitui .$2.,00Q,404 100'4 Fend „. „, 075,000 Offoro tb Volhi0 4 ER UNT, 19110 AN t,1fror money on St.lVlaryS. A Seniors AND FATAL Amin -sem - As the people were returning home from &wine service on Sunday morninglast there occur- red an accident which caused the utmost 73borne Council. ' The new Council met Jan. 21s0, the follow- ing gentlemen having been duly A looted and signed de.claaations of quelificatiou of office toolc their seats at the Council Board, viz : Thos. M. Kay, reeve ; James Halls, council- lor. 13. W. Ward.; Wm. Kycld, councillor. N. W. Ward ; Jonathan Shier. S. E. Ward ; Thom' Cameron, Conneillsr, N. E. Ward. Moved by T. Cameron, sec by Jas. Halle, excitement upon our principal thoroughfare. that Wm. Kydd be deputy reeve for 1888. - • His remains were brought to Limerick and I.. gamin hu. and mu. win, &genet, of the __carried, ts" Thames concession, Blanshard, who had Diaveti by L Shier, aeaondecrbY J. E6115, buried there. He leaves a wife and $1,00 children to mourn his untimely end. -Mr, church, were been at the Methodistdrivingthat G. W. Holmaa be Clerk for 1887, at a Dakota, has been heard froin. He reached steadily down the Eastern hill on Queen.st., salary of $100. -Carried. . - $1.00 A. Birk who left here some time ago for . 25 eta the cutter, owing to the breeching being too Moved by J. Shier, seconded by T. Garner - DEPOSIT RECEIPTS AND PER DENW,INTEUEST PEA ANNUM ear• lolry :46 -:Ye e lune Savings 13ank Dep'mrt d. Tho 13"k 01q1C)6 HOUR8 10 a, 01, to 3p. In, SaturclarYs, 10 er, M. to 1 p•ra Exeter. 0 t, 21, '87. A. A. C. PEN°VheNria' fee, 1.0111.1.W.L.111,:nleMOMICOMIMMINP.W • Blansb.ard., Throughout the T----ovvnebin of Binhelneed iu the variorit setons there are live mele and. four female theater,' engaaed for the Current year, The sale of thoroebred stock which took place at Messrs. Laing a Thompson's yester- day. was a comparative suacese. Many heads of tine stook were sold at advanced prices. A New 110INT1111tNT,-At the animal meeting of the Blanshard Fire Insurance Conipany held at St. Marys on the 130h inst. Mr. George Moir was appointed See'y and. Manager, vice Wm. Johnson, who declined the office owing to the Directors reducing the commission usually given for issuing policies. There seems to be eonsiderable dissetisfetation among poliey helders, as Ai* universally con- cluded that Mr. Johnston, who is the found- er of the institution, and who worked it up to its present progressive State, should have been re-eppointed, notwithstunding that he held for the customary commission. Your correepondent has it frora authentic author- ity that Several farmers, whose policies ex- pired. with 1887, have withdrawn from the Co mpany. $1.00 St. Paul, but was snowed in there. .Mr. A. long MO upon the horse's heels The animal on, that T. Coates be 'appoiutecl treasmer Good dress goods - - 10 eta- Per yd Hohlbein and Miss Maggie McCormick, both Factory cotton 1 yd. wide - 7 cts. " i! of this place, were united in tile holy bonds began kicking furiously, and Mr. Stennet persuming Ids wife would in liketvise, rolled out of the cutter, allowing the uncontrolable beast f an liberty. Arriving at Wellington -et. the horse took to the sidewalk on tbe south side of Queen.st. and the cutter colliding with a tie poet caused Mrs, Stennet to fall with great force against a telegraph pole. She ems picked up unconscious, cerried to the office of a neighboring physician where for 1888 at a salary of po. Moved by J. Shier, seconded by W. Kydd,' Splendid tweed for suits _ 75 gis. ,. of matrimony m limerick one day last week. that W. Boutley be appointed collector tor . . After the ceremony the marriage party pro- the current year at a salary of $55, and that needed eto the parental home of the groom, he furnish bands to this Council signed SHAWLS, MANTLES, AND ALL KINDS when all sat down (your correspondent by himself and _two good land sufficient se - OF DRY -GOODS CHEAP AS among the number) toti sumptuous repast. auritiee in the sum of e12,000 for the faithfal THE CHEAPEST. May they live long and happy. • performance of his duties. -Carried. Moved by J. Shier, seconded by T. Cam- eron, that tbe following be appointed fence - Don't fail to call and get your goods for X-mas at J. MITCHELL'S Cheap Store. FIBST-CLASS COAL OIL CHEAP. LOOK: AT S. C. HEBSEY'S SIGN, SELLING AT COST PRICES THE latoroo OF CANADA, The Itoyiel Mail, Paesen,gee and oreight Hon to between 00.11011310.11 d Groat Britain and diet rette between the West amel ell 20106 on the Lower St. Lawrence ancl Bale dee Chu - lour, a iso ffew Brunswick Nova Scotia P, E. Island Cape Breton, Newfound Land, Bermuda, and 3-antaica. Now aucl elegant ,Fullman Buffet Sleeping 1111 Day 0 ars run 00 through Express trains, Pessoegeesfee Great Eritam 011flie COhM- L1011Fl)y leaving Toronto at 8.80 a. In, Thurs. ("lay will cin outward men 'steamer at Bali. tax a, in. Saturday. Superior Elevator Warehouse and Dock ac- commodation at Halifax tor shipment of grain and. generalmorehauclise, Years of experience have proYed the INTER - COLONIAL 16 000110001011 with steamship lines to and from Louden. LiVerP 001 0.116Ghiegoev to erelifarx, to be th e qui ekest freiglit route botWeeii Ontle.ds, titid Great Britain, Infotinetion as to Priesengee ana Fseight gates 00.11be hail 030 applieatioe to nolinnT ()DYE, Western Veeight &Pessengoe Agent Paean) toueo Steele York bt, TOw:O to D,20VZNGB1h Luoan. Mr. Robert Orme, R framer residing on the 16th concession of London, attended a cheese faetory meeting at Lucan Tuesday ef last week. At 10 o'clock heleft the village on his return home. About theca mils from the village, when nearing his own residence. it is presumed, he was met by some party, (evidently only one person) who mast have got into Orme's cutter, as every appearanee indicates a severe struggle between the murdered man and his assailant, When the base and cutter arrived home without the driver and robes. Mr. Orine's son, who had been it waiting his father's return, found the horse. He immediately got into the cutter and retraced the road, supposing that the horse had run away and left the driver. On the road, one mile and three-quarters from his residence, he found the dead body of his father, and the robes at the side of the sleigh track. He placed the robes and the body of his father in the critter and drove home. He then drove back to Lucan and told the news to bis friends. Several of the villagers immediately proceeded to the scene of tragedgy, and upon a close inspection found the murdered man's cap, R trail of blood for a shore distance, and also tbe re- volver with evlaieh the deed had been core milted. On an examination of the body by Dr. Hossack, it was very evident that the nastructioe. The soiree which. it has been unfortnnate man had. fought bare for his the onetom to hold in eennection with these seevices, was disposed with, and the amount usually realized from the same, has this year been raised by teebscription. The new de- perture ie the better): way, as it releavee the women folk of oonsiderable labor. --Revival seveices are ie peogrese 111 conneetion with the Methodist ohurch, They are conducted by flee pastor, Rev. A. IT sesieted she expirea within ten minutes. Deceased viewers for the current year, vis: John Cope. eeteemecl by all. She was aged about bri 50 land, A. Cole, P. Moir, 0. Coats, J. Del- dge and C. Switzer.---Oarried. lady had a very wide acquaintance and eves years. The bereaved husband and family Moved by T. Cameron, sec by Jae, Halls, shavenatalinei ty he. Iv a r tf le r. ,el tsympathySe nnetis oaf the that the Board of Heelth. be comportAl of the asi Reeve, Clerk. Messes. L. Hunter C. Mon - farmer in Blanshard, ahd the news of the) • teith and a McInnis, at 01.50 per day when la p untimely death of his beloved .wif s rea a on dirty, and that Dr. Irviug be Medical with rapidity throughout the town. Tie Health Officer at $3 per day and James remains of the deceased were laid in the Tufts be Sanitary Inspector at a salary of St. Marys cemetery yesterday:and the funeial $1.50 per day.-Carriea. cortege was one of the largest seen here for Moved by J. Shier, seconded by Thomas some time. Cameron, that Alex. Duncan be audttor for ea of hie livery stable and stock to Mr. John the year 1888 at a salary. of $5, and that the BRIEES.-Mr. John D. Graham he dispos- Slack, Blenshard, for $1,800, Mr. Slack, auditors meet to audit the Treaeurer's as - who has already taken possession. is a man next at 9 o'clock. a. in, --Carried. conntsi ou Saturday, the 4th day of February disposition is certain to court a very large other auditor. • The Reeve appointed Thos. Andrews the of sterliug quitlitiee, and being genial M share of the atrouage of the people of town Cern- and suburbs, Mr. Graham has purchased Moverl by J. Shier, seceederl by T Care - p the sole right for the manufseture and sale eron, that Matthew Bentley John Hazlewood, of an infallible salve for the cure of all limb Ralph Iteddy, George Rook, se., Thomas aftlictions to which the horse is heir, in the Passmore, Andrew Campbell, 'William Gil- fillan and Richard Hunter, jr. be nomad- aounties of Perth and Grey. --The annivere. keepers for the current year. -Carried. ary services of the Methodist church were Moved by T. Cameron, seconded by Jas. held on Sunday hot. Sermous were preached Halls, that 13y -law No 1, 1838, apoointmg morning and evenin,gbytheltev. Jae Hannan, municipal °Moore ad fixing their selaries as President of the Guelph conference, aim a now TWA be pasecht-Carried. fottner pnetor of the church here. 13o01 Moved by W. Xychl, seconded by J. Shier, sermons were delivered hi an able manner that Mr. Jaines Halls, • procure, plans and and were- beaming with the most profitable specifications for a bridge bet veen Lots 9, on Ole 6 and 7 con. and lay the seine before 01110 Council at its next meeting.--Oarried. Moved. by W. Te,ycld, secencled. by T. Cam- eroo, that the seleetors of jurors eaceive 03 each for their services ill 1887,-Oarried. Moved by W. Eydd, mem:vied by J. Shier, thee the Treasurer renew his bonds to thie Council in the 8010 of $1.2,000, signed by himself and two good and suilleimit minorities to the eetiefaction of this Council,-asteried. s. concession of Loudon township and leas by the ardent church workers., 'Neese meet. Mayoel by T. Oetterete, eeonded by .j resided in the vicinity all hie life, Go was a lege have already been productive of much Shier; that the accouut of White a. Sons for eonsietent member of the eTethodiet church good, and the leader avers thee he will not Printing be paid. -Cat vied. deeist until there leave teem seffielent new as were all his family, and was very highly Moved by J, Shier, secomied. T. by T Cilen- eeteemed by his neighbors and acquaintanceseron, that the offer of White & Son to do the members enrolled to make a memberebio to He owed 150 aeres of land. air. Ormetownehip printing for tee current yeat for the church of 4.00, -The Collegiate Imitii eta seems to have had seime enemies, for not a, here, 0001118 tO 11301.0 then retain its old time 643 be accepted ; the printieg to be all that few of his friends in Loam), remember, PoPillerity, as this term the attendance fe is asnally required by the municipality, the anditors' abstetict to be p•intee. and put in pamphlet forna.-Oarried. Mos,cd by .7, Halls, seconded by W. Eyed, that M. Saretwell receive $5 to prociire cloth• nig for Joseph Lewitt encl. wile, indigcnis. -- Carried, Moved by J. Shier, eccontAl by \V. Eyed, and resolval, that oreers be issued foe the following amounts. viz : Pechere Eletoe, 35 r jeliu Swim, $5.60 ; Samuel laieks, $3.50 ' f W. Pybus, $2 • j. Jolene, $1 ; G ter. Hol- e. ne $3 ; T. Andrew, 56. men. 314,50 ;,Toleolt ilewi it, 3:1 ; While (S: Son, $14.O5 ; A. Dimon, $3 ; T. al, Key, Shier, the Council neljourima to meet Again Saterday, the Ilth of Febrivery, et one o'clock On motion of W. •Kydd, seconaed, by S. Mr Eveteet, Forest. hear tiiv„s-,11,n8e gond. nt )1 three bottlee of yotir Omagh Syrup; noth- iim SROTOR to mire am but that.--aire. West - tower, oogaiana 2, o Mich, all, • The Storm. -- Nebraska City, Neb., Jan. 21. -Judge F. Kinney, agent of the Yankton Indian Agency, arrived here yesterday arrived here yesterdey after being nine days on the road. Five days were necessary for the barter to travel thirty miles. The thennometer during the five days was at 40 degrees below zero most of the time. The Judge says the Iota of life in Dakota -has been greatly under- estimated. While at. one station ice BOB. homme county the Judge says _nineteen. frozen boaies were brought into the depot in oue day. Io Bonhorarne county the list of dead will reach fully 160. The' estimate made at Yankton yesterday of loss ot life 'throughout the territory will figure up over .1.,000. The counties where the loos of life was the largest itree-Bonhomme, 160; Hutchinson, 14: Lincolu 13; 13eadle, 25; Spinle, 12; Hand, 10; Ward, 15. life. There were thi es distinct traces of balls which. had only glanced by and did not penetrate the skull, but the fourth and fatal one entered the brain fair in the midelo of Ole forehead and executed its fatal miseiot, Mr. Orme's overcoet and other garmeets were open, which evidences the fact that robbery was the object. Mr. Orme was about 45 years of age and was born 00 (110 eleventh distinctly hearing of him being robbed of $80 tlitee or four years elude and loft tied in his wegen, in which eondition he Was found when the team arriyed 10100, to said flails was his feutili exporie.uce. feeling around litican tow is their the elfin:. waS ftecideotal, It is surmised that Orme intended to hurt himself for the purpoee of obtaining some of the inseianue, but 1101'calenlaled hii elm and killed birneelf. He was injured in the head Once before and Received, so 1010 said, a eeousiclereblestun 10 insurance. At that gime also 113030 rathered that, the injuries \V810 intealionally eelf.ins flicted. The condition of the Crown Prince of Germany ic less favorable than it has been for shine time. It is now thought that the Central Bank creditors will liQt reelize more than 40 per cent. •FC'entlY in Enlynucc a recent years. The members of the ribove 'Institute) have ro• organized their leiterery Society, to be numaged by ell abto staff of officete, vie :- Pres., W.11:, Graham; vico4lo., Miss Hudson; secy., (Thas. Robertson ; treas., Miss ; co o "Messrs, Stanley; Knox, and X3rown 0.1131 Mieees Lindsay and Brown: The fleet entertainment evill he held oe Wednee- deY evening Mika nee, 1st. 1,524,000 tons of coal were shipped Nova Scotia last year, an inCre3 Se of 200,- 000 tone over 1886. Suicide in any form 31iou1d be discour- aged; but a Suicide such as that atteMptcd. in St. Cathaeines Oho ether day 16 a vio- lation of good taste as well as good mot - When. there aro so mealy dramatic': and even ppotical -wiiys of taking leave of life, there is no excuse for a man be) (Us- emboWoi himmtlf vith tIr bmtollor Bigstone City; Dale., Jan. 21. -The bodies of Keeekerifee and his hired mem, lost in the blizzard in Minnesota, south of here, were founelast night locked. in each others arms. Miss Little of Geneva, reported. lost, has been found safe and well, with her school children "at a neighboring farmers ; also Geo. Powell, who went to her rescue. Watertown, bake Jan, '21. -The -body oe Ohas. Wilson, another blizzard. *victim, was found in Hamilton county yesterday. He left Cestlewoocl one week ago Wednesday on snowshoes. Dak., San. 21. ---Two paesenger trains from Minneapolis, that :had been blockaded, reached hey this morning, the first from the east since the 10th. The concluders report drifts as high as the tele- graph poles. • ... Minneapolis, Minn., Jan, el. -This is the coldest day ever known here. Liteeeetlet reliable thehnometers showed. 48' below, antr -s, at 7 o'clock this morning0. standard Govern- ment• thermometer showed 40° below. the lowest that can be registered ori it. There was a douse fog this morning, which is now lifting. A Chippewa Falls, Wis speoial says it was 68° below there last niglat. Omaha, Neb., Jan. 22.-A 'urging number of telegrams have been received at the 'Union Pacific headquartere stating that the coal ears of the company have been seized by farmers in the Western, part of the State. There is a great scarcity of coal along the line of the, road in Western Nebraske, and the inhabitants. during the recent blizzard, have taken brcible measures to replenish their etocks of fuel. On Wedneeclay last 100 men took possession of two cars loaded evith cool at Cozad, and the performance was re- peated Friday at Shelton. Similar occurren- ces 0.133 zeported from Gibbohe and Keeney. I have used Everest's Cough Syrup in my family for two years, and. always found it. an exaellent remedy for Coughs, Colds, &c.-J,H. Pettypioce, Forest. I firmly believe Everest's Cough Syrup saved the life of my wife. --Jas. A: Fisher, Camlarhie P. 0. Fiwno LESLIE'S POPuhAla MONTHLY FOR FEBRUARY. It is not, usual to credit New York with being a home of the Arts, 'but A. S. Southworth's sketchy article, "The Sculptors of New York, in Frank Leslie's Poplar Monthly Inc February, will set some at least thinking-. If commerce, manufacture and specula- tion aceumulate wealth in thislittle island it is dispensed as well, and sculptora have found patrons to enable them to develop thio genius. A very timely arbiele • is given on the Presidents of • the 'French Republic. These gentlemen do not seem able to servo out their terms as ours do, and hence their number will run. as rapidly, Theyhave had as many in six- teen, s we had in thirty. Of all t:n coitric:8 10 Europe, the one wo hear least about . Portugal. She has no Nihilist, no revolutions; she is not. going to fight Russia or annex S'he does not force people to em- igrate. Evidently she is worth a tran- sient look, and Noel Itutlivea gives you what You will enjoy, "A. peep in!:o WO. ' A. lady whom. fortune, fate and matrimony have linked with the army of this great republic tons us, la "./,1. Lady's Accotint of Army LiEe in the Far West," how sho end those 'like her manage to live rat a frontier post, five hundred miles from 0 dressmaker, and a, thousand mileA from a drygouds Store. Mrs. 0, Inger- soll', Gara gives and illuStrates *etches of beautiful scenes near Rochester; and "Convent ±11the Air" tells of the homes of some 101600 recluses in a M Asiinor. 111 Poster p,ives all enthusiastic account of the Cherskeo Nation and its progress and p.tacsgor Ed±lm ai8cus,e,s, in, a way that will delight ,good housewives, "The Mill: Supply of Cities." Of the stories, beginning With the wonderful. story, "Prince Lucifer," arid including "A Quaker Maegnerado," ".A.Now Cleopatra," "Aesisber of Providence," we need peak. They commend. themselves to ,