HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-1-19, Page 4THURSDAY. JAN. Ione 1588 EDITORIAL NOTES. The Salvation ` army has not ceased growing. Last year there were added to it 476 corps and 149.2 officers. Geueral Booth re• Northwest had been more than suffieient- ly, cursed by tariff, and railway monopoly,, and administrative neglect, la any case, Canadians may well rejoice if their Northwest brethren :have not been en- gaged of late principally hi digging one another out and carrying in stiff bodies of the lost," THE abovelis from the Toronto Globe, and is a sample of the silly stuff from the pen of the editor. This is too serious an o.currance to be made light of. Mr Spurgeon kicks because he does'nt get any pay for his printed sermons, which have an enormous circulation in America. Mr. Spur. aeon doesn't know when he is well off,. Most clergymen would be more The New Rent Lia,W. The new rent law giving protection to I tenants went into force on October '1st., f The first act relates to exemption from seizure under execution and greatly en- larges the number and value of exempted' than satisfied to have their sermons articles. The exemption operates against all writs in respect of which the province printed. has authority to legislate irrespective of g "-"-•- the court out of which they may issue. i **The recent great blizzard may have The articles exempted are specially nam been, confined to Dakota oeceuse ni,erei- in the act and e brace beds and beddinged, ful Providence considered how Canticles including a cradle and the ordinary and necessary wearing apparel of the debtor and his family irrespective of its value. Then follow the ordinary household goods, fur- niture and utensils, the value being, limited to $150, and all necessary articles of food sufficient for the debtor and his family for thirty days, not exceeding iii value $40, farm stock inolading 12 hens and a clog, the -whole not exceeding $7.5 in value and thirty days food for such, bees to the ex- tent of fifteen hives and lastly the tools and implements ordinarily used in the debtor's occupationto the value of $100. The debtor niay elect, however, to allow the tools and implements to bo sold and receive $100 from the proceeds, and this $1100 is, through- THEpast week thitself specially exempted from seizure by g any other creditor. The act does not effect out the Western States and Territor• 1 the right of seizure for debts contracted les; a cold wave has stretched itself I before the 1st of October, 1887, at which e force. The other: act referred to deals with the thermometer the rights of a landlord to distress for rent registered as low as 6o ° and a bliz- and the right of seizure by distress for zard with a 'velocity of 40 miles an taxes. Por a number of sessions Mr. hour raged for more than one week, O'Conner, M'. P. P. for 6ruce, introduced doin incalculable damage to houses ' into she legislature but fatted to get passed,. g g a bill abolishing distress for rent. But the and Out buildings as well as causillg feeling in favor of the principle of the bill. over two hundred persons to lose was so strong that the government at '.last their way, one hundred and fifty of took up the matter and by passing the. whom perished. The other fifty present 1 es8e oue acts aticlie apply* herg h e provisions 11 f have nt as yet been heard of, and abolished distress for rent.. The same ea there iso a overdue rent, An im or- eeay communication throughout fides thnti nonroods can Uesse.ized tillers r MC t these states was completely shut off or. by distress for rent or taxes unless they for several days. We have often are the property of the tenant or person heard persons speak of Canada as actually liable for,the rent or taxes, except a cold place and the, climatical in afew specified cases, such serfs exchange of goods by tenants forthe purpose of, de-. changes numerous. Where are we feating the landlord's claim, or where the to better ourselves? Go to Dakota property is claimed by the wife or husband and' one is unaware of the' moment or other near relative of the tenant or any that a blizzard will come whizzin one else who lives ' on rho'premises as e alongaril 'carr him hurridlv into member.of the tenant's family. In the case yof assignment for the benefit iif creditors eternity. Go to California or any the landlord can only recover one year's other of the various Southern States arrears and rent for so long after assigninen> and one' runs a great risk ; these as the assignees use the pi emiaes, A tenant states are"11ot onlyliable to fierce who is in arrears for two months or more and claims the exemption allowed by the wli de ;but earthquakes are common act mustvacate the piemiaes forthwith or there. All thingstold offer to 'do so When the l rndlo d h in is ovens � an as ceived in voluntary contributions $170,o0o, and the total revenue re• ceived at headquarters was $5oo,- ooa. There are now about 6o,ocoo bales of raw Cotton, (ill value about $3,- 000,000) used annually in the 1)o• minion—an increase in ten years of nearly fifty thousand bales. There are altogether in the Dominion about half a million. spindles, em- ploying about nine thousand hands, with an invested capital of about eight million dollars. We have always favored the hold- ing of school trustee and municipal elections on the same day. Speak- ing: on this point, the Berlin News says : '•1f'the Government their duty they would take away the op- tion of trustees who seem anxious to 'slide into 'ottice without anyone knowing it." Several exchanges are suggesting apropos of Sir John Macdor-ald's seventy third birthday, that he be made Governor - General. The Hamilton Spectator pertinently sug- gests that the old man stay just where lie is. He can' do more good to the country in one year as pre- mier than remierthan he could in ten years as Governor-General. He is too use, ful to be made merely ornamental. --- The Minister of' Education has ruled` that when a school board has given the necessary notice to have the municipal and school elections carried on at' the salve time and the voting by ballot that notice serves for all future years, and that subse- quent elections should therefore .be held at the same time and place as the municipal -elections as provided by law - The deputy postmaster, at Ottawa says that 'thousands of Christmas cards were sent to the dead letter office last week because they were improperly mailed for despatch, 'The greater part of them were en- closed in envelopes which had beeu sealed and afterwards had the cor- ners clipped` off, the senders think- ing' that such preparation would permit them to be sent for one cent. Statistics show that the National' Policy has done rrlucia to foster the coal -mining industry of Nova Scotia Theshipments from the Nova S;otia mines last year amounted to 1,524, 000 •tons -an increase of 150,000 tons over, last year, and more than double the entire:shipment before the National Policy was enforced Preparations are now being made to greatly increase the shipment this year. The Toronto ministerial associa- tion, at their meeting' Tuesday, again discussed the question of re legions instruction' in the public schools. Most of the speakers con tended for the whole Bible in the schools, it being mentioned that a new book of selections was in the printers' hands, and others strongly denounced the encroachment upon the rights of Protestant Ontario by the French element and the Catho tic church in regard to the school system. The discussion will be continued at the' next meeting of the association. In Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa and date it as well as the second act came into adjoining states' have prac Ica y possibility of the majority emptious.in the case of sezure under writs of }hem being frozen to death. Rail -apply in eases of p occurrences less, o a r as a we believe the h we live, ti ment of rent. he may give the tenant fifteen surpassed t the Province which rig t to enter into. possession for non -pay P y 3 da s notice of his intention to enter into regards whether and the abser-ce of possession; unless therent be sooner paid: ferocious blizzards. I e the tenant neither pays the rent nor leaves the ;premises all .his goods without exception are - THE Harrison Government in the liable to seizure. In the case of growing crops seized in execution or North-West resigned. Saturday and distress for rent or taxes they may be sold Mr. Greenaway was sent for to form as other and l thepurchaser i which is endeavoring a cabinet; hed liable for . tl to' do. T . made ' rent of the land on they Tl Legislature adjourned are growingre from the time of the sale until the crop is `removed, unless the rent has' for four weeks : to allow the new ROYAL.R_4i, Hn," OlY lLV7Yp :,d been already paid. This is certainly a very ministers to appeal to their constitu peculiar, and far-fatched provision, The ents. Parties seem to be pretty effect of the two acts falling together prac-. evenly divided in the house. The tically abolish distress for rent in all Conservatives claim that they have sixteen solid and their opponents' sixteen, with three independents. The Reformers claim that they have sixteen solid Grit votes and two others pledged while -they confident- ly expect that two or three other old' supporters of Dr. Harrison's government will give Mr. Greenway a fair support. They say the Con- servatives will be only able to mus- ter re or 15 in a house of 35- Down, .McArthur, Smith, Leacock and Pendergrast are claimed by the Reformers, jwhich, if correct, will. give the twenty, but whether there is any ground for the statement is doubtful. A redistribution, bill will be introduced 'amongst the first measures, and if not allowed to pass Mr. Greenway will ask for a dissolu- tion and appeal to the comity; but as no one appears particularly anx. loos for a;general election at present itis doubtful if the measure will be defeated. The defeat of the Harri• Wednesday of last week was. Sir John Macdonald's 73rd birth anni- ersary. The Kingston Whig, a staunch Reform paper, say this of the Hon. gentleman : "Yesterday Sir John Macdonald enter- ed upon his 73rd birthday, and with a vigor of.intelloct, a robustness ofconsti- tution, and a buoyancy of spirit thathave beenanisurpassod throughout his active career. .The Premier's political oppo- nents wish hien no luck, but simply as a party leader; they are not, we hope, stS filled with animus -that they can desire hien to otherwise enjoy a long lifeand the best of health. it is certainly olio of the marvels of the times that the older some politicians become the keener they are fur political combat, Gladstone is 78, five yearn the senior of Sir John : Macdonald, and though not equal to the strain of a .great eaarripaign, so far as his voice and constitution are concerned, his mental powers show nofailzng, < tl t7.0 ry, as half a century ago, he is the central figure of MS party, the leader who ' the. Liberals respect and love. And what Mr. Gladstone is to the Znglsh Liberals Sir John Mecelonald is to the Gonadial) Conservatives. He is so brilit, so quick, so active, so successful that no one thinks of associating anyone else with the leader- ship of eader-ship-of the party. Some years ago, when in opposition, and without any immediate tros ectof return to power, Sir John alked of resigning the leadership of the Conservatives, but since uteri he has led thein to repeated victories, and is so pop- ular and so apt as lrenitEt that his retire - *lent eotild not be thought of, `soil government instead of leaving a dispiritin g effect on the Conservatives. seems to have already commenced to uni,e':the discordant elements. which existed in the past, and the, leaders confidently predict a speedy return to power of the party which has so long ruled the province. Mr. May, of Clinton, killed a turkey the other day which weighed 24l,,• lbs. The Signal says that several cases of diphtheria of a malignant type have appeared in Goderich. It is said that Mr. Moir has Revered his editorial connection with the St. Marys Journl, and that he will devote his whole time to the study of law. • While two sons of Mr- Adam Switzer who live in the township of Blanshard, near Melntyre's Corners, were having a every hour. It is nob improbable when friendly wrestle on Saturday, one of the she record is complete that it will show boys,' came down on; a stick, and fractured that a hundred and fifty lives have been his, thigh bone, sacrificed to the fury of the blizzard. A brakeman named Niduses on an Next to this, the worst blizzard ever ex- cases where the tenants gonds and chattel's do not exceed in value according to the number of his family- from $400 to $600. Any tenant having liouseholdgoods to those values will be most likely to pay his rent withodt compulsion and in cases of lesser" value the landlord has, greater right or security than any other debtor. There is not any good reason why he should have superior rights over other creditors, and if the new law should at first'worl: a few hardships, (and it has already in this locality) it will in the end be beneficial to both landlord and tenant by placing them on the sarne footing ancl relation as exist between men in all the other businesses of every day life. News Notes. Princeton, Minn., Jan. 14--A Swede living some twenty miles from here is said to have killed his wife and seven chil- dren, chopping their heads off with a broad axe. A boy .of fourteen jiuuped front an up -stairs window and_ escaped: When asked by. a neighbor .what he had done the murderer replied "What 1 have intended to do for a long time." The Pope of Rome received several Irish bishops and priests, ;whom lie ques- tioned concerning the condition of Ire- land, After hearing their ..replies the Pope exhorted thein to use theiritifiuonce to restore quietness and respect for the law in Ireland, and told then that the Irish people could not obtain what they asked for by violence. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies A marvel of pur- ity, strength and wholesomeness,M� ore econo- mical than the ordinary kinds and cannot be sold in competition with the multitudes of low test, short ;weight, alum °L gro�ost hate powders. Sold only in cane; li3OYA,I:BAITII G'YOWDER whisch CC„ 100 Wall street N. Y tf sure sign of rain or that you require a dose or two of Dr. Carson's Stomach. Bitters. Pains in the back and limbt, headache, feverish cold, oft recuring' attacks of the ''blues;" Large bottles 50 cents. The town of Morclen. Manitoba, had 41 narrow 'escape from destruction by fire on Friday morning. McKay restaurant, the Massey' Co's warehouse, Pennie'8 storey Helliwoll's'dwelling, Defoe's store, Schell's barber shop and a yacant build- ing were burned, Nearly all lost every- thing, and there is very little' insurance. The people are subscribing for the suffer, inv. The terrible storm which has swept over the American North-west, blockad- ing railroads infive States, is now over, and the victims of its fury are being counted. Tlie list is growing almost L. 11. & E. freight train met with an p accident at;the Wingham depot a few days ago Ile was.stepping 'off'a car while in motion, anti slipping, fell and struck his head on a rail, inflicting a severe scalp wound, A Lobo man named Wilson was killed by a turkey. 1 t appears oue nigh tlately he went into the barn or shed where the birds roosted to catch some, and in searing them down one big goblet' drop In Any part of the country where special ped an the back part of the - head and difficulties of telegraphic cunrnuicatien neck with his feet, knocking the pian exist the Government steps to the breach, senseless, a state from Which he never There is, ho'vever, no l wont policyto rallied, monopolize the whole telegraph system Y A lad named Win McDougall, of rather otherwise, for during the year the Government sold to the. Canadians Pacific. 1:tailway nearly 431 miles of lines in Brit- ish Columbia for the sum of ? 16,000, The Government, however, still ruins nearly. three hunclredmiles of lines in that Pro- vince, The principal "other- Dominion lines are those through portions b 1 o t9 of the North West Territories, rand tits, Lilputien erienced occurrecl Jan'y 7, 8 and 9, '73. In that storm 70 people were frozen to iletith and thousands of dollars' worth of LOW property destroyed. The present storm promises to be even nose terrible in its 16 lbs. result, It came without warning" We Daring, the fiscal year 1887-88, $105,- to 75c, 41)8 was expended .on the construction, maintenance and repair' .of Government $0068 While engaged 10 the. mill in Lower Wingbam, Mr. Thoneas'Price, of Messrs Hutton, Price & Carr, was suddenly stricken with paralysis, and he has since died. The Deceased was `a native' of Wales. At one time he was employed in milling in Oxford. T°TING IOON Suffering from the etfeots of L early evil habits, the result of ignorance or folly, who:find themselves weak, nervous, and exhausted ; also limned AGan and Oen;' Mess, who are broken down from the effects of abuse or over -work,, and in advanced life feel the consequences of youthful excess, send for and nnAD M. V. Lubon's Treatise on ` Diseases of Men. The book willbesent .sealed•to any•, ad- dress on receipt of two 8e. stamps. Address M. V. LIMON, 47 Wellington St. E. Toronto, Jan.18t11.18'87. 1—v. 1'OR SALE —A BARGAIN.— Quarter section of, North West Land, near Virden. 160 acres, six miles from Virden, three from Hargrave Stations,Maulitob1, Apply to W, a. MONOUR, Exeter. r]IHE OLD: A2oLEOD FA1flI, IN THE Township of Hay, for sale. It con- tains 100 acres more or less, boingthe west half of Lots No. 21. and 22, Zurichgravelroad. Good frame buildings on premises, and all conven ieuces,• large orchard of fruit bearing trees. The lanais of good, quality being clay loam. Good. water. Two and a -half miles from. Hen - sail market. The property tree from all incum-. orauces, Reasons for selling:—Going north to procure more land. Will sell with or without eroos. For further particulars apply to this office erre war. WILSON, ` ` Hansell. P.O. Ont. Farnm, & Village Property FOESAhE. The Undersigned oilers for sale South half of Lot 0,:bou, 8, McGillivray, containing 50 acres, 45 cleared, the balance hardwood bush. There is'a good frame house, good barn and stabhne, good bearing orchard, a plentiful supply of good weter ou the farm, convenient to school ailed churches. Also village property comprising Lots, on Elizabeth Street ,in the V it lags of Exeter, with good frame house and - cellar. good stable; good well with pump, also a quantity of choice fruit trees on the premi- ses. For further particulars apply to EDWARD MAGUIRE, Exeter North. Notice of Dissolution 1 Notice isheroby elven that the partnership business for some time past carried on by Messrs Charles Gidley and Samuel .Gidley, under the firm of Charles and Samuel Gidley, at Exeter, in the County of Huron, as Cabinet Makers and Builders, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent, and the business will henceforth be carriedon by the aid Samuel Gidley, who will pay all accounts owing •by, the late firm.`and to whom all moneys owing to She-lato'fairm must be paid on or before theist day of February neat: WITNESS : = 15 0I1A1tLES GIDLEY, JOHN ELLIOT. i SAMtJBL, GULLEY, N. B -The business will' in future be carried on in the New Odclfullows'73loek, opposite John Grigg's Stationery Store. Dated this 31st day of December. 1887. SOO TUBS 1 a Butter Wanted anted FOR THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT, CHOICESPATTERNS, AND BEST VALUE IN ONTARIO, --GO TO_ c,r P 4. � Er.w ±M az CO S Where you will find carpets of all makes and qualities, and at the lowest cash prices, Hemp Carpets, Union Carpets, All -wool Carpets, Tap stry Carpets, Balmoral Carpets, Brussels Carpets,, Anglo-wilton Carpets:, (borders to match,) 4a„ Don't' fail to visit the Mammoth Carpet House of the West. Those eie 176 & 178 DUNDAS-STREET ET (East of Richmond-st, L THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED AD THE LEADII1D NEWSPAPER OF CANADA Dt3rl.V GLOBE, Morning (Edition, 1f iL 12 o'clock it it 3 : if if WEEKLY GLODE, • SATURDAY DAILY GLOBE, $CI.CO per nnneitu. 3.00 ▪ 3.00 " Al 1.00 " u ▪ 1.00 a 'a The different editions of The Globe can be procured from all News Dealers throughout Canada. - THE CLORE SPECIAL FAST TRAIN - - between Toronto and London, which has been running daily since 3rd Marchi last, will be continued; throughout e888. This train arrives at London a4 5 40 a.m., making connection with all the early trains from that point, securing for The Globe a delivery throughout Western Ontario hours in advance of all Toronto papers. - - - TO ADVERTISERS - As an advertising medium, The Globe has no equal in Canada. Its circulation, which appears at head of its editorial columns daily, re r in advance of all other Canadian a ers, and it is the intention: of the „, `n - papers, i 'itsproudpositionas keep The Globe n the •rrient to always `�, `, a ELEA t. i>' �? NEWSPAPER OF CANADA, both in point of circulation and influence. THE GLOBE PRINTINC CO. TORONTO\.,. EOCho MEZZONTEn To new premises West side Main -street One Door South of Post Office Where he will be found with A NEW AND COMPLETE tk ofBools Shies Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. i GE O. 'MANSON JONW UNDERTAKE?, 86 t Y .• 1 es 1119 EXETER N OtTH, Our Stock : is Well Assorted 1 telegraph lines. Tho •.Governii ant only constructs or operates xu a paternal way. Morris township, wile up before ,Judge Tom, atGoderich, on Thursday, fon a charge of setting lire to a dwelling house and stack of hay belonging to John Howitt, of the same .place, tie pleaded guilty, and was remanded lentil the 24th inst.,' for sentence. There appears to be no doubt That the boy is ri g of ti so nd mind, 1 avin to for n U l a naan or o cables under the straits and strife of rho tires,: M u itintc Provinces FOR THE SEASON'S TRADE. PRICES •STILL MAINTAINED GROCERIES 1 i sugar' 1,00 ; 13 lbs, white sugar,' e1 can't be undersold. in. Teas from 20 per lb. & Shoes (All Stylos) at how Prices it alesraen Wanted. To canvass for nursery stock. Steady em proymeut to good men. Salary and expense paid. Apply at on CHstating e. ASE BROTHERS, Colborne,Oti _y 99 PE CENT PUREST, STE ONCEST, NEST. Beady for use in any quantity. For snaking Soap, Softening Water, Disin, fecting,and a hundred other uses, A. can equals 20 pounds Sal Soda, Sold iby all Grocers and Druggists,. 3E.'W. GILLETT. ' TORONTO?* Lots, Lots, Lois. 500 Village Lots For sale at Reasonable Prices. Situation good fronting good Walnut & Rosewood Caskets wide streets; also a nun bet of ALSO C10zrrxss or Evcnr li l;aenIPTioi). HOUSES, {q FARMLAND A Complete Stook of Robes & Trimmings Always on hand. FUNERALS FURNISFED AND CON- DUCTED AT Low RATES. My Stock of Furniture is un- excelled. t -—GIVE ME A CALL & nicely assorted stock of D FORKS, SCYTIIES and GLASS all sizes (Cheap:) Best Machine Oil 60c per Gal. COAL OIL AS TAW AS THE LOWEST. ri A nice Tea ,Sett of 44 Pieces, ;2.75, A good snit of readymade clothing for $0. Ordered suits got up to Good Style: Ona- Dr essGood are marked down to the Lowest Notch: coTrOx--zn YARDS For; ORB 17(SLLAIi. e, lcusn and 7,o1 also a for tam Sale Apply to �Oaz� MATHESON. n.t P ii 1 a�t Do W. hi1rnage KIR TO 9 Will sell the balance of stock —of— ROBES FELT BOOTS AND i OVERSHOES OVERCOATS, Dttt Accouluts overdue are to 1)0 collected this month. d� forSal. Farm Aiiret•classfarm, containing 100 ,cies, .situ- ated near Brucel'iolcl, for sate, Co,. i buildings, w two ells, splendid orchard, good bush, first- class gravel roads in all directions. Six Miles trorn Clinton or seater 11• Vet particulars aprily to 1,1111Ot Elliot, Barristers, &c., Idxo. for, Ont., or to ROBT BARB17R •11rucetleid P.O. $opt,1st-3•in, FOR SALE. Parties desiring Land or Houses would do well to con- sult the undersigned, Terms to suit purchaser, I. CARLING, CEN TRAL E$ETEII. A full stock of all kinds of Dyestuffs, and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Oon clit�Un b 1 Powd 015 the best in the mark: et and always y fresh. recip- es Family li es ealefUl 1y prepared e d at theCental . Drug Store r Ezet sx a TZ. it