HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-09-20, Page 230 central • .,"•••••••,,, iron c Mheue Oci.itor) ronicie secondary school news ItlS • lose eft earns On Monday September 17, our boys tennis team played their first and only tournament in Grand Bend. Competition was ex- tremely tough,. In Pro sets (8 games deciding the winner) both CHSS singles entries were beaten. Phil Cornish lost Buy a what? A ChAmicle that's what! This year the Chronicle has a great staff with fresh ideas which will hopefully produce a better than ever school paper. The first monthly issue comes on sale Sept. 28 (next week) with the Chronicle Sweepstakes being our special feature. You could win a record, eight -track or cassette Quiz solution If you are still stumped by our puzzle in last --week's Chronicle, here's the answer as we promised. In case you have forgotten, the object was to distribute ten coins in three glasses in order that there is an odd number' of coins in each glass. One solution is to put 5 coins in glass 1, and 2 coins in glass 2. Place glass 3 on top of glass 2 and put the 3 remaining coins inside glass 3. Inside -glass 2, there are actually 5 coins because the coins in glass 3 are also inside glass 2. There are nine other solutions, but they are simply variations of the above solution. The only way to solve this puzzle is to stack two of the glasses, and have an even number of coins on the bottom glass in the stack. Watch this space for Problem No. 2 next week. t •• • - • • Middleton.• • • from page 13 visit. Ann and George Wise send their good wishes to all in the Clinton area. Yes, Ann we arrived home safely Sunday. We also visited with Yvonne McConkey (nee Hendricks) at Consecon. She also said to say hello to all. Just thought people might -be interested in this little item. I just received an air mail letter dated September 2 from Port Elizabeth, South Africa; She says it is still very cold and pouring rain. Most unusual snow and floods in some places. -Good to hear Mrs. Dupuis is home from hospital. PLAN TO ATTEND , WORKSHOP ON TEENAGE DRINKING PROBLEMS at ihe CANDLELIGHT RESTAURANT GODERICH 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. WED; SEPT. 26 Hot Buiffet Lunch Served $8." per person Sponsored by The Huron County Council for Ac- tion on Alcohol and Other Drugs. tape of your choice just for buying a Chronicle. For further details buy one. Also, if you feel the Chronicle could be im- proved in some way write to us or tell someone on the staff. (You don't have to write an article), If you do wish to write something, leave it in the newspaper office, room 208. I have one last thing to say. A lot of people work hard on this paper just as every other club or team does. This is a paper made by students for students. Why not join us or just give us some support. Buy a Chronicle! By Jeanette Dutot • a close set 8-6 to turn in the best showing of the day; Frank Snell was put out with an 8-3 loss.. Doubles faired no better, despite some gdod rallies. Paul Hartman and Rick Wise were taken in straight games 8-0. The second doubles team of Dave Jewitt and Dave Allen lost .8-1 in a difficult draw. On Tuesday, the girls' tennis team and mixed doubles played their tournament, also in Grand Bend. Unfortunately these teams fared no better than the boys' team. In girls' singles, Marianne Menzies lost her set 8-4, while Jeanette Dutot lost her set 8-0. In girls' doubles, the team of Nancy Dietz and Tanis Chuter was beaten with a score of 8-0. The two mixed doubles teams of Jill Clynick and Joe Lawson and Jane Coventry and Shawn Van Dogen each lost their sets with scores of 8-1. Watch for bugs When you bring houseplants indoors, make sure you're not bringing insects and plant diseases inside, advises Bob Fleming, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and. Food horticulturist. "During the summer outdoors, houseplants are exposed to a variety of insects and diseases. Once inside, these problems can spread to other houseplants," he says. Mildew is the most common disease en- countered by plants outdoors. Plants infected with. this disea,se , hav,e a_ white, ',powderycoating on the leaves. To remedy the problem, pick off and destroy the affected leaves, and spray the plant with a fungicide such as benlate or benomyl. During the summer outdoors, houseplants are also attacked by a variety of insects. Most insects can be eliminated with , diazinon, says Mr. Fleming. To check for vvhiteflies, tap the plant gently. If these tiny pests are present, you will notice a white cloud of insects fluttering around the leaves. Scale insects appear as varnish -like mounds on the leaves, petioles, or the'soft part of the stem. If you notice tiny, cotton -like balls in the axils of the leaves; .your. plant probably has mealybugs. These serious pests suck the sap from the plant and reduce plant vigor. Mites are microscopic and difficult to diagnose. Moderately affected plants will have a generally unthrifty ap- pearance. Severely af- fected plants will have damaged papery leaves. Since some of these problems are difficult to identify, Mr. Fleming suggests spraying with recommended in- secticides as a precautionary measure. After moving plants indoors, isolate them from other houseplants fora week to 10 days. WELCOME LETTERS TO THE EDITOR BEAUTY CLINIC AT SUSAN LEBEAU'S R.R. 1 BRUCEFIELD WED. SEPT. 26, 1979 8:00 to '10:00 p.m. Come and discover a lovelier way df life. Skin care in- struction and make up technique is provided with free make up lesson - Truly an unique opportunity with a specially formulated water based product. . FASHION TWO TWENTY COSMETICS are more than phin deep - Learn how Fashion Two Twenty offers an unusual job with a retirement program. Age and previous ex- perience is not important. Your enthusiasm is. Are you ready for a change of face? Discoveed hidden you. Call Mrs. Susan LeBeau at 482.7493 for your reserved seat. 7r#04000toeio 74;10 "Beauty at your fingertips" 0 0 STAN,f1N$.MONDAY, IC1001011glaitt PARTICIPATE IN THE ISSUES THAT AFFE,a,yopR LIFE... PHONE 1.13106.165.3032 Give it to 'em Student council By Jeanette Dutot "If you're not going to work, you can leave right now". The first meeting of the '79-80 Students' Council was brought to order last Friday with President Gayle Horten bluntly telling the new council that she means business this year. After roll call the new committee heads wete announced as follows: assembly committee, Steve Sparling, Mary Holmes; co m - m unica tion s, Betty Konarski and Jill Clynick; fund raising, Carolyn Wood; promotion, Marianne Menzies; special events, Don Datema; and dance, Janet Eastman. Each head told a little bit:about their committee ane' -each member of council was encouraged to join at least one committee. (Just a note: You don'have to be on Students', Council to be a committee member) The next dance, featuring the rock „group Harpo, was passed by council. It will be held on September 28 with the admission price set at $2.00 for grade nines and $3.50 for everyone else. The dance starts at nine p.m. and ends at mid- night. • Events for upcoming Students' Week (Sept. 24- 28) were discussed. It was decided that Monday will be School Colors Day. On this day students and teachers will wear the school colors (red and blue). On Tuesday students will get a glimpse of life as a Roman by dressing up in their favorite toga for Toga Day. On Wednesday students will dress up in their favorite hat -and tie, wearing their favorite pair of socks and shades. CHSS this week - Ali history 140 students will view a film "Lord of the Flies" on Thursday September 20. +++ Commencement will take place tomorrow night (Friday) at CHSS. All parents, family and friends of graduates and award recipients are welcome. ++-± Participaction began Tuesday September 18. It is hoped that there will be - a better turnout to clubs and other activities so that Participaction will be continued. So get out there and support your favorite team or club! +++ The Yearbook . • • assembly which was to be held Tuesday was rescheduled and is to be held on some unknown date next week-. + + The student council assembly will be held this coming Monday to promote Students' Week (Sept. 24-28). 2+ + + Mug shots will be taken today Thursday Sep- tember 20. The cost is $5 for a packet of color pictures. Smile A popular novelist was recently asked his for- mula for success. Replied the novelist: -1-‘' always start oUtwitha clean sheet of paperand a dirty ••,••• • ••• White Carnation, Holmesville Offer the Smorgasbord All F011, Hot buffet - salad bar - dessert - home cooking our specialty HOURS: WED. THURS. FRI. SAT. SUN. NOON DINNER 12-2 P.M. 5-8 P.M. 12-2 P.M. 5-8 P.M. 12-2 P.M. 5-8 P.M. 12-2 P.M. 5-8 P.M, 12-2 P.M. 5-7:30 P.M. RESERVATIONS REQUESTED SAT. NIGHT ONLY CATERING TO WEDDINGS, BANQUETS & PRIVATE PARTIES TEL. 482-9228 AFTER HOURS 524-4133 OPEN FOR FALL... • Now accepting reservations for Christmas parties and New Years. STRATFORD FALL FAIR SEPT. 19 23 —COOPER BROTHERS— FRIDAY, SEPT. 21 $5,00.PER PERSON INCLUDES GATE ENTRY GODDO SATURDAY, SEPT. 22 $5.00 PER PERSON INCLUDES GATE ENTRY LIMITED ADVANCE TICKETS FOR ABOVE SHOWS AVAILABLE AT STRATFORD COLISEUM & MUSIC, SHOPPERS RECORD & TAPE MART M & M ST.MARYS THE FOLLOWING EVENTS ARE FREE WITH GATE ADMISSION: ADULTS '2. CHILDREN 7-14 yrs. - 50' CAMPBELL AMUSEMENTS - OVER 24 RIDES HORSE SHOWS WED. --THURS. SEPT. 19-20 TUG OF WAR THURS. SEPT. 20 TRANS CANADA HELL DRIVERS SAT., SEPT. 2 • DEMOLITION DERBY SUN.,, SEPT. 23 ENTRY FORMS AVAILABLE AT STRATFORD FAIRGIWUNDS.FOISI' 40 CARS ACCEPTEDI. Thursday is the traditional Greaser Day, giving students a chance to relive the 50's. Mafia Day will be held Friday. Like all good gangsters,• students will be expected to dress up in their Sunday best. The week' p activities.come to a *rand finale Friday night .when Harpo makes its appearance. Last on the agenda of the Students' Council meeting was a bit of organizational time for each of the committees. This year's council • *L. CLINTON NEW,RCOR.D, THURSDAY., Srt PTIMBER 20,, 1979—PAPE 23 eet s , hopes to have a great year, so let's giye them the support they need and deserve! 100 IriliNTLEY ST. RALLY SAT. SEPT; 29th 3 P.M. at Treasure Island Gar - dons In London. Bus leaves Murphy's. Garage in Clinton at 1 p.m. Cost '3.00 per person (in - dudes Reservations.) Contact 482-9783 or 524,7035 for Bus Reservation * * * * * * * * SE HERE'S YOUR CHANCE! 4' 1 TERNATIONAL PLOWING MATCH FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 FOR TRANSPORTATION AND TICKETS CALL 524-7622 or 524-7186 1 CHATHAM DON'T MISS IT!! 4' 19.39 9Jau 9ite0tidittA2itectLa Oral. RaLL4¢ _ 041 fg,g accasiatt 4 tle &faiAzig.Gactai" an.ni,QAms.c" 93iffa euuvt911cal. 1979 Pi• Sanciaj, 9ltentgei.E. iL tfaittictg, itvinelc.en ganctited and saentj-nitte 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.nt.and, 730 m,‘ at triciit Name_ - Tait -La, Colaitia 91304 fitiendsgip tg.e mast crwcisked 94t 70e. ,..spectfdtj ,e9wad Clinton Figure .Skating Club ANNUAL REGISTRATION • Sat Sept 29th: Town Holl 10;30A4A, .12:30 re WELCOME TO COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES • at Central Huron Secondary School FRIDAY, SEPT. 21 at 8:15 p.m. An invitation is extended to all graduates, parents and friends. VAN EGMOND Ciderfe,st SUNDAY, SEPT. 30 12 noon - 5 p.m. at the historic Van Egmond House, Egmondyille SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS: Cider Making Sausage Stuffing Flower Festival -9 PtAitrettliho Horseand Wagon Rides Antique Exhibits ADMISSION: '1.00 Crafts Flea Market Country Jamboree. Log.Sawing - • -- and Nail Driving Competitions and much more! CHILDREN UNDER 12 ACCOMPANIED BY PARENTS - FREE. L, • Going Out of Bu&ness SALE Everything on Sale Selling to the bare walls Fantastic Savings Up To Sale Starts Sept. 20 orbe , ja ter ani IL Division of 385921 Ontario Limited Two doors ndeffibtPost Office 317 Josephine it\.. Winiiharn Tel. 351.1491 The Home of Etilig14en 'rag Ideas •gc