HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-09-27, Page 10Ngws,fcggp.Ap,.TsvA§PAY,Sg.Frg:MATift Z1,1974 • •••,.,;••• Many different people visit the Bayfield area during the summer months, but this summer Bayfielders hosted some unique guests who came from lands throughout the world. Silvia Dalpino and Carlotta Lancini, both from Pavia, Italy are two, of the\ several young people who. are taking part in the Experiment in International Liying, a Canadian project begun in the 1930's. (Tom Creech photo) Magician entertains Baptists Baptist News By • Janet Talbot Sunday morning at the Bayfield Baptist Church the annual Rally Day in the Sunday School was held with Magician. Wallace Rourke of Simcoe. He taught the children (ages 3 to 87) many Bible truths through his magic acts. He explained how the shed blood of Jesus covers sin. Sin separates man from God but when Jesus died on the cross, He erased all confessed sin from each true believer, so it disappears (like magic). Life is like a rope 'cut in several pieces, when one accepts Christ as Saviour, life is complete and whole again, like his rope. He stressed that these truths should be used in every day life, not just on Sunday. A special contest is being held for the next few weeks, with the Sunday- School divided into two teams. General manager and coach for the Blue Jays team are Doug and Sandra Talbot, and for the Red Sox, Joe and Ann Chapman. Points can be earned by attendance, )ringing in visitors etc. The at- tendance this Sunday was just three short of the goal set: Mrs. Cathi Cullen supplied the special music for the services with several beautiful Community news and events Book Review Club To Meet October 1 The newly formed Book Group will hold its first meeting at the Bayfield Library on Monday, October 1 at 11:45 a.m. Mr. W. Partridge, Huron County Librarian, will be on hand to explain what books will be read and. discussed during the year. Anyone wishing to join should sign the list which is posted in the Library. Scout Groups - To Register The Beavers, Brownies, Guides and Scouts are asked to register for the coming year at St. Andrew's United Church on Saturday, September 29, between 10 and 11 a.m. Arthritis Canvass Under Way Volunteers are, con- ducting the canvass for the Arthritis Society during September. If anyone is missed who wishes to donate will they please contact Dawna Westlake, 565-2462 or Joyce Chilton 565-2165 Euchre. Club Card players are reminded that the Euchre Club will be starting another season. The first night of cards will be held at the municipal building on October 3, starting at 8 pm. jai the Historical Society ,Log mansion impressive Ken Johnson of the Old Homestead Camp was' host to the Bayfield Histoiical Society on Monday evening. He was introduced by Len Carter and addressed the 40 members in his immense. 40 foot living room warmed by a roaring fire in the enormous fireplace. After his talk, Canon Paull thanked him for his hospitality and his engaging account of the 'do-it-yourself' con- stuction of his new log edifice and his patient . replies to - many questions. "We have had many outstanding and varied meetings", Canon Paull said, "but have ex- perienced nothing more unique and interesting than this great baronial hall and your description of how it came to be". Mr. Johnson's home is hidden away in the woods on the original road to Goderich where some of the corduroy still remains. The woods is the Round and about the village Mrs. Grace Duggan was visited by her sister Miss Agnes Petty of Port Credit, Mississauga for a week recently. The Rev. and Mrs. J. Reddoch visited Lambton County last Sunday where Mr. Reddoch was the guest Preacher for the Anniversary Service solos. She was ac - at Rosedale United companied by Mrs. Church. They later _Muriel Snider at the visited with friends in the piano. It was a great day Oil Springs district. for all. Mr. and Mrs. Len Carter returned recently Bits and Pieces from a trip to Leduc, Alberta where they at - Congratulations - to tended the wedding of Andrew Erickson who their eldest grand - was the recipient of the' daughter, Dawn, who was Grade 10 English married Teacher's Award at the to Kirk Newbigging of Leduc, Commencement Exer- formerly of Listowel. The cises in Central Huron Carters have two sons Secondary School Friday and their families in evening, September 21. Leduc. Ted and Helen are The $25 cash award was the parents of Dawn and presented by Mr. W the three other children. Munro. Andrew is the Dennis and Jeanette have youngest son of Walter a family of three. The and Milvena Erickson. Carters spent several Mr. and Mrs. Walter weeks in Leduc, Eric4Son were Sunday , the site dinner guests of Mr. and of the first oil find in Alberta. Mrs. Russell Desjardine, Wendy, Stacey and Todd We are sorry to report of Grand Bend. The oc- that Scott Easton is again in • traction at War casion was the birthday Memorial • Hospital in of Russell. London. We hope your hip Milvena Erickson was condition will soon be the Thursday visitor with corrected Scott. her , sister Norma Brigadier and Mrs. Stewart, Gordon and Fred Clift have returned family at RR 3, Ripley. from a visit with his Mr. and Mrs. Howard cousin, Miss Nora Hilary Casler from Lansing, who lives in Aurora in a Michigan and Mr. and Heritage House. known as Mrs. Harvin Zoerhoff, the Manor. The Clifts also Holland, Michigan, spent visited with their a couple of days with Mr. daughter, Barbara, and and Mrs. Norm Talbot. friends in Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Gord Miss Margaret Chesney and family, Mr. Durham of Darwin, and Mrs. Doug Talbot Australia visited with and daughters spent the Mrs. Fred Middleton and weekend at Lion's Head Miss Kay Reid. She will and the surrounding go on to visit her brother area. 11111111111111•11111•1111.11, George H. Durham and his family in Calgary. Steven Telford is still a patient in University Hospital in London after his recent accident. Villagers wish him well and hope for his quick recovery. Garden Club update - President Doris Hunter has asked that members of the Garden Club take note of the change of date. The regular meeting night is the second Monday of the month. Since in October it falls on Thanksgiving Day, the meeting will be held instead on Saturday evening, October 13 when Dr. Douglas Grant will be the speaker. He will discuss vegetable gar- dening. Th.e meeting will be held in the punicipal building.V Smile Th.e trouble with being punctual is that there's nobody there to ap- preciate it. — J.j. (JIM) MULHERN GENERAL INSURANCE —PROTECTION FOR— . CAR, BUSINESS, HOME, FARM —also— LIFE $ INVESTMENTS 46 WEST ST. S GODERICH 524-7878 Vinnwhi. "Discover Royal Livmg a 1r '•••••••••••••••••impormormr.. Highest Savings Account Rate Ever! REY Since/44 Contact ouroffice: 100 Xiogston Street Goderich 544331 CINicii,riettesti.lesura es 0606faisaa' • CUSTOM-BUILT to suit your requitements • FAST - live in your new home in 8 weeks • GUARANTEE that counts :1H11111I1M1W1P.11A111.1111L111 0M ARAN:1AM I • SUPERIOR QUALITY Eluildipg in the controlled environment of our plant gives better workmanship and structure. Mr. and Mrs. McCallum Own a new home and • on your heating bill • your rent money • on your 1979 tax return See for yourself... Visit our Model 'Horne and Tour the Plant 4 BUYTHIS YEAR AT MIA' LOW 1979 PRICES! Call.colieet (519) 357-2444 or Write for free brochures. . • YAL HOME$ LIMITED ii)(VotWittgilafri,, Oft Name AddrOss Ohtinit i Ilitv6 it let, no source of its eight' inch square hemlock los and its handmade Cedar shingles from trees 130 years old. All the electric wiring is cleverly concealed behind the logs. The fireplace limestone slabs, about an inch thick came from a quarry at Wiar- ton. A huge brass can- delabra from n old Toronto house hangs at one end of the room and holds a myriad of can- dles. During the winter months when the camp was not busy, Mr. Johnson cut and piled logs for three years. He had three jigs built to fashion the corners of the squared logs and made the cedar shingles himself. He intends to cover the cement floor with oak plank flooring. He discovered a most unusual oak banister in a house being razed near Fullarton which resulted in his addition of an upstairs which was not originally intended. This. is ti built over a' double garage, a kitchen and other rooms in an L shaped addition to the log living room. His account of how it all came about is a fascinating story. Incidentally the ac:. coustics in that room, with its arched ceiling, cannot be surpassed. Dr. Grov Shepherd chaired the' meeting. Archivist Dorothy Cox reported several new gifts for the archives roonx which will be open on Tuesdays from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. from October 1 until June 30. She advised that scrap -books be made up of acid free paper r1111"1 MM. .1111.1 which can be obtained from a printer who will cut it and punch the holes for assembling it, -arid that only One side of each page should be used. Kelly Ball was ap- pointed to take charge of ticket sales for the needlepoint picture which was donated to the Society to be raffled. Elva Metcalf reported that $67.50 has already been realized from the sale of tickets at the Bayfield Fair. Refreshments were served by Doris Reddoch, Doris MacDougall and Betty Burch. NPACk IS 'HEREBY : •GIVIEN; THAT' pmrimOof to, the: ..t4,04micip;:ol AO and othor porfors thoroupto tho.rorPoraflol, of Om vfilogo of Royflo14 prepOke!,.t* to *top up and close that..pgriton, Payfluktlarracu In the vfisogo of Boyffolifiboorritftskit, wast by ti4o,Osfolly limit of kovlso Woof 0n4 O, 'the oast by the 'WOitairly, Unlit of King. lIghwoy fletek. ,bior 21, co copy ot which sold propod Isiflesf available for Inspection in • the office of the Vifigil*'. ;lark. Tho lands comprising the. portl4 of the. *aid Mad: allowance to b9 stopped up and.closed are to ko con, voyed to the, abutting property owners accordance with, terms established by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Village Of Bayfieicl. The Municipal Council of the said Corporation will hear, In person or by Counsel, Solicitor or Agent, any person who claims that hisiland will be preludicially affected by the -proposed by-law and who applies to be hoard at a meeting to be held in the Council Chambers of the' Corporation, Municipal Building, in the Village of Bayfield, Ontario, on Monday, October 15th, 1979, at the hour of 7;00 o'clock in the evening, or so soon thereafter as the said.meeting may be held. DATED at Bayfield. Ontario, this 18th day of Septem- ber, 1919. G. J. Graham Clerk -Village of Bayfield ome see the ate. a te uo Show This 'Top of the Line' VOLVO, the ultimate in Volvo styling and Craftsmanship, will be at the Auto Show for your viewing. Take a moment to experience it this Thursday and Friday evening at the Goderich Arena...Just one of several show stoppers we plan to feature. M -W MOTORS VOLVO-MAZDA IN GODERICH 1 1 1 .1 1 1 •1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 isms MUM 1111111111 MUM III= MEI, UMW 11.11111 MIN NM= MOM MINS MEM Take the positive appmach to ben a pawnt! • We've got a series of "Kids are geople” booklets that can help you withthe everyday, pro lems of raising children. Willleversleepagain? I: A booklet dedicated to baby's -sleep habits. How to deal with baby's night wakings, nightmares, etc. Remember, it's best to start bedtime routines early in baby's life. This folder is a good place to begin. Playing and learning (toddlers and infants) Infants and toddlers love to explore. Play -and -learn games are key ingredients to a healthy, positive child -parent relationship: doing, touching, tasting, and dramatic play. Also, "nursery songs", "finger and toe games", "story telling" and "mayonnaise painting': Play -and -learn games help baby's general development! ssion is natural El Children go through. the same feelings of frustration and anger as you do. And sometimes it's hard to get a handle on the hostility your child is experiencing. With a little self-control, love and the advice contained in this folder, you can make your child's aggressive tendencies a positive form of self-expression. Toilet training 0 Some helpful do's, don'ts and things to remember when it's time to pi °duce the potty. Toilet training need not be inconvenient, embarrassing, frustrating or disappointing. Here's an effective guide to build your confidence in coping with this complicated issue! Minimize the child's problems and maximize your confidence. Jealousy 0 It's practically impossible to prevent your older child from . growing_suspicious when a strange new baby arrives in the home. Help your child overcomethese feelings by knowing about them before they happen. "What to do when baby arrives?': "special treats", and "shared caring" are just a few of the sensible suggestions this pamphlet offers. Prepare your child before the second baby comes along. Freedom to grow 0 Psychologists believe that children should try to learn new skills naturally. Kids want to do things for themselves but can be discouraged when over -protected. We all want our children to grow up to be responsible, independent adults. This helpful folder can serve as an excellent guide along the way. Discipline 0 Discipline is confusing to many. Some feel it is wrong to be angry with a child. Discipline, however, is necessary to a healthy parent-child relationship. Ideally, discipline helps a child 'become self- confident and, more importantly, self-disciplined. Although there are no pat answers, this folder offers some,reasonable suggestions, when your child becomes unreasonable. Children are people. 0 The importance of praise and encouragement, consistency in discipline, and the gift of love are discussed. The "child as a person" theory is examined .1 with special emphasis on the early development of a I .positive parent-child relationship. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.1 CUT THIS AD ALONG THE DurrEt) LINE. etlECK THE BOX FOR THE BOOKLETS YOU WANT. FILL IN THE ' ADDRESS, POEM AND • all* late , KIDS, QUEEN'S PARK, TORONTQ, ONTARIO WA, 1E9 ' NAME ADDRESS Keith Norton, Mir ister of Cotri'munity arie Social Setylcea , Mrro William (Davis, Premier p jail Mimi limo mil loot "Jilt 4