HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-09-20, Page 8PAGE 8 -,-cutifttftws-WoRDATHURSDAY SgPT Varna news UCW to host "f 16,. • rolm.Wol, regional rally By Mary Chessell The first meeting of the Varna U.C.W. since the sutnmer recess was held Sept. 6 with a good at- tendance. President Eleanor McAsh opened the meeting with prayer. The worship iervice was prepared :and led. by. Mildred McAsh, Joan Beierling and. Mona Stephenson. A , letter from the Clinton „Hospital Auxiliary announced that their new gift shop will soon be open, with hours of 2 to 4 daily. They will be sent a list of ladies who volunteered to help staff It. . An invitation from Goshen U.C.W. to join them for their meeting on September 20 at 8:00 p.m. was accepted. The annual fall turkey supper will be on Wednesday. Sep- tember 26. This year, Varna is hosting the Regional Raily for East Huron on October 16. Coffee and dessert will be served from 6:30 to 7:45 and literature will be displayed at this time. The service begins at 8 p.m. Twenty new hymn books, words only edition, are being purchased for the church at a cost of $5 each. Rev. Brown suggested that the ladies might like to conduct a special church service this fall (it can't be held on the suggested date) to mark the 50th anniversary of a decision by the Privy Council of Britain to recognize women as. legal persons, thus making them eligible to become members of the Senate. The petition to have women declared legal persons was organized by Emily Murphy, a respected judge in Alberta, and her sup- porters, who took it through the courts to the Supreme Court of Canada where it was turned down. They took it then to the Privy Council, where it passed on October 18, 1929. Members are asked to give this idea some thought, and perhaps make some suggestions as to material that can be used for the service. There will be further discussion at another meeting. Rally Day The annual Rally Day service was held on Sunday, Sept. 9, when Bill Taylor, Christian Education Committee Chairman, and Joyce Dowson, one of the Sunday School teachers helped with the worship service. Don Taylor, superin- tendent, presented at- tendance awards to fif- teen students, and named those who were promoted to a; new class. Doug McAsh is the other superintendent. All children of the Sunday School are asked to come into the church when they arrive rather than going to the Sunday School rooms, even if their parents are unable to come, so they may be present for the .worship service and or the special children's story Miss Brown tells them. Pitches 15 innings Barry Taylor pitched 15 innings straight for the Zurich D J's in a fastball tournament game recently in Zurich to defeat Gord's Variety to Exeter 5 to 4. Bob Lay of Brucefield School also pitched the whole game for Exeter. It was a real pitcher's, duel, and an exciting kame to watch. Stars win The Varna Ladies Slowpitch team took the B series when they won the third game against Mineset. Stanley Stars put out the Bayfield Babes in a five -game series to win the A title. Personals Mrs. Lloyd Miller Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd tst Miller, Tarrini and Travis of Winds r were Weekend gusts of Mrs. Margaret FOw130fi. 9:00 corn, Prices effective thru Saturday, September 22nd, 1979. , WE REDEEM ALL FOD STORE COUPONS! Loto Canada, Provincial & Wintario, tickets avadible at A&P Food Stara! SAVE 2.60 9.:30 p m A&P Suncocast Mall Hwy. No. 21 $. GODERICH. SAVE lb Regular or Diet Case of 24 -- 10.fl.oz tins Our Regular Price 6.59 Our Regular Price Ib 1.19 Armil SAVE 19? lb • (Shank Half lb 1.99) NEW ZEALAND LAMBLEGS. Whole or Butt Portion 1 Ib Jane Parker, Sliced, 60% Whole Wheat Regular or Sandwich, 100% Whole Wheat or Cracked Wheat \ (Our Regular Price 1.59) (Our Regular Price 2.08 ) COME FOR A RIDE This week, come for a ride with your children through Volume 2 of Whole PORK SHOULDER 12-14 lbs Avg. Frozen HIGHLINER, FAMILY SIZE, FROZEN Fish in Batter 32 Pkg 3.39 BLUE WATER BOSTON BLUE, FROZEN I - Fish Sticks • 14ozpkg19 g SAVARIN, ASSORTED VARIETIES ACTION PRICE! Frozen Dinners 11 -oz pkg , 9at FROZEN, PLAIN OR ONION Lenders Bagels 12 " pkg 49SEA BUOY, COOXED BATTE* ,1 Frozen Haddock Ib 1.99 HEADLIgSS & DRESSED Schneiders 1 -lb vac pac OKTOBERFEST inn SAUSAGE 1.77 A&P is a Complete Meat Shop BONELESS PICNIC SHOULDER ( BUTT — LB 1.29) Pork. Roast lb 1.09 FRESH, SLICED PORK LIVER Ok Pork Hocks 1b59? ALL BEEF 1-111 VAC PAC Shopsy's Wieners 1.59 BROWN & SERVE 11-02 VAC PAC Swift Sausage 1.29 SWIFialtEARTI I Sausage 14.19 gzzlean °z vac Pac 1•59 • Come on down to A&i' and start collecting all of the volumes of the SESAME STREET LIBRARY. Action Price! Assorted Plain or Decorator SCOTTOWELS pkg of 19 2 rolls (Our Regular Price, 38c each) Stock Up McCormicks, Oatmeal, Chocolate or Ginger 00 g tin tlit bag Soft Action Pricel pkg of 2 -8 -oz tubs BLUE \BONNET AR ARINE • Siatothoirn Beatify LOlig Jlociirs ICE ssorted Varieties ' Action Pric I AmpER T, FOOD jori 65�z tin / l• •