HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-09-20, Page 22P. ,GE 22 ,C iNTQ t NMVSTRECQR;1 , THURS.PAY,: SEPTEMBER 20, 1979 17. Auction sales 17. Auction sales * *-***al!-******�******* AUCTIONAL1 of Antiques, furniture, modern appliances, etc. to be held for Mr. & Mr*. A: Markson of Goderich due to thelr "'move to British Columbia. Sale to be held at 88 TRAFALGAR ST. GODERICH 4c' SATURDAY, SEPT. 22 9t 10:30 a.m. ft • -Color television /1 refrIgorators, Harvest Gold / stove' -/g/ freezer / 2 washers and dryers / microwave oven /* ,chesterfield and chair / 3 pc. chesterfield and chairs /lc love seat / maple buffet and hutch / coffee tables / end * tables / table lamps / swag lamps / dining table and 6* *chairs / bow front china cabinet / dressers / chests of* drawers / bedside tables-/ large chest with sliding* doors / oak stereo cabinet %stereo / B & W television / * box springs and mattress / 2 barrel chain / studio couch," */ child's white dresser / bar /, several beds in bunk,* twin, double and queen sizes / antique rocker,, sewing* -▪ 7"'" machine / small desk / 2 electric lawn mowers / gas **pace heater / picnic table / patio table / garden chairs .0/ wheelbarrow / pictures / pots, tools, etc., many other( *articles too numerous to mention. PLAN TO ATTEND AS - This sale consilts of many fine pieces of furniture & op.: y- pliances from two families. T TERMS CASH DAY OF SALE * 41( * Harold Lamb - Auctioneer 4( Goderich 524.9657 '}w *OWNER OR AUCTIONEER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR AC-* .*CIDENTS DAY OF SALE ******************* * Richard Lobb, AUCTIONEER Clinton 482-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR Every Thursday HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALF SAT. SEPT. 22 1:00 P.M. Furniture, etc. for Mrs. Edith Lemon, Kincar- dine Ontario. SAT. OCT. 6 Hensall Stocker Sale. MON. OCT. 8 10:30 a.m.. Real Estate for Estate of Jane McGregor, 41 Goderich St. W. Seaforth: MON. OCT. 8 12 noon Antiques, furniture, etc. for McGregor Estate 4Rictictrd. Lobb's barn. 18. Services available CHUTER PLUMBING HEATING 8 ELECTRIC Frunace Installations DELAVAL MILKER SUPPLIES Appliance Service 46 King St. 482-7652 C-18tfn 18. Services available JOHN KASSIES GENERAL CONTRACTING * Farm Buildings * Additions * Renovations Phone 482-3063 onanimmosommular Custom Slaughtering and Processing kill Dayrdnesday �MERNER'S DASHWOOD 237-3677 HOUSE PIANS DRAWN to meet your requirements no obligation References for all previous projects Schaefer Residential, Design Listowel 291-1449 tADRAINAGE CONTRACTORS FARM AND MUNICIPAL DRAINAGE PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE CATCH BASINS 8 Weldon Ave., Arva, Ont. CATCH BASINS PHONE Shop 473-2669 Gerry Res. 438:4392. Steve Goderich 524.7037 DRAINAGE PHONE Shop 473.2669 Gerry 438-4392 Steve Goderich 524.7037 MAJOR ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS LTD. -Industrial Commercial -Residential Services -Design -Appliance Hook up PHONE: 565-2642 'hayfield or 672-0751 London HENDRIK GELOK ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL • TRAILER AND R.V. SERVICE OU AL '1`1rWORKMANSHIP Al! A i1EA3CENA8LE PR10E • NMii T INANCE - e NEW dN OLD INSTALLATIONS PHONE 519-482-3/00 18. Services available 18. Services. available WATER WELL DRILLING , a W.D. HOPPER & SONS FOUR MODERN ROTARY RIGGS PHONE: SEAFORTH NEIL: 527-1737 DURL: 527-0828 JIM; 527-0775 NORTH WINDS ALUMINUM BUILDiNG- PRODUCTS Sales & Service Clinton 482-7106 HOUSE PLANS and MECHANICAL DRAFTING 482-3586 J.B. COLQUHOUN GENERAL CONTRACTOR * Custom Built Homes * Renovations *Additions 482-9506 EVENINGS SCREENED TOP SOIL (for Lawns - Gardens - Flowers) 'ALSO •Crushed Stone •Crushed Road Gravel •Cement Gravel •Pit Ruh Gravel Backhoe Work LYLE MONTGOMERY 482-7644 evenings BACKHOE CONTRACTING by Slotegraaf and Co. * Trenching * Farm Drains * Septic Beds 482-9112 or 524-7067 PETE SLOTEGRAAF HANK'S SMALL ' ENGINE SERVICE HENRY REININK 1 MILE NORTH OF ONDE BORO 523-9202 *Lawn and Garden Equipment *Repairs *New Lawnmowers and Tillers in stock. BO -.SEN CARPENTRY FOR • CUSTOM BUILT HOMES RENOVATIONS • ADDITIONS SEE eOD `LANpEN'DOEN BOX 309 CLINTON PHONE 4824720 PHCiNi 5211-1‘4124 14 ARTS-KRIEGER HOME IMPROVEMENTS Specialty Alumh .untA ,inyI Siding.- Windows Doors Additions Renovations etc. Free Estimates, Phone 482-3869 19. Notice to creditors IN THE ESTATE OF MARY JANE LANGDON, late of the Township of Tuckersmith in the County of Huron, Housewife, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above named who died on the 16th day of June, 1979, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 11th days .pf October, 1979, after which' tate the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this l 1 th day of September, 1979. MENZIES, ROSS Clinton, Ontario Solicitors for the Administrator. -38-40 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF DORETHY CREIGHTON ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above-mentioned, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died, on August 18th, 1979, are required to file proof of same with the un- dersigned on or before the 6th day of October, 1979. After that date the Executor will prgceed to distribute,the Estate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, .Ontario this 12th day of September, A.D., 1979. CRAWFORD MILL & DAVIES Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor.-38-40ar 21. Personal INSTRUCTOR WANTED for session or private lessons re ballroom and jazz type dancing. Reply to Box 1336, Clinton, Ontario. -38 20. Public notices 20. Public notices 20. Public notice$ THE HURON C .. NTS' 'HOUSING AUTHORITY is pleased to announce the re -location of Its office to 48 THE SQUARE GODERICH, N7A 1 M5 24. Business opportunities EXTRA CASH for Christmas selling low priced fashion jewellery and gifts. No ex- perience. Information or $2.00 sample, Reel Deel, 164 Victoria Harbour, Ont. LOK 2A0.--38bc r cam¢�y�u cloth,far tfi¢ rest of Your life? ri 24. Business opportunities NEW CAREER: Are you involved in retailing, but have a special interest in advertising? There may be an opening for you with community newspaper. Write today and explain yourself to u§. The Con- federate, Box 130, Moun,t Forest, Ontario.-38BC EARN a second income. Learn income tax preparation at home. For free brochure write U ,& R Schools, 118 Roxborough Drive, Tor,onto, Ontario M4W 1X4. No obligation.-38bc ACADEMIC ' 25. To give away UPGRADING Is your "lack of basic education hindering year progress at work? Do you need more English and Math to prepare you for a skill training program and a better job? Consider Conestoga. We're specialists in. .--Adult Education. We'II help you progress at your own speed to get the education; to learn the skills; to get the job. That's why we're here. Why not call us for details? Tie/.0 KITTENS to give away, both trained, phone 262-5742.-3.8 27. Deaths DYK At his residence in Morris Township on Monday, September 10, 1979, John Dyk, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Dyk in his 20th year. Survived by his parents, one dear brother Peter. at home, Tilda (Mrs. Egbert Jan Kelly) of Dun- ville, Jina (Mrs. Ed Ben- jamin) of RR , 2, Alma, Dorothy at home. Dear grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Jan Dyk of Holland and Mrs. Tryntje Valkenburg, of Huron, Clinton. Rested the Tasker Funeral Home, Queens Street, • Blyth, Ontario, until 1 PM on We cart help you Thursday, then to the findout.ere Christian Reformed Church, Blyth for funeral service at 2 PM. Interment Blyth Union Cemetery:-38nc YOU MAY BE ELIGBL?.FOR FINANCIAL SUPPORT FROM CANADA EMPLOYMENT. Conestoga College of Applied Arts andTechnology .Building skills today for the needs of tomorrow. Clinton Campus Phone 482-3458 20. Public notices NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING Thursday, September 27 at 7:30 p.m. at the Vanastra Rec. Centre to consider amendment No. 39 to the Huron County official plan concer- ning commercial designation of Lo7/ 6, Plan 23, (Vanastra) TPwriship of . Tuckersmith. ONTARIO GOVERNMENT NOTICE FARM RELATED TRUCKING REVIEW Notice of Public Meeting Date: Thursday, September 27, 1979 Time: 8:30 p..m. Location:,Stratford Coliseum (downstairs) Stratford Fairgrounds, Stratford, Ont. "Do we need more or fewer controls on the trucking of farm products and farm supplies or is the current situation satisfactory? What improvements can be made? We want, your advice". Farmers, truckers or any other interested persons wishing to discuss this issue and any problems they mayhave related to the transportation of agriauitural produce or farm supplies are invited to attend. Those unable io attend may forward their concerns recommendations to Mr. or .Everett Biggs who has been asked to conduct.the above review. Mr. Biggs' address is: Suite 301, 21 Queen Street East, Brampton, Ontario L.6W 3Ph GWYN In Jos.eph's Hospital, London, Tueilday, Sep- tember 11, 1979. Mrs. Car- men Gwyn, the former Dorothy Mildred Blake, of Blyth, in her. 53rd year. Beloved wife of Carmen, Blyth. Dear daughter of Earl Blake of RR 1 Clinton. Dear sister of Elwyne Blake of Hespeler and 'Freida (Mrs. Norman Hooker), London. The late Mrs. Gwyn rested at the Tasker Funeral Horne Blyth, Ont., where the funeral service was held on Friday. September 14, at 2 p.m. Interment Blyth Union Cemetery.-38nc FULFORD At Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich, on Tuesday, September llth, 1979, Robert Louis (Lou) Fulford of Elk Lake and Colborne Township, in his 65th year. Beloved husband of Theresa Chisholm, dear father of Anne (Mrs. David Gornall) Clinton, Pauline (Mrs. John Smith) and Helen (Mrs. John Marr) both of London. Brother of Mrs. Pearl Swift, California, Mrs. MyrtleHicks, Detroit, Helen Fulford, Goderich and Harold Fulford, Florida.- Also survived by ten gran- dchildren; one great gran- dchild. Itested at the Stiles Funeral Home, Goderich. Service on Friday at 2 p.m. Inte)rnient Colborne Cemetery.-38nc ANDREW Suddenly at his residence. on Friday September 14, 1979. Miller Jacob (Shorty) Andrew of 132 Victoria Street, Clinton, in his 66th year. Dear friend of Rachel Irwin and Barry Irwin both of Clinton. Dear brother of Bill Andrew of Turner Valley, Alberta. Predeceased by one sister and one brother. Restedat the Ball Funeral Home, 153 High Street, Clinton, from 7 p.m. Saturday until Monday$ September 17 where the funeral service was held at 2 p.m. Interment South Kinloss' Cemetery, Lucknow.--38nc 28. Engagements 28, Engagement HERM;AN-IHAR,M.ER Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Harmer, Stratford are pleased to announce the fornccoting marriage of their daughter, Wendy, to Paul Herman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon , Herman, Clinton. -The wedding will take place October 12,1979 at St. Joseph's Church, Stratford.. --38x . 29. Marriages HARKES-STRYKER Herman and Janet Stryker of RR2,, Clinton are pleased to announce the marriage in Calgary, Alberta on Sep- tember 15, 1979 of their daughter, Joanne Grace to Keith•Edward Harkes, son of Gordon and Hilda Harkes of Clinton, Ontario.-38nc 30. In memoriam CRICH In loving memory of a dear wife, mother and grand- mother, Lorna Crich, who passed away two years ago, Sept. 7, 1977: There is a day of sunny rest For the one who shared her love and affection. God has. taken and we bore the suffering with her, But she will still be remembered by her loved ones. Sadly missed by her husband and family. -38 GREER In loving memory of a dear son and brother Michael who passed away 19 yeirs ago September 17, 1960; 4' We cannot bring the old days back, • His smile we.not see, We treasure now the memories Of days that used to be. Lovingly remembered by Mom, Dad, Joyce, Wendy and Patti. -38 HORBAI'4UIK In loving memory of a dear. husband and father Gus Horbanuik who passed away September 15, 1968. We often think of days gone by When we were all together A shadow o'er our lives' has cast Our loved one's gone forever. Sadly missed by wife Vic- toria and family: -38 31. Card of thanks • DOBNEY The family of the late Ernest Robert Dobney wishes to thank relatives, friends and neighbours for the flowers, cards and gifts „and anyone who has assisted the family in any way during the illness and death of our dear husband and father. Also the Doctors and nurses of K -W Hospital for their kindness. Special thanks to Rev. S. Lupton of St. George's Anglican Church, Kitchener for his prayers and faith- fulness during his time of illness and our days of sorrow. -38 WOOD Hattie and Edwin Wood and family say "Thank you" to everyone who helped in, any way, to make our 50th wedding anniversary such a special day. Your thoughtfulness, in cards, gifts and calls will always be remembered ,and ap- pr"ciated.-38x McCANN I wish to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Newland, Dr. Flowers and Dr. Lynch for their excellent care and attention while I was a patient in the Clinton Hospital. Also my thanks to the nurses and staff of the first floor for their"excellent care and understanding during my illness. In many instances they went beyond the call of duty to ensure that I was as comfortable as possible under the cir- S cumstances. To my friends (}} and neighbours and Fraternal Organizations who 1 visited me and sent cards , and flowers, I assure you S that they were very much? appreciated as it is most gratifying to know there are j people out there who are thinking of you at times like this. Ronald McCann. -38 31. Card of tltar: Bks meal '.. ,:Z, 1 !YN * from page 1.8 The tlusha,nd of the .L t�- 'om Shnagg.e , led is a late Dorothy Owyn wishes to hymn sing. Mrs. Mickle express his sincere thapkks to relatives, friends . halso played a piano solo, boars for al1 the exprandessneiglonh- Amazing Grace .Rev. of sympathy, floral tributes, .Blan C. McDonald cards and memorial pronounced the benediction. Mrs. Robert 'Watson, Seaforth and Mrs. E. Holland visited over the weekend with their, sister, Mrs. Clendon Christie. The Hensall Women's `Institute opened their fall season with" a pot -luck supper. At the meeting following, three cards of thanks were ' received. The Huron County Historical Society will hold their next meeting at Kirkton on October 17 and an invitation to visit the Grand Bend Museum was held over until next year. The recreation com- mittee of Hensall junior athletics acknowledged our contribution towards the new ball park with thanks.- Huron hanks.-Huron - County Fall Rally will be held at Elimville on Monday, October 1 with registration at 9 a.m. and an exchange of plants. Chairman will be Mrs. Hilda Payne. An in- vitation to visit Dash- wood Women's Institute on Tuesday evening at 8 p.m. was accepted and Hensall branch will be holding a dessert euchre in the Legion Hall at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, October 17 to which all branches of Huron South are invited and the general public. The London Area Convention will be held in St. Marys this year on November 1 2. Thande program consisted of Donna Taylor 1playing two piano duets and Mrs. RADFORD Dianne Gerstenkorn We wish to express our showed pictures and heartfelt thanks to all our souvenirs of her recent neighbours, relatives and trip to Germany and friends for the many kin- Austria. One minute of dnesses shown to us at the silence was observed for recent passing of -a beloved our late member Mrs. husband and brother, Bill Jessie McAllister. Radford. To Rev. Cecil Wittich, Rev. Stanley -. ---Personals MacDonald, Rev. Robert Mrs. Elizabeth Jones of Scott, .Rev. D.J. McMaster prince Albert, Saskat- and his mother, Mrs. Irene chewers accompanied by McMaster, their prayers and -^,- t.•,.,<:�, - <�, r-,,, support were l gratefully her son Mr. Arthur Jones appreciated. Sympathy of Shellbrook, Sask. extended to us through your visited with Mr. and Mrs. contributions to Blyth Union William Rogerson last Cemetery and Branch 420 week. Blyth Royal Canadian Mrs. Elizabeth Jones of Legion for Minor Sports was Prince Albert, Sask., and •deeply appreciated. Bill was her son Mr. Arthur Jones very interested 'in the youth of Shellbrook, Sask., of our village and Minor Sports. Your kind thoughts visited with Mr. and Mrs. will always be remembered Leslie Oliver, Mrs. Frank and treasured. To Lloyd and Crich, Mrs. Peter Dunlop Jean Tasker of the Tasker and Mrs. Clarrissa- Dale Funeral Home, the ladies of of Seaforth and Mrs. Al Unit of the Blyth UCW for, William Rogerson of their bountiful lunch, the Hensall. pallbearers and flower- Mr. and Mrs. Arie bearers, Robert McKinley, Roobol of Oud-Beyerland, God's blessing to you all. Holland, arrived on Sincerely, Mrs.. William Radford and the Radford Sunday for a four week family. -:-38 visit with Mr. and Mrs. Sim Roobol and Mr. and Mrs. Don Dodds of Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Sim Roobol and Mr. and Mrs. Arie Roobol spent Monday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Tony Van Dyke ► in Atwood. Queensway Visitors Visitors with Irma Wilds at the Queensway Nursing Home last week were Mr. and Mrs. Pat Wilds and family, and donations .in the loss of h° - loved one. Thanks to pallbearers, flowerbearers, Rev. C.W. Wittich, the ladies of Blyth Legion Ladies Auxiliary Np. 420 who served lunch and Tasker Funeral Home. "Your kindness° arld sympathy will always be remembered. Carman. --38x CARTER We would like to thank everyone who sent cards, treats and flowers and to all who visited us during our stay in Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Doctors Lynch, and Harrett and the nurses on 2nd floor. Karen and Vicki,Carter.-38 DAER I would like to thank Dr. Flowers, Dr. Lambert and Dr. Newland and the nurses on first floor of Clinton Hospital, also to friends and relatives who sent cards and flowers during my stay in hospital. Joe Daer.-38 NELSON My thanks to the doctors and nurses of Clinton Public Hospital who cared for me while I was a patient there and also when I was a patient in University Hospital. Thanks to the Clergy and friends who called, to all those who sent flowers, gifts and cards' and to all who helped in any way. It was all much appreciated. Yours sincerely, Mrs. Viola Nelson. -38x " DUPUIS We express our sincere thanks and appreciation `to neighbours, friends and customers and . especially Dr. Baker and Dr. Sears and staff while Catherine was in Victoria Hospital, London. The Dupuis family. -38 RADFORD To Mr. Chester Archibald, Administrator of Huronvicw, Mrs. Madelon Yeats, Director of Nursing and the Office Staff, the 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. staff, my deepest ap- preciation for the kindness and understanding shown me during the recent illness and passing away of my husband, Bill Radford. Your niany acts of thoughtfulness and kindness I will forever treasure. Sincerely Mrs. Wilma Radford. -38 24. Business PUGH I wish to thank all my friends, neighbours and relatives for their cards, flowers and for, while a patient in " the Clinton Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Newland, Dr. Lynch and Dr. Harrett, also to the nurses, nurses aides and ail concerned with the 1st floor, I say thanks for all your kindness. Percy Pugh. --38x - Ministry of Transportation and Communications PITKIN-BURNS Mr. and Mrs. Robbie Burns, Londesboro, Ontario are happy to announce the forth." coming marriage of their daughter Patricia Anne' 'to` Mr. Ed Pitocin son of Mr. and Mrs, Alex Pitkin, obleto Ontario. the we din to tak place oc ober 2 , 1 79 at ii.'m. in the ondesbor linked Church.- 38 KEYS I would like to thank my relations; friends and neigh- bours for cards, gifts,, and flowers received during my r' short stay in hospital. Special thanks to br. Baker, Dr. Lambert and firstfloor staff of Clinton Public Hospital, Linda keys.38 Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Smith opportunities visited Mrs. Kendrick, Mrs. Lammie, and Mr. TOASTMASTER BREAD FRANCHISE and 1977 Ford One Ton Truck CALL 527-0655 GIFT OF LIFE! '"'Ill�/.,. Icll) Ellikodgit- Ili a regular RED CROSS BLOOD DONOR Pfaff. • Bill and Helen Taylor visited Russell Erratt. Mrs. Mitchell visited with her family in Crediton on Sunday. ' Rev: Van Essen con- ducted the church service at the home, assisted by Mrs. Van Essen. Men's high bowling score was Neil Regan with 199 and the ladies' high score was Mary Parlmer with 125. Socials Mrs. Ruby Bell returned home after spending a few days last week visiting with her son and daughter -in -la*, Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Bell and family in London. Mr. and Mrs. ' Ken Bellamy moved to Southampton where a new Branch of the Bank of Montreal will open in October. Mr. Bellamy was on the staff of the Bank of Montreal, Zurich and Mrs. Bellamy was on the staff of the local branch. Their many friends wish them every success in the nev branch. x. • • B 1