HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-09-27, Page 8PAGE'S —.CLINTON NEWS -1 ECO8,1 Qhrwesvil e rens by Manche beeves P rspnal notes Alvin and Barb Betties have returned after a very enjoyable trip to western Canada, visiting their relatives. While there the Betties met cousins of Alvin's that they 'had not seen in 58 years. Many hours of talking went on as 'they all discussed their families and the Betties' vacation. Barb said it wa ; nice to be home and she could do some catching up on her work. Apple picking at the Bell's Fruit Farm is in progress with a very good crop of Macs. Clarence and Jean Perdue enjoyed a day on Saturday at the 98th Oneida Indian Fair' at Southwold. • Church news Worship service was well attended • at Holmesville United Church on Sunday morning. Brenda Harris played a musical selection on the piano and Rev. Oestriecher talked to the children before they went to their Sunday School classes. The theme of the sermon was Something to Remember. Harold Jantzi and Murray Lobb received the offering. Holmesville Public School October 8 is Thanksgiving Day. On October 1 the pupils will be dismissed from school at 2:10 p.m. as the teachers of Holmesville School will be attending a Mathematics Guideline Workshop. Please remember that the buses will leave the school at 2:10 p.m. on this date. On October 3 (Raindate October 4) the school's soccer teams will travel to Brucefield Public School for the annual soccer tournament. They will travel to another tournament on October 10 (Raindate October 12). More information per- taining to these tour- naments will , be sent home with soccer players.. A cross-country competitionwill take place on October 23 (Raindate October 25) with representatives from our school in at- tendance. On September 25, an open house will be held at the school from 7:30-9 p.m. This is an ` op- portunity for parents and teachers to • become better acquainted. We shall look forward to meeting all the parents at this time. Please reserve September 25. Reports will be sent home on October 19. The reports will deal with the attitudes that the pupils have developed towards their various respon- sibilities. The School Band is under the direction of Mr. Robert Blackwell and has 29 members. Twelve are in Grade 8 and there are 15 students in their first year. Support for the School Band has been received from the Huron County Board of Education,he Goderich Lions Club and the Women's Institute of Goderich Township. On October 17 at 8 p.m., Clinton Public School is presenting "Childhood's End", a timely address by Dr. Donald Morgenson (Department of Psych., W.L.U.) Coffee and doughnuts will be served. Each school is requested to give the number of parents . wishing to at- tend. If you are interested in seeing this .presen- tation, please contact the school by October 10. The number is 482-7751. 4-H news The third meeting of the Holmesville 1i, 4-11 Club was held on Sept. 24 at the ,hone of our assistant leader, Mee. Van Ninhuys; • A11 the er mb s were r prsent, Our vice. president t d us in the pledge and took over the •busin" ss. The Turnt.`p ge 9 18SlaAX. SPTIMBEB ?7,1979 We cera t right, to irr�lt; quantities to norinlll#N family ;ui*rents!. Prices effective thru Saturday, September 29th, 1979 WE REDEEM ALL FOODSTORE COUPONS! Lotto Canada, Provincial & Wintario tickets available at A&P Food Stores! Cake & Pastry or All Purpose RCH FLOUR 2.5 kg bag Our Regular Price 1.93 Vanilla. Butterscotch or Chocolate Ripple 0 A;. M. - 9: 0 P. M MQN,.. SAT. A st\i• SUNCOAST MALL Hwy. 21 s. GODERICH SAYE 1.16 Regular 1 -ib bag SAVE2.60 YOU'LL DO better WITH A&P'S grocery values (Limit 2 per customer) Our Regular Price 4.1.5 SAVE 49a Ib Ready to serve Case of 24 — 1041 -oz tins Our Reg. Price 6.59 ea. (Our Regular Price Ib 1.38) (Our Regular Price 1.59) 2 litre carton hole :Al to 2O -lb nstant Coffee Assorted Varieties HEI:NZ 1041 -oz SOUPS tin (Our Regular Price 6.69) Action Price! 00 for 1 Spaghetti, Zoodles or Alpha.Getti L1.BBY'S PASTAS 14 -f1 -oz tin SAVE 70fe 10 -oz jar Powdered CHEER DETERGENT `^°� Action Price! Manning, Assorted Varieties CREME COOKIES 350 g tin tie bag 3 QT. BAG YORK, SMOOTH • • ACTION PRICE! 1 • Peanutk.a� Bitter � 12■59 ASSORTED VAtutriES, PURE E.D. 9fl-o lar 79 CHEESE' ACTION PRICEI Kraft Pizza M 3 0•oz k g 1;04.may ACKAerial PLY PKGt adbry cn Bars INSTANT CHOCOLATE Nestle's uik CARPET 'FRESH RUG I,EODbItIZER Airwick i average Ib Butt Portion ib 1.28 Shank Portions Ib1.18 -- Centre Cuts or Ham Steaks -16 1.88 A&P, Sliced SIDE BACON 'aa1.49 Burns, Breakfast SAUSAGES Ib ,1 In Stores with Deli Shop! COOKED MEATS Brandt Fine Dutch Meat Loaf, Headcheese or Cucumber Loaf — Coorsh All Beef Salami -- Schneiders Mac & Cheese Loaf - Pillers Knackwurst, .Wieners or Bavarian Sausage Mix or Match Your Choic? Ib raii SAVE 28a J 1 -Ply Bathroom Tissue, Asst'd Colours SWAN'S DOWN pkg of d rolls (Our Regular Price 1.37) Fresh, boneless Easy to carve, whop or halves LEG0 PORK Ib PREVIOUSLY FROZEN Sliced Beef Liver 161.19 Frozen Meats & Seafood! TREASURE ISLAND 170 g. pkg. Cooked Shrirnp 2.1.9 ' BLUE WATER, FROZEN, BATTERED PORTIONS Haddock Fillet 12 oz pkg l■73 BLUE WATER, FROZEN, COD Fish & Chips mo==91.49 TOWN CLUB, FROZEN Beef Steakettes 2•Ib pkg 3.29 SCHNEIDERS, GOOD 'N MEATY, FROZEN, ASSORTED VARIETIES Meat Pies 250gpkg79 # 1-11 SAVE 30a Libby's Fancy TOMATO JUICE 4841 -oz tin (Our Regular Price 99c) INOROmmiammisamimmommaime AIR FRESHENER, ASSORTED SCENTS ACTION PRICEI PRIMO, ITALIAN STYLE 64Z PKo .Ib Cin 2.39 Twice as Fresh 25g04.29 LadyFingers 3o 1,C0 ACTION PRICEI PURE' CORN • ACTION PRICEI'' NABISCO `ACTION PRICEI 450 a Pita 14 -oz aerosol tir? 1.79 Mazola Oil iitrei2j1 ShreddedW-heat 89E CHICKEN NOODLE ACTION PRICEI Lipton Soil.. HEINZ PO R Tomato P ste 4.5-0Z PKG OP 2 ENVS. i 55? PACK OF S.S4L.0Z TINS 1.39 SICK'S 12-FL,OZ JAR TEA BAGS ACTfON 0001 ranberry Sauce 59? etley Tei pkg of144. a4 G UN GIANT, 'PANCY CR STYLE LE OR WHOLE KERNEL • CC! GATE REG. It MINT Niblets C rn l �ll•at lirl T' doth e' I IM81:)