The Exeter Times, 1888-1-19, Page 1111 .ur ad air he a all tre n- ew SO FOR $1.75 We will. send the TIMES and any City Weekly from now until 1889. Subscribe now and read the open. ,LEGAL L . H. -1-4• ettoe Conv:Iyerbeez Loan. Office i Fanson's R 'rgt. Barrister, eoicesarewoireBioek DICKSON, Barrister, Soli- cf m feepree COurt,Notary Public Commissioner, delAtoneV to ' , ' Block .. , xeter. ( , , ( 1 ' 1 00t,LINSI ; olicitor, ConveyI ancer Etc I I '1 111XI1TER, - ONT. can sold office.) ARMOUR W. FORD, soncitoria the Supreme Court of Ontario, Conveyance; Commissioneri Leo., ete. special attention given to the collodion of claims in the United States: Patents proeured,-money tojoam at lowest rates. 0 dice ; Opera House Bloelr, St, Marys, Ont. ELLIOT -1 & ELLIOTT, Solicitors, Notaries Public, &c, &c • to Loan at Lowest Rates of Interest. - MAIN - STREET, EXETER. a. maaoT. Barristers, Conveyancers .Money OFFICE, R. V. ELLIOT. DENTAL. laT1 L. BILLINGS, . n=isrmisT, orricE: OVe7 0,E1IVS1Jank Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction. W fl‘ CARTWRIGHT, L. B. S. •. s-criR,0-0m.T. 3Dmi-TasT. , .,,p,n, Graduate of the eteyal college of . Dental Surgeons of Ontario. .Efe,v •Riiiiiiiiii ing furnished fine Dental Rooms on MAIN -ST., next door to Trelge's Harness shop, Exeter, where/ am peepared to perform all branches ot the Dental profession with ease S skill. ITMG-MT3X, used in extracting teeth. Charges, Moderate; Terms, Cash. • 11KINSMAN ,DENTISTW.D.S . r'' ---e, SaincwelPs Block, Main-stvExeter, ' Extracts Teeth without pain, by giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold Fllinge and all other dental -1.1„,;•::,, work the best possible. Goes 4444.;,' 04• to ZITBI011 on last Thursday in . -.., eaoh month. . 11 11) A ' s 5 -, ' 1 6 , h F 8 8 X i MEDICAL • (i LuTz,D. m., ....). Oft:Meat hiseesidenee Exeter. T W. BROWNING M. D., M. O ei . P.8 ,GraduateVictoriarniversity.Offics I al dlre sidence,13 oir_inioDT.q4). orator ye Exeter n,. ELYNDMAN, coroner for the 9 J--• County of Huron. Office, opposite Mr. I. Carling's store, Exeter. DR. J. A. ROLLINS, M. O. P. B 0. °face, Main St.Exeter,Ont. Eesiden eetteumereeently occupied by P. McPhillips, Esq, AUCTIONEERS. TTENBY EILBER, 'licensed Aim- .1-1.- tioneer for Hay, Stephen, and mcGilli- traY:Townships: Seles eonducted atmodere.te rates. ofo.ce-AtTost-offiee,Orediton. Ont. JOEN GILL, Auctioneer for the Townships of Stephen, /lay and Usborne and the Village of Exeter. All sales promptly attended, and satisfaction. guaranteed. Sales arranged at this office. -.!..----- _ VETERINARY. TENNENT 81, TENNENT9 VETERINARY - SURGEONS, Vr. , -....5,--------• • Graduates of the (enteric) Veterinary College. Orman : CRC boor South of Town Hall. MONEY TO LOAN. -X/IONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6-4 -Y-g- per cent, ee5,000 Private Funds, Bost Loaning Companies represented. L. FL DICES0N, Earristee, Exeter, — 1 'A T1 t No d: nr., Su i Ye: , INSURANCE. THB FLEE Y,EAD OFFICE This con4any 'ears insuecessful ariO,s,ndsontinues :maga bV Wire :factoriellAnd bIo property. mtion of iusurin ;ash System During the Las issued 67,006 o the sou °nut s Itionee7oe,752,00 AssetS, :eref0,100.00, 1 eseik, Go 'hertreeptDopositmaid sea leen .uni V SVALEIE It earotary ,30,TA, ekr:ohtfor ..,....._.,,,....„.rnmarem.notr........vereonsm.easvoiereostartem WATERLOO MUTUAL INSURANC E 00 . • ONT. On- or the oe Cash j, , ctlei oli --- Established in 1863. - • WATERLOO1 has been OVer Eighteen operation in Western to insure againstloss ,Buildings,Morahaudise;Als,u- all other descripti ens of finsur- tutending insurers have g on the Peemium Note . past ten ,yoars tbis compeny Polioies, covering property of $404872,048 ; end paid inlose- 4 0031818fi1ig of the nnass. Notes on hand auci in force. D. Presideet. C. el. TA•yr,on .ft.. ITatinms,luspeeter. turAs, Exeter and vieinity, ari) PANSON'S , N. Hastings, eavieg ana : the ert. . Every Attention • aches and CENTRAL , er s h o BLOCK. Prop, .1.m1nnoteimetwdwaseltharsirs. flair on ttibg ia the latest Styles paid to cutting Children's Hair. NUlour No' , hAtitt „ley Fax com: and COL ati2 swiTonns MADE TO ORDER. A CALL $OLICATED AND HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZ KTTE. - ',HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY." VOL. XV., NO, 9. EXETER, ONTARIO THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 19, 1888. 0122L.119rjr•8113.14114011931M14,11.1MnitY 1111111.911Momp......1111.M.5101.1111MEMAMMIMIUMMINMAIIMILINOMF Eriol% and Tile, JOHN WI:UTE & SONS Publisher sand, Proprietors ROUND THE COUNTRY. 1 StaiTa. )The Church Decoration Contro- vamommormassains.ems VOrS3r• By Our Own Corresponctents, I The store belonging t3 A. 0. ,Tonee had, a Brinsley. We wish to call the special attention cif the armors and others requiring tile, that etr. eo. Moats, of bot 11, con. 5, stepben, Crediton ',O.. has on hand a Very large quantity of TILE OF ALL SIZES! A very pfeasant event occuered Imre last Thareclay in which Mr, Thomas Efaymen. of Exeter, and Miss 'Maggie Corbett, were married.After the ceremony was performed At the Following Prices : the happy coeple, acoompanied by three more i inch Tile .. ..... . • • $ ,0 .5,0 p,,i• r IL EmytTPleer8et:ioaskt to dolreinv.rentoofLtthiceaIlieath of Mr. J.' 11;6g . Nv. Harland, of Anderson, Mich. Mr. liar,' is oo ,. land was once a reeident of thin place, and ' e ,, .., ,.. ,,,.,.. 28e5•210o 4, the numerous fiends he made while here If neces', liMitede-reclit w -ill be4g°i'v°e°n." snclden death. will, no doubt, lie sorry to hear of his Tory sare Credit° o., SOP t. 11, '87. , GE0 let0ATZ, — Laugh Tog Laugh And Everybody Laugh ---WHO SEES OUR--.. iEDID - - BARGAINS—I eautiful Honest Goods in End- less Varieties. HE PRICE WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY OR YOUR SAKE FOR OUR SAKE FOR GOODNESS SAKE ! OME AND LET LIS SAVE MONEY FOR YOU. VE CAN DO IT I WE DO DO IT ! WE WILL DO IT! DOUPE, & CO., KIRKTON. hree Houses and Lots for sale in Eirkton. LOOK OUT FOR WAR -IN THE _ rotliton Cheap Sioro J. MITCEIELL has received a splendid t of X -MAS goo* and is determined to ake prices to suit hard timesespecially in OOTS cSH0ES, HATS, CAPS, •SHIRTS ND DRAWERS, and other, goods. Note me of the prices • • • lbs. good tea - lbs. good sugar $1,00 lb, 'steins, (new fruit) $1.00 bars soap - - 25 eta rood dress goods - 10 ate. per yd eatery cotton 1 yd. wide - 7 ots. " il plena(' tweed for suits - 75 cts. '‚" AWLS, MANTLES, AND ALL KINDS OF DRY -GOODS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. Don't fail to call and get your goods for Inas at 3. MITCHELL'S Cheap Storo. FIRST-CLASS COAL OIL CHEAP. LOOK AT S. O. HtlISEY'S SIGN, SELLING AT COST PRICE. Tliz JoroghtlialEailwa OF CANLDA, Kirkton. Mr. T. Tufts is making preparations for raising man enlarging his barn next summer. Mies H. E. Frank of Strathroy has been spebding the past couple of weeks with friends here. Mr. ,Iarees Tune had the misfortune to get one of his fingers broken one day last week and is now on the shelf, Mr: .Tames Maise met with a Blinder accident also having a mall bone in his right heed broken, the result of a fall while getting off a sleigh in front of his home. Mrs- Borland, nee Miss Mary Tnfts, for the last 4 or 5 years a resident of Manitoba, returned on Saturday last to re.vieit the scenes of her girlhood days. Her many friends were pleased to see her, as well her daugliter who accompanies her. Zurich. DEAR TIDIES,--Ifessre. Dyer and White, of Exeter, were in town Mouday.--Arrs, D. Steinbach is visiting friends in Exeter thie week. -Our now Council Board met Monday. -Apheese factory meeting was held at Mr. S. Martin's, Babylon Line, on Jan'y 140h, for, the purpose of forriamg, a Directors' Board, dm. Mr. S. Martin has agreed to make ihe cheese at Plc per 1 gal. milk. 80 cows have been secured for the start. Mr. S. Martin, as cheese maker ; S. Martin, salesman ; S. Foster, Secy. ; S. Martin, Treas. were the Directors apPointed for the first season. With a body ot energetic men like these we may expect to hear of the Babylon L Cheese Factory being a financial success. full report of Father liettly's concert night will be given next week. -It would look much better if those parties who are sending letters to you for publication from time to time would give their proper names. Surely they are not ashamed of what tnoy say I -- Our barber as working up a snug little biz here., His experience in the barber biz in dier ftent Cities in the States is a good pap autee as to his being a practicable workman -Last,Friclay evening a number of young folks assembled together at the residence of ni- ed- ut ta- nrirrew eseapelrom being burned on Sund jlest. The fir8 V/88 (Mined from a clefecti stevo. ,A piece of the stoye had faljen ou thite allowing %Male to fall out. These s flee to some paper end other dry material ft and ere long the fire had climbed t ' coiling, Mi. Jones and family were iu the dwelPrig, house behind the store at tho' time,. and were alarmed by the falling of geoods. Considerable damege was done, but 11,ea tile fire not been Doneed for a few mo. meets more the store and its contents, an ad so e welling heuse, would have been burnt to the ground. , ay To the Edam. of the Exeter Times. Ve DEAR 8X. -In the issee of your paper of t,0 the 12th inst., your anonymous correspond- ent, who signs himself "Antiltontaxi," comes ' out with another letter anent the decora.tion ° o St. Paul's church, Hartsell. "Anti - Roman " in his last effusion chides Ole for my forgetfulness of the latin proverb : "LiterSeripta Manet," while he from the commencement of his attack has entirelydis- regarded the wholesome trutli contained therein, Had "Anti -Roman" been desirous that the cordiality and brotherly, kindness existing between the members awredherents of St. Paul's churoh, should contione undis- turbed, why did he null/Ratty charge some of these with indolence and indifference ? If he wished to be consistent in his firt let, ter why did he say in oee sentence that the decoration was "a labor ef love" ; in an- other ;that the seine indicated a "tendency to Romanism" ; in yet another,that with- out sueh "the little church looked cold and naked" ; in still another, " thatthe absence of decorations was a reform" ; and finally sign himself ill connection therewith " Anti - Roman ?" I may esk, using "Anti -Roman's" own form of expression, who is thie "Anti - Rom= ?" And although I have no sober Presbyterian to give 1ne the proper answer, I answer the question myself, by saying: he isetn tinterineddling busybody, who, to air his Powers as a ccornposer,u (seve hie bad English arid worse Latin) writes npon a matter concerning which he knows nothing, and the why and. wherefore of which he understands less. ,I might &newer he is a coward who is desirous of stirring up strife among those who have hitherto enjoyed per- fect harmony mid unanimity of feeling by attacking their conduct one - an assumed. name: 'Antieltornan ;" he is one of those `meddlesome Mattys' found in evely little village, who from Monday to Saturday busy themselves with Matters -which do not con- cern them,; he is one of those 'Paul Pry's,' who on every occasion poles their noses into the affitirs of other people, and; who under assumed names breed mitchief and diseord among friends. Let Arr. "Anti -Roman," Meddlesome Aratty or Paul Pry come out boldly over Ms proper name; in this rnatter and discuss the relations between the mem- bers and adherents of St. Paul's church, Fleneall, and he will find me, yes ! and abets, willing to answer him ; but if he is afraid to do this let hinl do what persons of his class have ever in the past failed to do : mind his own bueiness. Regretting, Mr. Editor, that I have trespassed so much on your valuable space, I close. Yours truly, R. HUGHES. Rambler. Mr. Wm, Atkinson of Devon. has gone to learn blaolcsmithing in Ciandeboye. Itre. Wm. Oke, neau eWiethrop. who, some tithe ago got his arm tineken and otherwise terribly lacerated by a graiu °rusher is now Able to be out again. On Tuesdaylast while It, AroCorabe was rpterning from the village of Centralia he mot with what might have proeed a very serious aceident, On nearing hie house a ,bolt come out of one of the shafts and the animal which he was driving becoming frighteneth d, rew Mr. McCombs from the vehicle. Freeing itself from the cutter, it started for home with the velocity of a hare -taking the shaft s with it, smashing them into smithereens. Fortunately nothing serious happened either to man or beast. The Row st Hayfield. On. Tuesday of last week, a lively row oc- enema in the village of Bayfield, Coestables Smith and Robertson, of Stanley township, event to Bayfield to serve summons to hotel- keepets, who, it was alleged, had violated the Soott Aot. The two constables visited hotel after hotel, but without the desired result. Finally they succeeded in 'Serving Bayley's wife. They then set about to serve witnesuies but no sooner had they entered the house of John Ferguson than h Mob of about 50 sur- rounded the house, some following the con- stableCuside. With guns and revolvers in hand the rioters badetheconstables depart, which they hastily did, but not before receiv- inde g- severe wounabout the head, and with- ine drawing the eummons already served. The ' leaders of the mob said that they were boun 81.00 d last Mr. Ed Bossenberry for the purpose of h ing,e,jolly time in celebrating the 15th an yeesary of Mr. and Mrs. Bossenberry's tv ding, and we had just the jolliest time o The event of the evening was the presen tion and address, as follows :-- Zurich, Jan. 13, 1888. MR. elm Mas. Bosseenineex This being the eve of yonr 15th wedding anniversary -better known 111 ye olde tunas as a crystal wedding --your young friends of Zurich haye assembled here this evening to congratulate you on reaching this your 15th year of happy married life. and it is the heaety wish of all hem to:night that you may live to enjoer fifteen more, even to the golden weddiug, 35 years from now. Kindly accept this library lamp as a token of sincere re- spect and good wishes, and while you, Mrs. B., are nursing your cats add topsy, and Mr. B. is reading the news by the light of your lamp may you then appreciate this luxury" of your Crystal wedding. Signed on behalf cif. LIOSETTE ZELLER. the party by KATIE DEIOREBT. COUNCIL MEETING. -The new Council be- came organized imam ding to statute on Mon- day; Jan. 16011, with 13artman Happlo as Reeve, George McEwen, Deputy -reeve, and tresers. A. MeEwen, Heyrock and. F. Hess, Councillors, After reading the min- utes of the previous meeting the following appo'intmehts were made, vis: S. Foster, clerk, at a salary of $125; D. S, Faust and R. R. Johnston, auditors, at a salary of $6 each ; M. Zeller; treasurer, at O salary of $80 ; J. Bonthrou, assessor, at a salary of $75 ; H. Llepliatat, collector, at a salary of $55 ; Mrs. Kinharde Care faker at a salary of $10. Movecl by G. MeEwen, see. by F. Hess,that Dr, MoDernaid, D. Stein- bj ach and . Hall, together with the Reeve and,Olerk, constitute the Board of Flealth for the °armlet Isar. And tbat Dr. Buchanan be Medical Health Officer, and H. Grebe the Sanitary Inspector. Moyecl by H. Heyronk secondcid by A, MoEwen, that the Clerk be insiructod to draft a Ey-law confirming the appointments of the several township offieers for the year 1888. Moved by FI. flayrock, sec. by F, Huss, that no menthol' of this Council shall grant an order on the Treasurer to any person. tor any aecount until such se. count hoe been first sizInnitted to this Conn- ell in soSsion for approval. Moved by CFe MeEweir, see. by F. lie8E, that the auditors prepare air cibstraot of the receipts, expendi- tures aseces and liabilities, together with a do - tailed statement of the same iu duplioato and it before thie Council at their next meet - by an oath that no arrests should'be made Without blood being shed • they said they were bound no service shmild be done in the interests of the Scott Act unless a sufficiently etrong force wasbrought to overpower them. 0 noyel mail, Passaugee amci oyeight to between Clumails, and Groat Britain and et route between the Woe t and all points le Lower St. Lawreneo and Bale des Cha - also Brunswick Nova Scotia, , , P, E. Island Ce!pe Ereton, vioundlana, ' Li ermucla and Jamaica. -- w and elegant Pullman Buffet Sleeping ay cars rim oe through Rep toss 02010 5, aSengers Co: Great Ilritani or chip Conti, by leaving Toronto at 8.30 a. in• Thurs. Will iOirt outweed man steitmer at ntrei- , m . s netircl ity . orior Elevator Warehouse and Doak ao- rtae:Jitter: rit Halifax for Shipment of grain e n oral inevelimulise• .rP of experience have proved the IN TER- NIAL in dounection with steamship to ana from Loudon, Liverpool 008 OW to Halifax, to be tbo quickest leolghtpe :LP') roitte betwooh Cease% Ana Greet Britain, ' gee, tufoemation es Lo" Passenger and ).q.reiglii, ,-e. 1• rates; oat bo had on applioritien to for 11013EIVII le. af00/eft, hitt 'Wetiteen ereight dePaeeenger mat Nie P,osele Ffouee illoolt.,York St era fo b, 1' WV/U.3E11 ago: lay mg. eve( by G. Moteweb, see. by F. Hess that teuclers be received for Whatever lumber the Tohip may require for rep. and build- ing culverts aid bridges for 1888, stating the price per thousand at the mill for sawn cedar, elm and red beech', 10 feet long. Tenders to bo reeeived by the niDove ep to the 4011 01 Tele., at 2 p. Moved by A. Mel:liven, see, by 11'. Hess, that White Ssn, of the:Rein:en Tans do the Township e:rinting for the esti- rent year at last year''s eee-$54.00 ' Mov- ed cieconeed by H. lloyrock thse the Treassirer give twHu o rotios to tee amorint of 81000 eaeh, for the proper eeecti- Con of 1118 office. The fiSlowing aceoutits were 118'801,: Oaretaker of hall, $11.00 ; Election expenses, $58 ; Cook, -lumber, 51'; 11. Bell, balimeo of envoi (180 0180, .88 ; 2. numreel, inalcmg ditch, $8 85 ; ennie, feliS, ; White Sts Sons, halauce printing, $27 ; 8. Foster, registering he, &lithe and miteriagee, $15.10 ; Mr, G. holeon, gravel, 420.86 ; 3. %leer, gravel Le, The elouneil then adjoarned to nieet n on Saturday, March 10, at 10 a. m. Stephen Council. All members present and duly sworn „in and signed necessary papers. Minutiae of fast meeting read and signed. J. W. Ilogarth was appointed one of th ahditors, this being the only change in th officials. Mr.. Sheritt to attend to the waier eourse as per Mr. McAllister's letter Moved by D. French, seconded by J. Sher itt, that the Council fees be $2 per day -no mileage. --Carried, Moved by H. Eilber, seconded by D. French that 'the Treasurer deposit in the Peet Office Savings Department of the funds of the town- ship $3,000, to be placed to tired. Sinking Fund ael.--Caeried. After passihg the following orders the Council adjourned to meet First Mondsy in February, viz : J. Hawker, lumber, P304 • G R Hite! est, P30075; Election expenses, 866.75 ; Error statue labor, $9.50 • 0 Winin, contract Exeter Side Road, ; W. Rohde, work, Exeter SE, §8 ; Star printing, $6.05 ; W Holt, work, 0 R, 03 ; Blanks, $5.- 14 ; Armstrong, work, 21 ' , $3,10 • Wilickr 2u8 con.'$2 ; J Sheritt, worlc, 2180 eon., $1,- 50; Mr. Granger, 2Is0 con, $5 ; C Snell, gravel, $3 ; J Roberts, use of land for road, $12 ; Mrs. Ransom, $5. I frequent/7 see hard pulling ever the iron and other bridges in consequence of the snow blowing off. If said bridges Were boarded up 3 or 4 feet along the tiers the sleighing would be as good there as else- where. C. P. Pigeon Shooting., To the Editor of the -Exeter Times Some newspapers severely condemn e the practice of snow,bird and pigeon, trap o shooting. Although many of the con- tentions are righteous, yet they a.,e not altogether fair and some unjust thine Hensall. Jan. 17. -The South Huron Farmers' 'intl. tute methere yesterday andto-dayin 13iodgine' Hall. The Presidout, Ur. S. Smilie, occupied the ehaire A. large number of farmers were present. The first day's meeting opened by O lecture on parasite plants by Prof. Penton, follewed by an able address G.E. Jackson on agrieultin•al soeisties. Thee followed a good. payer from Jas. Logan on preparing land for wheat. A. paper on the breeding of heavy berets, by Thos. McMillan, Ill. P., was very interesting. This finished thefirst days work. A. pleasitnt eveuing was spent, the hall being packed to the doors. Rousieg speeches were -delivered by j. Moilfillem, M. P. on "Why boys leeve the fav;" by Prof. Penton, on Education as a sauce of °reel 'and pleasnre to the farmer ;" by etr. Bennie, on What the public 00(100118 doing for the farmer's boy." All three gentlemen succeeded in interesting the audience ia a remarkable degree. The Professor especially made o good impression, and showed clearly that the succeesful farmer of the near future will be a man of brain powee rather tban a luau of musele. The bieetiug was enliveima by Yodel aud mental mfisie of a high melee, and pessed off oey setisfaetorily to the teanagernent. The Second clitv's meeting opened with a paper from Mr. 'Rennie, on "notetioneferops." This beteg 33. Wiao stibjeob, ealled forth much diseussion, occupying meet of the afternoon. Mr. Itetchen opened the after -anon 003 (00 with a paper edvising the farmers to breed fettle to drop in tile fell. Prof. Pan ton show- ed the acience of cattle feeding for prolli. 1tfr..ileinsie gave tho seeret of his euceess elettring level of thistles, A. paper by Mr. llicQuado on draining, cleeed the sessiou. The appeal C;s-f7.--s fronTd;c-i-sion under the Scott Act which have been before the Sessions of the Peace foi, ttie past year or so, were discussed a stage before judge Toms Thursday, by Messrs. Ciarrow and Mitt, and IL R. Manning of Clinton. The main "question" is as to the Aot being in forco-a purely logal and technical ' point .and the matter is rurhter deferred until April next. are said about trap shooters. It has been asserted by the Globe that this class of shooting promotes neither good marksmanship nor good fellowship., This is wrong. Any sport who indulges in this order of shooting, will agree that pigeon shooting, from aground trap is superior to target shooting which is offered as a substitute for live bird trap shooting. Clay birds are deoidedly more difficult to hie than glass balls, but the flight of a clay bird is regular, and a close shooting gun, in the hands of an expert, makes the breaking of clay birds a matter of little difficulty. The flight of a pigeon from a grounc0 trap is uncertain and it must be hard to hit to drop inside the boundaiy, whereas a single piece chipped off a clay pigeon scores a point for the shooter. Of course this class of shooting does not promote good fellowship. Generally the shooting is for money, and. when this is the case the participants are so much on "the make" that they allow the con- test to degenerate from what it would be -a friendly match -to a money making struggle, in which the baser qualities of man's nature are brought to the surface; generous rivalry forgotten and that contemptible selfishness is the predomin- ating iafluence. When it is asserted, that "the whole joy and attraction of the sport would be gene so soon as no life was to be taken and no possible suffering inflicted,:2 the accusation is erroneous and unjust, if net ridiculous. No One shooter in a million is inhumane enough to take delight in the suffering of the crippled bird. Being ongroesecl in his `sport' the thong,ht that the bird. is Suffer- ing rarely occurs to him. Some shooters, however, are different; they walk to where tho wonnded bird lay, wring its neck and thus free it from all its pain. Live pigeon and. snow birci shooting is essentially evroug and undeninbly cruel, end admits of no juetitleabion. In many of the states of the Ainericen 'Union there is a law which prohibits pigeon shooting. And if there is a desire to have the practice Abated, here it romaine now for the society of P. of C. to .A, in Oaterio to set about to seetrve legielation to that end, and all large heerted lovers oftrue sport will gladly second their noble effort. If the trapshootere must have live birds to &loot et, let them unite in ate effort to shoot away A nai8O.1.00, and help on the goed cane:: of "else survival 01 0110 fittese" by eptinging sparrows from a plimge trap. This will test their mitrks- rnanship. in a better way than by brenics ing 11) 1818111800 te Nets noel winging snow- birds and tame pigeons. The pestiferous little filuglish sparrow ought to go, It cirises away oui• song birds ana frescoes our'outside arehiteeture, and while there cat8 be no question as to its industry in the latter work, thero ie considerable question as to its artistic testes Trap -shooting is immeasurably, below field shoolng, In the latter ease, the sports:minis pureuing 0, healthfill, manly Th_0041410,1$P11$ Batik .*al44 42141tIll)'11;4,1(ADI1,1 T. )855) Feid 2 bop, 00 0 U0fit „ 01(,300 e °dere the Pulaie 4 PEA °ET. NIgg PEit ANNIThitor motley on. , DEPOSIT R4OEIPTS AND 30 PEA CENT. INTEREST PER 4.11NT.TXT For Moiiey Savings Bank Dep'rn't (Lately ne-repened. .For further particulars apply at The Btank Alain Street, Exeter. GEr'ICE HOURS - JO a ni 00 333 81.1 . senerdites, 10 a, tc, pee: A. C. DENOVAN, Exeter , 001, 88, '87. Manctael nature is unconsciously elevated both as a sporesman and as a gentleman. After all, if the trapshooters of Ontar- io could be induced to devote one half the money and energy they expend in trap shooting to an active and intelligent enforcemenb of the game laws, they would accomplish a teal good iii perpetu- ating the noble spore of the gun, and be themselves by far the greater gainers. Ontario is away behind the state of 1Vlich- igen. SnonaS DISTRICT DOINGS. Occurrances of the Past week Throughout the Neighborhood In a C0801Se Fenn. For the wardenahip of Perth the candidates are Mr. B. Jones. Logan, and Mr. AD. Campbell of Listowel. The St. Marys curlers defeated the London club at the former place on Wednesday, by 103 to 53 ; three rinks o d eslie'hveee. olif aWillees t oWf 1111 lir.ana:.imiscipnutIVifocrrjtveacreldi by the Parkhill Gazette for the Warden - ship of 1888. Mr. David Hill, the well-known stoelt man of Hibbert, has a bull 18 months old, which weighs 1,33/ lbs. rigs is a good weight for its age. Oh yes 1 I should think so. The first dose made me feel like a new person; thelinvariable answer to the question did Dr. Orrson's Stomach Bitters help you? • , Politically, we believe, the county council of fluron has a Conservative majority of three or four this year. It is understood that the wardenship will go to Mr. Thos. Kay, Reeve of Usborne. Alex. and Duncan McLaughlin, , of Mose, cut, piled and split 30 cords of wood in four days last week. They will wager $100 to anyone that they can cut Split and pile one cord of luck wood in twenty-two minutes. Mr. Wni. Atmore, of West Williams, recently took a load of perk to Parkhill market, and Mr. John Shouts paid, him $255 for it. There were twenty hogs in the load. Mr. Atmore maintains that raising pork is more profitable than raisingwheat. One of the proetore of the 1Viiichell Advocate was assauked in Stratford the other tray by a ro1k4ioa1 instrument agent. For his conducekhe agent paid into the treasury of StratN,vd the of $20 together with costs` connected. “Pectoria" loosens the phlegm, "Pectoria" soothes the.. inflamed bronchial tubes. "Pectoria" neer fails to cure a Cold or Cough. "Pectoria" 25 cents a bottle. - A serious, it not a fatal, acicident be fel Mr. Samuel, Pascoe, jr., of the 2nd concession &London townshipone day lately. He was cutting down a large tree, and in falling it struck a smaller one, breaking the top, which was thrown. back on young Pascoe, fracturing his heacl and exposing the cerebellum. Efe has lingered partially unconscious since, and but little hopes are enter - tamed of his recovery. The other morning, Mr. John John- ston, of the Ist con. Ashfield, was in- stantly killed by a kick from a horse. Tbe deceased was, with others engaged in logging, and had just doubled teams to proceed up hill, and noticing some- thing wrong stopped to arrange the chains, when the animal struck one of the catlike striking him on the right temple, and the other in the jugular vela Mr. Donald 11/1cPliee, on the Wawa - nosh boundary, is talking of starting a fishery. He has a living stream running from a large hill on his place and his in- tention is to dig a large pit 20 by 30 feet and 8 feet deep, then run the stream into the pit, the sides being timbered up first to prevent it from caving in: He says a single pair of fish will raise one thousand fish in a season and fti 3 years they will weigh from 75 to 400 lbs. each. A. peculiar infectious t hroat disease s broken out among the horses in. tile wnshtp of Hay, by which a number of mers have lost soyeral valuable nes. Lak week Messrs. Alex. In - am And Geo. Todd lost two very watt- le horses from this loathsome disease, tch causes the throat to so swell that e animal is unable to eat or drink for veral clays, after which an abundance thick 1110008aocus matter is discharged froln O mouth and nose • Sornetimes the nt oiling breeke oon the inside of the dt, but generally ou the insido of the oat. ha to far ho gr ab wh th Se of th sw ne tbr errs, Me'. Fraser of Usborne, wow, to ',Michell recently and took along several dressed inirkeyS. AS she was about to enter tho gtore of 10. I3'ob, presumably to do some teadine, she wi thd eo w from her basket one of the fOritle Arid offered it for sale to a passer. by. Mr. Babb, thinking that ehe hied taken the turkey from his store front anctised her of having appropriated one of his lot; but the lady in a short time satisfied hire that she had done nothing Of the kind. 11.1.es. Fraser, through c, lawyer, demanded and received an apology fronl Hr. Babb which has been published m the Mitchell papers. letre. Fraeer's feelings were very meet) jereed °vex the elreuraStances. About 7:30 Sunday morning lire broke out In the residence of ',rhos, 11. I tay, Lis towel- The family Were at Church, and the flames had made groat headway before being digeoverecl. Only a, very 00(111 18)101011 of tbe contents were oa„ uno building, which is completely dinstrnifed, is i0stit•64 ili the following nparnes British American, $1,400 ; $1.500 ; Waterloo i\lutuat, 000; 1h) total loss is a,bout 4.5,400 cot and thrithog sport, mid, face to face with the sweet, relining,. influence of gentle SI,