HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-09-13, Page 20PAGE-201---CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1979 y PPei f 0 Iti lipto. Eu.*Nl low rr *REE .T 'SSLCCUP 0°14" u$ w ,• .. A' "1a ' .1 '..H ,44 Rr: , '.r 4.3 $ski, "A.44),: 'OP: 74 .war. eon 9, Ar R.. •edrote-Ocrr.. 961.1200 t...i .n.n - 1. Articles for sale THE PIANO PLACE, Seaforth has a selection of 20 or more models of- th,: finest Lesage and Wurlitzer pianos in stock. We sell for less. Why settle for more? Low monthly payments. Open Monday and Tuesday only. 10 to 5, or phone 527-0053, 527- 1508 for ap- pointment.-34tfar SOLID wood kitchen table, 4 chairs and large leaf; RCA console stereo; 1972 Crown soft top comper with add -a - room. Phone 482-7388.--37x CUCUMBERS for pickling. Hwy. No. 8, 5 miles east of Clinton. John Segeren, 482- 9217.-35,36,37 HORSES AND PONIES, bought and sold. Alfred J. Moore, Mitchell 348- ' 8556.-35-37x SHARP BROWNING MICROWAVE OVEN, 3- years -old, excellent con- dition. Phone 482-7145 after 6 p.m. -37 250 HONDA Dirt racing bike, good condition. Must sell. $375. Phone 523-4455.-37 WO.OD AND COAL cookstove, good condition. Phone 527-1398 or 527- 0606.-37 CAR STEREO SYSTEM - 1 Craig powerplay ' cassette deck, 25 watts; 1 pr. Pioneer tune-up speakers; 1 pr. Deveau 2 -way speakers. Phone 482-3901 or 482- 7969.-37 WOOD FOR SALE Early delivery by truckload, 1/4 ton or' larger. Dry Hardwood. JOHN BEANE CLINTON 482-9250 VANASTRA HOME FURNISHINGS 2 miles south of Clinton on Highway No. 4 •NEW OR USED HOME FURNISHINGS •APPLIANCES •LAWN ORNAMENTS t Open: 6 days a week, I 8 a.m.-9 p.m.; Saturday '1118 p.m. 482-7922 PULSIFER IA PNO ` PLACE Seaforth Presenting Wurlitzer and Lesage - Pianos at - the GODERICH SUNCOAST MALL Friday and Saturday Sept. 'i4 and 15 Clinton News-Recond CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING • RATES & DATA - DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads Tuesday Noon Display Advertising Tuesday 4:00 p.m. RATES: '2.75 for first 21 words ('2.25 If paid within one week of publication). Additional words 13' each. Different rotes apply to classifications 19, 20, 30 and 31. Box number '2.00 extra per week. Engagement and wedding an- nouncements "4.00. CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Articles for sale 2. Mobile Homes 3. Articles for rent 4. Articles wanted 5. Cars, trucks for sale 6. Pets 7. Real estate for sale 8. Real estate wanted 9. Accommodation to rent 10. Wanted to rent 11. Room and board 12. Help wanted 13. Wanted (general) 14. Employment wanted 1.7. Tenders 16. Mortgages 17. Auction Sales 18. Services available 19. Notice to creditors 20. Public notices 21. Personal 22. Lost and found 23. Miscellaneous 24. Business opportunitie' 2i. To give away 26. Births ;,u 27. -Deaths 28. Engagements 29. Marriages 30. In memoriam 31. Cards of thanks PHONE 482-3443 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:00 a.m. to S p. 1. Articles for sale 1. Articles for sale I in- A. For sale FARM ,EQUIPMENT: Automatic headgates, cultivators, wagons, gravity boxes, farm gates, all stabling supplies, heated waterers, and self-propelled feed carts. Phone L.F.I. Farm Supplies 482- 3159.-37,38 LOW COST PROTEIN: Protein - 90 Liquid Silage Additive, most economical protein available today, also mixes of 35 percent and 42 percent protein available. Phone L.F.I. Farm Supplies 482-3159.-37,38 6 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, due from beginning of -October to December, from brucellosis free herd. Phone 482- 7298.-37' B. Custom work CUSTOM COMBINING NOW! Low rates and long hours to get the job done - grain, beans and corn. Phone 524-4700.-28tfnc CUSTOM COMBINING of oats, wheat, barley and corn. Swathing also • available. Phone Philip Steckle at 565- 5329 or Arnold Steckle at 565- 5329.-28tf J CUSTOM SILO FILLING. Phone Hank Reinink 523-9202 or 482-9948.--37tfar NQWWEHAVE FOR SALE over 60 File Cabinets 2 door, 3 door, 4 door, 70 Captains Chairs, large lot of desks, 12 speed drill presses 20 Drills free with each press., socket sets from '/•", 3/8", %" to %" sets. Paint - White, green, red, black - all at '6.00 gal. Storage cabinets, Post office bins, tables. Com- pressors air cooled with motor, Generators Omans with Motor and a lot more bargains. NO CHEAPER PLACE TO BUY SHOP - 31 PICTON ST. EAST N. HAMILTON 101 SOUTH ST., GODERICH PHONE 524-8602 ANTIQUE white bath tub, very good condition. Phone 482-7671.-37 BABY RABBITS for sale, good pets. Call after 5 p.m. Ask for Cam 482-7018.-37x FRANKLIN STOVE for sale, large size. Phone 482- 7456.-37 ,r WHITE ROCK'r¢osters and Muscovy ducks, oven ready, 8 lb. average. Taking oriiers for Thanksgiving. Robert Coleman. Phone 527- 1645.-37,38x 3 PIECE AVOCADO bath wall -sink, toilet, left hand tub, taps included. $100.00. Phone 482-3648 after 6 p.m. -37x BELL PIANO and bench. Excellent condition. Phone 48213387.-36,37 2. Mobile Homes 12 x 60 MOBILE HOME, 2 bedroom, extra room added - unusual layout. Must be seen to be appreciated. Priced to sell. Phone 236-4518.-36-39 CUSTOM COMBINING -of corn, 4 row narrow. Phone Harvey Stewart 482- 7192.-37-42 44' x 23' GLENWOOD set up r in Morgan's Mobile Park, Clinton; 60' x 12' Bendix, 60' x 12' New Yorker with Expando, set up in Meneset Mobile Park, Goderich. Immediate occupancy. For more information call 524- 6067 or 482-7066.-36,37 30" Electric range, cop- 3, Articles for rent per•t'one, good condition. Phone 482-9128 after 4 - p.m. -37x PRUNE PLUMS, Bartlett pears, macs, and potatoes. Art Bell's Fruit Farm, Phone 524-8037.-37tfar GIBSON electric guitar with hard shelled case and small amplifier. Best offer. Phone 482-9850.-37 NEW MATTRESSES Everyday Prices Lower Than Most Sales 40 DINETTE SUITES of Wood and Chrome E Furniture NEW AND USED % Mike eolith on hwy. 211' Gctlnrich 524.7231 IAIi Tilt* 'Oaks* MALE AND FEMALE budgies for sale with stand and cage. Phone 523- 9691.-37 CUCUMBERS FOR SALE. Pick your own $1. per 6 qt. (own container) located across from Excello Fac- tory, George St. Clinton. Picking starts on Tues. Sept. 4 at 4 p.m. except Saturdays and Sundays.-36tf FRESH CUT CAULIFLOWER attractive prices. Open daily 10 a.m. until dark. D bson Farms Ltd. 2 m les w st of Kippen. Phone 26 -2822. 36tfar FORMAL RENTALS - Dress up! Go formal! We have the complete Wedding Service at Campbell's Men's Wear Main St., Clinton (Formerly Pickett , and Campbell's Ltd . )-14tf ,r -PLYWOOD forms, wedges, mixer power trowel etc. Form ties stocked. For in- formation call M.J. Corriveau, Zurich 236-4954 after 4 p.m. weekdays. Anytime weekends.-=19tfar 4. -Articles wanted WANTED: Good used fur - n i t u rte'. Phone .4 82- 7922,--8tfar WANT D: Old IBrick Buildin s for Derrlolitibn and Salvag purposes. on'tact Ross L , 1185 Murphy Road, . Sarni a. 1. 42.4088 Ontario's lar"gest supplier of roclaitried 'bricks. -• lifer COCKSHUTT 540 '1760. COCKSHUTT 1600 60 h.p. '3,200. FORD 9N with loader '1,400. FORD DEXTRA '1,650. DAVID BROWN 1200 with cab & P.S. *4,300. CASE 430 with - hydraulic bucket loader '2,800. NUFFIELD with hydraulic bucket loader '1,900. ' INTERNATIONAL 250 '1,350. McKEE SNOWBLOWER 7 ft. '750. Call PETER HUMEL 482-7552 YANMAR DIESEL POWER DOES IT BETTER 131/2h.p.-33h:p. Huron County's Yanmar Dealer AND SONS LTD. CLINTON 482-340 9 C. Wanted CATTLE - We pay good prices for reasonably injured or unthrifty. cattle. Easy loading trailer with winch. Call collect 238-2796 Grand Bend. -36-38 WANTED: One set of racks for standard 3/4 truck box. Phone 482-9367.-37 D. Livestock FOR SALE: Purebred Hampshire boars. Yorkshire boars, also York x Landrace boars and Hamp x York boars. Reasonably priced for today's market. Bob Robinson, RR 4 Walton 345- 2317.--35-37 30 PIGS, 75 lbs. $48.00 each. Phone 482-7552.-37,38 E. Farm services WHITEWASHING and disinfection. Phone Moss, RR 2 Auburn 7650.-31 tf barn Jinn 529- 1979 NORTHERN STOCKER & FEEDER SALES WIARTON . - Thurs. Sept. 20 - 10:00 a.m., 3000; THESSALON - Wed. Sept: 26 - 10:00 a.m., 1100; MANITOULIN (Little Current) - Thurs. Sept. 27, 9:30 aim., 3000; SOUTH RIVER = Pri: Sept. 28 - 10:00 a.m., 1000; AMOS-- Mon. Oct. 1 - 12 noon, 800; LA SARRE (Dupuy) - Tues. Oct. 7 - 10:30 a.m., 800; LORRAINVILLE - Wed. Oct. 3 - 10:30 a.m., 700; NEW LISKEARD - Thurs. Oct. 4 - 11:00 a.m., 1200; WIARTON - Thurs. Oct. 11 - 10:00 a.m., 3000; RAINY RIVER (Strat•ton) - Mon. Oct. 15 - 11:00 a.m., 2800; SOUTH RIVER Thurs. Oct. 18 - 11:00 a.m., 500; EASTERN ONTARIO (Galetta) - Mon. Oct. 22 - 1:00 p.m., .700; PETER- BOROUGH (Lindsay) Wed. Nov. 7 - 11:00 a.m., 1000. Advertising Manager S. MacDonald, Box 130, Huntsville, Ontario POA 1K0. Telephone 705-789- 5491. ORDER YOUR SEED WHEAT NOW While supplies are readily available. BAKER'S FARM & GARDEN CTRE. CLINTON 482-9333 Heiisall livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:30 P.M. All classes of Livestock WE -INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves 482.7511 Clinton Barry Miller 234.4717 IE ',oho and 224.6205' girkton FARMERS For all your new farm buildings BIG OR SMALL!! Give Rey Lumbers Construction m Cali Phrie 482-3305 . 3, Articles for rent ,,,7. Real estate for sale ammirminimmamm GET PROFF°SIONAL carpet cleaning results (AT DO-IT-YOURSELF PRICES) RENT OUR RINSENVAC--the portable, easy-to-use carpet cleaning machine that gently • rinses carpet fibers with hot water and cleaning solution • loosens and lifts dirt, grime and.residues to the carpet surface where they are immediately vacuumed up • leaves your carpets CLEAN and FRESH' MEE ,fi VAC CLEANS CARPETS \ Rent for only CLEKEEPS ATHEM CLEANER LONGER $12 a day WISEWAY Home & Building Centre BAYFIELD RD., CLINTON 482.3441 SIMENIMMINIMINallimm 4. Articles wanted A LARGE old wooden wardrobe, contact 482- 3387.-36%37 5. Cars, trucks for sale '72 DODGE VAN, 65,000 miles, good shape. Best offer over $1400. Phone 482-9347 after 6 p.m. --36,37 1979 FORD Explorer supercab F150 burgundy colour. Phone 262-5448.-37 1974 VEGA Hatchback, 58,000 miles, as is, where is. Make an offer. Phone 482- 7356.-37 1972 OLDS CUTLASS selling for parts - brand new rad, good 350 4 barrel motor, $450. Phone 565-2780 after 5 p.m. -37,38 GEORGE CUTLER We have a good supply of Good USED TRUCKS IN STOCK All in tip top shape AND STILL SOME 1979 CARS'S . TRUCKS In stock at great savings BUS.: RES: 524-2665- 482-9782 REPRESENTING -263 HURON RD., GODERICH • 6. Pets HORSES BOARDED. Do you have a place to keep your horse this winter? If not, phone and reserve a stall for now or this fall. Only 3 left. Phone 482-9960 after 6 p.n'r.-32tfnc MALE AND FEMALE Alaskan Malamutes husky type, one year old. Phone 527-1398 or 527-0606.-37 MAURICE GARDINER REAL ESTATE LIMITED HOMES: We have available several choice home and building lots in Clinton and surround.ing.area. 5 bedroom, 2'/, story home on Rattenbury W. Extra large lot with mature trees. Could be duplexed. FARMS: We have listed a good selection of farm properties. Dairy, Poultry, Hogs and Hob- by farms. Call us for fur- thor information.. CALL PETER DAMSMA R.R.S CLINTON 482-9849 P, BAILEY Real Estate -Ltd e Clinton . Phone: 4$2-9371 \ Residence: 523-9338 150 ACRE - modern beef and hog farm. 5 miles from Blyth. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY - 69 ft. fronting on Albert St., Clinton. Buildings suitable - for commercial outlet, offices, storage. Apt. above and - parking facilities. BLYTH - 11/2 storey brick home orfs , Hamilton - St. Everything in perfect condition. Should be seen to be appreciated. 6 MILES FROM BAYFIELD ready for occupancy, 1650 sq. ft. plus full basement, partially finished, 2 stone fireplaces. 18 acres, scenic wooded property adjoins Bannockburn Wildlife Sanctuary and fronts on Bannockburn River. 3 spring fed ponds on property, 1 presently stocked with rainbow trout. 1534 ACRES - fronting on Maitland River, ideal for camping and fishing. 13 ACRES - at Holmesville, with modern one floor home and farrowing operation. 2 MILES - south of Clinton, close to school, double dwelling, 4 bdrms. each unit. 80 ACRES - Goderich Twp. 21/2 miles from 21 Hwy. with cottage, fish ponds, ex- tensive gravel// deposits. Recreational potential. CLINTON - CLINTON 11/2 storey 3 bdrm. home with sinporch, double garage. Situated on large lot. Close to uptown. BLYTH - 1 floor 3 bdrm,, frame home, broadloomed throughout. Garden house included. BLYTH - 11/2 storey frame home. Central location. Nicely decorated and lan- dscaped with sundeck and garage. , BELGRAVE AREA - 1.50 acre dairy farm, milking parlour, lots of buildings. F.C.C. rnortgage in effect. CLINTON - 1 floor newly sided 5 bdrm. home, newly decorated and carpeted. BUILDING LOT - fully serviced on Maria Street, RESTAURANT AND GAS BAR - Loncjesboro. Apt. above. FABRiC STORE - located•in Village of Blyth. Apt. above. HULLETT TWP. - 10 acres 7. Real estate for sale ith 4 bdrm. home and large �.. workshop. Nicely land- .seaped. HULLETT TWP. - 6 acres, hog operation, liquid cleanout. Good brick home. HULL~ aim n. 71 acres. No bui,5 , POO t' FOR THOUGHT 'the dar -est hour has only 60 t>linutes. HOUSE FOR 'SALE in Vanastra. Private. Phone 482-3278tf rw 1 e4.4..D mkt A.,is REAL ESTATE LTD. _ 77 Main Street, Seaforth 527-1577 Clinton & Area Properties Commercial Buildinr uptown on desira►S $45,000.00 - Large 11/2 storey brick 3- bedroom house, ideal for small business, zoned light commercial, 1/2 block from business section. to° r any business, close to "Executive Home" - Split level 4 bedroom frame & brick home, immaculate condition, 2 car garage on large very attractive landscaped lot. $24,500.00 "Attractive" 1 storey frame 2 bedroom house, ideal for retiring couple, located on large corner lot. "Immaculate" - 2 storpikt®a 3 bedroom house, large family room, couniSlijna on large treed corner lot. $8,500.00 - "Trees, Trees, and more trees". Large building lot in quiet area in Bayfield - call today, 569,900.00 "3 acres" with 2 storey brick renovated house, 3 bedrooms, small barn and shed located near Kippen. 556,500.00 - "Ready for occupancy" 3 bedroom raised ranch, landscaped, located in small village. "We have prospective buyers. Properties are needed to fulfill requirements and replenish our sold listings: Call a representative today to list your property and take advantage of our complete property transaction sery ices.". Your Representatives BRUCE RATHWELL 482-3120 DAWN RATHWELL 482-3120 MAUREEN WILDFONG 482-3224 WILLY BUNN 565-5055 REAL ESTATE LTO. WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. Harold Workman, Clinton Office... 482-3455 Dirk van der Werf, 482-3455.... Res. 482-3165 Henry Mero, Seaforth Office 527-0430- Ron.Doiron, Hensali Office 262-2244 Clinton - 4 bedroom raised bunglaow featuring family roam, fireplace, 2 bathrooms, sundeck, double car t;a' at;e. on Raglan St. $79,900.00. Kinburn - 1 floor aiup» inum sided 4 bei' oom hone, 11/410 sq. ft., full basement. Only $29,900.00. Clinton - 4 bedi eon, 2 storey aluminum sided home with r;a ai;e, fai•• ily loom near the schools. $42.500.00. Clinton 3 bedroom 1 floor home with dining room, full basement. close to hospital. 538.500.00. Near Clinton - 5 acres, 3 bedroom home, highway location. $65,000.00. Hullet Twp. - 99 acres, 74 workable, pig barn, brick home, crops, '.2.35,000.00. Morris ' p. - 100. acres, 90 workable, 4 bedroom hrick hous-, la ge barn, $129,000.00. Near Kinburn - brick 2 storey home, nicely treed 3 acres, $45,000.00. Clinton - 2 storey red brick home, 4 bedrooms, attached garage, close to schools, $49,900.00. Clinton large 2 storey brick home, 4 bedrooms, 4 fireplaces, 2 kitchens, 3 bathrooms, and a coach house converted to a home $75,000.00. Morris Twp., - 52 acres, bordering Belgrave, 50 workable, beef barn, steel shed, 11/2 storey house, $112,000.00. James St. - 3 or 4 bedroom home, good condition, $32,000.00. - Hullet Twp. - 2 acres, hog barn, 3 bedroom home. $74,500.00. • Morris Twp. - 11 acres, pig barn, beef barn, 3'bedroom house, needs work. $39,900.00. Bayfield - 4 bedroom Tudor styled home with many extras. $74,900.00. Near Bayfield - mobile home in a trailer park'. - Fernhurst Glen - 2 bedroom cottage on a large river lot $22,500.00. Clinton - 4 bedroom coloured aluminum, family room, double garage, $32,000.00. Clinton - 4 bedroom aluminum sided' home with 2 bedroom apt. $34,900.00. Clinton - 3 bedroom vinyl sided bungalow, full basement $34,900.00. Duplex - in good condition close to downtown $28,500.00 Clinton - large brick home on 1 acre with 2 fireplaces, family room, brick garage, $60,000.00. Near Clinton - 4 bedroom modern home on 1/2 acre with many extras $65,000.00. Clinton - 3 bedroom brick veneer split level home with red room $48,000.00. 21/2 acres 6 miles from Clinton, 3 bedroom home, 2 garages 534,000.00. Clinton - 2 bedrooiii,' 1 floor brick home near the schools $25,500.00. Vanastra. - 3 bedroom home, full basement, carport, fireplace in family room. $20,900.00. ' Clinton - 2 or 3;edroom home, full basement, close 16. dlwwn own, $28, 00.00. Hullet Tw • 2j3 acres workable, 150 w kable,' house, pig barn,, steel shed �$20" .00.00 Wanied - Farm istings, for a 'long list of prospects. 4 •