The Exeter Times, 1888-1-19, Page 811%5,1,1114-1i0E, BiNEST AGBNP FOR Taal WESTEIDI ASSUltala011 0034. - PAN'S". otStehouts „so telso tor Olte.P110ala asaItle MeralesaleOla 001+alasetaaorsaouclou, Paiglena, the ngreaL 0 Ale &DIAN, oa Montreal, d the miisgEnema.; AaSaallasaaanas 00M - rent es, f onden, le agland, es tabliebe d 1111. A.sfsets (MA!. $8,088,808; elanne aud bonuses Paid. orer $10,000,e0e. Personals It would eeme from the acaolt of the re- Mr' '111°5' laPP' Viraell MAllit°bk`a U(1 0014 formerly of „Exeter, and oat long sine it electione filet the eleotore a Exeter eausesse. ace, of the reaereelle 1ae aaeos.y, are in aotand with our convietione relathsse is at preeteet vieiting friends ia this neigh - to the metter ef members of the emencil be. borbooa, lair. Tapp gave us a call. Ainoug loaging to tlie et:hoot Board. For yet= other things he wad that tits Paa'Pla CI past this hat, hoverer, been the case, ease b were in high epirits over the the seme ord'er, Of things seems to have goes) alneadant crops, ainl that trimly who vere anieterroptealy until this yeer. No behind will. be enabled to pay lingering ge1t11thU 1 mild be a member of the Coun- debts, an thus piece themeelvee en solid [ The weather up to the timet oil and the S'ohool Board,. School Boerds g. have lerge pewers alid the Council hafs » wiih he left 'sank+ mild and favorable, altereetive then, te oonaply svitit their mon- 1 :sleighing good and everythiug apparently etery domande. 'Hence it is uot tionduetive 1 hoomine. S. McLaughlin of islanitehe, to the beet ititerests of any locality that ' eon of Mr. 'McLaughlin ++.t. one time connect- gentleanen should ask for money ass school ad mita the tarmery here, was in towa last eeeseees alid then vote it to thetaSelYeS as week visiting friends. Bartlooke hearty Couucillors. This bus heretofore been done, \ although little change ia hi a general ami we are not reflectung upon any of theappearence diseernable.--Miss Lizzie members of either Board eidro have occepied Verity has beeis ap.pointea orgoaaist M the the duaa positioe, but briuolug the matter Main -s- Moth. chereh in the roomd before the public ou generel principle, steed of Miss Eiterett, resigned. The 's it ri that one geotleman should. choir of the church has beeit re -organized, a 11 era lean atimitted.-Rev, F Davie LO �o4 shot/ be happy to le- Osive at alt tiros, from any part of the County, items of Ipeal news, such a.s. no , cidotts,or Amy interesting incident what- , cver, from any of our sulksoribers Pr read - ars OonaraZaa for the purpose of pubito. „ . Vali CIENTO oer Due tor firs t ins ertio , nd FOUR OeINTS nor nue tor (mon subsequent, iu aertiou oharged.fo notices appearing this eolunus. 111 xelet Imes. TRUIZSDAY. JAN. 1,888, Baursn-aarvenetnittle-At the residence of • , the brade'e fattier, on the.lith iost, by the Bev. Mr. Baugh, Mr, Win, Parish tO Urea Loeise aletherell, both of flibbert. k Aemsse-Jewera.-At the residence of the baitleae father, Logan, od the alth inst.,. by the Rev- 1t1r. Basigh. Mr, Daniel Aikeus of flibbert, to Miss Mary Jane, daughter of Mr, horny Jewel, BuotoeFoor---Du erboe -At the residenee of the brae's father, on the 4th Met., by Bev, C. Eleteher, M. llobett lirondfoot, of Dielreu- { tor of John 10111310P. Esq. e Hibbert. son alonutY, Eames, to Fan, eldest daugh. BDWAIID8-^4V8nY^On Tillitr6a8Y, the 12th inst., by the Rev. Wrd, Pentell, at the reeidenee of the bride's mother, tr, wal. Illaw.rdo, of Woodhain, to Miss Elizahetit' (311/‘;:i1)I Vo81,1)=.-Onte f .lith lust.., aa t - The tradersIgned svould announee to the ublic that he has now on hana one of the bot assorted stocks of Harness, Boote & Shoes ever brought into Exeter, and would oaal especial attention to hia Scotch Colima, Felt Boots & Over shoes as they are best in the Market,. and at lowest prices Also a lumber of Children's Slets at a saerifice. Cell and he eonvinced. As. Mionzrr. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Brevities. Mr. Jas. Creech has been appointed con- etable for smother year. Shortie is back to town again visiting his many friends. Exeter is his favorite resort. The municipal couneils throu.ghout the county held thew inaugural meetings Monday last. Messrs. Farmer Bros. intend building a the residence of the bride's a er, r , illarke,lay the Bev. D. M. Kennedy, Wm, Neither G. Ohenthera. to Mists Martha Clarke, both mmaicipality we are le accord with general I rfsetoe of Thornclele, preached two able au 01 Stephen. set as both assessor anti collect -ton In this , principles on tide point, but there are other i imPaaaaiaa seralana m Christ church on Plossis-Ausikruono.-At the reeiasesaa of , the 'bride's parente, Strathroy, on the lath as a inst., 1/1r. G.B. 1.10skin, lately of Exeter, to inunivipelities tbat ere not. With e differ- Sunday last.- o iti n one acts +nit offieer for ericI ips check upon the other, an largoly m favor of a better service to the munimpality. re Lecture, Rev. J. Gots& 13mek, of the Peace Biot Indian Mission, away off in the far Northwet, delivered a," very interesting lecture in Christ church here on Friday evg. last. He described very lucidly the moral, ispiritual and physical sofferings of the non- tecuty Inatome 14 that diatriot. He showed how the instates bed been cruelly treated, and also that owing to the seareity of buffalo and game of all sorts there was deriger of their acteal annihilation by starvation. He told some sorrowful Anti SOMe 00M1681 stories about the Indians, and described in an interesting manlier their a thess for learning and their keen .percep- e, too of things ingeneriel. The so c°se in • treme large brick addition to their grocery store to be utilized as a porkpackbag establishment The members for the new Fire Company were selected Taesday evening and the officers installed last evening. On the roads west of Exeter there is very - little snosv while on those to the east there is an abundance. Peevious to the most recent snow storm the young folks whiled away their leisure, ekating on the icy sat:face of the pond, Mr. ja.s. Pielcard has engaged another cutter and fitter for his tailoring department in the place of Mr. Thos. Tyndall. The new council met Monday at 10 elock, when they were sworn in. An adiourinneut was immediately made until 7:30 in the evening. Mr. James Howard will build a toboggan slide at the rear of his premises, next winter. It evould have been built this seasou had he thought the weather was • going to be as steady as it is. Messrs. J. and.F. Godbolt and family who recently left Winchelsee have arrived at Bette City, California, in safety. They have purchased there a very large farm adjoining that of Mr. N. J. Clarke. Hymeneal. As announced per marriage notice last week, another of our young- men having be coMe tired of making a tri-weelsly tramp to her tether's residence, joins the reeks ef the benediets. The seepe was a brilliant one and cast a beam of light throughout the neighborhood. Wednesday evg. last was the day set apart, and for a time previous to the performance of the ceremony Huron et, was alive with guests vited deuce of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Snell to telt part in the marriage of their only a g hteo Maggie, to Mr. Ea Bissett. The ceremon was performed. by the Rev. Jas. Graham Theyoung couple se ttled.right down to a..etiv and we join their many friends in wish lug them a long aud prosperous one. 'afr. G. B. Hoskin, of Strathroy, reeeutl . foreman hi Mr. &us, Pickard's tin shop, i this place. was mar riea last evening Strathroy, to Miss A. Armstrong, of h le of Exeter North are enders.% or- ing to arrange for two mails to their post - office each day instead of one--mornmg-- election expenses ; 1V. H. Parsons, $ o, as at present. It is expected that satisfact- iron gate for town hall; Wm. Welsh, $11.- ory arrangement+ will be effected before the 00, carpentering at town hall; Mrs. Fansou elapse of many weeks. V, hall rent for Div.Court.-Caaried, The Another old resident has passed away, in following appointments were made, vis: J. the person ofMr. Richard fauxton at the Beer assessor. salary $50.00 per annum ; G age of 43 years. Some years ago he took ....consumption, with which disease he has been suffering ever dime. He was esteemed by the citizens of Exeter. which he laboring north and the time =ivied m travel to that region is over four months. The thermometer in the witer invariably vegeta ters at 50° below zero, but the air being dry, the cold le not felt as it is in this section of Canada. Since his going among them he has succeeded in gtVina many good Mstruetions in farming, and ite says the Indians with little practice would make good agriculturalists. The ohjeet aof lear. Brick's mission is to raise sufficient money to enable him to build a grist mill, put. • I 1 Miss A. Armstrong, all of Strathroy. DIED. Luxems.-14 Exeter o tile place, The groom was suppor e v the various neeessails aea Will Follancl, of Exeter, while the b'ride. I °has° i lei ants and thus encourage the red was assisted by her younger sister, We 1 claP '1 d i k k tender Mr. Hoskin and his bride our: men to become more devote n t e wor hearty congratulations, coupled with th of tilling the land. The response here was hope that they may enjoy molly a year of good considering , the small attendance, The Tillage Council. - which was owing to the inclemency of the (weather. happiness and unalloyed prosperity. , The Carmen for 1888 met at the Town Hall sold their celebrated stallion, "Rover" last Messrs. Colqithoun & Dow, of Exeter, at 11 o'clock, a. m., on the 16th inet The week to Mx. Anthony O'Dyre, of Adare, lot following gentlemen took and subscribed the con. Bidslulph, for a handsome figure. declarations of independence and office in Messrs. Ross & Taylor have moved to presence of the clerk, viz: Dr. Rollins reeve, their new premises formerly occupied by W. G. Bissett, Esq. deputy -reeve, James Messrs. C. & S. Gidley and have put in a Pickard, Thomas B. darling and Thomas H. new planer, matcher and bender having all McCallum, Estes., Commillors. After the the latest improvements. They have also minutes of the previous meeting were read fitted up all their other machinery in first and signed the Council adjourned until 7.30 class shape and as they have a large stock p. m. The Council m,et at 7.30 p. m. All of dry lumber, shingles and lathe on hand the members present. Minutes of the pre • they feel confideut that they can compete vious meeting read and confirmed. Moved with any. planing rail), Sash, door and blind by T. 33. Carling, seconded by Jas. Pickard, factory in the county. They are men of that orders be anted for the following experience and euergy and. deserve a bar 13th Met Biel ard Laston, aged 43 years and 8 months. IL\T . STANLEY ' S CREAlVi debraltd, (6110511 giplItatiesi 79 BAY STBEET, TOBoNTO, CANADA, --AND-- 18 J1I;NIN STAMM, LONDON, E. C., BNGLANI),,, R. nicics, Watchmaker, jeweller, aud Optiiliau. Ha's the Ager ey for the sale (Attie above in EX0PpEu. Ne seeetaosee in the maricet ogee.' them In the 35xn ensnaviere Q17ALITIIDS they possess,,or the GREAT EASE and. Coniver.r they confer on the wearer. heir use will in actuality 50 strengthen the Bye that -it does, not become necessary to (Paige thetalor many years. They are there - sore the Orosernse,„ They Are the Beet in the World, They Neeer Tire the Eye, And:Last Many 'Years Withoot Obseige, The Sight tested by our New Tent Card,eame as 11 seaby the teeeing Oculists thr oughoet the world. „............„.....,,,,.,_,...,,,,..,..................,__..................._=[, . , A. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. * Notice ! 'The annual meeting of tba sborne & Mb- bert M. F, Insurance Oe'y will be held in the Ball at Farquhar, en 'Monday, 6th of February, at 1 o'clock, p. 101.. the purpose of heating the Directors' Auditors' Reports and for the election of Direotors to fill the p'laoes of those who retire. By Order of the Board, ALEX. DUNCAN. Farquhar P.O. Seceetary gr sums via: Tht. 'Returning Offieer, $29.00, share of public patronage. Thefnneral of the late Richard Luxton, a highly respected resident of Exeter, took place on Monday, jannary 16th. The de- ceased having been one of the Order of Foresters, the local members marched in a body, first to the James Street Methodist Church, where a sermon was preached by Tenders Wanted. =BALLO) TENDERS will be reeei ved by the tew Undersigned up to o'cloa., pone Mon- day, the 30th January, for the whole. work new:wary ter the erection of a 1311c1( Metho- dist Church in tileVillage a oentralia. Plans 511(1 SpeZifiettti0316 may be seen at any time at the residence of .) oseph Marshall, in the said A, KNOX, See'y of Buildiug Coin, ---_----- The slaters have coiripleted their work on the Trivitt memorial church. The windows and doorways of the eaffice have been boarded up, and all work in connection with the same has been suspended for the winter. We will consider it a favor if the minis- ters of this place will hand. in notices of marriages they perform. Outdde clergy, of Creditors, Dashwood, Elimville (10 so and we see nothing to prevent those of Exeter exercising :themselves inasmuch as to con- fer 110001 108 a similar favor. The bancl, as well as many other citizens, attended the entertainment at Zurich last evening. They report it the best entertain- ment given in this section for some time, The addreess by the Rev. Father Flannery was very instructive, while the musical find literary part of the program was immense, especially the productions by the Zurieh Li-1.11es. The anniversary services of the Caven Presbyterian church will be held on Sunday and. Monday next. Sermons will be preached on Suncla.y and the tea given on. .Monday, as usual. Previous anniversaries of thie church have been successful and it goes whims -it saying that the coming one Will aro wn past efforts. Renton and W. D. Weekes, anditore, 85 1517 $8 each per annum ; John P. Ross, Willians the Rey. Jas. Graham, and 411001 ;o t Hoskins and John Essery, with the reeve Exeter Cemetery. The Foresters' insurance and. clerk, a Board of Health ; Dr. John of $1,000 will be most acceptable to the Hyndman Medical Health Officer ; Wm. orphan children, who also lost their mother Treble, chief engineer ; James Creech, eon some years ago. - stable, &c., as last year, at the same salary. The storekeepers along Main-st. could -Carried. Moved by 3. Pickard, secosided easily render pedestrianism safer by re. by W. G. Bissett, that tbe Agricultural So- ciety be refunded $2 paid for use of town hall at the annual meeting, and that the So- ciety be granted the use of the hall in future free. -Carried. Mr. Brauncl's a,c't was laid over until next meeting. The Clerk to write the authorities of Steplsert concerning Banal Ford': Mr. Sutton agreed to keep Mr. Ford for $2.26 a week til farther orders. The Council adjontied until Wednesday, the 18th, at 7.80 p, m. M, EAIMATT, Clerk. Line Re/lees. AGENTS' WANTED to canvas for Advertising Batronage, A small amount of work done wIth"tact and intelligence may procluee a considerable income. Agents earn several bundred dollars in commissions in a season and inn): no arson ai responsibili- ty. Enquire alb the nearest newspaper other, and learn that ours is the best known and Inapt equipped establishinentfor placing advertise- ments in neerepapers and. conveying to adver- tisers the ieformation which they require in order to make their hives tmeets 'wisely and profitably. Men ot good address, or wonien, if well informed practical, ina.v obtain an- thority to solicit advertisiug patronage tor us. Apply by letter to •Geo. P, Boweya, as Co.. Newspaper advertising Bureau, 10 Spruce St., Nety'York, and full particulars.will be sent by return mail. Merchant Tailor, Has removed to premises one door north of Browning's drug store, whine there will be found a At the last ineeting of the R. Tof . T. the following offieere were installed :-S. C. la. H. Collins; V. C., W. G. Bissett; P. C., T. H. Tyndall; R. S., E, Verity; Asst. Robt. E, Pickard; Treas., J. Southcott; Financial Secy., 14. Gidley; Chaplin, Geo, Hind; Herald, Jas, Stmeatort; Guard, R. Crocker.; Sentinel, Se Davis. avVeha.ve received word from Alex. Mc' .As we are often asked for advice inregard to the law governing line fences the follow- ing questions and answers, which we take from the legal columos of the Mail of Wed- nesday, will, no doubt, be of interest to our agricultural readers ; Qu. -(1) Between the propetties of A and B there runs a line fence which has been erected. and undisturb- ed for more than twenty years. Each of these properties has changed ownership during the last ten years. Can A remove any part of said fence without giving B twelve months' notice ? An. -If the part of the fence which A. proposes to remove was built by him or his predecessors title, and is his property, and the adjoining land of B is occupied or improved, A must give to B or the occupier of the adjoining land at least six months' previous notioe of his ietention to remove the fence before such retnoval, and A cannot remove °it 1113 or the becupier of the adjoining land pays to him the amonnt awarded by the fence view- ers in reaped of such fence on a xeference to 1 O,. -(2l 'Does the statute of Rini - moving the SDoW ana ice)-espec y latter -from the sidewalk. Some of them +London, depart ... . quently the walk is irregular as well as °cam- 'Inman crossing ... - Olandeboye ... have done so but many have not, slippery and is most dangerous to.. walk 3,3111vaitt - upon. The road and walls commissioners reaaaaarta aa ...es.. ... .. 9.40 should look after .matters of this kind and seeppon . ... ... .„ .... 9.51 see that the walks arein proper shape. We Bruceftela .. •,. ... .,. 6.59 Veftae*1013.01."*. •••••••••••1110...............0•11 WANTED ell Asserted St, ok., og SUING TWEEDS FOR SIJITINGS 83o. PTO RESTF STRONCE6 11,EFrt CONTAINS NOe, ALUM, AtiriMONIA; LIME, PHATES, er any inperious meter E. W. Git..L.F.,TT, "I117,167,Ta. Itaat'r attic( CZLIIBItalif9 noras.rati,cm a vial Scotch, English, Irish, French and Canadian Goods. Wanted Immediatly. Assistant Teaoher, (female) for 8,11. No. 6, Usborne, till summer holidays. Applications receivedOSbr TH. COOK. Whichelsea, Ont 14011ICE„ The Council of the Corporation ef the County of Huron will meet in the Court House in the Town Hall, Godericil, Tuesday, the 24th inst. PETER ADAMSON, Jan's 7, '88. 2-t (Jo. Clerk, __.022ffissomairommoonli 1.1ondon, Huron& Bruce. Goitre PasSenger. 8.16 A. tr. 4. 25F at ... 9.00 5,20 ... 9.10 5.25 9,23 5.37 • 1 se o Grata the L. H. & B. s P R Eeesvatie. He states that the t tations regotre the said tame to remain m t, h depoere. He is in the employ of the C. have noticed many ladies take the road, TIT:snore. :** being ayerse to breaking their limlss upon a?yee the icy sidewalks. BelgraVEI The other day while slaughtering beef Wisioaaom, aniVe Mr. Dari'l Davis met with a very painful °onto Boreal. accident. The beef having been killed, the lasingnani, depart work of suspending it from a rafter above Balaaava " Blytti was begun. This is stone by the medium of Londesborcs a windlass. Having got the carcass in the desired position, Mr. Davis insetted a peg into the wheel.connecting the windlass, for the purpose of erreventing the rope untwist- ing, but as he by mietake put it past the proper catch, and upon releasing his kerip, the wheel revolved backwardes the handle of which struck him with stia force as to knock him insensible to the floor,- de- priving him of tbtee masticators, as well as cutting his jaw awl bruising his face. Dan says it almost caused him to teru backward somersault. " The animal meeting of the Stephen & Ilsborne branch. agricultural Soc'y was held in the town hall here on Thursiaar last, After settling the business of the last year, the election of officers took place whial reselted. in the ro-eleetion of the old officials, viz: -Pres., Jas. Ballantyne vice-clo' Jim Willis, Hay; directors, 3. 1)el- bridge, Jas. Westcott, JI30. Hunter, Usborne; Eilber, and Sani'l Senders, Stephen; E. Christie, H, Barnwell, Jats. Oke, road.R. Davis, Exeter, Mr, Dyer, eec'y and Mr. W. G. Bissett, trees, will likely be appointed to these offices for the current year. The soolety is not in sech a flourish- ing condition--flintneially-- as it was a year ago. The last fall fair being a failure the funds of the society have run F3hOtt. The reputatien of the society is good, and it will take but few years to regain that which it lost by the misfortune of last fall. 406 6.07 6,15 6.55 11,00 MU 11.e0 7, 40 Passenger 7,C0 .P.nr 7.17 8.93 . 7,31 37 .. 7:40 3,46 Clinton 8.00 4,15, Brucefteid as 8.19 4.94 ... am 4.42 ... 8.83 4,48 .. 8,47 5.09 ... 8,57 5.12 930 5,25 .., 9,20 5.99 Made up on the SHORTEST NOTICE ---AND AT -- Cutting CONSISTENTLY LOW ?BEES A. CALL WILL CONVINCE. .6.. 3. STELL, Graduate ot Cleveland Schoo village is about the size of Exeter, an he likes it splendidly. The weather is sotnewhat stiffer ont here, he says, the thermometer generally down as low as 40' its present position, althonghit encroachea on the land of B s.- ocenpied its present position for more than such twenty years, and A and B or their f has aOfltlflht011S below 130± 0. !predecessors in title have hacL White Me. Richard Gould was driving 6,1 exclusive posseisiort uf the respective lands vat down Mein-st on Saturday evg.,* the divided by such fence during the whole of :shafts of the cutter in which he was riding such period, and the Crown patents to, both fell wpm the heels ofthe anintal, lt gave properties have been issued for that time, a couple of sudden plunges and handed the A and B have respectively acquired title to cutter into the ditch, ilyile-clown, with the lands so °coupled by thetn by force of the OCCIIIIIMItP Ill il, SOMI-CirCUlar 1)0Siti011 the statute of limitations, without regard to my:ler it, No damage resulted, as the the tree boandary lime of the lots, 0,0d the animal stopped at the fence. position of the fence cannot be altered with - An open meeting rd Advance Council R, Out the consent of both. (3) Ca ii each of T. of T. was held in the basement of the them be comnellea to build an equal part of :alaimest, Meth eloarob, on Friday ovg. last. abtut N Perla of the lune et oee eed, which Beeicles the rendition of a very wen selected program. by members of the order and others, a temperance lecture was delivered 3y 11 IT, Colline The attemlance was gaud and the offoratory liberal, Eippext Ilensall Exeter ... Centralia ... Claud ahoy° ... Lucius Crossing :411111111"Pick&ri. Having this season purehased most ofonv stook direct from reanufacturers Eiagland and Germany ; to do se we had to give our orders very early in the season, d the prospects lookea well, we bought largely. -THE--- GOODS HAVE JUST ARRIVED. And we find, that hard times are eanFang inest depression in trade, we have, therefore, dreaded to meet the times by marking all goods et smile Hard l'an'Prices as to ensure a speedy elearauce. Therefore, MO NV011id in - Vito all intending purchasers to call and in. sped our ideals, and note prices of all new goes, Ladies' Dolmans, Jackets and Meters, also Maids' and Mises' 'Meters, sizes, Black and Gold silk and satm dress- gosids, in all the nowest colors and. styles, plain and fancy Plushes, Hosiery, Gloves, &e. -ALSO A. FULL LIN'S OF - Ready -made Clothing, Hats & Caps. All will be,aaold at Lowest Possible PrIcte. 1. FOLLOW THE CROWD 13ISSMrErr 1:33R-08 And secure some of the Bargains they are offering in the . . following lines 4.0 LOCKS, HINGES, and all BUILDERS' 114.RD- WA.R.E. PAINTS, OILS, ao. We carry the largest stock of Stoves in the County. 'Call and see them, and get priCeS before buying. Tinware Of all kinds always on hand. Roofing an(1. eavetroughing a spe-cialty An Immense Stook of Manure Forks, Spades, Shovels Scoop Shovels at hard time prices. We are offering ramps arid Lamp Goods at cost, as we are going out of that line. -Leave your orders for Stove Coal,, and save the high winter freights. -Verity's Plows and Plow Fronts always on hand. -Highest price paid for Bides and Tallow in Cash or Trade. --Agents for the Raymond. Sewing Machines. BISSETT BROS. 'ORNE HOUSE. -The nder velliu g Publie that he opened his house for the eamommodatioia at travellevs, 0ctober ist. Those who fear& hiravith their patro- nage will receive the best attention. There is good stabling in connection, jora OALLANDER, Eirkton At the aliddletex assisses the, grand jay, Monday, found a true bill ageinst Henry Taylor for erabozzlement. Ile Was not ready for his trial, and the case was traversed to the spraeg aseizes, signedtakes the liberty to inform the tra- CALL & TRY DEARING, OL•Niammeemeemssefscasorea......a..... m....•••••••vr•srkto•Nmuo•nolmi•tlms•Mad•e•••.......n.1PsaMe.WiuOnioioOk --Ile is bound to - GIVE BARGAIN'S in TEAS a in HOSIERY " in CLOTHING' ". in TWEEDS in TOP SHIRTS in UNDERWEAR CARDINGS 11 in RUBBERS 11 in DRESS GOODS " LADIES' PLUSH 13argaies in teroceries,a Boots and Shoes. HE WILIs SELL His ENTIRE STOCH LESS TRAIT ACTITAL COST hs,s nevor been built on accoratt of le 'rho hill onibraced two cotin ts , ane Or ti is be °11:eascatiorenenaeloteees, illsiaSie:etTekarSj,i'liiwi swamp 1 Ans.-The Aet respecting line asieepprapriating $5,000, the other faa Exeter. felleOS prOvide9 that the (miters ofoaauPiad miSapprori riating $10,000, the money 01 Goods well assorted and everything fresh. ' lands shall make, keep up and re- , the Ontario Investment compacy. No shelf4vorn. ,00ds in stock, adjopair a :lust proportion of the fence whieh At the reeent election there were many ratepayers who could not vote,owing to the tact that their names Wet e ominitted front 'Oro lis{. We learn that in the majurity of Poses the assessor was at fault. 14 18 to be hoped that more care will be exercised. this findin that his to mark the boundary between them. Trt the abeenee of agreetnent or pteviote award The Canadian Pacific Itailway Com. with eespect to the erection and mainten- le said to be considering the advisa- pee of each portion of the line fence the proportion of the sameto be constructed and kept up by each, in ease the parties differ, win repuire to he submitted to the fence - 'viewers for their award under theprovisions I BARGAINS IPO YOTI 1 FOR YOTIR NEIGHBORS I pany bility,of laying a .doublc track between 13AROAINS FOR ALL 1 winnipng anti rat Arthur. The busi- 1 "Ll'erna°1TmbgerwailtIlat ;neltii,°faorrlYvrhnihbylloiltig wt hiel 1 cash nem has attained atoll proportions that a I receive more than fullvalne, double track ov the building of a new line is almost unavoidable. Visitors to Exeter ---Would do well to call and inspect -- OU 17 MAGNIFICENT STOOK OF 06E88-GOODS1 One of the. NeNvest, Cheapest & Best Stocks in town, 131ank and Colored Cashmeres. Black and Colored Silks and Satins, Colored. Flushes, Melton Cloths, "jersey -Cloaks, Blasi< Drees Materials and Mourning Goode, Woollen shawls and Fascinators, in all Colors and prices, Also a fine range of Staples, Fine Hess of gloves in Kid, Cloth and Jersey. Nuction SATE tloe have it placed thereon itt the proper time, locality requires some Op60161 8,Clitl6ttneht .4-14°.-41.""'t"mt"14gt4tg°1'4'L''1.--11"r4e47'''''''''''''''''"°''''...-2.--"P I -AA 16 ospoe ing inO eneaa, tinless On Tuesday evening last there asseinb ed be 'made. Probably just diviaion would tt Fr 37 . t year, and that a, p name is pa upon the lid let him proceed to of tl A t' 1 f Sca onc els cads in housands of • f Hernick, e es erected and maintained by el forms, but are surnassed hy the mar- at the lean e about zeventy young people,. who enjoyed thernselvee with mesa°, singing and other artlbsemoxit8. After partaking ole bountiful. suppet they all enjoyea themselves until a late hour ia the morning when they all re. tureea to their teepective hornet,/ highly gratifieil with the manner in which they spent their time, each. f i coition TheSe 'Who ere in need of erolltable ,vork that eati be done while hvoIlt at home 51106.1d ttt On (10,66hci their address to ciosiog saiep rt,,,nton tock 011 st,/ and Co.. Portland, Maine, and receive free Vriday and Saturday next, jen'y 2,0 and al. falaalle;pgrn,m41tio,,,h,r,,Itt; 3111011011 itt and 6 p. ma in, Bqra ohl Stand, txoter.' ever they live. You are started free, Griplit:1 All winter dry -Vohs, etoelseres end giasS. ljni(13)tjicto,(elaiyread tilesurciveorlicis,,vemilnifitildeetsotvdevr 410 ie 05 Ware avast go. No reserve. R.VaTore & Co. --Of Surpltis Winter Stock - TUES., eTA.N. 24 Exeter, Dee. 8, FANSON% BLOCK. Zir. 0 12t. GOOD ASSORTMENT AN EXTRit. Gents' r, urnisbings.-Vite Display in Rats, Tiee, Buena, 'White Colored 1-Ia,ndlterchiefs, Shirts and Drawers. \ Scoteh and Canadian Tweeds, Overcoatings, Proltings PANTS 111A.DE TO ORDER IN THE LATEST STYLES AND AT THE LOWEST PRICES, BOCiTS AND SHOES. -.A. t ory largo consign -loot just received, of the very best styles and quality, in Ladies', Gents' and Children's. CALL AND INSPECT, IT WILL NOT COST A.NYTHING-. line of Glassware and Crock- ery -ware always on hand. Our Clwooery Departmeut is Complete, Butter, Eggs c.na all kinds of Produce taken in exchange, Ana tho tory highest price p%id. and La:A CALL SOLICITED. CARLIN‘G Exeter., 1.