HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-09-27, Page 11• • 1-0 ee, ,t.kt; \' ' V'' , .e • . ,.f't ,:rt'.: . " .. '..1, ",",' '''' t.f.' Novice winners who received trophies for finishing in the top three in the houseleague motocross system at Hully Gully were, (rear left) Brad Arm- strong, Goderich, 1st Novice C, Paul Sowerby, Goderich, 2nd Novice C, Kent Alton, Lucknow, 3rd Novice C and (front) Charlie Maaskant, Goderich, lst Novice A, Randy Alton, Lucknow, 1st Novice B, Don Oetting, Sarnia, 2nd Novice B, and Steve Boyce, Goderich, Novice B. Missing are Rick Carmen, Goderich, 2nd Novice A and Rob Maaskant, Goderich, 3rd Novice A. (Expositor photo) Goderich Twp. okays permits Accounts totalling fmore than $10,000 were ordered paid and four building permits issued when Goderich Township Council met in regular session on September 17. Building permits were approved by council for Wayne Elliott (demolition), Evert Ridder (granary), Walter McIlwain (feed room), and William Steenstra (machine shed). A building permit requested by Don Butson for a trailer was held pending approval from the Huron County Health Unit. One tender was received by council for the supply of a road grader. Council passed a motion to accept the tender of Champion Road Machinery Ltd. as quoted for the trade-in of one grader and to ask the Ministry of 'Tran- sportation and ' Com- munications to approve a number of options for a total price of $78,177.41. Council gave William Elliott permission to trap on township roads. By-law number 14, a by-law to permit the township to borrow up to $500,000 for tile drain loans, was given a third reading and passed by council. By-law number 15, which was simply a by- law to amend another by- law •(number 10), was given three readings and passed by council. Council authorized News from • by Blanche Deeves Personal notes Miss Jackie Brand is now attending Sir San- ford . Fleming College in Lindsay were she is studying forestry. Our H.B. Whitely to attend ale tax sale and act on behalf of - the township. The budget as presented by Mr. Whitely was also accepted by council. • The Yeo -Van der Waal drain extension was considered at 9 p.m. by council but it was decided to adjourn the reading until October 1 at 9 p.m. Council passed a motion that the assessment on roll 19-6 be . altered to show Lakeport Steel $1,050; Van Diepen $1,700; and William Martin .$3,800. Middleton Glencoe and came home with another first. Congratulations Jim. Mrs. AUdrey Middleton attended the Bride's Service at the Wesley - Willis Church in Clinton qm very best goes to Jackie. Sunday. Jim Middleton at- Edward and Blanche tended the truck pull at. Bill Smiley... • from page 4 TV, the movies, and Harlequin Romances, if you want your favorite ingredients. I just don't seem to have any background upon which to draw. When my wife says to me, after a particularly brutal party or weekend, "How come you never have bags under your eyes, like me?", I merely answerithe truth: "A clean heart and a pure mind my dear." 1 must admit that after the 30th repetition of this little slogan, she, emitted an unladylike remark. But it's the truth. It's not that I haven't had lots of experience. I went through a world - rending depression and ate potato - skin hash and porridge soup. I went to work at 16 for $30 a month, 12 hours a day, seven days a week. I survived a war in which both sides were shooting at me, especially the British Navy. I was almost kicked to death by a German' Feldwebel, just because I'd stolen his pipe and tobacco. I ate mangels and drank rainwater in a prison camp. I spent a year in a T.B. sanatorium. I've Smile You can always tell when a marriage is shaky. The partners don't even talk during com- mercials. +++ What we need is a candidate who can figure out how to take the preservatives out of our foods and put them in our savings. DRYSDALE MAJOR APPLIANCE CENTRE LTD., SALES WITH SERVICE The Place To Buy Appliances NEW AND USED Hensall 262-2728 Closed Mondays Turn to page 12 survived 30 years of marriage, two rotten kids, and am still coping with two grandboys who are the most ingenious methods of torture since the Inquisition. I even graduated from a university, with honours, when they still had standards. I spent years in the editorial chair of a newspaper, which has, buried many a man. I have lived through, and thrived on, teaching teenagers, which has sent more people to an early ,grave than did the editorial chair. But still, whenever I think of writing a searing play, or a violent autobiography, I can't seem to put fingers to typewriter. I think I know what's wrong. I didn't hate my father. That seems to be what you need to get you going. Or, if •you're Jewish, your mother. My fathet was a mild, decent man. He didn't beat me. Indeed, he didn't pay much attention to me. My mother was loving, but not overprotective. Darn it, why didn't I have rotten parents like everybody else so I could write a vicious, sexy, perverse novel? Ontario Ministry of Housing THE PLANNING ACT Notice of Application for Amendment to Minister's - Restricted Area Order -749/73 Township of Goderich Take notice that application to amend the restricted area order filed as Ontario Regulation 749/73 has been received by the Minister of Housing. The appli- cation is: (1) Applicant: R E Thompson—Ciprk File No': 40Z/170/79 Proposal: To revoke the order as it applies to part of Lot 76, Bayfield Concestion. The subject lands are covered by Restricted Area By-law 8 of 1979 which controls the use of the landS, so that the order Is no longer required. All submiSsrons in support of, or in opposition to, the application ,described above, and received by the Ministry of HouSing, 7th floor, 56 Wellesley St. West, - Toronto, Ontario M7A 2K4 on or before the 11th day of October, 1970 willbe fully cOnsidered befbre a final decision -is made thereon. PleaSe refer to the file number indidated above. In addition, under section (9) of The Planning Act, any interested perSon may request a hearing by the Ontario Munitipal Board On an applicatiOn for aMendinerit to a restricted area Order. Claude F. Benneft Minister of Housing arna news By Mary Chessell Varna United .Church Wornen were guests of the Goshen women at their meeting on Thur- sday evening, when Rev. Wilena Brown led a discussion on ministry in the Church titled "Where Do We Go from Here?" A three-ring . diagram showed the 'different Characteristics we have •to deal with, within ourselves and others, the "whitewashed" exterior of cultural ,confoiimity which' is the "good" person, the dark middle of emotional struggle we may think of as the "bad" person, and the central core of our being -which is the "image" of God." We were given a list of questions to ponder periodically which should sharpen our awareness of our relationship with God and with other people. The ,study evolved into discussion of different forms of worship, and n hosts a reasons for the success of the rural church, the main reason being that because we all know each other, we care about each of our members. Miss Brown has special training in counseling, and has studied, rural church ministry. In October . and November, there will be.. an adult church mem- hership class, and anyone who wishes to attend, including • members who would like a refresher course, should contact Rev. Brown so a suitable time can be arranged. Margaret Hayter and her group led the worship service, and a bountiful lunch and social time NV as enjoyed. Village notes A week from tonight, Oct. 4, Mr. John Penn of Children's and Family Services in Goderich will speak at the U.C.W. meeting in Varna on the them "International • Year of the Child", Phil and' Paf Ma d.cien. Dave and Bonnie Roy and little ieel), entertained a - large prantford Were WeP1P11(17 number of friends and guests of Bob and neighbours at a "bar-. bectied pig" party Saturday nigh.t, ' Lloyd and Nora Heard and Bob and Margaret Reid were gueSts at the Brandon - Schilbe wed- ding on Saturday. Several Varna couples attended., the reception at the Bayfield. RePreation Centre. ' CLINTON'.."#.,Pt2:.",.,PT'FIY1.13..E.A.g7,I9".7.11--,,PAPg neeun $wynne Robrts,... • . SUITS Buy now rhIlo they're on sale, Rad faleFtlairtis at Its best' OL. Imagination was given to, man to compensate him for 'what- he is not, a sense of humor to com- pensate him for what he is. Anstett Jewellers LIMITED 11 ALBERT ST., CLINTON 482.3901 • 014114WEDNESDAYS For Your Convenience HOURS: Monday through Saturday, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.; Friday nights till 9 p.m. BURGESS DEPARTMENT STORE 11 VICTORIA ST. CLINTON 482-3853 everybody saves on food here - 07 MP Tend -R -Spot smoked COOKED HAMS whole or shank portion lb. 88' SAVE 50c Ib. 4( 4( 4( Fresh Country Cut Prices effectivt. Sept. 26 to Oct. 2 FRYER PARTS Ib.54° SAVE 54c Ib. Tend -R -Spot Store Sliced SAVE 50c lb. E D Smith Kismet F B.I. Pure APPLE JUICE PEPSI OR KIST GINGERALE Campfire MARSHMALLOWS Ass.cereal lABITS OR SUGAR CRISP 48 oz glass 8 8 c bottle plus deposit 26 oz returnable 3 / 9 8 c 0:2/$100 2 50 gr 8 '"0""""'t vn 11t Ji COUPON rViliVi' CiliHEI EZ VVHIZ m500gr INSTANT COFFEE looz$548 (l)eeieellAla TISSUE 200s 68 TOILET TISSUE 2rons Also check and compare our everyday low prices with coupon SAVE5O Ib. • 111111‘111111111111111 OPEN SUNDAYS AT 2 LOCATIONS GOND-MEND STORE HOURS Mon. to Thtira. 8 to 6 Friday 8 to 9 t. 8 to ,6 - Sunday 6 -to 6 40400 238 2512 SENIOR alums OM* 0000 ON ,(4113/1,1 /0 oil 'FAIL 0, •01 00 0101, UK. f.11,11 00,111,..10.1 041,•01,15,4,1T• (A C.00,1 if If 401•00, • .0 • • ••• • BAYFIELD Eitludinti ioatallot 664 itttititoofirof.il BAYFIELD STORE HOURS Mon to Thurs. 9 to 6 Friday 9 to 9 Sat. 8, to 6 Sunday 9 to 6 TELEPHONE ;Jr •