HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-1-19, Page 5News of the Day. Harris' woolen mill, Woonsocket, R. L, was burned onTuesday morning; Lose $.130000 Captain Holden, of the Harvard University foot ball town, wtiowits quite seriously in- jured in the Harvard -Princeton game last fall, has returned to college. Mr Parnell, who has ]seen for several daye at :Avondale (his estate) has returned to Eng. land, I firmly believe, Everest's Cough Syrup saved tho life of, my wife. ---.las. A, Fisher, Camlaehio P. O. It is thought John L. Sullivan would make hit in London if he could only find something to strike at• Toboggan racing is in high favor in New York at present. They get up orews of six men and count best three in five elides, The report of the Railway Department of the Doniiiiien will be issued in a few days. It will ahbat 524 miles of railway were placed u , er, Irian last year. Mr. Evert t, Forest. Dear sir, -Please send me three bottles cif your Cough Syrup; noth- ing seems to euro me but that. -Mrs. West - hoover, Goodlaltd P. 0; Mich. Thirty thousand persons in Montenegro have been deprived of food by floods. The Czar has seht a ship load of corn from Odessa to relieve the distressed, I have used Everest's. Cough Syrup in my family for two years, and always found it an excellent<remedy for Coughs, Colds, coo. -3. H. Pottypieee, Forest. tShamberg 16 turning base ball bats in a Michigan sawmill. A three days' walking match for female pedestrians is soon to teke place au New Bedford. The Bank of England has reduced its rate of discount from 4 per cent. to 3} per cent. The A.ustriau State Railway authorities have oontraoted for 100,000 tons of rails and other material. CAUTION: A source of much ill health is neglected Coustipation. The: utmost caution should be observer] to keep the bowels regular. The best regulator of the bowels to promote their natural notion is 13ardook Blood Bitters. Try it if troubled with constipation. Ejectment notices hays been posted on the Countess' of Kiegston's estate at Mitohelltown a„ainst,120 tenants who adopted the plan of campaign. PRESENCE OF MIND. Presence of mind in case of accidents and emergencies, and when coupled with Hagyards Yellow Oil will often save life. Yellow Oil cures all painful iujuries, scalds, burns, bruises, frost bites; rheumatic and neuralgic' pains, and s in fact a handy and reliable surgical ,aid. The Crofter insurreotion in the Orkney. Islands and the tithe revolt in Wales are asfuming sensational pvoportion3, REMARKABLE RESTO.RA.TION. . Matthew Sullivan, of Westover, Ont„ was ill with dy pepsia for four years. binding dootors•dii him little good he tried .Burdock Blood Bit„ t, s; six bottles cured him, and he gained in'evIlight to 178 pounds. B. B. B. cures the 'afirst.known cases of chronic dys- pepsia after all else fails. No foreign mails haw; arrived at Odessa for five days, owing to the heavy storm on the ground. A )300N AND A BLESSING . bernin and a bleesing to mankind is Hag._ yard's Yellow Oil, the great pain destroyer and healing remelt for external and inter- n:al nee. Yellow Oil cures all aches and pains, rheumatism, lamej)ack, sore throat, croup, deafness, cramps, contracted cords and lameness. Procure it of your druggist. A Hungarian peasant woman at Ravenna "Aa'-�' .s confessed that she murdered eight of ,il"er ohildren soon after birth, LOOM _ OUT FOR IT. • If you are troubled with a cold or cough, `how very light the attack,look out for it, do not allow it to settle on the lungs ; break li up the cough by the cough by loosening the tough plilogra with Hagyard's Pectoral Bal- sam. Thomas Sexton, Lo. c1 Mayor elet oi Dub lin she ie suffering from typhoid fever, is improving slowly. DO YOU BELIEVE IN SIGNS. ? Wo do for instance the ,signs of torpid liver are yellow eyes, sallow complexion, pain under right shoulder, irregular bowels, licadaeho, tow spirits and weariness. All these signs may beremoved by Burdock Blood Bitters, which is a sure cure for all irregularities of the liver. Councillor Norris, of Ribbert, was never further east than Stratford, nor west than Clinton. Nor has he been north or south more than ten miles, from where he lives. This is ;remark- able, considering the fast age ' 10 which we live. The annual ,meeting of the South Huron County Loyal Orange Lodge will be held in Exeter, on Tuesday, Feb, 7. A full representation from every part of the County is requested. THE ELEOTR1ULIGH'T. It is astonishing how rapidly the electric light is coming into general use. It is being employed for publicly lightingouriargo cities. It dazzles our eyes with its splendor as we pass: along our thoroughfares at nsgbt. But with all its soh it f or and utility, it is not as light and boat,t i 11 as b,souit made with. Imperial Cream Tartar Baking Powder, It was fifty below zero at Winnipeg on Wednesday, stud a carpenter named Donald was frozen to death in lois bed, All passen- ger trains are delayed and many freights have been abandoned. lefr. P, Gauthier (repreeenting.Z. Lapierre, wholesale boots and shoes, Montreal) says : In the interest and cause of humanity I consider it my duty to testify to the excellent resultsI obtained by the use of Nasal Balm. After •suffering several years with that loath= some and distressing dieeaso, catarrh, I be - 'came disgusted in -using everything 1 saw advertised and wan giving ins in despair when a friend of. ins whom I placed a great deal of comfidci' ,e in, persuaded me to try a bot- tlo of Nos Balm, which I did, with such happyros'llts that I ata now pleased to have all aitch tsLtfo ors ]cocoa it, and oti 1 Y are al liberty to use this testimouial in any manner you wish, hoping that it will be of as moot] • benefit to some poor sufferer as it has been One htmdred emigrants from Belford, Franco, started ;Friday for Da,rota, Tlrore; aro ;signs that emigration from France is inoreasing. Anvioh TO Mo'nnnns.-Aro you disturbed at night and broken of your rest • by a • sok ebild suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? if so amid at once and got a, bottle of "Mrs. Wiustow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the pour little sufferer irmnediatnly Depend upon it, mothers ;: there 1s no mistake Frani( Leslie's Sunday Magazine forFebruary, exceedin l' Febr.uar Y g y interesting article by Lily I•Iiggin, Dai "Modern British Artists," with portraits, appears in the Feb - emery niitnber of .l!RA;vi; Lrsrzl's SVzrnAY MAGAZINn, giving just the fn formation all •wish to have. Colonel C. Chaille- Long's, Sties, r1 Two , i4 la'roiu the Sue], Cignal, Through Sotis to the Equator," is important in view of the perenla1ly interesting Eastern Question, Then,,r T1ien, too, there is t\ Visit to Port Algre i .' full of information .i.,i az11 atiozi and illustrations. lastrations. Among the shorter e5ntributions to this number may be mentioned, "The church of the H olY Se ulehre, Jerusalem," erusalen,":; "Joan o € trc". "The test a€ Countries" "Harrow school" YI Inle" "The Snoredioocs of Ciin"; "Some Superstitions '11 the Syna- gog no,'" and others of interest and value, ,.,re is not. email The poetry in this number,i but what there is s good, especially;the hen. bet, "10 " 1n Uotherin a1Y Castle, by Adelaide Martin. 1 h ilumber closes, as initial, with a pi.ecd of sacred music, Iiih •�� ■ w1ttUU S I$VWVUV*W$P QUEEN CITY OT11 WORK. • I BLALLCall ='="-113 S 0I II The he Lar eat and Moist stCom Ie e WOOD M. 1 about it. It cures AppsanterP and Diarrhoea, assortmentof Spectaclec1e in Colin softens the -Gum s,rednceeIntlammutiou, regulates the Stoma° and Bowels, euros Wind and gives tone and energy to the allele system.. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the pprescription, o; .one of the oldest and .bee femalephysteiensand nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists through- out the world. Pride twenty-five cents a bot- tle, Be sure and ask for "Moe. WINSLow's 0"mmaro P•unpp "and take no other kind. Eight Hon. Hugh Childers, who has been making private inquiries into the oondition of affairs in Ireland, has returned to Lenders. Gontaut ole BBirons, Chateau llfirande, Paris, }las been burned, with a valuahle historical collection of portraits. SCOTT'S Eox nsrON OD COD LIV1013 OIL AND 1ixPOPROSPalTHS is sold all over the world, Itis far superior to plain Cod Liver Oil, palatable and easily digested. Dr. 11lartiri Milos Stanton, Bury Bunks, London, Enttlaad, says: "I have tiro- scribed Soott's Emulsion, and taken it myself. 1t is palatable, efficient, and can be tolerated by almost anyone, espeoially where ood liver oil itself cannot be borne. Put up in, 60o and $1 size, •••. 4 SALE REGISTER. WEDNESDAY, Finn. Ism. -Farm Stock Implements, dr:o.;,the property of W. Py bus, Lot 25, Con. 8, Usborne. Sale at one o'clock. JAS. OKE, Auo. MARKET REPORTS. (Oorrecied at5 o'clock p.m, Wednesday. FallWhe a l . ... ... b 79 to 80 Spring Wheat.., 0 75 to Q78 Barley ... 65 to . 70 e54to 55 450to500 .. ... 150 to .200 .,. 057to058 ... 058to060 • 0 1B. to 0 18 .• 18 to 0 18 OO to 555 75 to. 80 40to050 ... 004to000. 005t0005 0 07 to 08 045to0'50 ▪ 020to030 ... 625to670 ... 400 to500 550to5.50 . 6.00 to 600 ... 075to1CC ... 050to070 020to021 • 800 to '8 00 • 050to07.5 25 to3oo Oats -. Glover Bee d Timothy Peas Corn Biggs Butte] Pl'ourperbbl, ,.. ... Potatoos,por bushel .. Apples,perbag ,.. DriedApplespr b Geese per lb. Turkey per lb Ducks pe r pr Chickens per pr Hogs,drossedper10 Beef ... Hidesrouh ,' ,.. -•. ' dressed Sheepskins 00011 Oali ins sk Wool per lb ... Hayperton 1 l monsneY bush Woodpsr cord ST: MARYS. Furnished by'>]Zessrs: Garter, Son & Co. Fall Wheat 80 to 82 Spring Wheat...-. ......... I.,..... 80 82 Oats y'` 3B3 65 70 Clover Seed 4 50 5 be Timothy 1 50 2 00 Peas 58 60. Eggs 16 )7 Butter 16 17 Potatoes per bush 60 70 Apples perlbush 30 40 Wool perlb 00 00 Hay Dorton 800 0 OQ The Grain < Situation. The leading wheat markets in the States. have been very steady up to this afternoon, (Tuesday) when there was a break of half a cent. British markets quiet with a moderate export inquiry. The visible supply shows a decrease ofa little over 600,000 bushels for the week. The December crop report of the U. S. Deparment . of Agriculture gives the arca, product and value of the leading cerealcrops of 1887. The area of corn har- vested,'excladiug abandoned or worthless acreage, is. 72,392,720 acres ; product, 1,456,- 161,000 bushels ; average yield per acre, 20.11 bushels ;farm value of crop, $646,106,- 770. The area of ' wheat was 37,641,783 acres; product, 456,829,000 bushels ;'aver- age yield per acre, 12.12 bushels ; farm value of crop, $310,612,960. The area of oats was 25,920,906 Gores;; product, 659,618,000 bush- els ; average yield per acre, 25.4E bushels farm value of Drop, $200,699,790. The re- ports of winter wheat' do not show much" :de- crease in area. In Texas there isee consider- able increase, and slight iucrease 111 some other States. Tho average decline appears to be between 1 and 2 percent. In Kentuc- ky 97, Ohio 90, Michigan 98, Indiana 100, Illinois 98, Missouri 99, Kansan 98. The condition is affected somewhat by the dryness of the seed bed in the districts that suffered from drought, delaying seeding germination and growth. The later rales greatly am• proved the situation. The average of con- dition in on-ditionin 95, ranging in the principle States from 90 to 98. The oouditioa of whiter rye coincides very closely with thatof wheat. Live Stock Markets. There is a quiet trade with moderate re- ceipts, and prices continue steady. The supply of choice qualities; however, is com- paratively small, and they sell readily. Others dull and weak in prices, with but -lit- tie inquiry. Choice steers fit for shipment will bring 4%o per ib., auct good lots 4-ee Bulls' sold fairly well at 21 to 3i e. per ib,' according to quality. Fair butchers', aver- aging 1,060 to 1,150 lbs., sold $80 to $35 per head, and extra butchers, $38 to;$40. .A good many sold at $25 to $30. Sheep and lambs sell in small bunobes, together at $4,- 50 to $5 a head. Calves etoady; prime $6 to $8 a head,and ordinary 93 to 94. Hogs are firm, the beet medium weights selling at 5ee Per Ib heavy, 4i to 5c, and stems leo to '13c per lb.,, Chicago received over 59,000 cattle or 70,000,000 lbs. of fresh meat last week. The largest week's roceipts on record - 62,493 head -were for the weak elydiug Nov. 26,'87. when the "range" cattle were arriving freely. During the last week were received more pounds of beef than during the big week iii The following is the result of a crop report 'gathered by a communication from Chicago : Illinois --Sixty-five counties report 89 per cent. loss cattle, 40 per cent. wee hogs, acid 52 per cent, less hay, and 52 (101 trent. loss corn on hared, compared with the same time 112.1887. Iowa -89 counties report 19 per cent, less cattle, 25 per cent. loss )togs, and 17 per cont. more corn on band, coliaparo.l with the same time in 1887. Northern bits •loud -Thirty counties roped `0 per cent, less cat- tle, 29 per eone less hogs and 5 per cent, less corn on hand, dor-neared with the same time in 1887, Nebraska -86 counties report 22 per cent. legs cattle, 32 per Bent: 1e05 hogs and 21 per omit, loss cont on hand. compar- ed with same moo in 1887. Northern Krau • eas-i5 mitre ties report 64 pot emitices cat. tie, 55 per cent. less hogs, anti 69 per cent. loss corn on hand, with a od p r same time in 1887, Southeast Dakota --Several cotin- tins ieportthusamotunbb el of caul, enud 30 per Dent, neore core on hand, , coni rtred with same timolast year. F L loci t�� six` months of 1888 the host WO it repotted Opo tact whria• tags of about 35 per cent. from last year, hut wo do t.iof this s : o will 1)o very ntt: tice'ablo bofSro March, ail there 5801.118 to be a free movement OOmnta o t present, and we think It Hill core -:epee during ibis mouth anti• next, Town --At prices to Suit you. -FROM- Po m 70 Cts., 10 Dollars SATISU'AC'T'ION GUARANTEED EVERY CASE. IN WE WILL NOT BE UNDER- SOLD, -=-Don't fail to call at the -- Dominion Laboratory J. W. BROWNING, Prop. l ODDER - "ter,'.• :r, -CURES- Liver Complaint, Dyspopsie, Biliousness, Sick Headache, ltiduey Troubles, Rheumatism Skin Diseases -and all Imprtrities of the Blood from what- ever cause arising Female weakness & General debility Purely Vegetable, Highly Concentrated, Pleasant and effectual to use. -ASK FOR Doctor Hodder's Compound. Take no other. Sold everywhere. Price 75 cents per bottle. DR. HO DDER'S Cough ? Lon_ Cure r Sold Everywhere. Pricey 25 cents and 50 cents` per bottle. Proprietors and Manf'rs, the Union Medicine Company, Toronto- Canada. SAW' GUMMING. -The Under - L signed would inform the public that he is prepared to gum saws on the shortest nett co, and in a first-class manner, guaranteeing not to damage the plate. Saws gummed at a low price, at the factory. t mild south of Exeter. 2-m T. HEAMAN.. The Great English Prescription. A successful 'Medicine used over an of cases years in thousands 80 ,. r' Cores S ernatonh a Netroox a Weakness, Emissions, Impotency and all diseases caused \. ..l by abuse. [BEFORE] indiscretion, or over-exertion. Urns] Six packages Guaranteed to Care when au others Fail. Ask your Druggist for The Great English Prescription,take no substitute. One package Si. Six 35, by mail. Write for. Pamphlet. Address Eureka Chemical Co., Detroit, Ditch. -ir lisE k A 1T'2 wo2,Z1j,i. .1i'o lil'DE Are pleasant to t•ik.\ c gilt io their owe Purgative. Is r F.1e, se, end c:rectuar troyer of Term or Adults P sort CATARRH, GIVES Immediate Belief FOR, Cekk ill Heaiis' SAY FEVER. EASY TO TJSE. rot a Snug, Powder or Irritating Liquid. Price 50 cts. and $1:00. If not obtainable at your drug+ gists, sent prepaid on receipt of price.. •Addres4. F,WIFORD' &' 00., Brockville, Orae TRUSSES z HRISTIAN LAWYER, manufac- NJ turer of all kinds of'lrusaes ; Residence Renuie's Mills, fray, more howill attend to the wants of any, who may require his services, Wily pay from $15.00 to 5115 00 for the same ar- ticle which 110 can furnish you for $5,00, and which is as ];ood if not better and warranted to fit with comfort 7 Rarnombor, Double Trusses. $ 5.00 ; Single Trusses, 30.50,. All com- munications addressed to CHR'IISTIAN LAWYER Zurich 13.0., Out, EVV ILACKSMITI-I SHOP.- Tho.,a Cavo ]ecoid inform the pnbl.i.o that he lifts opened a SiZ,-e: setere TO=T- x5ZOO' In Sent/mane Block, opposite tete Pest Office, where he will be pleased to meet hie old. anato- niers,and (0 many now ones, wishing work done on shortest none() and at low ,rices. 13erso-•shoeing 1051g 01515{ tiles ksihitliin a spociclty. T1t0c,. CAVE, g Omenet° the Post OMee.Exeter, The undoreignecl would rosliectfully infer$ he community that they have leased the above 011118'for a tern of years ; arld 1vi11 bo pleased. Len a call from all. The inti] hoe Teoentl been improved, bytho adctition of 31oiv mashy finery. It is tho intention of tbo subscribers to add a sot of rolls as soon as possible; and all i combined, the Wood.ham Grist Mill. Willbe secoudto none in the West. -x-•x- ' Gristing and Chopping Done Promptly. Fresh oatmeal constantly on hand for sale or exchanged for oats. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. GO Na iiiAAPT.XON Chile;]). An et d ithysician, retired froth preaches, ltav inp heal placed in his hinds ins en ilc n,t roc)inet miset011:t.r tion ,1•il 1 of -, - 1 Ic fr 7ttl a X11`. V� 6lb Y £ little cgs romo0y 101' the speedy and ,x*ri mem rest mire of Clotismmption, I3roncltitis, - Catiarrh, Asthma elle tt11 throe$'Stud lung aflv0tfo70, 11,1st0 3. posi- tIve Nth{ silica] euro for iv:,'t', its Debility and all Nervous Urn 1n'nil t, after healing teated its wonderful curative powers i,9 thonas�tltt of oases, has felt it his duty to ul lkdit kno n t5 ljasullcring.fellows. Asotuatcidbt t'-,'sm0tive aid a desire to relieve liftman tl111101in '' vr.a seed frau of oh ergo, to all who cairn ; . the �y d ireCdpovin Cxarinu,li„Licufsil,or hticityll \t",' ,11 Pn71 ma 1. h v t0 9I with annuli, memo ! siir•eti005 forpreparing and Iaine, e its r,i.A Noxvt14cadtl73toatrtrbedoP SeirA TRIAL SOLICITED. J. & A.. MONEVIN, THE KEY TO HEALTH, 'nlooks allthe clogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carry- ing off gradually, without weakening the system, all the impurities and foul humors of the secretions; at the same time Correcting Acidity of the Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dys- pepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness` of the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, jaundice, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scrofula, Fluttering of the Heart, Nervousness, and Gen- eral Debility; all these and many other similar Complaints yield to the happy influence of BURDOO BLOOD,BZTTERS. Ts 2i1Lt:i'0$ .g V6.. Prerrrrters, 7rorcntor iL MORE Expectoran.t ! -o-x-o-x-o- The high character of this old medicine as a sure remedy for Coughs, Colds, Throat ' and Lung iroubles is repeatedly confirmed by the gratifying, trrateful and unsolicited testimony received • from those who have been benefitted by its use. READ THE FOLLOWING : MR. S. J. WILCOCK, Toronto, writes: --- "1 Kaye used Hallamore's Expectorant in my family for Coughs acct Colds, for thir- teen years and would not be without it." Mit. 3. C. Soxthr, Car Inspector, C.P.R., Galt, writes Send me one dollar's worth of Haliamore's Expectorant. I cannot get along 'without GO TO LUTZ'S' DRUG STORE FOR A 25 at J3ottle. Tho whole scstom is deranged and out of sorts The uloo,lia impure, pimples, boils and liver sprts apps -acing on the face and body,' The liver is clogged and inactive, causing `fa- tigue, loss of appetite, a dull. sleepy, tirodfeei- ing ;with -inability to d0 work, the complexion is fallow and muddy, and it is absolutely lie- cessary,to enjoy good health, to take the cola- brated Dr. CHASE'S Mandrake, Dandelion Liver cure, which puri- fies the blood by stimulating the Livor, aiding digestiou and promoting a natural avacnation O 1 of the bowels. lh,andrako and Dandelion are known, .and two of tbo Dost Liver regulators �Qy9 that the Liver is r al e dfcal mon u a.i:aa len more vita] .importance to health than the Heart and Lungs, If the Liver is torpid or in- active, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Ffaadache, Cos- tiveness, etc. will result;, At Toronto. Every Barrel Guaranteed. This Oil was need on nil machinery Barin the Exhibition. It has been awarded NINE GOLD MEDALS during the last three years. t -°'See Shat you get Peerless. It is only mode by Mme ;' ®Mtg.fir qr+ FOB SALE BY JAS, PICKARD, FOVPIiUfli' Pt,nSEI01 SIAINTACLAITS • Has made his head -quarters q withhis old friend, )r' For few weeks only, Come aud see him, He has got lots of goods of all, descriptions with him. PRICE'S TO SUIT THE TIMES. My Oyster Parlor is alway open, and oysters served ; as you want them, and 011 the shortest possible notice. yuchna,n. Ft - 5 O o ti fig ° 00t. Os¢O Oe tiyet :tea, o y ti� 5 4y O tier �C C� ne, ,et2 titer e � ' e&� �,s ci e5sc' to,s•er °�40�'4 t• .' ° ,z>'• t oe, O b ti2.„.„.. 'Sero �Ofi �fiti O ;OO •C �eSiCN..esto i $ e,' tfy, 00 4},�4,;) 51 ce-.., ® .. ,\70..s., ai 0Ot y9, ' 4" , 4° e... dpi+'ve C`,°1 .. . 7 0,P ,cbr $+'19)rto� 1:34'' oras: fib, >g I 8' .Qy .se '9..\0,, poi t�+ie ti� N'1' Iei0 +e", - 'b 4b "i ' 9.\ 0, }es'' Ca.' ,}' w •y ^4 b 1 �• e � r ti Manufactured only by Thomas Holloway, 7S, New Oxford Street, '' late 535, Oxford Street, London. kk Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes anti Pots: k. If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spuriona. I aT • (Wholesale and Retail.) BUILDER'S HARDWARE -Nails, Glass, . (stained and; engrave/?), Locks, Hine Butts (full line.) CARRIAGE HARDWARE -Bar Iron, Bent Stuff, Hubbs, Spokes, Cutter Runners Shafts, Moquette 'Wnnslin,+Drill, &a.. MILL SUPPLIES --Stow Pipe, Fittings; Valves,' Asbestos, Packing, Rubber and Leath- er Beitims, Y.ke. SPORTING MATERIAL -Breach Loading and Shot Guns, Powder, Shot, &c„ Rochester Lamps,' Silver Star Coal Oil, Wicks, Bur- ners, Axes, & Skates. LANCE SAWS. STOVE DEPARTMENT -SEE THE-- Original 13E-Original Cook and Triumph HEATING, STOVES. The BradleyEavetrough auclTin- ware a Specialty, Verity's Plows and Points, Cal. ne Paster, Carpet, Felts," Pitch C Tar,&. Send in your orders for Chestnut or Stone, Carmel Soft, ansi the Semonic Blossburg Coal before it advances. Ansalell Galvanized and Barb Wire dheap. JAMES PICKARl asmamussossts Complaint, Wnoy and Urinary Troll rlla:,7e.un- dice Liver Spots, Impure Blood, Pon I. Breath. aro quickly cared by Dr. Chase's Mandrake Dandelion Livor When the Kidneys aro clisoased, overtaxed and weakened, ono er two lwtalos oro guar- anteed to ,lli•n ]lir. ,Vox, 'envier, 'Sense Gwil- lin:,bury.wee troubie3 tor iar gears with kid- ney disease, was compelled to rise 5 end 6 timesthiough the night to urinate, suffered fnt111sopain,1111r1 woe fib ally cared after all other'roittieslies and. 1)11ysicfane lzad failed, by using thrco bottles, 5000,000 SOTeD Over one -halt minion of 1)r, Chase s Receipt 130(11.=i hare bean sold fn Canada alone, mud we want every 5101sort troubled with 1 -fiver Coin. 1,lai115 Nita 1cn100,y,li;o,tsns.otc., to try Chase T,ivnr Unto- Wrapped al•o111111-,every bottle is avaluable Rlsc�zpTBOOK REE � un1+try+toilet, boateor1 risouianahotllclb0 witho'ii,this boob, the flnost', onlloetitln of reel- pox e,.1'1, Tim Indict' (loyartinont gte as r'w- cetl,tafor beentifyinf' the cninploxlon. nfag- olfa 0•,1111,°realil off Bow ty,illn,y, Dow , Tem, i.ecl:les, Sunburn, 'Hair Dyes and 1. r omot,rs, Too t.h•potitctc1a.W19iil1 ,Iroldon/lair.Dyo,'for blooelil 15. (115:5 '115111 '1) .L guidon line, Eye or I,tfstre. oto., etc. 501,1 11' 11151111519100 TBus,a bottle. mho bunt; eionc Is worth ton times the cost of the medicine. i� 1'ry I Jr. (1 '. ,5". I1.idnoy Liver Pills, the only. '1 mads: actin 1111 ctl:; on. t1.0 ItidnO s,. L.iv- o11 g 23 . Sold all 2•, c':Selo 1 o1•ailrii3rltvals,. Y era. ... 11E ON YOUR GUARD. 1)o17't,Illidiv a cold. to'. bead to 'slowly and surely 1111110'p titin ea terrh, whet ;Vett can be Giver] for 25e,, by using ler", ''Moss's Cataerll flare,. .t -few,, ,,,N5,tlonsneed, inelpient, Ott t. r t i" t 1 t, to nu boxes S 9 mire16 ordinary cah 11 wr Y2 fo 5hex rs gr u cd to euro shro1aCa.niih , ���T ir2G0and srs care,ey p Undertakina 1n 77 �� a pr rrxeme 6; [srf; o- lili'It v;1 meow We would call the attentiou of the people of Exeter and surrounding twit:try fact that we, Having purchased trio stool: anti business of WILLIAM DREW, aro Offe special.cinducefnentsin - - Parlor Setts,Plain ana Paley Tables. S iiI.y 11c[ 1tit 11e.' Yse kiOdlooin SOtt', Wood. (ane & Perforated Chairs, Book Ci1,SCsc WrItin>, Desks SideRlt>tsrdS• Whatnots, Cradles, tittllSttt;indS,. And ailitIdlosss Variety in Beds, F tlPoau8, Cupboal'tl,t, &C. Our Stook of Lumber i4 Lal e ant] Thoroughly and hoer S g , FS Y , , ngliado:CtenBi'f'+'a' xporionte in the eadieg.faetories of"t11e Dominion, we can, guaralitec Styleet1 aid Ser- i , , to J'urniture. Our Stock of Undertaking Gods is the Largest in the tlbunt and our Bears p. ,� . � Y, n lino r t nal north at Leedom Specie] 111151ltinn will be paid to this braticli of the business' re reovoxgouo will find us prompt and reliable 1srese m e REPAIRING OP ALL RINDS DR 011TLY ATTENDED TO, Remember i e Stand, One Door North oi Nolton$ Pa