HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-09-20, Page 13Holmesville news and notes By Blanche Deeves The Goderich Township Women's Institute met on Monday evening Sep- tember 10 in the school with Mrs. Sarah Storey at the piano. President Mrs. Hazel McCreath opened the meeting. Please bring the sewing to the next meeting. The 65th annual W.I. • Convention will be held in St. Marys on Nov. 1 and 2, and an 'indoor gardening workshop will be held in Clinton on Oct. 15 and 16 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Oct. 1 is the date set for the County Rally at Elimville and delegates are Mrs. Berneice Mcllwain and Mrs. Hazel McCreath. Mrs. Helen Lindsay introduced Mrs. Kathy Pryde of Family and Children's Services, who spoke and showed slides on "Child Abuse and Prevention of Same". There have been a lot of changes in the Child Welfare Act. In a number of cities "Parents Anonymous" helps parents tQ talk over their problems and learn better methods of coping with them. Mrs. Lindsay presented Mrs. Pryde with a gift and thanked her for her interesting talk on this ever present problem. The first card parties will be held on Nov. 8 and 22. UCW's meet - Mrs. Muriel Grigg and her group were in charge of the UCW meeting, held in : the Church on Tues. afternoon Sept. 11. The meeting concerned the Rights of the Child and opened with Mrs. Edith Tebbutt reading the scripture and Mrs. 'Isobel Harris leading prayer play ball while some men and meditation. Mrs. carved the turkey and. the Edna Jervis received the church women prepared collection, and a delicious dinner with all "Remember the. the trimmings: The Children" was read by tables were filled and a Mrs. Muriel Grigg, also few extra places had to be The Boat People and The set. This was the Cpn- World has Narrowed. tennial event for Sep - Mrs. Dorothy Whitely tember. read "Remember". - The next event is the An invitation was lc Service received to attend the planned for Oct. 7 when UCW joint Fall Rev. Doug Ross will be Thankoffering at Wesley- guest. speaker. Willis United Church, Personals Sunday, September 23 at Miss Shirley Norman of 8 p.m. Rev. Donald\Groff Kitchener spent the will speak on the Boat weekend with her People. The Regional parents, Mr. and Mrs. Meeting will be held in Wm. Norman. Benmiller on Oct.. 2. Irene ,and Harry The October meeting Cudmore drove their so n will be held on the 9th and and family to Ottawa and this is the last date to stayed on for a nice -visit. bring in your pennies. Jean and Clarence The bazaar will be held Perdue have returned bn Nov. 7 in The White after 'a week of travels Carnation. A donation visiting Old .Fort Henry - was sent to the Tornado Upper Canada Village - Relief Fund. and a very enjoyable boat Church news .ride on the Miss Kingston The Sunday MORNING up .4he St. Lawrence . WORSHIP SERVICE River, then on to WAS WELL ATTENDED Algonquin Park and a WITH Rev. Oestreicher short visit with their in the pulpit. The senior daughter, Joyce and members of the Sunday fancily at Barrie. school formed the choir. The pee wee boys They sang The Lord is My baseball team were Shepherd, Before going to treated to a party on last their respective Sun. Thursday evening at the school classes, the home of Bill Harris. minister explained to the . Manager Daryl Abbott -children, "The game and Bill Harris .bought we're going to play is and presented the boys discover the names of with their trophies. The people in thea Bible". wiener roast had to be Their response was, held inside due to the "Abraham - a man of rain, games were played faith. Adam - the first by all present and person to live on earth; everyone had a good Andrew - a disciple, etc. time. Next week the names start with B. The Sermon, "All In One Place" - Holmesville 4-1"e worship is our response .., ..K, +..,,,,,N,ss.a'...:-• ...oi..,,, ? „,„Vat ... k�`"P 3a ,.. ,` <w. f •., " n � .A6. Not Not only hockey players attended the Clinton Minor Hockey registration day on Saturday. Those with a taste for sweets, like Mary Jean Beattie. her daughter Lisa, 7 and friend Tressa Barnes, 6 enjoyed the assortment of fresh baking that was available at the town hall. Money raised from .the bake sale and skate exchange will go towards the minor hockey effort in Clinton. (News -Record photo) I, p to God. Don Harris and Harold Jantz received the offering. Those wishing to donate to the Tornado Fund are to use a separate envelope , and put your name on it, if you wish a receipt. Rev. Donald Groff will speak on The Boat People at the Thankoffering Meetingat Wesley -Willis Church on Sept.. 23: This meeting is for men as well as women. After the .worship service on Sunday morning the children went over to the school to BY HELENA TIESMA Meeting 1 + of Holmesville 1 took place on Tuesday, September 11. Themeeting was opened with the 4-H pledge and the election of officers followed.. Arlinda .Schl.oendorf was volunteered president, Jackie Nor- man volunteered for vice- president, and Helena Tiesma Was elected secretary -treasurer, and press reporter. Mrs. +Judy Renner demonstrated the dif- ferences in mono, mono- interlock and penelope canvasses. Various yarns and their uses were also a topic of discussion. Mrs. Deb Hutchinson assisted themembers in free hand graphing. Each graphed their individual monograms in preparation for meeting I1. Refreshments were served, bringing the meeting to a close. ATTENTION FARMERS Sow early & Use Your Drill to encourage a well developed & strong root system to ,combat winter kill, frost upheaval We have a well stocked fertilizer t=� plant for custom application for . ' wheat & plough down programs. Bulk delivery service & 5 ton spreaders for rent. Our seed corn plot says to order your next spring Hyland seed corn now. We have some excellent varieties for you. Bring in your soil samples & we will have them analysed for you at W.G. Thornpson's&Sons Crop Advisory Service. Fast, efficient and honest grading for your. 1979 white bean harvest. \ We are also receivers of rs begin.. fall project ,/ Holmesville II 4-H The first meeting of the Holmesville I1 4-1-1 Club was held at the home of Mrs. C. Brand on September 10. We ' had three new joiners. They were Janine Mayhew, Cindy,: Ulch and Belinda Cud - more. Mrs. Brand and the rest of us all welcomed them. We said the pledge and then the electing of of- ficers took place. Our president elected was Cathy Van Ninh:uys; vice- president Darlene Smith; secretary Jeannie Brand; treasurer Belinda Cudmore and press reporter Gerda Brand. All • the members' participated in reading meeting one. Our leaders gave the colors we wanted for ours project then they gave us can- vass to mark and finish the edges with masking tape. After we . were finished, refreshments were served and the 4-H motto was said. The second meeting was again held at Mrs. Brand's home on Sep- tember 17. All members were present. Our president started the -4-H pl dge and we all joined MI, The - minutes were read and adopted and attendance was taken and treasurer's report was taken. Roll call was answered by one member then the leaders took over. Some.of us readthow to thread a needle and our leader showed . us two ways, We learned to make the continental stitch. Some. of us were doing a'll right and others DECLARE WAR ON WARBLES: Warbles are an enemy of the farmer and the livestock . industry. They reduce production of meat and milk in addition to damaging the meat and hides. They rob the farmer of many dollars of expected income, both at the farm and feedlot, and a4 market time, Livestock Conservation Incorporated in the U.S.A. studied the effect of treatment for cattle grubs in the cow herd and in the feedlot. Their conclusions were as follows: • In the Cow Herd gadding causes reused gains on pasture. It may reduce milk flow about 2.5 pounds per day, reducing weaning weight about 40 pounds, Where systemics were used, gains were increased 30 pounds in calves and 50 pounds in yearlings. - winter gains were increased, due to treatment, by a TENTH to a QUARTER of a pound per day. This is 15 to 38 pounds In a five-month period, worth up to '17 on today's maket. Fence repair was also reduced. • In the Feedlot - systemic treated animals gained about 23 pounds more in 4 months - that's over '10 at 1975 prices. treated cattle gained 16 percent faster - for a return of around '10 for every '1 spent on treatment. At market time buyers of grubby cattle must discount them due to losses at packer and tanner level. r''y TREAT YOUR CATTLE FOR WARBLE GRUBS WITH "SPOTTON" INSECTICIDE SPQTTON fits both Feedlot and Cow -Calf Operations The SPOTTON Insecticide system has the flexibility you need for either feedlot or cote -calf operations. Operators can treat more cattle iri less time and with less work. And tests show SPOTTON produces grub Control averaging.98% efficacy. See your animal health dealer for details. . Hunirnel's Feed 3 dry treet, ,Clinton 461.912 OPEN: Mon, . Friday! 8:00 - 6:00 04m. Saturday • 8:00.11 noon hada, problems but , we were just learning. Then we found the middle of our first square and marked it on. We also learned to transfer a letter on graph paper and transfer it on our can- vass. We were told to read meeting two and finish off our first square. We had no time to try. the second square. The 4-H Motto was said and then we had orange juice and donuts.- by.Gcrda Brand. CLINTON NEWS-RE.CgRRATHURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20.,1979. 1979, -,PAGE 13 " Jetonfl:: . ., from page 11+ Sue Williams of Kit- chener, When Mrs. Williams was telephoned it ,was learned from, the happy • lady that' she. is a sister- in-law of Joanne Wain, our newest member of $t. James who had sold her the ticet: The' members of St.. James ACW would like to take this opportunity to thank all the public, their friends and everyone who supported us in this summer project. It proved tb be very suc- cessful. Top individual saleslady of the group was Delores Dutot. The quilt was displayed and tickets sold at the Sun - coast Mall, Goderich, Clinton Spring Fair and Bayfield Fair. The hostess Lois Smith served lunch assisted by her daughterq, Darlene and Debbie Smith and Audrey Middleton. - Many friends from the area attended the wed- ding reception Sat. night for Mark Hartman and Tillie Kester which was held at: Dashwood communitT hall. The young bridal couple will be living in Bayfield. We wish them our congratulations. Morning Prayer was held In St. James'Mid- dleton on Sunday at 11:15 a.m. Reading the lesson was Mrs. Lois Wise. The sermon theme given by Rev. W. Bennett was "Where are the nine?" A reminder the ACW Fall Deanery Meeting Tuesday, October 2 at St. Peter's Church, Lucknow. Registration is at 9:30, Holy Eucharist at 10 a.m followed by business meeting followed by a display of Pakistani Embroideries. After lunch was The Healing Ministry. Let's try for a record at- tendance. 'The Albanaires from St. Alban the Martyr Anglican Church, Lon- don, will present a Service -of Talk Music on Sunday evening, Sep- tember 23 at 9 p.m. at St. Paul's Church Clinton. There -will be a free will offering. Coffee hour is to follow. Mabel and Ross Middleton have returned from \ a very enjoyable trip to Sault Ste. Marie. While there, they visited Mabel's sister, brother and relatives. Anstett welEers LIMITED 11 ALBERT ST. CLINTON 482-391 OPEN. WEDNESDAYS For Your Convenience HOURS: Monday through Saturday, 9 • a.m.-6 p.m.; Friday nights till 9 p.m. Ed and Blanche Deeves have returned atter a week's holiday down to Kinston for a boat trip on the St. Lawrence river. They also- visited Upper Canada` Village. and Old Fort Henry, -We had a nice, visit with Santa at .Bracebridge. The trees were just beautiful in ' all their colour. We were also through Algonquin Park. On our travels we stopped at Epp's Store to Turn to page 23 SKID STEER LOADER RENTALS Daily, Weekly Or Monthly 3 models to' choose from, 14, 23 or 37 h.p. Hydrostatic'brive Call Don Sararas Blyth 523-4244 E)(eter 235-1115 Send us your favourite recipe for publication in our Special Fall Cook Book Edition YOU OR YOUR GROUP WAN $50?0 PRIZE 4 PRIZES TO BE AWARDED FOR $50V :5000 e s50oo CH LDR EN'SSGROUPS CATEGYERTS INDIVIDUALS CATEGORY: YOUR FAVOURITE CHRISTMAS ' SEASON DISH (OPEN) Please submit recipes for only the category assigned above: The winning recipes will be selected by a panel of independent judges. ENTRIES WILL BE PUBLISHED IN OUR SPECIAL FALL COOK BOOK EDITION/NOVEMBER 8, 1979. SERVICE CLUBS CATEGORY: PARTY FOODS & BEVERAGES CHURCH GROUPS CATEGORY: MAIN COURSE $5020 Please include the following information with your entry.... •GROUP NAME OR INDIVIDUALS NAME •CATEGORY (NAME' OF CONTACT IF GROUP) *ADDRESS •PFICINE NUMBER Mali your recipe today to: WHAT'S COOKING. AT YOUR PLACE CONTEST c/o THE CLINTON. NEWSIF„EC RD »0. BOX 39 CLINTON, O ,.t RIO NOM 1L0. LENiRiESMUSi BE SUB-WTTMD RY • 1 i t', 1 ,, OCTOBER 24, 1979