HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-09-27, Page 14'PE 14—CINTON NEWS -RECORD, TlitIRSDAY, SEPTEMPFR Z7, 1979 e Wesley Willis UCW start new season Twenty-one ladies joined for the first meeting of the new season Sept. 20. The highlight of the meeting was a report of the days spent at Alma College by Mrs. Audrey Kemp. The theme of the study this year was "Discover a New Joy". Audrey en- joyed and appreciated, theopportunity to atter.id. Greta Nediger tock the • worship service and Leona Holland gave the Meditation on the Scripture reading about the woman who touched the Master's clothing and was healed. Greta read an article about the chapel of St. Margaret near Edinburgh castle where she visited this summer. The ladies were en- couraged to keep the bazaar in mind in November. Plastic bags, broom handles, men's' work socks are needed for toys. Please leave at the chuiCh. Cleta McGregor had charge of the business and 56 hospital calls and 42 'home calls were reported by Bei's Fingland. The Presbyterial Rally will be held Oct. 16 at Varna United Church at 8 p.m. Clinton girl wed Vases of red roses decorated the Bethel Bible Church in Egmondville on August 18 as John Gordon Blanchard and Susan Rosa Mary DeGroof were joined as husband and wife. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Blanchard of RR 4, Walton and the parents of the bride are Mr. and Mrs. August DeGroof of RR 3, Clinton. • Rev. D. L. Patterson of Kitchener and Rev. A. Yeilding officiated at the double ring ceremony, Miss Laurel Lavis was the pianist and ''played a lovely solo. The bride wore a long Victorian styled gown of white peau de soie. It featured a dainty bias neckline from which extended lace which covered the shoulders. The waist was gathered beneath a wide cum- merbund and the sleeves flowed and ended in lace which was gathered at the wrist: Mrs. Rita. Tyndall 'created this dress., The maid of honor was Janice Allan who was dressed identical to the bride in deep dusty. rose.' She carried a bouquet of daisies and red roses. Mrs. Marg Allan made the maid of honor's gown. Best man was Ron Blanchard, brother of the groom. A meal was given by the Bethel Bibte Church ladies following the ceremony and a small reception was held at the home of the bride's parents. The mother of the bride wore a floor length gown of deep burgundy, adorned with a pearl inset and pearl necklace. Her corsage was tiny pink rose buds. The groom's mother chose a flowered chiffon over lemon satene gown, which featured a fitted bodice and chiffon over cape. Following a honeymoon trip, circling southern Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. Blanchard are residing at RR 1, Auburn. Prior to the wedding the bride was feted at showers given by, Janice Allan, for high- school classmates; Mrs. Julia Embling, for relatives; Jane Christensen, for friends frorn work at Huronview; Donna Hackett, for --the girls from training;the church ladies from Bethel,,Bible and. Mrs. Blanche Deeves, for the neigh- bor. • Mr. and Mrs. Roger Carr Wed in Seaforth Blue and white daisie on candelabras was the setting at St. Jame Roman Catholic Church Seaforth when Joanne Adrienne DeGroot and Roger Clinton Carr ex- changed vows at a double ring ceremony on August 10. -The bride is the daughter of Else and Joseph DeGroot, Seaforth and the groom is the son of Rae Carr, Vancouver, British Columbia. Rev. H.J. Laragh officiated the ceremony. The bride was given in marriage by both parents. For the occasion the bride wore a full- length lace trimmed candlelight gown with sunflower lace train all made by her mother and she wore a matching hat. Her silk flowers were of rust and ivory colored tiger lilies. The girls in attendance wore blue flOwered print gowns made by the bride's mother and they carried French poppy flowers. Tanya DeGroot, Seaforth, sister of the bride, was maid -of -honor. The other attendants were Mary -Lou Johnston, Stratford, Pamela DeGroot, Hamilton, both sisters of the ,bride and Mary Johnston, Sarnia, friend of the bride. Tanya DeGroot, Edmonton, the bride's niece wasil flowergirl. She wore a similar dress style (but short) and material as the bride and carried a miniature of the bride's bouquet. • Adam Renshaw, Clinton, friend of the, bride was ringbearer. He was wearing a grey short pants and vest suit and carried a heart -shaped ring pillow made of the same material as . the bride's gown. Both children's outfits were made by the bride's s mother. The best man was Karl Bonnar, Ottawa, friend of the groom. Ushers were Peter DeGroot, Edmonton, brother of the bride, Andrew Carr, Vancouver, brother of the groom, and Bob Martin, Petawawa, friend of the groom. Following the wedding a reception was held at the .,Seaforth Community Centre. Special guests at the wedding were the bride's godparents - grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Botermans-V. Dorst of the Netherlands. Other guests in at- tendance were from Ohio, Vancouver, North Bay, Sarnia, Ottawa, Flesherton, Petawawa, Toronto, London, Forest, Seaforth and Clinton. Prior to the marriage, the' bride was given several showers by the bridesmaids, relatives, neighbours and women staff at Central Huron Secondary School. Qn Friday morning our blind residents held a meeting in the 'craft room, While Roman Catholic Mass was also .said on Friday morning also in the Chapel. Bingo was played in the anditorium on Friday 'afternoon. • Rev. Wittick "spoke on God's Promise on Sunday. morning, virhen pam- phlets were passed out to each resident andSuriday evening, Dick Roorda held a service. As Molly Cox was away, there wasn't any old time music but practice was' held in the afternoon for the program .that Huronview residents put on in Dash- wood for the Dashwood senior citizens. The program was started out with the Huronview Choir singing two hymns, followed by Mrs. Elsie Henderson playing her bells. Nelson Lear told th% audience what a stern olc bachelor felt and Joh/ McTaggart played twc selections, and Margare McQueen sang the soli Beyond the Sunset. Ceci Skinner played his violin accompanied by Elsic Henderson at the pianc •••-•••••••••••••••••,........-••••....•-•••••••••,.•••,•••••••• • Wingham Memorials • Guatanteed • Cemetery Lettering • Buy Direct and save Chmmissions. BUS. PHONE 347-1910 RES. 357-1015 Sport Diver Course COmmencing October 15,1919 at the VANASTRA COMM1111##CINTRE Course length 42 hours 12 weeks $100.00. FOR. INFORMATION CONTACT!, Vanastra Community Centre - 482-3544 or Sid Scroggs - 482-3151. Candidates may obtain NAL% ACUC, or CMAS Certification recognized worldwide. All aged above 15 may register ENTROLL NOW — TOTAL REGISTRATION IS LIMITED TO 15 persons and Josephine CUn- ningham sang a solo. Nelson Lear and Elsie Henderson then sang .a duet and Morgan Dalton sang two songs, Elsie Henderson brought her dancing doll which she made dance to several tunes and Frank Bissett and Elsie Hen- derson played a piano duet. The Choir closed the program with' a hymn. A lovely lunch was served to our ' Huronview residents by the, Dash- wood Senior Citizens and "a gift . of candy was presented to each. Wednesday afternoon, the Zurich Women's Institute helped all residents whose - bir- thdays were in Sep- tember celebrate. Joe Boland played some sweet music on his violin accompanied by Alfred Denomme at the piano. A sing -song was held with the residents getting the nts opPorttMitY to gues4 the tune before it wfis sung.. A skit was staged With Ruby Npeb remembering her life from .littre- girl to mother. The' little girls were Natalie Brokenshire and Jennifer Deichert. The schoolgirl was Mrs. Belle Merner, the college girl was Joan' Smith, the actress was Verlyn Fisher, the 'nurse was Agnes Regier, thet bride was Elsie Doerr and, the mother was Myrtle Hay. Cupcakes and tea were served after the distribution of gifts. Thursday at noon, the staff barbecue was held and in the afternoon, Mrs. Proudy conducted Bible Study. • 1 *WI The Heart of Down Town Varna" • Vocuvm Cleaner. and Service of mc'strnakes • CB Radios and Accessories • Speed Queen A.ppllances • Moffat Appliances • Smoke Sensors • insect•Lights and Fly Killing Units • HandcrofteciGiffS • . Varna, Qnt. Phone 48? -1103. • SPECIAL ATTENTION FRESH HONEY (JUST HARVESTED — DIRECT FROM THE BEEKEEPER Tc ru) 80c Ib. in your own containers. HONEYMEAD APIARIES LTD. RAMOCH, ONT. (2 Miles West of St. Marys) . PHONE 229-$285 Open 6 days arweett. Clod Sundays 8 a,m. to 8 p.m. (fl35)4 ANGLICAN ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH THE REV. JAMES R. BROADFOOT. BA.. M.DIV. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30,1979 • TRINITY XVI 11:30 A.M: HOLY COMMUNION ,SERVICE OF HARVEST THANKSGIVING SERMON: "IT IS GOOD TO GIVE THANKS" Sunday School during morning worship A WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU AT ST. PAUL'S TRINITY CHURCH BAYFIELD ST. JAMES' CHURCH MIDDLE TON RECTOR: REV. WM. pENNETT SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30;1979 16TH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 8 a.m. Holy Ccimmunion tTrinity) 10 a.m. Harvest Thanksgiving Service GUEST PREACHER: REV, DOUGLAS PITTS 11:15 a.m. Said .Mattins (Middleton) Two small, very friendly churches welcome you to share in the traditional Anglican Prayer Book ser- vices. (1962 Canadian BCP) Blanchard-lleGroof Security pension up Increases in. the Old Age Security pension, Guaranteed Income Supplement and Spouse's Allowance, effective in October 1979, were an- nounced recently by the Honourable Heward Grafftey, Minister of State for Social Programs on behalf of the Honourable David Crombie, Minister of National Health and Welfare. The basic Old Age Security pension will rise t6 $179.02 from the present $174.82. The maximum Guaranteed Income Supplement for a single, person, or a married person whose spouse is not a pensioner and is not receiving a Spouse's Allowance, wilt'/increase to $146.97 from its current $143.53. Added to the basic pension, this gives a person receiving both the OAS and the maximum GIS a monthly total of $325.99. The maximum (4uaranteed Income Supplement for a tarried couple, both perisiOners, will increase to $122,201 each from $119.34. Added to the basic pension this will give each married pensioner receiving the maximum GIS a total of $310.22, or $602.44 for the couple. The maximum Spouse's Allowance will increase to $301.22 frorn $294.16. 1 SUPERIOR MEMORIALS ESTARLISHED OVER 50 YEAR!' ‘ClintoraAteafarth Area Representative MICHAEL. FALCONER 153,H1gh Street Clinton • 442441 GodioriettAkeo `14.0r4,!!`ki RtIBIEllitHIOCALL061 lerettittitti tfa. 524134 1.:,,.. • to get your ..,. .., .....:...i.ei.•money's .,, .4?"," . worth. S ..1 Save on values throughout the store' • .: . AGREE • •• 350 ML. PLUS $229 SHAMPOO 28% MORE FREE ONLY • NOXZENIA/3 01. ROLL ON DEODOR ONLY 1. • • VASSALINE/400 ML. $ 1INTEN1 ;I• • •, - , SIVE CARE LOTION ONLY LOZENGES . ONLY' • • PENTECOSTAL CALVARY PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 166 Victoria Street Pastor: Wayne Lester 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Service ALL WELCOME PRESBYTERIAN ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH THE REV. THOMAS A. A. DUKE CHARLES MERRILL ORGANIST SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 10 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP SACRAMENT OF THE LORD'S SUPPER 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL All Welcome • UNITED BAPTIST BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH "Holding Forth the Word of Life" Phil. 2 15 PASTOR:Rev Les Shiel 565-2659 10 A.M. FAMILY BIBLESCHOOL 11 A M MORNING WORSHIP 7:30 P.M. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE Wednesday, 8 p.m-. Prayer and Bible Study FRIDAY - YOUTIVSERVICE Meet at the church at 7:30 p.m. for a bowling night. All welcome. Come Thou With Us And We Will Do Thee Good. Numbers 10:29 • FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH CLINTON SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 MR EDWARD J. ANDERSON PASTOR 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 IF a.m. Morning Worship Everyone Welcome CATHOLIC SAINT JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC CHURCH James St., Clint6n Phone 482.9468 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 . FATHER J. HARDY MASS SATURDAY 8 p.m. • SUNDAY 11 a.m. • CONFESSION SATURDAY 7.15 P.M. BUS PROMVANASTRA An welcome CHRISTIAN REFORMED Sttit 1'10 • HO �iAiN�RPi Littipt4tMAINORNitit • , " • EAr0 CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH • 243 Prince“ St. E. REV. AFilE VANDEN BERG 8.D., Th. M. SUNDAY,,•SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 10 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE SERMON: "GOO'S PRECIOUS GIFT" 3 P.M. WORSHIP SERVICE AT 10:io ,M, OVE•WCKNX RADIO LISTEN Tot)ITHE "BACK TO 600 HOUR" SUNDAYS EveryOtie Welcome Ontario Street United Church 105 Ontario St., Clinton, Ont. Minister: Rev. R. Norman Pick Organist: Mrs. Doris McKinley ' SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1979' 101ST. ANNIVERSARY 11:00 A.M. ANNIVERSARY SERVICE PREACHER: REV. NORMAN S. GIBSON, BA., BD. CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH, STRATFORD, ONT. "FUNDAMENTAL FAITH" SPECIAL MUSIC BY ONTARIO STREET CHOIR AND MALE TRIO. 7:30 P.M. SPECIAL P.M. "THE HARBOURAIRES" FROM GODERICH, ONTARIO, UNDER THE LEADERSHIP OF LORNE DOTTERER SPECIAL MUSIC INSTRUMENTAL BY DORIS McKINLEY ON MIRIMBA AND HAROLD KNISLEY ON VIOLIN. WESLEY-WILLIS UNITED CHURCH PEOPLE SERVINGGOD THROUGH I SERVING PEOPLE MINISTER JOHN S. OESTREICHER B.A. B.R.E ORGANIST MISS CATHARINE POTTER CHOIR DIRECTOR MRS. WM. HEARN SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 11 a.m. Worship Service 11 a.m. Sunday School and,Nursery Official Opening and Dedication of New Back Entrance SERMON: "I CANNOT COME DOWN" Music by Primary and Senior Choirg Coffee Hour 7:30 p.m. Ontario St. Church Anniversary HOLMESVILLE UNITED CHURCH 9:45 a,m. Worship and Sunday School SERMON; "I CANNOT COME DOWN" All Services on Daylight Saving Time