HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-09-13, Page 13a
Despite what their brothers and sisters may have
told them, these youngster's aren't finding school
too bad and enjoyed their first days meeting new
friends, learning the alphabet and counting and
At the Legion
playing games. Mrs. Hoboes led her eager kin-
dergarten class through a learning game of
numbers at St. Joseph's Separate School in Clinton.
(News -Record photo)
Ladies back at full force
Byene Brochu
The fall season is
surely upon us and so are
the busy schedules for
our Branch. Once again
the Ladies Auxiliary are
back in full . strength at
the catering business and.
the men are also busy
preparing for the up-
coming season of ac-
tivities. We said farewell
to another of our bar-
tenders this week as
`Comrade Ron. Gonie has
found himself a more
lucrative andpleasant
position, so we wish him
well in his new en-
The Brownies and
Guides will be back with
us for another season
with registrations taking
place on Wednesday,
September 12th, so if you
failed to register, you can
call one of the group
leaders. They expect a
much larger enrollment
this year and look for-
ward to a busy schedule.
Our bingo last Thur-
sday under bingo team
Annual retreat
held at Bayfield
South Huron Y.F.C.
held their Fall Retreat at
Camp Canbay Bayfield
over the weekend. It
started Friday evening
and ended Sunday af-
ternoon.' This is for
teenage . boys and girls.
Thenge4or the. Camp this
year asu`4I hou` dos\tt•keep-
him iter peffect' Pace,
whose mind is stayed on
Thee because he trusts in
Thee" Isaiah 26.3".
Main ,. speakers for
sessions and workshops
were, Mr. and Mrs. Arch'
Andrews of Bayfield. Mr.
Andrews currently
working with Huron
,Centre for Children and
youth in Clinton, also Mr.
and Mrs. Richard
Boonstra of Goderich.
Mr. Boonstra is working.
with family and children
services. Mr. Paul
Sharrow of Grand Bend is
at present working with
youth in Goderich.
Friday evening a
musical .._group from
Stratford known as "His
.Sheep" provided the
entertainment. Saturday
was workshops and
sessions and a time of
• Fellowship and Sports
with a film in evening
.entitled "Pilgrims
'Progress No. 2". Also a
real time, of music and
singing led by Joan Van
Daily, Weekly '
Or Monthly
Essen and Betty Neevil.
Each evening finished
with a camp fire and hot
chocolate and muffins
and cookies.
Sunday morning a
session led by Mr.
Andrews, followed by an
outdoor informal service
around thecamp fire»ate.
Youth For Christ board
members and their wives
under the leadership of
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Perry, Exeter provided
meals and supervision for
the event. All the. boys
and girls wenthome,
feeling they had gained a
great - deal of spiritual
captain Eric \ Switzer
obtained the best returns
in many a moon' as they
hosted 117 bingo en-
thusiasts. Mrs. Arnold
Beach from Goderich
was the fortunate one as
she captured the $200
jackpot prize.
Our TGIF has also
picked up in momentum
and our members and
guests made short work
of the "tit -bit" food table
which had to be
replenishedseveral times
during the evening. Mrs.
Roy Hansford of Grand
Bend, one of our faithful
supporters, was the lucky
winner of the TGIF ,prize.
Comrade Ch'arles
McLean was' not so
fortunate as he failed to
register for the at-
tendance draw. Just a
reminder, don't forget
our social and zone dance
this month, contact the
branch for futher details.
Our Auditorium was a
busy scene last Saturday
evening as Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Graul held their
wedding Teception on tlit
premises. The new Mrs.
Graul is the former Ann
Van Barren from the
Londesboro area. Our
Ladie,s Auxiliary not only
catered to the wedding
party dinner early in the
evening but also catered
to the late dinner at 11:30
so the kitchen was a
beehive of activity 411 day
and evening.
Our Ladies, Q f course,
did a first class job of
preparing and serving
both of the dinners. Our
thanks to them and also
the men who were on
hand lending a .helping
hand. Our thanks also to
Terry Hollingshead and
Brian Atkinson for taking
care of the bar duties and
to • Milt Schrieber for
acting as the wine host
for the guests.
By Bertha MacGregor
Mr. and Mrs. Austin
Wheeler of Detroit were
weekend visitors with
their aunt, Mrs. Edgar
Miss Flora MacDgnald
has returned to Goderich.
Rev. Donald
MacDonald of Duart a
former minister of
Carmel Presbyterian
. Church visited with
several +mem.bers of the
congregation namely Mr.
and Mrs. Rochus Faber,
Mr. and"Mrs. John Skea,
Robert Cameron and
friend, while spending the
weekend here.
Mrs. P. Hoonaa-rd of
Blyth, Mrs. C. VanDuyn
of Noordwyck, Holland,
Mr. Anthony Gelderland
and Mrs. Jean Adenan of
Ridgetown were guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Sim
Roobal last week.
Legion ladies enjoy
pot luck
The Ladies' Legion
Auxiliary commenced
their fall meetings in the
Legion Hall on Tuesday
evening with the
president, Mrs. Beatrice
Uyl presiding. Mrs. Iva
Reid gave the sports
report and announced the
bowling tournaments
coming up.
Discussion over
catering to weddings in
the future were dealt
with. Following the
business a pot luck lunch
was enjoyed by all.
Chiselhurst UCW meet
The UCW of
Chiselhurst United
Church opened their fall
meetings on Tuesday,
September 4th with the
President Mrs. J.
Huron Centennial news
We vvelcome you back
to our school family. For
the families ne to our
school area we sincerely
hope you find our com-
rrrunity to be friendly and
hospitable. I will try to
keep you informed of
school events, special
days, and community
activities by sending
home newsletters with
the oldest child in each
family and by ditri,d'aily
P.A. announcements at
Our opening day
enrollment vvas 512
pupils1 up 20 from, last
year. We have 64 kin-
dergarten pupils our
largest class since 1971.
Milk Money
Milk deliveries will
begin on Monday, Sep-
tember 10th. Milk
chocolate or dairy orange
costs 20c per day. Money
will be collected either
Friday or Monday for
those who wish to order.
Cheques for individuals
or families are preferahle
to cash. Days absent may
be deducted from the
next month's cheque.
Ope,n House
On Wednesday, Sep -
p.m. the teachers will be
in their classrooms so
that the students can
bring you to school to
meet their teachers. It
will be informal and
formational" for you and
for the teacher.
Y' ,
13,1979'. PA,Gg
Brintnell presiding and
opened the meeting with
a poem "Joy of Life".
Mrs. %Vera Brintnell
conducted the worship
"Thank -you notes were
read from the Brintnell
family. Frieda Boa,
Joyce , Heal, World
Outreach and Family and
Children services of
Huron. County: It was
announced South Huron
Regional will be held in,
Elimville Church; October
9th. The Ladies' decided
to continue quilting.,prior
to the bazaar which will
be held October 31st.
Mrs. Dorothy: Parker
gave a very informative
talk on "'Stewardship"
and Mrs. Pear Taylor
read an article "Prayer
Day". The October
meeting was reviewed
and the' president closed
the meeting with prayer.
Mrs. Sarah Dick and Mrs.
Vera Ross were
Amber Rebekal Lodge
opened thei
, Amber Rebellh Lodge
meetings on Wednesday
evening with the Noble
Grand, Mrs. Hazel
Corbett presiding
assisted by the Vice
Grand Mrs. Elizabeth
'Riley, who reported for
the visiting committee
stating gifts, cards and
donations were sent to
members. ,
Mrs. Hazel Corbett
gave the treasurer's
report and announced the
prize money was
received from the "float"
entered in the fair. .The
donation requested .for
the "Whirlpool Bath"
was discussed and a
number of cards of
thanks were read from
members and friends.
Messers James
Sangster, Brad Sangster
and Bert Horton returned
home from a pleasant
holiday at Manitoulin
Mrs. Dorothy Brady of
Exeter was a dinner
guest with Mrs. Bertha
MacGregor on Friday.
'row 1ho rnpson's
Sow early & Use
developed & strong
frost upheaval
Your Drill to encourage a well
root system to combat winter kill,
We have a well stocked fertilizer
plant for custom application for
wheat & plough down programs.
Bulk delivery service & 5 ton
spreaders for rent.
Our seed corn plot says to order your next spring Hyland
seed corn now. We have some excellent varieties for you.
Bring in your soil samples & we wilt have them analysed for
you at W.G. Thompson's&Sons Crop Advisory Service.
Fast, efficient and honest
grading for your 1979
. white bean harvest.
10 unloading pits at our 3
branches. Ready to serve
We are also receivers of
Sometimes you reap
a lot more than you sow.
If quackgrass is showing
up in your harvest, use
Roundup® before you fall plow.
i''ou didn't plant it. But i
anyhow, choking;your crop'
and taking a bite out of
*your potential yield.
Jamming up the
works at harvest 1
Don't let it happen
again next year. Get the
jump on quacRgrass, right
after harvest. But not by plow- /
ing. Plowing just breaks up /
the weeds, leavin6 under- /
ground root networks 1,1 ready to send
up new, shoots in the 4 spring.
This year, before you rfall plow, let
quackgrass regrow until most of
the weeds are at least eight
inches high (the three or four
leaf stage of growth).
Then, anytime
before the first weed killing
frost, apply Roundup®
herbicide by Monsanto.
Roundup quickly translocates
throughout the treated Weeds,
destroying them— root networks
and all. Just five days after using
Roundup, you can plow as usual.
(Note: If you prefer to apply
Roundup in the spring, don't plow
the fields this fall.)
, Stop quackgrass before
it attacks next year's crop.
With a post-harvest application
of Roundup before you plow.
There's never .
been a herbicide oatilw
like this before.
choose from
rc•sta tic Drive
Don Sararas
PLACE: 11/4 miles west of Vanastra
Watch -for our signs on Highway 4
SEE: the all-new Case 90 series 4690
4 -Wheel Drive tractor - with solid-state
electronic steering - in action.
SEE: the new Kongskilde Plows and the
' Lely Roterra in action
TEST.DRIVE: the new Case 90 series 2 -wheel
drive tractors
Roundupo is a registered trademark of Monsanto C�.
RCN 4/70 Olohlatito'.:Cornparly 1979
Monsanto Carutda
Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver
.111011' 52304: